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Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018)

Posted: 08/28/20 05:20
by bunniefuu
I still think about the night your mother and I had to leave you.

Hopefully, it's not for long, but I'll call you when we get settled.

When I have a better indication of what's going on.



Daddy and I have a last-minute business trip... so Rose is gonna stay with you for a few days.

No. I don't want you to go.

Ugh. It's gonna be so boring.

I won't be able to keep my... eyes...

Goodbye, sweetheart. All right, we'll see you soon.


Janet, we gotta go.

I wish we could have put down our bags... tucked you back into your bed... but too many lives were at stake.

Oh, my God.

They've already launched.

We have to stop it.

Come on.

To disarm the m*ssile, we had to get inside it... but the plating was too thick.

The only way in was to shrink between the molecules.

I can't get through.


We both knew that if you go that small... there is no coming back.

It should have been me, but my regulator was damaged.

Your mother's wasn't.

Tell Hope I love her.

She turned it off.

Janet. No!

She went subatomic to deactivate the b*mb.

Your mother saved thousands of lives that day knowing she'd be lost in the quantum realm.



Gone forever.

Telling you that she wasn't coming home... was the hardest thing that I ever had to do.

But then Scott showed up.

Or should I say, broke into our house.

And when he went to the quantum realm...

and came back.

Everything changed.

I started to wonder... could your mother still be alive?

So, I dusted off some old plans.

Dad, what are you saying?

I think it's possible to bring her back.

Okay. We're in.

Oh, this place is a maze.

Where's that map?

We're definitely close.

You ready? I'm ready, Daddy.

Are you sure? 'Cause once we're inside, you show any hesitation or fear, we're done.

I eat fear for breakfast.

Wow. That is super cool.

Come on.

Look! It's Anton. He'll show us the way.

Anton, which way do we go?

Anton, which way do we go?

Thanks, Anton!

Look, the ants have burrowed into the tech facility.

Oh no, lasers!

Oh! I think I got lased!

The secret vault.

Tell me you brought the contact lens.


Perfect! Right there.

There! It's the micro-treasure!

My trophy?

It looks like treasure.

Oh, it is to me.

I want to take it to show-and-tell.

Oh, no, you can't do that.

You can't. It never leaves the house. It's too important.

This is the best birthday present you ever got me.

I'm so touched you think I'm the world's greatest grandma.

It was the only one they had.

It makes me want to knit you a sweater.

Oh, no, the fuzz!

Hey, Scotty...

I was looking at the schematics for the Karapetyan buildings... and I think we have way too many security cameras, don't we?

No, no, not at all.

I mean, 'cause it's a lot of security cameras.

I know what he needs.

Who's the security expert in our business?

You are, but I'm running the company, right?

And if we overquote him... he's gonna go somewhere else.

I mean, we gotta land this bird.

He ain't goin' anywhere.

And the expression is "land this fish."

No, it's "land the bird."

Just like you land the plane.

You gotta land the plane to be in business.

I know it's silly to get hung up on these kinds of things, but I do.

How am I gonna land a fish?

It can't walk. And if it swam up on shore... and it battled a hawk, who's gonna win?

You've really turned me around on this thing.

It's okay. We're gonna land Karapetyan.

Now, if you just excuse me...

I'm in the middle of trying to steal something with my daughter.

I'm gonna go recheck it.

To the escape ant!

Let's bounce before the po-po come back!

The po-po? How do you even know that?

Let's fly, Antoinette! Let's fly!

Crash landing!


I wish we could shrink for real.

Oh. That is pretty cool.

Hey, I'm headed to the office, Scotty.

And sorry about freaking out earlier, you know.

But I feel like I'm way better.

My heart is definitely beating way too hard and stuff.

And my hands are shaking.

But I think it's unrelated, you know?

It's gonna be great, Luis!

You got nothing to worry about!

Yeah, yeah. I'm the boss. I'm the boss.

I'm the boss. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.


Come on, Woo! I've got three days left.

Why would I try to escape?

Sorry, Scott, but rules are rules.

You trip the perimeter alarm, we search the place.

Keel to stern, soup to nuts.

Thank you.

It was an accident. My foot went through the fence.

Our flying ant crashed.

Hey, you try and entertain a 10-year-old when you can't leave the house.

You know the lengths that I've gone to?

Close-up magic.

I learned that.

Why can't you just leave my daddy alone?

Oh, Cassie.

This must all seem like a bunch of confusing grown-up stuff to you, huh?

Well, think of it this way.

Your school has rules, right?

Like, you can't draw on the walls.

Well, your daddy went to Germany and drew on the walls with Captain America.

And that was a violation of Article 16, Paragraph Three of the Sokovia Accords.

Now, as a part of his joint plea deal... with Homeland Security and the German government... he was allowed to return to the U.S... provided he serve two years under house arrest... followed by three years of probation.

And avoid any unauthorized activities, technology... or contact with any former associates who were... or currently are in violation of said Accords.

Or any related statutes.

Okay, sweetie?

Wow. You're really great with kids.

Thanks. I'm also a youth pastor.

Anyway, not to be a Johnny ask-a-lot... but you haven't had any contact with Hank Pym or Hope Van Dyne, have you?

No. You sure?

Because it's only a matter of time before we get 'em.

It was their tech, so they violated the Accords, too.

And associating with them breaks your deal.

And, uh, I don't need to remind you... that any violation of your agreement means 20 years in prison. Minimum.

I haven't talked to Hank or Hope in forever.

They hate his guts.

Thanks, peanut.

How'd you do it, Scott?

Do what?

The card trick.


Oh, my God!

You people can't just show up here whenever you want and search the place.

Actually, they can.

You need a warrant.

Actually, they don't.

Really? Wow.

Did you pack your soccer shoes?

Yeah. All right.

Next time I see you will be on the outside.

All right.

Oh, get on the inside of this.

Hey, three days. Seriously...

I'm proud of you, bud. Thank you.

You know what? Give me another one.

Me too! Gosh! Freedom!

New business! I am sensing greatness.

I had a fun weekend, Daddy.

Me too, peanut. But just wait till next weekend.

Once I'm outta here, you and I are gonna go paint this town red.

We'll have so much ice cream, we'll never stop puking.

You're gettin' good at that.

How'd you do that?

Bye, Daddy. Bye.

Bye. Bye.

Three days.


Snap your fingers. That gets them to look over there.

And that is misdirection.

♪ We had a dream

♪ We'd go travelin' together

♪ We'd spread a little lovin' then we'd keep movin' on ♪


Where are you?

Everything that you know...

Lost... in the quantum realm.


I'm gonna find you, Jellybean.

I found you!

You always find me, Mommy.

What the hell?

Hey, Hank! It's been a while.

Um, I don't even know if this is your number anymore.

And I'm probably the last person you wanna hear from.

But I just had a really weird dream.

And I know that doesn't sound like an emergency or anything... but it just felt very real.

I was back in the quantum realm... and I think I saw your wife.

And then I was your wife.

I mean, not in a weird way or anything.

You know, hearing this out loud, I'm thinking, uh, it's not an emergency.

I'm sorry to bother you.

I'm sorry for a lot of things.

That means, one tiny atom in my fingernail could be...

Could be one, little, tiny universe.


Is this another dream?

Do you think it was a dream... or is it possible that you really saw my mom down there?

I'm not sure.

I can't be here!

I can't be here! I'm under house arrest!

They won't open while the system's engaged, Scott.

You have to take me home. They could show up any second!

Relax. As far as your nanny cops know, you're still at home.



He's programmed to replicate your daily routine.

Nine hours in bed.

Five hours in front of the TV.

Two hours in the bathroom, whatever that's about.

That's totally inaccurate.

And how do you know about my daily routine?

Are you spying on me?

We keep tabs on all security threats, all right?

And so far the biggest one we've had is you.

I'm sorry about Germany. They just showed up.

They said it was a matter of national security.

That Cap needed help, so...


Tain America. Captain. Cap.

It's what we call him.

If you're a friend.

I'm not saying I'm a friend of... A little, I know him.

He's nice. Whatever.

I'm sorry! All right? I didn't think I'd get caught.

You didn't think about a lot of things.

How's Hank?

We're still running. The house is gone, so is our freedom.

How do you think he is?

I'm sorry. I know you're mad.

I'm not looking for an apology, Scott.

The only reason why we're even talking is... because we need what's in your head.

Is this where you're living?

If you need help or money or something, maybe I can...

We're fine.

Hey, Hank. Look, I just wanna...

Save it!

Can we start? Yeah.

So, while you were relaxing at home... we were building this.

It's a tunnel. To the quantum realm.

To my mom.

We think she might still be down there.

We just don't know where.


If we can pinpoint my mom's location... then the pod can take me down to get her.

You built all this and you don't even know if she's alive?

It's called a hypothesis.

Last night, we powered up the tunnel for the first time.

It was overloaded and it shut down.

But for a split second, the doorway to the quantum realm was opened.


And five minutes later, you called, talking about Mom.

We think when you were down there, you may have entangled with her.

Hank, I would never do that. I respect you too much.

Quantum entanglement, Scott.

We think she might have put some kind of a message in your head.

Hopefully, a location.

And opening the tunnel triggered it.

Your mom put a message in my head?

Come on. That's insane.

No, Scott.

Insane is going to Germany without telling us, and fighting the Avengers.

Just tell me you weren't lying about the suit you took.

Tell me you really destroyed it.

I did, I destroyed it, I swear.

I can't believe you destroyed my suit!

That was my life's work!

What was I supposed to do?

You were supposed to not take my suit!

I'm sorry, Hank!

I'm sorry I took the suit.

I'm sorry that I called last night.

I don't remember seeing Janet down there.

I wish that I did.

I just had a dream about her playing hide-and-seek with a little girl.


I had a dream.

She was playing hide-and-seek with a little girl.

Cassie and I do it all the time.

Doesn't mean anything.

But was it Cassie in the dream?


Where was she hiding?

What? The little girl.

Where was she hiding? Was it in a wardrobe?

No, it was in a tall dresser.

You mean a wardrobe.

Is that what that's called?

What color was it?


Were there horses on it?

Oh, boy.

It's where I hid every time that we played.

It doesn't sound like you really got the gist of the game.

She's alive.

I knew it.

I knew it!

We need to get that part.


The sooner we get the tunnel working... the sooner we can get this message out of his head.

Does Burch have it?

Yeah. Let's go. What part?

Who's Burch? Wait. What's happening?

We need a component to stop the tunnel from overloading again.

I grabbed your clothes. You might want to change.

Look, I'd really like to help you... but if I'm not at home when they come to take off my ankle monitor... then I'm going away forever.

Once we get the component and power up the tunnel... we'll get the message, and have you home by lunch.

We have to hurry. The entanglement won't last.

You owe us.

All right, fine. But can I just wait inside?

Because I'm not supposed to be out here.

Let's go.

We good? Yeah.

I'll be right back.

Can I have one of these? No.

Ah. Susan! Welcome to Oui!


Oui is French for "yes."

As in "yes" to farm-to-table, "yes" to locally sourced... and "yes" to planet before profit.

Well, let's hope it also means "yes" to "Do you have the component I ordered?"

You know, I have always loved your sense of humor, Susan.

Have a seat.

No, I'm good. Thank you.

Who is this guy?

Sonny Burch. He traffics in black market technology.

He's been getting us what we need to build the tunnel.

Could I just have one...


You know, I have a special friend at the FBI.

And I say "special"... because, well, he tells me things that I didn't previously know.

For example... your name isn't Susan.

It's Hope Van Dyne.

And your unseen associate, that's your father, Hank Pym.

That's not good, Hank. No shit.

What do you want?

Relationships are built on trust, Hope.

And I want our relationship to have a strong foundation.

Our relationship?

My business landscape has been shifting, Hope.

Hell, S.H.I.E.L.D. and HYDRA don't even exist anymore... but now, Hank Pym...

Hank Pym is a real opportunity.

Do you have a point?

Oh, you think that I don't know what you've been building with all this?

Quantum technology.

Now, you can forget nanotech, forget AI, forget cryptocurrency.

Quantum energy is the future.

It's the next gold rush.

Is that so?

I want in, Hope.

So, as a gesture of good will, I have taken the liberty... of arranging some buyers for your lab.

Starting bid... one billion dollars.

Thank you, Sonny, really.

But my father and I have something slightly more pressing than starting a business.

So I'll just take the component as arranged.

My buyers don't take no for an answer.

So, we are either in business together... or we aren't in business together.

Then I guess we aren't.

You can go.

But I'm afraid your money's gonna have to remain.

Let's call it compensation for my injured feelings.

Listen, Sonny.

This is gonna be so much easier on everybody if you just give me that component.

Darlin', the only thing you're takin' from here... is my heart, but it will mend in time.


So, now what?

You'll see.

She said her and her daddy had something pressing.

Mmm-hmm. I want to know what it is because if they're not working with us... they're working with somebody. So find out.

I want some names...

Hold on, you gave her wings?

Get her.

Not my turn-of-the-century chandelier!

Stop firing! Stop!

All right, take this. Go. Go, go, go!


Wings and blasters.

So I take it you didn't have that tech available for me.

No, I did.

It was a pleasure doing business with you, Sonny.

Oh, our business isn't finished yet, Hope.

I can assure you of that!

What in the hell is that?

Dad, are you seeing this?

Hope, get out of there!

I gotta do something. Wait!

It is still a work in progress.

You taught me that kick. Remember?

Yeah, great form.

Those were the days. Whatever happened to us?

Not the time, Scott.

Damn it, where'd it go?

I've lost it.

I'm not seeing anything on the ant cams.

Try looking...


Give me that.


Are you okay? No!

He got the lab.


Come on!

What was that?

I don't know.

But we need to find somewhere to regroup and figure out where the lab is.

So, where to now?

How about my house? Hmm?

I'm supposed to be there anyway, and Woo could walk in any second.

Exactly why we're not going to your house.

What about your house?


Well, there is one place I can think of.


No, no, no, no!


Wow, Dr. Pym... who would've thought that, once again, in your hour of need... that you would turn to us, you know?

Not me.

Mmm. Help yourself.

Hey, what's up with the fancy pastry?

We gotta keep the food budget down.

Well, what are we supposed to have for breakfast?

The oatmeal packets.

Oatmeal packets.

It's insult. Why is it an insult?

Because it tastes like sand.

You know why? 'Cause it's organic.

It's not organic, it's sand.

It's the most important meal of the day.

You know what, you can get creative with it.

Break teeth.

Put a little brown sugar on it. You can put some cinnamon.

Put a little honey. Whatever you want...

Guys, guys, guys. Come on, man.

We got bigger fish to fry.

Is that my desk?

Yeah. What?

Why do I have such a small desk?

Because you weren't there when we were choosing desks.

You snooze, you lose.

Well, I was under house arrest.


You know what, this isn't even a desk.

This is garbage.

You found this outside amongst garbage.

I got it at a rummage sale.

So, you save money on my desk?


Hope, please, we need to focus, all right?

We gotta find that lab already. Jeez.

Oh, you know what? I heard stories, like what happened to you.

This crazy, creepy cat, who walks through walls and stuff.

Like a ghost.

Like Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga, the witch.

They tell stories to children to frighten them.

You know Baba Yaga?

Whoever stole it... we need to find it.

Oh, you don't find someone like that. They find you.

Like Baba Yaga.

Dr. Pym, you're the smartest genius I know.

Didn't you put some kind of LoJack on your lab?

Because if you didn't, we have a variety of affordable options.

Of course I did, Luis. It was disabled.

Whoever stole the lab knew exactly what they were doing.

They also looked like they were phasing.


Quantum phasing. When an object moves through different states of matter.

Oh, yeah, that's what I was thinking.

The lab emits radiation.

Can we modify a quantum spectrometer and track it?

That could work, yes, but all my equipment is in the lab.

Where else can we find that equipment?

Well, there is one person.

Bill Foster.


Who's Bill Foster?

He's an old colleague of my dad's, from S.H.I.E.L.D.

They had a falling out years ago.

You seem to have a lot of falling outs with people.

It's probably just a waste of time.

Hey, I'm risking everything by being here.

Don't you think we should check?

We need to find out who took the lab.

Guys, it's not a good idea to be out in the open like this.

Relax, no one's gonna recognize us.

What, because of hats and sunglasses?

That's not a disguise, Hank.

We look like ourselves at a baseball game.

In an isolated system... particles co-exist in a stable phase relationship.

If the system is interfered with, that stability becomes chaos.


Dangerous. Beautiful.

Isolated completely, a quantum system would revert back to separate states of matter... each entangled with a distinct state of its environment.

In other words, the object in question would be both in and out of phase... with multiple parallel realities.

Speaking of being out of phase with reality.

I am noticing an unusually high number of glazed eyes out there among you.

So, why don't we call it a few minutes early?

That'll be enough for today.

Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, you may go.

It's incredible. You're linked to Janet.

It's quantum entanglement between the quantum states of Posner molecules in your brains.

Yeah, that's what I was thinking.

Do you guys just put the word "quantum" in front of everything?

Doctor, we need to find our lab.

Hope, I'd love to help you... but I don't have anything like the equipment you're describing.

I told you this is a waste of time. Come on, let's go.

Don't condescend, Hank.

You're the one who's on the run from the FBI.

All because you had to grow to a size that finally fit your ego.

That wasn't me in Germany. It was this idiot.


Going that big, it must've been exhausting.

I slept for three days straight. You have no idea.

Actually, I do.

Back in the day, I was Hank's partner on a project called Goliath.

Excuse me? You were my partner?

The only thing more tiring than going that big is putting up with Hank's bullshit.


I don't know. How big did you get?

My record? 21 feet.

Not bad. You?

I don't...

No, really, I'm curious.

65 feet. Yeah. Whoa!

Huge. 65.

If you two are finished comparing sizes... we need to figure out a way to track down the lab.

And the great Hank Pym hasn't figured that one out yet?


You had all the answers back in the day.

That's why I left the project.

Left? I fired you.

Best decision I ever made.

Hank was a terrible partner. Temperamental... stubborn, impatient.

Sooner or later, he just pushed everyone away.

Just the mediocrities.

Janet was the only one who could endure him and chose to stick it out.

Watch it, Bill.

She paid the price, though, didn't she?

You son of a bitch.

I didn't come here to listen to you two squabble.

I'm trying to save my mother.

Now, which office would you say?

Oh, it's Woo.

Someone must have seen me.

Relax. If this is about you, they'd be in your house by now.

What are you, 15?

Come on. We gotta go right now.

Wait. You might be able to improvise that tracker... if you modify the diffraction units on one of your regulators.

That could work. I don't know what that means.

Thank you. Thank you.

But, Doctor, campus police says they ID'd both Pym and Van Dyne.

I don't know what to tell you, Agent.

I haven't talked to Hank in 30 years.

I can assure you I'm the last person he would want to visit.

Oh, come on, you expect us to...

Hey, hey.

Why is that?

Simple. We hate each other's guts.

So I'm a terrible partner?

Foster, he hasn't had one good idea in his unremarkable career.

But his idea about the diffractors could work, right?

Fine, one decent idea.

Except, I eliminated the diffractors when I upgraded the suits.

So, if we had an old suit, we might be able to track down the lab?

Yes, but we don't.

What if we did? What do you mean?

I mean... life's funny.

Oh, my God. You didn't destroy the suit.


Well, it was your life's work, Hank.

I couldn't destroy that.

Before I turned myself in, I shrunk it down and mailed it to Luis.

You sent my suit through the mail?

Hey, the postal service is very reliable.

You know, they do tracking numbers now. Like UPS.

Where is it?

It's in a very safe place, all right? Don't worry.

What, the trophy? No, it's not here.

What do you mean it's not there? Where could it be?

I looked everywhere. It's not here.

Hey, get away from the plant.

But I put it back after Cassie and I...



No, stop!

Well, the good news is I know where it is.

Whenever you go back to school... isn't everything supposed to look so much smaller?

This place seems huge.

What is it?

It's the new regulator.

Hank, what's going on with this suit?

How much of a work in progress is this?

Uh-oh. No, no, no.


What are you, laughing? Please, could you just...

Okay, okay.

What do you see?

The sizing coils are malfunctioning.

Just let me...


Sorry. It's all right.

Okay. All right.

Try that.




If only Cap could see you now.

Hilarious. What are we gonna do?


Where's your hall pass?

Hey, I'm talking to you.


Hey. Eh...

You can do it.

You almost got it.

Oh, peanut.

Okay, let's go.

Hiya, champ, how was school today?

All right, get your jokes out now. Can you fix the suit?

So cranky.

You want a juice box and some string cheese?

Do you really have that?

Let's see if Foster was right.

This has gotta be the lab.

Let's go get it.


This seems right.

Look at us, teaming up twice in one day.

Makes you think, huh?

About what?


What do you mean?

We were working together, training together... and other stuffing together.

If I had asked you, would you have come?

I guess we'll never know.

But I do know one thing.


If I had, you'd have never been caught.

Hey, Scott.

You think you can stop daydreaming about my daughter long enough to get my lab?

Yes, sir. Thank you.

Okay, you're transmitting.

What took you so long?

Sorry, I had to come up with a name for my ant.

I'm thinking Ulysses S. Gr-Ant.

You like it?


I'm not getting anything on the monitors.

There's some kind of electronic disturbance.

Be careful.

You know me, Hank. I'm always careful... Whoa!

It's okay. It's just the suit.

How do you know? Look.

That's Ghost?

What is she doing?

Do you think that suit is how she goes through walls and stuff?

Let's just get outta here before she wakes up.

Hope, look! There's the lab.

Now, we're sure this is our shrunken building and not somebody else's, right?

Just take it, Scott. Come on, we gotta be fast.

I'll get it.

Oh, shit...

Hope. Hope! Hank.


I don't think they can hear you.


I'm Ava.


So, you don't need the suit...

to go through things.


It just helps me control it.

And the pain, supposedly.

You're not gonna reach into my chest and crush my heart, are you?

You're funny.

I'm not gonna hurt you, Scott, unless I have to.

I need... what's in your head.

Let's wake up the rest of the g*ng and get this over with, shall we?

Get up!

Come on!


Don't ever touch him again.

Now, now, Hope...

I think I'm being rather gentle with your father, all things considered.

What the hell are you talking about?

Another casualty of Hank Pym's ego.


What have you done?

It's what you've done, Dr. Pym.

You're with her?

Oh, man. I thought you were cool.

What the hell is going on here?

I doubt Hank has ever mentioned my father.

Why would he?

Elihas Starr.

They were colleagues at S.H.I.E.L.D.

Quantum research.

Until my father dare disagree with the great Hank Pym.

You had him fired.

Oh, and discredited for good measure.

My father tried to continue his research on his own.

Desperate to restore his name, so he took risks.

No, no, no!

Too many.

Until something went wrong.

He told us to run.

Elihas, what's happening?

Just go. Go!

Daddy! Daddy!

I could tell he was scared.


Ava, no!

I didn't want him to be alone.

No! No!

When I woke up, my parents were dead.

I wasn't so lucky.

They call it "molecular disequilibrium."

A rather dull name, I think.

Doesn't quite do justice to what it means.

Every cell in my body is torn apart... and stitched back together.

Over and over.

Every day.

I was still at S.H.I.E.L.D. when I got the call about a quantum anomaly in Argentina.

Hello, Ava.

My name's Bill.

I was a friend of your father's.

I brought you something.

It's all right. Try again.

That's it.

Dr. Foster did his best to keep me safe.

But others at S.H.I.E.L.D. saw an opportunity in my affliction.

They built me a containment suit, so I could control my phasing.

And trained me to be a stealth operative.

They weaponized me.

I stole for them. Spied for them.

k*lled for them.

And in exchange for my soul... they were going to cure me.

They lied.

When S.H.I.E.L.D. collapsed, I took Ava in.

I built the chamber to slow her decay, but her condition was progressive.

I didn't know how to cure it.

She wanted to k*ll you, Hank, but I told her no... and that she should watch you instead.

And sure enough, she discovered that you were building the tunnel.

Then, she told me about Lang.

And the message from Janet inside his head, that's when I...

Christ's sake!

That's me. I'm sorry.

Look, can you tell me who's texting me?

"Cassie, 911."

That's my daughter. I need to text her back.

No, that's not happening.

What, it's 911. That means it's an emergency.

You're not making demands here, Lang.

You're not appreciating the gravity of the...

Okay, look, she's trying to video chat me now.

Something might be wrong. Let me talk to her. Please.

Cassie, are you okay? What's the emergency?

I can't find my soccer shoes.


I have a game tomorrow.

Hey, Scott, I know that they're there.

Can you just walk the phone around the house?

No, I can't do that right now.

Why not? Because I'm sick.

Hey, can you just maybe look around later then and call me back?

Please? Thank you.

Bye, Daddy!

Bye, peanut! Feel better!

Feel better, buddy!

I'm sorry. It said emergency.

Ava, I want to help you.

She doesn't need your help. I know how to save her.

Oh, really? How?


For the last 30 years, she's been down there absorbing quantum energy.

We can extract that energy.

We can use it to repair Ava's molecular structure...

Extract it?

Yes. Are you insane?

That would rip Janet apart.

You don't know that. I'm gonna fire up your tunnel.

When Janet's location pops into Lang's head, he's gonna give it to me... or I'm gonna turn him over to the FBI.


You are gonna stay here... just in case I need your help.

Like hell I would help you!

You'll do whatever I say.

You're gonna k*ll Janet!

I'd be more worried about yourself, Hank.

g*dd*mn it, Bill!

Dad? Calm down, Hank.

So help me God...

The pills.

It's his heart! He needs his pills.

Please, Dr. Foster. They're in the tin. Please.

He could die!

Come on!

Help him!

Dad, just hang on, all right?

Just keep breathing. Stay calm.

Help him, man! Come on!

The Altoid tin!


Thanks, guys.


Bill is filling that girl's head with lies.

Elihas Starr was a traitor. He stole my plans.

Now, bring it down. All right, lock it in.

No, no, no. The bolt is on the other side.

Tighten that one down, then bring it down one notch.

Good job.

It'll work.

Foster, he could have fried the entire system.

Look, we'll adjust the relays while you go reprogram the settings, all right?

It's going to be fine.

So, this is it.

Yeah. You'd think with all this time to prepare I'd be more ready.

Oh, going subatomic isn't something you can prepare for.

It kind of melts your mind.

I mean seeing my mom again.


What if she's a completely different person?

Yeah, like, uh, George Washington.

I'm serious, Scott.

Or George Jefferson.

What if she's forgotten about me?

When I was in prison... the only thing that got me through was Cassie.

I could have been locked up for 100 years...

I never would have forgotten her.

I know your mom is counting the minutes until she can see you again.

Thank you.


We got a big problem.

You forgot the motion sensor lights on the back of the building.

Oh, no.

And they're on the proposal, and Karapetyan asked for them specifically.

Uh, yeah, look, it's been a little crazy.

Look, maybe I could stop by tomorrow, take a look at it.

No. No, no, no, no.

The meeting is first thing in the morning.

You gotta come right now and fix it.

I can't. I wish I could, but I can't leave.

You know what, I'm coming to you.

I'll just bring the plans. They're on the laptop.

And you can fix them there.

Just tell me where you are, okay?

It's complicated.

What do you mean it's complicated?

As you can see, sir, this system is state of the art.

Security of tomorrow, today.

Oh, that's so good!

And I love the lean-in, bro. Keep practicin'.

Hey, I just gotta drive up to Scotty's, so we can fix the plans.

But don't worry, I'll be back in plenty of time.

As you can see... Oh, oh, oh!

Tell me you got the van washed for tomorrow morning.

Down to the undercarriage, baby.

You sprung for the undercarriage wash?

Well, you said get the works.

That's a scam, bro. We live in California, not Minnesota.

He's right.

The undercarriage wash, that's for cleaning off road salt... laid down in our more snow-laden sister states.

Who are you, and why do you know so much about car wash protocol?

Well, my name is Sonny Burch.

And I do my research, Luis.

To wit, I have learned from a friend of mine... at the FBI that you are a known associate of Scott Lang... a known associate of Hank Pym, who I've also learned... has a portable shrinking laboratory... filled with all kinds of juicy tech.

And you're gonna tell me where it is.

Well, I hate to break it to you, but I don't know what you're talking about.

Well, I sense a resistance in you, Luis.

And I have promised results to some dangerous people.

So, I'm gonna introduce you to my good friend, Uzman.


Uzman is a master at extracting information from the unwilling... through psychoactive means.

Oh, is that truth serum?

There's no such thing as truth serum.

That's just nonsense from TV.

Well, what is it then?

It's a little concoction that he's been perfecting since his days with the S.I.S.

It makes you suggestible and highly responsive.

Well, dude, that's truth serum.

No, it's not.

No offensing, but they sound like truth serum to me.

Right? It's not a truth serum.

Okay. Hey, I believe you.

It's not a truth serum.

I mean, if it walk like duck and talk like ducks...

The truth serum.

Well, I have a lot of allergies... so you might wanna think about that.

We've got to get that lab back.


The chamber and the suit are barely helping anymore.

How long have I got?

A couple of weeks, maybe.

Well, then we'll make them bring the lab back.


Lang. He has a daughter, right?

You can't mean that.


I tolerate a lot of the things you do out there... but I won't be a part of anything like that.

You're not the one who's about to fade away into nothing, Bill.

I am!

You said you could fix me!

You promised.

I know. I will.

But not like that.

You lay one finger on that little girl...

I won't help you. And we're done.


There are other options.

You know what? You're right. This isn't truth serum.

Because I don't feel anything.

That was a lie. I do feel something.

This is truth serum!

There's no such thing!


Okay, okay.

Now, I'm gonna make this real easy for you, Luis.


Where is Scott Lang?

Well, see, that's complicated.

Because when I first met Scotty, he was in a bad place.

And I'm not talkin' about cell block D.

His wife had just filed for divorce, and I was, like...

"Damn, homie. She dumped you when you're on lockup?"

And he was, like, "Yeah, I know.

"I thought I was gonna be with her forever...

"but now I'm all alone."

And I was, like, "Damn, homie. You know what?

"You gotta chin up, because you'll find a new partner.

"But you know what? I'm Luis."

And he says, "You know what? I'm Scotty, "and we're gonna be best friends."

Okay, hold on, hold on.

I like a good story as much as the next person... but what in the hell does this have to do with where Scott Lang is?

I'm getting there. I'm getting there.

You put a dime in him, you gotta let the whole song play out.

He like human jukebox.

Oh, my abuelita had a jukebox in the restaurant!

Yeah, only played Morrissey.

And if anybody ever complained, she'd be like...

You know, Chicanos, we call him "Moz."

Then, ¡adios!

What can I say? We relate to his melancholy ballads, you know?

Lang! Right, right, right.

So, anyway, Scotty gets out of jail, and he starts working for Hank.

That's when he met Hope. And Hope's all, like...

"I want nothing to do with you.

"Look at my hairdo, I'm all business."

And then Scotty's, like, "You know what, girl? My heart is all broken.

"And I'll probably never find love again, "but damn if I want to kiss you!"

But then you fast forward and they're all into each other, right?

And then Scotty's, like, "You know what? I can't tell you this...

"but I'm gonna go trash an airport with Captain America."

And then she said, "I can't believe you split like that!

"Smell you later, dummy."

So, Scotty goes on house arrest.

And he won't admit it, but his heart is all, like...

"Damn! I thought Hope coulda been

"my new true partner, but I blew it!"

But fate brought 'em back together.

And then Hope's heart is all...

"I'm worried that I can't trust him...

"and he's gonna screw up again, and ruin everything!"

And then my heart is all, like...

"That fancy raspberry filling represents the company's red

"and we're days away from going out of business. Oh!"

"Out of business"?

"Days away"?

Damn truth serum!

I was trying to protect you guys. I swear to God.

I was trying to be a good boss, but we're broke!

And the Karapetyan's our last hope.

And if we don't show up, we're done!

That's terrible bossing!

Damn, bro!

That's on me! That's on me! Hey!


I'm gonna ask you one more time.

Where is Scott Lang?

I've been trying to tell you, he's in a tricky spot, emotionally speaking.

Emotionally speaking.

Well, where is Scott Lang, literally speaking!

Oh! The woods.

The woods?

Baba Yaga!

What do you mean, "the woods"?

The Muir Woods, the second fire road off the Panoramic Highway!

For God's sake!

♪ Baba Yaga, come at night

♪ Little children, sleepy tight ♪

Damn it!

If that freak gets Pym's tech...

I'm never gonna see it.

So, what do we do now?

It's easier to steal it from the Feds than from the boogeyman.

Hey, it's me. How'd you like to get a promotion?

I got the location on Pym, Van Dyne and Lang.

But you gonna have to take 'em down now, because they ain't gonna be there for long.

And when you do, you gonna get me that lab.


Good news, gentlemen.

Feds are gonna do the hard work for us.

What are you lookin' at? Change my tires!


Sir. Can you knock?

Sorry, sir. Uh, but I just got a lead.

Ooh, I love leads.

System's in the green.

Priming the coils.

Full charge.

As soon as the tunnel's open... let us know if you get anything that could be a part of her message.

Yeah, yeah. I will.

Okay, then.

Here it goes.

We did it!

You got anything?


Well, just give it a minute, because it could...


No, no, no, no!

What's happening?

It's shutting down. Maybe our vectors are off.

We've gone over them a million times, I know they're right!

Then what else could it be?

I don't know!

Scott, what are you doing? Scott, get away from that!

Scott, you can't...

I'm sorry, I don't know how much time I have.

I need to fix the algorithm.

Trust me, after 30 years down here...

I've thought about it a lot.


Hi, honey.



It's not the reunion I'd imagined.

It's all so rushed.

You two have done such great work.

You just need a little... nudge.

Janet, how is this possible?

It wasn't a message you put in Scott's head. It was an antenna.

Clever girl.

I'm so proud of you.

Honey, tell us where you are.

Tell us how to find you.

No, the probability fields are too complex.

That's why I needed to talk to you.

You have to follow my voice.

Of course!

Like tracing a call back to its source!

I'm tracking your signal using subatomic frequencies... between point two and point nine.

I'd narrow it to four and six.

That's too tight. We could miss you.

Look at us squabbling again.

Fine. All right, between three and seven.

Our first fight in decades, and it's over just like that.


Source lock.

It's you.

We got it!

You have to meet me at these exact coordinates.

In the wasteland, beyond the quantum void.

It's very dangerous, especially on the human mind, so be careful.

Time and space work very differently down here.

You have two hours.

After that, the probability fields will shift... and it'll be another century before they align like this again.

We'll find you.

I know you will, Jellybean.


Nothing. I got nothing. No sign of Janet.


How did we get up here?

All right, first you're gonna see all kinds of lights... and it's gonna get really trippy... but then it's gonna turn black and silent. Really silent.

Scott, I'll be fine.

I'm just saying because I've been down there.

Yeah, so you've mentioned.

Um, sorry. I have to take this.

Hey, man, you coming?

No, I'm not, but you know what? Ghost is.

And you know what? The Feds, they know where you are.

What? I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

Uh, they gave me some truth serum.

And then all of a sudden I started talkin' all honestly.

Like, I hate the way that you load the dishwasher.

I hate it, I hate it.

Uh... But you need to go home... because the Feds are probably going there now!

And by the way... who puts the plates on the top rack? They don't go there!

I feel like such a jerk.

You're gonna be really mad. We gotta go now.


Ghost knows where we are. So does the FBI.


I told Luis where we are. You what?

I told him to come here so I could help him with the Karapetyan proposal.

Oh, my God!

Look, we need to land that account.

Otherwise, we lose the business!

Do you know hard it is for ex-cons to find work these days?

Jesus, Scott!

90 seconds to close the aperture!

You have to depolarize the coils first!

I know!

I'm really sorry... but the, um, FBI is coming to my place so...

I have to go.

Can I borrow the suit?

Gyroscopic stabilizers.

Powering on.

I'm just gonna borrow the suit.

I'll come back. Just tell me where you'll be.

Don't bother. What?

We'll come and get the suit from you, as soon as we've found my mom.

Hope... Scott, just go!

Scott? Daddy?

It's us, buddy!

We're here for Cassie's shoes!

He must be resting.

Honey, why don't you go upstairs and look under your bed?

Daddy, you upstairs?


What the...

He really lives like a pig these days.


Spread out!


You people have no shame!

The monitor says that he's in the bathroom.

Yeah, I'm not buying it!

Cassie, let the man get by!

But Daddy's super sick!

I'll see about that!

He says he doesn't want anyone else to get sick!

I'll take my chances, sweetie.

He barfed. Like, a lot.

Young lady, I'm a federal agent.

I've seen worse things than vomit.

Like, "a lot" a lot?

Yes! Forget it, move aside!



What are you doing here? Scott.

I'm sorry, I'm just really sick.

I told you.

Excuse me.

Sometimes you gotta just get it out. You know?


I'll start the van.

You get the lab.

Freeze! You're surrounded!

Hank Pym...

Hope Van Dyne... you're under arrest.

This is harassment!

Actually, it's not.

What does the FBI even stand for...

"Forever Bothering Individuals"?

His monitor check out? Of course it does.

Damn it!

Looks like I just got fed a bowl of malarkey.

We got 'em sir. Pym and Van Dyne are in custody.

Seriously? Yes!

Oh, I'm sorry, Scott.

They're your friends. That's insensitive.

I just really needed a win, you know?

Anyway, I'll be back later for the official end of your sentence!

Sorry for misjudging you, pal!

You should feel great about yourself!

What is it?

We have a man down.

And Pym's lab is gone.


Thanks for covering for me.


So... how long have you been Ant-Man again?

Not long.

It just sort of happened.

I'm sorry for lying to you... and I'm sorry for risking everything.

Daddy, it's okay.

It's not.

I do some dumb things... and the people that I love the most pay the price.

Mainly you.

Trying to help people isn't dumb.

I screw it up just about every time.

So, maybe you just need someone watching your back... like a partner.

Well, she's made it clear that's about the last thing she wants.



Wait, who did you think?



Don't laugh.

I'd be a great partner.

Aw, peanut.

Aw. You would be awesome. And if I let you...

I would be a terrible dad.


Then have Hope be your partner. She's smart.

She reminds me of you.

You gonna go help her?

I think you should help her.

I wish I could... but I don't know how I could help her without hurting you.

You can do it.

You can do anything.

You are the world's greatest grandma.

Agent Woo will see you in an hour.

An hour? We don't have an hour.

Oh, you got somewhere else to be?

Oh, now, that's my girl.

All right, what's our plan?

To shrink that wall.

It looks load-bearing.

The ceiling could collapse.

Then we run like hell.

Now, I estimate 15-20 agents on the floor.

Roughly five times that in the building at large.

They're all heavily armed.

Not great odds.

You got any better ideas?


And I'm not giving up on Mom.

She'd be so proud of you.


One... two...


What're you two just standing around for?

We gotta go find that lab.

What about me?


Hurry up and get dressed. We don't have much time.

Okay, now what?

You're asking me?

Get in!



Uh, excuse me. Are we planning on leaving soon... or are you two gonna keep staring at each other... until they start sh**ting at us?


Hey, Burch. Yeah.

Yeah, they're out.

I'm on my way.

Her suit is missing, and so is the van.

How could this happen?

I mean, what the dickens?

Thank you.

You're welcome.

So, uh, how do we find the lab?

After we lost it the first time...

I put on a new tracker... of sorts.

That'll work.

Is it ready or not?

We can begin the extraction process.

Listen, Ava.

This whole thing could be very dangerous.

Maybe we should...

Maybe we should what? Wait?

I've got days until I'm dead.

We're doing this, Bill. Now.

Energy readings show they have not used the tunnel yet.

We don't have much time before Mom's location shifts, and we lose her.

Yeah, and we have a lot to do before then.

You know, my pep-pep always said, "If you want to do something right, you make a list."

So, we should do that.

One, we have to break into that lab.

Two, we have to kick out Foster and Ghost.

Three, we're gonna have to fight Ghost.

That seems like it should be part of two. 2-A, all right?

Let's call it 2-A.

Fight Ghost. 2-A.

Oh, also, we have to make sure that the lab is fully grown for you to come back.

Otherwise, we're screwed.


You want me to start again? I'll start again...

I'm going to dive.

The only chance we got is if the two of you are out here... together, protecting the tunnel.

Let me do this, Hope. Please.

Let me get her.

I think he's right.


You don't remember, uh, that beloved commercial?


I had him follow us.

I thought we could use some help.

All right. I'm in position.

The ants are headed in.

Copy that.

Keep your eyes peeled, Scotty.

Do you want Pez? No.

Cassie gave me this for my birthday.

By the way, I love that suit!

Thanks, man.

I wish I had a suit.

I would even like a suit with minimal powers, you know?

Or maybe even just a suit, with no powers.

What is it?

Don't know.

It's them!

They can't be far.

All right, Hank. Hank?

Dad, what's your status?

Foster's taken care of.

Suiting up now.

I just wanted to save Ava.

She's facing death or something far more terrible.

She's afraid.

I'll help you find a cure when I get back.

I promise.

Together, we'll figure something out.

Good luck, Hank.

Thanks, Bill.

Now, I'm gonna need you to step back.

Time remaining, 15 minutes.

Hank's in, Scott.

Any sign of her?

No, nothing yet.


Call off the ants, Scott.

Oh, boy!

Can I get a status report?

'Cause I got some serious Ghost problems here!

Ready to dive.

In case I don't make it... Don't.

Don't say that.

I can't lose you, too.

I love you, Hope.

Guys, everything's bad over here.



One of the first things they teach you at Online Close-up Magic University.


Plan worked. We got it, Scotty!

Meet us at the rendezvous point.

Okay, on my way!

Oh, no.

Really? This guy again?


I told you our business wasn't over.

Change of plans.

Hang on.

I want that lab, boys, whatever it takes.

Hold on.

That undercarriage is filthy!

Oh, they got bigger problems.

Hope, what're you doing?

You're heading away from the rendezvous point!

Don't worry, I'm taking these guys on the scenic route.

Wait, what're you... Oh.

Oh, my God! Oh, my God! We're gonna die!

We're gonna die!

Signal lost.

What the hell are they doing up there?



You never said it was so beautiful, Scott.


Okay, any time now.


Recalibrating. Come on.

Signal restored.

Bikes, it's all you.

Take the wheel. What? Wait! Whoa.

Well, the 60's were fun, but now I'm paying for it.

Be careful up there!

Hey, give me a break! I haven't driven in two years!

Oh, you got pezed!

Up here!

Oh, that's not good.


No! No!

There it is, right there. Get the lab!

Get the lab!

I've got her. Westbound on Fremont.

Hope! Wait!

Hey, what about me?

We got you now, Ava!

Whoa! Oh!

Not again!

Piece of junk!

Ah! Yes!

Go, go, go, go, go!

Burch got the lab.

I'm going after him.

No, no, no, no, no, no!

Work in progress, my ass...

Scott, where are you?

I've got Burch in my sights. Hurry!

I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming!

We're running out of time.

Warning, approaching quantum void.

I'm coming to you, honey.


Don't you need the remote to the lab? I just found it.

We can't grow the lab without it.

Get it to us fast.

Yeah, but the van is busted.

Use the Hot Wheels Rally case.


I love you, Dr. Pym.

The remote! We're missing the remote!

You gotta check the van!



Hey, I'm going down Pacific.

Burch's boys are all over me.

I'm on my way.

Right. I'll get the lab.


Oh, that's badass!



Come here, you little weasel!

No, you don't!

I guess maybe you do.

Come on!

Anyone see a Southern gentleman carrying a building?

How'd he even have time to buy a ticket?

Would you just one time, please work!


All right, I need help.


Oh. Sorry. Ah...


Hey! Come on, man!

Not cool!


Yes, yes, yes, yes!

I'm gonna call you Ant-onio Banderas!

You're a badass!


No, no, no!


Our friends, the humpbacks, dip in here to the San Francisco Bay... for a little leisure and a little breeding.

Listen, Uzman...

And perhaps they're down below as we speak, doing the nasty.

Just meet me at the waterfront.

In three hours.

Oh, folks. We've barely left the dock... but it looks like we got some company.

Look. Right there. Do you see it, folks?

There it is. There's a breach.

What the...?

Hi. Sorry. Hi.

It's okay. It's okay!

Sorry, I know I'm not a whale. This will just take a second.

Hey! That doesn't belong to you!

No, no! No, no!

You're embarrassing yourself now Come on. Let go.

Thank you.

I'll take this now.

It melts your mind.

A message in your head.

I had a dream.

Daddy? Where's Mommy?

It's where I hid every time that we played.

I love you, Hank.



Dad? What's going on?

Why haven't you found Mom?

You look lost, Hank. Are you all right?

Still think you have all the answers, Hank?

It's me.

I'm so sorry...

it took so long.



You're here now.

Let's go home.

I thought I was gone.

But that energy from your hands... how did you do that?

I'm not the same woman I was 30 years ago, Henry.

This place... it changes you.

Adaptation is part of it, but some of it is... evolution.

Lab coordinates not found.

Do not ascend.

I should probably tell you what we're dealing with up there.

I got the lab. I got the lab.

Move. Move.


Get out of the way.

Let's go.

No one here appears to be sure what this is.

It's gotta be 80-85 feet tall.

Get out of the way!

I got the lab.

The air feels chunky.

Oh, no. He's too big.



I'm gonna go to sleep.

I'm just gonna go to sleep now for five minutes.

I just need five minutes.

Five minutes!

You get the lab somewhere safe.

Scott's air won't last. Okay.


Move! Move!

No, wait!

Lab at full scale.

They did it.

Ready to ascend.

Let's go see our daughter.



Scott, come on, wake up!

Come on. Come on, where are you, Scott?





Hey, Scotty! Hope, come in.

Did you get crushed by the building?

Where's the remote, Luis?

It's probably in there.

I don't have it. I don't have it.

I guess this is where we say...

Adios, amigo.

No, no, no, no!

Thanks, guys.




Almost ready for extraction.

Please, stop! People are getting hurt!

Everything hurts. Don't talk to me about pain!

What if Hank is right?

What if this process kills Janet?

What, you're worried about her?

All I'm saying is that she is a brilliant scientist.

She may be able to help.

Oh, she will help. Right now!

And if she dies, she dies!

No, no. I'm sorry, we can't do this.

We have to find another way.

This is the way.


She started the extraction.

She's gonna tear Mom apart.



Are you okay?


Oh, my God.

We found you.

I missed you so much.

I missed you too, Jellybean.

It's okay.

I'm here now. We have time.

No more last-minute business trips, okay?

I promise.

No, it's okay!

It's all right. Just don't worry about me.

I'll be fine. Dad.


Miss Van Dyne.

It's nice to...

Well, I guess we've already met.

Yeah. I guess we have.


Your pain.

I can feel it.

It hurts.

It always hurts.

I'm sorry.

I think I can help you.

Did you know she could do that?

It's okay.

Guys, the cops are coming!


The cops are coming. Like, all of 'em!

I gotta go. We gotta go!

What about them?

Hands in the air!

No! We are going to our jobs. No.

You see, we see these guys. They trying to sh**t people.

So we apprehended them. For you. You're welcome.

We traffic in stolen technology.

And we have k*lled many, many people.

Uh, he's in charge.

That's true, I am.

I've also committed numerous health code violations in my restaurant.

Some of them would shock you.

It is truth serum.

We gotta get outta here.


I have an idea.

Giant figure, now spotted at the intersection of Broadway and Laguna.

All units move in.

Go, go!

There he is!

It's over, Scotty!

I'm sorry, but we got you, man!

Come on. It's the end of the line, pal.

There's nowhere to hide.

Just pull off that Band-Aid! You lost! It's okay!

Damn it, Scotty, reduce yourself!


Damn it!

Get to Lang's, now!

Well done, honey.

Let's go!

Leave me here.

We can make it.

You said it yourself.

I've hurt people.

But you haven't.

Go. Please!

We can make it, Ava.


I'm not leaving you.

Oh, hey, guys.

Are my two years up already?

What's it like out there?

Huh? I mean, do people still dance?

Are food trucks still a thing?

Well, you got away with it this time, Scott... but, uh, I'll be seeing you again.



Where will you be seeing me again?

Like, in general...

The next time you do something bad, I'll be there to catch you... Oh.

You'll be watching...

I thought you were inviting me somewhere.

Why would I do that?

That's what I was wondering, why would you do that?

Like a party, or like, dinner or something?

I don't know. I thought you planned the evening.

I meant, "I'll arrest you later, again."

Of course, that would be strange.

Take it easy, Jimmy. Okay.

Did you want to grab dinner, or something?

I mean, because I'm free...

Yeah. Come on.

You ready?


Hi. Hi. Hi.


Yes, that was us. How can I help you?

X-Con Security.

Mr. Karapetyan?

Yeah, you saw that?

It would be an honor to be in business with you as well.

I'll see you Thursday, 9:00 AM. Okay.


That's how you close a deal!

This is awesome.

So, Cassie... what do you want to be when you grow up?

I wanna help people... like my dad.


I wanted to be his partner.

But he said he wants you.

Is that so?


Whoa! Hold on.

Move, get outta here!

Scott, don't, don't, don't!


Oh, gross!

Ugh. I hate that moth dust!

Go! Shoo! Shoo!

I used to be a respected scientist.

I had my name on the sides of buildings.

Now, I got this.

Well, you wanted a smaller quantum tunnel.

This is... smaller.

Oh. Sorry. My bad.

Ah, I think it has flair.

All right. Control's online.

The collection unit activates when you decouple it.

It should automatically start absorbing quantum healing particles.

Also, make sure you stay out of the tardigrade fields.

They're cute, but they'll eat you.

And don't get sucked into a time vortex.

We won't be able to save you.


Going subatomic in five... four... three... two... one.

All right, Scott, this is a mic check.

Mic check, one, two. One, two.

How's everybody doing tonight in the quantum realm?

Scott, we read you.

I just wanna make sure.


Healing particles secured for our new Ghost friend.


Preparing for re-entry in... five, four, three...


Ha, ha. Very funny.

Hank, quit screwing around.

You told me yourself not to screw around.






Okay, seriously, don't joke around.

Bring me up, let's go.
