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01x10 - Turning the Tides

Posted: 09/14/20 08:40
by bunniefuu




Only the Avatar can master all four elements and bring balance to the world.

Amon's revolution grows stronger by the day!

First, he att*cked the bending arena!

Then it was discovered that Hiroshi Sato was the mastermind behind the Equalist gloves and mecha-tanks!

And most recently, Amon ambushed Councilman Tarrlok, took his bending, and nearly captured the Avatar, as well!

Everyone is on edge, wondering where will Amon strike next?

Daddy, you're home.

We waited up for you.

Is Korra okay?

Yes, she's fine, sweetie.

I was scared.

I thought she wasn't coming back.

I'm sorry you were scared.

But everything is going to be fine now.

I promise.

The food tastes amazing, Pema.

I'm finally starting to feel like myself again.

We're so thankful you're home safe.

Let me help.

Korra, I realize you've been through a lot, but I need to know everything that happened.

Well, first off, Tarrlok isn't who he says he is.

He's Yakone's son.

It all makes sense now.

That's how Tarrlok was able to bloodbend us without a full moon.

But how did you escape?

And where's Tarrlok?

Amon captured him and took his bending.


Yeah, he showed up out of nowhere.

He almost got me, too.

This is very disturbing news.

Amon is becoming emboldened.

Taking out a councilman, almost capturing the Avatar...

I fear Amon is entering his endgame.

Pema, are you all right?

The baby is just kicking really hard, is all.

- I'm fine.

- Should I get Tenzin?

No reason to worry him.

It's nothing.

Can I get some hot water?

Korra needs more tea.

You're a Firebender.

Boil it yourself.

I'm going to step out, in case you two want to talk.

Is there something we need to talk about?

I've noticed how you treat Korra, how you acted when she was missing.

You have feelings for her, don't you?



She was taken by a crazy Bloodbender!

How did you expect me to act?

I like Korra.

But you've been keeping the truth from me this whole time.

The truth?

About what?

You're really going to make me say it?

Yes, because I don't know what you're talking about.

The kiss, Mako.

I know.



Bolin told you, didn't he?

Don't blame your brother for what you did.

Do you have feelings for Korra, or not?

Look, things are crazy right now.

Can we deal with our relationship problems later?

Well, there might not be any relationship to worry about later.


Lin, I need to ask you a favor.

It would mean the world to me, but I know it could be a potentially awkward situation.


Spit it out already!

Will you stay here and watch over Pema and the children while I meet with the Council?

With everything that's happened lately, I want to be sure my family is in safe hands.

Of course I'll help, old friend.

I didn't realize you two were out here.


Yes, yes...

Lin has agreed to help out around here and keep an eye on things while I'm away.

Thank you.

I could use the extra pair of hands.

Would you mind giving him a bath?

He's filthy.

This is not what I signed on for!

Thank you, Lin!

Oogi, yip yip!

I gotta poo!

Really bad!

Do you know where my keys are?

I can't find them anywhere.

No, dear.

- Found them!

- Good, dear.

Don't wait up for me, this Council session will probably go late into the night.

The door, dear.

We're here to fix a spider-rat problem.

I didn't call an exterminator.


I'm so relieved to see you!

The other Council members, are they all right?

I'm afraid not.

I just received a call from Chief Saikhan.

They've all been captured!

This can't be happening.

The leadership of Republic City is in your hands now.

It is a tragic day, indeed!

All right, kids, time to go inside.

We heard explosions.

What's going on?

Republic City is under attack.

I've dreamed of this day for so long.


The time has come for the Equalists to claim Republic City as their own.

Where did you say you parked the car?

It's right around here somewhere.

There it is!

Nice parking job.

Hey, you guys got arrested and left me alone with the car.

I made it very clear I don't know how to drive.

All things considered, you did a great job.

But how are we going to pay for all these parking tickets?

Relax, the city's under attack.

The police have more important things to worry about.

This'll come in handy.

Why don't you sit in back?

With Korra.

I think I will.

Everything all right?


Everything's terrific.


We're good.

Chief, Air Unit Seven was just taken out by an Equalist airship!

They've crashed into the harbor!

Send a River Rescue Unit.

Chief, all River Rescue ships have been sabotaged!


Chief Saikhan.


Am I glad to see you.

I was afraid you'd been captured, too.

I'm the only Council member left.

What's the status?

Amon has launched simultaneous att*cks across the boroughs.

The police are trying to regain control, but we're spread too thin.

I need to send a wire.

To whom, Councilman?

The General of the United Forces.

Councilman, your wire has been sent.

Chief, the phone lines just went dead!


Saikhan, the vents!

We need to evacuate immediately.

Everyone stay close to me!

Not these mecha-tanks again!




Thank you.

Tenzin has escaped once again.

I can't stand to see Asami fighting alongside those benders.

We will capture them before long, and you will have your daughter back.

Are you all right?

I'm fine.

Thank you, kids.

Another moment later and I would've been on my way to Amon.

Guys, look.


Everyone, hide inside and remain calm.

Pull it together, Pema!

Didn't I just say remain calm?

Mommy, what's wrong?

The baby's coming!

- No.

- Not now, baby!

The children, where are they?

Don't worry, they're in the other room, totally safe.

Stay away from my dad's ex-girlfriend!

Jinora, you shouldn't be out here!

Get off our island!

Girls, you need to go back inside this instant!

Taste my fury!

Meelo, be careful!

Never mind.

Take these Equalists and lock them in the temple's basement.

Nice work, kids.


Thank goodness you're all right!

We caught the bad guys!

You let them fight?

Do you realize what could have happened?

I would've been toast if it weren't for your kids.

You should be proud.

You taught them well.

Go on, be with your wife.



I'm here, Pema.

Our new son.


Come meet your new brother!

A brother?

Well, it's about time!


I'm Ikki and this is Jinora and Meelo.

We have a super great family, and we're so happy that you're a part of it.

What are you going to name him?

Can I pick?

We already chose a name.


I'm so sorry to interrupt, but...

More airships are coming.

Everything's not going to be fine, is it, Daddy?

What do you want to do, Tenzin?

I need to protect my family and get them as far away from this conflict as possible.

If Amon got his hands on my children...

I hate to even think of it.

If you're leaving, then I'm going with you.

- But...

- No arguments.

You and your family are the last Airbenders.

There's no way in the world I'm letting Amon take your bending away.

Thank you, Lin.

Korra, I want you to leave this island and hide for the time being.

I'm not giving up.

I'm not asking you to.

I've sent word to the United Forces.

They will be here soon.

And once my family is safe, I will return.

With the reinforcements, we can turn the tide in this w*r.

What you're saying is, we need to be patient.

You're learning well.

- Stay safe, Korra.

- You, too.

Tenzin, if we're leaving, we better do it now!

Oogi, yip yip.


We'll hold them off.

Everyone, climb on!

Let's go, girl!

Mustache guy!

Nice one, Naga!

- They're gaining on us!

- Faster, Oogi!

Whatever happens to me, don't turn back.

Lin, what are you doing?

That lady is my hero!

Yes, she is.

Korra, we should get moving.

Tell me where the Avatar is, and I'll let you keep your bending.

I won't tell you anything, you monster!

Very well.

General, I just received a wire from the Avatar.

She says Amon and his forces have gained control of the city.

How do you want to respond?

Tell her we will be arriving in three days' time.

And that I look forward to winning back Republic City, together.

As you wish, General Iroh.