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11x18 - Free Falling

Posted: 09/16/20 15:48
by bunniefuu
♪ ♪ Folks like that like to come in here and lord it over the likes of us.

Full suit and tie.

Go drink somewhere else!

No trouble from you two, now.

Sorry, Detective.

I've seen him.

Supposed to be the brightest fellow in all Toronto.

He look bright to you?


Not so bright at all.



Go easy on him!

Nice work.

You may wanna go home now fellas.

Barkeep, I'll have another.

Why don't you throw him out?

It's a celebration.

He's the one that started it.

I got a promotion.

Time was I couldn't hold down a job, let alone get a raise and my name on the door.

Just goes to show you, a man can change his life if he sets his mind to it.

Don't you agree?

If you say so.

Many a time in my past I'd be...

sitting in a place like this wanting to down that drink to forget.

What if you're just looking for privacy?


For that you have to drink at home, my friend.

Of course, that's not always an option.

You know when we split, I was dancing down the street I was so damn happy.

Me and the wife, I mean.


It didn't last.

The more I put my life back together, the more I realized what I'd lost.

She was the first thing I thought of when they told me about my promotion.

I just want to tell her the good news.

So go tell her.

I would if I could find her.

I've been searching for her a year.

A year?

She didn't exactly keep me apprised of her forwarding address after I walked out on her.

I'm sure she was glad to see me go.

I couldn't stand to look her in the eye anymore.

By the time I realized what I'd lost, she'd moved on.

I'd give just about anything for a second chance.

Maybe I can help you.

What do you mean?

Let's go find your wife.


I won't offer twice.

It's something I'm very good at.

♪ ♪ [Typing]

You can't blame him.

I wouldn't be at work either.

I can't imagine I'd want to be home either.

One hopes this won't put too much of a strain on their relationship.

How so?

In the face of a great loss, emotions can be misdirected, feelings amplified.

I knew a young couple who experienced a similar issue.

They never recovered.

William Murdoch and Julia Ogden are two of the strongest people that I know.

They'll be fine.

Sir, we found a body at the docks near the mouth of the Don.

Or rather, a portion of a body.

A portion?

You take this.

I don't even want to know.


The secret to dealing with gruesome remains is to replace natural instinct with logic.



Consider an ant.

Imagine you trod upon one, crushing it and leaving its body mangled beyond recognition.

Now, does this disturb you?

Not really.

Exactly, so we simply apply the transitive law.

If we are not disturbed by an ant, there is no reason to be disturbed by a beetle.

If not by a beetle, then not by a caterpillar, nor a butterfly, nor a sparrow, nor a fish nor a rabbit, nor a dog, nor a human.

What we have here, then, is no more disturbing than the squashed remains of an ant.

What's this?

A reminder of the inhumanity of man, Miss Hart.

How poetic.

May I have a look?

It's quite grisly, ma'am.

Perhaps it would be best to wait for Dr.


I don't expect her today.

Whatever it is, I assure you I can handle it.



His head is missing.


Incredibly sad about the detective and his wife.


But you know, it has me thinking about the future.

I've been thinking about that myself.

I mean our future in particular.

Yes, George.

Wasn't Paris a magical city?

Do you ever imagine us back there?

Yes, I suppose.

What if we were to live there?

Nina, I don't know.

I mean...

I don't know the language.

You picked up a little bit.

I know éclair.

That's about it.

I've been offered a job at the Moulin Rouge.

George, I'm going to accept it.


And I want you to come with me.


Let's make a new life, George.

Once you pick up the language, perhaps you could become a member of the Sûreté.

I'm sure with your experience, they'd be happy to have you.

I don't know what to say to this.

I want this for us.

For you, George.


Nearly all of her family are either dead or have left town.

Did she have friends?

I tracked down a few but nothing.

I even checked her favourite bookstores too.

Annie loved to read.

Anything with a good mystery or a bit of romance.

And no one had seen her.

No, not recently.

That's why I think she must have left town.

Even her physician hadn't seen her since...

springtime I think.

Did she see him regularly?

Oh, yeah, sure.

She's epileptic, so she'd see him for the bromide.

She hadn't had a fit in years, but an ounce of prevention, as they say.

Did she work outside the home?

She did.

Annie was a home nurse, a real caring sort.

Presumably you asked after her at her workplace?

It was private homes, mostly.

I never took much notice of where she was working and who she was nursing.

I never took much notice of a damn thing.

Wasn't much of a husband, was I?

We all make mistakes.



The last place she lived is just down this way.

[Soft music]

♪ ♪ How are you feeling, Doctor?

Oh, fine.

Thank you.

I was hoping to catch William.


I've not seen him today.


I just stepped out for a moment.

I thought he was coming here.

He's likely at home.

You both need some time, I'm sure.

Well, one can't sit around feeling sorry for oneself.

I'll find him.

Thank you.

It appears the head and each leg was severed with the same blade.

Are you certain?


The arms though, those were removed differently.

Each arm took multiple hacks to be severed.

You seem to have steeled your nerves, Constable.

I'm using the transitive law, Miss Hart.

This torso is just an ant.

Well ex*cuted.

The wounds look similar, how can you be sure a different implement was used to take the fellow's arms?

You mean because I'm not a doctor.

Well, yes.

Despite what you may think, I don't sit around twiddling my thumbs all day.

I've read every book in Dr.

Ogden's library.

There are several chapters on the removal of limbs, if you're interested to have a read.


What if we find her and she doesn't want you back?


I suppose I could tell her I'm sorry.

End things on an up note, you know?

Do you think there's hope for reconciliation?

I like to think so...

but some things are just too broken to fix.

This is it here.


As I said, she moved on months ago.

Well, at least one person wasn't aware of that.

A Mr.

Frank Gage.


I think he was one of her clients.





I'm Annie's husband.

Do you remember Annie?

Annie is a lovely girl.

She used to cut my hair.


Does she still come by, take care of you?

The new girl is Miss Turner.

Miss Turner doesn't like me to have sweets.


Gage, when did you last see Annie?

No Annie.

Miss Turner is the new girl.

He's confused.

At any rate, it seems clear that she doesn't work here any longer, which would explain why he sent the letter to an old address.

Damn it.



Miss Turner doesn't like you to have sweets?

No sir.

Meat and potatoes.

She gives me meat and potatoes.

Meat and potatoes.

Meat and potatoes.

Then who gave you these?




Gage, did Miss Turner cut your hair this week?

No, I told you.

Annie does that.

Annie cuts your hair?

Did she cut your hair this week?

Was she here?

He said Annie cuts his hair.

Maybe she was here.

I believe she was.

Then she could come back.

We could just wait here for her.

That won't be necessary.

Thank you, Mr.



Where are we going?

I believe I know where she is.

Thank you.

Ah, yes.

Here we are.

Where are we?

This is where my wife likes to buy Danish pastries.

Like Annie did for Mr.


Maybe she lives in the neighbourhood.

But wait, you said...

If Annie lived here, she would still be working for Mr.


But he has a new girl, suggesting that Annie has moved out of town.

Too far to still work for him, but not so far that she can't visit every few weeks for a haircut and a treat.

Somewhere just outside of town.

This coach goes to Markham and back every day.

Judging by the location where the torso was found, we have to assume it traveled down the Don River.

I've identified the locations here, here, here, and here, of every industrial facility along the Don that operates blades large enough to bisect a h*m* sapien.


Chop a chap in half.

Young Brackenreid, I want you to call on every one of these places to see if...

well, to see if any of their employees are murderers, I suppose.

Yes, sir.

I must say...

this, fantastic!

I really should get one of my own.

Constable, it seems something is troubling you?

How so?

There's an expression on your face that suggests you have a thought in your head.

Do you remember I asked you about visiting Paris?


And then I was away for some time?



Well, in any case, I did.

I went to Paris with Nina.

And she wants to go again, but...

for good.

So, you're considering leaving us all behind?

I don't want to.

My whole life is here.


I could imagine a life there.

I don't know.

If I...

if I don't go, I lose Nina.

If I do, I lose everything else that's dear to me.

One loss doesn't outweigh the other?

The enormity of either seems too great to contemplate.




can't give you any advice.

But I can tell you what I know.

I know that we spend our whole lives holding on to what we have.

We fear loss as much as death itself.

But without loss, there is no change.

And without change, there is no...



You realize there's nothing written on the blackboard, right?

Uh, yes, but it provides a frame of reference.


[Dog barking outside]

Markham, eh?

What a dump.

We'll be back at it at daybreak.

No need for indulgences.


I didn't mean to complain.

I sure am thankful, Detective.

I've been searching for Annie for months and you've nearly found her after only a day.

Perhaps we've nearly found her.

We mustn't get too excited.

So, why are you doing all this for me?

I suppose I can relate.

How's that?

Something with your wife, huh?

Eh, I won't pry.

But I know it must be trouble at home.

A man like you is sure to be married to a hell of a woman.

Pardon my language.

You're not such a bad detective yourself.

She is one hell of a woman.

So what happened?

I said some things, some terrible things that are unforgivable, at the worst possible time.

Will you go back?

I don't know that I can.

Some things are too broken to fix.

You don't know that, not 'til you try.

She did something that goes against...

everything I believe.

She knew how I would feel but did it anyway.

In response, I was cruel.

The truth is those things have been between us since the very beginning.

I suppose it just took this long to push us apart.

Well, in that case, maybe I'm not the only one who could use a second act.

Not a single factory reported a suspicious employee.

And no evidence of a bloody incident?

None, sir, I asked.

Whoever did this worked carefully to dispose of every part of the body, most of which we still haven't found.

It makes sense they would have cleaned the scene of the crime.

What about other facilities further away from the Don?

But how far away?

What we need is more information about the victim.

If only the coroner was available...

I can do the post-mortem.

I've seen Dr.

Ogden do it a million times.

But you've never done it yourself?

Did you solve your first case, Detective?

Of course.

Even though you'd never done it before?

I suppose you have a point.

I certainly do.


Annie lived next door to me.


Where did she move to?

She didn't move.

She died.

Oh, God.

Are you quite sure?

I heard that they found her in the bath.

Some ailment had come over her...

A seizure?

[Softly crying]

I'm so sorry...

I just attended the service over at Leonard's Funeral Parlour this morning.

The notice was in this morning's paper.

Is he gonna be all right?

He was her husband.

And he didn't know?

How awful.

The man who rents the rooms was clearing out her things.

I believe they're still inside if he'd care for them.

And you spoke to him?


He's fine.

I see.

So when is he coming back?

I don't know.

He is coming back?

I, uh...

There is no need to lie to me on his account.

You didn't even speak to him, did you?

No, but I know Murdoch, and I know what he's thinking, and I know he'll be back when he gets his head right.

We just have to be patient.

Oh, is that so?

Funny thing, I used to think I knew him as well.

When he returns, you'll see.

That's just it.

I'm no longer sure I want him to come back.

I understand you being angry but...

I had a life before William Murdoch.

I can have one again.

[Tense music]

♪ ♪ My desk, Miss Hart.

I'm not gone quite yet.

What have you?

Detective Watts had a pressing case.

I suggested we wait for your return, but he urged me to proceed.

Rightly so.

The victim remains unidentified?


I'm examining the stomach contents now to see if they can help us.

All that we know so far is that he was found in...

Miss Hart, we have a puzzle for you.

Oh, Doctor.

Welcome back.

We'll make this a two-coroner puzzle then.


It's an arm.

Washed up on the banks of the Humber.

We need to know if it's a match.

Let's take a look.

It must be from the same person.

How many stray arms could there be?

I believe I may have found our m*rder w*apon.

Oh, yes!

What do you think?


It looks about right.






Do you concur?


Of course.

Miss Hart knows the details of the case better than I do.

Excuse me for just one moment.

I want to see Annie.

Annie Beckett.

I'm her husband.

Oh, I'm so sorry.

The service has concluded.

We understand, but if we could see the body, just for a moment?

What I mean is there is no body to see any longer.

The cremation took place directly following the service.

Her minister told me that was her wish.

I'm very sorry.

It's our standard procedure when there's no family to dictate proceedings.

I see.

Thank you for your time.

Of course, I can offer you the remains.

Though you may want to purchase a receptacle.

Because the torso was found at the mouth of the Don, we assumed it traveled downriver.

But with the arm being found along the Humber...

we must infer the disposal site was actually in the west.

Therefore, the torso simply traveled further, all the way down to the lake, where its currents moved it hither and yon, eventually delivering it here.

What happened to the rest?

I doubt they'll ever be found.


I have the post-mortem results.



There was one item of note.

Shortly before death, he'd taken a pill.

Largely undigested.

Were you able to identify it?


I used to formulate and sell vital amines myself.

They're composed of ferrous and magnesium sulphates.

A patent medicine.


Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People.

Yes, those.

You know them?

I take them on occasion.

They're good for building strength and stamina.

No they're not.

But by all means, enjoy.

I don't believe this pill was from Dr.



I'm very familiar with patent medicines, Detective, and Dr.

Williams' pills, as ineffective as they may be, are unadulterated.

This one contained arsenic.

He was poisoned?

Certainly not.

It was a trace amount.

Then you're not sure who made the pill?

Arsenic is not uncommon in and of itself.

But when mixed with the other two ingredients?

There's only one product that matches the composition.

Do tell.

It's one of Allman's.

He's a Toronto pharmacist who makes and brands his own medicines.

And where would his pharmacy be located?

Weston Road, just north of the Junction.

Weston Road, just north of the Junction.

Very near to the Humber.


The coach for the city leaves at quarter past seven in the morning.

I'll wake you.

I doubt I'll be sleeping much tonight.

We may be parting ways before getting on that coach.

You're not going back to Toronto?

These are all the things from her rooming house.

There's not even anything here.

How do you mean?

Nothing that means anything.

Nothing that reminds me of her.

It's just things anyone would have.

No books.

No books, no jewelry...

it's like everything that would have meant something to her is missing.

I've given it some thought.

And I've decided to take some time away from the morgue.


I don't know for how long.

Take as long as you need.

I'll have a word with the Chief Constable.

We'll find someone to fill in for you, and you'll be welcomed back when you're ready.


I don't know if I will be.

I went there today, trying to return to my normal life.

And when I looked up, instead of William, there were three strangers looking back at me, all of them engrossed in some gruesome puzzle.

He'll be back.

It's not about William.

For more than 10 years, I've been mired in death.


For what?

To help people.

To put the guilty away and set the innocent free.

Of course.

I'm not saying that what I did was without merit.

I'm just saying I don't think I want to do it anymore.

It's not a factory exactly, but there is somewhere we should look.

And where's that?

It's an abattoir.


Everyone accounted for?

No employees suddenly fleeing town?

The shift manager went round and accounted for every man on the floor while I was on the phone with him, but that was only the day shift.

There is a night shift...

with only two workers.

Not just interesting, very interesting.

You're a police officer.


I mean...


I didn't think you were.

You didn't think you were, but here we are.

Suddenly, the uniform fits.

It's the same uniform.

But you have grown into it.

Meanwhile, after an extensive interview with the patent-medicine pharmacist, I came away with the name of a man who regularly purchased the pills in question.

And you know what?


He's a butcher.

With me, Constable.

[Indistinct speaking]

I've given your proposal a great deal of thought.

And have you decided?

I have.


Well, I can't tell you quite yet.

I don't feel I've impressed upon you the extent of my deliberation.

This was a real dilemma for me.

I'm sure it was.


Well, on one hand there's you.

And you mean the world to me.

But then, there's everything else in the world that I hold dear.

It's a difficult choice.

If I was you, I'd be flattered.

Here I am equating you, one person, to all the other people and places and things in my life.

It's very impressive.

I'm flattered by every minute you spend with me, George.

All right, don't get saucy.

Here's the thing, I have a proposal of my own.

If I'm going to be with you, if I'm going to turn my back on all those other things, I want to give you all of me.


Nina Bloom, will you be my wife?




I'm sorry.

I can't, George.

[Nina crying softly]


There are stains on these clothes.

They're very unusual.

I believe they're from formaldehyde.

Why would she have been working with that?

The funeral home.

Perhaps she knew someone there, or...

she worked there?

With dead bodies?

You said she had experience cutting hair...

if she had recently moved to Markham, needed work, perhaps she took what she could get.


So what does any of this mean?


What are you doing?

These aren't human ashes.

They're the wrong density.

This is wood.

This is from a fireplace.

I don't understand.

No, it's good.

It's good.

It means your wife may not actually be dead.

The people at the funeral home were covering something up.

If she did work there, which would explain these stains, then perhaps they're doing it on her behalf...

... which means they helped her to fake her own death.

But why?

She wanted people to believe that she was gone.

That she hadn't just left town.

She was running from something...

or someone.


You're right about that, Detective.

♪ ♪ [Indistinct speaking]

It's always important to consider where your next meal is coming from.




Lloyd Dixon?

Can I help you?

Oh, the Constabulary.

This is for a Mr.

Melvin Kulik.

To tell you the truth, Melvin's running late.

I'm helping him out.

Oh, so if we wait around, we'll get to speak with him?

Or is Mr.

Melvin Kulik dead, Lloyd?


As far as I know, he's just late, maybe sick.

What do you mean, dead?


Perhaps you used this to cut your friend's arm off?

It was an accident!

Strange sort of accident, removing a man's limbs.

And head.


and head.

We were fooling around.

Melvin put his head under the blade.

I didn't mean to hit the switch, I swear!

Come on to the Station House, Mr.


It was an accident!

I didn't know what rightly to do is all.

Slicing off the man's legs isn't the answer most people would come to, Lloyd.


[Suspenseful music]

♪ ♪ Woman: Just go back to where you came from!

Beckett: I'm not finished with you yet!

Thought you could get away from me?

You lied to me.

Why did you bring him here?

Shut up Annie.

Now you've done your job, Detective.

Now leave and let Annie and me here settle this.

This has gone far enough, Mr.


Don't do anything else you'll regret.


Thank you for your help.

I didn't tell you everything about my lovely wife, Detective.

How she's the one who started me gambling because she needed someone to stake her.

Isn't that right, Annie?

You'd never had so much fun in your life.

You're right, it was fun.

My life was perfect 'til you took everything and disappeared.

Stole it all...

You wouldn't have made a penny if it wasn't for me.

Useless man, thick in the head...

Shut up Annie.

Do something about this!

You're the one that lead him straight to me.

Do something!

He won't be leaving here.

Imagine my luck when the great William Murdoch walked into my bar and sat down right next to me.

But now I'm finished with you Detective.

Well, I'm not finished with you.

Another step and I'll k*ll her!

k*ll him!


Put the knife down.

You never should have brung him here.

I know.

Now put the knife down.

I just wanted a new life.

Don't you get it?

I just wanted a new life.

Put the knife down and you have it.

We all do.

Well, I do understand.

Loss changes us.

And although you spoke emotionally, you were not altogether incorrect.

I may have rushed our study to the trial stage prematurely.

Well, at my own urging.

I wanted this child very badly.

I need to accept that being a mother is a door that's closed to me.

The results don't indicate that.

In fact, we achieved much greater success than we may have hoped.

That might be true...

... but if you do try again, it won't be with me.

[Soft music]

♪ ♪ You wanted to see me?

I do.

About yesterday...

you caught me off guard.

So I wasn't the only one surprised.

I suppose there's a part of me that can't believe a good man like you would want to marry me.

Well, a good man asked.

When you proposed...

I was suddenly thinking a thousand things all at once.

I was thinking...

how beautiful the ring was and how sweet you are.

And I was thinking how I never wanted to marry, but that maybe I could.


you could come to Paris, and we could spend our wonderful lives together.

And I was thinking that I'd be happy doing that.

And then you said no.

Because I know what you want.

You want a wedding, and a wife and a family, and I think that that's lovely, but...

... I'm not going to be able to give you that.

Well, how do you know?

Sometimes the things that people want can change.

Who's to say I still want all that?

How do you know I wouldn't give it up for you?

If you wanted just me, you would have said yes to Paris.

The ring said the rest.

[George sighing]

Come here.

[Melancholy music]

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ Doctor Ogden.


Is Murdoch home yet?


And I'm sorry, Tom, but I can't discuss this.

No, of course not.

Thank you.

Look, I wanted to tell you something.

When you lost your child, I didn't say anything.

I thought these things were better left unsaid.

I really, I don't need to...


losing a child is a terrible thing.

I don't care if it's an unborn baby or a fully-grown adult.

It's the worst pain that you and Murdoch have had in your lives together.

But you'll get through it.

Both of you.

Do you believe so?

Yes I do.

Take time away from the morgue, of course.

But promise me one thing.

What's that?

No letters of resignation today.

You're not thinking clearly at a time like this.


crisis brings clarity.

You might be right.

But don't make any decisions that you can't undo.

[Pensive music]

♪ ♪ I must say, the morgue suits me much more than I ever expected.

The science, the precision, the puzzling out of obscure details.


Ogden's absence allowed me to realise I am quite capable of doing it on my own.

I do worry about her, though.

She's been...

rather distracted as of late.

Erratic, emotional...

It's quite sad to see.

She does mean so much to me, after all.

Sounds to me like you'd be better off running the place yourself.

Well, I'm not nearly finished my schooling yet.

I suppose I do have years of medical experience.

I have a thing or two to do with solving your case.

What exactly are you after?


You ask me here.

You tell me the doctor's no longer up to the task.

I'm thinking you want me to do something about it.

Well, I can't bring any of these concerns to anyone at Station Four.

They'd all defend the detective's wife no matter the circumstance.

So you want me to go around them and pass word of her performance to the Chief Constable.

I simply want you to tell the truth.

Why would I help you?

Because you want to.

Is that right?

Yes, Inspector.

You and I are going to be the best of friends.

Or more than friends.

I'd like to be alone, George.

If that were true, sir, you wouldn't be so easily found.


I asked Nina Bloom to marry me.

Good for you.

She said no.


I'm sorry.

Well, that's just it, sir.

I'm not so sure I am.

I mean, I was devastated in the moment of course, but as I walked away, I felt...


I felt as if a...

a load had been lifted.

I mean, she's an extraordinary woman but...

for me, for the things I truly believe I want, she's not the one.

Do you know what I mean?

I believe I do.

Which makes me think if somebody was so fortunate as to find that person, why would you ever throw that away?

I don't think she'll have me back, George.

Of course she'll have you back.

I lost my temper, said some things.

Who hasn't done that?

Some things I may even believe.

Well, sir, what's more important to you?

Those things, or her?


Well, if you'll beg my pardon, sir, perhaps you should find out if those two things could exist together.

Another mystery for me to solve, eh George?

Well, you don't need to be William Murdoch to solve that one, sir.

She's the one for you.

You know it.

I know it.


Hello, William.

You're leaving?

I don't know quite what to say.

But if you want to leave, that's certainly your right.

You don't need to tell me that.

I was hurt.

We were both hurt.

But what I did was inexcusable in your eyes, at least.

It's possible we'll never find common ground.

I know.

But it doesn't matter.

We are not the same, Julia.

We've been different every day of our marriage.

But I count every single one of those days as the happiest in my life.

And that's enough?

I think so.

Are you certain?

If we never have a child, it doesn't matter.

What matters is that we're together.

Your love means more to me than everything.


Please don't go.

I won't.

I'll tear the ticket up.



Let's buy another one.
