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08x20 - 51's Original Bell

Posted: 04/25/20 16:10
by bunniefuu
I do. I do.

You may now kiss the bride.


He's gonna lose his arm if we don't do a fasciotomy.

I'm not trained for that. I am.

Who was the trauma surgeon that performed the fasciotomy out in the field?

You missed your calling. That was nice work.

I can't give that child what she deserves.

Scott, she deserves a father who loves her.

She needs you.

Are you here for "Girls on Fire?"

What's your name? Kylie.

I know how awesome this program can be.

I brought a few friends.

Let's have some fun.

This is Bert.

He went down from smoke inhalation, and the flames are moving in fast.

Now, you don't get a choice in who you get to rescue.

And Bert weighs 160 pounds.

So, what we're gonna do... get behind him.

Wrap your webbing like this.

Use your legs. Lift and pull.

[DUMMY SCRAPES ON FLOOR] Each call poses a different challenge.

And whether it's a skinned knee or a g*nsh*t wound, we have two responsibilities: keep the blood in, keep the infection out.

So, what we do is take our best friend, a roll of gauze.

And we're gonna wrap her arm here...

You take the heel of your hand and you place it in the center of the chest.

Interlock your fingers like that.

And... Good, Kylie.

Yes. Use your legs.


All right. Everybody gather up.

Gather up.

Go. Wow!

Well, that hour went by very fast.


But great work everybody.

God, I... I'm very proud of you.

Some real... real badasses in this group.

Absolutely. Truly.

You know, you get told a lot in high school what you can't do.

And get it from all sides.

You get it from your teachers, your classmates.

But not here.

In this program, you are gonna get told over and over what you can do.

Because... [SCOFFS]

I just saw what you can do.

So don't let anyone... and I mean anyone... ever stand between you and the goals that you set for yourself.

All right? You hear me?

All right.


Whoo! Great class, everybody.

[CHUCKLES] There he is.

How was the peninsula?

Oh. Perfect.

I saw your furlough request for June.

Yeah, I was hoping that maybe...


Thank you, man.

I'm gonna take Chloe... Wait.

I mean, I am going to take my wife to the Dominican on a real honeymoon.

She's gonna love that.

Ah. What's this?

Ding-a-ling-ding. It's 51's original bell.

I'm gonna get it shining again.

No. Not here.

Squad table's everyone's table.

Or, I mean everyone on the squad's table.


[BELL DINGING SOFTLY] Do not bring that mess into the common room.


[ON P.A.] Truck 81, Squad 3, Engine 51, Ambulance 61.

I'll clean it when I get back.

Industrial accident. 350 West Fulton Street.




♪♪ Hey, man. There's some kind of gas.

Engine, drop a line for decon.

One of our guys, KaDaryl.

He's still in there.

[PEOPLE COUGHING] Let's get you to the paramedic.

Looks like chlorine gas, Chief.

Smells like it too.

Channel 25 to Main.

We need a level one hazmat and additional ambulance response.

Chlorine gas, multiple victims.

Squad 3, suit up.

Find the source of the leak and anyone else who's still in there.

All right, Capp, Cruz, Tony, we got chlorine gas!

Let's go suit up.

We're gonna need putty and plugs! Copy that.

Okay, establish a perimeter 50 yards back.

Let's pray that the wind don't pick up.

Got it, Chief.

Everyone, we need to move back 50 yards.

Tony, Kidd, move the rigs.

Gallo. Copy.

Let's cordon off the block and evacuate the neighbors.

Copy that.


♪♪ All right. He's all yours!

My eye! Come on.

Don't rub. It only makes it worse.

Here. This should help.


Fire Department.

Keep them open. There you go.




♪♪ Cruz, you and Tony clear the lot.

Capp and I will source the leak.



Got it!



Chlorine gas. Yep.


Right there! Hey!

Hey, buddy! Can you walk? Yeah.

Come on.


We got the missing worker.

We're coming out with him now. [ON RADIO] Copy that.

Hey, Chief, we found the leak! [BEEPING RAPIDLY]


Looks like the t*nk was pinched while it was being scrapped.

Hey, Capp. We can probably plug this.


There's something dripping into the t*nk, causing a chemical reaction.

It's building pressure fast.


Capp! The t*nk is gonna bl...


Severide, report.

Chicago Fire S08E20 "51's Original Bell"

Synced and corrected by Gianluca Belfiglio

[BODEN] Severide, report!



You all right? I'm fine.


Come on. Let's get you out of here. [CAPP MOANING]


He's having trouble breathing.

All right, let's get an IV going.

I'll get the CPAP on him with nebulized albuterol.


He took in some gas.


I'm fine. I just need a minute.

You don't look fine.






So you have no clue how a t*nk full of chlorine ended up in your yard?

God, it's in the trailer.

Look, people drop off stuff here all the time.

Cars, oil drums, washing machines, Winnebagos.

And you don't check what's inside?

Sure we do. Of course. [DISTANT SIRENS WAIL]

But sometimes things slip through the cracks. [DISTANT SIRENS WAIL]

It's almost always harmless junk. [TRUCK APPROACHING]

Almost always. [TRUCK APPROACHING]

Hey, hazmat's here. [VEHICLE DOOR OPENS]

Hey! Come on, let's go.



How many regulations do you think that place is violating?

t*nk full of chlorine should have never made it into that yard.

Shady companies pay cash so that these things are taken off their hands.

Giving us a face full of it.

Gonna go back there after shift.

Gonna talk to that manager.

Casey, go with him.

Make sure he doesn't do anything more than talk.

Any word on Capp?

No, we were out of the ED before 99 arrived.

Okay, I'll call Med. Get an update.



Just the person I was looking for.

Do you have a second? Yeah.

Of course. What's on your mind?


Um... [clears throat]

I need your advice.

And I need you to give it to me straight.

Do I ever hold back?

No, you don't.

Which is why I wanted to tell you.


I have a meeting on the books with the admissions committee at Northwestern.

Wait. Start over.

I wanna go back to med school.

Wow! Whoa.

It's just a meeting.

But yeah.

It's something I've been...

I've had on my mind for a while.

That's great.

But the thing is, that was before everything happened with Brett's birth mom dying, and then, you know, Cruz moving out, and... what kind of friend would I be if I were to abandon her in the middle of all of that?



Look, I can't tell you what to do here.

But what I can tell you is that you shouldn't be talking to me.

You should be talking to Brett.

So just dump this in her lap on top of everything she's gone through?

No. No thank you.

She's your partner. Your roomie.

And one of your best friends.

Talk to her.

All right?

You told me to give it to you straight.

I'm giving it to you straight.

All right? All right.

What's up with you and Violet?


All right, I told her that we should keep it casual, see other people, and she took it the wrong way.

Well... there's a right way? Yeah.

Dude, we just started going out.

You know, there's a... What do you call it, a... a grace period.

I don't think that's a thing.

What do you mean? [MAN] Excuse me.

I'm looking for Sylvie Brett?

Hey. Scott.

How are you, Sylvie? [BRETT GASPS]

Most importantly, how is this little girl?

Amelia. Aww.

It was Julie's middle name.

I didn't know if I should pick it, but...

I looked at her, and it just kind of felt right.

Oh, that's beautiful.

Well, I just want to thank you so much.

It's an understatement to say you changed my life.

Now that I've gotten more than four hours of sleep, I can see that. Clearly.

Now for the tough news.

We are moving back to Rockford.


We hadn't sold our house there yet, and my office is letting me transfer back.

Truth is, on just one income, I wouldn't be able to afford Chicago.

No, I... I get it.

I completely understand.

But look.

You are her sister.

Forever and always.

And I want you in Amelia's life.

Of course.

I'm... I'm only a few hours away.

I'll... I'll visit whenever I can.



So, Chief, I went through the logs, and there's been three calls to that same scrapyard within the last six months.

That place is a liability.

Well, this incident's put them on OSHA's radar.

They're investigating now.

Good. Any idea when Capp's back?


I called Med. He's not in their system.

What do you mean? He hasn't been admitted yet?

I have no idea.

I'm waiting for a callback from someone who knows what the hell is going on.

Well, do you mind if I go over there and see for myself?

Go. Do it.

Truck will roll out with you. All right.




Fellas. You here for Capp?


Sent him to get his eyes checked out.

Haven't heard from his since. He left.

Refused treatment. What?

His eyes are showing serious signs of trauma.

I recommended he stay the night under observation.

As soon as I turned my back, he was gone.

You kidding me?

♪♪ I'm gonna have to submit a report to CFD.

Okay. Let's hold off on that.

You know I can't. He came in on medical.

Hey. This isn't like Capp.

Can you just give us a day to figure out what's going on here?


Fine. One day.



Hey. How's Capp doing?

Don't know, but might have to k*ll him.

He skipped out against doctor's orders.

You didn't try to call him?

Yeah, he isn't picking up.

Kylie. Hey.

What's going on?

You mentioned a firefighter manual in class?


I looked online but I couldn't find it.

Oh, I have a paper copy.

Oh, I was hoping maybe I could borrow it?

Yeah. Of course.

Yeah. Come on.

[KYLIE LAUGHS] Here you go.

And keep it as long as you want.

Thanks. Yeah.

I'm really gonna miss "Girls on Fire" when it's over.

Oh, no.

We're keeping it going through the summer.

Thanks for this.




Hey, Lieutenant. We're good to go on this side.

You want us to start on the driver's side?

No. Let's go for a ride.

We're gonna swing by Capp's place?

No. We're going back to that scrapyard.


I thought we were doing that after shift.

Why wait?

Don't let him do anything stupid.



♪♪ Hey! You the manager?

Owner. We were here this morning.

Uh-huh. Yeah?

Just wondering how much you're getting paid [BACK-UP SIGNAL BEEPING] under the table to dump hazardous materials. [BACK-UP SIGNAL BEEPING]


I can't personally check every piece of metal that comes through here.

I thought that was your job.

I got a whopper of a fine from OSHA.

What more do you want?

One of my men might lose his eyesight.

Hey, some of my people got hurt too.

That's on you! Whoa.

Hey, I'd like you off my property right now.

Okay, all right. Hey, come on.

We're already a man down.

It's not worth it.




Got a sec?

I just keep re-reading the same page over and over again anyway.

You okay?

Yeah. I mean...

Scott came by with the baby.

Amelia is her name. Aww.

That's pretty. Mm-hmm.

How is she? She looks amazing.

Happy, healthy little girl.

But they are moving back to Rockford.

Oh, damn.

I just had this idea that I would get to see her all the time.

You know, swing by, take her to the park.

Bring her to our place for playdates.

Just watch her get bigger, you know?

Well Rockford isn't that far. No, I know.

And I'll make it work, but...

I am not gonna let someone else I care about out of life, you know?


We should road trip together sometime.

Wait until you see this baby.

It's just really something.


Oh, my God. I'm so sorry.

You... You asked me if I had a sec, and I went into a spiral.

What's up?


[ON P.A.] Ambulance 61. Person injured.

1517 N. Armitage Avenue.

I was just checking on you.

You're the best.




[WOMAN WHIMPERING] They're here.

[MUTED MOAN] What happened?

Look, she thought this was her lip gloss.

But it's glue.




Just keep breathing, okay?

Just try and relax, okay? Just try and relax.


This'll help you breathe.

Stop trying to pull your lips apart, okay?


♪♪ Okay. Hold still.


Does anybody have any acetone-based nail polish remover?

I do.

Oh, perfect. Thank you.



This will dissolve the bond, okay?

Go. Off.

Almost, almost. Easy.



♪♪ Okay.


We're still gonna want to take you in, make sure you didn't ingest any of the glue, okay?


Oh. Come on.


Thank you.


There was some glue on her teeth, but that's about it.

She'll be just fine. Oh, that's good news.

Oh, hey.

My friend at Northwestern Admissions says you reapplied.

Yeah. I did. That's great.

I was telling her how impressed I was by you.

Oh, thank you. Yeah, good luck.

And keep me posted.


You reapplied to med school?

I... I wanted to tell you.

I started to, but... first I just wanted to know if it was even a possibility.

Well, it sounds like it is a possibility, Foster.

I have a meeting Wednesday with Admissions.

First I just... I wanted to... you and me, I... I think we should talk about it.


Seems like you've already made up your mind.


Heyo! Hands off, Boswell.

Come on, Cruz.

I already got three kids at home to clean up after.

It's 7:59, all right?

Don't gripe about the state of the squad table until it's your shift.


Ah. See?

All yours.

You missed a whole section over here.


All right. Go talk to her.

Yeah, you just standing here staring at her is a little creepy.

Okay, I'm not staring.

Be right back.

Hey. Hi.

So... is it just me or are things a little tense between us?

Why would they be tense?

You know, the whole... seeing other people thing, I got the idea you weren't too thrilled with it.

Are you kidding? I love it.

I was thinking the same thing before you even said anything.

Really? 100%.

In fact, I'm actually heading to a Sox game to meet a date right now.

Cool. Yeah.

Very cool. Yeah.

Should be a great game.

See you soon? Sure.

Okay. Yeah.

[FAINTLY] See you guys later.


♪♪ I am so confused.

I know I would like to hear more.

Okay, so right from the jump, Violet tells me she doesn't date firefighters.

So I was like, "Okay. Cool by me.

Let's keep it casual."

But then at some point, the rules changed?

So put it out there, like, "Hey.

We're seeing other people, right?"

And she liked the idea.

She was thrilled by it even.

But she's still icing me out.

Um, general rule of thumb.


You are in a w*r you cannot win.

[CRUZ CHUCKLING] So... best to raise the white flag and learn the phrase, "Yes, dear, Whatever you say, dear."

No, but that sounds... [HERRMANN] Ridiculous!

And I agree. You gotta be firm.

Say what you mean. Mean what you say.

It's the only way to get respect.

I'm not sure, uh, Cindy would agree with you.

[ALL CHUCKLING] Oh, okay, look.

Do you wanna know what solves all problems?

Getting married.

It's like all of those little things that you thought were such a big deal while you were dating, they just evaporate.

Like ocean mist.

Says the guy who has been married for a week.

A week of bliss.

When was the last time you were over here?

Can't remember.

What do you do if he doesn't answer?

I got a Halligan in the trunk.


I ever tell you the first time I met Capp?


We get a fire call to this big apartment complex.

The whole place is cooking, and there's this woman stuck behind a door that I couldn't open for the life of me.

I mean, I tried mule kicking it, prying the hinges, but couldn't get the damn thing to budge.

I feel this firefighter from another truck next to me, so I scream at him, "Go get a sledgehammer!"

He heads away for about five steps, then turns back, runs, and flies through the air like the Karate Kid... and his foot goes right through the damn door.

And now he's stuck. [CASEY CHUCKLES]

But I can reach through the hole he made and finally unlock the door.


Only Capp. Yeah.

Only Capp.




Hey, guys.

What the hell are you doing?

They said I need to rest my eyes.

They said stay under hospital supervision.

You need to go back and see Dr. Halstead, or he's reporting you to the CFD.

I'm already feeling better.

Got any beer in the fridge at least?

I think so.

I'll go check.






♪♪ You still look like hell.

So do you. [CHUCKLES]




All right.

So this morning, we are gonna learn how to turn a ladder into an emergency bridge, all right?

So, Dora, Evette, divide the girls into two groups.

Get these two garbage cans and bring them to the middle of the room.

Right here. Right here.

All right? Christina, Jada...


Where's Kylie?

I haven't seen her.




Lieutenant Severide, Bob Rezick.


Sorry to bother you. I know you're busy.

Just when you think you're catching up, a worker falls three stories at a construction site, breaks both his legs.

I'm on my way over there now.

Well, then I'll make this quick.

I was told you were assigned the chlorine leak at Q&M Metal Recycling on West Fulton?

I was. Yes.

And you gave them a fine?

Three fines, actually.


We're also assigning them mandatory training for the handling of hazardous materials.

Yeah, which we both know they won't do.

Then that's another fine.

It's not enough.


It's the best I can do. Precedent.

One of my men got hurt on that call.

Took in a face full of chlorine.

He's still not seeing clearly.

Like I said... I know what you said.

And so you know, I could've called and left a message instead of driving all the way down here to see you in person.

But I wanted to look at you in the eye and ask that you don't treat this case like another manila folder.

Treat it like there's a human being whose life and career was put at risk because of guys that pay a few fines and keep right on doing what they're doing.

That's all I ask.

Well, what'd the guy say?

He'd look into it.

That's it? That's it.

Well you did the right thing.

I wanna go back to the scrapyard and do the wrong thing.



Hey, let me ask you.

I got this girl.

She was one of the initial signups on "Girls on Fire."

And she's real enthusiastic.

I mean, she came to the firehouse and borrowed the firefighter manual and everything.


Okay, so she wasn't in class this morning, and, uh, I got this weird feeling.

Do you have her number?

I think so. On the application, yeah.

Give her a call. Yeah?

That's not too invasive? Nah.


Yeah. I'll do that.


No, I texted her and she didn't text back.

So bring someone else.

I don't wanna bring someone else.

What? I thought that was the... ah, you know what?

You're frustrating.


Okay, everyone.

Until Capp returns, we will have a floater filling in.

Everyone please welcome Wes Derengowski to 51.


Hey, thank you.

[ON P.A.] Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61.

Let's go, let's go, let's go.

898 South Van Buren.




Is that the coffin?

Looks like he's pinned.

Cruz, grab the jaws and cutters.

Copy that.

How much does a casket weigh?

Depends on who's inside.

Hey. What's your name?

Cody. Hang tight, Cody.

We're gonna get you out. I can't breathe.

I can't breathe. I can't breathe.

He's getting crushed.

Mouch, Kidd, open the back.

Gallo, we'll push from the front.

We need to slide this casket out.

[DRIVER MOANS] Hey, you okay?

[DRIVER GROANS] Let me see.

[BRETT] What's your name?


Hang tight, buddy, okay?


Get this thing off of me!

Quit moving.

Gallo, let's get this weight off of him.

Ready, push!

Lift, go.


Okay, he's free. [SAW BUZZING CONTINUES]

All right, ready when you are, Captain.

All right, we'll push. You pull on three.

One, two, three!


I'm right behind you, okay?

Be as still as possible. [MAN GROANS]

Huh. Well, that's fortunate.

♪♪ Hey, uh... could've mentioned it was empty.

I do these runs all the time.

They never tell me what's inside, and I don't ask.

Hey. Let's load up.

I want to stop by that scrapyard on the way back.

Scrapyard? Why are we going back there?

We already talked to that guy.

We're not going there to talk.







Looks like they got more than a fine.

♪♪ Huh.

All right, let's head back to 51.


Dr. Halstead said Capp's going in for some tests tomorrow.

Yeah, I heard. Did you talk to him?

Boden told me.

How's Severide?

You know how it is.

You work that close with someone, you feel their pain like it's your own.




Wow. I didn't realize...

We need to talk.

Sure. Yeah.

Uh, let's go in there.



What's up?

You've texted me five times in the last 24 hours.

Well, yeah. You didn't text me back, and I was wondering what was up.

What's up is that we aren't in a serious relationship.

Which means sometimes we might go a little while without texting or talking, and there's no reason to freak out.

I'm not freaked out.

The last text asked if I was dead.

That's an expression. I didn't actually mean...

Gallo... Blake.


I think it's weird that you call me by my last name.

Especially considering the amount of time...

I've always done that. Why is it suddenly weird?

Okay. Fine.


What's going on with you? Hm?

The other day when you said that you were going out to the Sox game with another guy.


I just...

I guess I didn't really like it.

That's all.

You didn't like it? Yeah.

You're the one that said we should see other people...

No, I know. It's just, honestly, I didn't think you actually would.

Oh. So you figured you would see other people and I would... What?

Just sit at home mooning after you?

No, that's not it at all. Gallo, you are the most arrogant...

Maybe we should be exclusive.

Maybe we should break up. Maybe we should get married!

Um... you are out of your mind.




Maybe we should get married?

Yeah, what?

He told me to.




Hey, Kylie.

Uh, this is Stella Kidd from "Girls on Fire."

Missed you this morning at class.

Just... Just wanted to check in, and... make sure you're okay.

Uh... anyway, uh, you got my number now.

So feel free to call me any time, day or night.

I mean, us... us firefighters keep weird hours.


So, um...

Okay. Hope to talk to you soon.



How long can it take to read the bottom row of an eye chart?

Hey. So what'd they say?

My eyes are no good.

I'm done being a firefighter.



Okay, so you're fine.

You don't know that.

How's he know I'm fine? Bad acting.


What's the actual prognosis?

A couple more shifts and I'm cleared to work.


Ah, look at that. You were worried about me.

He was worried about me, wasn't he?



There he is!

Hey, check it out, buddy. We finished it for you.

You can see it's a bell, right?

Not just a big golden blur.

Can you read the top line?


Whoa! That's not it at all.

All right, listen.

As much as I hate to say this.


The beers are on the house!


Hey. It's good to have you back.

Thanks. Good to be back.

What do you guys want, huh?

What do you want? Hey, hey, hey.


We're ready for you now.

Please, Ms. Foster. Have a seat.

I'd like to say something before we begin the interview if that's all right.

Go ahead.

I know you've read my application, and I know you are aware of the circumstances surrounding why I am reapplying to Northwestern.

I made a life-altering mistake, and I won't make excuses for it.

That said, that mistake was the best thing that ever happened to me.

I wasn't ready.

And I get that now.


In the last three years, I have met and worked with some of the most amazing people I've ever known, and I've learned so much from all of them.

With their help, I've been able to transform myself into a responsible, knowledgeable, caring, resourceful paramedic, the kind of paramedic who knows how to put the patient first and handle whatever is required on the other end of a 9-1-1 call.

I've been in the trenches.

And I know now that I am ready to be a great student and an even better doctor.

Thank you.

All right, then.

Let's get started.






How'd it go?

They said they'll let me know.

Well, I know.

They'd be lucky to have you.

