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09x10 - Authority Figures

Posted: 07/12/20 18:32
by bunniefuu
Damn it.

Not again.

Hey, Ronnie?

It's Carl.

Damn thing broke down again.

I thought you said they fixed this thing.

Hey, hey, truck.

Yo, just grab and go.

Come here.

You see anything?

Take these, take these.

Run, run!

Come on, go!

- Put the boxes down!

- Hands on the wall!

Nobody move.

You're under arrest.

All I'm seeing are a bunch of people stealing from a truck.

That was left on a certain block at a certain time.

If you want to catch a fish, you got to bait a hook.

That kind of down-home wisdom isn't how it's playing.

What Give me a break.

I would love nothing more, but that's how it's being taken.

Well, I'm not buying that.

Well, I'm not selling it.

How many people you think, all added up, have watched Cops at some point?

Watched which cops?

Cops, the TV show.

I don't know.

Millions, tens of millions.

And they'll look at that and they'll say, "Smart, that is smart police work there.

Good for the NYPD." Well, your Copsfans don't seem to have the news outlets or op-ed pages.

And merely affording a person and opportunity to commit a crime does not make it entrapment.

But steering people toward one does.

You see the logo on that truck?

And the driver acting like it broke down...


First of all, you're not actually saying that the people stealing shoes are the victims here?

It's not me saying.

This is being widely condemned as a violation of community trust.


who was in charge?

The supervisor was Jon Harvey, he's a Special Operations Lieutenant out of the 2-1.

Bring him in.

You want me to release a statement that he's under review?


We're not doing anything till we have context.

What do you mean?

That footage came from our cameras, which means one of our own leaked it, which means the kids lifting sneakers aren't the only ones who got snookered.

We did.

Hey, you got a minute, Sarge?

Hey, how's it going, Tony?

Not good; They just told me you got me working a set of midnights next week.

Just the one set, yeah.

Bradley's out DIF.

So I need you to cover.

Can't someone else do it?

I did last week.

You're up.

Why do I feel like you're giving me special treatment and not the good kind?

No one's getting special treatment; Good or bad.

Okay, great, then I want next Friday off.


Because I want to take my son to the Rangers game.

I'm sorry, I can't give you that one.

But you gave it to Bradley and Chris, so...?

Which is why I can't give it to you; We're down at minimum manning numbers here.

No special treatment?

Whatever you say, Sarge.

What do we got?

No w*apon, no witnesses, no video.

We got next to nothing so far.

Not even a name?

Charlotte Huntington.

Management says she's been renting here the past two years.

No one saw or heard anything?

Not till the neighbor found her this morning.



Charlotte sure did seem to love her hip-hop.

White girl in her 30's; Wouldn't peg her as the type.

Hey, look at that; She's even got an autographed copy of Playa Boy Shine's album.

Wouldn't peg you as the type, either.

Look at all these covers of Tone Beastmagazine.

Remind me again how you know about all this?

Two teenage boys, they've schooled me on everything rap.

Including the headaches in the car, you know, from playing the music so loud.

Seems Charlotte has some, credibility in the hip-hop community.

She's got her own Wikipedia page.

She seems to have an in with all the, major players in the hip-hop scene, too.

Maybe she wrote a piece about one of them, they didn't like it and...


But I thought all these rappers were all talk.

Well, a lot of them are.

But some of them are real, like, this guy right here.

Cameron Gooding.

He's real.

That his real name or his rap name?

That's his real name.

His rap name is Thin Majesty, but he changed it back to Cameron Gooding when he got rich enough to be respectable.

You like him?

I love him!

He's good.

He's got great rhymes; He's got swag.

I meant do you like him for the m*rder?

Well, I don't know about that.

But this'll be a good excuse to meet him.

Officer Bradley.


Officer Janko.


Officer Thomas.


Officer Wallace.

Something funny?


Your shield.

It's upside-down, sir.

Come on, Sarge, you're styling.

That's very funny.

Thank you.

Everyone, let's get to work.

Fall out.

Hey, I'll meet up with you.

So, that's the second prank in as many weeks.

Y-You got to give him a rip.

I have no proof it was him.

But you know it was.

He needs to learn some respect.

I will earn everyone's respect in due time and in my own way.


By letting Tuna walk all over you?

No, by leading by example.

Jamie, you've got to be the boss here.

I am the boss.

And right now, you're late for your patrol post, Officer Janko.

And your Honor, in conclusion, we're only here because of an illegal stop.

Based on the total fabrication that my client's taillight was out.

Since the predicate for the stop was illegal, this court must suppress the g*ns the police recovered from my client's car.

Good luck with that.

Don't count your chickens.

The last two cases we had on Russell Heatly, he walked after a suppression hearing.

ADA Richardson, does the prosecution have a response?

I sure wish that was you up there instead of Richardson.

He's ready.

He's nervous; Look at him.

I was, too, for my first big case.

Your Honor, as you saw earlier in the video from the building's surveillance camera, I do not believe it definitively shows.


Heatly's taillight was out.

That sounds like you agree with the defense.

The video was blurry, Your Honor.

The defense's argument is inconclusive.

Anyone you wish to call to the stand?

Perhaps the officers who pulled Mr.

Heatly over?


Your Honor.

Do you have the officers in the courtroom?

No, your Honor, I do not.

An illegal search?

What the hell happened, Martin?

Ask the judge.

Can't believe she let him out of jail.

Well, I can; You didn't even call the police officers as witnesses.

I shouldn't have needed to.

We went over this.

We couldn't afford any risks with this guy.

I gave it my best shot, Erin.

Did you?


You got a beef?

Tell it to the judge.

So I should just keep my mouth shut, is that what you're saying?

I didn't say that.

But feel free to keep your mouth shut.

I just want straight questions and straight answers, not slanted questions and defensive answers.

Lieutenant Harvey, sir.


Lieutenant Harvey.

Commissioner Moore.

Lieutenant Gormley.

Sit down, Lieutenant.

Hear you got reporters for garden gnomes since yesterday.


Yeah, I'd say there ought to be a law, but I checked.

The law's in their favor.

This whole thing has been blown out of proportion.

In your opinion.


In my opinion.

You're not the only one.

Why do you think that, Lieutenant?

This was a specifically targeted operation to lure g*ng members out of hiding.

We've got a number of warehouse blocks in the 2-1, and we've had a growing problem with break-ins and h*jacked shipments.

So it wasn't entrapment, just a sitting duck you could control and harvest.

Yes, sir.

And with those controls, with the video records, we were able to identify and arrest several high-level members of the Ace Double Treys.

What about the other civilians arrested at the scene?

Anyone without an outstanding warrant was issued a desk appearance ticket and released.

Sure, they were inconvenienced, but it's not like they had the purest intentions, either.

No, they did not.

I'm sorry for the fallout, sir.

But my tactics were effective, and the results were valuable.

And that's all that matters.

Not allthat matters.

It is also not the least of the problems that comes from this operation.


Why do you think the footage was leaked, Lieutenant?

I've been asking myself that.

Well, I'masking you.

Straight up?

I don't know.

Someone got a beef with you?

No, not that I know of.

Well, I'm gonna find out.

You sure you don't want to save me some time?

If I had a name, I'd give it to you.


Thank you.

That's all.

Thank you.

It was a harmless prank, Eddie, and it was kind of funny.

Maybe the first time.

But he's been coming after Sergeant Reagan since day one.

Then let Sarge deal with it.

I guess.

Look, Look, I know you guys used to be partners, but he's the boss now.

Maybe he has had some of this coming.

How so?

Come on.

Nah, stripes are something you sew on.

Respect is something you earn.

Puts the stripes first, if you ask me.

I thought you came around on him.

I did, just not all the way around.

We've been through all this.

There's nothing that's gonna get us more evidence against Heatly.

Yeah, but maybe we missed something, a technicality or...

No, Erin.

That traffic stop was our lucky break, and we lost it.

You never should have given this to someone as green as Richardson.

The way he handled it didn't make any sense.

There's got to be more to this.

Every time you make a mistake, there's got to be more to it.

Can you just stay?

Humor me.

You wanted to see me?


Come on in and close the door.

You're a good lawyer, Martin.

I've been watching you for the past few months.

You're diligent, thorough, uncompromising.

Thank you.

Which makes me wonder how you conducted the most ineffective suppression hearing I've ever seen.

I already told you, the judge...

Tell me something true.

Heatly got to you, didn't he?

No, he didn't.

Don't lie to me.

He got to my mom and sister.

Sent some of his g*ons to thr*aten them.

So you tanked it for him.


I got them out of town.

Look, did it rattle me?


Did I t*nk?

Hell no.

I did my job, Erin.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I got some work to do.

You know, my old man went from being an apprentice framer to having his own contracting company.

You know what he always said?

No, I don't, Anthony.

"You're not really a boss until you've fired someone." Detectives Reagan and Baez.

We need to speak with Cameron Gooding.

Is this about Charlotte Huntington?

Marty, these detectives are here to talk to Mr.


Marty Ellis.

Cam's partner.

I'm afraid I know what this is about.

We loved her.

We adored her.

Such a tragedy.

Charlotte, you're talking about?


Loved her.

We want to talk to your partner about her.

He's pretty broken up.

Well, we're just gathering information here.

Honestly, it's nothing to be worked up about.


Follow me.

Nice to meet you.

You know, I'm a big fan of yours, by the way.

I don't think I've ever heard a cop say that before.

Well, I got cool kids.

What can you tell us about the m*rder of Charlotte Huntington?


That's it?

That's it.

The last few stories she wrote about you were pretty harsh.

Well, she still had access.

That should tell you a lot.

All it tells us is that you're still trying to seem relevant, like you're worth the ink.

So your theory is that I k*lled her over a little disrespect in a rag?

You know, not for nothing, but, people have been k*lled over stupid beefs in the rap game before, just saying.

No matter how high you climb, they still come around here harassing you.

They got their little job to do.

Yeah, 'cause the m*rder of a woman is a littlething now, right?

You got nothing on me.

Did you know that Charlotte was writing a book about the rise of Dead Dove Records?

I knew.

And she received a very sizable advance, which means she was probably promising the goods.

And we were fully cooperating.

Look, she was hard on a hundred other artists.

Why don't you go waste their time?

We plan on it, after we find out where you were two nights ago, starting at around, I don't know, 700 p.m.

In the studio, as usual.

Do you have proof?

You got a warrant?

'Cause if not, this conversation is over.

Is there a problem?

A problem?

You know damn well there's a problem.

My cuffs, they were double-locked.

I collared a perp today, and he almost got away because I couldn't cuff him.

Someone double.

Don't play dumb with me, Sarge.

Watch your tone, Tuna.

You're lucky I'm no snitch, or I'd report you to IAB.

Officer Janko, may I have a word with you?

He had it coming.

He's been disrespecting you since you got here.

And that's gonna help?

It might.

It won't.

It'll just escalate the chaos, not to mention undermine my authority.

I was just trying to have your back.

Having my back doesn't mean going tit for tat with a bully in a prank w*r, Eddie.


Jamie, this is not that big of a deal.

It-it is.

Another officer could've been put in danger.

You know I would never do anything to hurt someone.

I know, but I got to give you a rip.

The suspect then entered the Danby's Donuts on 49th Street.

The officers followed him in.

He was apprehended without incident.

Well, except for the damage to the supply of chocolate glazed.

Lieutenant, what about the entrapment in the 2.

If you're referring to the operation...

Okay, "sting." It netted a number of violent offenders with outstanding warrants against them.

As well as a dozen citizens with no record at all.

Surely you know that the community is up in arms.

Surely some of the community are grateful for the proactive police work.

Has any disciplinary action been taken toward Lieutenant Harvey and the officers under his command?


Now, if there's...

Is the NYPD doing anything to deal with Harvey's actions?

How about you guys get the full story before you hang him out to dry?

You don't think Harvey crossed a line?

It was an operation to address a specific condition perpetrated by g*ng members in the area.

So everyone arrested on that video was a g*ng member?

Then the NYPD is condoning entrapment.

It wasn't entrapment.

It was a sting.

A beautiful sting that some lowlifes walked into!

End of story!

It wasn't entrapment.

It was a sting.

A beautiful sting that some lowlifes walked into!

End of story!

Little piece of advice.

No, thanks.

When you yell "end of story" at a group of reporters, you're telling them right then and there that there's more to the story.

What the hell were you thinking?

That I was speaking for the NYPD and defending Lieutenant Harvey.

Your briefings are the Metro section, not the op-ed page.

Who's gonna speak for him?

No one has to.

What do you think this is, the U.N.?

The guy's got reporters all over his front yard.

I can't care.

This is an internal affair.

We keep our own counsel, we speak as one, and only after we'vedecided where we landed.

You got that, Lieutenant?

Loud and clear.

We let Harvey swing in the wind.

Watch it, Sid.


I thought I was just telling the truth.

Truth is, Harvey should've weighed his actions not just against his CompStat grades but against the image of this department as a whole.


TARU just got back to us.

The proprietary footage was leaked by a Detective Justin Powl.

He went to some lengths to try and remain anonymous.

Thank you in advance.

For being a traitor?


For helping with a police investigation.

You seemed pretty certain I'd come down here immediately.


Charlotte spent a lot of time at the studio.

For her book?


Was there something else going on?

They were sleeping together.

I'd book their hotels and taxis.

It was my job to keep it discreet.

So what happened, they have a fight, break up?

Not exactly.

Well, why was she writing these hit pieces in magazines and contracted to write a book to take him down?

He didn't know about the book.

So he knew about the hit pieces?

Well, he helped her write the magazine pieces.

They were designed to make him look hard.

He was worried that people thought all the money had made him look soft, like he'd lost his cred.

Okay, I'm a little bit confused as to why you asked me down here.

She started talking to me...

without him controlling the conversation.


About stuff he wouldn't want in a book.

About checks delivered to young women in other cities.

About the NDAs he made even the liquor delivery guy sign.

About stuff I knew.

Did he know she was talking to you about this stuff?

I don't know for sure.

But he probably suspected she wasn't just taking dictation?

Those office walls aren't soundproofed like the studio's.

You could hear them fighting.

It's very festive, Pop.

Yeah, thanks.

But I don't deserve all the credit; Nicky helped.


Class was cancelled on Friday, so I came over and we spent the day together.

That's funny.

I still couldn't get a return phone call.

I was revisiting my childhood.

It didn't have a cell phone.

But a tad early for decorations, don't you think?


Never too early for Christmas.

To quote the guys who own the big-box stores.

Nah, I just tune all that stuff out.

I'm with Pop.

How do you tune it out?

The malls start blasting "Jingle Bells" literally the day after Halloween.

Who made you the resident Grinch?

Like father, like son?

What does that mean?

Dad, you spoiled Santa for us way before Mom wanted that one to happen.

Well, it was time.

You needed to be...

He was the same way as a kid, if it's any consolation.

He used to steal all the Christmas presents.

All right, I didn't steal anything.

Okay, hid them.

I was preparing you for a life of detective work.


He did the same to us.

You spilled the beans about Santa too early to us, too.

I've never really forgiven you for that.

It was good.

You needed to grow up.

I was five.

I was five.

Mom wasn't having any of it.

She kept signing all the gift tags "from Santa" anyway.


Still probably be doing it today.


Who tried to tell you there wasn't a Santa?

Kids at school.

I ran with an older crowd.

When you were how old?

I was third grade and they were fifth and sixth.

But didn't your parents still try to convince you?

I guess so.

When my dad was being sentenced for fraud and embezzlement, he used to say, "Where do you think all that stuff came from?" Santa Claus?" Whoa, whoa.

I didn't mean it to come out like that, but I do like Christmas, I just don't have any personal experience with the whole happy family Christmas memories.

We'll have to get you started.


But you can't force it.

If you force it, it won't do any good anyway.

Isn't it just stressful?

It is for a lot of people.

Well, then you just shift your weight for those two weeks.

You just emphasize your thanks for being part of the family of man.

Where my bar is set is Christmas morning in 1914, when British and French soldiers laid down their arms, climbed out of the trenches and spent the day playing soccer with their German enemies.

I heard that was a myth.

Well, nobody knows where it began or how it spread, but it did happen, Jack.

Over 100,000 men, up and down the Western Front.

How old was I, when you first told me about that?

Just old enough to understand it.

So now, after every Christmas dinner, we put down our weapons, go out back, and play soccer.

Little true.

Think you're real funny, don't you?

Morning to you, too, boss.

Open it, now.

Open what?

My locker.

You clipped the lock and replaced it, am I wrong?

I don't know what you're talking about.

I'm not gonna ask you again.

What are you gonna do, count to ten?


Then you're riding with me until the pranks stop.


No, Sarge.

Hey, I'm serious.

So am I.

Suit up.

The officers were surprised they were not notified about the hearing.

I told you, I thought I presented enough evidence.

You also told me that Heatly threatened your family, clearly in an effort to get you to t*nk the case against him, and I believe you acted for that result.

What are you saying?

You've given me no choice but to terminate you.

I'm sorry.

And the Bar Association?

You notifying them?

That will be up to the DA.

I'm not gonna make a scene.

Your work here is done.

Of course I have a permit.

I can't believe that he gave me a rip and let Tuna off the hook.

Well, Tuna's not off the hook.

Didn't you hear?

He's riding with Reagan.

Better than getting a rip.

Speak for yourself.

I'm speaking from experience.

Don't you think you're being a little hard on him?

So how long has it been?

How long has what been?

You and him.

How long have you been sleeping together?

You know, for a cop, you make a lousy detective.

Come on.

I'll take that apology now.

Okay, okay.

Units in the confines of the 2-9 precinct, we have a 10-30, robbery in progress at the pawn shop located 295 East 19th Street.

Show 2-9 Sergeant responding.

2-9 Charlie, show us responding as well.

There they are.

I see 'em.

Go up the stairs.

Take the side street, cut them off.

Are you sure?

Yeah, just do it.

All right.



Come on!


Get down.

You okay?



Drop your g*n!

Do it now!

Jimmy, give me cover.

Got it.

Come out!

Get down!

And drop the g*n!

Drop it right now!

Get down on the ground!

Down on your face!


Don't move.

Tuna, up front, the g*n.

Got it, got it.

Don't move.

You got any other weapons on you?


You all right?

Yeah, man.

But I think I need to put in for a new pair of pants.

I'll see what I can do.

Hey, Sarge, that was some good sh**ting.

Nice work.


Come on, on your feet.

Come on.

Let's go.

Sergeant Reagan?

You okay?

We're all right.

We're all right.

We heard g*nshots.

Hey, sit him in an RMP.

He's waiting on a bus.

Yes, Sergeant.

I got one here for you...

That bad?

I'm okay.

We got sh*ts fired.

We got two under, one wounded.

So nobody gets in here, all right?

Top tenth in your class at the academy.

Awarded the Combat Cross before you joined the Technical Assistance Response Unit.

High marks from your boss there.

So what made you blow yourself up?

I think Lieutenant Harvey's a good cop.

But some of his tactics go directly against any understanding of community policing.

Except that he's effective.

I go fishing and I drop a depth charge in the lake.

I'm gonna haul a lot of bass.

Is that good fishing?

And you know this how?

You don't work out of his house.

I live in the 2-1.

My kids go to school in the 2-1.

My wife works at a dental practice there.

There is a very clear pipeline for bringing complaints to this office, from the community and from our officers.

Not for me.

What makes you so special?

Lieutenant Harvey's my brother-in-law.


I-It's not a racial thing, obviously.


it's a kids thing.

Jon thinks, you're in your teens or 20s in the 2-1, you're either a felon or you're about to become one.

So he goes fishing with a depth charge and a big net.

Keeps everyone scared or suspicious of our cops.

And you thought this was the only way to bring it to our attention?

I hoped it would be anonymous.

Your new-school tactics, building trust, he puts a torch to it, the way he operates sometimes.

And you put a torch to the trust our cops have to have with each other.

Trust that is the bedrock of the NYPD.

You are suspended, effective immediately.

Lieutenant Gormley will take your g*n and shield.

Cameron Gooding.


You have a warrant?

Nope, no warrant.

Then you can go back the way you came in.

'Cause I got work to do.

We know you were sleeping with Charlotte Huntington.

Doesn't mean anything.

Well, does it mean anything that she was betraying you?

Wrong again.

Now, why don't you get out of here before I call my lawyers?

Three past abuse allegations, drug charges, illegal possession of firearms.

What are you talking about?

Well, those are some of the highlights from the research Charlotte was doing for her book.

You know, the book you said you knew about, but you really didn't know about?

Look, most of that stuff is public record.

No, it isn't.

Not the juicy stuff, anyway.

That was all settled out of court with big fat checks and non-disclosure agreements.

Let me see that file.

Read it and weep.


this can't be real.

Except it is.

You guys made this up to get to me or something.

People close to Charlotte verified the details.

But she wouldn't do that.

We were serious.

I loved her, and she loved me.

And she was using you.

The whole time?

The whole time.

You did what you had to do.

I know.

It it what it is.

I know.

Heavy lies the head that wears the crown.

Okay, enough.

You know Martin carries a g*n?


You do, too.

He just didn't seem the type.

Well, he just doesn't seem the type to throw a case for a gangster, either.

You can't judge a book by its cover.

Live and learn.

I'm gonna treat you to some new clichés for Christmas.

Yeah, Jake.

W-We'll come down.

Keep an eye out.

Come where where?

I kept a guy sitting on Heatly's block.

There's another guy sitting on Heatly's block in a Honda with plates registered to Martin Richardson.

Who carries a g*n.

What are you doing here?

Right back at you, buddy.

I need to talk to him.


I got a permit for that.

You'll get it back when you calm down.

I lost my job, I lost my career 'cause of him.

You want to lose your life 'cause of him?

I was just gonna talk to him.

From behind a g*n?

If I had to.

Those conversations never end well.

You got to think, Martin.

Try to remember.

Remember what?

Remember when you were smart.

What that felt like.

See if you can get that feeling back.

You lost?


You look lost.

Nothing for you to see here, pal!

Keep moving.

Calling my lawyer.

This is harassment.

If nothing else is, this is harassment.

I want you back in the car and I want you to drive home.

You've already caused enough problems with this case.

He owes me.

You owe me.

Now get in your car and drive.

Give me my w*apon.

Come by my office and get it.




Why do I get the feeling I'm a couple behind already?

Because you are.

Hell of a week?


You doing all right?


I feel good, actually.

Strange those two detectives came by.

Not really.

What do you mean?

I mean, Charlotte and I did have a complicated relationship.

It's not like you'd hurt her.

Would you?


Of course.

Suppose she was, um, using me.

Taking advantage of my attraction to her.

I don't follow.

Trying to expose my past, trying to bring down everything that we've built, you and me.

Then you'd hurt her?


You're my best friend, Marty.

I'd do anything for you.

You'd do anything for me?

I would.

I'd k*ll for you.

I'd k*ll for you, too.

You know that.

Did you?

k*ll her?

I thought we were talking figure of speech here.

Are you that good of a friend, Marty?

Yeah, I am.

Was I gonna let some twist take down a lifetime's work?


I took care of business.

Our business.


You're a good friend.

Thank you.

Bring it in.

Did I ask you to do that?

I did not!

All right!

That's enough.

You always have to ask!


Back it up.

Get what you need?

Yeah, we got what we need.


At least somebody did.

Get him on his feet.

And then Reagan goes, "Cover me," and then he jumps behind a dumpster, then behind a car and then he sh**t a guy in the shoulder like we were in Bad Boys.

I think that beer might be going to your head, Tuna.

Yeah, no, it definitely is.


Cheers, Sarge.




I'll get us another round.

I'll come with you.


So Tuna, where does that nickname come from?

I had a summer job at the MTA when I was younger, and my boss was a real piece of work, so right before I quit, I hid an order of tuna sushi in his office.

It stunk up the place real bad.

They didn't find it for, like, a week.

So you've always been a prankster.

Look, I know you don't believe me, but I'm telling you the truth.

It wasn't me doing those pranks.

Seriously, Tuna, as long as they've stopped, all is forgiven.

All right?

Well, he came and went.



To get his g*n?


So that's it?

And said good-bye and thanks.

Said to you but not to me.

Well, you fired him, I didn't.

What's he gonna thank you for?


But he did pay you what he owed you.

Surveillance sh*ts from a traffic camera right before Heatly was stopped by our cops.

Time stamped and crystal clear, showing that his left taillight was out.

Richardson was sitting on this.

Well, not anymore.

I had one of your ADAs notify the judge and the defense attorneys.

We're due in chambers in 20 minutes.

With a lot of explaining to do.

That's why they pay you the big, big bucks.


Hey, Jonny.

What brings you in here?

I'm supposed to meet the PC.

Me, too.

You, you got the day off?

I got suspended.

It was you.

Leaked the footage?




Like I told you a million times...

What the...

Y-You realize your nephew, your godson, was one of the kids rounded up?

He was a block from that truck.

He got caught in the net, Jon.

Your net.

Then you come to me.

You don't just throw me to the wolves, man...

Here he is.

As you were.

Everybody know everything?

Yes, sir.

Yes, sir.

I come from a cop family.

'Cause of the change in the demographics here, it's a, dwindling tradition, which makes each one left that much more valuable.

A cop family that has black and white cops, one living in the other's precinct, is pretty much unheard of.

And about as valuable as it gets.

Potentially, anyway.


I hear you.

I took another look at your stats.

Got a lot of question marks.

Next round, I better not.

Yes, sir.

From now on, you better have his back like you owe him your life.

Your life in this department, anyway.

Yes, sir.

You two have a good day.