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04x07 - Go with the Flo(rence)

Posted: 07/26/20 06:39
by bunniefuu
Walter: Previously on Scorpion...

Every time you think I should give you a pat on the back, just hit that button and know that even though I don't say it enough, I really mean it.

Happy's voice: Attaboy.

I'll submit to the board after school.

Speaking of which, I've never had a tardy before, and I'm not starting now.

And you're not starting now.

Hey, Patty.


Really don't like this development.

Paige: This is Ian Gleason, British Intelligence.

Since when do we work for MI6?

Agent Gallo, you're under arrest for instigating an escape.

I want a lawyer.

I want to be your attorney.

You want to what?

Sylvester: I care about Cabe, and I will scour every law book and memorize every archaic regulation to protect him.

I can do this.

I'm just gonna listen about you and...

your mindset, the upcoming trial, how you feel.

Whatever you want to say.


Well, I guess if I had to reduce it to simplest forms, I'm...

I'm concerned.

I'm concerned about going to prison.

Toby: Okay, but the, um...

last few times we've spoken, you've told me you were, uh...

"worried," uh, "apprehensive," and "uneasy", And now you've added a fourth synonym to the mix, so, you're doing great if this were an SAT prep class.

You don't give yourself enough credit, Doc.

Listen to what you just told me.

I said it four different ways.

I'm nervous about going to the Big House.


Now you've said it five ways.

The point is, I've had the opportunity to bring up anything else that's bothering me-- anything else-- and I keep coming back to the same thing.

That's because you're deflecting, Cabe.

When someone refuses to even consider anything other than the most superficial, that means there's many deeper layers to the onion.

You ever think that I'm a one-layer onion?

I'm tellin' you, this is a breakthrough.

Saying that you don't have any issues is not a breakthrough.

I didn't say I didn't have any issues.

I said I had one issue-- an issue that anyone who's facing lock-up would have.

I'm anxious about goin' to the joint.

It's completely normal.

I'm cured!

You did a great job, Doc.



[door closes]

Six synonyms.

How was therapy, old man?

I'm cured.

Good to hear.

It wasn't as bad as you think.

The mayor was aggressive.

Patty: You were rambling.

It was just a shush.

It was shushy and pushy, and I don't appreciate it.

How's our favorite alderman?


He explains his ideas in agonizing detail until everyone's eyes glaze over.

It was an 8:00 a.m.


Maybe they were still groggy.

Some advice?

Kiss: "Keep It Simple, Sylvester." Speak to those guys in a way they can understand, like a human.

Not like a lecturer.

Speaking of lectures, I got to get to school.

All: 'Cause you've never had a tardy and you're not gonna start now.

Damn right.


You can come out now, Romeo.

Pretty weak, Ralphie-boy.

You're one to talk.

You're scared of her, too.

Scared of who?


Patty, Ralph's girlfriend.


I wish.

Can't even get her to notice me.

Try not hiding next time.

I can help you with this one.

Not good.

Ignore her.

Now, Ralph, what a woman wants, really wants, is for you to listen, truly hear what is troubling her.

Not half-bad advice.

And then you can quickly solve that problem for her, and move on to something more interesting.

Back to normal.

Paige: Walter!

What did you do?

Cabe: Sounds like you have the opportunity to put that theory into practice.

What is this?

Well, my sweet, I, uh...

I noticed a plethora of your beauty aids collecting and multiplying in my bathroom-- not that you need beauty aids...

Get to it.

So, I threw all that nonsense away, and I solved your problem by creating an organic nutrient-rich slurry that fulfills all your needs.

Uh, it moisturizes, removes makeup, conditions you hair.

You can even use it to Spackle the epidural rhytides on the sides of your mouth.

What the hell's a rhytide?

It is the medical term for wrinkles.

Excuse me?!

I'm out of here.

I have one, maybe two, very minor laugh lines that only appear in the brightest of sunlight, and, for your information, that is a sign of a joy-filled life.

So, I want my stuff back.

Did you see how he solved that problem, Ralph?

It stinks.

I know.

Mom's a handful.

No, I mean it stinks in here.


He's right.

Is Ray back?

Hey, who cut the Monterey Jack?

Hey, guys, there's something's coming out of this vent.

It smells like rotten egg.

What the hell is that?

Hey, who are you?


My name is Florence Tipton.

I'm your new neighbor.

I just set up my lab in the adjoining warehouse.

Ooh, a lab.



The nature of my work is immaterial, but if you must know, I'm a chemist.

And I cannot function with all this distraction.

Oh, you got hit with the egg smell, too?

No, you misunderstand.

I intentionally directed a sulfur-based mist through our shared ventilation system, because I was trying to work, and you were being too loud.

Happy was banging out a dent.

Did you think about asking us to keep the noise down before resorting to a stink-b*mb?

I banged on the wall, repeatedly, but you didn't respond, most likely because you couldn't hear over the cacophony, so, I didn't have another option.

Surely there was some other option.

Well, now that I have your attention, I'd just...

I'd really appreciate it if you could keep it down.

Have a pleasant day.


The mist that I discharged-- that was a two.

Don't make me send in a ten.


[door closes]

Well, I don't like her.

[phone rings]


Yeah, this is he.

I don't like her, either.


Comes in here and tells us what to do.

Who needs her?

If I want to get bossed around, I got Happy.


Plus, I don't stop wrenching for anyone.

She thinks that was loud, just wait until she hears me working on my bikes.

Paige: Can we stop piling on for a minute, look at her point of view?

She's new, she just set up her lab.

Clearly it's important to her, and then she finds out her neighbors are...





And sometimes not as considerate as they could be.

I think we should make an effort to be nice to her.

You know what they say: you can catch more flies with honey.

You catch the most flies with Ethyl Hexanediol.

Or a Tetrofluro-4 compound.

Or a rolled up newspaper.

I give up.

[car horn honks]


Ralph, carpool.

Just in time.

These guys are a bad influence.

Team, I just got a call from Gleason.

MI6 Agent Gleason?

"Cut his finger off to help us beat a dictator at the UN" Gleason?

I love that guy.

Easy on the love, darlin'.

Walter: We'll be getting a video call from his fellow agent, Gemma Franklin, in a few minutes.

His exact words-- "Scorpion is critical to survival." For Britain?


For the world.

Agent Gleason sends his best.

This is an extremely urgent matter.

Yesterday afternoon, the U.K.

lost control of our 19-K Satellite armed with military grade lasers.

Military grade?

That violates a host of international agreements.

Yeah, I don't need to be told something I already know, thank you.

We launched the 19-K to protect our nation and its allies from rogue m*ssile att*cks.

It was disguised as telecommunications hardware, but a group of anarchist hackers somehow knew its true purpose and took control of it.

MI6 was, however, able to obtain the IP address of whomever is directing the 19-K.

Let me guess.

Heavily encrypted.


That's why we've come to you.

All we know is the hacker currently manipulates our weaponry from somewhere within a few mile radius of Los Angeles Airport.

My plane will land there in...

five minutes, so we might still have enough time.

What do you mean "enough time"?

Gemma: The minimal data we were able to cultivate before being completely shut out of the 19-K shows that the lasers are programmed to strike somewhere in Los Angeles.

And as of now, we have...

58 minutes until they fire.

Okay, who's up for Vegas?

Well, we should be able to decrypt the IP address, but we'll need to do it on the move towards LAX due to the severe time constraint.

He's right.

Gemma, we'll get prepped and meet up soon.

Okay, Doc, what do you think?

She pass the sniff test?

I mean, there's multiple covering markers, but she's a spy.

She's trained to hide information, so...

It could be as innocuous as her real name isn't Gemma, and that could just be standard MI6 security protocol, so, bottom line-- I'm-I'm not picking up any signs of maliciousness or bad will.

If Agent Gleason backs her, then she must be all right.

Gleason's a straight sh**t, risked his life alongside us.

I trust him.

Walter: Okay.

So, if we're agreed, let's gear up.

Um, Walter, I'm not as sure about Agent Gemma as everyone else is.

Not sure about what?

Don't know.

She's curt, rude even.

Well, she's British.

I just get a vibe from her.

That's all I'm saying.

Paige, I-I don't know what to do with a vibe.

Now, I appreciate your concern, but, uh, we don't have the time, so, we got to go, okay?

[car backfires]

Paige: Cabe, it's a million degrees in here.

Can you turn the AC on?

Doesn't work.

Walter: Whoever encrypted this knew what they were doing.

Sylvester: Copy that.

But I am making progress.

Same here.

Can you roll the back windows down?

They don't work, either.

Walter: Sly, the hacker will probably be operating from a location that allows him to be as close as possible to the satellite so that when he fires the laser, it ensures maximum connectivity.

I don't get it.

They got control, they got control, right?

Well, you don't hack a satellite and then set it on autopilot.

There's constant readjusting of the coordinates as it moves through the thermosphere.

Sylvester: Hey, I'm looking at the 19-K's orbit now.

It is over Nevada, heading directly towards Western Los Angeles.

Walter: Or, more specifically, Venice Beach.

That's where we'll find our guy.

Cabe: Okay.

Gemma will be here any minute.

Walter will lead her and me up to the hacker's room upstairs.

He'll wait outside.

We'll apprehend the suspect, and when we give you the all-clear...

We'll run up and nerd out on his computer until we regain control of the satellite.


Sound plan, Agent Gallo.

I see why they call you spies "spooks" You just scared the hell out of me.

Save for one issue.

I understand you've been suspended by Homeland.

You no longer carry a w*apon.

How do you know that?

I'm MI6.

You should see my file on this guy.

My point is, when we breach the room, I take lead.


Then, shall we get to it?

Hold on a second.

Cabe, once the team's into the hacker's computer, should they focus first on finding the potential target so we can start evacuations in case something goes wrong and the satellite can't be reprogrammed?

Is that how you Yanks go into battle?

Just plan for failure?

Not since the Revolutionary w*r.

Oh, wait.

We won that.

Let me repeat myself.

This might be a joint mission, but I take lead.

Now, there's no time to waste.


[whispering]: Their signal's coming from in there.

Don't move!

[Gemma mutters]

Damn it!

[dog barking]


He had a self-destruct overload on his laptop.

He made a run for it.

We got to help track the hacker.


We have no idea which direction he went in!

He's headed for the park!

Come on!

Guess that answers your question.

[car horn blaring]


[tires screech, horn honks]

[tires squeal]

Cabe: In there!


All right.

Cover me.



Don't move!

You want to stop the satellite?

You can't do it without this.

[toilet flushes]

Oh, crap.

♪ Scorpion 4x07 ♪ Go With the Flo[rence]

[Cabe grunts loudly]

Oh, whoa.

Do you hear that?

[grunting continues]

Not good.

Well, that's no different than the noises I usually hear when Cabe's in the bathroom.

Oh, come on!

You better have another one of those things on you, or I'm gonna send you headfirst down that crapper to find it!

Another what?!

A digital password fob.

What's a digital password fob?

Hacker: It links to the satellite.

Generates a new password every 90 seconds.

And the only way to the 19-K.

Walter: And we need it, 'cause this laptop's fried.


It's not in there.

It's gone.

You're gonna want to have that arm removed.

Quick, give me your key chain.

Happy's voice: Attaboy.

What are you doing with my Attaboy?

[toilet flushes]

See, that's why I can't have nice things.

Well, after Collins escaped, I installed GPS onto your key chain in case he kidnapped you again.

Do you see how much this woman loves me?

I just came in to urinate.

Now I can't.

Get lost.

Okay, so we track the key chain via GPS.

Well, it shouldn't be too far behind the fob since they were flushed in succession.

Sly, go with Happy and pull up the schematics for the sewer.

I'll merge those schematics with the key chain's GPS signal, and then we'll be able to track down exactly which pipe it is travelling through.

And it can lead us to this jerk's fob.

Walter: Paige, Gemma, meet me outside the motel.

We're going in the sewer.

Oh, lovely.

Cabe: All right.

I'm gonna take this jackass back to the garage and see what info I can get him to spill.

I'll tell you nothing except the world will soon know about Imperialist Britain's illegal w*apon.

Yeah, we'll see about that.

I'm gonna go with him, make sure he doesn't wind up k*lling that guy.

I'll call Homeland.

He may be suspended, but they should be alerted.


This is a British operation only.

No one outside your team is to know.

Paige, I found a manhole a block from the motel.

You almost here?

Paige: On our way.

Just had a lovely chat with our new spy friend.



[liquid dripping]

All good!

Come on!

Did you see that psycho?

She jumped from, like, halfway down the ladder.

She's MI6.

Untrustworthy is what she is.

I know, you got a vibe.

I'll talk to her, get a read, fix everything, okay?

No, not okay.

I am not looking for you to fix things for me.

I'm just venting.

So just support me and say you understand my frustration.

Oh, okay.

Do you mean right now or...?

Forget it.

Just go.

Oh, okay.


Sylvester: Okay, I pinpointed your exact location and located the GPS signal from the Attaboy key chain.

It's currently flowing through the pipe J-37.

Paige: Why aren't these pipes in sequential order?

Stupid Los Angeles.



Sylvester: It runs straight down two stories, and then north 856 yards.

If you move fast, you could get ahead of the fob.

You heard him!

Let's move!

All right, keep moving.

Get in there, sit down and shut up!

Cabe, Cabe, Cabe.

Just give me a minute with him, I can get him to talk.

I'm not sure your method is the fastest way to get what we want.

Doc, we got to get him to tell us where that laser's pointed at ASAP in case the others can't find that fob.


It's just my brain can get the information we need faster and more accurately than your fists can.

You did get me to open up about my misgivings about going to prison.


Seven synonyms.

You got to be kidding me.

Guys, it appears the Attaboy key chain is slowing down.

[tires squealing]

[engine revving, horn honks]

Sweet'N Low coffee packets!

That was a red light!

Happy: We don't know what could happen to those guys down there.

We need to stay close to the fob in case we need to take their place.

I am only going to say this once.

There is not a chance in H-E-double-Wizard-Wands that I am ever going down into the sewer!


Guys, the Attaboy key chain has stopped!

Schematics show a debris trap up ahead.

If it got stuck there, then the fob is likely stuck there, as well.

Uh, we're at the trap, gonna open up the cover.

Uh, Sly, once we get the fob, I will tell you the password, we can access the satellite and shut it down.

And Gemma, send Sly the address for the secured satellite portal so that he can pull it up now and save some time.

He'll get it when I'm topside with him.

Gemma, we only have 28 minutes.

Every second counts.

He will be accessing a British satellite.

I need to be present for every keystroke to make sure all goes smoothly.

Yes, I know.

Your vibe, but right now, we need to open the trap.

And, that should do it.

Oh, there's the Attaboy...

in a pile of the grossest stuff ever flushed down L.A.


I don't see the fob.

Walter: Here we are.



Oh, there's a problem.

The screen's torn.

The fob must have slipped through.


The pipe forks in two directions.

Sylvester: Pipe on the left heads east, hooks up to a larger conduit.

Pipe on the right heads west towards the Hermosa waste treatment facility.

Okay, I'll go west, you two go east.

Happy: Uh, don't forget my husband's Christmas gift!

It's in sewage.

It's a one-of-a-kind trinket.

Go fishing.



Happy's voice: Attaboy!




So why don't you just tell me where you're from, hmm?

Okay, I know it's not L.A., 'cause you'd never let a w*apon of mass destruction strike where family lives, and, I mean, even if you'd moved, there'd be all those emotional connections to your hometown.

Listen, you're not gonna shrink me.

Want to know why?

Because the only emotional connection I have is to my cause.

And it's a cause that I and my associates plan on seeing through.

Cabe: Doc.

Just one second.


I just heard from Walter.

They can't find the fob, so I sure as hell hope you got good news.

Cabe, this guy, he-he's an ideologue.

He is hell-bent on exposing Britain by having their own satellite attack the U.S.

I don't think there's any way he's gonna reveal the specific target before the laser's been fired, Cabe.

W-We might be screwed here.

You're right.

As long as he thinks he hasn't achieved his goals, he's not gonna tell us squat.

Cabe, trying to beat the truth out of him is not gonna work.

He is intractable.

Don't worry, I have a plan.

I can make him sing.

Looks like they sent in the "B" team.

Oh, great job, Cabe.

Better hope he sings in his sleep.

Wake up!

[sirens approaching]

Looks like things got interesting while I was out.

Oh, you happy, you son of a bitch?

The laser fired, and there is massive destruction, all because of you and your friends.

Cabe: Come on, Doc, you got to get him to talk about the target's location.

You can do this.

[siren sounds playing]


you caused complete mayhem!

The logistics alone of fixing what you destroyed are impossible to figure.

And the dead...

[siren and helicopter sounds playing]

There are countless dead!


And that number's just gonna get worse.

In a few years, when people in the fallout zone start getting sick...

Fallout zone?

Did you hear him?

It's nuclear.

Guys, the target is nuclear.

We only have about 22 minutes until the laser show.

There are only three nuclear facilities in L.A.

You have the nuclear waste storage depot in Lancaster, the reactor in Pomona, and the raw manufacturing plant in Torrance.

Get the exact location.

If that laser hits any of those facilities, then the fallout could k*ll millions.

You need to get that fob before the satellite fires.

Paige: In the process of doing that right now, but it's not like it's the key chain giving us a signal to follow.

Oh, man, yes, it is.

The fob self-generates its password, so it must have a Wi-Fi transmitter.

Check the Wi-Fi locator on your phone.

If you get close to the fob, you'll pick up its Wi-Fi signal.

Paige: Mm, no, nothing yet.

Me neither.

Then we keep moving till we locate it.

Those guys are searching for a 4½-ounce digital device that's lost somewhere in the massive L.A.

sewer system.

The odds are overwhelming they're not gonna track it down, so we have to figure out which of the three nuclear facilities is in the crosshairs so we can evacuate.

Florence: Was I not direct with you people?

I thought I made myself very clear.

[siren sound effects continue playing]


Flashing lights-- is this some kind of a party?

[trailer door opens]


[sirens stop]

It seems that it is some kind of party.

Uh, I do not wish to attend this party.


We can explain.

No need.

Good day.

Okay, she thinks we kidnapped this guy, she's gonna call the actual cops.

They'll take him away from us.

You handle her.

Oh, Florence...

You guys were faking it?

You damn lying cops!

Still got nothing on my phone.

You got anything?

Yes, Paige, I got it, but I'm not telling you 'cause I'm a double agent.

You really don't trust me, do you?

Truthfully, no, I don't.

Walter: Paige, I think you'd feel a lot better if you just focused on the task at hand.

Damn it, Walter, you focus on the task at hand.

Don't try to solve this problem for me.

Gemma, you are hiding something, and it's more than just your real name.

It could be benign, or it could be bad, but one thing is for sure, it is real, and it is more than just a vibe I have.

Ooh, I love it when you Americans give speeches.

So John Wayne.


We got a Wi-Fi signal.

It's got to be the fob.

Sylvester: There's a shutoff valve about a quarter of a mile north from where you are.

If you close it before the fob passes through it, then you can retrieve it from a hatch in the pipe, 300 yards from your current location.

On it.

Walter, I'll meet you at the hatch.


Okay, please, just let me leave, okay?

I told you, we work for the government.

You have nothing to be concerned about.

I won't tell anyone what I saw here today.

That's 'cause you didn't see anything.

There was nothing untoward going on here.

I saw a freaky, terrifying man.

That's just Cabe.


The man that you kidnapped.

You can call Homeland Security, all right?

They're gonna vouch for us.

We don't kidnap.

We don't hold people against their will.

All right, look, I am gonna let you go, but you need to promise me that you'll just get in your car and drive as far as you can out of Los Angeles.

If you and your weirdo friends think that you're going to intimidate me into moving when I just set up my lab, you are mistaken, sir.

Disengaging the shutoff valve now!

Okay, we're at the hatch.

And the fob has to be in it because I'm getting a real strong Wi-Fi signal.

It's the strongest one yet.




All right.

Okay, it should be in here, but it's real dark, it's hard to see.

Oh, I think I see a blinking light.

Can you shine your phone on it, please?

[rat squeaks loudly]


A rat's got the fob!

Get it!



I got it cornered.

Oh, it must be attracted to the slight vibrations emanating from the fob.

It won't give it up without a fight.

Paige: Oh, great.

I have to tell you something.

When I was on real hard times, Ralph and I stayed at a rat-infested motel for a month, and I developed a deep-seated fear of these things.

You know, I am so sorry to hear about that.

I understand your fears, and I validate them.

I am not looking for your understanding, just solve the damn problem and grab the rat.

I have no idea what you want me to do anymore.

Grab the rat!




Paige, grab the rat!

Oh, my God!


Uh, there's a drain back here.

The little sucker got swept off into the river.

It's gone.


That drain leads to the Hermosa sewerage treatment plant.

It empties out into a holding t*nk that grinds up the debris that's been washed downstream.

If we don't get that rat before it reaches that facility, Th-then the rat and the fob will be ground to bits.

Happy: And we'll have a nuclear disaster on our hands, 'cause the satellite fires in, uh, 16 minutes.

Okay, we're not far from the treatment facility now-- meet us there.

Socket wrench.

Ball-peen hammer.


Happy sure does have some nice tools.

Cabe, can you step outside a minute?


Be right back.

What is that, a stud finder?

You know, I can't go near those things.

They always go off.

Cabe: Doc!

Are you crazy?

What's the deal with those tools?

I was just trying to scare the guy into talking.

I wasn't gonna hurt him...


Cabe, he and his ilk, they are anarchists.

Maybe you could break him eventually, but they've prepped for the rough stuff if captured.

We don't have the time to wait it out.

Wait, you got an idea?

Just spit it out.

No, no, no, no, no.

It's not my idea, it's his idea.

Follow my logic.

If you're a violent nutjob, and you want to really hurt people, you come up with the most horrible thing you could do to someone, right?

Like laser a nuclear facility.


You plan it, and then you repeat it over and over in your head till you can almost feel the horror that you're gonna cause others.

I mean, in fact, this was so awful that, when you come to after being knocked out, you almost instantly mention the nuclear fallout-- how it's gonna riddle your victims with radiation poisoning.

Now, can you imagine how he would react if his most terrible plan was turned on him?

I got to find a map.

Where you going?

That dirtbag's gonna get radiation poisoning.

And the tools were too much?

[tires screeching]

Come on, we got to find the entry hatch down to the holding t*nk.

Didn't you hear me when I said there's no way I'm going into the sewer?

Move it, you baby.

Is that the pipe that's fed from the drain?

According to the schematics.

Okay, grab a skimmer and hold it under that pipe.

I'm gonna lean over the rail and try to find a Wi-Fi signal on my phone so we'll know when the rat's coming out.

I get to touch a rat?

This just keeps getting better.

Toby: See that?

Those are the three nuclear facilities in L.A.

I've drawn a 30-mile fallout radius around each one.

Nowhere near us, but you already knew that.

But right here, where they intersect, that is where there's going to be substantial fallout no matter which location is hit.

And guess what?

That's where you're going, pal.

Uh, you can't do that.

You're cops.

Am I?

The British bird had a g*n and a badge.

I'm not carrying anything.

I'm no cop, dummy.

Toby: And me, I'm just a shrink, a genius, and, from what I'm told, an enthusiastic lover.

Cabe: And I'm a suspended agent with no badge, no g*n, no job and no reason not to drag your sorry ass to nuke central.

Toby: See, what we're gonna do is, uh, gag you and then tie you up.

And then, we're gonna leave you in the trunk of a car with the taillight kicked in so that you can breathe in all that nastiness you've unleashed on the city.

All that ungodly hell you imagined would happen to your victims, it's gonna happen to you.

Yeah, you'll be hoisted upon your own nuclear petard.

Have you ever seen what radioactive exposure does to the respiratory system?


[whispers]: Bronchogenic carcinoma is ugly business.

Let's go for a ride.

All right, all right, all right.

The target is a nuclear power plant in Pomona.

Guys, the target is the Pomona nuclear power plant.

Repeat, the Pomona nuclear power plant.

Copy that, my enthusiastic lover.

Yeah, we heard it all.

Okay, good work.

Uh, Cabe, call the PD.

Have the area evacuated.

Already on it.

Sly, I need your tablet.

Can you give him my tablet?

Don't drop it.

Uh, no offense, Walter, I think I should probably catch it.

I concur.

One, two, three.

Okay, good work.

Now, Gemma, I need you to get me onto the satellite for the control portal so that when we get the fob, we can enter in the password and shut down the laser.

Four minutes until detonation.

Where the hell is that damn rat?

It's got to be on its way out any second 'cause my Wi-Fi is at full bars.

Sly, get ready.


[rat squeaks]


[laughing]: Yes!

Nice work, Sly!






Help me!

Walter: Sly, don't let the force pull you under or the grinder will tear you apart!


[blades whirring]

Toby: Well, move parallel to the water's pull-- if you fight it too much, you're gonna get exhausted and go under.

Find that fob.

The satellite fires in two minutes!

Don't think I can stay up much longer!


[gurgling]: Help me!

I think I lost the rat!

Um, no you didn't.

[rat squeaking]



Rodent, be cool.



Oh, I got it.


"91287656." Okay.

I'm in control of the satellite.


Sly's losing strength.

Walter: Damn it, final countdown protocol's already begun.

I-I can't stop the laser from firing.


Do something.

Uh, uh...

Toby, how thick is the concrete shield around the Pomona reactor?

All right, pulling up the specs on the public works site now.


'Cause I am gonna redirect the laser to strike where we are now.

Paige: What?

It'll k*ll all of us.


It will save both the nuclear reactor and Sly.

If the laser hits a reactor, the nuclear material will cause an expl*si*n, but there are no munitions in here.

It would be a surgical strike on the motor running the gears below Sly's feet.

I follow your thinking, boss, and I like it.

Waitress, give me my husband's key chain.


[quietly]: Okay.

Happy's voice: Attaboy.

More like attagirl.

20 seconds.

Cabe: Concrete casing is 12 feet thick.

Walter: Good.

This facility's only half that; the laser will penetrate.

I hope you know what you're doing.

Uh, me, too, because I'm done redirecting the laser to fire on the GPS coordinates of the key chain.

Ten seconds!

Uh, everybody get down.

Paige: But you said we couldn't explode!

Yeah, I know, but y-you know.

Space laser.

In five seconds!

Sylvester: Walter!


I'm okay!

I'm okay, I'm okay.


Just hold on a bit, pal.

We're gonna get a rope to pull you out.

Could you hurry up?

There's a rat swimming around down here with me.


[rat squeaking]

Bro, you're gonna take your skin off.

I am forever unclean.

Gemma: Agent Gleason thanks you all for your incredible work today.

As do parliament and the royal family.

The royal family?

Hey, that's not bad.

Uh, Gemma?

When I was in control of the satellite, I noticed coding patterns that were clearly not British.

Not even Western.

That wasn't a British satellite, was it?


But it is now.

Be well, Scorpion.

[door closes]

She tricked us into stealing a satellite for MI6!

I told you I had a vibe about her.

I'm calling Homeland.

Paige, um, I'm still figuring out our relationship, but one thing I know for certain is you know people.

You have a vibe, I take note.

So when I was controlling the satellite, I changed its orbit.

It'll spin into deep space within six hours.

It's useless to them.

Are you mad that I solved your problem?

Course not.

You trusted me.

I'm never gonna figure this out.

Welcome to women, son.

England's gonna be mad.

They let hackers compromise it; they weren't ready for such a w*apon.

Oh, man.

I better make sure that payment from MI6 wired through before they find out what you did.

[buffer stops]

Happy's voice: Attaboy.

Toby: Hey.

A new Attaboy.

[quietly]: That's my girl.

Happy: Hey, roomie.

Ha, "roomie." Those were good times.

Even if you did cheat at board games.


Listen, dummy.

Take it from me.

Being closed off is not the best way to deal with your problems.

I'm not closed off.

Come on, man.

You're "bank on Sunday" closed.

Is this coming from Toby?

You'd think he was charging me the way he wants to keep me in therapy.

And our talks are confidential.

All he said was you quit sessions and he's worried.

'Cause he cares about you, and I do, too.

And I know that if I had something going on that a doctor needed to look at, you'd drag me to the hospital if I wouldn't go.

Okay, you better be back in the trailer tomorrow, or I'll drag you there myself.

Money's deposited.

We're good.

[Paige clears throat]

[whispers]: What's, um...

what's Ralph working on?

A gift for Patty.

It's an atomic watch.

Oh, I hate this crush.

She's too old for him, and she's gonna break his heart.

Can't you say something genius to cool his jets?

Yes, but I won't.

Paige, the reason why I am so clueless, uh, with relationships as an adult is because I never experimented with them when I was a kid.

Now, do you really want Ralph to end up the same way that you found me three years ago?

No, I...

I just don't want him to get hurt.

Sounds like you're trying to solve his problem.

Maybe we should just support him?

Don't use my words against me.

Okay, well, with respect to Patty, I'm going to withhold my judgment until I have all the facts.

Patty: Sylvester, let's go.

Council meeting in 20 minutes.

Well, get ready to collect some data.

We're debating pooper- scooper legislation.


More poop.

Let me just pack up.

Hey, Patty.

I made this for you.

An atomic watch.

Know how much you care about punctuality, so, you'll never have to stress about being late again.


Thanks, kiddo.

[quietly]: Nice work.

My woman had a problem, and I solved it.

I don't know where he got that.

[door opens]

We got to start locking that door.

Toby: Hey, Flo.

What can we do for you?

Florence: It's Florence.

I tried to get out of my lease.

I cannot.

So I think that we need to lay down some ground rules.

One, quiet is important to me, so I would appreciate it if you kept it down when possible.

Sounds reasonable.

And I agree that I will reach out to you first, before using chemical warfare, so to speak.

Also reasonable.

Though I will knock before entering, so that I don't interrupt your activities with any more bound and gagged men.

I assure you, that rarely happens.

Paige: You know, you can even knock when we're being quiet.

Just to stop by and grab some coffee.

We're neighbors, right?


When I was in high school, the chemistry lab was next to the gym.

Kids used to throw basketballs at the wall to disturb my work.

She sounds like us.


Just needed to give her a chance.

Well, I'm withholding judgment until I have more facts.

[insects chirping, cat meows]




"Well," what?

Look at me, Walter.


I didn't have any of my beauty products.

Don't you see why I need all that stuff now?

I see absolutely no difference.

You're kidding me.


All I see is the most beautiful woman that I have ever seen.

I-I truly see no difference.

You know how you were confused today about the right thing or the wrong thing to say?

You just said the exact right thing.


I-I think I have my hand stuck in your hair...

I know, just don't pull-- ow, ow.




Maybe a slight difference without the conditioner.

[both laugh softly]