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Resident Evil: Afterlife (2010)

Posted: 10/03/20 12:22
by bunniefuu
My name is Alice.

I worked for the Umbrella Corporation, in a secret laboratory developing eperimental bio weponary There was an incident, a virus escaped.

Everybody died. trouble was...

There didn't stay dead.

This was the start of an apocalypse that whould sweep the entire world The men responsible for this disaster took refuge underground And continued to experiment with the deadly T-Virus.

They felt secure in their high tech fortress.

But they were wrong.

Bio hazard. (Speaking Japanese...)

Mr General?

Report. Sir.

A half hour ago we began lose contact with parameter sentries.

How many have we lost?

All of them. And you waited 30 minutes to tell me?

We thought it was a communications problem. I didn't want to disturb you.

Give me the surface gate. Hai!

This is General Wesker. Sir.

Report your situation. Everything is quiet here.

No sign of intruders?

Hotaka...we have movement! Multiples targets

Surface gate, Identify targets. repeat...identify targets.

Sir, elevator 2 is moving. I want security at that main entrance now!

Hey, boys...

Is that any way to treat a lady?

Tell security to flood the main entrance with Nano-Gas.


Our men are still out there!

Any more questions?

Intruders in sectors 1 thru 5 7 and 8.

Reports of g*n fire in sectors 10 and 11.

Stay at your stations!

All security protocols are now in full effect.

Lock down all elevators Seal all internal blast doors And I want damage reports.

Intruder Alert

Purge Facility. Authorization.

Countdown Started.

Run. Move! Go! Go! Go! Out! Everybody move out!

(Computer Voice) Turbulence. Turbulence. Turbulence.

(Computer Voice) Turbulence. Turbulence.

(Computer Voice) Turbulence. Turb...

Any last words?

How nice to finally meet the real you.

Hurts...doesn't it?

Well, it's just the start of the bad news.

All those powers of your's...

Speed ...Strength...

Accelerated healing... Well, you can kiss all those goodbye.

What have you done? The Serum I've injected you with is neutralizing the T-cells with in your body.

Put simply...The Umbrella Corporation is taking back it's property.

You just didn't work out.

So, you are being withdrawn

I am what you used to be... Only better.

Please wait.

Last words?

Thank you. For k*lling you?

For making me human again.

(Computer Voice) Pull up...Terrian...Terrian... Pull up...Terrian...Terrian...

This is Arcadia, broadcasting on the emergency frequency.

There is no infection. We offer safety and and shelter.

This is Arcadia, broadcasting on the emergency frequency.

There is no infection...

Well I took revenge on Umbrella, The last handful of survivors took a chopper to safety.

They were Headed for a town in Alaska called Arcadia.

We had received radio transmissions from there They offered food and shelter, safety and security ...

A Haven.

Free of infection.

May 3, 16:00 hours

177 days without signs of life.

I'm at, uh...

58.37 degrees North, 134.58 degrees West.

Closing on coordinates for Arcadia But no signs appear on any map.

I hope Claire & the others made it.

You're not coming?

Take care of the others.

Good luck, K-Mart.


May 3

19:30 hours Arcadia.

If such a place exists.

Just an empty field...

And a beach.

We all heard the transmissions.

Someone must've sent them.

Someone must have...

Why aren't all these people here?

Or why...

Where they go?

Day 177 signing off.

I don't know if I can do this much longer.

I am the last one...or is there no one else?

Anyone who watches this tape...

Is this my punishment?

To know that all this happened?

Hey! Wait!

Wait! Please! Stop!



Answer me!

Hey. Hey!

It's okay.

Sorry about that.

But I had to get this thing off for you. What is this?

Who did this to you?

Do you know who I am?

My name is Alice.

We met in the Nevada desert 18 months ago.

Any of this sound familiar?

Mikey, Carlos, L.J. ...


You left in a helicopter with a group of survivors headed for Alaska.

Arcadia, remember?

Arcadia, remember?

Arcadia, remember?

May 4...08:00 hours Plotted a course to Prince Rupert and British Columbia.

I'll pass Vancouver, Drop down in Seattle After that its San Francisco...

And the rest of the West Coast.

My passengers is still talkative as ever.

Whatever that thing was it was injecting her with some sort of drug.

Something that causes memory loss.

I just hope the effects aren't permanent.

Your name...?

Is Alice right...?

You shouldn't speak.

Look, I'm sorry about back there.

I don't...I don't know what happened.

I don't remember anything.

I don't even know my name.

It's Claire.

Claire Redfield.


Sound familiar?

Not really.

You'll get used to it.

Perhaps you can cut me loose now.

We should get know each other a little better first.

City of Angels ...

May 6th at 18:00 hours Los Angeles.

No signs of life.

Not even the undead.

Someone must have cleaned up the city.

But what about the rest?

Oh! My God.


Look over there.


It's a plane. It's a plane!

I knew it!

Help Us. I told you they will come. Hey! We're down here! Hello!

No way we're gettin' in there.

Where is going? Why is it flying away?

It's not flying away. circling... "circling"

Damn, he's low.

What the hell is he doin'?

he's gonna land. he's gonna land!

Get over there...out of the away! Quick! Go!


That is one crazy son of a bitch.

It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance.

Then cut me loose.

Thanks. Just don't try anything crazy, alright?

Nothing as crazy as what you have in mind.

Come on! Keep moving! I'm trying.

All right, hold on.

Hey, help me!

Come on.


Hold him! Grab it!

-That's it -Good job.

Nice landing. I think technically is called crashing.

Luther West. Alice.

And this is Claire.

Luther West.

It is a pleasure to meet you.

Hi! My name is Crystal. No, no, no!

Enough with the introductions. So you're here to help, right? can you get us out? are you from Arcadia?

What did you say? are you from Arcadia?

What do you know about Arcadia? They said that they can help us!

There are other survivors, civilization and safety.

Infection free.

So they sent you, right?

No. But there are others out there?

Like you? It's just us.

There'll be no rescue? I'm sorry...Oh...

Sorry. Don't even think about it...they had their hopes up Thery thought you could take them to the promise lands.

Angel Ortiz.

That was some fine flying!


What's the prognosis?

She'll live. Yeah.

You know...I have the strangest feeling...

I know you.

Yeah...I get that lot.

You a sports fan, huh?

You like basketball?

Not really. No? Oh.

Then maybe just a fan of... A fine timepiece.

Yeah. Luther here is our resident superstar.

So, tell me about Arcadia?

What exactly do you know?

Just what we heard from their transmissions.

We've been recieving that broadcast for a week.

Food and shelter, safety and security ...

No infection. We thought they sent you.

We launched flares for days to get their attention.


Who gonna see flares from Alaska?

Alaska? Alaska?

Arcadia...I've been there.

It's in Alaska.

It's a town or so we thought. A town?

I don't think so.

Take a look.

At what?

You see?

It's not a town.

It's a ship.

I recorded this from the short-wave.

This is Arcadia...broadcasting on the emergency frequency.

There is no infection. We offer safety and security, food and shelter.

It's..It's the same message we've heard.

They must have been sailing up and down the coast picking up survivors.

This is Arcadia...broadcasting on the emergency frequency.

What is that?

I don't know.

That was the we heard from them.

Then it just stopped.

That was two days ago.

We've been sending up flares on the hour.

And when you have arrived, of couse, we thought they had sent you.


That ship over there...

That's Arcadia.

I know.

You remember? I remember the beach.

People were coming to help us.

What happened? Why didn't you go with others?

I don't know. I can't remember.

We have to get to that ship.

We have to get to that ship.

Welcome to your new home.

Cell Block B

Crystal's our cook. The menus are not extensive, but she's master what she does.

Sorry I didn't bring better news.

Get used to disappointment, right? That my agent used to say.

Were you an actress?

Came to Hollywood to live the dream and ended up waiting tables.

Why are we waiting? Excuse me I'm hungry. Thank you.

Get out of here. Thank you.

I had plenty of creeps right here in my time.

What's his story?

Back in the world, he was kind of a big movie producer.

The boy's got stick to his ass!

Kim Young used to intern for him But he still hasn't figured out the world has changed.

That plane of yours...

You think it can still fly?

It can fly...but it only takes two.

So you could take us to Arcadia one at a time.

Look, I think she was lucky to land here once.

Five or six times would be su1c1de.

No offense. None taken.

There has to be another way out.

We have to get to that ship.

Well... There is the... (Clears throat)

What? Nothing.

Look, it would be a waste of your time.

I have time to waste.

When shit hit the fan, We took refuge in the prison.

Seemed like the biggest, strongest walls...

Best chance of keeping those thing out.

By the time we got here, the guards and inmates were already long gone.

I guess...

When peoples starting eating one other ...

Wasn't much fun keeping anyone locked up.

We thought the place was abandoned.

Until we made a discoverey.


It's time to take a break.

It's about god damn time.

I hate being down here. I hear the walls.

Well, let's check it out.

We'll be back in a minute.

Come on.

Name's Chris.

You're the one flying that plane.

How do you know that?

Wendell isn't only one who hears things.

I am glad you made it.

Maybe you can talk some sense into these people's.

What do you mean?

Isn't it obvious?

I'm not a prisoner.

I shouldn't be in here.

I was working with military unit.

We were using this place as a staging post.

Things were already pretty bad when the order came through from the Governor to release all immates.

You see, we need as many people on the streets as possible to fight those things.

And it was chaos.

We were pulling out and a g*ng of prisoners jumped me.

Guess they thought I was guard.

When I woke up, my unit was gone ...

And I was in here.

Their idea of joke.

You don't believe me?

If the others ...

You need to get me out of here.

We're all trapped here one way or another.

That's true but I can help you.

-Seen enough? -You find anything?


I know way out of this place.

You get me out of here I'll do the same for you You'll gonna need me!

Have you checked out what its taking about? His way out?

He's not telling us shit until we let him out. And I'm not letting him out.

The man is a k*ller.

Really? I can see it in his eyes.

How can you be so sure? I know people.

Interesting. Tell me...

What you seen when you look in my eyes?

Whoa!Holy Shit.

Girl's gotta be prepared.

What could you possibly want with those?

It's a hobby.

A hobby?

All right.

Well, I'll see you in the morning.

No sign of anyone on deck.

Your friends are out there.

I think so.

You don't remember?

It's coming back.


Nothing makes any sense.

We still have running water. Very civilized We do our best.

It's cold. Our best only goes so far.

These are for you. Thank you.

I guess I should leave you to it?

I guess you should.

I'll be right outside. Thank you.



Easy, baby. Move it!

Hey, I'll just be on my way now.

Take it easy, take it easy, take it easy. I didn't see you.

What is that smell?

Must've burrowed up from the sewers...

Wendell said he heard things moving behind the walls. can just burst out anywhere?

We gotta get out of this place. Arcadia will send help.

No one's coming to get us.

Okay? No one. We have to help ourselves.

Now this plane that you have? It can't hold all of us.

We draw straws... No!

We all get out of here And no one is left behind Great.

How are we gunna do that?

Walk out of here...just single file?

Are you crazy?

They didn't want him getting out. That's right. He's dangerous.

Angel...what do you think?

I think we don't have much of a choice.

This is insane. Crystal, Crystal, Crystal? Look at me. What do you think?

I mean, not even you're that dumb I guess I am. I agree with Angel.

If this guy knows a way out I want to hear it.

All right.


This...this is a mistake.

This is a big mistake. You'd better keep your eyes on him.

I was wondering how long it would take.

Boo!Ahh! Alright, let's get the hell out of here.

Claire? What?

Claire, it's me.

It's Chris.

I don't know you. Claire?

I'm your brother, remember?

What the hell has happened to you?

Hey. It's okay. Let him go.

Look, she suffered some sort of memory loss.

If you really are her brother... It will come back.

Alright, this is very touching... I mean, a family reunion...

But if we could just get a move on please? Before we are all eaten the f*ck alive!

Behind those doors is a UPV: Urban Pacification Vehicle.

Prison kept it in case of a serious riot.

16 wheeler, steel plated, water cannon, seats 20 Ten tons of fun.

Roll on out style, drive right over 'em.

The lock's jammed.

Maybe we could cut through it. When we hit the coast We're going to have to trasfer to a boat or something.

We gonna need some more fire power. I got you covered.

When I was stationed here We used a room in the basement as an armory.

It's got every w*apon you can dream of.

How do you know you're unit didn't take them with 'em when they pulled out? the end... There were lot more g*ns than people to use them.

You go get the g*ns! Luther!

Oh! My god!

What is this?

They had pumps to keep the water out of the foundations.

When electricity failed, some of the lower levels start filling up.

There are another two floors down there How far down is the armory?

All the way.

Luther, come on!

Get back! Get back!

Where do you think you're going? I was swimming champ back in high school.

Is that right? Here.

So now you're gunna trust me with a g*n?

Yeah. Why not?

Luther, just sh**t That m*therf*cker.

What the f*ck is that thing?

All right. Let's go.

Let's go!



There must be hundreds of them out there.

We can't go back that way.

Oh shit! What? What do you mean, "Oh shit!"?

What? What is this?

What do you think it is? Oh! Don't tell me that thing fits inside of there.

Can you put this back together?

Maybe, but it could take a week.

What do we do now?

I know.

Bennett...What have you done?

Luther, we gotta get out of here!

Come on!

Do you hear that?

Come on, baby. Come on! What are we doing?

We getting outta here! But the others...

f*ck the others! Now get on board.

Bennett! What are you doing?

Hey! Kim Yong! Don't do this.

Open this door!

Please! Please!



Thats right, bitch! f*ck you!

Yes! Yes!

f*ckin' bitch... I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

He's heading for the Arcadia.


Come on!

Hit the cell block!

Move! I'll meet you there!

This thing has no power!

We won't need power!

Oh shit!

Hey, head for the shower block. Go!

Over Here!

You alright? I'm fine. Thanks.

This is a joke, right?

No. Tunnels leads to the sewers, sewers lead to the storm drains...

Storm drains leads to sea.

It's our only chance.

I'll take point. I got your back.


Alright, you next.

I can't do it. You can.

Let's go!

Shhh...Those things are close.

We found a way out Just out there The tunnel drop into a storm drain. Go.

Where's Kim Yong?

Go. Go!

Knew you'd make it.




We can't help him now.

We have to move on.

No welcome party, huh?

Looks like Bennett made it.

Let's check inside.

Find anyone? Nothing.

I checked the crew quarters... They're all gone.

Looks like they left in hurry.

This is Arcadia, broadcasting on the emergency frequency.

There is no infection. We offer safety and security, food and shelter.

Fuel...power...Everything's Running normally.

Look at this. It's the ships log.

Crew launched the life boats three days ago.

Exactly when the transmission stopped.

But it says ther's still 2,000 survivors on board.

We have to search every inch of the ship.

Umbrella...of course.

Never where coming for us.

This whole thing...

The beacon...

Was a lie.

And that's not the worst part.

It's a trap!

Where is everybody?

I don't understand.

I think I do.

They're underneath our feet.

They're holding survivors to experiment on them.


It's K-Mart...she's here.

Bring them up. All of them.

Here she is...K-mart Get her out.


K-Mart. It's okay. It's okay.

K-Mart, ok, it's all right.

I'll get that thing off her.

Go let everyone else out.

We your friends. and right now, I need your help.

Let me get this off of you.

Why am I not surprised?

You weren't too hard to find Our satellite system is still operational.

And not as many people fly these days.

Besides, I always knew You'd be drawn to your friends.


Highly overrated.



Wouldn't want you Harming my pets

Drop your g*ns.

Good...kick them to me.

Your hands.

You don't look so good, Bennett.

Yeah, I am looking forward to Playing with your pretty face.

What do you want from me?

The T-virus brought me back.

But it's so strong.

It fights for full control.

And I thought that if I ingested fresh human DNA I could redress the balance.

No wonder your crew abandoned ship.

No matter. Now I have a new subordinate.

And a new plan.

You were the only one who successfully bonded with the T-virus.

Your DNA is stronger than the others.

I ingest you... I gain control.

That's pretty smart thinking.

There is only one problem with that plan.

Stop. Right, right there.

And what is that?

I'm not on the menu.

Well, isn't this one big family reunion?

Chris & Claire've really become quite inconvenience for me.

I told you I'd be bringing a few friends.

You should've brought more.



Don't...even think about it.

Who the f*ck are you?

I don't think so.

No! Don't do that! I'm a producer!

Open those doors!

You're deal with some serious consequences You m*therf*ckers.

Open the...

You're gonna live to regret this. All of ya!

Oh god.

I just wanna go home.

Hey. It's gonna be okay.


Where is Alice!

Come on!


I really didn't want you to miss that.

Let's Rock!

Start somethin' b*tches.

It's a miracle.

I never dreamed that was this many of them left alive.

So what next?

This is Arcadia, broadcasting on the emergency frequency.

I say...that we live up to the promise.

This is Arcadia, broadcasting on the emergency frequency.

Location: 118.30 degrees West.

34.05 degrees North.

There is no infection. Repeat, there is no infection. We offer safety, security, food and shelter.

If you are out there We will help you There is hope.

What is that? Trouble.

Deployment T-minus 57 seconds, when you hit the deck, you watch your formation.

Take no prisoners, sh**t to k*ll .

Total enemy numbers are unknown, but will include Umbrella fugitives and prime targets Claire Redfield, Chris Redfield, and project Alice.

So Keep Up Whatevers waiting for you out there just know one thing, you are gonna be in the fight of our lives