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03x09 - The Stakeout

Posted: 09/14/20 08:54
by bunniefuu




Only the Avatar can master all four elements and bring balance to the world.

[Dramatic orchestral music]

Zaheer infiltrated Zaofu and attempted to kidnap the Avatar.

After a harrowing battle, Korra was saved, but she soon discovered a shocking truth.

Aiwei, Su's trusted advisor, has been working with Zaheer.

This truth seer turned traitor managed to escape, but Su tasks team Avatar with tracking him down.

Now the hunted to becomes the hunter as Korra searches for answers.

- Aiwei's definitely been through here.

Nice tracking, girl.

Let's ask around.

Maybe someone's seen him.

Ooh, look, they have a mover poster of me.

Must be big Nuktuk fans.


I should go over and say hello.

No, those are wanted posters, and there's one for each of us.

"Wanted by her majesty, the Earth queen, for crimes against the kingdom." I'm guessing this is because we took her airbenders.

They weren't hers to keep.

I swear, if I ever see her pinchy little queen face again, I am gonna...

Uh, guys.

We should get out of here.

Where is everyone?

I've been waiting to leave for half an hour.

And good morning to you too, lin.

Now, don't get mad.

Korra's fine.

I'm just waiting to hear if she tracked down Aiwei yet.


You let Korra go?

I thought we were on the same page about this, and then you go s*ab me in the back?

Oh, don't be so overdramatic.

You can't control the Avatar's every move.

I can try.

[Dramatic music]

♪ Naga found something.

Oh, sorry.

I forgot to bring treats.

But good girl.

[Naga whimpers]


This must be Aiwei's jeep.

He can't be far.

Bolin and I will investigate the Misty Palms Oasis and see if he's holed up there.

Yes, I love it when you talk like a cop.

- I'm coming too.

- No.

You and Asami wait here in case he comes back.

Besides, we don't want to call too much attention to ourselves.

All right.


Mako, Mako, Mako, we should wear disguises and pretend we're going undercover.

That way, no one will recognize us.


Police work is so exciting.

All right, now we need our undercover identities.

I'm an exunited forces operative named "Tingting".

w*r was the only woman I ever loved, until Ivy came along and showed me what real love is.

Tragically, she was taken from me by my archenemy Dr.

Razor, and he...


Let's just find Aiwei.

But I haven't even told you your backstory.

I'm a cop.

I don't have a backstory.

Ooh, you're good at this.


Human customers only.

Let's see if this guy knows anything.

Excuse me, Sir.

We're looking for a man about , balding, wearing glasses and a long green robe.

And he's got this weird piercing that goes from his nose to his ear.

- Freaks me out.

- Yeah, sure.

Sounds like a guy who came in last night.

I told him I had the best drinks in the Earth kingdom, and he called me a liar.

That's him.

Any idea where he is now?

No, afraid not.

But he was right.

My drinks are terrible.

Are you okay?

I'm just frustrated.

What does Zaheer want with me?

What's his plan?

I don't know, but I think I found a clue.

"Xai Bau's grove, sundown." This must be where and when Aiwei's going to meet Zaheer.

All right, Xai Bau's grove, where are you?

[Spirit squawks]

Go away.

I'm trying to find something.

Well, aren't you a cute little...



No luck here.

I think there might be a couple bounty hunters over there who recognize me.

We've been made.

Let's lose 'em.

[Suspenseful music]

♪ Okay, I think we're clear.

We should head back to Korra before someone else recognizes us.

We could, or we could follow Aiwei instead.


All right, play it cool.

Follow my lead.

Tingting always finds his man.

Keep an eye on him.

I'll go get Korra.

We found Aiwei hiding in an inn.

- That's great.

- We found something too.

It looks like he's going to meet Zaheer at sundown at place called Xai Bau's grove, but I can't find it anywhere on the map.

Let's go bust Aiwei's door down and finally get some answers.

No, once Aiwei knows we're on to him, we lose our advantage.

I say we stake out his room, and when he leaves for this meeting, we follow him.

And he'll lead us straight to Zaheer.

Good afternoon.

We'd like a room on the ground floor across from , please.

Forget it.

Last time a bunch of teenagers came in here, they trashed the whole room.

We found you.

Hey, no bending in here.

Take it outside.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

We're not here to fight you.

We're here to meet Nuktuk.

We're your biggest fans.

Could you make it out to Lily and Macao?

Uh, I'd be happy to.

Always love meeting my fans.

I made this Nuktuk doll for you.


[Doll squeaks]

Aw, it's...


[Doll squeaks]

Why didn't you tell me your friend was a mover star?

I'd be happy to rent you any room in the inn.

We'll just take the one across from .

But that room is too small for the four of you.

Trust me.

It'll be perfect.

I'd just like to state for the record that this room is not perfect.



There he is.

I thought stakeouts were supposed to be exciting.

This isn't at all.

Ooh, I wonder if there's any snacks in here.


Hey, look!

A Pai Sho board.

Mako, you want to play?

Kind of busy here, bro.

- I'll play.

- Oh, well...

No offense, but I learned street Pai Sho from Shady Shin, and I am pretty good, so wouldn't really be a fair game.


I learned to play from my dad, the diabolical genius.

I'll destroy you.

Well, looks like we have ourselves a Pai shodown.

Ladies first.


I don't want to rush you, but let's speed things up a bit.


This game is all about slow, methodical strategy.

No, it's not; This is a fastpaced, edge of your seat game of chance.

Don't think.

Just go.

I don't know what Shady Shin taught you, but it wasn't the real Pai Sho.

Oh, really?

I think our friend Mr.

Rule book might disagree with you.

"The origins of Pai Sho date back over , years.

It is a game of both strategy and chance." - Wait, how could it be both?

- Let me see that.

"There have been countless variations of Pai Sho through the centuries, and each culture has its own rules and variations on the game." That's no help at all.

Korra, as the Avatar, you need to standardize these Pai Sho rules.


I'll put that on my "to do" list right after "bringing back the air nation" and "taking down the group that tried to kidnap me." That's cool.

Whenever you get to it.

Assuming we do find Zaheer, what then?

Then I make him talk.

He was locked away for years, Korra, and never broke.

I don't think a little bending is going to intimidate this guy.

- You have a better idea?

- Yeah, we spy on them.

If Aiwei and Zaheer don't know they're being watched, they'll talk freely.

Then we'll know who they are and what they want.

That's just like Pai Sho.

"In order to defeat your opponent, you first have to know your opponent." Then I guess I know you pretty well.

- I win.

- What?


All right, all right.

You know what?

That was just a fluke.

Best two out of three.

[Jaunty jazz music]

Oh, come on!

Best four out of seven.

out of .

out of ?

♪ [Yawning]

♪ [Laughs]

Looks like you're on the ropes this time.

I can't believe it.

You might actually win this one.

No, Pabu!



It's almost sundown.

Why hasn't Aiwei left yet?

Maybe he slipped out when you weren't looking.

No, I just saw him peeking out the window minutes ago.

It's in my logbook.

- I'm going over there.

- Korra, wait.

You're gonna blow our element of surprise.

[Suspenseful music]

♪ It's over, Aiwei.



- That's a weird way to nap.

- He's not sleeping.

He's meditating.


Asami, those spirits were trying to tell us something earlier.

Xai Bau's grove isn't on the map because it's not in the physical world.

It's in the spirit world.

I'm going in after him.

We'll watch him in case he wakes up.

Be careful.

What happened back in Zaofu?

You told me we wouldn't have any problems getting the Avatar.

Because of you, we've all been compromised.

No, any evidence was destroyed when my library b*rned.

Where is your physical body now?

At the Misty Palms inn.

But there is no need to worry.

I was not followed.

You left a loose end.

I assure you no one knows anything about us.

No, you are the loose end.




It seems Aiwei was mistaken.

- He was followed.

- That's right.

We knew he'd lead us straight to you.

So what did you do with him?

He'll be spending eternity in the fog of lost souls, which just leaves the two of us.

Don't move, Zaheer.

You're gonna give me some answers.

There's no need for aggression.

Neither of us has our bending, and I'm not going anywhere.

I'll answer whatever questions you have.

You deserve that much.

What would you like to know?

First off, who are you people, and why do you keep trying to take me?

We are part of a secret society dedicated to restoring freedom to the world.

- We are the Red Lotus.

- Red Lotus?

Are you related to the White Lotus?

We are what the White Lotus was meant to be, but after the hundred year w*r, the White Lotus lost its true purpose.

Its members came out of hiding and openly served the Avatar.

They became nothing but glorified bodyguards who served corrupt nations, so a great man named Xai Bau broke from the White Lotus and began his own society.

That's a great story, but it doesn't explain why you tried to take me when I was a kid.

That was Unalaq's idea.


My Uncle was part of the Red Lotus?

Avatar Korra.

Misty Palms inn.

- Find her.

- You two go.

I'll stay here and make sure Zaheer's body is safe.

I met your Uncle when I was a teenager after we had both joined the Red Lotus.

We learned about Raava and Vaatu and how Avatar Wan foolishly severed them, disrupting the balance of the world forever.

Avatar Wan wasn't foolish.

He was trying to restore balance.

He closed the portals, severing humans from spirits.

Even you realize the error in his ways.

So all along, you and my Uncle planned to use me to open the portals and release Vaatu?

That's why you tried to take me when I was a kid?

Yes, and with members of the red lotus as your elemental masters, we could've taught you so much.

Sounds like you wanted to brainwash me so I'd do whatever you wanted.

No, Korra.

All I wanted was to show the Avatar a better path for the world.

Uh, I don't know how, but water arm lady and lava guy found us.

- How?

- I just said I don't know how.

Korra, come on, wake up.

- What do we do?

- Get Korra out of here.

Bolin and I will hold them off.

The Avatar.

[Suspenseful music]

♪ [Shouts and grunts]

If my Uncle came up with a plan to abduct me when was a kid, why wasn't he caught?

He wasn't with us that night, and he covered up his involvement afterwards.

So he betrayed you just like he betrayed me.

Yes, he allowed me and my friends to remain imprisoned while he pursued his own selfish goals.

Unalaq becoming a dark Avatar was never part of our mission.

And what is your mission exactly?

I want what you want, to restore balance to this world.

I don't think our ideas of balance are the same.

Are you sure about that?

You kept the spirit portals open, but why stop there?

Bringing the spirits back should only be the beginning.

What do you mean?

The idea of having nations and governments is as foolish as keeping the human and spirit realms separate.

You've had to deal with a moronic president and a tyrannical queen.

Don't you think the world would be better off if leaders like them were eliminated?


I mean, I don't really agree with what they've done, but taking out world leaders isn't the answer.

It wasn't too long ago that the airbenders were nearly all wiped out thanks to the Fire Lord's desire for world dominance.

True freedom can only be achieved when oppressive governments are torn down.

But that won't bring balance.

It will throw the world into chaos.


The natural order is disorder.

Do you know who once said, "new growth cannot exist without first the destruction of the old"?


The wise guru Laghima, an airbender.

[Dramatic music]

♪ [Shouts]

I can't b*at this guy.

It's like I'm giving him a*mo.

Want to trade?

♪ [Groans]




Go get the Avatar.

I have these two under control.

♪ [Shouting]

[Naga barks]

You know, being locked away for so many years, I was beginning to lose hope, but when I awoke with airbending, I knew I would be the one to destroy the old world and plant seeds for a new world to flourish.

Zaheer, please, as an airbender, you could help make a positive difference in the world instead of destroying it.

You're a very smart young woman, Korra, but you must realize that once change begins, it cannot be stopped, even by the Avatar.

Enough with your philosophical mumbo jumbo.

I want to know one thing: If you do capture me, what are you gonna do with me?

You'll have that answer soon enough.

The Red Lotus should have you by now.

See you in the physical world.



Zaheer, you tricked me.

Let me go!

Asami, are you okay?

Where's the rest of the Red Lotus?

What's the Red Lotus?

And Zaheer didn't capture us.

The Earth queen's forces did.

- Where are we?

- I'm not sure.

Some camp by the desert.

They're taking us back to Ba Sing Se.

The Earth queen's army snatched up the Avatar before I could.

But we figured you could find a use for these two.

Load them in the truck.

We're taking a trip to Ba Sing Se.