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06x12 - Let's Hurt Him

Posted: 04/25/20 16:14
by bunniefuu
Previously on "How To Get Away With m*rder"...

- Who's Robert?
- No one.

You'll be fitted with a location-monitoring device and stay confined to your residence.

If we can't trust each other, what do we have?

They turned.

[WHISPERING] You can't be surprised that they finally chose themselves.

Nate must've already handed over copies of the files to the FBI.

Why would he do that?

To cut his own deal.

Nate told me he was done with all of us.

He's not gonna have much left in him once I get done.

Don't go near him.

He can't know that we know.

Hey, Ma. I need you.

Mr. Maddox, this is Special Agent Pollock.

GABRIEL: I know who k*lled Asher.


It was the FBI.



Just got back from the FBI.

Why were you at the FBI?

Because I saw who k*lled Asher...

You're just telling us this now?

I thought it was Laurel!

Why would you think it was Laurel?

Because it was a woman, and she had brown hair, and then you told me that Laurel used to live in Asher's.

Is this just you pointing the finger at someone else?

No, i-i-it's an FBI agent that I met tonight!

Alright? Her name's Denise Pollock.

And she was Asher's handler, and she k*lled him.

- Why wouldn't you stop her?
- He was already dead.

Is this just some sort of set-up?

You're trying to catch us saying something dumb on a wire?

Was what happened to Fred Hampton dumb?

- What are you talking about?
- Oh, my God.

The FBI had him shot and k*lled while he was sleeping next to his pregnant fiancée.

Did you just compare Asher to a Black Panther?

The FBI wants to take down Annalise.

So they k*lled the guy informing against her.

- You don't know what you're talking about.
- You guys could be next.

I just came here to warn you.

No, you're here to make us all paranoid.

Now, get the hell out.

I'm telling the truth.

Get out!





He seemed like he was telling the truth.

Don't say that.

Don't say anything.







I say we go in quick and dirty.

We ask for the one additional location,

- and you don't seem greedy.
- But I am greedy.

Well, I'm calling this shot.

We're early in this battle, and you don't bust out your dragon until you get to King's Landing and are prepared to sack the Red Keep.

English, please.

"Game of Thrones", I'm your Khaleesi!

ROBERT: Annalise!

What the hell are you doing here?

I love this new look.

You haven't returned my calls.

- For a reason.
- Right, I know... you've been preoccupied.

And please don't accuse me of working with the FBI.

Are you?

I want to help, Annalise.

Can you get my charges dropped?

I'm a damn good lawyer, I'll join the team pro bono.

Listen, Robert, we've had some nice dates.

We danced.

But I'm being accused of m*rder.

And any sane person would run for the hills.

Annalise, come on...

- What is this about?

Other than you clearly wanting to seem crazy?

I'm not crazy, I just...

Okay, fine, maybe she did make me a little crazy, but...

Honestly, I like it.


Well, take your crazy to the bar across the street.

You can probably find some lonely, successful ladies to meet there.

You speaking from experience?


JUDGE VITKAY: I'm not going to suspend your client's house arrest, Ms. Price.

Our motion isn't to suspend the house arrest, but to increase the range to my office at C&G.

Ms. Keating is a flight risk, she was just extradited from Mexico.

Then it's a good thing my office is in Center City, not Mexico.

Ms. Keating lives in a penthouse, there is plenty of room to conduct her defense there.

This is a federal trial that will entail weeks of preparation.

As such, my client and I will need as much time and flexibility as possible to mount an adequate defense.

Adequate defenses are mounted under house arrest all of the time.

And Ms. Keating's meetings with witnesses and experts?

Is she meant to host them in her home?

You've made your point, Ms. Price.

The court agrees to expand Ms. Keating's house arrest to include Caplan & Gold, effective immediately.

You proud of me or what?

You should've asked for more.

Your Honor, my office would also like to file a notice of intent today.

- For?
- To make this a capital m*rder case and pursue the death penalty against Ms. Keating.

- Your Honor, this is prosecutorial misconduct!
- On what grounds?

The defendant is being charged with the murders of assistant district attorney Emily Sinclair and federal informant Asher Millstone.

This is a retaliatory move meant only to intimidate me, Judge!

If you want to challenge the Government's notice of intent...

- Today, please!
- I do!

... take it up with the Department of Justice.

For now, the AUSA's intention to pursue the death penalty is noted and so carried.

Court dismissed.





Yes... Uh-huh...




OLIVER: What now?

That was my lawyer, she says the government is seeking the death penalty for Annalise.

I thought the death penalty was suspended in Pennsylvania.

Annalise's case is Federal, not State.

So, yeah, they can execute her.

I was tailed on my run last night.

- What?
- Stop.

It was a black SUV, probably the FBI.

No, this is just how paranoia works, you... your mind is making things up.

Or the FBI heard everything that Gabriel told us, which means it's all true... they k*lled Asher and now they want to do the same to Annalise.

We signed a deal with the devil, Michaela.

- The law is on our side.
- The law doesn't matter when there are corrupt people in power who want me dead.

You think this is the Governor?

She doesn't have control over a federal case.

- Don't be a fool.
- I'll get this thrown out, Annalise.

Even better, I'll use it to prove that your conspiracy case is actually a conspiracy against you by a corrupt, overzealous government.

It's that same government who made this call, Tegan!

Not a judge, not a jury.

A jury will never go for this in the end.

A white jury who the Feds will guarantee are all pro-death penalty might.

How is that helpful?

We don't have time for denial.

No one is in denial.

I have a meeting with the AUSA in two hours to get this thrown out.

I am really good at my job!

Ms. Keating, you have a visitor.

Please tell me his name is not Robert.

It's a woman. Her name is Vivian.

Oh, hell no.

Here to drop off more of Sam's therapy tapes?

Or did the FBI send you again?

They're who I came to talk to you about.

Great, tell them that I'm suing them and you for harassment.

They k*lled Asher, Annalise.

The FBI, they're who k*lled that boy.


Gabe... he didn't tell anyone because he didn't see her face.

But now that he knows who she is, this Agent Pollock, he's scared.

As am I. Not that he needs to know that.

Does Gabriel know that you're here?

You're still lying to him after everything?

I can't.

You think I'd come to you if I had another option?

I'm not falling for another set-up, Vivian.

I'm here as a mother, that's all.

My son is the only eyewitness in a m*rder committed by an FBI agent.

God knows he's probably next on their hit list.

I've got my own life to worry about right now.

If Gabriel goes on record about what he saw, that blows up the FBI's whole case against you.

What do you want?

- Make Gabriel's statement anonymous.
- That can't happen.

You can make anything happen.

That's why Gabriel stayed to learn from you.

Go home.

What if I know something else that'll help your case?


Say you'll help Gabriel first.

Fool me once, girl.

Annalise, please!

She's lying. Gabe and her cooked up that story to trap you.

We can still use it.

Dig into Agent Pollock.

See if there's any chance that she did this to Asher.

On it.

Wait. We should tell Nate.


So he knows who he signed a deal with.

That means outing we know he turned.

It'll scare him back to our side.


His testimony is the thing that can convict you... and now get you the death penalty.

I said no.

Find Pollock, we'll plan our next move.

What'd Vivian say?

Oh, she's in more drug trouble.

Okay, no. Unh-unh.

No more secret inner circle crap.

Fess up.

Alright. An FBI agent might've k*lled Asher.

GABRIEL: Annalise is the last person

you should be telling my business to.

You chose to stay here because she's such a great lawyer.

And that's what you need right now.

- Not her.
- Is this about the therapy tapes?

Because I am willing to forgive her for wrecking my marriage if it means getting you safe.

She threatened to k*ll me.


Not her. But her guy...


I wish that I had k*lled Sam.

That's how much I hated the guy.

Maybe k*lling his son is the next best thing.

I guess she thought I was informing against her.

That guy...

That's Frank?

You know him?


Your aunt knew him.

My aunt?

Sam has an older sister. Hannah.

She grew up knowing Frank's family.

You're just telling me this now?

She's not a good person for you to know, baby.

That's not a decision for you to make.

I ran away from that family for a reason, Gabriel.

No, you ran because Sam screwed Annalise.

That's what pushed me out the door, yes.

But Hannah is part of it, too.


Making this a capital m*rder case

is a more-than-material fact.

My lack of knowledge about that is grounds

for invalidating my contract with the AUSA's office.

So I... I was thinking we negotiate new terms

for my deal... which would also apply to Connor's.

Is everything okay, Michaela?

No. I find it very upsetting

that my testimony could result in someone's execution.

What happened?

- Did Annalise contact you?
- No.

Then why are you trying to sabotage this deal?


say the FBI was involved in a death, Asher's for example.

Wouldn't the charges against me and Connor have to be dropped?

We'd go free, no time served at all, right?


Why would the FBI m*rder its own informant?


MICHAELA: Connor, what about going to your lawyer?

- He sucks.
- And he'll call your dad.

- Asher was k*lled by the very people

we are now working with, Oliver.

Get over your petty father-in-law feud

if you don't want to see your husband go to jail.

My crappy Hartford lawyer isn't gonna keep us out of jail.

Exactly, but you know who can?

- Don't say Annalise.
- Or Bonnie.


The two smartest almost-lawyers I know!

So, come on, all you need to do is read some more books

and find some precedents.

And I'll help!

I'm gonna take a nap.






Hey, you.


- Did you find her?
- FRANK: Yeah.

Somebody better, too...

- Who?
- Xavier.

Where is he?

Here, with me.

Good timing, too...

Pollock dropped him a plane ticket and passport.

This time tomorrow, he would've been in Brazil.

Frank. We need to be smart.

He can help us in court.

I know.

So tell me where you are.

Just trust me.

Trust me and tell me where you are.

Bon, this is not something you need to see.



XAVIER: [MUFFLED] I'll give you whatever you want.

Are you ready to talk?



What do you want?

Agent Pollock. She work for you?

You know how easy it is to buy people off, Frank.

She the only FBI agent you bought?

Not Lanford, anyone else?

Just her.

And if you want, you.


I know you like the money.

Laurel tell you that?

The Mahoney money.

LISA: What's better than sex?

She'll never know it was you.


I'm so sorry.

You sold out Annalise once,

I know you got it in you to do it again.

You know nothing,

otherwise you'd understand

that's the biggest regret of my life.

But I guess I'll just have to take that out on you.

- [THUD]

Timothy McVeigh, a Boston Marathon Bomber,

and now Annalise Keating?

You think her crimes match those federal death row inmates?

- Definitely.
- Oh, come on.

She's as bad as a mob boss, Tegan,

that's who you're representing.

And you're taking orders from the Governor, right?

Meeting's over.

Birkhead climbed the political ladder

at the same time as your boss.

- Out.
- Or is it a family-run business

- with deep pockets? The Castillos?
- Come on.

You're too sane to buy into a conspiracy theory.

The conspiracy here is you trying to execute my client.

No, that'll be up to a jury.

No pressure.

Montes is digging in, to the point that even

I'm starting to believe Gabriel's whack-ass story.

Good thing we can still challenge this

with the Capital Review Committee.

You mean with the five other lawyers

who work for the same Attorney General

who approved this charge?

Negativity is not productive.

It's going to take weeks

to get in front of that committee, Tegan.

And when we do, we hit them with the truth...

that you are a social justice activist

who's consistently been a thorn in the side of law enforcement,

including last year when you humiliated the FBI

during Gabriel's terrorism case.


Let the dragon out.

I need your help.

My life depends on it.

Otherwise I could very well end up on death row.

I'm no conspiracy theorist.

I don't believe in shadow governments or deep states...

What is she doing?

Ain't that always the question with her?

I don't need farfetched stories

to know that our country's a mess.

How else do you explain a government

that is funding a system

that has sent over , people to their "legal deaths"?

And then, when you think that almost half of those m*rder*d

are black?

Even though we represent only % of the population?


The Fed's case against me

is based solely on the testimony of informants.

Witnesses who are willing

to let me die to protect their own asses.

And they're victims, too.

Coerced and tricked into lying against me.

Because me, as an educated black woman, is too dangerous.

But I have the truth on my side.

And the truth here is that the only conspiracy that's happening

is that they don't like me.

But I have proof, and I can't wait to show all of you.

If this bitch says your name...

And I'll save that for trial...

Right now, I need you to

phone, e-mail, and text...

and let the Department of Justice know

that we see them.

We see their lies.

We see their racism.

And if they continue to k*ll innocent people

in the name of the law,

then we will have no choice but to come for them first.

Oh, boy.

Thank you for your time.


My client's not taking any questions,

but I will stay back for a few questions.

- One each, no follow-ups.

Yes, I'm talking to you, Paul.

So, what's this I hear about you wanting out of your deal?

Don't yell at me.

Frank found Xavier.

Where are they?

He won't tell me.

Why not?

Why do you think?


- FRANK: It's Frank. Leave a message.

I'm tracking your phone if you don't call me back.

- You want me to?
- No.

If he kills that man, that's on him.

- He's not going to.
- Oh, he might...

and guess who's getting charged with another thing I didn't do?

He just wants answers on Laurel.

Then he'll call.

He doesn't love Laurel.

That's the last thing on my mind right now.


When we're about to go to jail, or worse?

You're not worried about whether the man you love

loves you back?



It's Frank. Leave a message.



You want Laurel back?
I know where she is.

You think I'm as dumb as I look?

The reason this all started?

My family coming after all of you?

Is because Laurel begged my father to find you.

This is a social visit,

or are you just here to find your boyfriend?

We'll talk in my office.

Decide if this Frank guy is worth your time.

Laurel loved you, Frank.

She loved you in a way that terrified him.

You know what Laurel said about you?

That you're a leech...

always mooching off Daddy's power.

But he always loved Laurel more.

Which is also why she loved me.

I'm more like your dad than you.

Dark. Disturbed.

A monster.

But Laurel's got a good heart.

And as much as I tried to be the guy for her, I'm not.

And I'm okay with that.

'Cause I found someone that knows me,

the monster, too, and she loves me for it.

And her name's not Laurel.

I say that so you stop wasting your breath.



Is there a reason you didn't want me inside?

The FBI's probably bugged the house.

And since I already have my lawyer

spilling all my secrets to you...

I pay Kendra a lot of money,

so damn straight she's gonna call me.

Yeah, and who cares about attorney-client privilege?

Is there a reason you didn't call me?

Is it you who gave Annalise up to the FBI?

Is that what she told you?

Is it true?


To protect you. And why does it matter?

Unless she's in your head again?

It's not like I'm some impressionable baby.

It's that they want to give her the death penalty.

That doesn't bother you?



I know that you're not impressionable.

I didn't think I was either when I met Anna Mae Harkness.

Even then, me being her boss...

I understand the power that she wields.

And it took me a long time to get out from under it.

That is why I slept with your mother...

to forget Annalise.

And it turns out, years later,

that is the best decision I ever made.


- OLIVER: Solomon's good, I'll give him that.

He's out there convincing Michaela to stay in your deal.

Or he's working for the FBI, too.

Thanks for adding to my paranoia.

He's a Venture Capital billionaire.

You don't get that rich without knowing how to cheat and lie.

And let's just go with the worst-case scenario.

The you-know-who did what Gabriel said,

the death penalty thing sticks.

And then Annalise dies

because Michaela and I lied on the stand.

You think I can live a normal life after that?

Working a : -to- : ?

Debating whether or not we adopt

or [SNIFFLES] get a surrogate?

Vacationing up north with Pam?

Or the Amalfi Coast, does that make it more palatable... ?

- Do it for me.

Okay? Then the blood's on my hands.

You're okay with that?

I just can't lose you.


E-mail and text and let the Department of Justice know

- that we see them.
- Someone's here to see you.

- Vivian?
- We see their lies.

- No.
- We see their racism.

And if they continue to k*ll innocent people

- in the name of the law...
- Stalker.

- ... then we will have no choice but to c...

Do I need to learn how to say "no means no" in Klingon?

Cute. Look, I saw the press conference.

You're gonna need a team of lawyers to win this.

Why should that include you?

Someone who's made his romantic interests,

and thus his impartiality, very clear.

You don't seem too bothered with your romantic interests.

- What?
- You expect me to believe

you're not into Annalise?

We are preparing for a m*rder trial,

no one's thinking about who likes who!

So you do like her.

Which is an unhealthy distraction for a lawyer

about to take on the most complicated trial of her career.

But it's okay for you to work on her case?

You're not gonna hire me. Which, honestly, is quite smart.

I only offered 'cause I wanted to get closer to Annalise.

Which is why it's so clear to me

you're doing exactly the same thing.

Look here, boo boo.

Whatever girl-on-girl fantasy

you brewed up in that hetero-head,

it's not gonna happen.

I'm a professional whose sole focus

is winning this case for my client.

Who you have a thing for.

Annalise needs to know that.


Get security to escort Robert out of the building.







Everything's fine.

What does that mean?

- Is he dead?
- No.

I'm not an animal.

But all he's fessed up to is that he hired Pollock.

Says no one else in the FBI's dirty.

What about the Governor?

- I'm about to dig in on that.
- Don't.

This is my courtroom, I know what I'm doing.

There's another way to use him, Frank.



So this is why you expanded your house arrest, huh?

Have somewhere else to be shady?

We found Xavier.

You don't have to take my word for it.

You could see him yourself.


Testify for me, not against me.

- Who told you?
- Doesn't matter.

- Then I'll go.
- Maybe it was the FBI themselves,

you ever wonder if they played you?

My immunity deal is set, Annalise.

Oh, you mean the deal that you made with the people

who've been hiding Xavier this whole time?

And who k*lled Asher?

Did Lanford not tell you?

Gabriel saw Agent Pollock bludgeon the boy to death.

- You calling Lanford?
- Yeah, to tell him to add

Xavier's kidnapping to your indictment.

Why did it take Frank only hours to find Xavier?

How does that make sense

if Lanford sent his best agents out there

searching for the man?

I don't know, but I'm gonna ask Xavier that.

They were all in on it, Nate!

The FBI, Birkhead...

But now we have one ready to talk.

And it's the coward who put a hit on your father.

Now God knows you have every reason to go out there

and do whatever you want with that man.

But you'll only get a chance if you help me.

So pick...

who do you hate more?

Me or the man who k*lled your father?




Remember me?


If you're gonna k*ll me, do it.

Why would I k*ll you?

Tell me. Why would you deserve that?


- Say it for the record.

Xavier Castillo,

did you order the hit on Nathaniel Lahey Senior?

You got me under duress here.

None of this will be admissible in court.

[SIGHS] So that's it?

You're not gonna confess to k*lling my pops?

Or confess to working with the Governor?

If that's what you think, I'm not gonna change your mind.


No news yet.

You're not in there?

No, I had my time with the guy.

Did he tell you where Laurel is?


I'm in this with you.

Not Laurel.

To the bitter end.

I love you, you just got to believe me for once.


I love you too, Frank.


MICHAELA: What's today's little secret?

You solve JFK? Hoffa?

Let's make a trade.

You tell me about what happened to Sam

and I won't tell Annalise that you're snitching on her.

What are you talking about?

You got a deal with the FBI, that's how

you got Asher's m*rder charges dropped against you.

Okay, Asher's not here,

but I will gladly fight you in his place.

Yeah, that goes for me, too.

CONNOR: We don't have to fight him.

We just have to go to the FBI

and tell them what he told us.

Did you hear that, FBI?!

Gabriel thinks that Agent Pollock k*lled Asher!

Asher told me Wes didn't act alone.

Before he died, he told me that.

Hannah thinks so, too.


My aunt.

You know her.

HANNAH: What's going on here?

Hi. I'm Hannah.

Sam's sister.

Who are all of you?

Hannah's a crazy psycho who knows nothing.

Why did she and Asher both say that Wes had help k*lling Sam?

- Asher never said that!
- Yes, he did.

It hurts, doesn't it?

Someone you thought loved you told me that.

Even a lying, cheating, spiteful Asher

is a better person than you will ever be.

Now, get out.


We are so screwed.

I know what to do.

Oliver takes a poker to his head?


But our fathers aren't gonna like it.

TEGAN: I've finally got some good news.

Clearly a sign to let the dragon out sooner from now on.

- What is it?
- Your press conference worked.

The DOJ Committee wants to meet us at : .

- Today?
- I've already written up my argument.

And, yes, you can read it.

I'm a good partner that way.

Partner in a professional way, of course.

Right. I'll call you back.


Good news?

I get to challenge the death penalty today.

Good, because we know how you can win.


GABRIEL: No, no, i-it's an agent that I met tonight!

Alright? Her name is Denise Pollock.

And she was Asher's handler, and she k*lled him, I swear.

Why wouldn't you stop her?

He was already dead.

The FBI k*lled Asher.

This... This whole thing's been a set-up.

I already know that.

Well, then why haven't you used it?

Forced Gabriel to testify.

And put Gabriel's life at risk?

This proves that the FBI is conspiring against you!

Is this what I taught you to be?

Cowards who throw innocent people under the bus?

You threw Nate under the bus after Sam!

For you! And God knows I'm still paying for it.

Look, this recording can get your whole case dropped.

You should be thanking us!

No. It gets Asher's m*rder charge dropped.

Because apparently I have informants

who will testify to all of my other charges.


Come clean.

You're the informants. Admit it.

Admit that you agreed to testify against me!

Fine, it's us.

We only signed because Agent Lanford

used Asher's m*rder to coerce us.

And it worked. We fell for it.

And now we hate ourselves because, yeah, you taught us better.

How do I know this isn't a trap?

That you're not recording me now?

- We're not.
- Oh, says the snitch.

This recording can get your death penalty charges revoked.

And it can help get us out of our deal.

We won't have to testify against you.

Everyone wins.

They want to k*ll you... and they might.

But that's why we're here...

because we wouldn't be able to live with ourselves

if that happened.


We're sorry.


Really, we're sorry.


REYES: This is a special session

of the Capital Review Committee, convened in the matter of

United States vs. Annalise Keating.

It is our sole objective here

to assess the AUSA's decision to seek the death penalty

should Ms. Keating be found guilty by a jury.

Ms. Price?

Esteemed members of this committee,

the Department of Justice has one job...

to ensure public safety

against threats both foreign and domestic.

NATE: I don't think you're ever gonna tell me the truth.

So maybe I do k*ll you.

Come on, Nate.

You and I both know I'm worth more to you

alive and in a courtroom...


So that's what I'm going to ask of you today...

to protect my client from the domestic threat

being waged against her by the AUSA and FBI.

But why, you might ask yourselves?

Why would our own government

go out of their way to try and execute Ms. Keating?

Why would they do that?


That's the question I've asked myself this whole time.

Why take such a risk to k*ll one defenseless old man?


Don't tell me it was to take down Annalise Keating.

It was Birkhead's plan.

What plan?

To destroy Keating, discredit her win at the Supreme Court.

There's gotta be more.


The truth.

Our system reserves the death penalty for people

who destroy lives for their own gain.

But my client's the one whose life has been destroyed.

She's lost her husband, home, reputation.

Now they want to take her life, too.


I'll tell you whatever you want.

The Governor, she contacted you first?

Yeah. Yeah, she did. She did.

She knew my father was in jail because of Keating,

she knew we wanted to hit back.

And the FBI Agent?


She's Birkhead's, too. I swear.

Birkhead called every shot.

TEGAN: This is a malicious prosecution...

Rooted in hatred for how Ms. Keating has built a career

on challenging our currently unjust justice system.

So rather than risk the chance

of Ms. Keating messing with the status quo,

the FBI and USA are working together

to pull off a government-sanctioned execution.

Your father was just a pawn, Nate.

He didn't deserve it.

But it was Birkhead's call. Not mine.

He didn't deserve any of it, I swear.

It was Birkhead's call.

She wanted to prove that Annalise's win

would put dangerous felons back on the street.

That cannot be the only reason.

I swear to God, it is. That's the only reason.

You're telling me that all this was politics?!

I'm so sorry, Nate.

I wish he died for a better reason, I do.

I'll tell the police, the FBI, whoever you want.

Just please let me live.




Whatever you want, just please let me live, man.

Just let me live.


Just let me live.


I'll let Frank decide that.


If Ms. Keating isn't being targeted,

then this is an "arbitrary and capricious"

application of the death penalty.

An informant was m*rder*d, not to mention A.D.A. Sinclair.

The AUSA hasn't provided a shred of evidence

tying my client to either of those deaths!

The Federal Rules don't require her

to disclose evidence at this phase.

The burden is on the government

to supply evidence proving that this isn't the case.

The fact remains that Asher Millstone

was allegedly m*rder*d by your client...

The FBI, they're who k*lled that boy.

Forced Gabriel to testify.

And put Gabriel's life at risk?

This recording can get your death penalty charges revoked.

And it can help us get out of our deal.

We won't have to testify against you.

Everyone wins.

What evidence do you have to support your claim

that Mr. Millstone's m*rder was committed

in order to frame your client?

I have evidence, Madam Chair.

It's a recording. I can play it for you right now.

Come clean. You're the informants, admit it.

I'll call you back.

Admit that you agreed to testify against me!

MICHAELA: Fine, it's us.

CONNOR: We only signed because Agent Lanford

used Asher's m*rder to coerce us.

And it worked. We fell for it.

And now we hate ourselves because, yeah, you taught us better.

How do I know this isn't a trap?

That you're not recording me now?

- We're not.
- Oh, says the snitch.

This recording can get your death penalty charges revoked.

And it can help get us out of our deal.

We won't have to testify against you.

Everyone wins.

These voices belong to Connor Walsh and Michaela Pratt.

They claim that the FBI m*rder*d Asher Millstone

in order to coerce them into testifying against me.

We don't know if this recording is real.

You were part of the coercion

of these two witnesses, Ms. Montes.

How can the committee believe anything that you say?

Counselors, this is not a judiciary hearing.

Do you need more proof?

Talk to Agent Lanford.
He was their handler.

He can get these two witnesses in front of you.

Or I can give you their numbers myself.


- Good, you're home.
- What's going on?

Annalise has a recording of you two claiming

I coerced you into testifying against her.

A recording of us?

We'll talk more at my office.

Do we need to cuff you?


They're almost ready with a decision.

Let's go.

- I don't deserve this.
- Of course you don't.

No, but I need you to know that.

That I didn't k*ll anyone.

I don't deserve to die.

I never believed any of it.

But what if they do?

Look here.

Nobody's dying on my watch, I can promise you that.

- No, you can't.
- Know how I can?

Because there are very few people in this horrible world

that make me feel the way you do.

Like it's all worth it.

Even the pain.

And I'm not saying that because of how the world sees us.

I'm saying it because of how you see yourself.

It makes me see myself.

You give a voice to every victim of the justice system.

It's your legacy.

And the only thing that has given me real purpose...

in years.

And that's what makes me know in my gut that nobody can stop us.


REYES: We have no authority to judge

the government's allegations or Ms. Keating's...

Although the recording we heard

suggests a serious failure

within the Department of Justice.

Ms. Montes, we therefore recommend an internal review

of how any immunity deal is reached.

What this committee can decide is whether or not

the U.S. government may subject Ms. Keating

to capital punishment.

And it is the determination of this Committee that it may not.

The death penalty is officially off the table.





I'm trying to be patient, but you're scaring me a little.

He confessed. Said it was all the Governor.

That's good.

He say he'd testify to that in court?


'Cause you didn't ask?

'Cause I took care of it.


Please, just let me live, man.

Just let me live.

I'll let Frank decide that.

You want my father? Huh?

Take my father, man.

He told me to do everything Birkhead said.

The hit on your dad, too.

I just went along with it, man.

It's my father you really want.

And I can help you get to him.

We can get to him.

He'll never even see it coming.


So you're ready to lose your own father?

He deserves it.

I agree.


So let's hurt him.


FRANK: What did you do?

Nate, what the hell did you do?

What did you do?

- _


Okay. I'm not feeling too bad about the house arrest anymore.

You said that you knew something that could help me.

Only if you're willing to protect Gabriel.

- I already protected him.
- How?

I have a recording of Gabriel admitting

that he saw the FBI k*ll Asher.

I could've played it at my hearing at the Department of Justice.

I didn't.

Instead, I protected him... for you.

For now.

Listen, Vivian,

there's a lot of people I want to hurt in this world.

Right now, you're not one of 'em.

I know who started the w*r against you.

And it wasn't the FBI, or the Governor...

- Hannah?
- You know?

Hannah hating me isn't news, Vivian.

But do you know why she hates you?

Because she's a sad, lonely bitch

who thinks I k*lled her brother.

So you don't know.

Know what?

What happened with her and Sam.




