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01x02 - A Leaf in the Wind

Posted: 09/10/20 07:50
by bunniefuu




When I was a boy, my father, Avatar Aang told me the story of how he and his friends heroically ended the year w*r.

Avatar Aang and Firelord Zuko transformed the Fire Nation colonies into the United Republic of Nations a society where benders and non-benders from all over the world would live and thrive together in peace and harmony They named the capital of this great land Republic City Avatar Aang accomplished many remarkable things in his life but, sadly, his time in this world came to an end and like the cycle of the seasons the cycle of the Avatar began anew The White Lotus has honored my family by coming Thank you.


We have investigated many claims both here and in the Northern Tribe all of them turned out to be false.

Then you should be happy to know, your search has come to an end.

What makes you so sure your daughter is...

the one?


please come in here I'm the Avatar!

You gotta deal with it!

She's strong.

But she lacks restraint.


Why all the doom and gloom, people?

We should be celebrating!

Three elements down, one to go!

You are getting ahead of yourself as usual, Korrra.

We haven't decided if you passed your fire bending test yet.

Ever since you were a little girl you excelled at the physical side of bending but completely ignored the spiritual side.

The Avatar must master both.

I haven't ignored it, it just doesn't come as easy to me.

But that's why I should start training with Tenzin immediately he's "Mister Spiritual".

If anyone can teach her what she needs to learn, it's Tenzin.

Very well, Korra.

It's time for you to begin your airbending training Yes!


I mean...


Thank you all for believing in me.


You should have seen it.

I kicked some firebending butt, and I passed!

Tenzin will be here in a few days.

Just taking Naga out for a stroll.

Don't worry, we're not going far.

Naga, go!

Are we there yet?

Are we there yet?

Are we there yet?

It looks like we're there, I know cause it's very familiar.

Are we here yet?

Are we there yet?

- Ooooh please tell me we're here!

- Yes, Ikki.

As I've been telling you for the last minutes we are, FINALLY, here.

Hello, Mother.

I can't tell you how happy I am to see you.

Please, help me.

Unhand me, strange woman!

That's your grandmother, Milo.

It's so good to see all of you.

Gran Gran, I've been reading all about your old adventures.

and I've been dying to ask you What happened to Zuko's mom?

Well, Jinora, it's an incredible tale.

Gran Gran, you look old.

How old are you?

And why is it so cold in the South Pole?

Can we make a campfire and and all huddle around it and tell scary stories and make snowmen?

And then can you make the snowmen move with Waterbending and chase us?

Wouldn't that be fun?


Wouldn't it?

Pema, let me help you.

Careful now.


Stop doting on me.

I'm not helpless I'm just pregnant!

The baby is strong.

I see another airbender in your future.

All I want is one child like me!

A nice non-bender who doesn't blast wind at my face every five seconds.

Mommy, look!

I'm a snowbender!

Were Tenzin and his siblings this crazy when they were kids?

Kaya and Bumi certainly were but Tenzin has always been...

rather serious.




Look at you, so big and strong.

You've grown into quite the young Avatar.

Master Tenzin, I'm so glad you're here.

I can't wait to get started.



You're going to have to tell her sooner or later.

Tell me what?

You're not staying, are you?

I'm afraid not.

We're only visiting for the night.

Then, I have to return to Republic City.


you're suposed to move here!

You're suposed to teach me!

I'm sorry, Korra.

Your airbending training is going to have to wait.

So, how long until you're ready to teach me airbending?

A week?

A month?

It could be much longer.

I don't understand.

Why are you making me wait?

I have a responsibility to Republic City.

I'm one of it's leaders, and the situation there is very unstable right now.

But you also have a responsibility to teach me.

Believe me!

I'd be happy to find another airbending master.

But you are the only one.

We're stuck with each other.

I wish there were another way Wait!

there is!

If you can't stay here, then I'll go back to Republic City with you!

It's perfect!

Absolutely not.

The city is far too dangerous!

Avatar Aang tasked us with keeping you safe while you master the four elements!

I get that, but I don't think keeping me locked up in this compound like a prisoner is what he had in mind.

I know this is difficult to accept but it's not the right time for you to come to the city.


Goodbye, Gran Gran!

Hoogie, yip yip.

Nice night for an escape, isn't it?

I have to leave.

I have to find my own path as the Avatar.

I know you do.

Aang's time has passed.

My brother and many of my friends are gone.

It's time for you and your generation to take over the responsibility of keeping peace and balance in the world and I think you're going to be a great Avatar.

Thank you.

Goodbye, Korra.

Mom, Dad...

I'll miss you.

We love you so much.


we're here!

Thanks for the ride!


Look at this place!

I've never seen so many Satomobiles!

Airtemple Island That's were Tenzin is.

Ready for a little swim, girl?

Okay, okay!

Food first, then Airtemple.

Watch it, Naga!

Look out!

Excuse us!

Coming through!

Heads up!


Naga, wait.

We'll take one of everything, please.

That'll be Yuans.


I don't have any money.

Then what good are you to me!

Don't worry, girl.

The city is huge!

I bet we can find a place to rustle up something to eat.



Think I can get one of them tasty smelling fishies?



Yeah, sure!


live in that bush?


Presently that is what I do call "home" Took me a while to procure a bush that beauty.

This park is quite popular with all the vagabonds.

So there are a lot of you out here?

I thought everyone in this city was living it up?

You got a lot to learn newcomer.

Welcome to Republic City.

Hey you!


You can't fish here!

You best skedaddle!

Are you tired of living under the tyranny of benders?

Then join the Equalists!

For too long the bending elite of this city have forced nonbenders to live as lower class citizens!

Join Amon!

And together we will tear down the bending establishment!

What are you talking about?

Bending is the coolest thing in the world!

Oh yeah?

Let me guess you're a bender.

Yeah, I am.

Then I bet you'd love to just knock me off this platform with some Waterbending huh?

I'm seriously thinking about it.

This is what's wrong with the City!

Benders like this girl only use their powers to oppress us!


I'm not oppressing anyone!


You're oppressing yourselves!

That didn't even make sense!

Excuse me, I think I'm lost.

How do I get to Air Temple Island from here?

Just head down this street You should get moving young lady.

It isn't safe!

Mr. Chung, please tell met that you have my money or else I can't guarantee that I can protect your fine establishment.

I'm sorry!

Business has been slow!


Take one of my phonographs.

My friend here is not a music lover.

Give me the money or else Or else what, hoodlum?

Since you're obviously fresh off the boat, let me explain a couple things.

You're in Triple Threat Triad territory and we're about to put you in the hospital.

You're the only ones who are gonna need a hospital.

And for your sake I hope there's one near by.

Who do you think you are?

Why don't you come and find out?

- What just happened?

- Did she just Earthbend?

Can she Firebend too?

Could she be...?

Got an idea about who I am now?

Chumps Come on!

You're not getting away!


Freeze where you are!

Cool, Metalbenders...

I caught the bad guys for you officers.

Arrest them!

You're under arrest too.

What do you mean I'm under arrest?

Those are the bad guys over there!

They were smashing up a shop.

From the looks of it, you smashed up a lot more than that.


You can't arrest me!

Let me explain!

You can explain yourself all you like down at headquarters.

Let's see...

Multiple counts of destruction of private and city property not to mention resisting arrest.

You're in a whole mess of trouble young lady.

But they were some thugs threatening a helpless shopkeeper and I Can it!

You should have called the police and stayed out of the way.

But I couldn't just sit by and do nothing.

It's my duty to help people.

See, I'm the Avatar.

Oh, I am well aware of who you are.

And your Avatar title might impress some people but not me.

All right, fine.

Then I want to talk to whoever's in charge.

You're talking to her.

I'm Chief Bei Fong.

Wait...Bei Fong Lin Bei Fong?

You're Toph's daughter!

- What of it?

- Well then why are you treating me like a criminal?

Avatar Aang and your mother were friends, they saved the world together.

That's ancient history.

And it's got diddlysquat to do with the mess you're in right now.

You can't just waltz in here and dole out vigilante justice like you own the place.

Chief, Councilman Tenzin is here.

You can't just waltz in here and dole out vigilante justice like you own the place.

Chief, Councilman Tenzin is here.

Let him in.

Tenzin...sorry, I got a little side tracked on my way to see you...

Lin you are looking radiant as usual.

Cut the garbage, Tenzin.

Why is the Avatar in Republic City?

I thought you were supposed to be moving down to the South Pole to train her.

My relocation has been delayed.

The Avatar, on the other hand, will be heading back to the South Pole immediately where she will stay put.

- But- - If you would be so kind as to drop the charges against Korra I will take full responsibility for today's events and cover all the damages.

Fine, get her out of my city.

Always a pleasure Lin.

Let's go Korra.

Tenzin please don't send me back home.

You blatantly disobeyed my wishes and the Order of the White Lotus.

Katara agreed with me that I should come.

She said my destiny is in Republic City.

Don't bring my mother into this!

Look, I can't wait any longer to finish my training.

Being cooped up and hidden away from the world isn't helping me become a better Avatar.

I saw a lot of the city today and it's totally out of whack.

I understand now why you need to stay, Republic City does need you but it needs me too.


Is this your polar bear-dog, miss?


Are you coming to live with us on the island?

No, I'm sorry Ikki.

I have to go home now.


I have done my best to guide Republic City towards the dream my father had for it.

But you're right, it has fallen out of balance since he passed.

I thought I should put off your training in order to uphold his legacy.

But you are his legacy.

You may stay and train Airbending here with me.

Republic City needs it's Avatar once again.


Thank you!

You're the best!


I'm Korra, your new Avatar.

Does this mean you've moved to Republic City?

Were you trying to send a message to the Triads yesterday?

Will you be fighting crime or the anti-bending revolution or both?

Will you be working with Chief Bei Fong and the police?

Uhh...yes I am definitely here to stay but honestly...

I don't exactly have a plan yet...

See I'm still in training but...

Look, all I know is Avatar Aang meant for this city to be the center of peace and balance in the world and I believe we can make his dream a reality.

I look forward to serving you!

I'm so happy to be here!

Than you Republic City!

All right that's all the questions the Av- Amon, how do you want to handle this?

So, the Avatar has arrived early.

It looks like we'll have to accelerate our plans.

"And in the final round the Buzzard Wasps won with a decisive knockout." What do you say we go to the arena tonight?

Catch a few Pro-Bending matches?

That sport is a mockery of the noble tradition of bending.

Come on Tenzin!

I dreamed about seeing a Pro-Bending match since I was a kid and now I'm just a ferry ride away from the arena.

Korra, you're not here to watch that drivel.

You're here to finish your Avatar training, so for the time being I want you to remain on the island.

Is that why you're keeping the White Lotus sentries around to watch my every move?


In order to learn Airbending I believe you require a calm, quiet environment free from any distractions.


You're the master.

So my mother informed me you've never been able to Airbend before.

Yeah but I don't know why.

The other elements came SO easily to me but every single time I've tried Airbending nothing.

That's perfectly all right.

We just need to be patient.

Often the element that's the most difficult for the Avatar to master is the one most opposite to the Avatar's personality.

For Aang it was Earthbending.

Yeah well, I'm about as opposite an Airbender as you can get.

Let's begin your first lesson.

Korra's gonna Airbend!

Korra's gonna Airbend!

What is that contraption.

A time-honored tool that teaches the most fundamental aspect of Airbending.

Jinora would you like to explain this exercise.

The goal is to weave your way through the gates and make it to the other side without touching them.

Seems easy enough.

Jinora forgot to say you have to make it through while the gates are spinning.

The key is to be like the leaf.

Flow with the movement of the gates.

Jinora will demonstrate.

Airbending is all about spiral movements.

When you meet resistance you must be able to switch direction at a moment's notice.

Let's do this.

Don't force your way through!


Dance like the wind!

Be the leaf!


What is wrong with me?


Maybe I'm just not cut out to be an Airbender, huh, Naga?

Ladies and gentlemen!

I'm coming to you live from Republic City's Pro-Bending arena where tonight the best in the world continue their quest for a spot in the upcoming championship tournament.

Grab your snacks and grab your kids because this next match is gonna be a doozy!

This Mako's got moxy!

He fires to quick sh*ts.

Yomo is hammered back to zone .

Clock is winding down, can Yomo hold on?

He's teetering on the edge of the ring now.

The Fire Ferrets— Korra come down here, please.

You shut it off at the best part!

I thought I made myself clear, I don't want you listening to this distracting nonsense But it's their radio.

And technically you said I couldn't watch a match.

You didn't say anything about listening to one.


- you know what I meant.

Anyway shouldn't you- shouldn't you be in bed by now!

I think I'm doing it wrong.

There's nothing to do.

Let your mind and your spirit be free for Air is the element of freedom.

Is something funny?

Yeah, you're telling me to embrace freedom but you won't even let me listen to the radio.

And forget about leaving this island.

Please Korra.

Look at Meelo.

He's able to meditate peacefully.

Actually, I think he's asleep.


Well, at least he has the relaxing part down.

Whatever, none of this Airbending stuff makes any sense to me.

I know you're frustrated but these teachings will sink in over time then one day they'll just click.

Yeah it's not sinking in yet.

I'm gonna go get a glass of leechee juice.


The meditation's not over yet!

Daddy can I have some leechee juice too?



What are you doing in my gym?

I was just looking for a bathroom and I got lost.

Oh the old "I had to pee excuse".

You know, I'm sick and tired of you kids sneaking in without paying.

I'm taking you to security.

- No wait...!

- There you are!

I've been looking everywhere for you.

It's alright Toza, she's with me.

Yeah, I'm with him.

So you see, we're together.

Well not "together together", more like friends.

- Right friends, no, no I didn't mean to imply...

Oh you implied it.

I don't care what you are!

I've got work to do.

Right this way miss.

Why thank you sir.

Seriously thanks.

What do you think?

Best seats in the house, huh?



this place is even more amazing than I imagined.

Name's Bolin, by the way.

Korra - Pssst, Bolin!

- Yeah?

I told you, you have to stop bringing your crazy fangirls in here before the matches.

Get her out of here.

Ah come on Mako!

I kinda promised her, she could stay but man I got a good feeling.

There's something special about her I know it.

Come here, I want you to meet my brother Mako Mako?

Wow I heard you play on the radio.

Come on Bolin we're up.

Or I could meet him later.


Sorry about that.

My brother gets real focused before a match.

Well I gotta go.

Wish me luck.

Not that I'll need it.

Good luck!

Knock 'em out!

Introducing the Fire Ferrets!


I love you Bolin.

The rookie Ferrets came out of nowhere and have made it further than anyone expected this season.

But tonight they face their toughest test yet folks.

And they're off.

The two teams waste no time trying to blast each other out of zone .

Hasook is the first to feel the heat of the Tigerdilloes, he tries to return the favor but they're too fast for him.

While Mako showcases his trademark cool under fire style.

And the Tigerdilloes score with a walloping one-two combo.

Can their teammate...

Guess not.

Mako's over the line.

The Tigerdilloes get the green line and advance into Ferret territory.

Come on, Ferrets!

Look's like Hasook's in trouble.

He's in zone teetering over the drink.

And Hasook takes a dip.

He'll be back for round two.

Assuming the fabulous bending brothers can hold their ground until he next round.

Round goes to the Golden Temple Tigerdilloes!

Come on, Hasook get your act together!

The Fire Ferrets are knocked into zone and the Tigerdilloes advance.

The Fire Ferrets sinch the round in the closing seconds.

That's one a piece.

Still anyone's match as we go into the third and final round.

Hasook stumbles and now he tumbles right into his teammate.

He and Bolin better untangle quick if they don't want to— Oh too late!

Oh no!

It's all up to Mako now, he's bobbing and weaving, but he's not hitting back!

If he's knocked out the Ferrets' fabulous season is over.

He is dancing on the edge of the ring withstanding the three on one barrage.

It seems his plan is to let the Tigerdilloes punch themselves out.

And his plan is working.

Han is in the pool!

They've got nothing left in the t*nk and Mako's on the offensive!

It's two on one, scratch that it's one on one.

And it's an Earth and Fire slugfest!

There's so much smoke and dust I can't even see where the Fire Ferret is.

It's a knock out!

What a win they had a hat trick folks!

Mako pulls off the upset of the season winning the match for the Fire Ferrets!


One more win and we're in the championship tournament!

So, what'd ya think Korra?

Bolin's got some moves, huh?

What did I think?

That was amazing!

You did more harm than good out there.

You almost cost us the match.

We won didn't we?

- Barely - Get off my case pal.


You guys were incredible out there.

Especially you Mr. Hatrick.

Oh you're still here...

Oh you're still a jerk...

anyway, I've been immersed in bending my entire life but I never learned to move like that.

It's like there's a whole new style here.

Think you could show me a few tricks?


Right now?

Come on Bolin.

Just ignore him.

Yeah I could show you the basics.

I'm just not sure how my Earthbending would translate to your Waterbending but we'll figure it out.

Won't be a problem, I'm actually an Earthbender.

I'm sorry!

No, no I didn't mean to assume— I was just figuring, with your Water Tribe get up that you are a Water Tribe gal.

No you're right.

I'm a Waterbender and a Firebender.



I'm very confused right now.

You're the Avatar and I'm an idiot.

Both are true.

No... way...

The Avatar!


Let's see what you got.

That was great!

Good power!

But in a real match you'd be a sitting turtleduck.

Not so upright and flatfooted.

Stay light on your toes up until the moment when you need to dig in and strike.

Then— Okay, let me try it again.


Nice adjustment.

You're a natural at this!

- Not bad.

- What's it take to impress this guy?


I said not bad.

You know what, it's getting late.

I think I'm gonna turn in.

You kids have fun.

Nice to meet you, Avatar Korra.

Yeah, real pleasure.

See you upstairs bro.


You guys live here?

Yeah, in the attic.

It's nothing fancy but we have great views.

But back to bending.

Why don't you throw that combination one more time.

Patience Korra!

That was a -year-old historical treasure...


what is wrong with you?!

There's nothing wrong with me!

I've been practicing just like you taught me!

But it isn't sinking in okay!

It hasn't clicked like you said it would!

Korra this isn't something you can force.

If you would only listen to me...

I have been!

But you know what I think?

Maybe the problem isn't me, maybe the reason I haven't learned Airbending yet is because you're a terrible teacher.

Yeah you're a terrible teacher, Daddy!


Everyone here?


where's Korra?

Honestly Pema, I am at my wit's end with that girl.

I don't know how to get through to her.

Dear, the best thing you can do right now is to give Korra some space.

You must promise me that your teenage years won't be like this.

I will make no such promises.

I didn't miss your match did I?

You guys look like you lost already.

- We might as well have.

- Hasook's a no good no show.

You got two minutes to come out ready to play or you're disqualified.

Well there goes our shot at the tournament and the winnings.

Couldn't you ask one of those guys to fill in?

Nah, the rules say you can only compete on one team.

Well then...

how about me?

I'm a topnotch Waterbender if I do say so myself.

But you're the Avatar...

isn't that cheating?

It isn't cheating if I only do Waterbending.

No way.

I'd rather forfeit than look like a fool out there.

Wow thanks for the vote of confidence...

Time's up you in or out?

- We're in.

- We are?

- Yes!

- Hey, I didn't agree to this!

You can thank me later.

This girl is crazy...

Looks like the Fire Ferrets have ferreted out a last minute replacement Waterbender.

Let's see if she's another diamond in the rough like the brothers from the school of hard knocks.

Don't do anything too fancy or aggressive.

In fact, don't do anything.

Just try not to get knocked off the ring.

You got it captain.

Players are you ready?


Man overboard!

Fire Ferret Waterbender penalty, move back one zone.



You're only allowed to knock players off the back of the ring, not over the sides.


And we're back in action after that hiccup.

But I'm not so sure this replacement player knows what she's doing.


Over the line!

Move back to zone three.


I'll show you over the line.

The Platypus Bears take round .

The Platypus Bears know a green player when they see one and they are focusing the brunt of their bending on this poor girl.

What a minute, did that Waterbender just Earthbend?


I think.

Did I see that right?

Hold on folks we're just waiting for the Referee's official call but I think this replacement player could be...

Pardon me everyone, has anyone seen Korra this evening?

She's not in her room.

You've gotta be kidding me!

She's the Avatar, folks playing in a Pro-Bending match!

Can you believe that?

I'll get her myself!

The Avatar will be permitted to continue so long as she solely bends water.

This girl may be the Avatar but she's no Pro-Bender and the Platypus Bears are intent on exploiting that weakness.

They're giving her their best and her best ain't good enough to stop it.


- she's in the drink.

Oh hey Tenzin...

I thought you didn't like coming to these matches.

Once again you have flagrantly disobeyed my orders.

You were to stay on the island.

Let's go.


I'm kind of in the middle of something.

I have tried my very best to get through to you by being gentle and patient But clearly the only thing you respond to is force.

So I am ordering you to come back to the temple.

Right now!


So I can sit around and meditate about how bad I am at Airbending?

You know I'm beginning to think there's a reason I haven't been able to learn it, because maybe I don't even need it!


That is a ludicrous suggestion!

The Avatar needs to learn Airbending, it is not optional!

No, THIS is what I need to learn!

Modern styles of fighting!

Being Avatar isn't all about fighting, Korra!

When will you learn that?

I have a match to go finish.

The Platypus Bears win round !

Round !

The Platypus Bears win round !

Round !

The Platypus Bears come out of the gate and quickly go after the Ferret brothers.

They're corralled in the corner, wedged in the edge of zone unable to come to the Avatar's rescue and boy does she need it.

Looks like the Avatar's Pro-Bending debut is gonna be cut short as she's pushed back to zone and the water is calling her name.

It's only a matter of time before— Hold the phone, stop the presses!

She's still in the game folks!

And she's moving like an entirely different player!

All of a sudden the Platypus Bear strikes are only striking air.

How about that...

The Platypus Bears have no juice left but Mako and Bolin are still fresh and juicy.


The Fire Ferrets come from way behind and steal the win!

What an upset folks!

The rookies, Avatar in tow, have nabbed a place in the championship tournament!

I cannot believe it!

Korra, what can I say?

You really came alive in that last round.

The way you dodged their att*cks...

you are a natural.

Thanks but I can't take all the credit, someone else taught me those moves.

I'm really sorry about everything I said.

I was really frustrated with myself and I took it out on you.

I think I owe you an apology too.

I was trying to teach you about patience but I lost mine.

No hard feelings?

Of course not.

By the way, you were really good out there tonight.

You moved, just like an Airbender.


You stayed and watched?

I did.

Pro-Bending turned out to be the perfect teaching tool for you.

I'll see you tomorrow for Airbending practice bright and early!

And by the way I kinda permanently joined the Fire Ferrets and we're playing in the tournament in a couple of weeks!