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01x07 - The Aftermath

Posted: 09/14/20 08:36
by bunniefuu




Only the Avatar can master all four elements and bring balance to the world.

Although the Hundred Year w*r has long passed, we are not living in a time of peace.

These revolutionaries, who call themselves Equalists, are not interested in equality at all.

They just want to wage w*r against benders.

Chief Beifong was supposed to protect Republic City, but she was powerless to stop Amon's attack on the arena.

She has failed us all.

If we are to survive these dire times, our law enforcement needs new leadership.

I still can't believe they're shutting this place down.

Yeah, we had some good memories here, didn't we?

Guys, great news!

You don't have to go back on the streets.

I talked to Tenzin and made all the arrangements.

You can come live on Air Temple island with me.

We'd love to, but...

Asami already invited us to live in her dad's giant mansion!

From here on out, it's gonna be the lap of luxury for us!

Hey, Korra!

I was hoping you'd stop by.

I was just leaving.

So, I guess I'll see you guys around...


Why not tomorrow?

I'd love to have you come visit the estate.

I don't know.

I have some Avatar stuff to do.

Come on, Korra!

We all deserve a little rest and relaxation after all this craziness.

We can swim in Asami's pool.

It'll be fun.

All right, Pabu.

Great, we'll see you tomorrow.

Looks like our intel was good.

There's enough evidence here to bury Cabbage Corp for an eternity.

This is an outrage!

I'm innocent!

Yeah, yeah, that's what they all say.

Is it true that Cabbage Corp is conspiring with the Equalists?

The evidence points in that direction, but the investigation is ongoing.

For the time being, we have frozen Mr.

Gan-Ian's assets and are closing Cabbage Corp.


Not my Cabbage Corp!

Hey, Korra.


Listen, I know we're not exactly best friends, but I'm sorry Amon took your bending.

I've been to the best healers in the city.

Whatever Amon did to me, it's permanent.

You gotta get him for me.


Sato, if you remember anything else about what you saw during Amon's attack, be sure to let us know.

I'm happy to help any way I can.

I want these Equalists to pay for what they've done.

We're ready for you now.

See you around, Avatar.

Earthbending b*mb!

Avatar Korra has arrived.

- Hey, Korra!

- Glad you made it!

Welcome to paradise.

Looks like you guys settled right in.

Pretty much.

Except someone forgot to ask her father if we could stay here.

Yeah, but I smoothed it over with him.

It's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.

This is the greatest place in the world!

Watch this, watch this.

Fetch me my towel, good sir!

Yes, Master Bolin.

"Master Bolin." I love this guy!

Now, pat me dry.

As you wish.

Don't forget Master Pabu.

Wouldn't dream of it, sir.

So, what do you have planned for us today?

Let me guess.



I vote makeovers!

I have something a little more exciting in mind.

Pretty cool, huh?

Way cooler than a makeover.

This is where Future industries test drives their Sato-mobiles.

Ever been behind the wheel?

The only thing I know how to drive is a polar bear-dog.

You want me to take you for a spin?

Let's do it.


That was amazing!

I didn't think we'd make it.

Well, you can't be afraid to mix it up sometimes.

I gotta admit, I had you pegged wrong.

I thought you were kind of prissy.

No offense.

It's all right.

People usually assume that I'm "Daddy's helpless little girl," but I can handle myself.

I mean, I've been in self-defense classes since I was this high.

My dad made sure I would always be able to protect myself.

Smart guy.



Coming through!

Is there another bathroom I can use?

We have a ladies' powder room upstairs.

First door on your right.

You can freshen up in there.


No, no!

I assure you, everything is going exactly as planned.


Luckily, the Cabbage Corp investigation has bought us enough time.

Trust me, by the end of the week, we'll be ready to strike.

You're leaving?

- But I thought...

- Sorry, I forgot, I'm supposed to airsit...

I mean babybend...

I mean babysit the Airbender kids.

See you later!

So, you think Mr.

Sato manufactured those gloves for the Equalists, then framed Cabbage Corp?

That's a bold accusation.

But what proof do you have?

Well, I don't exactly have proof, but I know what I heard.

Sato's up to something.

He does have the means.

And he has a motive.

That's right.

A motive?

What is it?

Twelve years ago, the Agni Kai Triad robbed Sato's mansion.

A Firebender k*lled Sato's wife during the break-in.

That's terrible.

It was tragic.

It's possible he's been harboring anti-bending sentiment all this time.

Maybe we should look at Mr.

Sato a little more closely.

What's going on?

Why are they asking Hiroshi more questions?

I overheard him on the phone yesterday.

Asami, I don't know how to tell you this, but I think your father might be involved with the Equalists.


I don't believe this!

You spied on Hiroshi?

What's your problem?

Mr. Sato, we just have a few follow-up questions for you...

My father is innocent!

Just because we're not benders, doesn't mean we support those awful Equalists!


Is that what this is about?

I can assure you, I have nothing to do with those radicals.

Yeah, you don't know what you're talking about, Korra.

I overheard you on the phone.

You said the Cabbage Corp investigation bought you time, and you're getting ready to strike.

Explain that!

This is all just a misunderstanding resulting from the young Avatar's overactive imagination.

My number one competitor was knocked out of the game.

It's providing me an opportunity to "strike" the market with a new line of Sato-mobiles.

It's just business.

Nothing nefarious.

In order to put all suspicions to rest, might we have a look into your factories and warehouses?

If you feel it's necessary, you are welcome to search all of Future industries.

Is it possible the presidents of Cabbage Corp and Future Industries both have Equalist ties?

Or did Hiroshi Sato frame his longtime rival, Lau Gan-Ian?

Or did Chief Beifong just plain arrest the wrong man?

So far the investigation has yielded no evidence to incriminate Sato.

I can't believe we didn't find anything.

It would appear Hiroshi is innocent.

Okay, you did your search.

Now you can all leave.

So, I hope you're convinced now.

No, I'm not.

I don't care how cooperative Hiroshi is being, I know he's lying.

Why are you doing this?

Are you that jealous of me and Asami?


Don't be ridiculous.

That has nothing to do with it.

If you don't drop this, consider our friendship over.

I'm sorry.

Hiroshi is not the man you think he is.

I think you guys should hear this.

"If you want to find the truth," "meet me under the north end of the Silk Road Bridge at midnight." Over here.

Listen, I joined the Equalists because I believed in what Amon said.

I thought he could make life better for us non-benders.

But I didn't sign up for this...

This w*r.

What do you have on Hiroshi Sato?

He manufactured those gloves for the Equalists.

I knew it!

And there are rumors he's working on something even bigger...

Some new kind of w*apon.

We searched all of Future industries and found nothing.

That's because he has a secret factory.


It's right underneath the Sato mansion.

Raiding the Sato mansion is a risky move with Tarrlok breathing down your neck.

- If we're wrong...

- I know, I can kiss my job goodbye.

But protecting Republic City is all I care about.

We can't let Amon get his hands on this new w*apon.

What are you doing here?

We have reason to believe there's a factory hidden below the mansion.

I think I would have noticed if there were a factory underneath my house.

The lies you people come up with just to persecute my father...

Where is your father?

In his workshop, behind the house.



Chief, the estate has been secured.

No one's left the workshop since we arrived.

Perhaps we just couldn't see him leaving.

There's a tunnel beneath the workshop, running deep into the mountainside.


There's no tunnel.

Do you think your dad knows about this tunnel?

I don't understand.

There must be an explanation.

Maybe you don't know everything about your father.

I'm sorry.

Officers, into the tunnel.

Be cautious.

You three stay up here.

Officer Song, keep an eye on them.

Not your average backyard workshop.

And I'm guessing those are the new weapons.

Hiroshi was lying, all right.

But where is he?

What was that?

We need to get down there and see what's going on.

Absolutely not.

You're staying put until the Chief comes back.

All right, we'll stay put.

But can we wait outside or something?

It's so dusty in this workshop.


We're waiting right here.

Okay, but don't blame me if I start snee...

if I start snee...

What's your problem, bub?

I'm about to...

Sorry, pal.

We know you were just doing your job.

Yeah, just stay put until the Chief comes back.

That sounds very familiar, doesn't it?


Because you said it.

Asami, you should stay here.

We'll check it out.

I have to find out the truth about my father.

I understand.

That's why I'm going down to find out for you.


All right.

Be careful.

I'm afraid you won't be able to metalbend that wall, Chief Beifong.

It's solid platinum.

My mecha-tanks are platinum as well.

Not even your renowned mother could bend a metal so pure.

Hiroshi, I knew you were a lying, no-good Equalist!

Come out here and...

And do what, young Avatar?

Face the wrath of your bending?

No, I think I'll fight from inside here where my odds are a little more...


That source was a setup.

You lured us down here!

Guilty as charged.


Well, I'd say that was a near-flawless test run.

Load everyone into the transports and deliver them to Amon.


Korra was right.

We gotta do something, quick!

Not so fast, boys.

Hello, Mr. Sato.

Wow, what a really swell, scary factory you have here under your giant mansion.

Sponsoring our team, supporting the Avatar...

it was all just a big cover.

Yes, and the most difficult part was watching my daughter traipse around with a firebending street rat like you.

Dad, stop!


Sweetie, I wanted to keep you out of this for as long as I could, but now that you know the truth, please forgive me.

These people...

These benders...

They took away your mother, the love of my life.

They've ruined the world!

But with Amon, we can fix it and build a perfect world together.

We can help people like us, everywhere!

Join me, Asami.


I love you, Dad.

Let's get out of here!

My Metalbenders are on their way to Amon, and it's all my fault.

Tarrlok's right, I failed as chief.

First thing in the morning, I'm handing in my resignation.


You can't give up like this.

I'm not giving up.

I'm going to find my officers and take Amon down.

But I'm going to do it my way, outside the law.

I'm sorry I didn't believe you.

But Asami's dad being an Equalist is not an easy thing to believe.

- Even now.

- I know.

I'm sorry this whole thing happened.

So, does your offer to live at the Air Temple still stand?

Of course it does.

And Asami's welcome, too.

Thank you so much.

After everything she's been through, she's going to need you, Mako.