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06x08 - The Chocolates

Posted: 06/23/20 10:27
by bunniefuu
Previously on Good Witch...

- How's the hand?
- It's getting stronger.

- I just ran into Michelle Katz.
Said she missed you at therapy.

You can't just give up!

- I'm not giving up.
- What would you call it then?

I'm sorry you and Donovan had to break up.

Hopefully, we didn't do it for nothing.

- There's a painting in here.
- The artist was P. Connelly.

- Does that C look like...
- A crescent moon.

This is a deed from Roderick Davenport to Priscilla Connelly. There may not be any Connellys left.

But now we can go check if they left anything behind.



- Wow, that's intense.
- Too sweet for you?

Um, the chocolate? Yeah. You? No.

Mm. Are you gonna be able to handle two days of nonstop chocolate?

- I'll suffer through it.
Are you and Abigail gonna be able to handle a chocolate exhibition in the snow?

We'll suffer through it.

You could take a couple of those for your new chief administrator.

To butter up the boss?

- Yeah, he's gonna love you.
- Yeah, we'll see.

I've dealt with these Ivy League types before.

He's never dealt with Sam Radford.

- True.
- Hey, would you do me a favor and give this to Stephanie at The Bistro?

Guess I'll be stopping for coffee.

- You were gonna stop anyway.
- Heh.



[ABIGAIL]: Did you find anything?

- What are you doing here?
- Same thing you are.

We agreed that I would be the one to search Priscilla's property.

I couldn't just sit around and wait.

Well, that's exactly what you were supposed to do.

Like you would've waited.

I would have.

Do you wanna argue or do you wanna search?


Anyone ever tell you you're stubborn?





That was close.

That is why we broke up.


- Hey!
- Hey.

Do you think George could make a stand for this?

- Oh, that's beautiful!
- My mom left it to me.

It's been passed down through the generations.

I'm sure George could make something sturdy to hold it.

Oh, great. Tell me those aren't chocolate cupcakes.

Oh, those aren't just any chocolate cupcakes.

These are Great Grandma Laurel's chocolate cupcakes.

OK. So I'm guessing... delicious?

Uh, that's quite an understatement. Here.

Try it for yourself.

Mm! OK! This is ridiculous!

When they're baked, they're even more ridiculous.

What other Merriwick magic is in here?

- Chocolate scones.
- Chocolate brownies.

- Chocolate pudding.
- Mm!

And Truth Chocolates...

I haven't made those since college.

Do they actually make you tell the truth?

The truth is they make you wanna eat more.

Well, perfect!

Grey House is hosting a chocolate exhibition, so.

No, I'm hosting a chocolate exhibition at Grey House.

A well-deserved honor.

Lucky for me, the Confectionary Committee of Small Shop Owners agrees with you.

We could find out what they really think and make a batch of these truth chocolates.

Yeah, Eunice Merriwick thought the same thing.

Thomas Hillcrest had courted her for years, professing his love, but he never proposed. Eunice grew impatient, so she made a batch of the truth chocolate to discover Thomas's true intentions.

And what'd she find out?

The truth will set you free.

Not always.

Yeah. I say we stick to cupcakes.


The Chocolate King is in the Grey House.

And it is made all the more regal.

- You must be Abigail.
- Uh, that would be me.

Oh. You sound different on the phone.

You look different in your commercials.

I agree. I'm much more handsome in person.

Kenny Cooper, pleasure.

- This is my cousin, Cassie.
- You look a lot like your dad.

- You knew my father?
- He only stayed here once, but he made quite a lasting impression.

You always knew when he walked into a room.

Like father, like son.

Well, he did leave some pretty big shoes to fill.

Did he ever get invited to Grey House to be the keynote speaker at a chocolate exhibition?

No. But he did get invited to the White House to make chocolates for the president and first lady.

You do have some pretty big shoes to fill.

We here to talk chocolates or what?

Come on. What a house!




- Chocolate for breakfast!
- Is that weird?

Uh, well, for you it's definitely different.

I am different... in a good way.

Stands to reason. You just went through a major surgery.

Yeah. Yeah, I just feel lucky to be here.

- I wanna make the most of it.
- You always have.

Maybe. But I wanna do more.

I, uh... I come bearing gifts.

Ooh! Cassie's chocolate chai!

- Mm! Can I make you one?
- Ugh.

But you can make me an Americano, please.

- Hey.
- Hello!

Mr. Mayor, a little out of your jurisdiction.

- I'm a little out of my mind.
- Anything we can do to help?

Not unless you can break a curse.

How about we break a few pins?

Yeah, we're going bowling tonight.

- You should go with us.
- Oh, no.

I appreciate the offer, but I'm gonna head home.

- And sit at home by yourself?
We don't think so.

- Pick you up at .
- [ADAM]: Mm-hmm.

- There you go.
- Thank you.



That's more than I thought you'd say.

Oh, I got a lot to say.

How many times do I have to tell you?

I didn't promise Mrs. Peters we'd be done the job in three weeks.

How many times do I have to tell you you need to take responsibility for your actions?

Oh, nice. Take the word of the client over your partner.

Well, we haven't been partners in almost a year.

Sign these and it'll be official.

You're dissolving the business.


- Need a pen?
- I need to look over these.

- How long is that gonna take?
- You might wanna get a room.




You play?

Heh. Conference Player of the Year two years running.

That's some accomplishment... especially with all that paper you've got framed over there.

Well, you can't win if you're sleeping.

Grant Collins, chief hospital administrator.

- Sam Radford, chief of staff.
- I know who you are.

Number one statewide for cardiology, number one for post-op care.

- Well, we do our best.
- And I do my research.

And I think I can do better than best.

You sound like you've got plans.

At business school, we learned to map our success, to master the art of the possible.

You know, I was going to propose purchasing the new Denton XR Robotic for knee and hip surgery at the next board meeting.

The XR? Done. Got the approval.

- The funding's in place.
- On your first day?

I addressed it in my interview.

Made it a deal breaker. Like I said...

Can't win if you're sleeping.


Welcome aboard.

Have you got anything that will give me a little extra zip?

Ah... how about a banana smoothie?

Ooh. And I've got some chia seeds!

- I'd rather add a scoop of rocky road but sure, I'll try anything once.

Ah. You ready for your big night?

- Ooh! What's so big about it?
- Our bowling team has league finals against No Lane, No Gain. They're undefeated.

- Ooh!
- Yeah, but that doesn't mean they're unbeatable.

- Ralph tore a tendon yesterday.
If we don't find a fourth, we'll have to play blind.

Blind with penalty.

That's... points off the top, if I recall.

I didn't know you bowled.

Oh, I clipped a few pins in college.

Clipped more than a few.

I've seen your bowling trophies in your office.

State champions three years straight.

Why don't you sub in for Ralph?

Oh, alas, I've hung up my bowling shoes.

My relationship with the lanes has been... shall we say complicated.

- It's bowling.
How complicated can it be?

Hah! You have no idea.



This is ironic.

The last guy that gave you flowers, you kicked him to the curb.



You were right about him.

I was right about a lot of things.

You just didn't wanna listen.

It's hard to listen to someone with frosted tips.

- It was cool back then.
- If you were in a boy band.

years... it feels like minutes.

- Where have you been?
- Everywhere!

Same Jason.

The same one you made a pact with the day we graduated.

I completely forgot about that.

I didn't. Abigail Pershing... will you marry me?

I guess this means you're still single.

- As of three days ago.
- Oh.

Are you?

As of three days ago.



- How is your room?
- Great.

Thanks for setting that up so quickly.

Oh, I couldn't leave you out in the cold.

- How about some hot chocolate?
- Oh, she won't drink it unless it has the mini marshmallows.

- Don't make me sound picky.
- You are picky.

Sounds like you two know each other well.

Ninth grade PE class.

I picked her for my dodgeball team.

I'll bet you regret that now.

I'm gonna go read over those papers.

You should tell her the truth.

That you would drink the hot chocolate even without the mini marshmallows.


I can't believe you were mayor.

Didn't you get kicked off the debate team for being too argumentative?

I may have ruffled a few feathers.

And you're... bossy. So yeah.

- I can't argue with that.
- Can I ask you a serious question?

This should be good.

When did you finally quit spray tans?

If I remember correctly, it was Kelly that was a fan of spray tans.

She just wasn't a fan of being in a relationship.

That was a rough night.

- We had a lot of those.

But you were always there for me.

We were there for each other.

Yeah, but I never made you chocolates.

I made them once.

Once was enough. Made me forget all about Kelly.

That was the night you came up with the pact.

I was trying to help you feel better.

I didn't think you'd still be single years later.

Neither did I.

But Janet decided to work things out

- with her old boyfriend.
- I'm sorry.

Me too. How long were you guys together?

About a year.

This looks like a nice reunion.

Cassie! This is...

Jason. Yeah, your old friend from college.


- Yes.
- Nice to meet you.

You too. Abigail didn't tell me you were stopping by.

- Well, she didn't know.
- He came to propose.

When's the wedding?

As soon as she says yes.
We made a pact back in college...

That if we were still single
years later...

You'd get married.


Hey, you got a minute?

Dr. Radford, you know Dr. Jacobson.

Dr. Radford. Good to see you again.

Shane. What brings you back to Hillcrest?

I did. Dr. Jacobson's our new orthopedic surgeon.

- Is that right?
- I'm the guy who gets to put

Hillcrest's new robotic arm to use.

Dr. Jacobson practically invented the XR system.

- We're lucky to get him.
- Hm. Could I have a word?

I'll go find my locker. Sam.

It's good to see you.

Um... Surgeons are my department.

All due respect,

Dr. Radford, I don't need your approval on new hires.

You know, I am very familiar with Jacobson.

He did his surgical residency here. It's...

It's not the right fit.

Well, I'll decide where the pieces go.

Look, my job is to make Hillcrest a competitive, profitable hospital.

And my job is to make sure our patients get the best medical care possible.

And they will with the team I assemble.

You don't have the track record.

Track records are for retired racehorses.

Aren't you due in surgery, doctor?




Oh! There is nothing like the aroma

- of fresh chocolate.
- Well, you would know.

I'd also know that you don't scrape vanilla bean into it.

My family recipe says you do.

Who am I to argue with tradition?

Who am I to argue with success?

Your chocolates got me through some tough times.

Yeah, me too.

And one of these chocolate cupcakes will get me

- through 'til dinner.
- Help yourself.

I gotta warn you, that might be the best chocolate cupcake

- you've ever had.
- Oh.

Well, I'll take my chances.

Told you.

What's in this thing? It's ridiculous.

My great grandmother thanks you.

Would Great Grandma mind sharing her recipe?

Cooper's Chocolates could really benefit from

something like this. And you could too.

Actually, she made the family promise to guard it at all costs.

We Merriwicks take our baked goods very seriously.

My dad was the same way.

He kept the Cooper Chocolate recipe under lock and key.


He really sacrificed everything to build the business.

And look what I've done with it.

I'm sure he would be proud of you.

You've kept the family legacy alive.


I am gonna grab another one of these cupcakes and the king is gonna hold court.

Oh. Well, we don't have a throne, your majesty.

But we do have a table set up in there for you to sign autographs.

Well, can't keep my fans waiting.

I thought we talked about not making the Truth Chocolates.

- We did.
- And now you did.

- You mad?
- I'm just curious about what's going on with you and Donna.

I heard the two of you catching up this morning.

Well, what you didn't hear was Donna admit the truth.

Well, give her time.

I'd rather give her these chocolates.

The easy way is not always the right way.



This is impressive.



May I?

It's an aggressive finish.
You must have had some game.

Until the game had me.

Suddenly, it was all about just one number that was just beyond my reach.

Everybody wants a perfect game.

Hm. That last frame was my White Whale.

I topped out at .

- One pin short.
- Mm-hmm.

Hoo! Tough break, kiddo.
You shouldn't have given up.

I had no choice.

My life had become a - split.


Do you find this amusing?!

Yeah, actually, I do.

I think I just figured out what your problem is.

You forgot that it's supposed to be fun.

Oh, please! I was voted

Most Fun in my book club three years running.

Prove it. Six o'clock, lane seven.


I was wondering how long it would take you.

Mm-hmm. And I was wondering if you were gonna accept Jason's proposal.

Please! I made him some chocolates back in college to get over a bad breakup.

And now you plan on keeping him around to help you get over yours?

We're helping each other.

It's not my fault he wants to marry me.

Uh, you're the one that made him the chocolates.

He was upset and he thought he'd never find anybody else.

I told him not to worry, in years, we could get married.

Apparently, the idea stuck.

He'll get over me.

He hasn't so far.

He needs to know the truth.


OK, you know how I told you I wanna do more?

Mm! You have a plan?

I have an idea.

Can you share?


I wanna go on a mission.

A mission where?

I don't know... but I feel like I'm being called.

Do you have to answer?


It'd be rude not to.

Hmm. Be even more rude to leave your girlfriend.

Believe me, I don't want to.

Mm. That wrinkle.

What wrinkle?!


The wrinkle you get between your eyebrows when you're trying to figure something out.


You're right. What else do you know about me?

I know that you need to do this.

I do.

But I wanna do it with you.

You want me to go with you?

It could change our lives.

I like our lives.

Look, I get that you're being called, but... there are so many things you could do right here.

But think about all the things we could do out there.



That looks like a lot of work.


Not as much work as dealing with Grant Collins.

Off to a rough start?

We were off to a great start 'til he stepped on my toes.

Well, you could try wearing thicker shoes.

They don't make 'em that thick.

- Surgery's my territory.
- He'll figure it out.

You gotta listen to learn.

Sounds to me that he's gotta learn to listen.

And you think I should be the one to teach him?


I think you should work on your jump shot instead.





- Back for more cupcakes?
- Hi!

- They were calling my name.
- You wouldn't be the first

- to fall under their spell.
- And I doubt I'll be the last.

Ah. Mm.

That is a good cupcake.

- I'll let you enjoy it.
- Mm!

You know, I've been thinking.
It'd be selfish not to share.

Not at all. I understand.

Yeah, but my great grandmother would want you to have it.

You know what? I wouldn't feel right taking it.

Are you sure about that?

I'm certain.

Hmm. Well, I wouldn't want you to do something you'd regret.

That makes two of us.


Hey, hey! Looking good!

Gettin' there. The, uh, dribbling helps with the hand strength.

Huh. Well, I am open.

- OK.
- Mm-hmm.


There's only three seconds left on the clock!

They're down by one. Stephanie Borden has the ball.

Three, two, one!

[IMITATES BUZZER] And she scores!

That's 'cause I got game.

Yes, you do. Wow. [BOTH LAUGH]

I also... got a lot here in Middleton.

I know. I know it's a big ask.

No, it's a major ask.

You know, as much as I wanna be with you...

You can't just pick up and leave.

Are you mad?

No. Of course not.

Any idea when you're gonna go?

I don't know where I'm going yet.


Well, I'm already countin' down the days

'til you come back.

- Hmm. Really?
- Mm-hmm.

You are comin' back, right?

I hope so.



- Those look good.
- Oh.

I signed the papers.

Just like that?

Just like that.

- Guess this is goodbye.
- Guess it is.

I'll take one of these for the road.


I can't let you eat that.

You did something to the chocolate?

They turned out a little sour, so...


I deserve it.

- I kind of lied to Mrs. Peters.
- You kinda lied?

I totally lied. I said we'd be done in three weeks.

And then you told me you never said it.

Yeah. I... I lied to you too.

You haven't changed since high school.

- I take that as a compliment.
- Not how I meant it.


I shouldn't have told her three weeks.

I was trying to make us look good.

Five years of building our reputation almost went down the drain.

I know. I'm sorry.

I've been waiting a while to hear that.

Been waiting a while to say that.

I just... couldn't figure out how to.

Well, I'm glad you did.

Me too.



Taking a break from all the chocolate?

Just working on my keynote speech.

I gotta educate these shop owners on the secrets to success.

Your dad liked to sit in here too.

- I found this picture he gave me.
- I bet he signed it, "with chocolate wishes, Lawrence Cooper."

He did. [CHUCKLES]

I remember when he gave me that.

He said the real autograph I'm gonna want is his son's.

Well... he always told me I'd do great things.

And look at you now.

I guess he was right.

Well, the Chocolate Exhibition wouldn't be the same without a Cooper.

Watching you up there will be like watching your dad.



- It's League Night.
- They don't even have one lane?

Nope. But we can get a couple of beers.

- We're one step ahead of you.
- First round's on me.

Thank you.

Thanks for this.

- I think I really needed it.
- It's good to get out.

- Crowded in here.
- Ooh, Trivia Night!

Should we get in on the action?

- Only if you guys came to play.
- He does not like to lose.

- Then we'll make a great team.
- I'll be the judge of that.

All right!

Are you ready for Tuesday Night Trivia?

- I am your Quizmaster, the Quizard of Oz, and you're about to take a trip down the Trivia Brick Road.
Are you ready?

- Yeah!



OK. Even for you, this is cheesy.

This is an homage to your favorite ' s movie.

What's in the bag?



Just a couple of meatball hoagies.

From Vito's?

Had 'em flown in this morning.

You always said Vito's meatballs were like a little slice of heaven.

I haven't had one of these since the night I became the Scrabble champion.

Two things. One, you cheated.

And two, you still owe me a rematch.

That can be arranged.

- What?
- I miss hanging out with you.

I'm really glad you're here.

You're about to get gladder.

- No.
- Mm-hmm. Yup.

Rumplemeyer's cookies?!

I just may have to marry you after all.

See? You know we're perfect together.

Uh, OK.

And now, it is time for our final tiebreaker between our reigning champions, Geekend Warriors...

- ...and our newcomers,

Mount Cleverest!


Did we really name ourselves Mount Cleverest?

Is the name the problem or living up to it?

We're about to find out.

All right. Mount Cleverest, it's time for you to choose our next category.

- [DONOVAN]: Horror Films!
- [SAM]: Latin Phrases!

[ADAM]: Love Songs!

Oh, like you don't love Air Supply.

Listen, I'm all out of love and you're almost out of time.

You have to choose between these three actual categories:

Tearjerkers, Musicals, and... Legend Has It.

Are you guys feeling any of these?

I think we're at the end of the Trivia Brick Road.

- We'll take Legend Has It.
- Legend Has It.

This bird is associated with the Moon.

- An owl!

That... is absolutely wrong!

- What?!

- Geekend Warriors.
- A dove.

- Geekend Warriors win!

And Mount Cleverest might wanna rethink their name.


Well, we got pretty far for three rookies.

Did we lose you?

- A dove.
- Yeah, I-I get it. I blew it.

No, there was a dovecote on the Traveler's property.

A what?

It's a building where people used to keep birds.

The Connelly family's symbol was the crescent moon.

If the dove is associated with the Moon, then...

The dovecote could be connected to the curse.


I have a feeling they're cheering for Martha.





[GEORGE]: Ha ha!
One more for a perfect game!

You're on a roll, kid.

Last frame. You got this.

If history teaches us anything, I don't got this.

Come on. You're throwing rocks out there tonight.

strikes in a row! What's one more?

A perfect game.

Just you and the ball out there.

Nothing else.

Just me and the ball.


Just me and the ball.



Oh, my!


I said R- insulation, not R- .

OK. Just make sure it's there by the morning.


What is so funny?

It's just nice to see you mad at someone else for a change.

I'm not the one with the temper.

I've seen you make a grown man cry.

We can both hold our own.

That's probably why we made good partners.

Until I messed it up.

You got the papers?

All ready to go.

Can I just check something?


- Yeah, that's what I thought.
- Something wrong?

Well, not anymore.

Do you want a job?


I don't get it. The dovecote makes perfect sense.

Well, nothing about this treasure or this curse makes perfect sense.

I just wanna be able to go on a normal date with Abigail and not worry about the sky falling.

We'll figure this thing out.

If you and Cassie couldn't be together, what would you do?

Exactly what you're doing.



The weather vane...

Has a dove on it.


I fear if I don't bowl that elusive th strike, history will repeat itself.

Well, why don't you focus on what happens if you do bowl that strike?

But what chance do I have?

The pressure is unbearable, the fans are untenable and perfection is unattainable.

Sounds like you've got nothing to lose.

Sounds like you're out of advice.

I may have a trick up my sleeve.


Almost done, I promise.

No worries. This is a lot easier than moving that two-ton dresser out of your dorm room.

- I bought you a pizza.
- You bought me a slice of pizza.

Can you believe Jenna didn't like pizza?

No wonder you two broke up.

You never told me why you and...

- Sorry, what's your ex's name?
- Donovan.

Donovan. You never told me why you and Donovan broke up.

That's 'cause I don't wanna talk about it.

OK. I know how you get.

But did you ever think there might be a reason we're both single right now?

I think you should grab that poster.

I'm also gonna grab one of these chocolates.

Uh, wait. Um... These ones are better.

Well, you definitely know your chocolates.

I also know that we need to talk.

You don't wanna get married.

I'm sorry.

Don't be. I just realized I don't wanna marry you either.

- Why? What's wrong with me?
- You're perfect... as a friend.



No crowds, no pressure.
Just you and the ball.

This is wonderful. Thank you, Cassie.

The lane is yours.




Everything OK?

I don't know. I feel like there's something missing.

It's not quite the same without the pressure?

Or the crowds.


All this really came together!

Planning this and hanging out with you is exactly what I needed these last few days.

I knew it! You picked the wrong guy, didn't you?

I picked the right guy, the wrong situation.

Well, it sounds like you should reconsider my proposal.

Didn't we just talk about that?

- I'm kidding.
- OK.

I'm feeling like a new man, one who's... your friend, not your husband.

Mm! I'll be honest.

It's no Cooper's Chocolate, but it's close.

Well, I'll take the truth any day.

I'll be right back.

Ah! Hello, everybody!

Could I have your attention, please?

I'm Abigail Pershing, and I am proud to be hosting this year's exhibition.

Our keynote speaker needs no introduction but since

I'm standing here in the snow, I'm gonna introduce him anyway.

Please give a warm welcome to the Chocolate King, Kenny Cooper!


Thank you, Abigail! Ahem.

I know that it is a treat to be here, listening to the Chocolate King.



But the truth is the Chocolate King doesn't deserve his throne.

Cooper's Chocolates started as a small shop that my father built into a dynasty.

Since I've taken over, that dynasty has become a dinosaur.

I didn't want to admit it, but I can't rule the kingdom the way he did.

The truth is... there is no shame in asking for some help.

There is shame helping yourself to something that isn't yours.

Now I'm not too proud to admit my faults and learn from them.

But I am proud enough to make you this promise:

Cooper's Chocolates will be around for a long, long time.

Thank you. Thank you.

What was in those chocolates?


- Hmm.
- Mm.

You know the greatest thing about sports?



The MVP.

That's who the crowds pay to see.

Without a supporting cast, there's no MVP.

You've got some good ideas.

What you don't have is experience, a-a feel for people.

We had an expression in business school.

Do the math: experience, feelings, rainbows, none of that's quantifiable.

None of that fits in the equation.

You're playing fast, but you're not playing smart.

Yeah, well, at least I'm not sitting on the bench.


Just don't get in my way.


Checking out?

There's something I have to do first.

- Mm.
- I owe you an apology.

For what?

I... stole your great grandmother's recipe.

Well, technically, it never left Grey House.


I thought adding a cupcake to our selection might help revive the company.

- And you're welcome to it.
- Oh.

I really appreciate that, but...the truth is I need to revive the company.

I think the guy who gave that speech has a pretty good chance at doing that.


Now I know why my dad loved this place so much.

You're always welcome.


You've really outdone yourself.

This might be some of your best work.

- I didn't do it alone.
- Oh...

Gracious. I like that.

- I like that you're on board.
- Me too.

But I'm gonna need Tuesdays and Thursdays off.

Oh, don't push your luck!

What happened to your sense of humor?

Oh, we've got a lot of rooms to finish and I promised the owner we'd be done in three weeks.

I'll help you keep that promise.




Yeah, I love this place during closing time.

It's so peaceful.


OK. At least it used to be.

Are you trying to tell me something?

- I am.
- Well, I'm waitin'.


I am gonna miss you.

Not as much as I'm gonna miss you.

Are you sure you gotta go?

I am.

- I still have no idea where.

[SOFTLY]: Just thought I'd double check.

Did I mention that I'm gonna miss you?

You did.

Did I tell you I love you?

You didn't.

I do.

Not as much as I love you.









- Perfection.


Well, that was dramatic.

That was all Martha.



Thank you.


We're gonna need more of these.

Hmm. I guess Grant still hasn't learned to listen?

Grant hasn't learned a lot of things.

Well, I'll keep making cupcakes until he does.


Is this a bad time?

- Not for good news!
- I cracked the code.

[ABIGAIL]: And you weren't gonna tell me?

You know we shouldn't be in the same room.

How did you crack the code?

Sam and I found the other half of the cipher in a weather vane.

It's a long story.

What did the message say?

"Hidden in plain sight."

- What does that mean?
- I have no idea.

