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03x04 - The Incredible Shrinking Royals

Posted: 09/03/20 07:12
by bunniefuu
♪ In a kingdom old and grand ♪ ♪ Elena ♪

- ♪ A princess Bravely rules the land ♪ ♪ Elena ♪

- ♪ With her family By her side ♪ ♪ Elena ♪

♪ It's a wild and daring ride ♪

♪ Elena, Elena ♪

♪ Of Avalor ♪

♪ Making mystery everywhere ♪

♪ Royal friends Are always there ♪

♪ Magic shines From deep within ♪

♪ Let her royal reign begin ♪

♪ Elena, Elena ♪

♪ Elena of Avalor ♪

*ELENA OF AVALOR* Season 03 Episode 04 Episode Title: "The Incredible Shrinking Royals"

"The Incredible Shrinking Royals."

And so, Princess Elena, for my first time hosting the Feast of Friendship as Magister of Trade...

No no no no no no.

For my first time hosting...

No no no no. Okay.

For my very first time...

Ay, basta!

You've practiced this a million times.

You're ready.

I hope so.

All of Avalor's trade deals depend on this feast going well and the treaty getting signed.

What if Elena hates my ideas?

Deep breaths, hermano.

Your ideas are brilliant.

What could possibly go wrong?

And so, Princess Elena, for my...


13th time hosting the Feast of Friendship, we will dine at my Emporium, as always.

Doña Paloma?

Ah! Julio.

Glad you could join us.

Join you?

You weren't even supposed to be here.

Wait. I thought you said Julio asked you to be in charge of the Feast.

I did no such thing.

Well, maybe not in so many words, but I just assumed I'd plan the feast since I am the Assistant Magister.

Uh, Assistant to the Magister.

And I have a plan of my own.

Great. I'm sure we'd all love to hear it.

I am so glad I skipped my mid-morning siesta for this.

Princess Elena, I humbly request that we shake things up a bit.

Beginning with where we hold the feast.

The Sunbird Temple...

Where our Maruvian ancestors hosted their guests from neighboring kingdoms and forged new alliances.

But the feast is always held in my Emporium.

This is a marvelous idea!

Change is a good thing, I always say.

So glad you feel that way.

Because I'm also shaking up the guest list.

Aww! Mini mazapán monarchs?

King Toshi, King Santiago, Queen Abigail.

And my personal favorite... Mini Mazapán Princess Elena.

But where is Mini Mazapán Chancellor Esteban?

Perhaps he's back at the palace, having a mid-morning siesta.

Chancellor, as a businessman, I've learned it's best to cut out the middleman when possible.

So instead of inviting royal ambassadors, we will invite the royal rulers themselves.

A Feast of Friendship without me?!

No. This is a terrible idea! Change is a bad thing!

The Chancellor is right... for once.

Princess Elena, Julio is in over his head.

A man of such humble background could never play host to the world's most esteemed royals.

Doña Paloma, background isn't important.

Ideas are.

Yes, and my other big new idea is that the rulers personally bring the goods they want to trade.

Now, those are great ideas.

Ugh! Ay!

Julio, you may proceed with your Royal Feast.

Ooh! Ah-ha-hai!

How dare Julio take the Feast of Friendship away from me!

How dare he not invite Mini Mazapán Esteban!

Princess Elena needs to be reminded just how important we are.


To do that, we need to make sure Julio's feast is a complete disaster.

Then we'll swoop in and clean up his mess.

And show Elena only we can get the treaty signed.


So what makes a feast go wrong?

Well, a bad guest, I suppose.

But the rulers on Julio's list get along.

Ugh! They are downright delightful.

Then perhaps we should secretly invite someone who doesn't get along with anybody.

Someone rude.



The most awful guest imaginable.

King Hector! King Hector!

The table is set. Food prep on schedule.

Everything is perfect.

Well, almost perfect.

I made you something.

A Magister of Trade power vest.

Carmen Rosa Guadalupe Guzman!

Julio Osbaldo Valentino Guzman, it's a perfect fit, in every way.

If only Abuelita could see us now.

Oh, she's watching.

Then I will do my best to honor you today, Abuela.

♪ She worked her fingers to the bone ♪

♪ Scrimped and saved to make a home ♪

♪ We had no dough but we had drive ♪

♪ Somehow she taught us to survive ♪

♪ This feast can be no less than great ♪

♪ I cannot leave it up to fate ♪

♪ Today I'll do my very best ♪

♪ To make my mark, to pass my test ♪

♪ I do all this in her honor ♪

♪ I'll go the extra mile ♪

♪ To show her that her sacrifice ♪

♪ Was truly worth her while ♪

♪ I must succeed in her honor ♪

♪ And throw a feast with style ♪

♪ If I impress all those kings and queens ♪

♪ I'll surely make her smile ♪

♪ Abuela, hi, it's me Julio ♪

♪ Abuelita, please give me a sign ♪

♪ Abuela, show me you are here with me ♪

♪ Por favor ♪

♪ It's almost time ♪


♪ I do all this in her honor ♪

♪ I'll go the extra mile ♪

♪ To show her that her sacrifice ♪

♪ Was truly worth her while ♪

♪ I must succeed in her honor ♪

♪ And throw a feast with style ♪

♪ If I impress all those kings and queens ♪

♪ I'll surely make her smile ♪

♪ And it will all be worthwhile ♪

♪ To think that I made her smile ♪

♪ In her honor ♪

Princess Elena!


Doña Paloma.

You must be so excited!

Or extremely nervous.

You're about to greet the most powerful monarchs in the world.

You don't want to say the wrong thing.

No, of course not.

Yokoso, King Toshi.

Your accent is impressive.

And it's a thrill to attend my very first Feast of Friendship.

Beginner's luck.

Princess Valentina Montañez Torres of Paraíso, looking more radiant than ever.

I know, right?

Val! What a wonderful surprise.

King Santiago sent the Princess in his place.

Papi says I need more diplomatic experience if I'm gonna be a great queen.

Like it's hard.


And the woman who makes ruling look effortless...

Queen Abigail of Norberg!

Now, if it isn't Avalor's exciting new Magister of Trade!

Queen Abigail, I am...

And would you look at the cheeks on this one.

Ooh, I could just eat you up!

Ah, you must save your appetite for the delicious feast.

Ha ha ha ha! Aren't you the charmer!

Princess Elena!

Is it true you cut King Hector down to size at your very first Royal Retreat?

Well, let's just say, I'm not his favorite person.

Neither am I!

Now let's get this party started!

But wait. Who could that be?

Hey! Who's the knucklehead that decided to host a royal feast in a rundown pile of rocks?

King Hector?! Not King Hector!

I bet it's the same knucklehead who forgot to send a 14-horse carriage to pick me up at the docks.

Luckily, I just happened to be at the port.

Perhaps I should stay for the feast, hmm?

As your personal attaché?

Well, if attaché means "you do whatever I say," then you got the job, mustache.

I am at your service.

Uh... hello, Queenie.

I'm surprised to see you here.

I thought only the important royals were invited.

The surprise is mutual, Hector.

How did you ever manage to fit your big mouth into that tiny carriage?

Why did you invite Hector?

I didn't.

Then I am asking him to leave.

Probably for the best.

Of course I could manage him, but Julio... Mm.

I can manage him.

Besides, asking him to leave now would make him angry... Well, angrier...

And create problems for the kingdom.

But letting him stay could be even worse.

Trust me, he's difficult.

I know, but if I get him to sign the treaty, too, this would be our best trade deal ever.

Well, you're the Magister of Trade, so it's your call.

King Hector, allow me to offer you my most humble apologies.

I am Julio Guzman, Avalor's Magister of Trade.

So you're the knucklehead?


I am the knucklehead.

Let us begin the Feast of Friendship!

Before the time of Avalor, the ancient Maruvians made some of their most successful treaties here... in the Sunbird Temple.

But why?

The answer lies inside.

According to legend, this very chamber is guarded by potent magic, released only in the presence of raised voices.

Which makes it the perfect place for negotiations, since calm and civility are mandatory here. Or else...

Or else what?! Oops. Shh.

Or else what?

Nobody knows.

Because no one ever dares yell or scream here.

Ohh, I'm shakin' in my booties!

And now, I invite you to, quietly, inspect each other's trading goods, and then strike the best trade deal in Feast of Friendship history.

You're doing great.

Hey, I think I made one of these in grade school.

I didn't know they made diamonds this small.

Maybe it looks better on.


And what exactly did you bring?

Thought you'd never ask, Queenie.

Feast your eyes on this.

Wow! A toy boat!

Did you bring a rubber ducky to go with it?

I believe that is a replica of King Hector's new nine-series ship.

The Wave Smasher!

King Hector, if I could kindly ask you to lower your voice a touch?

Are you giving King Hector an order?

I would never.

Just asking if maybe you could use your inside voice.

This is my inside voice!

Perhaps an "inside-magic-chamber" voice then?

Uh, Julio, isn't it time for dinner?

Yes, dinner!

Everyone, kindly take your seats.

Back in a minute.

I call head of the table!

Too late.

But you go right ahead and enjoy the foot.

But Hector always sits at the head.

Perhaps King Hector would prefer my seat?

And sit at the armpit? No thanks.

Now move it, Queenie!

Call me "Queenie" one more time, I dare you.


Nobody. Likes. Your. Boat.

That's it!

No more Señor Nice Guy!

Hector! Shh!

As long as that woman's here... Time to swoop in and save the feast. there'll be no trade deal today!

Your Majesty.

Now get out of my seat!

Whoa! Aah!

What was that?!


Yaah! Ow! Aah!


Oh, my!

What is happening?

The Maruvian legend was real!

The magic shrunk us!

Somebody give the H-man a boost!

How'd the table get so huge?!


So much for everything being bigger in Paraíso.

You... mustache... Do something!



Run! Aah!



We're running out of table!

Unh! Oh!

Aaah! Whoa!


Look out!

The platter! Whoa!

Nice save.

Now where is that blockhead who thought we should have a feast in here?

Where is everyone?

Your Majesties?

Hey, knucklehead! Down here!

Magister! Watch out!

I'm too pretty to be trampled!

Mini Mazapán Princess Elena?

No! Mini real Elena!

Hector started yelling, and then this happened!

Ohh! So that's why the Maruvians never raised their voices in here.

Someone needs to get Mateo... now!

He's gotta have an un-shrinking spell!

Carmen! On my way!

The crayfish!

Run! Oh, boy!

Bad giant crayfish!


Ohh! Ohh! Ohhh!

Whoa! Aah!

Ohh! Whoa!

Whoaa! Ohh!


Ah! That was close.

Aah! Whoa!


Hey! This is kinda fun!

Fun's over.

Unh! Get off me!

Get off me!

What is this place?!

Looks like some kind of hidden treasure chamber.

Help! Somebody help us!

Leave it to Valentina Montañez Torres, heir to the golden throne of Paraíso!


This queen stuff is harder than it looks.

Julio! Help!

Save us! Save me!


I'm here, Your mini Majesties.

I'm going to get you out of there.

Stop! Stop!

Look out!

Aah! Stop!

You're gonna crush us, you numskull!

You! If you hadn't pulled me down, I wouldn't be in this mess.

And if you hadn't thrown one of your tantrums, none of us would be in this mess!

Enough! I do not normally take sides, but you are to blame!

What have I done?

This is not your fault.

This is completely your fault!

Doña! Well, it is.

And I tried to warn you, but you refused to listen.

You were never equipped for this in the first place.

Yes, you are. And you can still fix it.

A man of your background can't possibly have the tools to succeed in this role.

It's not where you come from that matters.

It's what you do once you get there.

And where did you get that nonsense?

From you.


At last year's feast.

When you told me about losing everything, then working to become the most successful businesswoman in Avalor?

Point taken. I did work hard.

So when is Julio going to do the same and fix this crisis?

I don't know what to do.


Aaaaah! I told youuuuuu!


No no no no! Aah!

No no no no! Steady!


Esteban, this is the first and last time I agree to one of your ridiculous schemes!

What?! Inviting Hector was your idea!

Wait! You two did this?!

So you're saying the H-man wasn't really invited?

Please, Elena, if I could explain...

Oh, you will. To the Grand Council.

I'm a little bit busy at the moment.

Bad crayfish!

Do something!

Hide behind the teacup! Go go go go!

We're here!

Mateo, please tell me you can un-shrink them.

Um, yes and no.

I'll take the "yes" option, please.

Well, if I turn them regular sized in that small space, they'll be crushed.

Ay, no! Qué desastre!

Calm down, hermano.

I've let down my Princess, my kingdom, you...


Doña Paloma is right.

Someone like me should never have become Magister.

Who did I think I was?

I'll tell you exactly who you are.

You are the man who kept our family's restaurant afloat for years.

The man who's earned every little thing he's ever gotten.

Julio, it's because you come from nothing, because you've had to struggle, that you've got the strength to handle this.

So stop feeling sorry for yourself and have one of your big ideas already.

I'm sorry, I can't.

I am not worthy of this.


Use these for shields!


You'll see!

Climb aboard!

The boat will sail you right out of the chamber.

Kings first!


Bet you like my Wave Smasher now!

Aaaah! Whoaa!

Aah! Whoa!


Gotcha! Whew!


Oh, yes! It worked!

We made it! We're alive!

The H-man saved us all!

So... is everyone ready to sign the treaty?

Why not? Trade partners should trust each other and work together, just like we did today. Count me in!

Hector, it is a fine boat.

And your dresses make some pretty sweet ropes.

Oh. Thanks.

I'd like to take a moment to thank the man who, in the face of some serious obstacles, made the the most successful Feast of Friendship in history...

Magister Julio Guzman.

To Julio!

Wonderful man!

Hear, hear.

Para usted, Abuelita.