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04x10 - Tesla + Bell + Edison + Mac

Posted: 04/25/20 16:20
by bunniefuu
Tell him... about File 47.


That would plunge the world into chaos.

Someone's got to slow them down.

I'll set off the expl*si*n manually.

Angus, I wish there was more time for us.

But I need you to listen to something right now.


You got that, son?



♪ There's a sayin' going all around... ♪ _

How did they find us?

You've got a famous face, Nick.

Makes traveling under a fake identity rather hard.

If they get their hands on this map, the next time we'll be hearing about this is in the papers.

We'll be all right.

How do you know? 'Cause we're DXS.

We're smarter.

At least you are.

Mr. Tesla.

The map, if you please.

I believe I've already made my position on the matter perfectly clear to your superior.

I am not a m*rder*r.

Then perhaps you shouldn't have built a k*lling machine.

It is a science experiment.

It's not a w*apon.

It's meant to deter v*olence. Both parties avoid w*r to prevent mutually assured... destruction.

It may be hard for you to grasp...

Come on!

Well, that was close.

And I'll be out of b*ll*ts soon.

So I suggest you put that big brain of yours to work and invent us a way out of here.

Come on!

Who are they?

I don't know.

But something tells me they're not going to stop.


Oh. Good morning, sleepyhead.

It's 6:03.

Yeah, I'm building a carbon scrubber... can you, uh, give me a hand?

It's 6:03. Uh, yeah, I finally got the carbon measurement to 300 parts per million, but we're gonna need cheaper materials if we want to deploy it worldwide.

Do you want to talk about this?

Talk about what?



It's 6:03.

He doesn't want to talk about it.

Are we going camping? Uh, no, I made you guys personalized apocalypse backpacks.

Backup battery for my rig.

Baby, you got me a crossbow?

These are end-of-the-world care packages.

This is about Codex. Well, yes. I'm assuming they aretrying to wipe out a billion people in order to save the planet, unless we can come up with a better idea.

We don't need a better idea. We just need to stop them.

Okay, so we stop them. And then what?

Then we save all those people, but what's stopping us from k*lling the planet?

Why won't this...

Matty needs us.

I guess this stuff will have to wait.

Oh, wow. He's definitely in overdrive.

Put my favorite candy bars in here.




Hey, Matty.

Sorry I'm late. I said I'd get coffee for... everyone.

What's going on?

Taylor broke your father's code.

Oh, really? That was fast.

Yes, well, I've been thinking about it nonstop for the last 72 hours.

One of the side effects of pareidolia.

We never say no to a puzzle.

So, all Oversight left you was a video with a bunch of seemingly random numbers, so I had to dig really deep into his life for clues.

Place of birth, baseball team, favorite movie.

The Great Escape.

Turns out the key to breaking it was as simple and obscure as the numbers in Steve McQueen's birthday.

You should have asked me about this. I could have helped.

Well, I needed objectivity, and... and you're his son.

Okay, you guys are looking at me like you're fitting me for a straitjacket.

Let's just stop trying to protect me and get to work, yeah?

You all heard the man. Right, then.

Um... turns out that it is an address.

A private residence not far from here.

Looks abandoned.

It's a single-family dwelling built in 1903, but... no one's lived there in decades.

Since the name on the deed is a shell corporation, we don't know who owns it.

What's that smell? Smells like...

Silence of the Lambs?

All right.

Let's, um... let's spread out, see what we can find.

That's a lot of bleach.

Yeah, it's not as if, uh, it's being used to clean this place.

This place hasn't been touched in a century.

There's nothing here.

Feels like a dead end.

But it can't be.

It's not.

I think a scientist lived here.

You guys don't see it?

Yes, there's definitely a pattern there.

It's the periodic table of the elements.

Noble gases are blue.

Alkaloid metals are orange.

Yeah, there's a draft here.

There's definitely something behind these books.

Mercury. Cadmium.

Silver's missing.


Polyphase induction motors, compressors, generators.

I mean, this stuff belongs in a museum.

No way.

Ideas for generators, motors, turbines?


Why is that familiar?

Hindu deity.

Also known as the Destroyer.

No way.

It's a Tesla coil.

An original.

Bad capacitor, but otherwise in good shape.

Nikola Tesla.

This is Tesla's stuff.

That explains the bleach.

He was a huge germaphobe. Tesla?

The electricity guy?

Among many other things. What?

Well, apparently, Tesla was a contemporary of Thomas Edison and Alexander Graham Bell.

It is so hot that you know that.

I don't. I found this.

Look, this, this was taken in a DXS lab.

These guys were all DXS.

This is blowing my mind.

So this is where Tesla must have stayed when he was working in L.A.

Which explains how Oversight knew about this place.


Looks like some kind of w*apon.

Tesla was always trying to invent so-called superweapons, like an earthquake machine or a death ray.

He thought that powerful weapons could deter w*r.

Looks like that's what he was doing for DXS.

Looks like he put Shiva's location here on the map.

"X" marks the spot?

"X" marks the spot you start.

This is Serbian. Don't ask.

This says, "From the 'X', hike a quarter mile west".

There's something... I don't know... something missing, hidden.

I think this room is a clue. What do you mean?

It's part of the map.

You need this room as a cipher.

We've got visitors. Two in the front, three in the back.

Did you get a good look at 'em?

Yeah, they look like pros. Heavily armed.

One... two...

Check upstairs.

Mac, what is that?

It's a camera obscura. It's like a fancy peephole.

Tesla must have made it to watch out for unwelcome visitors. Angus!

We know you're in here somewhere!

It's Codex.

How do you know? They sent the mean one.

Come on out! Before we tear you and this place apart.

Okay, I have an idea.

A Tesla coil is an electrical resonant transformer circuit.

We're gonna make stuff go boom. Ooh.

You take those and lay them out right there.

By laying out lengths of magnet, a Tesla coil can take low voltage electricity and turn it into high voltage.

In other words, we're gonna turn it up to 11.

They're in here. Don't move, or I'll sh**t.

Hey, how, uh... ?

How long was I out?

Just a couple of hours.

Hey, I think you should stay still, okay?

What happened?

What's the last thing you remember?

Oh, we were at Tesla's house.

And then we found all that cool stuff in the... room? And then... fire?

Okay, you know what? He's concussed.

We all just need to take a step back for a second.

Wait. Shiva? Why-why am I thinking about a Hindu deity?

Mac, I think you should just rest, okay?

No. No, there's no time. We need what's in his head.

Codex has the map.


They ambushed us. I remember that, but why?

We think they used us.

They knew about Oversight's code and wanted us to break it so we'd lead them to Tesla's map.

After you went down, it turned into a bit of a sh**t-out, but, um, ultimately, they overpowered us and took what they came for.

The map.

Which leads to Tesla's superweapon.

So Tesla must have hidden the w*apon so it wouldn't fall into the wrong hands.

And the map shows us where.

Sorry to state the obvious here, but we need to get to said superweapon before the global t*rror1st organization does.

And how? They have the map, and we obviously don't. Hold on a second.

Before the ambush, you said even if you had the map, you'd need the room to decipher it.


But I can't remember why.

Do you remember anything about it at all?

Memory loss is unpredictable.

It could come back in days, years.


I have an idea. Bozer, I want you to reach out to DARPA.

Use my clearance and ask for Dr. Cheryl Werner.

In the meantime, look for any info we can find on Shiva and where that map might lead.

The Markridge Scientific Institute in Pasadena.

Tesla used to lecture there.

They have an extensive archive on all of his files.

If you're gonna find anything, that's where it will be.

Just once, _

I would like to work with a mad scientist _ who files things alphabetically.

I'd k*ll right now for a scanner and ten lines of Python code.

This section is off-limits for students.

Well, you flatter.

It's been many a decade since anyone called me a student... Karen.

May I just say, that is an exquisite flower on your blouse.

Russell Taylor, history department.

Never heard of you.

And I'm gonna have to ask you to leave.

That's because I've just transferred in from Oxford.

I'm looking for a manuscript that may or may not have been misplaced.

It's entitled "The Theory of Conflict Deterrence".

I assure you, nothing in my archives is "missed" anything.

If it's here, I can find it.

Well, then, thank God for you, Karen.

Hmm? Your skill will save us all.

I'll look on the computer.



Mac is always doodling things like this on cocktail napkins.

He and Tesla probably have a lot in common.

I hope not. According to this, Tesla died penniless and alone.

Maid found his body in a hotel room, surrounded by dead pigeons.


I'm worried about Mac.

First losing his dad. That was bad enough.

And then letting Lasky, the nuclear plant engineer die.


It's taking a toll on him.

And now he's up all night making apocalypse bags.

Who knows what else.

I mean, I don't know what to do. I...

In my family, we don't even talk about our feelings.

We just make soup.

Thank you, Karen.

All right, I bought us some time.

But we are two phone calls away from being thrown out of this place.

So let us hurry.


Russ... got something?


There are 26 letters alone in this box, handwritten, dated 11/9/37.

If Tesla was building the ultimate w*apon, he'd most likely find a way to encode his work.

What if these numbers are some sort of cryptokey?

So we need everything we can find dated November 9, 1937. Mmm.

I mean, that must be the key to where he hid Shiva.


So, you want to give me a memory drug?

It's an experimental psychotropic drug developed by DARPA.

It contains DMT, which has been proven to help trauma patients recover lost memories.

We're hoping it'll help you find whatever you saw in the Tesla house.

And it's safe?

Cheryl, I swear to God! Sorry.

It is so not safe. Matty, who is this?

Doesn't Phoenix already have a team of fancy doctors?

Cheryl is an old friend of mine That's "Dr. Cheryl" to you.


She works at DARPA.

Yeah, the money's good, and my student loan payoff date is 2064, so... Quick question.

Have you ever had a psychotic break, and if so, do you anticipate becoming violent?

Uh, no. Why?

Because patients have suffered severe reactions to this drug.

Mental breakdowns.

Some... irreversible damage.

Look, Mac...

You don't have to do this.

But it might be our only shot at finding that w*apon before Codex does, so let's do it.

Your prefrontal cortex, or short-term memories, that's the part we need to engage.

We'll also give you a sedative, which will keep you unconscious and put you in a REM stage.

You'll be in a lucid dream state reflecting your short-term memories.

Stay focused there.

Do not go wandering around into your past.

Who knows, maybe this will help.

Okay, you ready? Hold on.

Maybe we should have a safe word or something, just in case.

Tacos! Okay, that is not possible.

Once he's under, the only thing that can pull him out is the adrenaline from the discovery of the short-term memory that he's looking for.

And what if I don't find it?

If your vitals spike, a medically induced adrenaline shot should do the trick. Okay?

Please close your eyes.

And count backwards from ten.

Ten... nine...

... eight... seven...

Was there a sedative in there?

I don't think it's working.

This is Tesla's house.

Coppers crashed in at midnight.

All 'cause of some damn whiskey?


Angus, what are you doing here?

Um... well, it's my brain. Do I know you?

You should be hiding. He's looking for you. Who?

And if he finds you, it's all over.

You won't be able to stop it.

Stop what?

The end of the world, dummy.

How are his vitals? Heart rate's up.

Come on, Mac.

Get what you need and get out.

You need a drink.

And I need a cigarette.

Oh, hand-rolled. What do I look like, a farmer?

Hi, handsome.

Hi, handsome. Whoo-hoo.

Do I know you? You do now.

I'm Ellen.

Oh, that is so trippy.

It is a trip. Remember? Come with me.

Where are we going?

I don't know, it's your dream.

I-I know, but I'm... I don't know what to do.

I'm so confused. I feel so lost.

Well, figure it out, or I'll keep dragging you around.

Tesla. I'm-I'm here for... I'm here for Tesla.

George... I see you.

Wait, don't leave me.

How'd you get in here?

Thomas, don't be rude.

Edison, Bell.

You guys are in the photo with Tesla.

He doesn't belong here.

This is a party for scientists, not K*llers.

I am a scientist.

What are you doing here?

I thought you and Tesla were fighting over electricity patents.

Yes, but we overcame our differences when we started working together at DXS; a higher calling.

We're trying to save the world, not end it.

And Tesla has the good wine.

All right, well, I need to talk to Tesla.

So I need to get into this... Uh, you don't deserve to talk to Tesla. Move along.


When faced with obstacles in the dystopian nightmare that is your subconscious, sometimes you need a distraction so you don't careen hopelessly down a shame spiral to oblivion.

What is he doing?

Heat causes the glass and the air inside the bottle to expand, allowing the cork to be removed.



I must try that sometime.

Mr. Tesla will see you now.

Tesla, I really need...


Ah. You remember your old friend Donald.

As you know, DMT can bring up all kinds of memories, including your ninth grade bully.

That was fun. What's next?

That's the amygdala. Long-term memory.

We need short-term. What exactly are the odds his own adrenaline wakes him up when he finds it?


How low? This is a DARPA experimental process.

Science here is not an exact science.

Right. It's not a cryptokey.

But this date must mean something.

Here, check this out.

Tesla wrote, "I loved that pigeon as a man loves a woman, and she loved me.

As long as I had her, there was purpose to my life".

I really hope Mac doesn't turn out like this one day.

That's it. That's it.

Tesla's favorite pigeon died in 1922, but he mentions her throughout these letters dated 1937.

Everyone thought Tesla was going bonkers, right?

But listen to this. Uh, he writes, "Two beams of light shot out from her eyes, and I knew my life's work was finished".

These mentions of the birds are code names for the w*apon, for Shiva.


Here. Another letter, dated November 9, 1937.

He describes laying her to rest.

And then he also describes building "an aureate cage, sheltered from the world's harsh light".

What if the location of the pigeons is really where he hid Shiva?

11, nine, 37... see if they're coordinates.

Trying out different combinations.

It could be longitude 119, latitude 37, but that's just a ranch in California.

"Aureate cage".

See if there were any gold mines in that ranch.

Checking now.

They mined gold and iron there.

That's the spot. You're not allowed back there.

Calm down, lady.

This is for employees.

It's Codex.

Time to go. They found us.

You need to get out of our way.

One of Mac's distractions would come in very handy right about now.


Brute force comes in handy, too.

I'm so sorry.

So, so sorry.

I was so close.

Why am I at the bar?

Here. Have a martini.

Thank you.

Great. I'm in my own head and I can't even get a drink.

You better hide. He's watching you.

Okay, you keep saying that, but who?

You know who.

Focus. You're getting lost in your own head.

Right. Tesla.

I'm here to find Tesla. Something about the map.

Can't breathe. I can't breathe.

It's him or the it's city.


You remember me.

Surprising, seeing as you let me die.

I had no choice.

I let you die so that everyone else could live.

Look, I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry, but...

I'd trade places with you if I could.

I'm not buying it.

And it's too late for that, anyway.

Now my kids will grow up without a father.

You know.

Just like you did.

I hope he finds you.

His vitals are spiking.

We can't do this much longer.

Matty to Taylor, where you at?

Uh, we're pulling up to the ranch in Fresno County now.

The coordinates from Tesla's letters indicate that this is the spot he marked for Shiva.

Right. But if what Mac says is true, and there's something weird about that map, it might not actually lead us to the w*apon's location.

At least that puts us on equal terms with Codex.

We all have the same information.

The only way we are going to find Shiva's precise location is if Mac remembers the clue that he found in the house.

I hope he finds you.

Where you going, Angus?


I'm not going anywhere.

Beat it, Lasky.

I got this.

It's covered in blood.

I can't... remember why I'm here.

I can't even remember who I am.

Don't worry.

I know who you are.

Why are you so familiar?

It has been a while, Angus.

♪ The itsy-bitsy spider ♪

♪ Climbed up the water spout... ♪


I can't believe I didn't recognize you.

Why would you?

I died 25 years ago.

You were five.

Oh, no. Don't tell me.

You think that I'm, you know...


File 47.

You were hoping that the whole thing wasn't really my idea.

Why would your sweet old mother hatch a plan to take out a quarter of humanity?

Is it true?

You know it is.

How could you do that?

How-how could you think that k*lling all those people is the answer to saving the planet?

Why'd you send Lasky to his death?

To save everyone else.

I didn't want this planet to die.

And I was willing to do what it took to make sure that that never happened.

Are you?

There are other ways.

The air scrubber?

It's adorable, but too little, too late.

This is not how I wanted this to go.

You missed most of my life.

I was there.

In your head, in your blood.

I mean, you don't like onions, and you're afraid of heights.

That's me.

Dad's gone.

I'm sorry, sweetheart.

I've never felt so lost, ever.

It's like the string that was holding me to the ground snapped, and now I'm just floating away.

Here? Or-or in reality?


I really need you right now.

Please, t-tell me what I have to do.

You know I love you, and I always will?

Then you're ready.

For what?


Mom! Mom!

His fear centers are lit up. Vitals are off the charts.

We need to shut this down.

Mac wouldn't want you to shut this down.

Not before he gets what he needs.

You don't know that. That's what he wanted, Bozer.

Don't talk about Mac in the past tense.


Codex is digging a quarter mile west of the coordinates.

Hopefully, Mac was right about the cipher, and they're in the wrong spot.

Only one way to find out.

We'll take the back entrance.

We need to get that w*apon before Codex does.

And we can't wait for Mac. Come on.

Who let the Boy Scout in?

No more distractions.

I need to talk to Tesla about the map.

Gonna have to go through me first.

You're not a threat.

You're just a synapse misfire.

Let Codex have the w*apon.

Then nature can take its course.

You can be a hero and save the world.

Well... most of it.

Without our humanity, it's not worth it.

You know Codex is right.


It's the rational, logical, moral thing to do.

No. If you didn't believe, deep down in your core, I wouldn't be standing here talking to you.

You're not me.

I'm not you. I'm not you!


You're taking too long, Angus.

Your friends need you.

We've been here before.

I think we're lost. Ow! Bugger!

We need more light.

Kerosene's dry on that one, too.

This is when we need Mac.

Or just what he's taught us.

Mac told me he was going to use iron for his carbon scrubber.

But he decided it against it.

Because iron... is flammable.

Well done.

Something about your map.

I saw it. But why can't I remember?

Your mind is cluttered.

I know what that's like.

I don't understand. I got rid of everyone, so why am I still so lost?

You're not lost. Slow down.

Sometimes you think you're going in one direction, but really, you're going in another.

The compass was the clue.

But it's wrong.

West is east.

And east is west.


You're lucky.

I was about to Pulp Fiction ya.

Hang on.

Guys, I know where the w*apon is.

Mac! Mac, you're awake!

What's the location?

So, the map, it said that you had to hike a quarter mile west from the "X".

But the compass on the ceiling was flipped.

So it's actually to hike a quarter mile east.

West is east. East.

East, got it.

There, that door.

The w*apon must be in here.

So how we do get it out of here?

I have an idea.

This thing weighs a ton.

Almost... there!

Magnetic fields?

No. Magnetic bursts.

Taylor to Matty. We have the device.

But Codex are blocking our path. Easy now!

Keep pushing that cart forward, and we'll get out of here in one piece.

You sure you want to fire a g*n off in an abandoned mine?

We can wait.

We've got snacks.

I hate her. Time for a new plan.

Which is? I don't know, but we need one.

I got one: retreat! Right.

Damn it.

Let's go.


This could be a trap.

They're catching up!

Are those Codex agents wearing Kevlar vests, by any chance?

Yeah. Why?

Okay, good. I have an idea, but you need to get some space between you and them.

Yes, we're working on it!

Help me push the cart against the door.

Desi, open Tesla's trunk.


Mac? There's something else in the trunk.

It looks like some sort of hand crank. Great.

That should be a power source. I think it's a generator.

Well, it looks broken, because the wires are crumbling.

All right, well, we need to get it working.

Why? 'Cause you're gonna use it.


We can't hold them much longer! What now, Mac?

All right, you need wire.

Uh... Look for a telegraph wire or a mining phone.

Even Tesla had to stand on the shoulders of giants.

And in this case, it was the great Michael Faraday...

Hurry! Power that thing! I'm working on it!

... who discovered that moving a wire in a magnetic field produces electricity.

Mac, It's working! Good. Let them through, and let her rip.

Out of the way!

Desi, report.

Desi? Say something, please.

We're okay.

What happened?

The metal strike plates in the Kevlar vests were made with conducting metals.

Which is why Tesla's electromagnet was able to toss them around like rag dolls.

She's gone.

All right, then.

Let's pack this up and get the hell out of here.

What do they want with this thing?

I'm not sure, but it's capable of producing a powerful magnetic burst, so, it might be a w*apon designed to disable other weapons.

Well... it's here for you to dissect, whenever you're feeling up to it.

What a hangover.

Even my headache has a headache.

I'd hate to get lost inside the mind of Angus MacGyver.

Yeah. Me, too.

What was it like in there?

♪ The itsy-bitsy spider... ♪ You should be hiding. He's looking for you.

You okay?

Yeah. It was fine.

It was like a... surreal dream, that's all.

Smells good.

I'm making soup.

Hey, Mac?


Did you want to talk about anything?

What do you mean?

You seem different.

I'm just tired.


I got you something.

I am not the only one that talks in my sleep.

Hey, Mac...

You're not lost.