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06x14 - Annalise Keating Is Dead

Posted: 05/09/20 19:23
by bunniefuu
Previously on "How to Get Away with m*rder"...

So, you want to stay with your current deal?



Agree to new terms, or we'll charge you with everything.

You're asking me to commit perjury times ten.

You both got to keep your original deals.

I lied.

I signed a new deal.

He confessed.

It was all the Governor.

We at least got to go back and deal with his body.

No, we'll leave him there.

- What's this?

- You got a corrupt agent working for the Castillos.

You were right.

Pollock's been in direct contact with the Castillos for nearly a year.

I have proof that Hannah and Sam slept together.

A child.

Who is it?


g*ns or no g*ns?

First day of trial...

Risky showing skin.

Or be you...

powerful, fear of God.

Juror 3's gonna hate the g*ns.

What do you tell clients?

First day of trial, most important day of your life.

Play the part or play no part.

Be yourself.

Why not just throw blood at everybody?





Too much?

Won't matter if Nate turns on you.

Don't go there.

Focus on the good.

You have a plan.

Frank to the damn rescue.

Who is it?


Did Sam know?

Of course.

It's why he begged me to get Frank out of jail.

But Frank's parents...

Aren't his parents.


Why'd Sam let Frank stay after he k*lled my child?

He should've kicked him out on the street.

He didn't.

He was protecting his son.

Frank needs to know.


He'll go to his parents, ruin the whole plan.

What plan?

We turn Hannah to our side.

This is too risky.

It's my trial.

I say what's too risky.

You can get her to agree.

She won't talk to me.

Her lawyer will.

Here's his info.

Are you sure?

It's Hannah.

No way in hell she lets the world see who she really is.

You'll make Hannah cave.

Shame her.

Incest is the last taboo.

She'll sell out the Governor to hide it.

The Governor's blood, not yours.

Birkhead's blood.

And then you win.


You're free.

Damn, this wig is good.



What they think a woman should look like.

But my hair?




Too raw?

How can we still be having this conversation?

It's just hair.

But hair could decide it all.

Jail or freedom.

So, wig?

Screw 'em.

If I lose, I'm gonna lose looking like me.

Deal with it, assholes.

No more scared little girl.

You're Annalise damn Keating.

You got this.

What'll happen to Mama if I lose?

You're gonna win.

You're gonna win.

"Test shows an absence of heterozygosity"?

The sample contains DNA where the mother and father's contribution are identical.

What do you want?

Hannah agrees to be a witness for Annalise at the trial.

That's blackmail.

It's a gift.

Otherwise, we out everything in court.

So, you want her to lie on the stand?

No, we want her to tell the truth, that she colluded with both the Castillo family and Governor Birkhead in a conspiracy to destroy Annalise.

And if that's not true?

Ask your client.

See if she denies it.

I'll wait outside while you call her.

Okay, here.

The Internet says blue conveys trust and honesty.

But I'm a liar.


Look, you should be proud.

Guilt is a sign of being a good person.

Good people go to jail.

Well, I'm going either way.

For five years, not for life.

And maybe Michaela negotiated a better deal, too.

All the more reason I should tell her.

Look, Lanford will void your deal, including the immunity you so generously got for me.


Five years, and then we can start our life together.

Promise we can get a dog.

Or we can open a shelter and have as many as we want.

What does that face mean?

It's too alpha.

I am alpha.

Juries don't like alpha.

You need to play the victim here.

Not a shark who will sell out anyone to protect herself?

Is this how you got rich?

By lying and cheating and stabbing people in the back?

Not more than any other good ol' boy running the country.


It's disgusting.

And perfect.

This is the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, criminal docket 78131, the United States versus Annalise Keating.

Any questions before we bring in the jurors?

The government would like to put forth a new motion, Your Honor.


The removal of Tegan Price as Ms.

Keating's counsel due to conflict of interest.

Convenient Mr.

Lennox chose day 1 of trial to request this, Judge.

We only found proof of the conflict late last night.

Do you have any proof of this proof?


A witness who will testify to the conflict.

Your Honor, this is a due process discovery violation.

Not in my book.

When can you have this witness available to testify, Mr.


Right now.

Give your approval, and we can bring them in immediately.


Castillo, why did you feel the need to leave Philadelphia so quickly?

My family knew that I might testify against them at some point, and my father had already tried to get custody of my son.

I couldn't take the chance that he'd do worse this time.

Who'd you ask for help to flee the state?

Tegan Price.

And why her?

She'd been a lawyer at my father's company when I was kidnapped as a teenager.

In fact, she helped negotiate my release.

Judge, is the point here to prove I'm aligned with the Castillo family?

More that you have a long, sordid history with multiple witnesses testifying for the prosecution.

Are you saying Laurel is one of those?

We've added her to our witness list, yes.

It's up to my client if she sees this as a conflict of interest.

A main facet of Ms.

Keating's case is that the Castillo family conspired against her.

Again, who cares if my client waives conflict?

May I speak, Judge?

What are you doing?

I accept the USA's petition to remove Ms.

Price as my lawyer.

Judge, I request a recess.

No need.

I'm more than competent to represent myself as sole counsel, and I'm ready to proceed on schedule.

Okay with you, Mr.


Of course.


The clerk will strike Ms.

Price as counsel and note that Ms.

Keating is acting pro se.

Let's get the jury in here in one hour to hear opening statements.

You got a death wish?

'Cause you fell right into that man's trap.

The feds' strategy is to paint you as a manipulative, egomaniacal mastermind.

Maybe I am.

And don't you dare say it's because you don't trust me.

I don't.

I've been your ride or die since day 1.

Unless you're playing me.

Maybe part of you feels like I'm playing you.

So, let me be your dragon in that courtroom.

God knows there might be worse surprises coming than a two-faced Laurel.

It's too late.

You need me in there, Annalise.

I have to do it my way, win or lose.

I'm so sorry I ever picked Laurel as your intern.

It's not your fault.

Of course it is.

You picking Laurel is no different than me picking Sam.

We thought they'd make us feel worthy.


Why is she here?

To be a snitch.

Where were you?

Trying to find Nate.

No luck.

What are we doing about the incest crap?

Let me keep digging, find proof.

No, I need you to find out the terms of those kids' immunity deals.


Tell me she said yes.

She wants you to agree to an NDA.

Of course.

There's a penalty if you tell anyone else about the child.

How much?

$100 million.

You've reached Nate Lahey.

Leave a message.

Your silence is making me feel like I might need to go to the feds myself, tell them about your little violent streak.

Or you can just call me back.


Clearly, Annalise's trial must be going well if she sent you to me.

I came on my own.

I don't want your neck or your son.

But I need your help with the Governor.

Good luck, Nate.

The feds will lower your sentence.

Birkhead took the lead on everything with my pops.

I'm clear on that now.

And the feds want her more than you.

So, negotiate a deal for you and Xavier.

And give them what?

Testify against Birkhead in court.

So, Annalise did send you.


And there is no way the Governor just lets herself get caught.

We both know that.

What does that mean?

Get the Governor before she gets you.

Lennox: Annalise Keating is brilliant.

You'll see it every day in this trial.

She is charismatic, captivating, charming...

To the point that she's convinced juries to acquit thieves, rapists, murderers.

Mean, intimidating, joyless...


Those are some of the names I've been called in my life.

So to hear Mr.

Lennox refer to me as charismatic, captivating, brilliant, well...

that's new to me.

A woman discovers her husband cheated and has him m*rder*d.

Who does she get to do it for her?

Her loyal, impressionable young group of students, led by this man...

Wes Gibbins.

Wes Gibbins fooled me.

He hid his mental illness, so I never saw it coming when he k*lled my husband.

Sam Keating was only the first victim in the defendant's crime spree.

Next came Rebecca Sutter, ADA Emily Sinclair, Caleb Hapstall, DA Ronald Miller.

This is not a conspiracy by me, but against me, because only a mob boss could commit the crimes of this magnitude without getting caught.

We have several witnesses to tell you exactly how Ms.

Keating committed these murders.

Now, those who conspired against me...

are the FBI, the billionaire Jorge Castillo, his son Xavier, all whom acted at the behest of the most powerful person in this state...

Governor Lynne Birkhead.

I'll have to give it to Ms.


It takes a lot of nerve to accuse the Governor of a criminal conspiracy.

She ordered the m*rder of my client Nathaniel Lahey Sr.

To ensure her reelection.

And when the evidence exposes Ms.

Keating's web of deceit, you will see her for what she really is...

a woman scorned.

I am scorned.

I'm scorned by a system that doesn't like when a black woman speaks truth to power.


Keating abused her power over her students, and people are dead as a result.

Joan of Arc, MLK, Harvey Milk.

My story is not a new one.

Power will do anything to stay in power, even if that means framing an innocent person.

And if our government can do that to me...

who's to say that you won't be next?




Not "hi." Explain why you're here.

I'm testifying.

And saying what?

The same thing you are.

Which is?

If you don't start talking, I will scream bloody m*rder.

Okay, before we get violent, can we say hi to Christopher?

Don't make me look at him, Oliver.

It's too late.

I'm going in.

Hi, you little mushy mush.

You got so big.

How are you even here?

Asher told the FBI that I called you that night.

They were able to ping my location.

Which was where?



You've been an hour away this whole time?

Just tell us what Lanford wants you to say.

That Annalise ordered Sam's m*rder.


And the thing about Wes.

You too?



Hey, so, um, am I Christopher's guardian when you go to jail?


We got five years.

Didn't you?

I negotiated probation.

As long as I never get another felony, Christopher gets to stay with me.

So, no years.

Is that what you're saying?


Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?

I do.

Judge Vitkay: Are you ready, Mr.


Yes, Your Honor.


Pratt, why were you at Professor Keating's the night of the bonfire?

We were working...

Connor, Laurel, and I.

Uh, Rebecca's trial was coming up, so it was all hands on deck.

Was Professor Keating there?

- Hi.



- What do you want?

Is Professor Keating around?

She's not here.

You should go.

No, but Sam was home...

Upstairs in their bedroom.

When did Mr.

Gibbins arrive?

I don't remember, but i-it was obvious something was wrong.

He was on edge, amped up, and, um, asked where Sam was.

Did you know what Wes was going to talk to Sam about?

Get out of my house.

Let Rebecca go, then we'll leave.


We just heard yelling, so we went upstairs.

Wes and Sam were fighting.

It was...

It was awful, chaotic.

The next thing I saw...

Wes pushed Sam over the railing.

We thought Sam was dead, but then he started to move, and I was so relieved.


Until Wes, he...

he hit him in the head with this statue.


We all panicked.

I wanted to call the police, but Wes stopped me.

What did he say?

Shouldn't we be calling the police?


No one knows we were here.

That this is what Annalise wanted.

We didn't believe him until she came home.

What did Annalise say?

That we had to help Wes get rid of the body.

Why did you listen to her?

She was this renowned defense attorney.

We were just 1Ls.

She could've made it look like we did it.

Why do you think Wes would do this for Professor Keating?

Was there more to the story there?



She was sleeping with him.


Coulda let them rot in jail.

You had to fix it.

Savior complex.


Keating, ready for your cross?

Ready to rip her head off.

Thank you, Your Honor.


Pratt, do you have proof that I was sleeping with Wes?

He told us.

Didn't I teach you the definition of hearsay?

I saw the way you looked at each other, and you would often bring him into your office alone.

Wouldn't I bring you into my office alone?

Not as much as Wes.

Would you lie to get ahead?


You wouldn't let ambition cloud your judgement?

I-I don't understand the question.

You came to Middleton to study under me, correct?


That was before I knew you were an egomaniacal, narcissistic alcoholic.

Motion to strike and admonish the witness, Your Honor.



Pratt, you know better.

Is it possible that you were so desperate for my approval that you helped Wes k*ll my cheating husband to please me?


I did it because you told me to.


Did I tell you to deport Simon Drake?


Michaela: Someone needed to step up and do the thing that you didn't have the balls to do to keep us safe.


did or did you not call ICE to deport your fellow classmate Simon Drake?


I did not.

This is Officer Clark from Immigration and Customs.

Your name, please?

I'd like to stay anonymous.

Reason for calling?

I want to report an undocumented immigrant in Philadelphia.

His name is Simon Drake, and he brought an unregistered g*n to work.

That's not me.

This isn't your voice?

Asked and answered, Judge.

Perjury's illegal, Ms.


Your Honor...

Or did the FBI tell you to lie about this call...

Jurors, disregard this question.

Just like you're lying about everything today?

Stop her.



As long as you get your way, you don't care who suffers as a result...



Of your greed and ambition!




Keating, stop this attack right now, or I'll censure you.

I won't have any of this behavior in my courtroom.


That was good.

Good to show the jury your fiery side.

7 of the 12 were with you.

They'd all be with me if I broke her.

You'll break Connor.

Tell Hannah I agree to the $100 million.

Are you sure?



That is insane.

I need Hannah to win.

Make the deal.

So was it all a game?

You get me to fall for you, say, what, I'm too dumb to...

to figure it all out?

No, I-I really liked you.

I still do.


I kept this from you, Gabriel, yes, but...

but everything else...

Our connection, that...

that was real.

You k*lled my father...

and then you got with me.

That's sick.

You're sick.

You know what's worse?

It's that...

I'm a horrible person, too, for what I did to Paul.

How did you find me?

The FBI always uses this hotel.

Hey, you.

Look who I brought.

He's been waiting for you this whole time.

He's missed you.

It's mutual.

So, what does your deal look like?

A year?


I'm sorry.

Why didn't you tell me you wanted to leave?

So you could talk me out of it.

So I didn't k*ll myself looking for you!


I'm afraid that if I say this, I'm just gonna hurt you more, so...

I'm all outta hurt when it comes to you.

I've missed you, and I know that that's the worst thing to say because all you've done is be there for us and love us.

I'd be lying if I didn't say that sometimes I wonder if I...

should've said yes to you...

let us become a family.

Annalise thinks that I fell for you so I'd feel worthy.

I think she's right.

I always hated myself.

So, you...

picking me, that felt good.

You are good.

You've been a father to Christopher more than anyone.

And I took that from him.

You got out.

Saved yourself.

And him.

There's not a lot of people strong enough to do that, Laurel.

That's how I know you're strong enough to do the right thing.

Don't testify against Annalise.

You owe me that.

This is a choice between protecting you or Christopher.

Of course I choose him.

Good news.

I spoke to Annalise.

She'll agree on the $100 million, but this is our final give.

No more negotiating.


I'll get back to you in the morning.


Who was that?


How was Laurel?

I couldn't convince her.

That's my contact for the kids' deals.

You find out anything?

Are you ready to call your next witness, Mr.


The government would like to call Connor Walsh to testify.

Hey, some intel on the kids' deals.

You believe this?

Does it matter?

Tell him.

Michaela got a better deal.

Right hand up.

Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?



Walsh, do you need a moment?




Walsh, stay calm.

Do you want me to void your deal?

Because I didn't buy this stunt the first time around.

It's 'cause I was faking then, too.

Did you give Michaela a better deal?


Why would you think that?

She's getting five years?


If anyone got a better deal, it's you getting immunity for your husband.

But if you want out, I hear Michaela's testimony did the job.

That's when Professor Keating came home, and she started giving orders about how to get rid of Sam's body and how we couldn't tell anyone.

Why go along with it?

Because it was her.

She, um...

All I wanted was to make her happy.

It's sick, I know, but it's the truth.

No more questions for this witness.


Keating, do you need a recess?

I'm good.

Let's take this lamb to the slaughter.


Walsh, did you have that panic attack because you feel guilty about the lies you're about to tell?


I'm nervous that I have to relive all of this.

And will you be punished for what you did?

Or did you cut a deal to testify against me?

Plea deal testimony is routine.

Is it routine to lie as a part of those plea deals?

I'm not lying.

I wouldn't blame you.

You're a gay man.

Prison could be tough.


Irrelevant and prejudicial.

I'm a bisexual woman, Your Honor.

I have no interest in gay-shaming.

Number 3 is not liking that.

Judge Vitkay: Move on, Ms.



Walsh, do you know why I picked you as an intern?

Because I wrote an essay about how I shut down a gay conversion therapy camp.

A camp that never existed, did it?

I called.

There's no such place.

So, that's why you picked me.

'Cause you knew I was a liar and I would lie for you.

No, I only found out that you were lying last week.

All this time, I thought you were a good person.


Badgering the witness.



Walsh, are you currently lying to your husband, Oliver?


Let me be more specific.

Does your husband know that you only married him to appear like a good person?



Did you not pretend to be into him on your first date just to get intel for a case?

Judge Vitkay: I'll sanction you, Ms.


Did you use him then just like you continued to use him?

You see how much of a bully she is?


It's my job to get at the truth.

Is that too hard for you?

Look, I might not be a perfect person.

Stop, Mr.



But I'm not as awful as you.

So, you're lying about me today because you just don't like me?

This cross is over.

Do both of you understand?

We're taking a recess.

Any outbursts of this nature happen again, I'll hold you in contempt.

I found a bottle of something called Bénédictine in the pantry.

As long as it's alcohol, gimme.

Can't believe I let her get inside my head.

She was making up lies about your boo-thang.

Of course you got mad.

And who cares if you lied about some conversion camp?

She's lied about way worse.

And you?

Frank told me you got a better deal right before I took the stand.

He was messing with your head.

Yeah, I know.

I just...

I had to ask.

Hannah has a new request.

Here we go.

If she testifies against the Governor and you win, she wants you to admit publicly that you k*lled Sam.


She's trying to guarantee that you suffer even if you win.

So game over.

Subpoena that...

woman so you can rip her heart out on the stand.

Don't tell me you're considering this.

Hannah is the best witness I can ask for.

She's making you say you k*lled the husband you did not k*ll.

I'm losing, Tegan.

No, you're not.

Look here.

My scorecard says we've got our loyal six right here, and I'm feeling Meathead, Stink-eye, and Plumber swinging your way.

And after Laurel tells the same lie or Lennox pulls out another surprise witness?

Asher from the grave, Wes...

Annalise, if you ever say you had anything to do with Sam, let alone that you hurt him, you lose everything...

Career, reputation, legacy, your life destroyed.

So you're saying no.

You hear me?


You say no.

Vodka, dear vodka, why you gotta be so good?


You know how to think.

No vodka needed, so think, think.

Give Hannah what she wants.

Choose freedom.

Bye-bye, law.

So what?

Look where law's got you.

Dead bodies piling up.


No more professor, law partner.

No anything.

Just free.

Sign it.

Give Hannah what she wants.

No way we're letting her sign that contract.

Do you think either of us have a say?

She's doing it out of fear, Bonnie, and Hannah's the one who started all of this with her sexy sister act.

So, no, we can't let her win.

If Annalise were just another client...

but this is Annalise freaking Keating.

She's no one if not a lawyer.

Or you're just afraid to lose her.


If she signs, she leaves C&G, Philly.

She makes me feel alive.

Why do you think I stayed all this time?

This is why I usually drink alone.

Thought you were special, didn't you?

Sitting up here in a penthouse.

Poor Memphis trash.

Not fooling anyone.

How to get away with m*rder?


How to ruin everything.

Teach that class.

You're the expert.

Or how to k*ll yourself.

Can't believe you haven't done that already.

Stop it, okay?

Just stop it now.

Hannah doesn't get to win this.

You're smarter than this.

So, be smart, Annalise.

Be smart.

Be smart.

Be smart, be smart, be smart, be smart, be smart, be smart, be smart.

Be smart.

Thanks for coming.

I told the guard I was just using the restroom.


This won't take long.


Castillo, how did you feel when you got picked for the Keating Five?

I felt great.


Say the right thing, and you'll still be special.

Well, that was before all of this, of course.

Would Professor Keating ever ask you to do anything unethical while working cases?

We would do what she asked...

Lie, blackmail, coerce witnesses.

Why wouldn't you say no?

You don't say no to Professor Keating.

You chose to keep Christopher safe.

I understand.

But let me remind you of why your boy's alive.

I pumped his chest with my fingers.

So, that's all this is?

Us trading favors?

'Cause everything's a transaction with you.

You ruined my life, and all I'm asking for is some mercy.

You ruined your life.

You just blame us because you can never take any responsibility.

How about you take responsibility?

My life has been nothing but hell since you walked into my classroom.

My family came for you after everything that happened with Sam.

Your family k*lled Wes and then Nate Sr.

Then go after them.


But I'm doing what's right for my son, the only innocent person in all of this.

Did you ever feel guilty about doing something Annalise asked you to do?

The opposite.

She'd praise us, and, I mean, nothing felt better.

Is that how you felt the night of the Sam Keating m*rder?

That night was awful in every sense of the word.

We were just...


We never asked for anything other than to learn the law.

And do you know what happened to Frank since you've been gone?

Xavier tried to t*rture him to death.

Is that true?

He almost died.

It's a miracle he's even standing there.

I have no choice but to take this deal.

Otherwise, I go to jail and lose Christopher.


Not if I win.

They're not gonna prosecute anyone else for this.

No, you don't know that.

If you do this, you're no better than your father!

Christopher is gonna learn what you've done, and he's gonna hate you for this.

You're gonna be his enemy, just like your father is your enemy.

Is that what you want?

Laurel, you'll be the mother that your son hates.

The woman with no children doesn't get to tell me what do with mine.

You decide who you want to be here.

This is the moment.

I'm a mother who will die to protect her child.

Don't you dare follow me.

Lennox: Ms.

Castillo, are you aware that the behaviors you're describing in Professor Keating are techniques commonly used in brainwashing?

Judge, Mr.

Lennox has no qualifications in psychology.

You don't need a psych degree to see Ms.

Keating abused her power.

The witness is not qualified as an expert, nor is the USA.

Manipulation, indoctrination, isolation, pathological lying.

All of these are straight out of a Psych 101 handbook.

And the FBI handbook, too.

I'm sorry.


Everything I've said on the stand here has been a lie that Agent Lanford asked me to say.


Castillo, you signed an affidavit with these facts before the trial.

It's because I was coerced by the FBI, so under U.S. v.

Gonzalez, it's void.

Annalise and Wes were not sleeping together.

Your Honor, recess, please.

My son is proof.

Wes is his father because I was sleeping with him, not Annalise.

I mean, I'm the one who didn't see how not okay Wes was.

And that's why he k*lled Sam.

Not 'cause someone ordered him to, but because he was mentally ill.


That's not in evidence.

You're objecting to your own witness?

Annalise did not ask Wes to do any of this.

Wes did it on his own.

I'm sorry I lied, Annalise.

What the hell did you say to the girl?

Because that about-face has the entire jury screaming one word in their heads...

Nate still has to testify.

And the world could end tomorrow.

But right now, we are taking a victory lap.

Hand me Hannah's contract.

Annalise, no.

I know you think we're winning.

I get it.

But it's Laurel's word against Michaela and Connor, and I want to know we'll win.

And destroy your life in the process?

Is that so bad?

'Cause I've been fighting my whole life to get here, to belong, feel normal, be enough, and look where it's gotten me.

Twelve strangers deciding my fate.

But Hannah gets me free.

And that means more to me than any story I've made up about myself.

I'll come up with a new story.


Annalise Keating is dead.

Can we talk?

Annalise needs me to read over Laurel's testimony.

Laurel's who I want to talk about.

Annalise may still go down, and we'll go down with her.

I just don't want to keep anything from you.

What are you keeping from me?

I still love her.

Michaela: I wish I had a better word, but "bitch" is the only way to describe you right now.



Call me whatever you want, okay?

Just be quiet so that Christopher doesn't hear.

Screw Christopher.


She got knocked up.

That doesn't mean she gets to parade out her kid every time she wants to defend one of her evil decisions.

- You're right.

- Then why didn't you tell us?

I didn't know I was gonna do it until I was on the stand.

'Cause you're a coward.

And a bitch.

Connor: Look, I get feeling guilty about everything that your family's done, but don't you feel guilty that the judge now thinks we perjured ourselves?

Well, you did perjure yourselves.

And you're judging us for that?

The girl who lied about having my wedding ring and brought a g*n to C&G?

You both said things that will put Annalise in jail for life.

She deserves that.

Okay, then we all deserve it, because we all agreed to help cover up Sam's m*rder.

No, you helped Wes to convince us to cover it up.

You pushed Sam over the railing.

So, you need proof that you're a terrible human?

You voided your deal today, which means you're gonna go to jail and your precious little child is gonna grow up without a mother.

Not if Annalise wins.

She's not gonna win!

I just needed to do what is right, okay?

Isn't that what you want, too?

To stop pretending like we're people who can just lie and cheat and be okay with it?

I am that person.

Well, I'm not.

I want to be good.

So do I.

I mean, why do you think I took the deal?

I'm okay going to prison.

It's what we deserve.

I disagree.

Well, you're going, so get over it.

No, I'm not.


Frank was telling the truth.

I negotiated a new deal.

That says what?

Probation, no jail time.


I'm sorry.

You sure your client's in her right mind?

She just wants this to be over.


I'll get Hannah's signature, and we'll be in court whenever you say.

You can go to Lanford right now and get the same deal.


Is your daddy gonna pay off the FBI for me, too?


Why are you so angry at me?

You hid that you got Oliver immunity, and you just said that you're okay with going to jail.

That was before I knew we didn't have to go.


What's wrong?

My brother's dead.

Anchorwoman: The body of Xavier Castillo, acting CEO of Antares Technologies, was discovered in Harrisburg today.

Authorities had dismissed previous claims that the Governor knew Mr.


Was this Frank?

There are now phone records...


The Governor is now likely to face questions about her ties to Xavier Castillo.

How do I know this wasn't you?

If it was me, Xavier would be in FBI custody right now.

He'd be telling everything Birkhead made him do, but she made sure that didn't happen.

Take the stand.

Tell the truth.

Do it for your boy.


We heard.

We're celebrating.

It's sparkling water.

'Cause a dead Xavier is a good thing, sure.

What's wrong?

I just got off the phone with Floyd.

I came here to deliver something, and, my God.

- Looks like a possible match.

- Alright.

I'll call it in.

Dispatch, bring in ballistics.

We need to confirm that the g*n is registered to a Hannah Keating.

Gonna start a GSR test now.

Floyd went to have her sign the contract, but when he got there...

They're saying it's a su1c1de.


Birkhead did it.

Or Frank.

Why would Frank k*ll Hannah?

What are you keeping from me?

I still love her.

Why are you doing this to me?

'Cause I'm done lying to you.

And myself.

I'll always love Laurel for what she gave me...

but it doesn't come close to how much I love you.

I mean it.

With Laurel, it was...

about feeling normal.

But with you...

the love I feel for you and that y-you give back...

it's 'cause I get to be me.




She and Sam had a baby.

A boy.