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12x17 - Darkness Before the Dawn Part 1

Posted: 09/18/20 09:28
by bunniefuu
Gentleman, the candidate I offer you today represents an opportunity for Toronto to embrace the future, to let all know they are welcome here, no matter what religion.

And an opportunity to hire the finest policeman this city has ever known.

Detective William Murdoch, your time has come.


thank you.

Over here, please!

This way!

Oh, John!


- Inspector.

- Watts.

What's going on?

- Water.

- I can see that.

I mean this...

I've taken up the sport of running.

- What for?

- It clears the head.

- So does a good drop of scotch.

- I have a favour to ask, Inspector.

- There is a case I want to look into.

- Well then, look.

This case is somewhat in the jurisdiction of Station House One.

Lucille Palmer was a witness in a case of mine years back.

Bright young thing.

She was found dead in an opium den nine days ago.

That happens.

Yes, but Lucille didn't use dope in excess, she was sh*t.

- Who's handling the case?

- Inspector McWorthy.

There has been no progress since the day after her body was found.

Ordinarily, I wouldn't mind you looking into Station One's work...

but I've got something cooking at the moment, and I don't want you mucking it up.

- So I can't do this?

- I'm saying mind your step.

Now, get yourself cleaned up in the water closet.

Running may clear your head, but it's not doing much for the air in here.

Oh, Murdoch.

Here, take these.

- Sir?

- These are my way of saying goodbye.

- You're leaving again?

- Not me.


The inspector position at Station House Five.

Slorach's gone, and I've recommended you for the job.

And I'm not the only one.

I'm afraid that's a waste of time.

You don't want it?

Sir, we both know that the furthest a Catholic can advance in the Constabulary is, well, this.

It seems the times, they are a-changing.

You have a friend in high places.

And he's a lot like you.

- A Catholic?

- A progressive type.

Allen Templeton.

His father-in-law is the head of the Board of Control.

Now, he likes to play kingmaker, and he's got his eye on you.

It can't hurt to try, Murdoch.


Johnston is expected at the funeral home, and when you return, Mr.

Morgan will be ready for the incinerator.


What can I do for you?

I'd like to see Lucille Palmer's body, Miss Hart.

Lucille Palmer...

- g*nsh*t to the chest?

- Yes.

Have you recovered a b*llet?

No, it went through the body but was not found.

Detective, isn't this Inspector McWorthy's case?

I believe so, but I've a personal interest.



You policemen have a lot of "personal interests" Miss Palmer's best friend, Isabel Carmichael, identified the remains.

Still trying to discern the source of the amusement.

She came here on the arm of Constable John Brackenreid.

The two looked a little more than just cozy.


- I guess the uniform works on some women.

- But not you, Miss Hart?

I'm aiming a little higher.


Miss Newsome.

You've not come to sue me again, have you?

Not at all.

But I am here on a professional errand.

- Is that right?

- I am articling with the Crown Attorney.

He has asked me to research all files in relation to the enforcement of the Chinese laundry tax.

Good Lord.

What did you do wrong?

Nothing at all.

In fact, I came top of my class.

Well, trust a lawyer to work that into the conversation.

Trust a constable to take offence.

Anyway, this is a plum assignment and I intend to do my best work on it.

So if you will be so kind as to point me in the direction of the records, I shall be on my way.

I'm afraid I can't.

- Pardon?

- Those files can't leave the station, Miss Newsome.

While you're here, you can examine them as long as you like.

It seems I'll be spending some time here with you, then...

- Constable.

- Well, don't worry.

We don't need to talk.

Oh, I have to adjust some of the parameters.

Thank you.

Allen Templeton suggested the promotion and has already written a letter of recommendation.

Well you certainly deserve it.

It's complimentary, to be sure, but doesn't the man realize he's pursuing a lost cause?

Perhaps he believes he can convince the Board of Control.

You do have a stellar record.

And now, you've literally written the book on police investigation.

With your help.

I've had a good record for a number of years.

That's never been enough to overcome anti-Catholic sentiment before.

Perhaps that's about to change.

Progress is slow, but it does come, William.

I am proof of that.

I suppose you're right.

- Anything is possible.

- Precisely.

But is this something you actually want?

It would be a big change.

A supervising position, a completely different station house.

Perhaps I could formalize a system to pass on my investigative techniques.


You know, Julia, I believe this is something I want.

It's not the only thing, it appears.

One of your detectives has been sniffing around a case of mine.

- I'd like you to tug his leash.

- Sniffing how?

He visited Miss Hart, asked about my business.

The victim was an acquaintance.

Doesn't sound like he's overstepped.

Whatever Detective Watts thinks he knows about Lucille Palmer, she wasn't what she seemed.

Pretty girl from a good family, right?

Well, her body was found in that abandoned building near Union Station where the dope fiends like to go.

The man that was with her was seen boarding a train out of town the next day.

- And that's where the investigation ended, did it?

- No.

I put out the man's description to the railway lines and law enforcement.

What more would you have me do?

- Fair enough.

- That's what I thought, - so tell your man to back off.

- I'll pass it along.

Throw some weight behind it, Tom.

I know about your plan to move Detective Murdoch up the ladder.

You hear that McPherson from Hamilton is making noises about moving to the big city?

- Good solid Ulsterman.

- Is that so?

I could talk him out of it, leave the way clear for Murdoch, but you'd have to make it worth my while.


I knew I'd find you here, Thomas.

Think about what I said.

Lovely to see you, Mrs.


Let's have a seat.

- When did you get back?

- Last night.

Everything is just fine at the house.

John says you've been checking in on it.

It's a good house.

Can't have it falling apart from neglect.

I didn't ask you to move out.

You left first.

Let's just say we've both made mistakes and leave it at that.

But you're back now, so let's put the past behind us and get the family back together.


I've had a lot of time to think about this, Thomas.


John's a grown man.

Bobby's off to boarding school.

There is no reason to keep up appearances.

- "Appearances"?

What are you on about?

- I've made a decision...

I want you to give me a divorce.

It will come as no surprise to anyone, given the year we've had.

Well, it's a bloody surprise to me.

Well, maybe you haven't been paying attention.

This is the most ridiculous idea you've ever had.

And if you think I'm going to agree to it, then you've forgotten who you're married to, Mrs.



You're up bright and early, Miss Newsome.

If you hadn't noticed, I put all the files pertinent to your laundry tax case right here at Constable Higgins' desk.

That desk is very dirty.

No it isn't.

Be that as it may, this is my desk.

Do feel free to take your typewriter if you need it.

Will you be using your typewriter, Constable?


Yes, I will.

Right here, at my desk.

- Hm.

- George.

You can't let her get away with this.

No, I won't.

In fact...

you'll just have to share.

Suit yourself.


Thank you, Detective Watts.


You two.

Clear off.

Higgins, put the kettle on.

Watts, stay where you are.

Your case is a dead end.

Do you really believe that?

McWorthy said they tried and couldn't find the man who k*lled Miss Palmer.

Now, if you're caught sniffing around again, Murdoch's chances at becoming an inspector will be in jeopardy.


So, it's for the best that I back away.

I never said that.

You did.



What a pleasure.

- Sorry to disturb you.

- Oh, no.

We're finished.

I was hoping to have a few words with...

Detective Murdoch.

Oh, right.

- Allen Templeton.

- Yes, of course.

Thank you for your support.

It means a great deal to me.

It's my pleasure, Detective.

You do realize that endorsing me for this position will use some of your political capital?

On balance, I expect it to be a worthy expenditure.

The Catholic constituency is rising in influence.

I'll make sure that they know that I supported their man for this prestigious position.

- I am to be a pawn, then?

- Hardly.

I see great things for you, Detective Murdoch.

I wanted you to be the first to know...

I've handed in my resignation as City Coroner.

You've decided to become a surgeon full time.

Yes, I plan to dedicate myself to that alone.

Good for you.

You do seem to be going from success to success.

I don't want you to worry about your position here.

I will put in a good word for the new coroner.

I appreciate that, Dr.


But you must be aware I don't want to work for a new coroner.

I want that job for myself.

Your ambition is admirable, Miss Hart.

And perhaps with a few more years' experience...

and hopefully down the road, when minds are more open, you will earn the position you want.

That's very sensible advice.

Thank you for being such a reliable assistant these past two years.

I've been grateful for the opportunity.

All the best.

I've seen you around here.

I thought there was more to you.

Doctor Ogden is finally resigning as the coroner.

You must be happy.

I will be...

once the position is mine.

Are you still prepared to help?

You've always done good work.

Is it good enough for you to stick your neck out with the Board?

I'll see what I can do.

I won't be held back.

And I'm not going to be able to change the world.

I expect to finish quite soon, Constable.


I'll be so sorry to see you go.

- I thought as much.

- Right, then.

I'm off on my patrol.

He's sweet on you, you know.



You wanted to see me?


I need your help.

I heard that you are keeping company with Isabel Carmichael?

Yes, I met her in an acting class I've been attending.


You need to take a class in pretending?

- Well...


- Never mind.

Isabel was an acquaintance of Lucille Palmer, recently deceased.

Is that true?

- Yes.

They were close friends.

- Then, you knew her?

I, uh, yes...

Did you hear that she fell into dr*gs?

I heard she had become interested in opium.

I want you to look into this for me, John.

Unofficially, you understand.

Get your lady friend talking.

Find out who Miss Palmer was keeping company with, who may have wanted to hurt her.

But don't let Isabel know why you're asking.

You want me to...

to lie to Isabel?

Let us not think of it as a lie but as an exercise in...


Your monologue today was very poised.

Thank you, John.

I asked Miss Connors if we could do a scene - together next week in class.

- I'd like that.

Maybe something from a tragedy?

I think I've had enough tragedy for the time being.

Yes, of course.



If only you'd known her.

She was so charming, but...

she changed.

Changed how?

Had she been associating with the wrong people?

I tried to counsel her, but she wouldn't listen to me.

All of us tried to help.

Her friends, Arthur...

- Arthur!

- Hello, sis.



You should have ordered the deviled crabs.

Arthur, mind your manners for heaven's sake.

Excuse him, he's utterly spoiled.

What are the riveting events of the day you and your young constable are discussing?


and what happened to her.

I see.

She certainly is a topic of conversation isn't she, John?

I'm to meet with the Board tonight.

You'll do fine.

If I'm honest, I'm a tad more nervous than I thought I'd be.

Is everything all right, sir?

Margaret's asked me to give her a divorce.

Oh, I didn't realize it had come to that.

I'm so sorry.

Neither had I.

I have to go.

I hope you get what you want, Murdoch.


You're late for night rounds, Doctor.

Still working two jobs, are we?

No, Dr.


I believe I have found my calling.

From now on, I am a surgeon.


Lately, Lucille was keeping time with this fellow Grant Sutton.

All four grew up in the same circles.

Isabel and Arthur believe that Sutton was the one who encouraged her to start taking opium.

Did this Sutton character have any reason to want her dead?

Isabel's brother didn't know anything about that...

though I do believe Sutton has a history of being rough with his lady companions.

And you say Lucille had fallen out with her old friends?

- Yes.

- Then perhaps Grant Sutton was one of the last to see her alive.

It might be interesting to find out what he knows.

Don't dally.

Of course, I know Detective Murdoch very well.

Your reputation precedes you, Detective.

You arrested my good friend Robert Graham last year.

Well, then.

Nothing better than having an incorruptible inspector on the team, is there?

Stay down here.

I'll take upstairs.



There's damage to the abdominal wall.

He'll need surgery.

Notify Dr.

Forbes immediately.

Have them prepare the operating theatre.

I need more pressure.

I need to find the source of the blood on the interior wall.

- His pulse is weak.

- Be grateful he has one.

- Is he alive?!

- For now.


Tom, you need to stay out of the way.

Let's move him!

Will he be all right?

Will he be all right?

He's been sh*t in the abdomen.

He's lost a lot of blood, - but he's hanging on.

- That's good.

- We'll need to take the b*llet out.

- Dr.

Forbes is on his way.

- He's on his way?!

- He has the experience.

How many g*nsh*t wounds has he seen?

- I've seen thousands!

- Dead ones, I presume, and don't forget the b*llet threatens the spine.

- Please, do what you can.

- Are you gonna help me or not?

- John?



- Come here, Margaret!

It'll be all right.

It'll be all right.

I promise.

I promise you.

We were there to talk to a witness.

Grant Sutton.

Or possibly he was a suspect.

You don't know?


didn't know he was dangerous.

We decided to cover separate floors.

Then, I heard sh*ts.

How many sh*ts?

Two sh*ts.



So, John was sh*t twice?

I don't think so, no.

There was another man in the room, already dead when I arrived.

- Sutton?

- I would guess.

I was told to stay away from this case.

I asked John to help me.

This is all my fault.

- Detective Watts.

- George.

Let him go.

He is ready, Doctor.

What have you found out?

John and Detective Watts were attempting to interview a man named Grant Sutton.


Sutton sh*t John, and it appears that John returned fire.

I hope he k*lled the bastard.

He did.

Anyone who had anything to do with hurting my boy, I swear to God, Murdoch, I'll k*ll them with my bare hands.

What are you doing?!



returning some files I signed out.

- I expressly told you weren't to take any files!

- I'm sorry.

Well, it's funny, you know!

You hate police.

You think we're so corrupt and incompetent, and obviously, you have no trouble breaking the rules yourself.


I heard about the young Constable.

- That must be very difficult for you.

- That is none of your...

That is my new book!

- Who told you you could read it?

- I'm sorry, I just got caught up!

Well, you didn't have the right to look at it.

I beg your pardon.

You know, it was very good.

I couldn't put it down...


That's the damage to the lateral wall closed.

Pulse and breathing are regular.

I can't see the b*llet.

There's too much swelling.

Take your time.

- There it is.

- Is it in the spinal cord?

I can't see how deep it goes.

- Do I take it out?

- I think we have to.

Steady now.


Was there damage to the spinal cord?

I don't know.

Let's get ready to close.

You didn't want him to become a police officer.

You were right.

I should have listened to you.

About this and a lot of other things.

Is he all right?

We were able to repair the damage to the abdomen, but his recovery will not be easy.

But he will live?

- Yes.

Yes, he will live.

- Thank God.

There's one more thing.

The b*llet was lodged dangerously close to his spinal cord.

Are you saying that he may not walk again?

The swelling made it impossible to know whether there will be any permanent damage, but...

we managed to get the b*llet out, and now we must hope for the best.

- Miss Hart.

- Detective.

Grant Sutton.

What do you want, Murdoch?

- Why are you moving the body?

- Because it's my case.

I'll be wanting to take a look at that w*apon.

That will be going into evidence at my Station House.

- One of our men was sh*t.

- In the district of Station House One.

And your man was sh*t while interfering - with a case I was working.

- Oh?

It's my understanding that you weren't working on the case at all.

How do you come to that?

If Grant Sutton was willing to sh**t at a police officer, it would certainly suggest that he had some involvement in Lucille Palmer's m*rder, wouldn't it?

You are making a leap, Detective.


Do you know otherwise?

Had you previously interviewed Grant Sutton?

Now that one of our own has been injured, I trust this case and Lucille Palmer's m*rder will have your full attention.

They will have mine.

These are all the notes in Watts' things I could find that seem to pertain to Lucille Palmer's death.

- He hasn't come in yet?

- No.

The notes seem to suggest that Grant Sutton was Miss Palmer's latest paramour.

That's why Watts and John went looking for him.

Perhaps he was her k*ller also, sir.

I mean, maybe that's why he sh*t John, thinking the police were coming to question him.

That's certainly a possibility.

But George, have a look at this.


Sutton, Montreal, October 28, 3 days.

Alibi, question mark." This would imply that Sutton was in Montreal at the time of Miss Palmer's death.

And if that's the case, what reason could he possibly have for sh**ting John?

I'll look into this.


- Oh, my baby boy!

- You're all right, son.

Detective Watts.

Is he all right?

He's fine.

- John!

- Isabel!

Oh, my God.


Thank goodness.

Mother, Father, this is Isabel Carmichael.

I had hoped we'd meet under better circumstances.

Are you all right?

Well, I suppose.

Though my legs feel strange.

That's normal.

You'll be as good as gold before you know it.

I'm sorry I wasn't here sooner.

I was on the train to Hamilton and came back as soon as I heard what'd happened.

I feel better already, seeing your face.

- Margaret.

- What?

- Margaret, come on.

- What?

Come on.



Where are you going?

I'm going to find Dr.


You heard him.

There's something wrong with his legs.

Oh, no!

He's fine.

Who is this girl?

I don't know any more than you do, Margaret.

Well you've been doing a fine job as a father.

They're acting like they're practically engaged and you don't know who she is.

I'm not the one who ran out on my family for two months.



Is that normal?

We're giving the swelling time to go down, John, before we draw any conclusions.

When will that be?

I'll be back.



So, will he walk?

It's only been a day.

That's not an answer.

- It's too soon to tell, Tom.

- You should have waited.

- I thought you...

- You should have waited for someone who knows how to do the bloody job!

The man is upset.

Well, he has a right to be.

John Brackenreid is not reporting sensation in his legs.



- That's unfortunate.

- You know as well as I do...

that if his spine was intact, he'd be showing signs by now.

- I may have paralysed him.

- Doctor...


Might I have a word with Constable Brackenreid?

Let's step outside, Miss Carmichael.

We can have a little chat while the men talk.


Happy to see you're on the mend.

I'll be up and about in no time, Detective.

Good, good.

What happened, John?

Well, uh...

Detective Watts wanted to interview Grant Sutton, so we went inside.

I heard footsteps, called his name.

That's all I remember.

You must have been sh*t soon afterwards.

And you don't recall if Mr.

Sutton or you sh*t first?

He must have.

But I can't say for sure.

Did you have your w*apon drawn when you entered the room?

Yes, I drew my g*n the moment I...

Detective Watts never signed any weapons out of the armoury.

How is it that you were armed and he wasn't?

You are speaking to someone who is on your side here, John.

The truth is...

I knew of Grant Sutton before we went to talk to him.

He was a former beau of Isabel's.

She's a girl I'm seeing, Isabel Carmichael.

Why would you need a w*apon?

Grant Sutton is not a good man.

He'd been following her.

He made threats against us both.

She was frightened.

I wanted to protect her.

And yet you told Detective Watts none of this?

She begged me not to tell anyone.

She feared for her reputation.

So I...

I kept quiet.

All right.


what happened to Grant Sutton?

He was sh*t...


Well that's as well.

Isabel is safe now.

I'm sorry, Detective.

I did everything wrong, didn't I?

It's all right, John.


sort it out.


Why would John not tell Watts that he knew about Grant Sutton?

He believed he was protecting Isabel Carmichael's reputation.

But as it turns out, Grant Sutton didn't k*ll Miss Palmer.


Witnesses place him in Montreal at the time.

Which begs the question, why would he open fire on police when they show up?

Is he...

Is he protecting the real k*ller?

McWorthy doesn't believe that there's any connection between Lucille Palmer and her k*ller.

What if he's right?

What if McWorthy is right and Watts is wrong?

There's no wonder he's feeling responsible.


Detective Watts may have had a reason to be suspicious.

Lucille Palmer was with child and intended for the father to marry her.

"No matter the difficulty of the match", which means that this someone was unsuitable.

This could have been the k*ller's motive.

- Where did you find that?

- In the girl's bedroom.

Which you would have known if you had done a thorough search.

Why would you go back into a room - that had already been searched?

- Because, as I told you, I intend to look into this matter further, whether you like it or not.

Sometimes it pays to take a second look.

Well, if you'd been looking hard enough, you would know that Lucille Palmer wasn't actually with child.

The post-mortem showed that.

The man in question would have no way of knowing that.

Do you have any idea who he may be?

But we may be able to find out.

I just spoke with Lucille Palmer's sister.

Her parents forbid her from seeing Lucille, but she did anyway.

Did she know who Lucille may have been seeing?

No, but she says her sister met the same man every Wednesday at a posh downtown hotel.

Including the Wednesday before she d*ed.

Who was he?

A man by the name of Carmichael.

- Carmichael.

- Arthur Carmichael.

Isabel Carmichael's brother.


Of course I knew Lucille.

She was my sister's closest chum.

Can anyone account for your whereabouts on the evening that she d*ed?

I can't think of anyone.

And you're a regular at the Kings Arms Hotel downtown?

It's a first-rate hotel.

You should really visit the bar and try their gin rickey.

Best in town.

This is a m*rder investigation, Mr.


You can keep your drink tips to yourself.

We believe you consorted with Miss Palmer.

Did you ever consider making an honest woman of her?

Why would I do that?

For a start, it would be the honourable thing.

I'm much too young to be tied down.


you would be unhappy to receive this, then.

This isn't addressed to me.

It just says, "My darling".

I don't know if you know about Lucille, but that could be anyone.

You admit knowing her, and you admit meeting her at that hotel.

You didn't want to be tied down by her, so you took care of the problem.

She took care of it herself by going and getting k*lled.

Wipe that smirk off your face, or I will do it for you.

Are you going to let him talk to me like that?

Just answer the questions.

In any event, I didn't get her in the family way, and I didn't k*ll her.

You can't prove otherwise.

Did you speak with him?

To ask for the kind of forgiveness I need is to place another burden on him.

You didn't fail him.

I did.

Your misplaced guilt is yet another consequence of my mistakes.

I could say the same.

And yet, look at us.

We are unscathed.

Thank you for coming, Miss Hart.

I understand you can help me.

- You want very much to become city coroner.

- I do.

The position is available, and I am the most qualified to fill it.

I am prepared to help you get what you want, but I need to know...

will you help me?

That's why I'm here.

Tomorrow you'll be asked to re-examine Lucille Palmer's body, and you will find this.

I don't know what you've been told about me, but I don't fabricate evidence.

What I have been told is that you are ambitious.

This is the opportunity to get what you want.

- Detective?

I have some news.

- Yes?

Station House One have done another search of the scene of Miss Palmer's m*rder.

They say they now have the b*llet that k*lled her.


Does that strike you as somewhat suspicious?

Somewhat indeed.

I would very much like to see this b*llet.

How is it possible that this was only just found?

Sometimes it pays to have a second look.

To be honest, I'm skeptical myself.

I'd been over that room three times before with my best men.

- Where exactly was it found?

- Embedded in the mattress.

And there's something interesting about it.


Well, that is interesting.

There's a fragment broken off it.

And it wasn't found in the bed.

It's unlikely the b*llet would have broken hitting the mattress.

If this is indeed the b*llet that k*lled Lucille Palmer, then the missing piece could be in her body.

If there were something here, Detective, I would have found it during my first examination.

Keep looking, Miss Hart.

So far, nothing.

The piece we're looking for is small, thin and may be very difficult to see.

Please, keep looking.

This is a waste of time.


Is this what you're looking for?

This is the b*llet that k*lled Lucille Palmer.

Now, all we have to do is find the g*n that fired it.

I consider Arthur Carmichael to be our prime suspect at this time.

Would you agree?

Let's search his home.

I don't even own a g*n, gentlemen.

And if I had sh*t someone, I'd hardly be stupid enough to bring the very w*apon home.

Oh, but I think you just might be.

Do you know my father is the chief crown attorney?

That's not my concern, Mr.


Why don't you look at the other fellow she was keeping company with?

Who is that?

You'll be able to find him easily enough.

I hear he's not going anywhere.

Just tell us who he is.

That constable my sister is so sweet on.

John Brackenreid.

None of this makes any sense to me.

I never knew John was carrying a g*n.

He never mentioned a relationship with Lucille Palmer?

Only that he had met her briefly in his acting class.

Yet, Arthur Carmichael said that John had an intimate relationship with her.

Were John not known to us, we would find this very suspicious.

He did not outright lie about the g*n or the girl, but...

He left out important truths, Watts.

And then apparently k*lled Grant Sutton.

A potential witness in the matter of Lucille Palmer's death.

As I say, if John were not known to us...

But he is, and I believe him incapable of malicious intent, let alone m*rder.

- I agree.

- Good.

Let's hope the evidence confirms it.

You're expected back at work.


My son is lying in a hospital bed, paralysed, and you're telling me you're investigating him?

For what?

It appears the b*llet that k*lled Miss Palmer came from John's g*n.

Well that's a bloody mistake!

He's not capable of k*lling a girl.

Why's he meant to have done it?

Miss Palmer wrote a letter to someone saying she was with child and demanding marriage.

And that someone is my son?

That boy is as pure as the driven snow.

This is ridiculous, Murdoch, and I can prove as much right now.


Tell Detective Murdoch that you had nothing to do with the m*rder of Lucille Palmer.


Tell these two that you didn't even know Lucille Palmer.

That you certainly never bedded her.

- Thomas!

- Of course he didn't.

It was before we were courting, Isabel.

I promise.

You knew her?

I did.

Why did you not tell Detective Watts?

Would someone please tell me - what is going on here?

- Son.

Did you or did you not bed that girl?

- Are you interrogating your own son, Thomas?

- Margaret!

Be quiet, - for God's sake!

- It didn't mean anything to me.

I'm so sorry.

At this moment you don't mean anything to me either.


Even if the letter is...

it doesn't mean that...

The b*llet's a match, sir.

- Constable John Brack...

- No.

- NO!

Thomas, stop this!

- I'll do this.

John Brackenreid, you're under arrest for the m*rder of Lucille Palmer.