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A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge (1985)

Posted: 10/01/20 13:57
by bunniefuu
Hey, take it easy.

See you.

Turn it down.

Ew, that geek? I'm serious.

No way, I don't care.

No way, you're such a liar.

I don't know, he's right behind us. What?

No way.

That one's for you. He's a live one.

Uh-uh, he's yours. Oh, we're coming to my house.

Hey, driver. Hey!

Hey, driver, that was my stop.

Driver, that was my stop.

Driver, what's going on?

Where are we going?

Let us out. Come on.

Driver? What are you doing?

Stop it!



Please. Please stop.

What's happening? I don't know.

Oh, my God.

What's going on?

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God. We're stuck here.

Oh, my God! What is this?

What's that?

What is it? Oh, my God, it's him! Come on!

Oh, my God!

Open this thing. He's coming!

No! God!

Oh, my God, come on! Save us!

Get the door.

Mommy, why can't Jesse wake up like everybody else?

Oh, honey, he's all right.

He's just having a bad dream.

Mm. Thank you.

Good morning, honey.

Hi, Ma.

Well, two more. Hallelujah.

I want that room unpacked by tonight, young man.

Okay, Dad. I promise.

I don't want any more promises, Jesse.

I want that room cleaned up, okay? All right, I'll get on it.


Angie, what are you up to? I'm trying to get the Fuman fingers.

Want some eggs? No.

Jesse, are you okay?

It's so hot up there, I'm having trouble sleeping.

I know. Ken, I wish you'd call somebody and have the air conditioning...

There's absolutely nothing wrong with that air conditioning, Mom.

Just needs a shot of Freon.

Here they are. Oh, no.

Come on, Dad, you're not trying to fix something again.

Nobody likes a smart ass, buddy boy.


Who's that?

It's Lisa.

I gotta get to school.

Whoa, whoa. Who's Lisa?

Who is Lisa?

Just eat your eggs, dear.

Hi. Hi.

Don't you ever use a key?


Somebody could steal your car, couldn't they?

The deadly dinosaur?


Grady, come on, you can hit this stuff.

You ready, girls?

That was very good.

Easy out.

Easy hit. Easy hit.

Ha! Strike.

Get him out of there already.

Didn't feel right, okay? Give me a break.

So you getting any yet, Lise?

Kerry, he's my ride to school, okay?

Put it out. Put it out.

You all right? Yeah.

You okay there? Yeah.

Good shot, good shot.

You okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

Well, pay attention next time.

Very heads-up play.

Nice catch, Walsh.

Come on, come on. Let's go.

Come on, Mitch.

Come on, Mitch.

All right!

Come on.

Knock him down.

You're out.

Heads up play, Grady.

All right! All right!

Nice ass.

Come on! Get him!

Come on, slug him!

Go on, slug him!

Slug him. Come on, slug him!

Slug him!

Here comes Schneider. Watch out.

You can get him, come on! Get out of my way.

Come on. Okay, dirtballs.

Come on.

Assume the position.

See you around, coach.

Hey, man, chill out, dude.

Shut up, dude.

Come on. Come on.

How much longer do you think he's gonna keep us out here?

It could be all night.

The guy gets his rocks off like this.

Hangs around q*eer S&M joints downtown.

He likes pretty boys like you.

Get out of here.

What about you and that babe you've been cruising to school with every day?

What about her?

Are you mounting her nightly or what?

Look, Grady, you got some problem with me?

No, bro.

Just k*lling time.

Oh, God, that's gross.

Okay, dirtballs, hit the shower.

So you live around here or what?

Yeah, my parents just bought a place on Elm Street.

Elm Street?

You moved into that big white house with bars in the window?

Yeah, what about it?

Shit. You can tell your old man he's a real chump.

What are you talking about now, Grady?

Some chick was locked in there by her mother and she went crazy.

She watched her boyfriend get butchered across the street by some maniac.

You're full of shit, Grady.




Daddy can't help you now.


I need you, Jesse.

We've got special work to do here, you and me.

You've got the body...

...I've got the brain.



Do you think we should call the doctor? No.

No, I'm fine.

It's just a bad dream, okay?


Yeah, go to sleep.

So to review.

The solid wastes, those nutrients not absorbed in the lining of the stomach...

...the large intestine, the small intestine...

...and the elementary canal are passed out through the colon.

Liquid nutrients are then carried through an elaborate system of filtering...

...aided by the pancreas, liver and gall bladder...

...or collected in the bladder to be expelled at a later time.

And this entire process is kept moving...

...through the circulatory system, the center of which is...

...the heart.

Yeah! Ew.

Four chambers.

Just like the human heart, really.

From the body to the right auricle, to the right ventricle...

...and out the pulmonary arteries to the lungs.

There it trades off carbon dioxide for oxygen.

Carbon dioxide is exhaled and the oxygenated blood continues to...

Into the left auricle through the left ventricle passing out of the...


If you wanna play with animals, Mr. Walsh, join the circus.

Lisa, sweetheart, there's a Jesse on the phone.

Okay. Thanks, Mom.



On the national front...

Where are you going, Jess? Just out for a little while.

I told you I want that room unpacked.

I'm just going out for an hour or two. No.


Right now, son.

Right now.

Ooh, you know how to love me, yeah When we make love tonight How do you like that, Dad?

I need you so bad, baby Oh, oh This is where you belong Don't make me wait too long No All night long

Hold me, baby Drive me crazy Touch me all night long Make me love you Kiss and hug you Jesse.

Touch me all night long You're my candy man

Ha. I'll, uh... I'll leave the two of you alone.

Excuse me.

I told her you invited me over.

I guess maybe I should have called.

No. Ha, ha. It's fine, really.

I mean, I was just cleaning my room.

I know.

I figured you might like some help.

Where does this go?

Um... Do your sweaters go in the closet?

What's this?

I don't know. Looks like a diary to me.

Let's see.

"Nancy Thompson. 1428 Elm Street."

That's right here.

Hey, you know, this thing is five years old.

You know her? Uh-uh. No. Before my time.

Wait, listen to this.

"Sometimes when I'm lying here in bed...

...I can see Glen in his window across the way getting ready for bed.

His body is slim and smooth...

...and I know I shouldn't watch him but that part of me that wants him...

...forces me to.

That's when I weaken.

That's when I wanna go to him."

Can I see that? Mm-hm.

"March 15th.

He comes to me at night.

Horrible, ugly, dirty, under the sheets with me.

Tearing at my nightgown with his steel claws.

His name is Fred...

...and he keeps trying to take me to the boiler room.

He wants to k*ll me."

What is it?

"Tina is dead."

Jesse, are you okay?

It's just something that Grady said to me.

About the girl that used to live here?

How she went crazy when she saw her boyfriend get m*rder*d across the street.


Go ahead, Jesse.

Try it on for size.

k*ll for me.

It was kind of like I was sleepwalking.

Maybe you were having a premonition or something, you know.

Like the guys who help police solve crimes and find missing people.

Ever have anything like this happen before?

Nope. Never.

You think that's what it is? I don't know.

Can I see the diary for a little while?


Hi, guys. Hi, Kerry.

I got your invitation for the party this weekend.

Any cute guys gonna be there?

All of them. Ha, ha.

Is your dad gonna be the DJ again?

Mom is gonna keep him upstairs this time. Oh, good.

Uh, ha, ha.

Last party I had... Dad insisted on playing Benny Goodman records all night.

Well, I'll see you later, okay? Okay.

Hey, Grady, do you remember your dreams?

Only the wet ones.

No talking.

Hey, Grady.

You know, Schneider shouldn't have called you out on that last play.

Yeah, well, Schneider has got a stick up his ass today.

Schneider's always got a stick up his ass.

Hello, dirtballs.

Ugh. It is so hot in here. Yeah, babe.

Let me look at the thermostat.

My God, it is hot as an oven in here.

Shh. The birds are sleeping.

Cheryl, it's 97 degrees in here.

Damn it. Ow!

Angela, watch out.

Watch out, Jesse.

Ah! Ken, are you all right?

Cheryl... Damn bird. Look out, Angela, get out.

Look out, Jesse.

Come on. Look out, Angela.

Jesse, get out of here.


What are you doing, Jesse? Help me move this thing.

It isn't the gas. Don't tell me it's not the gas.

Your mother thought she smelled gas.

Well, I thought I did, I wasn't sure. All right, so, what is it, bird rabies?

It's that seed you've been buying. Please, Ken, really.

No, it could be. Got to be a rational explanation.

Animals don't explode into flames for no reason, do they?

That's right. All right.

Well, it's sure not a leaky gas pipe.

You all right? Oh, it's all right.

You set this whole thing up, didn't you?

What are you talking about?

You know what I'm talking about. What did you use, firecrackers?

You know what he did, he used a g*dd*mn cherry b*mb.

Stop it. That's what he did.

Look, you can't talk to me like that.

Jesse, come back. Jesse. Ken.

Come back, Jesse! Stop it, you're being ridiculous.

Now come on, stop it. Jesse!


Oh, jeez.

I don't know, he always wants to... Don't touch me.

Can I have a beer, please?

Hit the shower.

No, no, no! No!

No, no!

No, g*dd*mn it, no!


No, no.


Oh, boy.

Good evening, uh, does this belong to you?

Uh, yes, sir, he's my son.

We found him out on the highway wandering around.

He was naked.

I'd keep a short leash on him if I were you.

Thank you, officer.

Jesse, come here, come.

Hey, hey.

Come here.

Two questions.

You answer them and we can all go to bed, all right?

What are you taking, son?

Who are you getting it from?

I'm not taking dr*gs.

Mom, I wanna go to bed. Yeah, come on.

It's just a problem I have to work out on my own.

But something's bothering you. Mom.

We're just concerned about you... Jesse.

I'm fine, just leave me alone. Can't...?

Can't we at least talk about it? No.

He needs professional help. I think we have to take him to a psychiatrist.

Come on, Cheryl, you're out of your gourd. What will that do?

I don't know. He needs help and we don't know how to give it.

Oh, come on, Cheryl. Are you hearing me?

That boy's in trouble. No, he's not in trouble.

What that boy needs is a good g*dd*mn kick in the butt.

That's what he needs.

I'll tell you what he needs. He needs a methadone clinic.

What's happening?

I want all you students back to your classes...

Don't worry about what...

Just don't worry about it. Let them do their work, all right?

Yo, man, where have you been?

Schneider got wasted last night. Oh, my God.

He must have been working late. Some maniac sliced him like a kielbasa.

Hacked him in the shower. Got bloody footprints all over the place.

Stand back from the line, please.

k*ll for me.

One, two Freddy's coming for you Three, four Better lock your door Five, six Grab your crucifix

Morning, Jess. Morning.

Dad, how come it took them five years to sell this house?

Oh, I don't know.

They just couldn't get the right price, I suppose.

Didn't know about the m*rder across the street?

The girl that lived here that saw the whole thing.

They told me something about it, yeah, but I...

You knew something about this... Come on, Cheryl.

How do you think we got such a good deal here, hon?

Did they tell you that that girl lost her mind?

And her mother k*lled herself in our living room?

What? Did they tell you that?

Mom, I'm scared.

Come here. Oh, honey, it's all right.

Daddy and Jesse are just pretending, that's all.

I don't think this is something we should discuss.

See? Don't wanna hear one more word about it.

There's absolutely nothing, I mean nothing, wrong with this house.

Come on.

Is something burning?

Good Lord.

It's the craziest damn thing I've ever seen.

Look here, Cheryl.

It wasn't even plugged in.

Jesse, you can't blame yourself for what happened to Schneider.

And just because you dreamt it doesn't mean you did it.

Where are we going? Veer left over here.

Look, I really think this is all in your mind, you know... you're picking up some psychic signals.

Wow, what is this place?

Do you remember in the diary?

When Nancy said she kept finding herself in a boiler room?

Well, Fred Krueger worked here. It's an old power plant.

Here. What is all this?

I did some reading on our friend, Fred Krueger.

How long has it been closed down? A long time.

Come on.


Fred Krueger kidnapped 20 kids...

...and brought them here and k*lled them.

Do you feel anything? What do you mean?

I don't know. I thought you might be able to make a connection or something.

I feel like a jerk. Shh. Just concentrate.

Do you feel anything?


Wake up, little girl.

What time is it?

It's late, go back to sleep.

Morning, honey. Did you sleep okay?

Yeah, fine.

Good. You're looking better.

You had another nightmare, didn't you?

Yes, I had a bad night.

Do you wanna talk about it?

My dad thinks I'm on dr*gs.

My mom thinks I'm crazy.

And you know, at this point, I don't know if I don't agree with her.

Hey, what's wrong with Jesse? He seems kind of freaked out.

Hey, wanna go to a movie or something, hang out?

Maybe get these things off your mind. Get a pizza or something.

Hey, guys.

Hi, Ronnie.

You going to Lisa's house tomorrow night? No.

I can't, I'm grounded. How come?

I threw my grandmother down a flight of stairs.


Jesse, I think you should eat something.

I'm not hungry. I wish you would talk to me.

You know, we can figure it out. We can figure it out together.

There is nothing to figure out.

I don't know why you're wasting your time.

He's a basket case. Shut up, Grady.

Want me to shut up? Fine, I'll shut up, no problem.

See you around, buddy.

Here you are.

Hey. All right.

Hey, now cut that out.

I've got it.

But, sweetheart, it's a nice party.

Come on, Skinny, it's time for bed.

You're in charge, hotshot.

Twelve-thirty, miss, no later.

Twelve-thirty. Have a nice time.


What's the matter with Jesse?

I don't know.

Jesse? I'll be out in a second.

Can I please come in and talk to you?

Listen, I'm gonna leave. I'm not into this.

I'm sorry.

Jesse, why won't you talk to me?

Will you just leave me alone? You're not being fair.

I wanna help you.

How can you help me?

What are you gonna do for me?

Look, I feel like I'm losing my mind.

And I don't want you to watch me fall apart.

I'm afraid to go to sleep.

I'm afraid to stay awake.

I'm ruining your party.

They're gonna take me away. Come on, don't say that.

Listen, we'll stay up all night if we have to.

I'm not gonna let anything happen to you.

Come on, any second now, any second.

Yeah, party time.

I got the music.

I wanna tell you Exactly how I feel

What the hell are they doing down there? Oh, Eddie, they're kids.

I know they're kids. I gotta get some rest.

Now that you're leaving It's time that I confess The way we planned our love together Sometimes doing more is less From a whisper to a scream Now I know just what it means From a whisper to a scream I said I love you From a whisper to a scream Now I know just what it means

Yesterday you were only mine Today you're loving somebody new

What is it?

Jesse, what's wrong?

Jesus Christ, you scared the shit out of me, man.

Hey, what are you doing?

Hey, what the f*ck are you doing in my room?

Listen, I'm in trouble.

I need you to let me stay here tonight.

Are you out of your mind?

I don't know.

Oh, man.

Why don't you just go home and take a bottle of sleeping pills?

I k*lled Schneider.

You what?

Only it wasn't me, see?

There's something inside of me.

And last night it made me go to my sister's room.

And tonight with Lisa in the cabana it started to happen again.

I think you are seriously losing it, bro.

I'm scared, Grady.

Something is trying to get inside my body.

Yeah, she's female, she's waiting for you in the cabana.

And you wanna sleep with me.

Look, I don't care if you believe me or not.

Hey, I believe you.

You've had some scary dreams, okay?


I don't know.

I'm all messed up.

What difference does it make?

I'm in trouble. And I need you to help me.


All right, man. What do you want me to do?

Just watch me.

And if anything starts to happen...

...if I start to act weird, start dreaming weird...

...or try to walk out of here, you gotta stop me.

I don't care if you have to hit me over the head, just don't let me leave.

And, Grady...

...don't fall asleep.

Hot dog?

Come back in the water.

I'm busy, okay?

I don't know, Kerry. I feel like I should go see him.

But I can't just leave the party.

f*ck the party.

Go see him.


Leaving the land of the dead, and with Torch...

I want you to meet Louie...

And now I see the...

See, kid, you're a dog.

You sure handled that situation...

Throw me a line. That changes into a bottomless pit!

Sweet dreams, pal.

Grady. What?

It's starting to happen again.


Hey, man.

What the f*ck's wrong with you, dude?


Oh, my God.


Dad, open the door!



Dad! Dad!


Oh, my God!

Dad, open the door! Dad!



Ron, what is it?


Ron, open the door!

Ron, are you all right?

Ron, this is your father, open this door!

No! No!

No! Ron!

Ron, open it up! Ron!

Get help!


You son of a bitch!

You k*lled him!

You k*lled him!


Somebody in there? Open up.

It's locked. Break it down.

Take a rose Call it sorrow But it's a rose by any other name

Jesse, my God, what happened?

I k*lled him. I k*lled him.

Jesse, my God, you're hurt. What happened?

I... I k*lled Grady.

I k*lled Grady.

Lisa, I k*lled Schneider.

Oh, no, my God.

I'm so scared.

Jesse, what are you talking about?

He's inside me.

I'm scared. Jesse, who is doing this to you?

Fred Krueger.

He's inside me, and he wants to take me again.

No. No.


Jesse, this is not happening.

It's got to be everything you've taken in. Uh, Schneider, the diary, the glove.

Only it's all mixed up...

Christ, what do I have to do to make you understand me?

Last night he made me try to k*ll my sister.

I've got blood on my hands.

He owns me.

Hey, could somebody turn down the heat in the pool?

What's going on?


Hey, Rocky. Our hero.


Come on, I just want you to listen to this.

It's something Nancy said in the last page of her diary.


"He is evil itself.

I know now that I brought him into my world.

We all did.

Gave him all the energy he needed.

Our screams were all he needed."


Jesse, she wasn't crazy. All this really happened.

You can fight him.

Oh, God, he's coming back.

Get out of here, Lisa. Jesse, fight him.

I can't.

Fight it, Jesse.

You created him, you can destroy him.

Lisa, open this door.

He is living off of your fear.

Jesse, fight him. I can't!

Yes, you can.

Fight him.

You are not afraid of him.

He doesn't even exist. No!

Oh, my God.


He can't fight me. I'm here.

No, no!





Oh, my God!




It's gotten a little hot. What's going on in there?

My God!

Jesse, help.

There is no Jesse.

I'm Jesse now.

Get away from me!

Get away from me!

k*ll me, Lisa.

Please, k*ll me.

Come on, Lisa, k*ll him.

k*ll him.

I love you, Lisa.


Oh, God.

Help, please.



I love you, Lisa.

Jesse, help.

Hey, is everybody okay?

Search me.

What's going on?

Wait a minute! Wait!

Ah! It's hot.

Lisa. Lisa.

Lisa. Oh, my God, are you all right?


Get her out of here!

Get out of here! All right.


Just calm down, all right?


Yeah. It's gonna be all right.

Nobody's gonna hurt you.

Just tell us what you want, all right?

Okay, I'm here to help you.

Help yourself, fucker.

You are all my children now.

Oh, shit.

No! Don't.

What the hell are you doing?

Where did he go?

Come to me, Lisa.

Jesse, I know you're in there.

Stop him. No, no, no, Jesse's dead.



I love you, Jesse.


Come back to me, Lisa.

I am not afraid of you.

He's in there and I want him back.

I'm gonna take him away from you.

And you are gonna go straight back to hell, you son of a bitch!

No, Jesse's dead.

Come back to me, Jesse.

I love you.

Come back to me.

He's dead.

He can't hold you, Jesse.

He's losing his grip.

You can get out.

He'll die with me.

He'll die with both of us.

Lisa! Lisa!


It's great to have you home again, Jess.

I can't believe I'm going back. I'm glad.

Good. I'm glad.

Have a good day, huh? Okay.

Thanks, Mom.




Hi, Jesse.

What is so funny?

That was a really great party.

Thanks, Lise. Thanks a lot.

I can't believe it's actually all over.

Let's not talk about it. Okay.

Ooh. Ha, ha. Is this...?

Am I going crazy or is this bus going too fast?

It's going fine.

No problem.


This bus is going too fast.

Lisa, it's starting to speed up. It's fine.

It's fine.


Driver, stop. Jesse, just sit down.

I'm sorry.

It's okay. It's all right.

Jesse, it's okay.