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Supergirl (1984)

Posted: 08/28/20 05:19
by bunniefuu
Hello to you. Hello to you.

I hope you're fine.

Who knows the electron wave functions for Kryptonian covalent bonding?



The cube root of the wavelength...

Greetings. Greetings.

Hello, Kara. Hello to you.

Oh, it is beautiful.

What's that gonna be, Zaltar?

I think... a tree.

A tree.

What is a tree?

A lovely thing which grows on Earth.

Earth? You mean where my cousin went?

Hmm, and to where, one day soon perhaps I might venture as well.

I don't believe you. How?

In that. Through there. The binary chute?

But you'd never survive the pressure. It'll destroy...

In that I can. Zip-zap and I'm gone.

But you'd never leave us, Zaltar.

- You'd never leave Argo City. Indeed, I might, Kara.

Too much of a good thing here.

Perhaps I'll try Saturn instead. Yes, I think I might.

Saturn is... is that further away than Earth?

Silly question.

Didn't you study six-dimensional geometry at school?

Do they not teach anything anymore?

Well, of course they do. I know the equations.

I just can't see them in my head.

Most great artists find mathematics troublesome, Kara.

Only use your imagination. Mm-hm.

Saturn and Earth are in outer space but we, we are in inner space.

Our city has two great power sources.

This is one of them. Look.

An omegahedron.

The Guardians let you have it?

Not exactly. I borrowed it.

You stole it. Oh, Zaltar, they're gonna...

No, borrowed it... for the afternoon.

For inspiration. Inspiration.

But I think that I shall never see the branches of a living tree.

Why? An omegahedron can create life, can't it?

It can't, child, it can't. Just the illusion of life.

That's a fancy shadow of the real thing which is the most we can hope for on this lonely old rock.


Kara, I've been looking for you for ages.

Oh, I'm sorry, mother.

Zaltar. Alura, join us.

We're just inventing miracles.

Put your fingers here, Kara, and press hard.

Good. Now try it.

Let your imagination explode and give it a try. Go on.

Zaltar, my-my husband tells me you talk of leaving Argo City. For where?

Parts unknown. It is, alas, a fact.

You and Zor-El have a life here.

You've each other and Kara.

But, Zaltar, you founded this city. It's yours.

As far as the eye can see, right to the veil, smack and then what? What is beyond?

Alura, I cannot contain myself to Argo City only.

My head is boiling with ideas.

My imagination is too vast, it's uncontrollable.

If you want my opinion, Zaltar, you're starting to repeat yourself here with all this airy, glittery stuff.

Exactly. That's why I'm going to Venus.

Venus? When?

Tomorrow or the next day, at the latest.

Zaltar, have you thought about this?

It doesn't make sense to me.

I have thought intensely. My mind is made up.

Kara! The power source!

Oh, Zaltar! Save me. Please! Help!

No! Kara!

Zaltar! Help! No!

You took the omegahedron.

That's not correct, I lost the omegahedron.

No, father, I did... Shh, Kara.

No matter who.

Without it this city can't survive more than a few days.

Our lights will grow dim and the very air we breathe so thin.

I know. So I shall find it.

I shall go right to the end of inner space and I'll return it.

Impossible. How? No one can leave Argo City and you know it.

This is our universe and you've destroyed it with a game.

A childish game. I think it can be done.

Through there, the binary chute, in the traveler.

Like a coward you choose instant destruction while the rest of us are doomed to stay here...


Kara, no!

You lunatic! She'll be k*lled.

Oh, no, she won't.

She will be safe, through the binary through the warp, into another register.

Another what?

Gravitational radiation a pathway from inner space to outer space.

Then she'll never be the same, ever.

At least she'll be alive.

And my fate is sealed.

I've lost the omegahedron I must be sent to the Phantom Zone.

Your suffering will be short, mine... forever.

Some more champagne, my dear Selena?

What are you thinking about?

It's such a pretty world.

I can't wait until it's all mine.

The only way you can rule the world is to become invisible, my pumpkin.


You'd almost know how to make me invisible.

Oh, I do know.

Take five black beans and the head of a dead man, place one bean in his mouth, two beans in his eyes, then...

Nigel, enough.

But it works. Then you can get anywhere, do anything.

Nigel, how long have we been together?

Ooh. Months, darling.

Then why does it seem like years?

Because you're so impatient. You want everything yesterday.

It's a lifetime to discover the secrets of black magic from the ancient grimoires.

Holy cow.

I wonder.

Immortality be upon this one.

She is a sharer of the sun's everlasting life.

There will now be no danger of death.

This world will keep her forever.

What is it?

What's going on? Hey, what's going on?

I've just outgrown you, Nigel.

These things happen.

You can't treat me like this, Selena.

Without me you'd still be reading tea leaves at Lake Tahoe.

Amsterdam and more. That's TWA. Never has flying been easier.

You can't run out on me, Selena.

I've got the keys, sweetheart.

The president confirmed reports that Superman has embarked on a special peace-seeking mission to a galaxy scientists estimate may be several hundred trillion light-years from our own...


Now, here's the weather from the general Chicago area increasing cloudiness with the possibility of showers.

Breezy but warm with a high of 62.


I'm home.



Show your face.

I have a surprise for you.

They've turned off the hot water again.

I'm really gonna have to k*ll somebody down at the DWP.

The only way we're gonna pay our bills next month in this dump, is to just go ahead and start our own coven.

No longer necessary.

I was reading in this book

"The Witches Guide to Heaven and Hell" if you start your own coven all you've to do is charge five bucks a head, minimal admission. That's great.

Chicken feed. That's better than goose egg.

What's in the Coffer of Shadow there? Where's little Nigel?

Nigel, my dear Bianca, is history.

Oh, yeah? How so?

The water department is history. The car payments are history.

The mortgage payments are history.

How are the property taxes? History.

The world is at last my oyster.

Now, this I like.

Hello. "Hello," she says.

Well, hello to you, honeybun. Hello.

I was wondering if you could tell me where I am?

What do they call this place, Eddie? Lovers' Lane, isn't it?

You got it in one, Billy boy. Lovers' Lane.

Oh, no, you see, what I meant was is well, those lights over there. What are they called?

Check out the view from back here, Eduardo.


Stop that.

You're, uh, Superman's best friend, huh?

No. His cousin. I've come here to search for the omegahedron.

It's a power source vital to Argo City. That's where I live.

No kidding.

Eddie and me here we're on a secret mission also.

We're out looking for a good time.

And you just won the brass ring, baby.

Oh, she works out, huh?

Why are you doing this?

It's just the way we are.

You shouldn't have done that, baby.

Come on.

Oh, I see.

You really wanna play games, eh, sweetheart?

Come on. Come...



Eddie, I think maybe we should kinda keep this to ourselves. What do you think?

Freddie, you little devil. How are you?

Fresh amm*nit*on, everybody.

Try telling your wife. I need another.

Where is it? Where's the little mystery ball?

Let me have a peek. Maybe I can shed some light.

I hate light.

Is it electrical? Is it hot to the touch?

Where is it? Safe and sound.

Go mix. Leave me to my thoughts.

Go mix? With these people? You must be mad.

Who are they? Wrinkly little wretches.

These are my foot soldiers, Nigel.

My army of the night.

I'm considering nothing less than world... domination.

After you left me in the lurch I saw something that should worry you greatly if you're serious about taking over this planet.

My secret was blue and red and it knew how to fly.

I've a secret too, Nigel.

I have the power.

Get that through your head.

Oh, I bet they're in for it now, eh?

Count on it.

I have in my time seen a great number of things even more impressive than a human cigarette lighter, dear lady.

To wit.

What is that?

Overreaching ambition.

Take heed.

Touched a little nerve, didn't I?



The red toad that lurks in the briars and brambles is full of sorceries.

There's a little bone on the left side.

A little bone?

A little bone, which if bound to a man stirs up the greatest lust.

I wanna be rich and famous. Then stick with me.

I was put on this earth to thrill millions.

Mmm, this is scrumptious.

Why don't we go somewhere else and dance cheek to cheek?

Stop it, Selena! That's not fair.

Pick on me.

Thanks. Hey, no sweat.

What happened? Oh, nothing much.

Get out of my house, Nigel and don't come slithering back.

I'm warning you, Selena don't be so shortsighted.

Good morning.

Have you got it, Lucy? Must be near that oak tree.

- Hurry up. Found it, guys.

What are you doing? You're supposed to find the ball.

Come on, don't take all day. You're holding up the game.

Hey, it's your turn to bat. Let's go. Let's go.

Okay. Okay. Let's play ball.

Alright, batter.

I couldn't make it. I have to finish my...

Hey, toss the ball back, will you?

Come on, make it two in a row.

Play ball.

- Where have you been? With the principal.

Danvers is doing his usual number.

Jeez, another barfy new student.

They're really scraping the bottom of the barrel these days.

Hang in there, Danvers.

Don't let them get to you.

Thirty days. Semester just started. You'll be...

Hello, I... Didn't knock.

Don't we teach you manners around here?

Don't we try to impress on our young ladies that animals in the jungle never knock but Midvale girls always do. Where you going? Come back here.

Come in.

I forgot, I'm just not used to...

Wait a minute.

Wait just one second.

I have never before in my life laid eyes on you have I, young lady?

No, sir, I'm new here. New here?

Obviously you're new if I've never laid eyes on you before.

The question remains, just who on earth are you?


On Earth, I'm Lee.

Linda Lee.

Where's your letter of recommendation?


I must talk to you, principal.

I am busy now. So are they, them.

All the little monsters you admit to the place.

They have nailed my desk drawers shut.

Never in all my years as a school teacher...

Come, Danvers.

I will not be provoked.

I will not let him get to me this semester.

I'll be strong. Be strong.

Be like a rock.

What did you say your name was?

Oh, yes. Linda Lee, huh?

Yes, my cousin probably wrote you.

Umm, maybe you got his letter under K for Kent?

In your files.



It doesn't ring any bells.

Doesn't even ring a...

Oh, here it is. Big as life.

"My dear Mr. Danvers, I'm writing on behalf of a very special young lady."

An orphan?

Don't expect to be treated any differently on that account, Miss Lee.

Oh, no, sir, I won't.

One way or another, we're all alone on this... miserable little planet.

Yes, sir, I know.

Since your school records were obviously lost in the mail you'll have to start at the bottom.

It's only fair to the other girls.

You'll have English, Latin, math, biology, computing...

All at once?

...and chemistry.

Idle hands are the devil's playground. This way.

Man on the floor! Man on the floor!

Open up, Lane, I know you're in there.

I'm not decent, Mr. Danvers sir.

And you never will be either. You little liar.

Come on in. Come on in. I haven't got all year.


I'm supposed to have a single this term.

We don't always get what we want, Miss Lane.

Disappointments thicken our skins.

Who wants thick skin?

I'm Linda Lee.

Hi. Oh, hi.

I'm Lucy Lane.

Lucy Lee, this is Linda Lane.

No, it isn't. - What?

She's Linda Lee and I'm... Lucy Lane.

You two know each other.

Oh, no. We just met.

When? Just now.

But we've known each other for years, haven't we, Linda?

Oh, gee, I don't think I... Oh, of course.

The Daily Planet, of course.

Linda's cousin works there. And your sister, what's her name?

The one that's always calling me and bothering me?

Lois. Ah, yes, that's the one.

Anyway, show our new Miss Lee around, Miss Lane.

Oh, by the way, she's an orphan but don't let her play on your sympathies, hmm?

So, who's your cousin?

Clark Kent.

You're kidding me.

Clark Kent's your cousin? You're putting me on.

You know him? Do I know him?

Does my sister know him?

Now, that's the big question. Oh, I see.

I guess, if they worked at the same newspaper they must know each other.

Well... Is this where I'll sleep?

Well, this is your bed, but we don't sleep around here.

Nonstop excitement in this dorm.

All the real dementals are sent here.

So, when's the rest of your stuff arriving?

I don't have any other stuff.

What? It's all in that little bag?

Oh, well, you see, I have the means to buy more, it's just...

Well, I just haven't had the chance since...

Do you know him? Superman? Sure.

My sister's got something goin' with the big guy.

Listen, you can borrow any of my clothes any time you want. Just dig in and help yourself.

Thank you. You're very kind.

He's a real character. A real hunk.

I'll introduce you to him someday if we wind up getting along.

Now, then, focus your tiny minds on the kind of problem that it used to take weeks of thought before the computer.

Even now it can take a long time without certain algorithms which... if you behave for two seconds I might reveal to you.

Love, hate, love, hate.


The cards have decided people will do anything for love.

They'll jump off cliffs for love.

They'll drown themselves like lemmings.

So... I'll make everybody love me.

Oh, no chance.

You're an awful person, honey, remember? Forget it.

Use your imagination, pinhead. That's what magic is all about.

Why are we not moving?

Because I'm in love.

Come here, you beautiful thing.

He's cute.

Hey, what's going on?

Here's an exercise in big numbers I want you to try...

It's trying to tell me something.

Well, what? That we're near danger?

I don't know. How do I know?

I know. Well, tell me.

My prince has come.

Oh, no.

I saw him first, Selena.

That's not fair. I copied his number first.

Well done. Now, let's get out of here.

...average size of a Chinese family average age of death and marriage and pregnancy.

Use this equation to compute the population of China in the year 2040.

Linda... are you with us?


Yes, sir, I am. Oh, are you?

Where, might I ask?

W-well, here, sir. On Earth... sir.

How fortunate for the rest of us.

May I presume that whilst you were staring at the wall and not at your terminal like your other little friends here you were in fact, hard at work solving this little equation?

Oh, yes, sir, I was.

I mean, I was... Excellent.

The answer, please.

Pay attention, class, Miss Lee is about to enlighten us.

Five billion, two hundred and seventy one million nine thousand and ten.

Come on, let's get outta here before he makes you stay.

Come on, hurry.

Miss Lee.

Oh, shit. Yes, sir?

Have you been going through my papers?

Of course not, sir.

Then how do you know the correct answer?

- How? I guess, I just...

It's all this crazy weather we've been having, sir.

All the storms, shock waves, electromagnetism.

It makes people smarter than they are for a second.

We gotta go, sir.

Oh, boy, thanks. You know I gotta learn...

How did you know the answer?

I don't know. Six-dimensional geometry.

I never could do it before. Yeah.

Well, you want some friendly advice?

Don't go showing it off 'cause nobody's gonna like you.

I'll see you later.


Nice going.

You know she tripped you on purpose?

Absolutely. She's Ret*rded.

There's not much time left. Come on, let's go.

You take it, Myra.

Hey, Myra, see if you can put Lane out for good.

Come on, team. Come on.

Hey, you guys alright?

Oh, God. What happened? Yes. You alright?

Myra, how'd she do that?

It hit her shoulder. I don't know.

Hey, you guys, did you see that cute guy in the softball field?

Oh, yes.

With the black hair and the big muscles?

He was something else.

- Did you talk to him? No, but I'm gonna.

Talk? Who'd waste time talking?

He's working on the trees, could be around for a while.

Are they in? Yes.

Myra, you sure you wanna go through with this?

Hey, what's with you? Chicken?

Oh, boy, I'm really gonna enjoy this.

I can't wait to hear them scream.

Why don't you shut off the hot and give them an ice bath?

Are you kidding me? That's nowheresville.

If you shut off the cold you'll scald them.

So they lose a little skin. Serves them right.

I want to see them suffer.


I am wet!


Don't leave me. Don't leave me!

I hate you!

You never looked better!

We'll get you all!

What do you think?

It looks the same to me. It's kinda dull.

All you need is a couple of streaks and your ears pierced.

I can do it free of charge.

My ears what?

Pierced. Like in you know, I take a needle I heat it up and then I dab it with some alcohol and zap.

All the guys go crazy.

Because I've holes in my ears?

What are you, putting me on?

Sometimes I can't figure you out, Linda.

So, where are you going this weekend?


Nowhere? Well, you can't stay around here.

This place is depressing.

I mean, like the tombs.

Why? - Why?

What, were you born yesterday?

This is a three-day weekend.

A three-day weekend.

So, listen. Why don't you come home with me?

I only live about five miles from here and I got this guy coming up from Metropolis.

I think he knows your cousin Clark.

His name's Jimmy Olsen.

I think he's real stuck on me.

Anyways, I could ask him to bring a friend along.

- What are you doing? Oh, nothing.


No, I think I'm gonna stay here and study get things organized.

Don't forget to call me Saturday.

Just a sec.

Hey, Linda. Hi.

I'll see you later at Popeye's then, okay?

Alright, I'll try. I promise. You better. It's gonna be fun.

Bye-bye. Bye.

Have a good time.

Come along now, Lucy.

- Oh, mom, how are you doing? I've had a terrible week.

"Take a spider off his web...

"...and shut him up inside...

"...two shells of a nut.

"Now, boil the nut in oil

"into which has been added

"some of the web.

"With a silver spoon, put two drops...

"...of the oil

"into some water.


"He who drinks the water

"shall be in love with the first person he sees.

"Uh, so long as the spider is shut up in the nutshell.

"Or one day goes by...

...whichever comes first."

Big deal, one day.

Why don't you just use, you know.

I'm saving it for bigger things.

Hi, folks, you're missing the big sale.

Country and western boys from the Chicago area.

Now to start off the hour.

Bianca, get the door.


You rang?

Hey, you!

I said... rang?

Oh, yeah.

How you doing?

Uh, I'm looking for some person called Mrs. Selena?

- Madame Selena. Oh.

And you found her, lucky boy.


You must be very popular in the neighborhood.

I always see your truck parked around.

Oh, yeah.

Yeah, I get a lot of repeat business. People like my work.

Yes, I'm sure they do.

Wet your whistle? Huh?

Oh, yeah, yeah, as a matter of fact, I don't mind if I do.

So, uh, where's the one... ha-ha at?

It dropped dead.

Where at exactly? Uh, out back?

We might get to know each other a little more before we dig in and talk real turkey.

Well, uh, see, I'm kind of a private person, you know.

I mean, I do my work, I go home.

To your wife? No.

At the present moment in time I'm currently enjoying a single status in my personal life.


Bottoms up, huh?

Bottoms up.

I, I noticed you got a pretty alkaline-looking soil out there.

What I want...

...are some houseplants inside here.

Something that goes well with the house.

This is a house?

Of course, it's a house.

There's the bedroom over there.

I think it's getting dark in here.

You know, what kind of plant is gonna wanna...

...grow in this dump?

I don't know.

Shade plants.

To us. Hm?

And to the seeds we'll plant together.

Yeah, I'll-I'll drink... that.

Hm, you probably k*lled him, you know.

Sleep well.

And when you wake...

...drown in my eyes and be all mine.

If that's the g*dd*mn Jehovah's witnesses again.

I'll get it.

Oh, hello, Nigel. It's you.

Nice suit.


I want to see Selena.

She's indisposed at the moment.

Whoever it is, we don't want any.

It's Nigel and he's not going away until he talks to you.

What the devil do you want?

I want to make a very serious proposal.

In that outfit?

This is a leisure suit. I've got three days off from those little beasts at Midvale and I intend to let my hair down.


That ball will not operate at it's fullest until you internalize your power, Selena.

Some mosaic invocations.

Some what? Come again?

Exactly, that's my point.

You girls are rank amateurs playing with fire.

Because we own the matches.

I, of all people, know a hustle when I hear one.

Now, goodbye, Nigel.

It was nice talking to you. No, it wasn't.

I hate to seem pushy, my fairest of the fair but...

A word of advice, Nigel.

If I had your skin problems, I'd stop bothering people, put a bag over my head, and go live under a bridge!


There's nothing wrong with my skin.

That bitch.

You know, some people.

Where is he?

Where is he?

Where is he?

Whoever he sees first, he'll love with all his heart.

What? For a day tops, right?

He was too young for you anyway, you know.

No, I do not know. Where is he?

Hey, I know that guy.

Oh, the cable's out. Oh, what cable?

This is a mirror.

So, how come we could...

...ever see him in it?

That was magic, dammit.

The power.

Oh, so make it happen again, you know?

I... can't make it happen again. I don't know how I did it.


Maybe, you should let that thing out of it's box.

Maybe, it's more powerful if you let it out of it's box.

The box. The box.

Where is it? The box?

It's underneath the rug, where you left it.

Go ahead.

It's stuck.

This is not my day.

It's stuck?

How could it be stuck?

It's growing.

How could it be growing? It's made out of lead.


Too bad, there's no sound.

How come there's no sound?

Get off the road, turkey!

Hey, dummy, you wanna die?

Smoking, stupid?

You wanna k*ll yourself?

She saw a lawyer, and now she's gonna file.

I told her to take him for every cent, clean him out.

Thank you very much. - You're welcome.

Here you go, everybody. Who wants onion rings?

- Yeah, here. Thanks.

- Some French fries? French fries are mine.

Chicken for myself. Thank you.

Thanks. - Side order tomatoes?

Thanks for inviting me, Lucy.

I'm glad you could come, Jimmy.

- You want a root beer? Yeah, thanks.

Oh, there's Linda.

Hey, Linda!

Hi. Oh, hello.

That's Clark Kent's cousin?

Who's Clark Kent?

Is that Linda?

Guess what. What?

There's this all-night party tonight at Eddie's.

He's the guy with the tattoo.

His folks are out of town.

And the guy with the bow tie, that's Jimmy.

So, you wanna come?

I don't know. I'm not signed out for an overnight.

So what? Go back, sign in and climb out the window.

Mrs. Murphy's drunk as a skunk by now.

Totally on another planet.

Oh, I don't know. It just doesn't seem right.

But that's why it'll be fun.

Okay? Okay.

Get off the road, buddy.

Hey, stupid.

Look at that dingleberry.

What's a dingleberry?

Hey, you, space cadet! Get out of the street!

What is wrong with him? I don't know.

He's probably on dr*gs.

And he's gonna get creamed if he's not too careful.

Hi. Jimmy Olsen, photographer. Oh, I-I'm Kara.

Who? Who?

Oh, I'm...


Well, that if we don't do something.

You go out there, try to help a guy like that and he's probably got a g*n or a knife.

It's not too safe.

Hey, I'm starving. Let's eat.

Come on, Linda.

Power of shadow.

Bring him to me.


Look at that.

Hey, get out.

Look out. Watch out.

My car!

You've never seen a tattoo before, Linda?

Look! - What's that?

There's somebody hanging out of it.

Doesn't look like there's anybody driving.

Oh, my God. It's a runaway.

Somebody's gotta do something. Hey, what's she doing?

Lucy, be careful. Lucy!

Come on. - Lucy!

God, there's the pump?

She's still in there.

Oh, excuse me. I'm in a rush. I know the feeling.

Are you okay?

It's gasoline! It's gasoline!

Hey, look at that. What?

A storm dragon?

A Supergirl.

Oh, my God!

Don't. Don't look at her.

You're gonna be alright.

There's no broken bones.

I love you.

What did he say?

What did he say?

Looked like "I love you", to me.

No! No!

You love me?

With all my heart, forever.

A bird of free and careless wing was I through many a smiling spring.

The cold repulse, the look askance.

The lightning of love's angry glance, stay.

Let me behold you.

I-I have to go.

Oh, I-I have to go.

Everything's under control.


Just go on, back to your homes.


Oh. Thank God.

You alright? I think so.

I hit my head.

Nigel must know her.

She must be one of his students. He must have put her up to it.

No. I don't think that at all.

Oh, she just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, right?

Materializing in a bulldozer, huh?

She's a wimpy little thing.

I don't know why you care what she does, anyway.

Because nobody gets in my way.

Why don't you just leave this poor kid alone and worry about the other one that flies?

I worry about everything. It's my job. Stand back.

Oh, come on now. She's just a teenager.

What good is a sword if it's not unleashed?

But she's a total zero. You don't even know her name.

The naming of names is not necessary.

Let us concentrate on her face.

And my Shadow will do the rest.

Your what?

Power of Shadow...

...take shape.

Look like a vicious dark star.

Seek out, that wretched young creature.

And destroy her wherever she...


Oh, God. That's awful.

That's never gonna work.

Oh, my God!

I'm scared.

Next time...

...remind me to do this outside.

Leave this place and do no harm.

There she is again.

What did she say?

No, this is not possible.

This is not right.

Where's the wimp?




I think he can take care of her.



See? What did I tell you?

She quit, right?


Every time!

Every time!

Send a man to do a woman's job and that's what you get.

Damn her eyes. Who is she?

Are you asking me? I'm telling you.

Find out!

Well, sure. But, you know, I think I recognize the costume.

Leave him alone. Let him.

Where have you been?

Outside... Look at you.

Look at those clothes.

Oh, I'll go change. I-I'm sorry.

And you'll put on your proper school uniform.

And get out of that ridiculous costume.

Yes, ma'am.

And cover your legs. Yes, ma'am.

Don't you "yes, ma'am" me.

No, ma'am.

I think you're blowing this thing out of proportion if you want my opinion.

Oh, no. This box is definitely getting bigger...

...and uglier.

All I'm saying is you can't go nuts over a landscape guy and a teenager in a blue suit.

She flies.

Can you get that through your thick skull and into your tiny brain, Bianca?

The girl can fly.



Let's get serious.

Come to mama.

- Oh. Oh.



Selena, cut it out. I'm not doing it.

I think we're venturing where you know, fools rush in and angels fear to tread.

I'm no angel.

It's the wimp again.

And she's trespassing.


Oh, no. Not now.

'Tis only but me, my love.

Please, you'll let everyone know.

What? That I love you?

I'd shout it from the highest hill.

Please don't.

I know you think me the fool, at least tell me your name.

Linda. Linda Lee.


Lovely Linda Lee.

These roses pale beside thee.


Well, thank you, but I'm...

And sweet chocolates for my sweet Linda.


What are you doing?


Oh, no, I...


Well, alright. But just for a minute.

You hate me, don't you?

Hate you? I don't even know you.

I don't even know your name.


Say my name aloud but once and I shall die the happy fool.

Look, Ethan... Huh!



Your soft caress did at once renew the beating of this broken heart.

Are you crazy?

Marry me?

Marry you?

I don't... Don't say it. Don't, please.

I know.


We're from different worlds.

You mean, you know where I'm... Just give me a chance, Linda.

Love makes everything possible.

A poor uneducated gardener can indeed worship a rich debutante and make her happy if she'd just...

Oh, Ethan.

I'm not rich. I'm just...

Well, then I'll support us both.

You're nuts, you know that?

You're so sweet, but you're out of your mind.

Over you.

What a touching scene.

Round and round they go.

Where they stop.

Boy, you're really getting the hang of this.


Where is she?


Who are you?

I am Selena.

Diadanus of Catania.

Priestess of Sechnid. I am the ultimate Siren of Endor and you, little lady, are trespassing on private property.

She means him.

I am Kara of Argo City.

Daughter of Alura and Zor-El.

And I don't scare easily.





This lady is improving by leaps and bounds, I gotta tell you.

You okay?


You want a hacksaw or somethin'?

Now I am really upset.

What's going on?


Put me down.

- Where am I? You're safe.

Safe? Where's Linda?

Put me down.

Where's my Linda? Take it easy.


Ha-ha. Very clever.

That ought to keep her out of your hair for a few hours.

Clever? A cheap trick.

Power of Shadow.

Bring him to me.

Bring him... to me.


Didn't work, huh?

Maybe they're too far away.

I can make the sky rain coconuts with pinpoint accuracy.

But I still can't control men's minds.

Not with her around.

So maybe...

Now, don't go through the roof.

But maybe we ought to back down and give old you-know-who a call.


Spit it out. Nigel.

I shall pretend you didn't say that.

But I did.

All I'm thinking and forgive me for thinking out of turn here... that he's been around.

He knows things we don't.

Plus, the way you wrap him around your little finger I'm always amazed.

What's in it for me?



My dear Nigel, the way to a woman's heart is through the elimination of her rivals.

m*rder? Are you proposing that...

Oh, certainly not. Leave that to me.

You deliver the goods. Her.

Her? How?

By getting me...


She'll follow. Well, I don't.

Follow any of this, I mean... Put that down.

Nigel, I want one thing.

Time to master my new toy.

So, we can rule the world?

And you want him here?

Johnny Appleseed in your living room?

Yes. In the flesh.

So, she'll follow?

No other reason? None.

You're sure of that?

Whoops, I'm sorry. The little spider got out.


Where am I?

Who are you? Kara.


What happened?

You got hit on the head by a coconut.

Huh? Hm.

What's with the Halloween costume?

This is not a costume. These are my clothes.

What do you mean?

Look, I-I have to go now.

I'll come back for you later. I've just gotta get back to the amusement park.

Amusement park? Linda!

I gotta find Linda, she was in trouble.

Well, Linda's alright. She can take care of herself.

No, no. She can't. Something's wrong.

She's in big trouble and I love her.

I love her.

Yeah, I do love her.

I have to go, Ethan. Goodbye.

Yes, so do I.


I told you Linda can take care of herself.

You just flew over my head. I'll take care of everything.

I said you just flew over my head. True or false?


Like Superman.

He's my cousin.

He's your cousin? Yes.

I shouldn't be telling you this though...

Wait one minute. I mean you can do the whole number, leap tall buildings with a single bound? And look right through things?

Yes Bend steel bars?

Yes. Whoa!

Oh, Selena. I have to go. Wait a minute.

Selena has the Omegahedron. Please take me with you.

I have to find Linda.

What is it?

The Burundi Wand.

Pure, unadulterated evil.


But how can you love her?

You don't even know her. Oh, yeah, I do.

And she's in trouble, then I got no business standing here, talking with you.

Even if you are what you say you are.

Linda is not in trouble.

Look, uh, don't make me get rough, okay?

You wouldn't stand a chance.

Please trust me.

Linda is alright.

How do you know?

I just...



Oh, my God.

How did you do that?



Nigel, you are wonderful.

Pure genius.

You deserve...

And something else.

Now, let's get out of this dump.

Did you see this thing? Look at this!

Hey, what's the matter? Catchin' flies?

Lucy, look.

One minute nothing. The next minute this.

What is it?

It's a mountain, Lucy. Isn't it?

Tell me I'm not seeing things.

How did it get there, Jimmy?

I don't know. It just appeared.

How can a mountain just appear?

Hey, there's something on the top.

Looks like a castle.

Looks more like a fortress.





Enjoy your prison, Supergirl...

...forever and ever.

No, Ethan!

Don't do it!


Where am I?

You can't arrest me without a warrant.

I'm calling my lawyer.

Slow down.

We want Selena out.

Smile, lunkhead. You're not a gardener anymore.

You're Prince Ethan, now.

Are we gonna stand up to her or not?


Selena must go!

Who's this little twerpette?

She's someone who believes in freedom.

Lucy, it's not a good time to express yourself.

I don't know, who you are.

Or what evil force you represent.

But if you think you can get rid of anybody who stands up to you.

Just make them disappear. Like my friend Linda.


Linda, my roommate.

She disappeared the day that mountain showed up.

The wimp.

Seize them!

Leave her alone!

Drive off.

Leave her alone.

Nobody messes around with Jimmy Olsen!

Now, let go of me. I'm with the press!



Zaltar? Squirt.

Zaltar, it's me. It's-it's Kara.

I know.


What is that?

Where are we?


The Phantom Zone?

It's lonely here, my Kara.

So sad.

I've been here forever and I shall stay here forever.

Ethan? Yes, my darlin'.

Don't call me your "darling." You despise me.

Get me the coffer of shadow. Yes, my darling.


...I think we need something.


Oh, Jimmy.

Oh, terrific.

The old dangling-in-a-cage routine.

Pathetic, Selena.

Who's that guy? He's my math teacher, I think.

What are they for?


But you can't just give up.

You founded a whole city.

I did, and then I doomed it to destruction.

That was an error. A tragic one.

When you're my age and you make as many tragic errors as I do, it is a different tune that you will sing.

I will not. I'll never give up.

I will never spend my entire life in a place like this.

I would die first! Strong words.

There are worse things than dying and I deserve every one.

What is this? A horse... I think.

On earth I think it's called a horse.

And you made this here? Mm.

Then you haven't given up. Don't be ridiculous.

Earth, Zaltar. Earth, a tree, a horse.

You keep making things from earth.

The place intrigues me. Well, then, let's go there.

Certainly. When is the next train?

What is a train?

What's so funny? Don't laugh at me, Zaltar.

I'm only laughing at myself.

For you, I weep.

Is this train a way out of here?

There is no way out of here.

That is the point of the Phantom Zone.

The criminals, the corrupt, the evil...

...they're here.

Over the hill there.

With no way out.

But, there's always a way out.

If there's a way in, there's a way out.

There is a way.

But it's impossible. Why?

No, it wouldn't work.

You'd be swept into a singularity if it didn't work. No.

Forget I mentioned it. Have a squirt instead.

I could do it.

Then, please. At least teach me how.

There's nothing to teach. You can't, as they say practice at the rift. You get one chance only.

The rift? Sure? You won't have a squirt?

Once you get used to it, I think it's delicious.

You're right.

You are absolutely right.

There is enough doom and gloom in the air already.

And it is better to accept defeat than to take a chance and try like fools to redeem ourselves and save our city and all those who we love there.

Plus all the people on Earth that this wicked sorceress is going to make suffer just because of us. Cheers!

We could die trying.

But we won't.

We won't. Come on.


Thursday. Friday.

Just like here, we go for the cops first, right?

And the army.

By Saturday, we have the continental United States, Mexico, Canada.

Oh, my God, Selena. It's the box.

Hush it up. No.

What the box wants, the box gets.

What is it?


I don't know.

Is this it?

Is this the way out?

Not yet! This is the Quantum Vortex!

We must risk our destruction in it.

To move mountains, you must make sacrifices.

Zaltar, I'm scared!

Accept your fears.

Confront your demons.

Find your destiny in the maelstrom!

Zaltar, I can't. I can't.

You... can!

Two specks. Look!

What do I do?

How do you m*rder someone in the Phantom Zone?

She's with some old guy, it looks like.

Move, huh. Come on!

Calm down, okay.

Ah. This is what I want.

The Salian Fireballs.

Page 321. Chapter 6.


What is that?

Watch out!

"Power of Rainmaking". No!

"How to separate husband and wife."

No, not now. Not now!

Well, you better find something fast, like an atom b*mb.

I found it.

"Summoning... the demon storm."

Hurry... go.

Higher girl, higher.

Come with me! I am with you!

On, girl.

I am with you.


Oh, thank God.

You've had your fun, Selena. The game is finished.


One false step, bluebird.

And even if you don't, your friends will get the point.

Hey, no!

I don't like this.

Don't worry, Lucy. Don't worry.

I wouldn't if I were you.

Well, you're not me.

Oh! Ah!

Quick, get out of the way. Into the alcove over there.

Come on, out. Hurry, Jimmy. Hurry.

The Omegahedron, Selena.

I want it.

Well, then, Supergirl. You shall have it.



Supergirl, above you. Look out!


I think I'll be going. If you'll excuse me.

That's what I said. I'm staying, I'm staying.

You have no friends, Selena.

You treat everyone as if they were put on this earth to serve you.

More or less, I think they were.

You included.

Power of shadow.


Power of shadow...

...destroy her!



I... can't.

I can't!

You can!

On, girl.


Confront her with it! It's the only way!


No, no, no!



I have to go.

I have to return this to where it belongs.

And I must ask you all something.

It's alright, Supergirl. We never saw you.

We never even heard of you.

Thank you.

Ethan, Linda, she...

Well, she had to leave in a hurry, but she...

You don't have to say a word.

I know.

I'll explain about Linda.

Thank you, Ethan.

Take care of yourself, kiddo.

Wow! That was some kiss.


Goodbye, Linda.