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03x15 - Team Isa

Posted: 09/03/20 07:21
by bunniefuu
Theme song plays >>>

- ♪ In a kingdom old and grand ♪ ♪ Elena ♪

- ♪ A princess Bravely rules the land ♪ ♪ Elena ♪

- ♪ With her family by her side ♪ ♪ Elena ♪

♪ It's a wild and daring ride ♪

♪ Elena, Elena ♪

♪ Of Avalor ♪

♪ Making mystery everywhere ♪

♪ Royal friends are always there ♪

♪ Magic shines from deep within ♪

♪ Let her royal reign begin ♪

♪ Elena, Elena ♪

♪ Elena of Avalor ♪

♪ Elena of Avalor ♪

*ELENA OF AVALOR* Season 03 Episode 15 Episode Title: "Team Isa"

Episode Title: "Team Isa"

Hola, Salma.

Mi querida.

Ready to make some beautiful music?

♪ When Tito oh so sweetly sings ♪

♪ While strumming mighty Salma's strings ♪

♪ At first you'll sway and sway and sway ♪

♪ And then you'll pay and pay and pay ♪ You honor me with your kindness, señora.

Wishing you a most pleasant day.

Oh! How delightful!

Good perrito.

Muchísimas gracias!

To the other side of the park!

Have fun at the beach!

Vámonos! Bye!

Have fun! Elena...

Look out for your sister while we're gone!

Why does abuela still treat me like a baby?

Look at me! I'm practically grown up.

Hey, Isa!

We're here! Isabel!

My friends are here! My friends are here!

Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah!

Yep, practically grown up.

Behold, the latest invention I made just for Cristina...

The SuperChair!

Ooh! Wow!

Complete with a scissor lift...


Rotating features...


Off-roading tires...

Get out! Whoa!


And, because who says you can't have function and fashion? -

I've added my signature touch, spinners!

Awesome! Nice! Cool!

Go on, Christina. Take her for a ride!

Oh! OK.

Great! Let's do this!

You want to take it off-road?

I think I'd rather take it slow.

Like, starting with how to go forward?

Or... we could start with the scissor lift!

Uh, Isa, you can't push Cristina if she's not comfortable.

You need to let her do this her way.

Let's go, Isa!

Um... what's happening?

It's my emergency communication system!

I had to try seven prototypes before I got it right.

See, cold weather made the wire contract and snap, but heat made it expand and...

Less engineering, and more get-to-the-point?

It's for Elena's team: me, Gabe, Naomi, and Mateo.

When there's an emergency, we all know it, no matter where we are in the palace.

Then why are you still here?

You're right! I'll be right back!

OK, we have reports of a bandit with a silver guitar robbing people in Castillo Park.

My first wave of guards hasn't returned, so we're probably dealing with a bigger problem here.

First step: gather information.

We'll flank the bandit from these separate vantage points. Then, on my signal, Naomi moves in with her lasso.

Gabe backs her up with his sword.

Mateo bangs out a stunning spell with his tamborita.

And if that doesn't work, I'll swing in with my scepter.

Isa, you'll stay in the SuperCoach in case we need extra supplies.

Got it. All right. Let's move out!

That's the bandit!

He's... just a kid.

What's your name, little boy?



I'll show you who's little!

♪ When Tito oh so sweetly sings ♪ I feel weird... - ♪ While strumming mighty ♪

♪ Salma's strings ♪

His music is putting them in a trance!

I am truly humbled by your generosity.

Such a treasure, Salma. We'll sell it for a fortune!

What do I do? What do I do?

Way to go, Cristina!

This is pretty fun!

Now try the scissor lift!

Just pull the big lever!


Hey guys, have you seen Mateo?

He's late for our lesson, which is really unlike him, and... Whoa! Cool chair, Cristina!

There's a magical bandit in Castillo Park!

He mesmerized everyone with his music!

That sounds awesome!

I mean... awesomely terrible?

What am I going to do?

You could summon more guards.

They'd just be put in a trance like the others.

And Elena's in danger! Think, Isa, think.

What would Elena do?

I know! First, she would gather her team.

That's you guys!

We're here for you. Whatever you need.

One hundred percent! What she said, but without the math!

Let's move out! Wait!

Shouldn't you tell us the plan first?

I'll figure it out on the way, like Elena would.

The most important thing we need is a way to completely cover our ears, so we don't fall under the bandit's spell.

Ooh! Mateo taught me a sound-blocking spell last month, so I wouldn't get distracted when I'm studying at home.

Perfect! After you hit us with that spell, Amara will move in with the lasso.

You got it!

Wait, how does a lasso work?

Quique, you'll back her up with the sword.

I... I'm the Gabe?

I'm the Gabe!

Uhh... Uhh!

Nope. You're still the Quique.

Olivia, you'll stop him in his tracks with a stun spell.

Actually, we haven't covered fighting spells yet.

Then Cristina, you'll go in for the big finish with your SuperChair.

The big finish? I barely know how to roll it.

Isa, maybe we should stop and think about this?

Yeah. We haven't even been trained on how to use this stuff.

Oh, it's easy. Just twirl the lasso, swing the sword, pull a few levers, and bang the tamborita. You'll be fine.

Look! There he is!

All right, Olivia. Hit us with that sound-blocking spell.

Wait, but first, shouldn't we... Cascamo!

Review the plan?


Let's go!

I can't hear you!

Can you guys hear her?

What did you say? I can't hear anything!

Well, well, what do we have here?

Oh. Children.

Make them dance, Salma.

♪ When Tito oh so sweetly sings ♪

♪ While strumming mighty Salma's strings ♪ Why aren't they dancing, Salma?

Forget the plan, just go!

Now? Who?


Vet... unh!

Why aren't they falling under our spell?

Cristina! Big finish time!

Uhh... which one does what, again?



Ahh... Oh!

Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!

I mean... yeah!

Let's get out of here, Salma!

Yes! Zanamo!

And stay out!

We actually did it!

You know it! Whoo-hoo!

I do not like this place, Salma.

Overrun with tiny magical children.

But then again, you know what they say...

When one door closes, a bank vault opens.

I think we're gonna need a few extra hands for this job.

Did we show that bandit who's boss or what?

He's coming back.

Back for seconds.

Olivia! The spell!


♪ When Tito oh so sweetly sings ♪

♪ You'll follow me and bring my things ♪

Come on, let's go!

Go, go!


We have to go after them!

Not really. They... They stopped.

Why would he stop at the bank?

To rob it!

Ohh! That makes sense.

So, what do we do, Isa? Same plan as before?

Yeah! We rocked that plan!

Actually, we got lucky. Not one single part of the plan went the way it was supposed to.

Cristina's right.

Thank you!

So let's forget about stopping the bandit and focus on saving Elena and our friends.

We'll follow Elena's standard rescue plan.

But we don't know that plan either!

It's easy. Phase one: distraction.

Cristina gets the bandit's attention.

How? Phase two: retraction.

Olivia casts a reversal spell on Elena and the others to break the bandit's spell.

Uhh... I don't think

"zanamo" works on other people's spells.

I know you can do it! Just, uh... just...

Oh, what would Elena say right now?

Just... find your courage and your pride.

Let inner strength be your guide.

It will always see you through if you believe the magic within you.



Phase three: extraction.

Quique and Amara hustle everyone onto the coach and take off while I swoop in and knock down the bandit.

Then I leap on his horse and take off after you.

Are you sure we can do all that?

Of course. I've seen Elena do it a thousand times.

But just because something works for Elena, doesn't mean it... Move out!

Olivia, sound-blocking spell time!



What an honor! Thank you for gracing us with your presence, Your Highness.

"Your Highness"? Don't be silly.

"Your Majesty" will do.

Now, kindly open your vault and hand over all the money.

And why would I do that?

Ha-ha-ha. I will tell you.

♪ As a young man I sang on the street ♪

♪ The people passed by kept moving their feet ♪

♪ They used my case to toss their trash ♪

♪ No praise, no fame no cheers, no cash ♪

♪ But one fine day ♪

♪ That came to an end ♪

♪ When I found sweet Salma ♪

♪ My new best friend ♪

♪ Her magic demands that they listen now ♪

♪ I give her a strum they must stop and bow ♪

♪ Or do whatever thing I say ♪

♪ They'll clap or dance or cheer or sway ♪

♪ It's payback time ♪

♪ And it's all their fault ♪

♪ Now won't you kindly ♪

♪ Open up your vault ♪

♪ More, more, more ♪

♪ Más, más, más ♪

♪ The more I take the bigger I feel ♪

♪ The bigger I feel the greater my zeal ♪

♪ To get more, more, more ♪

♪ Más, más, más ♪

♪ Goodbye worry goodbye strife ♪

♪ With sweet Salma I'm larger than life ♪

♪ Give me more, more, more ♪ Más, más, más ♪

Ay, what is it with these children?

Revers... amo?

Aah! Reversamo!

Just... get 'em on the cart!


Ha! Nice try, kid.

Unnnnhh! Uhh!

I think I'm getting the hang of this thing!

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!


You know what?

Why do I need to catch you... when they can?

♪ Now listen closey hear what I say ♪

♪ Nothing here must get in my way ♪

♪ Those pesky kids won't be the end of me ♪

♪ So new friends ♪

♪ Take care of my enemy ♪

- ♪ More, more, more ♪ Llevaluq!

♪ Más, más, más ♪

♪ The more you take ♪

♪ The bigger I feel ♪

♪ The bigger you feel ♪

♪ The greater my zeal ♪

♪ To get more, more, more ♪

♪ Más, más, más ♪

♪ Goodbye worry goodbye strife ♪

♪ With sweet Salma I'm larger than life ♪

♪ Give him more, more, more ♪

♪ Más, más, más ♪

♪ More, more, more ♪

♪ Más, más, más ♪

♪ More, more, more ♪


You'll pay for messing with me and my sister!

Yeah! She's the Crown Princess!


Did you hear that, Salma? This whole time, we've had the Crown Princess right under our nose.

Which means we can use her to loot the Royal Treasury.

Ugh! Nice going, Quique!

Thank you!

And then, sweet Salma, you and I can relax on a beach for the rest of our days making beautiful music together! H'yah!

Ohh... What do we do now, Isa?

Yeah, do you have a new plan?

'Cause we did not rock that last one.

I really thought I could do it.

But I actually made things worse.

I thought I could be a leader like Elena.

But I'm nothing like her.

That's what I've been trying to tell you all along.

You're not Elena, and you never will be.


But you don't have to be Elena.

You just have to be you.

When you first showed me the SuperChair, I was nervous.

But I just had to set my fear aside and figure it out in my own way.

It's time to stop asking, "What would Elena do?" and start asking, "What would Isa do?"

So... what would Isa do?

Well, I'd start by telling you to pull that lever, Cristina.

It's not gonna eject me into the sky or anything, is it?

Of course not!

I'm saving that for the SuperChair Model Two.

Listen up! This time, we're doing the Isa plan.

We're gonna play to our own strengths.

Yes! That's what I'm talkin' about!

I'm ready! I don't get it.

But our primary target isn't the bandit.

We're going after the source of his power this time.

His hat!

His guitar!

Oh, yeah. That makes more sense.

Quique, your strength... is playing the class clown.

Now, that I can do!

Amara, I'll need your throwing arm.

Just give me something to throw! Well, besides a lasso.

Olivia, if I recall, you already know a freezing spell.

Hello! "Conglari" is practically my middle name!

Not really - it's Madeline.

Cristina, I'll need you! And the SuperChair.

You can count on us! But what about you, Isa?

Yeah, what's your superpower?

Her hair!

Her mind?

Oh! That makes more sense.

Last thing. we need to be able to communicate, even when the sound's blocked.

So we're gonna need hand signals.

Ooh! Can this be one?

Sure, Quique. Yes!

♪ Kindly load my kingly things ♪


Ooh, pretty!

Quique, now!

Hey! Now!

Oh! Right!

Nanny nanny nah-nah! Huh?

Hey! Got your hat!

Oh, no. Not the sombrero.

After him!

Bet you can't catch me!

Nanny nanny... Unh! Unh!


Hey, Tito! Stay right there.

Huh? What? Hey! That's mine!

Get those children!


Argh! My gems!


That's it! Time out for all of you!

No. No!


Yes! - Yes! - Yes! Go, Team Isa!

I'll take that!

Salma! Salmaaaaa!

So, how'd you stop the bandit?

I realized we could break the spell by breaking the guitar strings, and I learned from prototyping our emergency communication system that extreme cold would make metal strings brittle and easier to snap.

Well, however you did it, you saved all of us.

Way to lead, Isa. Thanks, Elena.

We're back!

Hola, mijitas!

Abuela! Abuelo!

Tell me everything. How was your day?

About that...

Funny story.

Would you look at that magnificent guitar!

All it needs are some new strings!

No! Abuelo!

Theme music plays >>>