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02x05 - Peacekeepers

Posted: 09/14/20 08:52
by bunniefuu




Only the avatar can master all four elements And bring balance to the world. It's brother versus brother in the w*r of the water tribes. After korra discovered That chief unalaq betrayed her and her father, She turned against him, sparking civil w*r. The southern rebels rallied around Tonraq,... But they are vastly outnumbered. So Korra is headed to republic city to seek aid. But will she be able to convince President Raiko To send troops to help the south?

Welcome home, Avatar.

Thanks for starting a w*r.

I didn't start a w*r.

Well, I did, but it's more complicated Than you're making it seem.

Mako, I want you back on the beat.

There's going to be a southern water tribe peace March tonight.

I need you there to make sure things don't get out of hand.

- I'm all yours.

- I'll go too.

The people of the south need to see that the avatar is on their side...

In the fight against the northern invaders.


That should calm them down.

- Maybe you should sit this out.

- What?

I just think having you there blatantly supporting one side Will only make things worse.

You could at least try to seem neutral.

I'm not neutral.

The north invaded my home.

The only reason I'm here Is to get the republic to send troops to help the south.

Zhu li's already scheduled a meeting for us with President Raiko tomorrow.

We'll get him on board.


I gotta go to work.

I better go check on my factory.

I'm going to find out about this peace March.

And I am dying for a pedicure!

So, uh, what should I be doing?

I don't know, Bolin.

Figure something out.

Say, kid, have you ever seen Republic City at night?

[Pabu squeaks] - sure, I live here.

Have you really seen it?

Y-- No?

[Chuckles] That's what I thought.

Come on.

Tonraq and the rebels are holed up here In the hills outside of town.

Leave them.

My brother's no threat to us up there.

Increase security around the spirit portal.

Keeping it safe is our number one priority.

Yes, sir.


I need you two to go after the avatar.

She's the only one who can open the northern spirit portal.

But, father, you told korra-- I told korra what I thought she needed to hear.

I'll find her.

She stole my husband.

I need her alive.

[Sighs] Fine.

[Poki chirps]

Watch me, Poki.

You lay down and roll over.

Roll over.

No, no, you can't just demonstrate it.

That never works.

[Poki chirps]


[Poki chirps]

Ugh, Classic over-rewarding.

[Bird screeches]

[Poki coos]

- Poki, where are you going?

- Command respect.


[Poki chirps]

Having some trouble, son?

Poki isn't very good at learning.

Believe me, I know the feeling.

Maybe I can help.

How would you like your old dad.

To teach you how to be a master trainer?


[Indistinct chatter]

Tensions are running high outside of the southern water tribe cultural center.

The avatar is leading a group of southerners

In a peaceful protest against chief unalaq,

But the northerners have come out in droves in support of their leader.

[Angry crowd chatter] Boo!

Get out of here!

- Boo!

- Get a real job!

- Get out of here!

- You stink!

[Can crushes]



Republic City Police.

[Electrical humming]


[Tires screech]

The northern water tribe is out of control.

I saw a firebender running away from the blast.

The north might not be responsible for this.

Of course they're responsible.

[Siren blares]

Who else would it be?

[Cheers and applause]


Usually, When I see flashing lights like this, It's because I got hit in the head with a rock.

Being famous is like getting hit with a rock all the time.


It's bolin!

ALL: Bolin!







Folks, that cheer you're hearing Is for local favorite, bolin, of the fire ferrets.

Let's see if we can get a quick interview.


Bolin, the fire ferrets are out for the season.

How have you been spending your time lately?

Well, I took a trip south for the glacier spirits festival, Was briefly engaged to a princess, Then went through kind of a tough breakup there, Was accidentally involved in a civil w*r...


But there's nowhere I'd rather be Than pro bending night in Republic City!

Am I right, people?

Republic City!

[Cheers and applause]

Do you miss being in the ring?

Well, I definitely don't miss getting hit with things all the time And the humiliating losing.

I mean, that gets pretty old.

You know, sometimes I actually cry myself to sleep...


I guess what I miss the most are these fans!

They're the greatest fans in the world!

Give it up for the fans!

[Cheers and applause]

Look how these people love you, kid.

They're eating that cornball spiel right out of your hand.

The trick is, whenever I get confused, I just say "Republic City" or "fans," And then everyone cheers.

I think I just figured out your true calling.

I hope President Raiko listens to us.

Don't worry.

I was a big contributor to his election campaign.

Him and the other guy.

Gotta hedge your bets.

Hello, Mr. President.

Sir, the southern water tribe-- Just a second.

Keep smiling.

Now, how can I help the avatar and my most generous supporter?

Unalaq's troops have invaded the south.

We need you to send the united forces to help.

I'm very concerned by what's happening down there, But I don't think it's the Republic's place To interfere with internal water tribe matters.

Unalaq isn't even the rightful ruler of the water tribe.

He lied his way onto the northern throne.

Mr. President, The republic is already involved in this conflict.

The north att*cked our cultural center last night.

Believe me, we are doing everything we can

To bring the people responsible to justice.

"The people responsible"?

Who else would it be but the northerners?

Now, I know that when you're young,

It's hard to keep perspective--

You're the one who's lost perspective.

I'm trying to save my tribe, and you're taking pictures.

Sending troops is not something I can do at this time,

But I promise I will work with unalaq and the south for a diplomatic solution.

Now, I'm sorry, but my mind is made up.

This meeting is over.

My family is going to be wiped out,

And it'll be on your head for doing nothing about it.

I can't believe the president is doing nothing.

He--he doesn't even care.

I'm sure he cares, but he can't just tell his people To go fight a battle at the south pole

That has nothing to do with them.

How could you take his side?

What's with you and sides?

Why do you always think I'm working against you?

Well, you're not helping me.

I'm trying to get troops to the south.

What are you doing?

I'm doing my job.

[Laughs] Well, excuse me, officer.

Don't let me stand in the way of you writing tickets.

I'm just trying to save the world.

Well, you wouldn't have to if you didn't keep messing it up.

I can't talk to you when you're like this.

[Door slams] [Groans]

You're the one who's like this!

[Ship horn blows]

[Footsteps] [Gasps]

Hey, in a hurry?

Sorry, I have to talk to Varrick.

Yeah, me too.

[Bow fires]

[Both gasp]

Oh, Hello.


I told you I could do it.

Sorry I ever doubted you.

We can't wait for the president to act.

We need those troops now.

And my company is about to go under.

I have to find a way to make some sales.



Got it.

Idea storm.

Get the supplies.

You're about to get an inside look

At how varrick global industries

Stays at the forefront of imagination innovation or "imagivation"!

That's trademarked, pal.

Brain work requires increased circulation.

Let's do this!

Okay, here come the ideas, fast and furious.

Pink mint lemon tea.

Radio for pets.

Uh, hand shoes.

Hold on a tic.

We don't need the president to go to the south.

We just need the troops.

Let's go straight to them.

If there's one thing I know about troops, It's that they love fighting.

I know General Iroh.

He might be willing to help us.

A man on the inside.


And you need to sell some mecha-tanks.

I know some people who need them.

We'll ship 'em south.

That's perfect.

You'll be making money for your company, And you'll be helping to defeat unalaq.

It's true.

If you can't make money during a w*r, You just flat-out cannot make money.

It's dangerous on the seas right now, But I'm willing to try if you are.

It'll be crazy risky, But I love crazy risky!

End storm!

Zhu li, get those other ideas to research and development.

I want prototypes by next week.

I don't understand why it's so hard

To get republic city to support the south.

Don't worry.

I'm already working on that.

As soon as people see this,

They'll be lining up to fight unalaq.

Zhu li, do the, uh-- the thing.

Don't freak out.

It's not real.

I had a film crew documenting the entire northern invasion.

[Screams] [Pabu squeaks]


I keep doing that.

We're gonna cut this footage together With scenes we sh**t of our superstar bolin here

Playing a southern water tribe hero

Battling the evil unalaq.

No one will root for the north after they see The adventures of nuktuk: Hero of the south!

I'm nuktuk!

What do you think?

[Door opens and closes]

Oh, man, you should have seen varrick today.

That guy is a genius.

- Uh-huh.

He's gonna help asami sell her mecha-tanks to the south, And he came up with this great idea for korra

To get general iroh to fight unalaq

Without president raiko ever even knowing.


That's a terrible idea.

And he's gonna put me in the movers

As this hero, Nuktuk.

He's a man of action, but he's got a heart of gold.

He was born in the tundra.

Look, I'm trying to do something

That's actually important here.


Oh, sorry.

Uh, sure.

What is it?

Something doesn't make sense about this bombing.

I just don't buy that the northern water tribe

Was behind it.

Wait a second!

That's him!

That's the guy that att*cked the center.

I gotta go show this to beifong.

Glad I could help.

Nuktuk saves the day again!

[Poki chirps]

All right, meelo.

The first thing you need to do as a trainer Is establish dominance.

You are in charge.

Never forget that.

Now call poki.

Poki, come here.

[Poki coos and scratches]



- Poki, no.

- Meelo.

You're rewarding him for bad behavior.

But he's tickling me.

You can't let him nap in the bed with you.

You are the alpha lemur.

He has to sleep on the floor.

[Poki chirps]

I know it's hard, but it's for the best.

No, poki.

This is my bed.

You sleep on the floor.

[Poki whines]

- Being alpha lemur is lonely.

- I know.

How did this cultural center attack happen right under your nose?

And why haven't you arrested the northerners responsible?

- We're working on it, sir.

- Well, work harder.

If you don't get any results soon, I'm going to find someone who can.

I got a break in the bombing case.

I I.D.'d the guy I saw at the scene.

- That's great, mako.

- Yeah, you better run that in to beifong right now.

- You think?

- Sure.

You're gonna be a hero.

[Knocks on door]

What makes a rookie beat cop think he can interrupt my meeting with the president?

[Both laugh] I'm sorry.

I just--um, I found something out about the bombing.

Well, give it to lu and g*ng, you moron.

Now get out!


Was she busy?

This is the guy I saw Sneaking out of the building right before the explosions.

He's a member of the agni kais.

Someone must have hired him to make it look

Like northerners att*cked the cultural center.


Did you learn anything about that remote control I found at the scene?

That's gotta be the key to finding out who's really responsible.

Listen, kid, it was the northern water tribe, okay?

Yeah, give it a rest, super cop.

[Door opens and closes]

I've heard good things about you.

You've made some big triad busts for a rookie.

Thank you, sir.

- And you're dating the Avatar, right?

- Yes, sir.

I'm concerned that she might be getting some bad advice from Varrick.

You wouldn't happen to know if they're plotting anything

That might compromise the security of Republic City,

Would you, officer?

Let me remind you that you've sworn an oath.

You're a man of the law before anything else.

Yes, sir.

Well, keep up the good work.



There's something you should know.

Thank you for seeing me, General Iroh.

- What can I do?

- The south needs military support

Before Unalaq wipes them out completely,

But the president is refusing to give the order.

- So I decided to come to you directly.

- I see.

Well, suppose I were to take the fleet south On some routine training maneuvers.

And let's say we were to accidentally run into a hostile northern blockade.

We'd have no choice but to defend ourselves, wouldn't we?

I guess you wouldn't.

Thank you.

- Swapping old w*r stories?

- Mr. President.

I hope you're not planning to take any military action

Without an order from your commander in chief.

- Of course not, sir.

- Good, because if a single vessel

Leaves this harbor without my say-so, You'll be court-martialed.

- Am I clear?

- Crystal, sir.

Your activities here are bordering on insurrection.

The Avatar does not command the military of the Republic.

Don't go behind my back again.

As you were, General Iroh.

- I hate that guy!

- I'm sorry.

My hands are officially tied.

I understand.

Thanks anyway.

But you should talk to the fire lord.

My mother and grandfather have always been good friends

To the Avatar and the southern water tribe.

I'm sure, they'll be willing to help.

Thank you, General.

[Upbeat music]

Wouldn't I be cold wearing this outfit in the snow?

Ah, Nuktuk is never cold.


Hey, ginger.

How about that, huh?

It's the latest product in my varri-manageable hair line: Varri-dye!

We get some sh*ts of her using it Before unalaq kidnaps her, I guarantee we sell a million cases week one.

Bolin, I need you to watch naga while I'm gone.

- Where you going?

- The Fire nation.

I'm going to try to get them to help the south.

I need a boat.

What happened with general iroh?

He was going to help, but then President Raiko showed up.

Someone must have tipped him off, But I can't figure it out.

No one knew about it except for us and Asami.

- And mako.

- Mako?


There's no way mako would have told.


[Poki chirps]

Poki, sit.

[Poki squeaks] Roll over.

[Poki coos] Good boy.

Well done, Meelo.

- I knew you could learn to train poki.

- Not just poki.

I trained all the lemurs.


[Blows whistle]

[Lemurs squeaking]

[Blows whistle repeatedly]

[Blows whistle]

[Blows whistle]

I've created a monster.

Uh, maybe we should forget

About all this training discipline for now.

- Why don't you and poki just have fun and play?

- Thanks, dad.

Training makes me tired.

Come on, Poki.

[Blows whistle]

You ratted me out to the president?

- Korra, let me explain.

- Explain why my boyfriend stabbed me in the back?

Look, the president of the Republic asked me a direct question.

- What was I supposed to do?

- You betrayed me and my family!



Look, I have a job to do.

I can't constantly be worrying about keeping you From making another huge mistake.

Well, I have a job to do too, Only it seems like you're always standing in the way of me getting it done!

Well, I guess if we're both putting our jobs first, Maybe there's no room for our relationship!

So what?

Are you breaking up with me?


I guess I am.

What the flamey-o happened here?

- I broke up with the avatar.

- You got off easy.

You should have seen air temple island after tenzin broke up with me.

[Motor hums]

[Water splashing violently] [Grunts]

You ruined my wedding!

No one steals my bolin!


[Dramatic music]



