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03x12 - Changing of the Guard

Posted: 09/03/20 07:18
by bunniefuu
Theme song plays >>>

- ♪ In a kingdom old and grand ♪ ♪ Elena ♪

- ♪ A princess Bravely rules the land ♪ ♪ Elena ♪

- ♪ With her family By her side ♪ ♪ Elena ♪

♪ It's a wild and daring ride ♪

♪ Elena, Elena ♪

♪ Of Avalor ♪

♪ Making mystery everywhere ♪

♪ Royal friends Are always there ♪

♪ Magic shines From deep within ♪

♪ Let her royal reign begin ♪

♪ Elena, Elena ♪

♪ Elena of Avalor ♪

*ELENA OF AVALOR* Season 03 Episode 12 Episode Title: "Changing of the Guard"

"Changing of the Guard."


I got here as soon as I could.

Well, Avalor officially has a pirate problem.

This is the third ship they've att*cked this month!

And I can assure you, it will be the last.

But it's going to require more manpower.

I propose an open call for more Royal Guards.

The sooner the better. Whatever you need, Gabe.

Oh, but we have fencing practice.

Don't worry. I'll find another partner.


Point. Ow!

Ah! Point.


I get it. Point.

Princess Elena, I mended your lucky fencing pants.

Thanks, Antonia, but I don't think I'll be needing any luck today.

I'll take them!

I'll just put them inside.

Here you go.

That was a nice move.

Do you fence?

Oh, not really, Princess...

Well, maybe a teensy bit. My dad was a Royal Guard.

How would you like to fill in for Armando?


En garde! Uh, Your Highness.

You're telling me you've never had any formal training?

Not unless you count secretly watching my father run drills with his troop.

My favorite part was the fencing.


At the end of the day, I'd go back to my room and practice the same moves they worked on.


I practiced a lot.

Have you ever considered being a Royal Guard?

Oh, you know, only once or twice... a day.


Whoa. Cool move.

Where'd you learn it?

The Captain of the Guard taught me.

It's called the Leaping Stag.

Why haven't you tried to enlist?

Because women aren't allowed to join.

That can't be true.

Then why are there only men in the Royal Guard?


Why are there only men in the Royal Guard?

Good question.


Is there a rule against women joining the Royal Guard?

Of course not, mijita.

Why would we need one?

Obviously, the Royal Guard is just for men.

I'm sorry, what?

Yes, Francisco, what?

Oh, mi amor, look how beautifully your begonias came in this year!

First of all, those are roses.

And second, explain yourself.

It is just, um, well...

It is our duty as men to protect women.

Not the other way around.


You were saying?

Well, that is just the way it has always been.

Well, it's not the way it has to be.

You think you can cross Royal Guard Antonia Bello?

So did they!

En garde!


Your Highness.

Guess what?! Turns out, there's no rule keeping women from serving in the Royal Guard!

Which means... you can enlist!

I can?


Where do I sign up?

Captain Nuñez, look no further.

Rocco Villalobos of the four-generation Royal Guard Villalobos reporting for duty.

And I'm Nacho.

Got it, Rocco, Nacho. Next!


Princess Elena!

Giving up the crown for a Guard uniform?

Actually, Captain, I brought you a prospect...

Antonia Bello.

Aren't you... A girl? Who cares?

Antonia has amazing potential, plus there's no official rule keeping her from trying out.

I was going to say, aren't you Rodrigo Bello's daughter?

Yes, sir. He was my father, sir.

He was an excellent soldier.

Your Highness, I'm interested in finding the best talent Avalor has to offer...

Whoever they are.

Oh. Well, that's good.

A seamstress in the Royal Guard?

What's she gonna do, sew the enemy into submission?

Sew them into submission.

I don't get it.

Welcome to the most grueling three days of your life, recruits.

Those who prove themselves worthy will be invited to join the Royal Guard.

Day one of basic training: nautical obstacle course.

Day two: swordsmanship and survival skills.

And for the final day...


A pirate att*ck simulation.

First up... obstacle course.

Go! Out of my way!

Coming through! I got this!




Ha ha! Rocco wins!

Wrap it up, recruit!

The rest of you, good first day.

Of course it was, Rocco was here!

Wait, is there more than one day?

I'm so sorry, Elena.

For what?

You saw what a disaster I was.

Actually, what I saw was a woman who refused to give up.

But persistence doesn't get you across the obstacle course.

It turns out, you also need skill.

And practice.

Rocco's been training alongside his family for years.

And I heard Alejandro's father built this obstacle course in their backyard.

I'm sure you have the skills.

You just haven't had the opportunity to hone them.

Come on. I'll take you home so you can rest up for tomorrow.

Actually, Elena, I think I'll stay...

I have some honing to do.

Well, then I'm staying, too.

Aw, look. A slumber party.

Actually, Recruit Antonia was practicing the course for hours last night.

Well, too bad we're doing swordsmanship today.

- En garde! Whoa!

Princess, are you all right?

I'm good!

Well... morning.

Day two will test your swordsmanship.

Higgins will assign sparring partners.

Aye aye, Captain.

Ah! Point.

Uh, beginner's luck.




What? Whoa!

That's my move.

Was your move.

Wow! Way to go!

Where'd you learn that spin move?

A friend taught it to me.

Whoa, you just got b*at by a girl.

Spare me the recap, Nacho.

But I mean, really b*at.

Like, it wasn't even close.


As a Royal Guard, you must be able to survive out in the wild.

So prepare to embark on the Labyrinth Challenge.

You will be dropped into an unknown location, where you must use teamwork and wilderness skills to find your way back to the barracks.

If you don't return by sundown, you fail.

Uh, what does he mean by dropped?

Oh! This is what he means!


The Labyrinth begins... now!


You've got this.

Do I? Whoa!



That was awesome!

Where's Nacho?

How do I get out of this thing?!



Are you OK?

If you kids are done playing pattycake, we gotta move out.

Try to keep up.

Rocco's on the move! Whoa!

Hey. Need a hand?

Thanks, Antonia.

He can't swim!

Wow, they really seem to like her, huh?

Like way more than they like you, Rocco.

I'll get the fire going.


Or... we could skip the break and keep moving.

See, the pace we're on, we could actually break the Labyrinth record.

Who's in?

I'm in! Me too!


Let's move out!

Wait, where's Antonia?

Oh, um... s-she offered to scout the path ahead of us.

Aw, that's so nice of her!

So I may have overdone it.


Why hasn't Antonia doubled back to tell us what she scouted?

Probably because, um... the path is clear.

She said she'd only come back if there was a problem.

Congratulations. Huh?

You've officially shattered the Labyrinth record.

I told you we would! Whoo!

- Orale! Yeah!

Hey, Antonia's not here.

Recruits, where's Antonia?

Rocco said she was ahead of us, sir.

I-I thought she was.

This exercise was about teamwork, guys.

The objective was to complete the course with your whole team.

I don't see a whole team here, so... you failed.

Thanks a lot, Rocco.

I'm going to look for her.

So are we. Recruits!

Gabe, please tell me you found her.

No, and we're losing light.

I'll get torches and call for back-up.

I'm going back out with you.

That won't be necessary.

Are you OK?

I didn't get back by sundown, so no, I'm not.

No, this wasn't on you, Antonia. It was a test of teamwork.

And today, your team let you down.

I understand, sir. But I quit.

What? How can you quit now? Antonia!

Don't you get it?

They left me behind on purpose.

It doesn't matter how hard I work or how qualified I am.

If the group won't accept me as one of them, there's no point.

Your final test will take place on the open seas where you will come face-to-face... with a pirate.

Ahoy there! Ahoy there!

You will defend against this simulated pirate att*ck.

Too bad Antonia's not here.

Her sword fighting skills sure would come in handy.

Yeah, they sure would.

Good morning, Princess. Did you need something?

Uh, so I've been thinking.

I know you've decided to quit, but I reject it.

This may be your kingdom and all, but I don't think it's up to you...

Your Highness.

It's Elena.

And I'm not just your Crown Princess.

I'm your friend.

So what kind of friend would I be if I quit trying to convince you not to quit?

Just give it one more sh*t, Antonia.

♪ You think you're all alone in this ♪

♪ But like you I've been dismissed ♪

♪ At my first royal retreat ♪

♪ They tried to deny me a seat ♪

♪ But I wouldn't let myself Be rejected ♪

♪ I fought until I was respected ♪ I know but... ♪ "But" cannot be A word you use ♪

♪ To waver now would mean you lose ♪

♪ Why quit when you are this close ♪

♪ To getting the thing you want most ♪

♪ You stand there feeling so defeated ♪

♪ But that will change Once you've succeeded ♪

♪ You must persist ♪

♪ Through all resistance ♪

♪ You must persist ♪

♪ Just go the distance ♪

♪ You've got the right ♪

♪ To fight this fight ♪

♪ So I insist ♪

♪ This chance cannot be missed ♪

♪ You must persist ♪

♪ You must persist ♪

♪ But what if they never accept me? ♪

♪ They'll have to when you're on the team ♪

♪ But I quit In the middle of tryouts ♪

♪ Then un-quit and follow your dream ♪

♪ My dream ♪

♪ I must persist ♪

♪ Through all resistance ♪

♪ I must persist ♪

♪ Just go the distance ♪

♪ I've got the right ♪

♪ To fight this fight ♪

♪ So re-enlist ♪

♪ This chance cannot be missed ♪ ♪ This chance cannot be missed ♪

♪ I must persist ♪

♪ You must persist ♪

♪ I must persist ♪

♪ You must persist ♪

♪ This chance cannot be missed ♪ ♪ This chance cannot be missed ♪

♪ You must persist ♪ ♪ I must persist ♪ So, what do you say?

OK. One more sh*t.

Everyone in position!

On my signal!

Is that the signal?

Higgins, I said no flaming arrows.

Sorry, is it time?

Wait. If Private Higgins didn't sh**t those arrows, who did?

Get down!


Higgins! Take cover!

This is not a test.

They're real pirates!

Real pirates?! Uh-oh.

Ropes away!

Are those...?


Rocco! Move!

Stay back!

I'm Rocco Villalobos of the four-generation Royal Guard...

Drop your weapons or the coward gets it.

What are you waiting for?! Drop 'em!

Now that's more like it.

What are ye scallywags waitin' for?

Pick up the swords!

Aye, aye, Captain.


Help! Rocco needs help!

Antonia, what are you doing?!

He has Rocco.

Grab the rope!


Argh! Time we be off, lads!

Elena! Now!

Let him go!

Are ye sure ye wanna take on a pirate, lassie?

Are you sure you want to take on a lassie, pirate?




Rocco! Wait!

In your face, pirate! Who's the coward now?

Rocco, stay away!

Drop your steel.


Nice moves.

You ever thought about signing up for the Royal Guard?

Only once or twice... a day.

I'm going after the Captain.

That won't be necessary.

You got him! Bravo, Antonia!

Way to go! Incredible moves!

You showed that pirate!

Are they gone?

Rocco, help Nacho down and inform him that neither of you are becoming Guards today.

Yes, Captain.

Yeah! That was amazing!

Antonia! Whoo!

What does it take to be a Royal Guard?

Teamwork to get the job done, courage to face danger, and persistence to never give up.

Every single one of you embodies those traits.

It is my great honor to officially welcome you all to the ranks of the Avalor Royal Guard.

Looking sharp.



Thank you for not letting me quit.

Anytime, Royal Guard Antonia Bello.

Oh, hello there.

When I grow up, I want to be a Royal Guard just like you.

Then that's exactly what you should do.

Look what you did.

What we did.

All right. Time to get out there and protect Avalor.


Forward march!

Hut two, three, four.

Hut two, three, fo ur...

Theme music plays >>>