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03x14 - Spirit of a Wizard

Posted: 09/03/20 07:20
by bunniefuu
Theme song plays >>>

- ♪ In a kingdom old and grand ♪ ♪ Elena ♪

- ♪ A princess Bravely rules the land ♪ ♪ Elena ♪

- ♪ With her family by her side ♪ ♪ Elena ♪

♪ It's a wild and daring ride ♪

♪ Elena, Elena ♪

♪ Of Avalor ♪

♪ Making mystery everywhere ♪

♪ Royal friends are always there ♪

♪ Magic shines from deep within ♪

♪ Let her royal reign begin ♪

♪ Elena, Elena ♪

♪ Elena of Avalor ♪

*ELENA OF AVALOR* Season 03 Episode 14 Episode Title: "Spirit of a Wizard"

Previously, on "Elena of Avalor"...

I found Takaína.

So that means you have the power of the crystal forge now?

Not exactly.

He got it.

We have to train him in dark magic.

Seal it.

Nothing can get through that crystal.

I'm Alacazar, the Royal Wizard of Avalor.

Well, I was a royal wizard, until I turned myself into this talking book.

"Spirit of a Wizard."


Can you see them? Can you see them?

Ugh, not unless Ash and Esteban have turned into pink, fluffy clouds.

Ooh, they can do that?

Let me try again.


Can you see anything now?

Just my favorite alpacamundi.

Still no luck?

Look for yourself.

Ash and Esteban must've hidden themselves with some kind of cloaking spell.

Well, do you have a spell that can undo it?

No, and I've gone through all my books.

I'm sorry.

I feel like I'm letting you down.

What you really need right now is a master wizard.

Isn't that what you are?

I wish.

Master wizards know advanced spells and potions.

Avalor used to have one: my grandfather.


I never even got a chance to meet him.


But you could.

Sort of. What do you mean?

He's inside that magical book, remember?

In Enchancia.

That must be one big book.

I can have the book sent here.

Then Alacazar could help us find Ash and Esteban.

And I'll finally get to meet my abuelo.

Is that all you've got?

I am just getting warmed up.

I suppose that was somewhat impressive.


You finally mastered your teleportation powers.

Took long enough.

I just returned from Takaína.

The entrance has been sealed shut with some kind of enchanted crystal.

Oh, it was Elena's scepter.

Since she fell in the crystal well, her scepter is more powerful than ever.

Then that's it.

I'll never attain the power she has.


Not unless you get your hands on her scepter.



Then I could harness its magic, and Elena would have nothing.

What? No, no, no, no. I-I was joking.

But I'm not.

We will set a trap for the princess and steal her scepter.

I cannot think of a better way to test both my students.

What's in the box? What's in the box?


Huh, I don't see the resemblance.

It's so old, it's starting to fall apart.

I'd better be careful.



Princess Elena.


I thought I'd never see you again.

I can't thank you enough for what you did for me and my family.

You can thank me enough, and you just did.

That was the perfect amount.

Hi, I'm Mateo.

Your grandson.

I have a grandson?

¿Mi nieto?


So you're a wizard.

The Royal Wizard.

I just taught myself a few things.

I'm not at the master level, like you.

That's why we need your help.

You remember my cousin Esteban?

Yes. Nice young man. Whatever happened to him?

He betrayed us and teamed up with a malvago.

Oh. We need to capture them.

But they've cast a cloaking spell.

Ah, not to worry.

There are plenty of master-level spells that can override it and reveal their location, in my secret biblioteca.

What secret biblioteca?

Oh, perhaps I should have left a note about that.

Hm. Press this stone.

This room was here the whole time?

It certainly wasn't anywhere else.

Shall we?

Wow! Are you related to all these books?

Look at all these spells.

Will you show me how to cast them, abuelo?

Each and every one.

I will train you to be a master wizard.

Okay, but can you start with that uncloaking spell?

What's happening to your book?

And to you?

The spell I cast to transform myself into a book was not powerful enough to last forever.

You see, the book has been slowly disintegrating for years.

It seems the journey to Avalor has sped things up a bit.

Once it's gone, what will happen to you?

I will pass on to the spirit world.

But we were going to stop Ash and Esteban together.

And train together. And be together.

There must be a way to stop this.

Quite right. There is.

Grab that spellbook, will you?

It has a recipe for a potion that could release me from the book and make me human again.

Got it. How do we make it? What do we need?

As I recall, some jaquin eggshell, mist of butterfrog breath, a few other things I'm sure you have in your workshop.

The petal of the Dalia Salída?

Except that.

I don't even know what that is.

It's a flower that grows deep in the wilds of Avalor.

One that can only be seen once you say the magic spell to reveal it.

Come on.

We can take the jaquins.

I'm afraid the trail goes through dense jungle and must be traveled by foot.

Whoo! Nature hike!

I love hikes.

Are we there yet?


Try this one.



Whoa. I used to have to make a potion to do that.

Guys, can that stuff wait?

We've already waited far too long.

There's so much abuelo can teach me.

And so much for mi nieto to learn.

♪ Did you know that a leaf From this here tree ♪

♪ Will make a powerful potion? ♪

♪ Or that you can increase The strength of a spell ♪

♪ With only this One simple motion ♪

♪ Did you know that a spell Can change a bird ♪

♪ From one kind into another? ♪

♪ You just say pantoto ♪

♪ Go give it a try ♪

♪ Aim your spell well to make it flutter ♪ Pantoto!

♪ Want to flip a person Upside down? ♪

♪ Just call out quixcapa ♪

♪ That's the sort of thing You'll learn ♪

♪ From your dear old Grandpapa ♪ Quixcapa.


♪ Do you know how much This means to me? ♪

♪ To meet you And talk to you finally ♪

♪ We share a bond See things eye to eye ♪

♪ With you as my guide ♪ I'll reach the sky ♪

♪ I'll reach the sky ♪

♪ I'll fly ♪

♪ I'll fly ♪ Llévaluq.

♪ Sharing knowledge With you, Mateo ♪

♪ I feel joy and love And pride ♪

♪ Though it's not even been One day-o ♪

♪ It feels like you've always been right by my side ♪

♪ Whoa, do you know how much this means to me? ♪

♪ To meet you and talk to you finally ♪

♪ We share a bond See things eye to eye ♪

♪ With you as my guide ♪

♪ You'll reach the sky ♪

♪ I'll reach the sky ♪

♪ And always be ♪

♪ And always be ♪

♪ Right there for you Right by your side ♪

♪ Mateo ♪

♪ Sí, abuelo ♪

♪ Do you know how much This means to me? ♪

I cannot wait to start your master wizard training.

Wait, we haven't started yet?

The quicker we get the Dalia Salída, the quicker you can begin.

Quite right.

Lesson one: to conserve your tamborita's magic, twist the drum back when you are done using it.

Oh, right.

You've found her.

And she is not alone.

Is that Alacazar?

How is that possible?

Who is this Alacazar?

He was Avalor's royal master wizard, but he has not been seen for over 40 years.

I never thought I'd get the chance to face off against him again.

He looks like a spirit.

Is that going to make it easier or harder to get Elena's scepter?

Easier for me.

I don't know about you two.

Ah, here it is.

The Dalia Salída.

Looks like a boring old shrub to me.



Hello, dalias.

Oh guys, you'd better hurry.

You're fading away.

Quick, get the other ingredients.

Now you'll need to add a petal of the Dalia Salída and shake the pouch while you chant the spell in this rhythm.

Does it have to be in that exact rhythm?

Only if you want it to work.

I know it is a master wizard spell, but you can do this, Mateo.

Now shake the pouch in time with the spell.

Caha Cayo...

Stronger, Mateo.

Shake stronger or chant stronger?


No, that's not right.

Do it with me.

It's almost gone.

Never mind that. Stay focused, Mateo.

That's it. Now you've got it.

It's ready.

Sprinkle it on the book, now!


We were too late.

You see?

Worked like a charm.

Which it was, of course.


You're really here.

Mi nieto.

Ah! I never want to let go of you.

Okay, but it's going to make hiking back awfully hard.

Um, we need to cast that uncloaking spell as soon as possible.

Ha-ha! We will.

My grandson and I, together.

Ha-ha, it feels good to clap someone on the back again.

Are you going to do that all the way back to the palace?

Most likely.

Ha-ha, that reminds me of the first time I faced Fiero after his turn towards darkness.

Are those firestones?

In Avalor?

I know. I thought they were only found in Paraíso.

We should bring some back.

Why didn't we notice them on the way up?

Mateo, get back!

It's an ambush!


Two can play at that game.

Out of my way, you filthy piñata.

I'll take that.


Okay, I have the scepter. We can go.



Who's the piñata now?

Ow! Stop it!

If you want anything done right...


I see nothing has changed in all these years, Alacazar.

You are still woefully outmatched.

And you are still a greedy old bird who picks up too many worms.


The scepter.

Got it.



No! Still you protect her?

Seal them up. - Portaliz.

Say adiós to your grandson, Alacazar.

No! - Contali.



Wizard down. Wizard down.


Get her scepter. Now!

Let's finish them off, shall we?


Mateo... - Llévaluq.


Mission accomplished.

Well cast, mijito.

I'm not done yet.

I'm going to keep casting it until we get you back to the palace.

I am not making it back to the palace.

Don't talk like that.

You... you must know a spell.

A master wizard spell.

No, mijito.

It is my time to go to the spirit world.

You will be a great master wizard.

I can't do it without you.

Of course you can.

You must be your own master.

Goodbye, abuelo.

No, there are no goodbyes, Mateo.

Not really.

I will always be in your memories and in your heart.

See you in the spirit world.


I'm so sorry, Mateo.

Alacazar was the nicest book I ever met.

What's that?

Ash is trying to use my scepter.

We have to get it back.

How? We couldn't b*at them when we had a master wizard with us.

And now you don't have your scepter, and... I'm no master wizard.

I'm barely a wizard at all.

I don't believe that.

And neither did your grandfather.

Look, I don't know if I can b*at them, but I have to try.

And so should you.


I said, blaze.

This thing doesn't work.

Perhaps you are not using it right.

She's not.

The scepter only channels good magic.

Ah, so it is useless to me.

And now it will be useless to you.






Ooh, I want a turn. Please.

I've got you.

Uh... oh.


What happened to me?



Looks like they're gone.

For now.

Is he going to be like that forever?

Not if he's eaten.

Just saying.

Glad you showed up.

Yeah, what got into you?

A wise wizard once told me I had to be my own master.

Zopilote is gone because of you.

You should have let me get Elena when I had the chance.

No, that was not part of the plan.

She is still my cousin.

Did that stop Elena from trying to blast you?

She will not rest until you are captured, or worse.

The only way to truly be safe is to stop Elena before she stops us.

I... I don't know.

We must get her back for what she's done to Zopilote.

And my daughter.

And you.

But how?

There are others who would be all too happy to assist us.

We simply need to gather them and join forces.

Together, we will defeat Princess Elena.

I still can't believe they were here this whole time.

Every master-level spell my abuelo knew.

And there's something else in here.

Your abuelo would have been so proud.

I'm sure he is.

All right!

Floaty time. Please? Please?


Whoo! Aah! Yeah!

Theme music plays >>>