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11x06 - 21 Murdoch Street

Posted: 09/14/20 12:16
by bunniefuu
[Theme music]

[Unsettling music]

[Door opening and closing]

[Men laughing]



[Men talking indistinctly]

Thank goodness you're here!

Aaah, yes!

Our supply of victims is running low.

Tell me, Frye, what is it that makes a man rush back up a hill he's fallen down time and time again?

Banerjee, I'm here to play.

Are you gonna let me in or not?

No sense of humour to be found here.



You're out.

Thanks for helping me, Jarvis.

Bye, Jarvis.

You've been replaced.

You two ought to have learned some manners by now.

We are terribly unpopular this evening, brother.

Cheers, Jarvis.

We'll see you again when "Papa" sends your allowance.

Damn darkies.


At least, we're not here on scholarship.

You know what?

One day, you boys are gonna get exactly what you deserve.

What did you say?

Do you want the whole school to hear you?

Get back in there!

Best let him go.

Come on.

[Indistinct chatter]

Every time we move, I think things will change.

They never do.

This is unusual, even for them.

[Mechanical humming]


Can I help you?

Yes, hello.

We were told to speak to a Detective William Murdoch.

[Mechanical humming stops]

How may I be of assistance?

♪ ♪ These are our sons, Vik and Sunil.

They're missing.

♪ ♪ When did your sons disappear?

Their correspondence ceased two weeks ago.


Do you not live in Toronto?

I am an emissary for the Raj, posted in Ottawa.

For the duration, we placed our sons at a boarding school, Laird College.

Laird College?

My wife would give my eyeteeth to fix our boys a spot up there.

Two weeks missing, and no one batted an eye.

The headmaster believed we pulled them out of enrolment.

Is it possible your sons simply abandoned their studies?

But they have nowhere to go.

We have no connections in this country.

Something is wrong, Detective.

I understand your concern, Mr.

and Mrs.


We'll look into it.

I'll see you out.

When I was in Afghanistan, I fought alongside some good Indian men.

I have a deep respect for your part of the Empire.

Perhaps I was one of those men.

I fought that w*r as well.

Ah, it was devilishly hot.


Sand everywhere.

This withdrawal letter found its way to my desk.

How was I to know it was a forgery?

Tuesday the 14th.



The same date the parents stopped receiving correspondence.

It was likely written by the Banerjee brothers themselves.

They were troublemakers then?


For 25 years, I've matriculated both members of Parliament and your run-of-the-mill degenerates.

The Banerjee brothers were the latter.

Did you not find it suspicious that they left behind all of their belongings?

It happens more often than you'd expect with the sons of diplomats.

Besides, I've been busy interviewing professors for our Department of Literature.

I see.

Did the brothers associate with any students that we could interview?


[Indistinct chatter]

Hello, rabbit.

May I play with him?


No, you can't.

Miss Clark!

Good afternoon.

Well, that's an unusual encumbrance.

I've just procured my latest test subject.

Oh, what's the experiment?

Hormonal therapy.

She is barren, like yourself, and I hope to synthesize a medicine that may help her conceive.

A medicine?

And you say you're close.

But not successful.

My experiment has reached an impasse.

I will inform you when I need a human subject.

Perhaps I could assist you.

♪ ♪ [Indistinct chatter]

Frye, Moore, Jarvis.

Front and centre.

This is Detective Murdoch and Inspector Brackenreid.

They have some questions for you.

Gentlemen, I have business to attend to.

Good day, gentlemen.

Uh, do you recall the last time you saw the Banerjee brothers?

It has been a while.

Did their absence not alarm you?

What was the nature of your friendship?

We studied together.

That's it.

Can you think of any reason why they may have fled?

We haven't the slightest.

Do you have any knowledge of their whereabouts?

No, sir.

[Indistinct chatter]

Man: That'd be great, thank you.

[Distant phone ringing]

What are you doing here?

I've been in since morning.

Yes, but what are you doing here?

I'm a policeman.

You weren't always a policeman.

You simply put on a uniform and converted as it were?

I suppose.

Fairly young to be withering your brain over paperwork.

In fact, it's dangerous.

How do you intend to make room for wisdom?

I intend to do my job.


♪ ♪ Where does a young man grow such certainty?

[Exasperated sigh]

I'm not certain.

I'm just "here" as you call it.

I see.

So you are not certain you want to be a policeman.


They know something.

I never said they didn't.

But they won't be telling us.

Sir, I'm certain if we interviewed them separately, they would respond to questioning.

You seem to forget what it was like to be young.

Sir, when I was young, I was happy to aid the police as an amateur detective.

Course you did, Murdoch.


A moment?

Are you out of your mind?!

We have more experienced constables!

Yes, but none that are young enough.

What is the case?

Two boys have gone missing from their boarding school, and none of the students will speak to us.

And you think they'll talk to me?

Yes, if you're a student.

Murdoch, he's hardly gotten his feet wet.

I never will if you keep coddling me.


Oh, all right.

Hello, everyone.

I'm John.



I need a seat.

Glad to see you found the class.

You lot won't be sitting on your heels any longer.

I found your new literature professor.


All yours.

Hello, all.

I am Professor Colin Matthews.

Today, we are set to embark on the most epic of journeys to the most exotic of locales.

Our destination, Ancient Egypt.

[Fake snoring]

[Young men chuckling]

Oh, very funny.

The brightest of a generation, and that's the best you've come up with?

Now, the vessel upon which we are about to embark on our journey is a novel by the criminally underappreciated author George Crabtree.

It is...

Curse of the Pharaohs.

Can we please have something else?


You're not fond of the book?

The opposite.

It's great.

Oh, really?

What's your favourite, uh...

What is it that makes it so "great"?

[Door sliding shut]

An infertile rabbit is a rare specimen, but three seems most unlikely.

Wherever did you find them?

An exhaustive search of the local farms.

They were glad to be rid of their fruitless does.

And the cause of infertility?

Well, their reproductive organs function, but they cannot enter a state of heat.

It suggests hormone deficiency.

And you have a medicinal treatment to address this?

Chasteberry has been used in folk-infertility remedies since Ancient Greece.

I aim to extract its medicine, much the same way as Aspirin was from willow bark.

What have you tried so far?

Using the coca leaf as model, I've created a paste of chasteberry, water and solvent, yet the paste keeps reacting to any chemical I add to purify it.

Well, unlike coca leaf, chasteberry contains sugar.

If we suspend it in alcohol, we can synthesize the plant's medicine without the live material interfering.


It's worth a fair shot.

[Indistinct chatter]

♪ ♪ [Indistinct chatter]

Hey, come on!

Gentlemen, could I have your attention please?

Vik and Sunil Banerjee are still missing.

If anyone has any information as to their whereabouts, you better come see me at Station House Number 4.

Thank you.

[Bell tolling]

Oy, you there!

I've not seen you before.

You wouldn't be avoiding the constabulary by any chance, would you?

You haven't seen me because I'm new.

You better start adding a sir to the end of your sentences.

Sod off, sir.

What did you just say?

Stand up!

Come here!

Let's see if you've got the nerve to repeat yourself now.


Seems to me like you've learnt your lesson.


Student: No way!

Excuse me, gentlemen, your colleague and I need to have a little chat!

[Students chattering and laughing]

When I said you could get rowdy, I didn't mean punch me in the face.

It had to look real!

As long as the right people saw it.

Constable Crabtree doesn't need to be here.

I have this in hand.

Oh, is that right?

So what do you know so far?

Not much.

Here, take this.

Maybe it will loosen a few tongues.

And be careful.


Good punch by the way.

Gerald Jarvis.

Proud son of Gordon Jarvis, the barrister.

John Simpson, son of Thomas Simpson, the whisky brewer.

You got gumption, punching that inspector like that.

I don't like to be pushed.

I'm just surprised you're not in jail.

He was satisfied to rough me up.

[Knocking on door]

♪ ♪ It's for you.

[John chuckling]

It took me ages to get my invitation.

What do you mean?

"Be ready in 15 minutes.

Bring money." What is this?

It's an invitation to the real school.

♪ ♪ Tell me once more, how did you fall?

I walked into a door.

No, you didn't.

What happened?

John hit me.


Margaret, calm down if you want to go to dinner.

I have no problem instructing the driver to turn this carriage around.



Go on.

He walloped me in front of the Laird students so that they would adopt him into their group.

Oh, Thomas!

Boys of such class won't stand for such abhorrent behaviour!

They'll think him a vagrant.

Now, he won't make any connections there.

You do understand he's not really a student?

He's a police officer on duty!

I know that!

I just hope that perhaps his time at Laird College might change his thinking.

You won't let that go, will you?

It's not my decision that he follows in my footsteps, it's his!

You could discourage him.

I have.

It seems that he's as stubborn as his mother.


♪ ♪ [Indistinct chatter]

[John chuckling]

♪ ♪ Welcome.

What is this?

Much better than our fathers' clubs, I can assure you.

No trite conversations over brandy and no pretending we have influence over things half a world away.

But we do have cigars.



Those cards, they're from France.

Then I wanna go to France.

Where did you get them?

The Banerjee brothers.

Apparently, their parents were posted there for a time.

Should have stayed there.

How do I purchase cards from them?

You can't.

They're gone and good riddance.

What happened to them?


Conveniently the same night that they lost a hideous amount to me.

Moore: Quit complaining, I covered their losses.

Yeah, and you're the house now.

So who's really winning?

Moore: If you wanna play, you need money.

I have something even better.

A break from whatever vinegar you're brewing in the corner.

Your father's whisky!


Stay away from me.

Get away!

I didn't believe there'd be enough spores to k*ll seven Egyptologists.

One, perhaps two.

But seven?

Well, Simpson, that's called taking "artistic license." Class, were none of you drawn in by the...


the rich atmosphere of Ancient Egypt?

Not really.

But some of the descriptive passages here: "The sandy desert broken only by the mighty Nile." You know, uh, the Sphinx, the, uh...

Ah, the pyramid!

"The great pyramids, both triangular and huge." I've been to Egypt, unlike you who clearly has never left the continent.

The only thing of note about Egypt is that it's unpleasantly hot.

Frye, if you're not careful, you'll be cynical your whole life.

Who cares?

None of this matters.

All right, class.

That's enough for today.

All right, OK.

[Somber music]

Meet me tonight.

♪ ♪ [Woman giggling]

Forbidden fruit?


I regret, I'm not in the mood.

Too jaded by the state of today's youth.

What do you mind?

You don't have to teach.

I know it's all a ruse, but if I could just reach this one student...

If I could just reach this one teacher...

I mean, his grades were excellent in the past.

I feel he's just given up on himself.

I know there's passion in him, he just...

he needs to discover it.

Well, then charm him.

I once had a Star Room customer who never paid me any attention.

It's hardly the same.

Sure it is.

I tried everything to intrigue him.

I even changed my costume, inspired by his profession.

Nina, I don't know if I want to hear any more of this.

I assure you the effort was worth it.

The customer was you.

[Nina chuckling]

♪ ♪ Hmmm...

Julia Ogden: Well, this is disheartening.

She was the only doe to receive the chemical.

The medicine appears to be poisonous.

I see.

Not to say I'm giving up.

No, of course not.

Thank you for letting me know.

[Sad music]

Well, I should get back to work.

♪ ♪ Something on your mind, Julia?

It's nothing.

Just a slow day at the morgue.

Good news for the living.


I've just been thinking about how I rely on my work so much for my sense of purpose.

The satisfaction of a job well done is one of life's greatest pleasures.

Is it wrong to want more?


But I've never known you to be one to wait for change.

You always create it.

Perhaps I've said the wrong thing.

On the contrary.

You said just what needed to be said.

[Soft music]

♪ ♪ Nothing.

What exactly are we looking for?

The Banerjees made a still from science equipment.

I got the sense that they spent a lot of time in here.


[Creaking again]

Is that blood?

Where would that have come from?

John, get a petri dish and some glue.

And I need...

Found them.

Violet phosphorous.

What are you doing?

I am illuminating the invisible.

Violet phosphorous absorbs visible light and translates it into ultraviolet radiation.

At least, I think that's how the Detective put it.

Get the lights.

♪ ♪ If there's blood, this will reveal it.

So much blood!

May have been the perpetrator stepped in his own victim's blood.

Seems to lead this way.

♪ ♪ Seems to me a body was brought from over there, to this wall, and then dragged back as far as...


♪ ♪ [Screeching]

This hasn't been cleaned out in ages.

This top layer is fresh, but it's the middle of June.

Look at this.

What is that?


Do you know who's responsible?

Not yet.

We need you to keep this quiet.

We don't want to tip the m*rder*r.

You have my word.

The fewer people who know about this, the better.

Excellent improvisation with the ultraviolet light, George.

Just when I think no one is listening.

Oh, it was nothing, sir.

What have you found?

It's impossible to determine so far, sir, until we sift through all of the ashes.

And the shoe print?


Average size, average style.

Could be anybody's.

Walter Moore.

I beg your pardon?

Walter Moore, one of the boys; I'm certain he's involved.

Brackenreid: Why?

He's taken over the Banerjee's gambling business.

"Follow the money," you always say that.

If it is his shoe, would there still be traces of blood?

There very well could be.

But if you want be sure, use this.

[Indistinct chatter]

I have a special assignment for you today, lads.

It should be a real treat.

Life-changing even.

I would like you each to write your own obituary.

A rather morbid turn to your lectures.

Not at all, Jarvis.

In fact, it will give you cause to reflect on the things that make life worth living.

I mean, we can sit around reading about heroes all you like, or you can be the heroes.

The heroes in the stories of your own lives.

How would yours read, sir?

I don't know, Mr.

Moore, I suppose it would go something like, uh...

"Professor Colin Matthews is survived by his beautiful wife and seven children.

A virile gentleman to say the least.

His eulogy was delivered by his best friend, William Mmmm...


And he died the author of Canada's universally praised, nay, lauded series, The Secrets of Go Home Lake.

Is that all?

[Young men chuckling]

If you imagine greater things for yourself, Mr.

Frye, I implore you, get to work.


♪ ♪ [Indistinct chatter]

Detective Watts, are you occupied?

In terms of police work, no.

Are those...

I borrowed these from your desk.

In the future, I would appreciate it...

You can't see out of them.

They're meant to see heat.


More work is required.

Perhaps you might explain why heat needs to be seen?

I will, on the way to the storage shed.

What's the task at hand?

A messy one, I'm afraid.

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ The dissection reveals she was in heat at time of death.

That's very unusual.

But you were successful in stimulating its hormones.

We should test at a lower dosage.

Even if it is safe for rabbits it may not be for you.

Well, I'm willing to take the chance.

You would put yourself at risk for what?

The approval of your husband?

It's not for his approval.

William very much wants a child, and so do I.

Well, the other rabbits aren't dead yet, Doctor.

I will inform you when I have results.

Thank you.

What did you find?

These bone and tooth fragments...

but they're too damaged to yield any information.


Well, I found these curious bits of metal.

One of these teeth has been hollowed out.

These must be amalgam fillings.


Then we need to find out if the boys had fillings.



Detective, has it occurred to you that we are, uh, covered in human remains?

Yes, it...

it had, Detective, but I'd hoped to...

keep it unspoken.


[Murdoch sighing]

The new professor is far too enthusiastic; it's nearly indecent.

Oh, he's all right.

Say, do you have any of those postcards left?

Only from my personal collection.


I'll play you for them.

If I lose, I'll trade you my brand-new oxfords for your ratty pair.

But if I win, I get your collection.

One draw only.



♪ ♪ So why did you take over the Banerjee club anyway?

Why do anything?

For fun.

Draw or stay?

Three please.

You must be happy they're gone.

No one seemed to like the brothers.

I had no quarrel with them.

How about the rest?

They didn't like them because they were brown.

That's why they moved on.

"Moved on"?

Left this place.

They're cooking up their next scheme as we speak.

They are?

Draw or stay?

I'm taking two.



[Sighing]: Nothing.

Four threes.

Can't beat a good player.

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [Indistinct chatter]



What now?

May I discuss something with you?

You drew this caricature of me in lieu of your obituary assignment.

You chased me to chastise me?

Actually, I came to commend you.

It's quite good.

I never asked your opinion.

Also, I saw some of the drawings you did for the Laird Chronicle.

You gave them up.

They bored me.


Frye, why are you trying at great lengths to hide your talents?

What do I need talent for?


So I can write the finest waybills that my father's shipping business has ever seen?

There's more to life than just work.

You shouldn't turn your back...

Just give it a rest, will you?

Professor Abrams never meddled this much.

Is he ever coming back?

Where did he go?

Couldn't tell you.

He never said goodbye.

♪ ♪ Vive la France !


I was wrong.

There was nothing on Moore's shoes.

Not even dirt.

I was sure it was him.

Don't beat yourself up, John.

One piece of advice.

I'm sure Detective Murdoch would say this as would your father, "In this line of work, you're wrong until you're right." Come on.

You have news, Inspector?

There was a m*rder on campus...

You're not saying...

Let him finish, Padma.

The victim had fillings in the central incisor and first molar.

Now, I have to ask if either Vik or Sunil had any such fillings?

No, they didn't.

So where are my sons, Detective?!

Sirs, I don't think the Ba...



Come here!

We'll be right back.

Excuse us.

What is it, Crabtree?


I've been filling a vacancy in the Literature Department.

We bloody well know that, don't we?


But why is there a vacancy?

Sirs, look at the last professor's agenda.

[Unsettling music]

He stopped writing the same day the boys disappeared.

Not only that, some of these illicit postcards the boys have been selling were in his possession.

So he was mixed up in their scheme.

Well, I thought the same.

So I went by his rooming house.

Nobody's seen hide nor hair of him, but none of his possessions had been touched.

Sirs, what if the Banerjee boys were not the m*rder*d?

What if...

The professor found out what they doing and threatened to expose them?

Is everything all right?

The m*rder victim may be a teacher.

How terrible.

Your sons may be the K*llers.

Sir, his dentist was able to confirm it: Professor Abrams was indeed the victim.

Any idea where the brothers are?

Tell him, John.

Well, Walter Moore said the brothers were "cooking-up a scheme as we speak." At the time, I thought it was a lie to cover up his guilt, but now I think he knows something.

All right, but we've lost a lot of time on this case.

Be swift.


[Indistinct chatter]

[Knocking on door]

♪ ♪ That old b*st*rd.

Who's crossed John Simpson?

The inspector I punched wants me to investigate the Banerjee brothers in exchange for dropping my as*ault charge.

They care that much about gambling?


These friends of yours m*rder*d a Professor Abrams.

The police are determined to find them.

I don't envy the Banerjees.

Dear God.

I can't believe you ever associated with them.

Take over for me.

I have something to attend to.

♪ ♪ This one is in heat.

Point five percent is the winning dosage.

It worked!

How wonderful!

Will you join me for a libation to celebrate?!

I do not partake in the sorrows of drink.

Well, I suppose I'm on my own.

Let me know when you've synthesized more of the hormone!

[Door opening and closing]

Let's put you back.

[Men laughing]

I followed Moore here.

This is his father's hotel.

I believe we'll find the Banerjees here, sir.

Let's get them then.

[Indistinct chatter]

[Woman laughing]

What's wrong?

Should we wait for some more Constables?

Listen to me, son.

You and I are more than capable of handling this.

Come on.

Let's get a move on.

I don't want your money!

Just get out!

We can make a better arrangement!

[Loud knocking on door]

Toronto Constabulary!

Open up!

Stop right there if you know what's good for you!

John, grab him!


It's Constable Brackenreid.

My son!

I didn't do anything.

They said the police were after them for gambling.

I didn't know they were murderers!

We didn't m*rder Professor Abrams!

Sunil, be quiet!

His blood on your boot, it will match the prints of the m*rder scene.


you have it wrong.

We were there, but we didn't commit the m*rder.

We witnessed it.

Tell us what happened.

We went to the science lab to get Frye the money we owed him.

[Door closing]


We heard two men come in, so we hid.

[Door opening]

[Grunting and punching]

There was a fight.

We couldn't help him.

Murdoch: Did you see who it was?

We did not.

You witnessed a m*rder, but you never saw a bloody thing?

We were hiding!

Did you hear what they were arguing about?


It happened so fast and they never spoke.

What a load of bollocks!

Why did you not simply report it to the police?

Somehow, we didn't think you'd believe two Indian brothers who ran an illegal gambling club.





We didn't do anything, I swear.

Not another word, Sunil.

You will not speak to our sons again without our lawyer present.

Lawyer or not, the evidence is strong enough without a confession.

♪ ♪ You're leaving?

I'm finished here.

You were too sincere for this place anyway.

And what's your issue with sincerity, Frye?

I told you, none of this makes any difference.

I know you think your father has your whole life mapped out for you, but if you turn your back on your talents now, if you fail to complete assignments, if you fail to graduate, you may never...

"Fail to graduate"?

That's rich.

You don't think I'll give you a failing grade?

It doesn't matter.

There are no consequences for those who can afford it.

What do you mean by that?

Professor Abrams tried to fail me, but look, I'm still here.

Where is he?

♪ ♪ [Drawer sliding open]

♪ ♪ Sir!

[Knocking twice]

It wasn't them.

Bring him in, George.

[Door opening]


I'm relieved you caught the murderers.

Laird College can move on.

Shall I write my statement or is testimony enough?

Perhaps you should be writing your confession.

I beg your pardon?

You m*rder*d Professor Abrams.

[Laughing]: Why would I do that?

To protect Laird graduates who are now in board rooms, law firms, even Parliament whose reputations were built on your business of selling flawless records to the wealthy.

How do you know that?


Frye's report card, complete with your signature.

A flawless record.

One of many.

He is an excellent student.



Frye received this failing grade from Professor Abrams, and yet your report doesn't account for it at all.

Professor Abrams threatened your income, so you k*lled him.

You have no evidence.

On the contrary.

You left two key pieces of evidence that night.

They both saw you.


They were hiding in the very room.

Well, then they couldn't have seen me, it was too dark.

If that's what they told you, they're lying!

You're right.

They didn't identify you.

I did.

But how did you know the room was dark?

You realise that amounts to a confession?


then there's nothing left to say.

I couldn't agree more.

Thank you, gentlemen.

A policeman, eh?

Not just any policeman.

A published one.

You're George Crabtree?


All this time, you've been in the presence of one of your favourite authors.

Wouldn't go that far.


It's my s*ab at your obituary assignment.

♪ ♪ I drew my life as an illustrator.

Frye, this is excellent.

You know, if Curse of the Lost Pharaohs ever goes into reprint, which it is sure to, perhaps you could draw some of the scenes for it.

All right.

But I don't work for free.

So where are your boys?

Assuring their mother there will be no more trouble.

Do you think that's true?


I very much doubt that.

You saved my sons; I'm in your debt.

I had help.

You must be proud of him.

Yes, I am.

I'd be a lot prouder of him if he wasn't a policeman.

He's capable of so much more.

That may be, but don't forget it's his path, Inspector Brackenreid.

Let the Empire shape itself.

Good day, sir.

Good day.

John: Take care of yourself.

I think I lost a friend.

You're a policeman now, son; that's gonna happen quite a lot.

Right then, let's get back to work.

Yes, sir.

♪ ♪