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11x09 - The Talking Dead

Posted: 09/14/20 13:02
by bunniefuu
[Theme music]

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ More coffee, dear?



Fools don't know how to run a foot race, let alone a country.


What's this, then?

What is it, dear?

Is this one of your little practical jokes?

Well I'm not laughing, Dorothy.


I assure you, Harrison, I know nothing of this.

Maybe it was Roger then.

Scoundrel's always coveted my position at the bank.

Perhaps it's just a mistake, dear.

A mistake, my foot!

Where are you going?

Straight to the newspaper to give them a piece of my mind.

All right, dear.

[Indistinct distant speaking]




[Soft crying]


He had only just stepped out the door when...

[Crow cawing]

Where he was going?

To the offices of the Toronto Gazette.

For what purpose?

Harrison had meant to complain to the paper about a...

a dreadful error they'd made in the morning edition.

Man: Ahem.

It's so cruel.

It makes no sense.

This is the paper he was holding when he died?

What kind of a horrible person would do such a thing?

His own obituary.

Not much mystery as to the cause of death.

Certainly not.

It is unfortunate timing for the poor man.

I suspect there's more at play here than mere bad luck.

It's unlikely the planter fell of its own accord.

And there's the curious matter of this obituary...

The damndest thing!

A dead man whose obituary was published before he died.


We were just discussing that.

More than passing strange.

Definitely needs to be looked into.


The obituary in effect predicted the exact day the fellow would die.

Suggesting the writer played a part in making the obituary come true.

My thoughts exactly.

His neighbours claim he was a bad sort, so...

I pulled his crime sheet.

He had a criminal record?

For petty theft and gambling offenses and such.

I understood him to be a bank manager.

His garb is certainly fitting of a trussed-up man of money.

That's not Gibson.


Who is Gibson?


That's Murray Gibson's body coming in now.

He fell off his fire escape.

Murdoch: This man's name was Harrison McCallister.

That's Gibson.

Both published hours before their actual deaths, and both dying of apparent accidents.

What's the connection?

I don't know.

They were both placed in the early edition of the Toronto Gazette.

[Rising music]

♪ ♪ I just love seeing you in your uniform.


Give us a moment, McNabb.

A bit early for you, isn't it?

Well, I wanted to tell you as soon as I knew for certain.

Knew what?

Some of the girls have got a show together, and they've been offered a spot at the Moulin Rouge...

in Paris.

Well, that's fantastic.

Travelling expands the mind, you know.

I'm one of the girls.



From what I hear Paris is a...

a veritable den of thieves and cutthroats.

Which is why I would like a Constable with me, to keep me safe.

I don't know, Nina.

Newfoundland is the furthest I've ever been from Canada.

I mean, I can't imagine what a journey like that would cost.

Oh, don't worry about the cost!

I've got a double berth.

So you'll come?

Thank you.

The obituaries editor can't confirm who posted the notices.

They were typewritten, placed through the mail slot with a cash payment.

Is that the usual way of these things?

He saw nothing amiss.

Sir, someone's come in to report an obituary written about themselves.


Bring him in, George.

It's not a him, sir, it...


Good morning, Sister.

Sister AnnaMaria.

It's a pleasure to meet you, Detective.

I understand you've found an obituary...

About myself.

And as you can well see, I'm standing right here in front of you, living and breathing and still in my earthly vestments.

Someone has made a terrible mistake.

It may not be a mistake, exactly.

What do you mean?

This isn't the first such obituary we've found today.

Sister, as a precaution, I would ask that you remain here at the Station House for a time.


I'll do whatever you say.

George, if you could find Sister AnnaMaria a comfortable spot...

Right away, sir.


A banker, a gambler, and a nun.

It sounds like the beginning of an unfortunate joke.

Three fraudulent obituaries.

What if there are more?



Man: Thank you very much.

Man: Here you go.

Woman: Just over here.

Excuse me, sir.

Where to, Constable?

Actually, I was wondering if you knew anything about the gentleman mentioned in this obituary.

Joshua Martin.

Indeed I do.

He was my father.

I buried him this morning.

My condolences.

Thank you.

Don't be so stupid!

He died two days ago.


I'm sorry for your loss, ma'am.

♪ ♪ Sir, are you Leonard Stoker?


What of it?


So you're not dead, then.

Is that some kind of threat?

No, no, no, no, no.

But I...

I will need you to come down to the Station House.

That must be for somebody else.

Is there more than one Leonard Stoker, 1901 heavyweight boxing champion of Toronto?

[Heavy breathing]


[Bell ringing]

Eddie Crawford.


didn't do anything wrong.

I didn't say you did.

Oh, well...

So what's on your mind?

Saving your life.

You're pulling my leg.

I wish I were.

We need you to come down to the Station House right away.

Over a silly prank?

Eddie, two of the pranks on this page have just been k*lled.

Regardless of what we think of you, we don't want you to be next.

Come on.

♪ ♪ Well, if it isn't my old friend Eddie Crawford.

You can wager I'm as glad to see you as you are me.

True enough.

Even so, I'd rather see you alive than dead.

Well, that's very kind of you, Inspector.

What's going on with these obituaries?

Some creative genius is making every effort to make his fictional writing come true.

You're one of the lucky ones who's not dead yet.


[Eerie music]

♪ ♪ Can I help you?

I went to make a complaint at the newspaper and they sent me here.

Oh dear.

An obituary?

Yes, how did you know?


For Agnes Swift, with all the correct details.

That makes six.

Six what?

Just a moment.




It's Miss.

Might we have a moment?

Hello there, young miss.

I find myself wondering what your favourite school subjects might be.

Miss Swift.

There are others who have had similar obituaries written about them.

Two died earlier this morning, shortly after this paper was published, most likely k*lled by whoever wrote and posted these.

Good Lord!


We were hoping that you would remain here at the Station House so that we may ensure your safety.

You don't understand.

I'm Virginia Swift.

The obituary wasn't written about me.

Agnes Swift is my daughter.

♪ ♪ Could I trouble anyone for a cup of tea?

I did ask that Constable, but he seems to have forgotten.

We can see to that.

Constable Brackenreid, tea for Sister AnnaMaria, please?

Yes, sir.

We at Station House Four greatly appreciate your cooperation in this investigation.

How long is this gonna take?

I have a fight tonight.

And I will need to be back for afternoon prayers.

We thank you for your patience.

And as long as you're here with us, you'll be safe.

Meanwhile, we are working hard to discover who is behind all of this.

Once we find and apprehend the culprit, you'll all be free to go about your business.

We are here voluntarily.

Right, Tom?

As we said, for your safety.

I've thought about it, and believe I can fend for myself.

Well no one intends to get m*rder*d, and yet...

We also hope that you could provide us with information that will help our investigation, Mr.


We need help from each one of you.

Firstly, with a list of people you believe may hold a grudge against you, so that we could generate a list of suspects.

Performing a service Eddie, if you can get your tiny little mind around that notion.

Unfortunately, I have an urgent business matter to attend to.

Not so fast, bugalugs.

The bookies can wait.

This is outrageous.

I am the victim here!

You can't keep me here like this.

If I put a wee bit of effort into it, I just might find a warrant for you that needs executing.

Now sit down!

Don't forget, you promised we'd go to the fair today.

We'll go as soon as we finish our business here, Agnes.

But it's the...

Just read your book.

Crabtree: Sirs.


Another poor sod.

Who is it this time?

Butcher, baker, candlestick maker?


Bloody hell.

It's you, Watts.


Wait, what?

[Rising music]

♪ ♪ I've put my share of criminals away.

Some are out of and could prefer me dead over alive.





Any one in particular that might connect you to one of the obituary subjects?

Besides meeting Mr.

Crawford last week, I've never seen any of these people before today.

It may be helpful for you to go through your past case files.

They're at Station One.

I'll go fetch them.

No, you won't.

You're staying here.

We'll send a constable to get your files.

I still have Gibson's m*rder to investigate.

I need to re-examine the crime scene, track down his associates.

Never mind all that.

Whoever wrote these obituaries, that's your k*ller.

Inspector, I understand the threat and assure you I can take care of myself.

No one intends to get m*rder*d...

and yet...


We have some questions for you all.


Firstly, it is vital that you tell us of any previous encounters you may have had with one another, even in passing.

This is a waste of time.

I live a very simple life.

Sister, please think carefully.

Now, Constable Higgins has photographs of the two deceased men.

One is a Murray Gibson, who was known to have run-ins with the law.

The other chap is a Harrison McCallister, who was the manager of the Dominion Bank on Jarvis Street.

Do any of you know either of these two gentlemen?

My church diocese, of which I am the financial secretary, holds its accounts at that bank.


That's my bank as well.

Anyone else have dealings with the Dominion Bank on Jarvis Street?

Banks are for chumps.

That may not be the connection we're looking for.

Now, we ask that you please write down anyone you can think of that may hold ill will toward you.


I'll be needing that back.

Also, if you could please write down your current and previous residence as well as places of employment.

How much longer do we have to stay here, Momma?

I don't know, Agnes.

Just do what you've been asked.

Write down the names of anyone you can think of who's been mean to you.

Miss Swift, if I could have a word?

Of course.

It occurs to me that you might know better than your daughter who might wish to harm her.

Save for a little schoolyard teasing, I can't think of a soul she's offended.

I raised her to be polite.

You can see that for yourself.


Often in these cases, we discover the involvement of another family member or loved one.

She has no family but myself, Detective.

Where is Agnes's father?

He's dead.


I'm sorry to hear that.

He was never much in the picture.

He used to make some financial contribution.

It's been a struggle to stay out of the poor house since he's died.

But we've managed.

I see.

I don't understand how anyone could do this to a child.

It's possible they haven't.

Perhaps someone is making threats against Agnes as a means to hurt you.

You think someone intends to k*ll me?

I don't know.

But if you wouldn't mind, I would very much like you to compile a list of your own.

[Tense music]

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ Thank you very much.

Thank you.


What's the point of these obituaries?

What sort of crackpot would warn these unlucky buggers in advance that they might be done in?

A vengeful k*ller might take pleasure in his intended victims' fear.

Murdoch: There is a connection somewhere.

Unless he picked them at random.

It's possible, but not likely.

Sequential K*llers are generally quite specifically motivated.

None of these names appear on more than one list.

Then it must be secondary connection.


I'm sorry to interrupt.

Could I have a word, Inspector?

Of course.

What is it, Sister?

I saw that Constable coming out of your office only a few moments ago, and he was counting some money.

It made me fear the young man might be a thief.

Oh, thank you Sister.

That's very kind of you to let me know.

That young man just happens to be my son and he's about to head off and buy his father his weekly bottle of scotch.

I see.

That's fine, then.

Why don't you go back and take your seat.

Constable Brackenreid.

When you go for my bottle, see if you can get this lot some sandwiches for their lunch.

Yes, sir.

Our Sister of perpetual- keeping-an-eye-on-things- and-not-minding-her-own-business.

She told us she has no enemies.

I very much doubt that.

I'll have George visit the convent.

If a nun has something to hide, what might the others be keeping from us?

♪ ♪ [Murdoch murmuring indistinctly]

Miss Swift: You were trying to steal from me!


Crawford: That's a lie!

Back away, Mr.


What's going on here?

Agnes saw that thief going through my handbag.

I didn't touch your fusty old bag.

I saw you.

I'd believe anything my girl tells me before I'd give you the time of day.

Are any of the items missing?


We interrupted him in the act.

All right.

Well, why don't you come with me?


Now, Mr.



I see Constable Brackenreid has brought some refreshments.

It's about time.

I'm starved.

Is there perhaps a little bit of sugar to be had?

Yes, I can get you some, Sister.

Oh, I can see you're busy.

Please don't trouble yourself.

I'll take it as it is.

Please, help yourselves.

This is all you've got?

I'm a boxer.

I need meat and potatoes.

What have you, George?

Sir, I was rather surprised by the reaction I got from people when I asked them about Sister AnnaMaria.

How so?

Well, more than a few people have rather...

un-Christian feelings towards her, sir.

She's not well-liked?

No, in fact many people said that she's not very nice for an ordinary person, let alone a nun.

And yet she couldn't think of a single person who bears her ill will.

Let's have a chat with her, George.

Miss Swift: Help!






[Rising music]

♪ ♪ It may have been poison.

How long ago?

I can't be sure, but I will endeavour to determine that right away.

I'll have the remains of the meal sent to the morgue for testing.

Very good.

Miss Swift: You told us we would be safe here.

That nun was k*lled right in front of us.

We don't know yet what caused her death.

She may have had a heart...

We know perfectly well!

She was m*rder*d like the others.

We'll continue to do the best we can.

That's not been enough.

If you could please excuse us.

[Tense music]

♪ ♪ Inspector Brackenreid: In my own bloody Station House!

How did this happen, Murdoch?


Ogden surmises it was poison.

Possibly administered prior to the nun's arrival at the station.

George, what exactly did you find out about Sister AnnaMaria?

Well, as I was saying earlier, sir, the Sister proved to be surprisingly unpopular amongst those who knew her.

And why was that?

Well, it seems she liked to get people into trouble.

Just recently at the convent, there was another nun who spoke during silent time.

Sister AnnaMaria reported her to the Mother Superior.

There was a dog that nipped at the gardener and even though he didn't seem to mind much, she reported it to the Animal Control Society, insisting the dog be put down.

She even tried to snitch on my own son.

A habitual tattletale.

Exactly, sir.

She was known for getting people fired: a bank clerk, a grocery boy, her mailman.

But would that be enough cause to k*ll her?

Depends on the tattle and the tale.

So what connects her to the rest of them?

Well, sir, the convent is located somewhat near where Mr.

Gibson lived.

Then it's high time I revisit his apartment, Inspector.

If there's one thing the nun's death tells us, it's that I'm no safer here than anywhere.

Take Crabtree with you.

I don't need a minder.

I was thinking more of a shield.


It's a bloody joke, Crabtree.

Ha bloody ha.

I found a weighable quantity of a crystal alkaloid in the victim's stomach.

We determined it to be strychnine, a total of three milligrams.

Enough to k*ll a person?

Quite rapidly.

Were any traces of strychnine found in her lunch?

Well, I found no evidence of foreign substances beyond what appears to be some bits of Prussian sausage.

We did find a suspicious colouration in the dregs of the Sister's teacup.

We were just about to test it.


By all means, carry on.

The alkaloid chromate that I've made from the crystals have been placed in this porcelain plate.

Should I add the drop of pure sulphuric acid?

Yes, very good, Miss Hart.

If this is strychnine, we should see the substance turn into a rich blue colour, followed by purple and into cherry red.

Well, there you have it.

The victim's tea was the source of the poison.

And if the strychnine hat k*lled Sister AnnaMaria was found in her tea...

then it had to have been put there by someone in this station.


Was anyone standing nearby you when you made the tea?

No, no one was close to me.

I waited by the pot and, once steeped and poured, I put the cup on the desk nearest to the Sister.

So any of our guests may have had access to it.

They'll have to be placed under closer watch.


I've placed Constable on each of them.

You'd better get back out there, son.


Which one of them did this, Murdoch?

Henry, where's Eddie Crawford?

He had to use the water closet.

Go look in on him.

He's not to be left unattended.


It has to be someone in here, doesn't it?

Well, we don't know for certain, but we're taking every precaution.


Eddie went out the window.

Bloody hell, Higgins!

He's one of our suspects.

That makes him the primary one.

Get out there and find him.

And bring him back immediately.



♪ ♪ Not so fast, Eddie.

I'm not going back to that place.

I think you are.

Gibson's body was found at the bottom.

There's nowhere to hide out here.

Our k*ller would have ad to wait inside until Gibson was distracted perhaps lighting his cigarette and then stepped out to give him a good push.

Simple but effective.



are you not concerned that you yourself are...

marked for death?

I don't like it.

But the truth is death could come to any one of us any day.

Still, no need to hurry it along.

Well, very little of life is under our control.

Very little of death as well.

Watts, have you ever been to Paris?


The City of Light.

I thought that was Buffalo.

No, I believe Paris came up with it first.

Why do you ask?

Nina's involved with a show that's performing there.

She wants me to go.


No, no, just a short while.

Well, the world is only an oyster if you choose to open it.


go to Paris today, for tomorrow I might die?


What about you?

What would you do with your last day?

Just this.

Talk to a friend.


Oh, me!

And solve a crime.

This is what we're looking for.


The City of Love with a beautiful woman.

You'd be a fool to say no.

I thought you said it was the City of Light.



Are they not one and the same?

I prefer to love with the lights off, sir.


I fear I'm bashful.

Issued by the Dominion Bank on Jarvis Street.

That connects Murray Gibson and Harrison McCallister, the bank manager.


In fact, it reminds me of one of my old cases, a bank robbery.

A customer was k*lled and the man I brought in was hanged for the crime.

This robbery was at the Dominion Bank on Jarvis?


We knew our suspect pulled the trigger.

We also knew he had an accomplice who was never found.

You believe that accomplice to be Murray Gibson?


This is the file on that case.

The man I arrested was named Joe Thackeray.

He had previously been a bank teller.

George, a word.


George, you said Sister AnnaMaria got a bank clerk fired.

Do you recall which bank?

Yes, it was the one she mentioned.

The Dominion Bank on Jarvis.

It's my branch as well.

And the clerk?

I don't know, sir.

Could Joe Thackeray be the clerk that was fired from the bank due to Sister AnnaMaria's complaint?


If so, what seemed like a tenuous connection that the nun banked at the same bank managed by Mr.


might indeed be salient.

What if the man you arrested was a disgruntled ex-bank employee that was fired by McCallister due to Sister AnnaMaria's complaint?

And a month later, robbed a bank along with Gibson.

So we just need to find out...

if the others know this Joe Thackeray?

[Inspector brackenreid laughing]

You know, I never really thought very highly of you, Eddie, but I didn't think you'd turn out to be a bloody crackpot either.

I never k*lled anyone.

So why did you run?

It seemed better than being dead.

Or you were trying to escape before we found proof it was you.

Do either of you recognize the name Joe Thackeray?

Not me.

That name means something to you, Mr.


If you know something, you better say it before you get us all k*lled.

Shut your trap, why don't you?

I don't know anyone named Thackeray.

You're a weasel, just like always.

"Always." So the two of you do know one another.

And you both lied about it.

He told me not to tell.

Said it could get us both into even more trouble.

But I swear I don't know what it has to do with someone called Thackeray.

If you value your teeth, Crawford, you better cough it up.

I barely knew the man, all right?

Answer him!

A man by that name came into the shop with his rings and his watch.

I gave him some cash and sent him on his way.


We were hardly the best of pals.


Enough playing silly buggers.


What have you got in here?

What are you planning to do with a g*n, Eddie?

Protect myself, if necessary.

You didn't lie about knowing Thackeray because he pawned a few trinkets.

What are you hiding?

Tell the detective what he wants to know, Eddie.

You stay out of this, Lenny.

You shifty little...

Calm down, big fella.

We fixed a fight!

All right?


Crawford had you throw a fight?

I didn't want to.

You took the money, didn't you?

What does this have to do with Joe Thackeray?

Thackeray was having money problems.

I suggested he bet on the fight.

I told him I had a fix in on it.

You told Thackeray to bet against Lenny?

Not really.

I told him it was a surefire thing that Lenny would win.

So you cheated a desperate man out of his last few dollars.

I felt bad about it as well.

That's why I tried to help him out after.

Oh yeah?

What kind of help?

I set him up with a man who had a job to do.

Murray Gibson?


I knew Gibson wanted to rob a bank and was looking for someone to do it with him.

And Joe Thackeray fit the bill.

Of course...

that didn't end too well for Joe.

So all roads lead to Joe Thackeray.

He appears to be our lynchpin.

Maybe, but he's not our k*ller, given that he's been dead for six months.

Each of our victims played a role in Joe's fall from grace.

She complains, McCallister fires him.

Crawford takes his money.

With help from Stoker.

Gibson joins him for the robbery.

Gibson gets away with the money.

And I arrest him.

Every person here represents a rung in the ladder of Joe's downward descent...

Taking him straight to the gallows.

Except for the little girl.

Where does Agnes Swift fit in to all of this?

I know that man.

He's my father.

[Dramatic music]

Joe Thackeray was Agnes's father?

As I already told you, we had little to do with him.

He gave you money from time to time.

Well, he was a decent enough fellow but we had nothing in common and no desire to share a life together.

Still, he tried to help out with Agnes...

But then the money stopped coming.

That's right.

And that placed you into hardship.

Very much so.

Is that some kind of crime?

We asked if you knew anything about the Dominion Bank.

You lied to us.

No, I just wasn't thinking about Joe.

You're the only person with a connection to each of the obituary subjects.

But I knew nothing of any of these people before today.

Every one of these people played a part in ending Joe Thackeray's life.

And who was most harmed by that downfall?

You, the mother of his child.

You even included your own daughter on the obituary list to get you into the station, giving you access to the others you hadn't yet k*lled.

That's absurd.

Let's see what we've got in here.


I'd wager...

that this is the poison that k*lled Sister AnnaMaria.

I don't know what that is.

That damned pawnbroker was caught red handed at my handbag.

It was him.

It must be!

Momma, can we go?

We have to get to the fair before it closes.

What are you doing?

Miss Swift, please don't!

Put the g*n down.

Momma, don't.

Come with me, Agnes.

Please stop!

You're hurting me.


Get over here.


Right now!

Give me that!

Virginia Swift, you are under arrest for the murders of Harrison McCallister, Murray Gibson and Sister AnnaMaria.

Come with me, young lady.


The people at the orphanage can come for Agnes in a couple of hours.

I've had Crabtree tell Lenny and Eddie they're free to leave.

Is there not a relative who can take her?

Miss Swift told us there is no other family.

The girl is now an orphan, and I'm the one who arrested her father.

Thackeray made the decision to walk into that bank and use his w*apon, not you.

He took his own chances when he threw his lot in with the likes of Gibson.

And he suffered the consequences.

Now, so will the child.

Before the orphanage takes her, perhaps she and I could go to the fair.

She seemed so set on it.

It might be a way to distract her from all that's happened.

No one here holds you responsible, Detective.


I know how she must be feeling.

Hello young Miss.


I heard you mention the fair a number of times today.

It's at the park.

It's the last day.

Well, perhaps would you like it if we went?

We can go?

Would you take me?

I don't see why not.

♪ ♪ Older children are far less likely to be adopted, or to adjust well to a new family.

William, if we're successful in our endeavors, we must be sure to choose good godparents.

Do you have someone in mind?



I went into the inspector's office to retrieve the vial from Virginia Swift's handbag.

Yes, that should go along to the morgue.

Oh, yes, I can take that now.

That's just the thing.

The entire contents of the bag was dumped out.

The vial of poison is gone.

Who else had opportunity to take it?





Either one, I suppose.

But that doesn't make any sense.

Neither have reason to k*ll.

Could you have been mistaken about Miss Swift?

I don't know...

Momma, can we go?

We have to get to the fair at the park before it closes.

She knew it was her daughter.


Virginia Swift wasn't trying to take her daughter hostage.

She was protecting her.

You don't mean...

The girl wrote the obituaries.

Agnes is the m*rder*r.

She's got the poison.

And she's at the fair right now with the man who arrested her father.

♪ ♪ Thank you for taking me, Mr.


It's the least I could do.

You're going to make a very bad day better.


[Dramatic music]

♪ ♪ [Indistinct speaking]

I'm going to say...

55 pounds.

All right, then.


How can he do that?

Well, he's an expert.

There you go.

Thank you.


Momma always says I'm just skin and bone.


Do you know what's going to happen to my mother?

It will depend on the court findings.

But what she's done is very serious.

Will she be hanged, like my papa?

I don't know.

Did you know your father well?

He wrote letters from his jail cell.

Lots of letters.

He said he loved me very much.

It must be comforting for you to know that.

It is.

He told me all the things that happened to him.

He said he was just a man trying to do his best for his daughter.


♪ ♪ He said how scared he was, knowing he was going to be hanged.

He asked me to pray for him and think of him waiting in his cell.

And even after he was gone.

So I do.

I think of him every single day.

♪ ♪ Have you ever tried one of those?

Can we?

We must.

Two please.

There we are.

That's for you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

You first.





I've had enough company in my station to last a lifetime, Crabtree.


What's gonna happen to the girl, sir?

We don't hang children.

We send them to an asylum, where most of them belong anyway.

I see.

Well, get to it and don't beat around the bush.

Sir, I'll get straight to the point.

How many years have I been working here?

More than I care to remember.

Well it has been a good many years.

And in all that time, what is the one thing I've never asked for?

One thing that any a man, any good employee, certainly deserves?

You're not getting a bloody raise.

That's not what I was gonna ask, sir.

Although now that you mention it...

To the point.

Sir, I would like some time off to visit Paris with Miss Bloom.

Oh, you lucky sod.


You should go even if I say no.

Sir, I didn't think you thought much of the French.

I don't...

but that city has certainly treated me well in the past.

There was this one particular young woman...


Her name meant heaven.

Oh, and by God, Crabtree, she took me to heaven and back on numerous occasions.

And she wasn't the only one I made good acquaintance with.

The Frenchmen I couldn't give a toss about, but the women...

ooh, la la.

Sir, I would be travelling with a woman.

The city will transform her into a tiger.


Go and get on that boat, Crabtree.

I'm sure Station House Number 4 will persevere in your absence.

Well, thank you sir.

Dans mon coeur toujours, Celine.

And to you.