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11x20 - Knock Down

Posted: 04/25/20 15:33
by bunniefuu
♪ ♪



(siren wailing in distance)

(panting softly)

(dog barking)

Come on.

(whispers): Come on. What are you guys doing?

(fire crackling)

♪ NCIS: LA 11x20 ♪ Knock Down Original Air Date on April 12, 2020

♪ ♪




Good morning.


I'm back.

So I see.

From my vacation.

Oh, so you want a rundown of, um, what you missed?

Well, um, Rountree's green.

He almost got himself blown up, but I like the kid.

Yeah. And Nell took an official unofficial leave of absence.

That's great. It's not exactly what I meant.

Were you gone so long that you forgot where your desk is?

(laughs) No, Sam, I know, uh, exactly where my desk is.

Okay. But I would just... like to take care of this first thing.

Take care of what?

Come on. G.

I don't know what you're talking about.

You really gonna make me say it?

Did you hit your head this morning?

I know you have questions.

And skip breakfast?

About my vacation.

And last night's dinner?

With Anna.

(gasps) Oh.


So, you thought...

I would just like to get it over with right now.

I'm sorry, you think...

You can ask me anything you want, for the next five minutes.


What? Okay.

Did you two have a good time?


Yeah, we did.

(chuckles) You know, it's funny.

I-It, uh...

It was actually the only time I can remember where I was completely...

That's great.

I'm not done.

I get the gist.

(chuckles): All right, Sam, I'm telling you.

This is it. This is your only opportunity.



Really. Thanks. You're good?

I'm good.


Come on. (laughs) I'm good, I just want you to know that we have a whole day's work ahead of us.

Which is why this, this is our last set.

(laughs) Okay, fine.

I admit it, I am not loving you right now.

But this is good. This is good.

No, this is a necessary evil.

Fair enough. Hey, you know who would've bailed out on us by now? Who?

Deeks. (laughs) No.

You kidding me? Yes, he would have.

You kidding? Okay, ready? And...

But I like this. I like changing it up, you know?

We never do that. I like working out with you.

I feel like you guys always change it up.

What? No.

There's so much drama and intrigue out in the field that when we're home or at the office, we are, like, slow and steady monogamous lifers, essentially.

We're, like, NCIS agents by day and CPAs by night.

(laughs) Well, I won't tell Deeks you said that.

That is actually probably for the best.

(laughs softly)

He's not exactly my biggest fan right now.

(Eric whistling)



Uh... Beale.

Hey. Morning.

Hey. Good morning.

Uh... How's it, uh, how's it going, buddy?

Um, it's going great. How are you?

Don't change the subject.

I wasn't.

I was just returning the obligatory morning salutation.

Huh. Fine, all right, well, then, I'm not ready to talk about how I broke my big toe.

You broke-- Oh, you're in a boot.

How did you do that?

I'm not ready to talk about it!

O-- Kay.

Um, well, then I'll--

Guess I'll just tell you when we have a new case.


That's it? That's all we're gonna-- that's all you're gonna give?

You can be the first person I tell when we have a new case.




It's me.

This is getting weird.

Damn right it's getting weird, so let's get weird together.

(chiming) Oh, thank God.

Deeks, you are officially the first person to know about our new case.

And now we can both go our separate ways and end whatever it is this was.

(whispers): Okay.

(exhales) Poor guy's hurting even more than I thought.

What are we looking at? ERIC: Uh, a potential arson case in East Hollywood.

A single-story structure went up in flames at about 3:00 this morning.

What's the connection to NCIS?

There isn't one.

The DOJ asked the DoD to get us involved.

Turns out the building is an FBI safe house.

Hmm. And no one thinks it's a coincidence it went up in flames.

Best-case scenario, someone at the FBI went rogue.

Or there's a mole or a leak.

Mm. Any way you slice it, it's not great.

Was the safe house being used last night? Not sure.

I sent Kensi and Fatima to the boatshed to ask the FBI agent in charge of the safe house that exact question.

Where's Deeks?

That I do know the answer to. He broke his toe.

He is in a boot, and he is extremely sensitive about the whole thing.

Crime scene?

You know it. Mm.


Agent Rush.

RUSH: Damn it, I used to have spunk. (laughter)

I see you had your baby. Congratulations.

Thank you. He's an adorable little dictator.

You two mind if I pump while we talk?

Oh, no, not at all. (clears throat)

Great. Um, do you want some coffee?

Uh, yeah-- no, I'm gonna have my hands full, thanks.



Uh, so, so this is FBI agent Audrey Rush. This is Special Agent Fatima Namazi.

It's a pleasure.

It's nice to meet you.

And apologies in advance if I suddenly dash from the room.

I have lost control of my bladder.

(chuckles softly)

We should talk arson.

Alleged arson.

Right. Well, according to our Intel, last night's fire started at one of your safe houses.

That is correct, yeah.

And do you have any idea how it started?

Uh, not yet.

We're waiting on LAFD.

Was there anyone...

(whirring) (exhales)

Oh, Agent Namazi, if I can ignore what's happening to my body right now, so can you.

(chuckles): Right. Sorry.

Um, so does it, does it hurt?

You get used to it.

KENSI: Really? So, the first time you did it, was there, like, a...

Getting back to the safe house, uh... was there anyone inside?

Uh, unfortunately, yes.

There were two FBI agents there to protect Patricia Ruiz, a Venezuelan political activist seeking asylum in the U.S.

Do you think the fire had anything to do with her?

Maybe yes, maybe no. We're still playing catch-up.

Was anybody hurt?

Thank goodness, no.

The agent keeping watch smelled smoke the moment the fire began.

He followed protocol and was able to move the asset to another secure location.

So Patricia Ruiz is still in the FBI's care?

That's correct.

Do you mind telling us where she is?

She's in safe hands.

That's all you need to know.

(whirring continues)

CALLEN: Who's in charge?

How you doing? Agent Callen, NCIS.

Agent Hanna.

Battalion Chief Jefferson. What do you boys need?

Hey, give me one of those.

No judging. I've been here since 3:00 a.m. and I'm old.

Not judging. Cherry is actually my favorite.

Yeah, well, that one's judging.

Yeah. Yeah, he is definitely judging.

Do we know what happened here?

Well, it's an old building, which means that the electrical went fast.

So did the wood paneling, so did the roof.

But my guys are the best.

The knockdown happened within 34 minutes of arrival on scene.

Do you know how it started?

We're still working on that part, but at this point, we are just lucky that the fire didn't spread, didn't hurt anyone, didn't k*ll anyone.

But Chief, this is an FBI safe house.

So we're probably looking at arson, correct?

(laughs): Oh. Hold on there, tiger.

We don't go throwing the A-b*mb around here until we know what the hell we're working with.

You feel me?

Yeah. I feel you.

Do you mind if we hang around until we know what the hell we're working with?

Be my guest. Hey, guys, these two are gonna to be hanging around for a bit, so get them some energy drinks, especially for the big fella.

Poor thing looks parched.

Mmm. Yeah.

Why are you throwing A-bombs?

I'm parched.

(Rush grunting)

(whispers): Now what is she doing?

I have no idea.

Nothing to see here.

Yeah, no, we're just, um, gonna make a quick phone call, give you some privacy.

That's great. And then, when you guys get back, maybe you can help me strap on this thing a little tighter.

Yeah, maybe. Mm-hmm.

(phone buzzing)

What's up, Kens?

Hey, Callen. Uh, Fatima and I are here with Agent Rush from FBI.

She have her baby yet?

Oh, yes, she had her kid, definitely.

It's, uh, quite full-on.


Yeah, I can't picture that.

Um, so what'd she say about the safe house?

Uh, that it was being used to protect a Venezuelan political activist named Patricia Ruiz.

Maybe Ruiz was the target. Where is she now?

Well, they moved her to a second secure location, but, uh, Agent Rush is in no hurry to tell us where that is.

Which would be fine, except for the leak at her agency.

Exactly. Yeah, all right.

Um, hey, Kens, I got to run.

Stay on Agent Rush and have Eric look into Patricia Ruiz.

Okay, you got it.


What's up? Well, we found a concentrated area of fire damage on the floor of the house.

And evidence of a petroleum-based streamer connecting that area to another.

You're gonna have to translate that into English for me.

LAFD figured out what the hell we're dealing with.

(laughs softly) I hate to say it, but this does look like a case of arson. Mm.

Which means this is also probably an attempted m*rder.

(thumping) (Deeks exhaling)

Hey, buddy, how you hanging in?

Oh, geez, not again.

Uh, Deeks, we have actual work to do.

Mm-hmm. I just want you to know that I'm here for you.

Mm-hmm. Yep, got that. Loud and clear.

Hmm, this is the springtime of our discontent, is it not?

This room, this space.

This whole vibe is just not the same without her.

Who? Nell? Uh, absolutely.

She is definitely a beam of light that will be missed.

That. Let's talk more about that, shall we?

Look, Deeks, you are more than welcome to talk about Nell.

As much as you want/need.

I'm gonna get back to the case.

Kensi and Fatima just sent me the name of the Venezuelan asset that was being held in the FBI safe house last night and...

You're obviously hurting. You need to talk about that.

Yeah. Deeks, if I tell you that I'm hurting, will you leave me alone?

Ah, uh...

I've seen Forgetting Sarah Marshall, and that's not how the healing process works.

So, what happened to your big toe?

RUSH: I would love to stay and chat with you two ladies, but the little dictator seems to know every time I have left his milk out of the fridge for more than 30 minutes.

Yeah, that makes sense.

Uh, but I still want to reiterate that NCIS just wants to help the FBI protect Patricia Ruiz.

I appreciate your offer, but, uh, the brilliant and talented powers that be have decided that this is gonna be an in-house case. Right.

Okay, but listen, the DOJ asked us to help.

And, plus, is it really the smartest idea, when you guys have a potential leak in your agency?

I wish I called the sh*ts, but I don't.

Listen, it has been really good to see you.

Really nice to meet you.

Before you go, Agent Rush, you never showed us a picture of your baby.

That's right.

(laughs) That's a thing people do, right?

That is so sweet of you to ask. I-I hate to impose him on anybody, but okay. Um... Aww.

That's me changing a really dirty diaper.

And that is me feeding him at the crack of dawn.

Ooh, and this is my favorite.

That's him yelling at me while I change his dirty diaper while feeding him at the crack of dawn.

(laughs) He is so cute.

What did you name him?


Oh, are you big Johnny Cash fans?

No. We named him Cash because of how much money he's gonna cost.

KENSI: (laughs) I love it.

It's like an inside joke. Uh, no, we just feel that it's our responsibility to tell everyone we meet.

It's, you know, our own personal PSA.

Oh. Well, this has been fun, and, um, thank you again for your offer.

We got it from here. Okay.



What is it really like?

It's the best thing I've ever done.

That's what I thought.

But don't tell the little dictator I said that.


(sighs) Drive safe.

(engine starts)

Was a tracking device really necessary?

I like Agent Rush, too, but Agent Rush didn't ask for our help.

Can't take any chances.

Everyone's a suspect.


Beale! Deeks.

Hey. I've been looking all over for you.

Tell me what we got. Talk to me.

Well, um, the asset in the FBI safe house last night was Patricia Ruiz.

She's a 36-year-old mathematics professor who's been a vocal part of the opposition to the Venezuelan government.

Wow, so literally anybody from the regime could be after her.

Exactly. She entered the U.S. four days ago under an alias, and she's been in the FBI's care ever since.

So what's her endgame?

Well, political asylum.

She's had multiple death threats made against her back home.

So why the FBI safe house?

There's been a hold-up.

She's stuck in bureaucratic limbo.

So, somehow, somebody from back home figured out she was here.

But wait, there's more.

Do tell. I checked traffic cameras in the area of the safe house last night, and I discovered this.

This guy in front, his name is Rick Lim. He and his buddies were hanging out on the same street last night.

Well, great, maybe they saw something, or maybe they were responsible for the fire.

I have someone picking Rick up, and Kensi and Fatima are waiting for him in the boatshed.

Well, color me impressed.

Okay. Bye.

What do you mean? Wait, are we really doing this?

You and I? We're just gonna carry on like everything is completely fine?

Yes, Deeks.

Because everything is completely fine.

Really? Oh. (stammers, clears throat)

Agent Rush just pulled up to a bungalow in Venice.

It's probably where they're keeping Patricia Ruiz.

I'll tell Callen and Sam the details. Hmm.

So we are doing this.

Okay, I will do community service.

I'll get straight A's, write an apology letter.

I'll ditch all of my friends, okay? Just please, don't tell my mom what I did.

Okay, Rick, which part do you want us to leave out?

Okay, for the record, you know, I was just the driver.

Just the driver?

Yeah. I mean, Chris and Anthony were the ones who broke inside the house, and they stole everything.

KENSI: Is that what Chris and Anthony are going to tell us?

Well, I mean, technically, it was Anthony's idea.

'Cause he cuts their lawn, so he knew they were gonna be gone for the whole week.


(laughs softly)

Oh, this makes so much more sense.

What does?

Why nobody called in the robbery.

Wait, what?

Well, for one, Ricky boy, you just confessed to a crime that we didn't even know about.

Oh... But that's okay. We'll tell LAPD once we get out of here, so, um, thanks, you're a real mensch.

Wow. Well, that sucks.

KENSI: Yeah.

Wait, why am I here, then?

We want to know about the fire.

Whoa, I had nothing to do with that fire, okay?

Okay, then, who did?

I-I don't know. I was just sitting inside my car and waiting for my friends to get back and I saw nothing.

Mm, we think you did.

KENSI: Mm-hmm.

Well, I mean, um, at some point, I saw a police cruiser drive by.

And I heard a dog barking.

And, uh...

Oh, no, there was a guy.

Yeah, he was a big guy.

He had to weigh at least, like, 220 pounds.

I saw him walking towards the building.

Was this before or after the fire started?

Oh, after.

But it was weird because it seemed like he wasn't even scared of the flames.

I thought maybe he was going inside to, like, rescue somebody?

Did you get a good look at his face?

No. No, no, no, no.

But he was definitely there.

Don't move.

Okay, please, don't call my mom.

Well, we're here. Now what?

I don't know. It's a real pickle.

So we're just gonna sit here and wait?

That's exactly what the DOJ doesn't want us to do.

Well, then, are we gonna go inside?

And that is exactly what the FBI doesn't want us to do.

Hence the pickle.

All right, enough with the pickle, all right?

I suppose we could just sit here, see where the moment takes us.

Well, look at you.

Is this the new, enlightened G. Callen kicking in?

Anna told me that. Mm-hmm.

When we were on our vacation.

Last week, in Laguna.

Yeah, Anna said that it's important that I remember...

Sorry I asked.

Agent Callen, what the hell are you doing here?

Agent Rush. So good to see you again.

You know my partner Sam Hanna, right?

Did you follow me?

Did Kensi put a tracking device on my car?

While I was showing her pictures of my baby?

Okay, I have seen low, but that is cruel.

DOJ asked us to get involved, so we're getting involved.

Yeah, compromising a safe house in the process.

I assure you, gentlemen, the FBI's got this.


(man grunting)


(screaming, grunting)

Federal agents!

It's all right. You're all right.

Look out! Whoa!

(tires screeching)


Here's some water.

It's gonna be okay. You must be Patricia Ruiz.

I'm NCIS Agent Callen.

This is my partner, Agent Hanna.

Thank you.

I think you guys just... you just saved my life.

So the FBI's got this, right?

You sure about that?

You guys, this is really not necessary.

Yes, Agent Rush, it really is.

Okay, fine, you make a point.

Thank you. Again.

You're welcome, Patricia.

But unfortunately, this isn't over yet.

Paulo here will take you to the boatshed.

There will be two NCIS agents waiting to talk to you.

And we will see you again very soon.

(engine starting)

(sigh) Well, we got lucky today.

So did Patricia Ruiz.

We should have Eric look into Venezuelan networks here in L.A.

Yeah, but the problem with this case is there's a good chance it's state sanctioned.

Can't get to the head of the snake.

So we find out who Venezuela has on the ground here.

Or who they have inside the FBI.

You do realize this is the second safe house that has been compromised in the last 24 hours.

The only easy day was yesterday.



I was in Laguna yesterday...

I swear, G, I'm never letting you go on vacation again.

I was with Anna.

(revs engine) It's a vacation.

Little getaway with my lady friend.


We messed up. Again.

I know.

KENSI: Thank you, Martinez.

You must be Patricia Ruiz. Hi.


I'm Special Agent Kensi Blye. This is Special Agent Fatima Namazi.

Nice to meet you.

Can I get you anything to drink?

Maybe something to eat?

I could actually go for a cup of coffee.

It's been a really long night.

Yeah. Of course. Thank you.

Please come this way.

You can have a seat right there.

Make yourself comfortable.

You're safe here now.

(exhales) I've unfortunately heard that line before.

Hopefully, this time it sticks.

Go ahead.


I honestly don't know how this happened.

Again. I have a pretty good idea.

Kensi, I'm sorry. The FBI is in triage mode.

I am under strict orders

(quietly): not to share anything with you.

We are here to help.

We are under official DoD orders to help the DOJ.

Do you understand that?

So what do you need?

I need names.

Names of everybody who knows that Patricia Ruiz is in the country. Everyone who knew that she was in the safe house last night.

Everyone who knew where she was being transferred to this morning.

KENSI: Please.

All right.

Screw my chain of command. (chuckles)

I'll tell you everything.

Have a seat.

What's up?

Nothing. Come on.

You know you want to.

I don't know, just something about this case isn't adding up.

How so?

Today had all the earmarks of an extraordinary rendition.

So why did they try and k*ll her last night?

Maybe the safe house had better security than they thought, and the fire was just an attempt to smoke them out.


When that didn't work, they took a more direct approach.

I hope that's it, and we're dealing with just one team.

'Cause if Venezuela put an open bounty on Ruiz's head, every headhunter in the country's gonna be gunning for her.

FATIMA (whispering): Why is it taking so long? KENSI: Well, I don't know.

Hey, um, are you almost done? Almost.

(sighs) Because that's a pretty long list you have there.

Just trying to be thorough.

Thorough? Audrey, there are three pages of names on that pad. The FBI does not travel light.

Yeah, no kidding.

You wanted a list of everyone at the Agency who knew Patricia's comings and goings since her arrival in the U.S. in the last four days.

Now you have them.

Okay, this isn't a stall tactic, is it?

Not at all. Absolutely not.

We are as bloated and inefficient an agency as this list would indicate.

So, any one of those names could be the potential leak at the FBI?

That's correct.

(sighs) This is gonna be fun.

Super fun.

Yeah, you read my mind.

All right, I'll get Eric this list of...

Uh, two hundred and sixteen... agents.

216 agents.

Fantastic. That is fantastic.

Holy mackerel! DEEKS: What?

I mean... Did they come after Patricia Ruiz again?

Man, she just cannot catch a break. What? No, Patricia's fine.

The level of bureaucracy at the FBI.

It's downright criminal. Criminal?

Criminal. Look at this list of names. It's three pages long.

It's totally unreasonable.

They're obviously not the lean, mean, fighting machine we are here at NCIS.

I'd like to see them defend their org chart.

I'd like to see them even try. Wow.

What? What? What? What?

I take excessively complicated administrative bureaus very seriously. We all should.

Seems like a proportionate response to a list of names. Oh.

I'm wondering if this has something to do with... (phone rings)

Hold that thought. Yes.

Go for Deeks. Uh-huh.

Yes. Uh-huh.

Yeah, send me the address. Okay.

What's going on? (sighs)

It happened again.

(indistinct radio chatter)

Oh, boy.

Hey, hey, Felix! Get the three windows below!

All of them! Right!

I don't get it.

Patricia Ruiz is nowhere near here.

Something tells me this isn't an FBI safe house, either.

So what the hell's going on?

We got to stop meeting, like this..

No kidding.

How the guys holding up?

Oh, my guys, they're fine.

All the wildfires we've been dealing with the past couple years, this is nothing.

SAM: Well, do we know what happened here or is it still too early to tell?

Unfortunately, we have a really good idea of what went down.

Think we're dealing with a pattern.

Does that mean that this fire was started by arson as well?

Same floor damage. Same streamers.

Same accelerants. Someone's idea of a good time (phone vibrates) is putting a lot of other people's lives in danger.

We know all about that. Yeah. I'm sure you do.

Hey, I got to get back to it. Let me know if you guys need anything else, okay? Yeah, thank you.

Thanks, Chief. Yeah, no problem.

All right, well, Eric has just confirmed that this is not an FBI safe house.

It's never been an FBI safe house.

In fact, it's never had anything to do with the FBI.

Yeah, but this fire was started in the same way that the fire at the FBI safe house was started last night. Doesn't make sense.

Unless they're trying to distract us.

Intentionally confuse the investigation so that we have to spread our resources thin, enable them to take a shot at Patricia Ruiz.

Seems like a lot of trouble to go through to get us to look the other way.

Either way, I'm gonna tell Kensi to be on high alert.

That's not a bad idea.

DEEKS: Beale!

Hey. What's up?

So I just sent Kensi's surveillance photos of everyone on foot around the bungalow at the time of Patricia's attempted kidnapping.

Well, that's smart. Maybe those cameras picked up the guys that got away from Sam and Callen.

Exactly. And hopefully Patricia will recognize one of them. Great. What else do we got?

Okay. You know the fire LAFD is currently fighting?

The one in the factory? The factory fire.

It's in a building used to manufacture clothing.

But it hasn't been used since 2016.

Wait, so nobody was inside? No one.

Whoever started this fire didn't want to hurt anyone, they just wanted to see something burn.

Which is completely different than the first fire at the FBI safe house, because three people were inside.

Which is a pretty major way the two fires are different.

Now, listen to how they are similar.

I literally cannot wait. Hit me.

Same method of arson. Check.

The two buildings are the exact same distance from the exact same fire station.

Check, check. And the same adult male called in both fires to 911 almost as soon as they started. No.

Yeah. Which is why the fire department was able to respond to both of them so quickly.

Well, then checkmate. That's obviously our guy.

Yeah. Now all we have to do is find him.

Wait a minute, though. Hold on a second.

So how does our sadistic but socially conscious arsonist connect to Patricia Ruiz?

I don't know, Deeks, I... 'Cause when you think about it, it's almost like we're working two completely different cases.


I mean, 'cause you have the two arsonists in their own specific bubble, And then you have the two attempts on Patricia Ruiz.

I mean, how are those two connected? I don't know, Deeks!

All right? I was just really excited about connecting the two 911 calls.

Okay, it's-it's... That's... it's okay. I know. But then you go and ask these, like, really insightful questions, and it just makes me feel worse about the whole thing. I miss her, too.


Nell. I miss her, too. I...


And you may not be ready to talk about this yet...

I'm not ready to talk about it. And that's okay.

All I'm saying is that when you are, I'm here.

Thank you.

In the meantime, sometimes all you need is a hug.



I-I don't need a hug.

Hey. How's it going?

Mm, I wouldn't say no to another cup of coffee.

Oh. Coming right up.


To be honest, this feels like a lost cause.

You have me looking at photos of random people who happened to be walking around at the same time someone tried to kidnap me.

I know you're going through a lot right now.

Just... just keep at it. Okay?

We'll get these guys.

Oh, wait a second.

You recognize someone?

I can't believe it, but yes, I think I do.

This guy. FATIMA: Who is he?

I don't know, but when the FBI took me from the safe house to the bungalow, We pulled up next to a car at a light, and this guy was in it.

When I made eye contact with him, he... he smiled.

Like he recognized me.

I didn't think much of it at the time, but now...

Are you sure?

I'm pretty confident.

So maybe this guy waited to see if you got out of the fire, and then followed the FBI transport to the second safe house, where he att*cked you the next day.

When you put it that way...

You know what, I'll have NCIS run his picture through facial rec. Yeah.

MAN: Whose picture?

Through which facial rec?

Oh, boy, here we go.

What was that, Agent Rush?

This is FBI Agent Munger.

My... boss.

As I was saying... whose picture?

Through which facial rec?

Because this case originated with the FBI and it sure as hell is staying with the FBI.

ERIC: Callen, Sam?

What do you got, Eric?

Patricia Ruiz identified a man from surveillance footage outside the bungalow earlier today. Who is he?

Miguel Perez.

He arrived at LAX last night with five others from Venezuela.

He brought friends. Yeah.

They all work for the Venezuelan armed forces.

Good work, Eric.

Tell Kens we're on our way to the boatshed.

MUNGER: Loyalty, Agent Rush.

Loyalty. I am so uncomfortable right now.

But I can't look away.

Do we have popcorn?

(chuckles) (phone rings)

Do not interrupt me when I am on a roll.

Is that too much to ask?

Hey. Uh-huh.

RUSH: Pledge my loyalty...

MUNGER: Agent Rush, you are not paying attention here.

Wait, hold on. Wait. What-what... Say that again.

What is it?

Oh, wow. Okay.

Right. Thanks, Eric.


So, the guy that Patricia ID'd-- turns out he's part of the Venezuelan army and he and five of his army buddies landed in Los Angeles last night.


Hey, what the... Oh, no.


Kensi, I am so sorry.

Where is Patricia and what the hell happened?

Agent Munger happened. Patricia is gone.

Eric, Agent Munger just came to the boatshed and took Patricia.

Checking traffic cams. What am I looking for?

What does Munger drive? Do you know where he's headed?

Do you think he might be the FBI leak?

Uh, it's a navy blue Impala.

I have no idea where he's taking her.

And, look, the guy may be a grade-A ass, but Munger is not dirty.

Search for a navy blue Impala.

Copy that. What's going on?

The FBI took Patricia, we have no idea where she is.

Well, it's a damn good thing we know where the Venezuelans are, then. Sorry, what?

After a short and sweet decade of watching you and Nell work in this dark and uninviting cave, osmosis has finally kicked in.

Deeks... Marriott, downtown.

What? So... Oh.

Even if we can't find Patricia...

We can make contact and take the Venezuelans out of the equation.



You ready for this?


All right. Here goes nothing.

So, which one of you is Miguel Perez?

Before we actually do this, I have a few questions.

By all means.

How the hell do you know who I am, and who are you guys?

We're friends of the cause.


How did you know where I was staying?

As I said, we're friends of the cause.

Look, we don't have time for this. Do you want Patricia Ruiz or not?

Let me see her.


(speaks Spanish)

Federal agents! Federal agents!


Get down!

You okay, Kens?


Stay down.

Look at that.

Patricia Ruiz was just granted political asylum.

That's great. Now, hopefully, Venezuela leaves her alone.

Well, the guys who came after her are going away for a long time, so hopefully that sends the message that she is safe here.

Amen to that.

Uh, what about that second fire? Was that really the Venezuelans trying to throw us off our track?

No, it turns out the Venezuelans actually had nothing to do with either fire.

I don't understand.

The arsonist set fire to the FBI safe house not realizing it was a safe house.

Then he set the other factory on fire because that's what arsonists do.

So does that mean LAFD found him? Yeah.

They didn't have to look very far, either.

What does that mean? It was one of their own.

A firefighter with a very complex relationship with fire.

KENSI: Well, I've heard about that.

Like that volunteer firefighter who set the brushfires in Australia?

Yeah, it's one of the more twisted cases of hero syndrome.

He set both fires before he went on duty so he could help save the day.

Hm. Wow, and I thought the low point of today was seeing Agent Rush squeeze into a girdle.

(laughs) ERIC: Hey, um, thanks for helping out today.

It was easier having you around.

Of course, man. I got to be honest, you're handling Nell's absence pretty darn well.

All right. Who would've thunk?

Definitely not me.

I think it's 'cause I get it, you know?

Huh. What do you mean?

Don't get me wrong. I... I love it here.

I love what we do here.

But Nell taking this big leap has kind of gotten me thinking maybe I could, too.


All right, let's not start talking crazy.

Crazy? What's so crazy about that?

I don't know, like, w-what would you do?

Where would you go?

Where would I not go, Deeks?

Did you know that at least one of the FANG companies recruits me on the monthly?

No, I did not know that.

I could have Ben CTO of Dollar Shave Club.

I fixed last year's FaceTime bug.

Hell, I was in the room when Kevin created Instagram.

And now my friend from SF, he wants to create this... company with me.

I'm just really proud of Nell.

You're on a first-name basis with Kevin Systrom?

That's your takeaway? No.

My takeaway is that you're incredibly talented and you could be working anywhere making millions of dollars, but instead you choose to work here because you want to make a difference.

And I appreciate that, and, more importantly...

I appreciate you.

Okay, there it is. Here we go.

(laughing): Buddy.

There's the good stuff.


(clears throat)

That was quite a day, huh? Yes, quite a day.

Thank you for that. Um, I will see you guys at the bar.

See you at the bar, buddy. Yes. We're right behind you.

Good work.

You ready to talk about it?


Babe, I am so sorry. Yeah, no, I'm still just not ready to have this conversation.

I am really sorry that I left a very heavy box in the middle of the hallway. Who leaves a heavy box in the middle of a hallway?

It's dark. I'm athletic. I can't see it.

All of I sudden, I stub... and this is not...

What are you doing?

What is it that you're doing right now? Don't do that.

I'm not gonna fall for that. I'm not gonna fall for those reindeer games.

No, no, no, no. Aah...

Yes, you will. (shuddering groan)

FATIMA: Toast.

Toast! Toast! Toast! Do a drumroll?

Drumroll. This place is gonna bleed me dry and give me an ulcer, but, man, I love it here.

Yeah! OTHERS: Cheers!

Open a bar and you don't drink.


Um, hey, so...

I have barely seen you all day and I didn't get to ask you about your staycation with Anna.

Actually, Kensi, we were allowed to ask about that during the five-minute window this morning, but that window's closed.

No, it's okay. I think we can make an exception just this once.

Can you? Yeah.


♪ ♪ Okay. So, how was your staycation with Anna?

Well, actually, Anna and I drove down to Laguna, so I don't know if that technically qualifies this as staycation. Yeah, but I don't think driving for an hour to Laguna is considered a vacation.

And I'm out. CALLEN: Uh-huh.

He's jealous.

He's funny.

(clattering, glass breaks) DEEKS: Oh, God! Oh!

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God, Callen, you have to tell him that you left that box of wine there and that it wasn't me, okay? Okay? I'll owe you... DEEKS: Kensi!



(exhales) Where is she?


♪ And they shake us all down... ♪

Hi, Katherine.

Hi, Sam.

♪ Oh, oh... ♪ Is that for me?



You don't make anything easy, do you?


You could at least invite me inside.

It's freezing out here.

Really? It's, like, 60 degrees. Yeah.

And you have a jacket on.

I've been looking forward to seeing you all day.

(both chuckle)

(sighs, chuckles)

KATHERINE: Was that so hard?