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08x21 - Battle Scars

Posted: 10/20/20 16:26
by Phnxgirl
You look and sound worse than when we pulled you out of Laos.

Dark days.

There's still time to figure this out,

but it's finally just a lifetime of bad decisions.

My time in the Triangle... Agent Orange.

I'm so sorry.

HETTY: Where is Owen Granger? This is for you.

HETTY'S VOICE: “Don't blame the doctors or the nurses,

“but I've had enough of hospitals for one life,

“and I have some unfinished business to take care of.

Be safe... OG...”

NELL: Admiral Albert Jethro Chegwidden.

Former Navy SEAL, commander of JAG.

Henrietta called, said she was in trouble,

so here I am-- once more into the breach.

♪ NCIS: LA 8x21 ♪ Battle Scars
Original Air Date on April 23, 2017

RADIO WEATHERMAN: Southern California weather, we have low clouds

and dense fog overnight into our mid-morning hours.

Visibility, in some cases, is...

MAN: Good morning. You have yourself a beautiful day.

Good morning to you.

Oh, you...

Thank you, God bless you. You're a angel.

You know, I need this more than you would ever...

All right, then.

Hello, there.

How are you today?

Mm-hmm. All right.


Mr. Mercedes. Mmm!

Roll your window down a sec.

Come on.

It's another fine day in La La Land.

You should roll your window down.

Take it in. Savor it.

What the...

Whoa, hey, hey. Stay out of my car, man.

I said stay out of my car!

You run, I sh**t you.

I got money. I will give you money.

But first, you need to put the g*n away

and get the hell out of my car.

Put your seat belt on. Okay, fine.

How's 20? Is 20 good?

That's 53.

I don't carry cash on me.

I use credit cards.

Look, it's 53 bucks.

It's all I have, take it.

I said put your seat belt on.

(tires screeching)

♪ ♪

How long have you been in here, Beale?

Smells like it's been at least two hours.

It has not been two hours, it's...

...closer to three.

That thing's not gonna sh**t itself.


You want to talk?

Talk? No. I'm-I'm-I'm fine.

Actually, I'm good.

You know, uh...

Nell has switched back to her 2014 shampoo.

You know, the coconut/mango one,

so I'm-I'm-I'm- I'm good.

All right, all right. I'll see you in there.

Okay. Sam?

I have not fired my g*n since I went undercover

at the couples retreat.

Since you blew up the SUV.

With a person inside of it.

First time.

Taking a man's life is a horrible thing,

but it was necessary in this case.

Uh, I-I know that,

but I wish that I could forget it ever happened.

The opposite.

You have to acknowledge what you did,

process it for what it is--

a job that had to be done.

It's not for everyone, and that's okay.

That's why whose who can handle it

protect those who can't.

Do you ever struggle with it?

At first I did, but, you know,

the path became clear.

Must be nice. Listen, Beale,

only you can decide which side you're on.

Either one is okay, but you can't be both.

(knock on door)

Duty calls. It always does.

CALLEN: What do we got?

Not much.

No surveillance video, no solid eyewitnesses,

but VA Administrator Robert Bryant

was apparently kidnapped on his way to work this morning

in his own car by a homeless man.

There was a kidnapping in broad daylight,

and no one can ID this guy? DEEKS: I buy it.

People treat the homeless like they're invisible.

A few witnesses say it may have been an older black man,

but that is all we have.

The secretary of the VA would like

NCIS's assistance on this case.

So they're hoping it was an everyday carjacking,

and not a disgruntled vet, correct?

Ding, ding, ding. I'm guessing we're not

the only agency working on this. NELL: We're not.

And the secretary would, and I quote,

“be obliged if we could find out who did this

before anyone else does.” All right.

Why don't you two head down to the VA and talk

to his coworkers?

See if he had any troubles before this.

Sam, what do you think, Bryant's house?


No, we could go to Bryant's house.

Where's that, in Hancock Park?

Is it a Lloyd Wright? Maybe it's a Wallace Neff.

Kensi here is a Neff-head.

Or we can just ignore you and head to the VA.

Yeah, we could do that, too, I guess.

(indistinct radio chatter)

SAM: I don't want to hear it. CALLEN: Wasn't even thinking it.

SAM: The algorithm is pre-conceptually false.

You can't calculate traffic patterns in a vacuum

without accounting for human error.

Ah, the mighty Sam Hanna is human.

I didn't err, G.

Took a principled stance not to use Waze.

I know, that's why we're late.

NCIS Agent Callen.

This is my partner, Agent Sam Hanna.

Ah, NCIS in the flesh. Mmm.

I just found out you guys existed.

(chuckles) And you are?

Not allowed to let you inside, but also

extremely, incredibly sorry about it.

Well, Agent Morris, inside of Bryant's house is

a critical part of our investigation

into his kidnapping.

Which is why you'll have full access

the millisecond we close ours.

You know, we could work together. That would be amaze-balls.

What do you guys have?

Nothing. Which is why we need to go inside.

You owe us one.

Rude. I literally just met you and you.

I don't owe squat.

The FBI collectively owes us for sh**ting our friend,

Undersecretary of Defense Duggan.

Well, I'm still not letting you inside.

Then why don't you tell us

what you know? To be honest,

not much more than you do.

There's been no ransom call,

and Bryant has no obvious enemies.

If you ignore the nine million vets

trying to get help at the VA.

The guy does seem to be living the good life.

Dude owns, like, 12 Brionis.

How do you think the vets would feel

if they found out the guy telling them no

was walking around in $7,000 suits?


How do you know what that is?

Well, I'm committed to finding a value-mate,

and I do my research.

You sure you're okay?

Yeah, yeah.

Is this because I didn't butter your muffin this morning?

(chuckles) No.

Is this because I made you listen

to the Oprah story podcast in the car again?

Look, you and I both know I love Oprah,

and I love Phil Donahue,

so I'm very conflicted about that whole thing.

Okay. So this is you just being normal?

Yeah, normal.

So you have my ID, my paperwork.

Everything you could possibly need from me.

That's right. But I still can't see a doctor

about the arthritis that's keeping me up at night?

That's correct.

Until I get an initial assessment?


And the next available appointment you have for one

is eight weeks from now?

Uh, 53 days, to be exact.

MAN: Shame!

That is unacceptable,

inexcusable and indefensible.

Look at her.

She sacrificed for this country.

Your job is to thank her for it.

I know, and... I'm sorry, ma'am, is he with you?


But he took the words right out of my mouth.

Okay, sir, I'm sorry,

but please, if you could just take your place...

No, ma'am, I'm sorry, 'cause I cannot do that.

I want this woman seen by a doctor today.

In fact, I want every single fine veteran waiting here

seen by a doctor today.

Now, that should cover it. You make it happen.

KENSI: Excuse us, federal agents. No, no, no, don't touch it.

No-nobody touch it. Can you help me with this?

Stand back. All right. Federal agents.

Stand back. What the...

Okay, that can't be good.

That's him.

Hey, Eric, I'm sending you a surveillance photo.

See if you can ID this guy.

ERIC (over phone): Why, you think he has something to do with the case?

Well, it's not every day

that a VA administrator gets kidnapped.

Also, it's not every day a veteran drops 50 K

like it's nothing.

And when those two days are the same day...

I'll let you know what I find.

DEEKS: Thanks. Eric.

I'm not a monster.

I don't like turning veterans away.

I'm a veteran myself, but, you know,

just like in the service, you follow directives.

Even when you think the ones giving them are fools.

Yeah, I understand that.

What else can you tell us about your boss, Bryant?

Did you find him yet?


Let's just say that part of me hopes you don't.

Bryant didn't come here to fix things.

If anything, he's benefitting from all this endless red tape.

How so?

Okay, we've been tasked with increasing patient intake

while also reducing wait times.

All the records say that we're meeting our goals,

but I'm here to tell you we're not even close.

So you think he's cooking the books?

Yeah. And making a nice bonus for himself,

for a job well done.

The, uh, the guy that made the scene,

has he been in here before?

Uh, no. I-I don't think so.

All right. We have to speak to a few more administrators,

but if you think of anything, please don't hesitate to call.


Hey, I remember you.

You were injured.

You were in here. (laughs softly)

I'm glad to see you're better.


You know, that's all we want here.

To make people better.

Just wouldn't think it would be so hard.

Thank you.

So, our VA Robin Hood is named Charles Langston

and he roughly matches the description

of Bryant's kidnapper.

I was hoping this wasn't the work of a vet.

And a highly decorated one at that.

Langston was a naval commander,

he served three tours in Vietnam.

Discharged in '89, and then worked

in package delivery for 20 years.

CALLEN: There's not a lot of money in that.

50 grand was probably stolen.

Hence my Robin Hood reference.

Uh-huh. SAM: Bryant's doing pretty well

for a civil servant; his co-workers think

he may have, uh, cooked the books to line his pockets.

So Langston kidnapped Bryant 'cause he's a corrupt official?

Forced Bryant to withdraw the dirty money,

and use it for its original, intended purpose.

I'll look into Bryant's bank accounts.

Hey. So we just got permission

to access Bryant's Mercedes' GPS.

It turns out, it's at the Veterans Cemetery in the Valley.

Kensi and Deeks are on their way now.

Eric, send me Langston's address.

Me and G'll go check it out.

Maybe he'll talk to another Navy man.

Or a merry man.

You do bear a striking resemblance to Little John.

Oh, thank you, Friar Tuck.

Excuse me, Maid Marian.

May I? Yes, of course.


I wouldn't take it personally.

I mean, I always fancied you more of an,

I don't know, Alan-a-Dale, the wandering minstrel.

Because I play a mean lute.

Because you play a mean lute.

Thank you. Mm-hmm.


Coco mango.

(speed dialing)

MAN (on phone): Henrietta?

Yeah. We've got a situation here.

MAN: Wonderful.



DEEKS: There's got to be a reason to bring Bryant here,

besides the obvious.

KENSI: I don't think he'd bring him here to k*ll him,

I mean, it's a place where you honor and respect veterans.

Yeah, but remember our working theory is that Langston believes

that Bryant is doing just the opposite.

KENSI: I got fresh prints.

From Bel Air?

I'm gonna pretend you didn't just say that.

It's probably for the best.

It's going this direction.

All right, you lead the way.

KENSI: It was kind of weird being back

at the VA Hospital, huh?

DEEKS: Uh...

Yeah, I don't, I don't know.

I mean, are you... are you okay?

Yeah. As long as I'm not going in as a patient, I'm good.


Are you okay?

What do you mean?

Um, well...

You have a lot of memories from there, too.

Probably more than me. I was in that coma for weeks,

but... you were awake for all of it.

(exhales) Please, I'm good.

You know, my part was... my part was easy.

I just showed up, ate the Jell-O

and proposed to a girl in a coma.

Yeah, I'm serious.

You were there for me the entire time,

and I wasn't there for you.

I mean, I couldn't be.


The hell was that?

Came from there.




I can't... Help...

(panting): Help... Help...

(shouting) That probably hurts.



Langston's doing a little renovation?

(chuckles) He needs a new contractor.


That came from out back.

There's a shed back there.

SAM (over comms): Okay, we're gonna go on my three.



three. Drop it, junior.


Who's this?

Admiral Bridges. Retired, like me.


lower your w*apon, they're friendlies.

He doesn't look too friendly.

Both of you, lower your damn weapons.

You want to tell us what the hell's going on here?

Ah, Miss Jones.

I come bearing the gift of good news.

Kensi and Deeks found Bryant.

Paramedics are en route,

but he seems relatively unscathed.

And do we know

if Langston did indeed kidnap him?

Not yet.

And what about Langston?

Have Mr. Callen and Mr. Hanna

been able to locate him?

They have not, unfortunately.


But they did find two other familiar faces.

Oh, bugger.

You two were on a walk.

Well, I wouldn't call it a “walk.”

“Walk” implies exercise, cardio.

It was more of a stroll.

We like the neighborhood.

The folks that live around here don't even

like this neighborhood.

And it's a total coincidence that this stroll...

SAM: 3,000 miles away

from where you actually live.

Went right past the home of a man

being investigated by NCIS.

So, we good?

SAM: Well, we didn't even get to the part

where you drew firearms on us.

Oh, they were permitted.

A.J., I think these jokers

forget that the last time you saw them,

you saved their hides.

This is the one whose ex-girlfriend

tried to k*ll Henrietta.

Oh, yeah.

I see what you mean.

CHEGWIDDEN: So what brings you gentlemen

to this neck of the woods?

You mentioned a case. You pull anything good?

We'll ask the questions.

By all means.

Just don't count on us answering any of them.

Ow. Just leave it.

Is this the gentleman who kidnapped you?

Yeah, that's him.

And no, I don't know why

he came after me.

You ever seen him before? Maybe at the VA?

You mean he really is a vet?

(laughs) I always assume

that homeless people are lying on their little cardboard signs.

You know, “homeless vet,” “single mom”"

“rare and incurable blood disease.”

So you never came across him in your capacity at the VA?

Maybe, maybe not.

Honestly, I can't keep track.

Guy's probably just another vet with psychological problems.

The city's swarming with them.

Trust me.

KENSI: Uh, just one more question.

Did he ask you for money,

or want you to make a withdrawal?

Nope. Didn't even ask for the cash I had on me,

which is what I was expecting.

These guys are always looking for handouts.

Well, Mr. Bryant, this has been, um...

What has this, what has this been, Kensi?


It has been eye-opening.

Anytime. Thank you.

Okay. Yeah, um, sir. Could you, um...

I think he needs his nose packed again,

but really, like, get-- really-- get it in there.

Okay? 'Cause it's...

Actually, am I allowed to leave now?

(exhales) Well, I, um... Oh.

You wish.

Oh, you think you got FOMO?

You don't even know FOMO.

Robert Bryant, you're under arrest.

Guys, take him away.

You want to tell me why? Man up.

We found those “lost” patient records

from the VA that you had stashed at your house.

KENSI: Ouch. (Deeks whistles)

Hi. And you are?

Special Agent Zoe Morris. New face of the FBI.

No, for reals.

They're putting me on the homepage

and all the recruiting pamphlets.

Cool, nice to... meet you.

CHEGWIDDEN: Calm down, Sterling.

I outrank you.

A-And I bet I can outrun you.

And I've got a heck of a lot more hair.

CHEGWIDDEN: Sterling, put away your w*apon.

He's young,

he didn't mean to insult you.

That's where you're wrong.




Sterling, Mr. Hanna, secure your damn weapons.

Hetty, you want to tell Abbott and Costello here to cooperate?

And would you kindly tell your lap dogs to leave us

the hell alone?

Go on.

Henrietta, tell them.


You knew these two would be here.

Mr. Hanna, these are strange times.

How could I possibly know

that we were all looking for the same man?

When the Vietnam w*r was over, officially,

some us stayed in Southeast Asia, unofficially.

When the military pulled out, they pulled out fast.

Left people behind.

Operatives with non-official covers.

Our mission was to rescue them.

HETTY: But our government made clear

that we were on our own.

We had to come up with all the money,

for equipment, fuel, bribes, ransom.

Whatever was needed to bring them home.

And Langston was a part of this, uh... motley crew?

CHEGWIDDEN: Oh, let's say the Stones.

He was our Mick Jagger.

Oh, please, he was Keith Richards.

I thought I was Keith Richards.

CHEGWIDDEN: So we finished our mission, we came home,

went our separate ways, and then, a few weeks ago,

Langston started acting strange.

We were concerned, especially when we found out he was sick.

With a presumptive disease.

Agent Orange?

HETTY: First it struck Granger.

Now Langston.

I'm sure the rest of us will soon follow.

Always a ray of sunshine.

DEEKS: So, what is, uh,

Langston's end game here?

He kidnaps Bryant, drops 50 K at the VA?

Oh, I think he's settling old scores.

Shaming the government.

Fighting for the disadvantaged.

Normal bucket list stuff.

Then why tear his house up?

You think we did that?

Well, if wasn't you, then who was it?

Add that to the list of things we'll ask him

as soon as we find him.

KENSI: I'm sorry,

can we just stop for a second here?

Did you say that Granger was involved in this?

He was one of the operatives we stayed to recover.

CALLEN: Hetty,

have you heard from him?

Not yet.

No one has.

CHEGWIDDEN: Come on, Henrietta,

if he's not already dead, we both know he will be soon.

ERIC: Guys, a man matching Langston's description

just shot up a pawnshop in Hollywood.

Impossible. Langston would never.

CALLEN: He's done a lot things today

he's never done.

Send us the address.

HETTY: Gentlemen, before you go,

if you remember nothing else

that we've told you,

let it be that Charles Langston is one of us.

SAM: How the hell did you guys beat us here?

Well, he probably used Waze.

Oh, I used it, all right.

To know where the sheep are headed.

Most ridiculous concept I've ever heard.

Don't say it.

(laughing): What?

You two have a lot in common.

They're with us. Got it.

Why don't you walk us through what happened?

The guy marches in here demanding money.

I tell him to get lost, he pulls out a g*n, sh**t the place.

Did he sh**t at you?

Well, not directly, but look at the place.

I literally didn't know where he was gonna sh**t next.

And I swear to you,

I only used my g*n to protect myself.

We, uh, saw the description

you gave LAPD, it's a tad vague.

Care to elaborate?

(sighs) Uh... black,

about 6'2”, at least 180 pounds,

uh, wore a... a tan, uh, jacket

with a bright blue backpack.

Could be anyone.

This him?

That's the guy, yes!

Has he been in here before?

Let me tell you something,

we have our share of crazies,

drug addicts,

conspiracy theorists,

but I have never seen this guy before in my life.

MAN: Yaniv,

I am so sorry.

I'm here.

You his lawyer?

Harry Zanetti. I...

Could I talk with my client for just a minute, please?

Sure thing, Harry.

SAM: Excuse me, Harry.

(sighs) This is not working.

This doesn't smell right.

Why, 'cause he just ID'd your friend? (phone vibrates)

You know, I have a suggestion.

Why don't you two head back to the boatshed,

take a step back from it all, just to process.

“Boatshed”? “Process”?

What kind of hippy-dippy...

Lame... disrespectful...

BS are you feeding us? Just a suggestion.

Eric just finished scrubbing the traffic cam video footage.

Turns out your friend Langston

has actually been here twice before today.

That son of a bitch inside is hiding something.

SAM: As you can see, Langston's been in your shop,

more than once.

ZANETTI: Where did you get this footage?

Do you have a warrant?

CALLEN: We don't need a warrant.

It's traffic cam footage.

Yaniv, we want to catch this guy,

make sure he doesn't try to hurt you or anyone else.

Yeah, and to do that, we need access to

your security cam footage, your records.

We got to find out what he was pawning.

What you need is a warrant.

Now, are you charging my client

with something?

Just because, of course, from where I'm standing,

he's the victim.

Is that why your client lied about never having met this man?

Agent Hanna, my client does not work at the store 24/7.

If this man actually entered the shop, it must've happened

at a time when my client was absent.

Simple as that.

Now, my client and I are going to

walk out this door, and I do not believe

you are going to stop us.

CHEGWIDDEN: Okay, thanks.


(door closes)

Yeah. Appreciate it.

Man, I didn't realize kid gloves came in your size.

You know what? We got a better case against you two

than we have against him.

And you keep playing vigilante, I'll put you in your place.

That'll be the day.

CHEGWIDDEN: Don't mind Sterling.

He just doesn't like retirement.

So, you guys could use some warrants?

Yeah. Hey, Eric? (digital beeps)

See if you can get some warrants to Yaniv's store

for his security footage...

His house, his car, his financial records.

Exactly. How long will that take?

I'm confused,

the warrants just came in.

You're all set.

Wait, you didn't put in the request?

Not even Hetty works that fast.

Don't look at me. He's the damn lawyer.

What can I say, people like me.

Hey, Admiral, what's up?

We're still on for Titanfall this weekend, right?

I got this amazing recipe for porcini...

You two stay here.

Don't touch anything, and don't talk to anyone.

Can we at least brew some coffee?


Knock yourself out.

I'm winning him over.

(both chuckle)

Callen, Sam, Kensi and Deeks are on their way

to the pawnshop with a search warrant.

SAM: What about Thelma and Louise?

Well, Admiral Chegwidden's car is on the move.

It's heading straight for you.

ERIC: Why are we tracking two retired admirals?

They just helped us with the warrants.

CALLEN: These guys have been running around behind our backs all day.

Now they want to help us? I don't buy it.

SAM: Hopefully they'll lead us right to Langston.

Well, here they come.

Why don't we just ask Hetty where they're going?

Have you seen Hetty?

No. Where is she?

NELL: Your guess is as good as mine.

Oh, no.

Look at that.

Oh, dear.

(bongos playing)

Hey, babe? Deeks.



I already sent the security footage to Ops.

Um, what did you find around here?

- I found this, - Oh.

that you can buy me for my birthday,

and I found something magical.

Ready for this?

So I know the boyfriends are not supposed to weigh in

on this sort of thing, but I saw it,

and I thought that you would look, you know,

absolutely beautiful wearing it, so...



That's really pretty, it's beautiful.

What just happened?

Did I just say something idiotic?

No. No, I'm fine.

What's going on?




Since I lost my dad, I was, um...

I was hoping to ask Granger to walk me down the aisle.


And he would've.

He would've loved that.

Um, if-if-if we're done here,

we should, we should probably go to Yaniv's house.

Are you done?

Yeah. Okay.

ERIC: Here's Langston coming in this morning,

g*ns a-blazing.

Huh. Seems to corroborate Yaniv's story.

Ah, but...

Let us travel back in time 24 hours, shall we?

There's Yaniv.

Maybe he forgot Langston's face?

Like those people sitting in traffic this morning?

That's what I thought,

but clearly Yaniv is taken with whatever Langston is pawning.


Well, whatever's in that bag has to be worth

at least the 50K Langston brought to the VA.

And obviously, something worth k*lling over.


Looks like they stopped around the next corner.

Make the turn, pull over.

That's their SUV.

They're just sitting there.

SAM: Maybe they got lost.

You remember the first time we met Granger?

How could I not?

You drew on him and knocked him to the ground.

Well, I thought he had kidnapped Hetty

and rigged the entire boatshed with expl*sives.

We all did.

Granger was a sly fox.


Remind you of anyone?

These guys couldn't hold a candle to Granger.

They don't have his skill, they don't have his cunning

and they don't have his dry sense of humor.

CALLEN: Hold on.

What the...?

You fellas lost?

(clears throat)

How the hell did you make us?

Simple. I got eyes, son. (laughs)

(tires screeching)

What was that you were saying about them not having any skill?

Maybe Granger taught them a few things.

Yeah. All right?

Then they learned from the best. (chuckles)

(doorbell rings)

Hi. I'm Marty Deeks, LAPD.

This is Special Agent Kensi Blye, NCIS.

We're here to talk to Yaniv.


Yaniv is not home.

That doesn't really matter because we have a search warrant

for this very...

very large house.

Wow, I'm just noticing now

how massive this house is. KENSI: Yeah, you know what?

We should, we should probably get some extra agents out here.

What do you think?

We're probably gonna need, like, 12,

which is too bad 'cause we had dinner plans tonight.

Just... wait here.

Yeah, I, um, think we'll wait inside. Thanks.


I will be right back.

So, dinner? What do you want to do?

You want to cook or what?

I mean, I could cook, but I'm just spitballing here,

maybe-maybe you could cook?

(laughs) I don't cook. You know that.

Sure you do. You made cookies for Christmas.

I thought that would be like a catalyst

for a whole new culinary Kensi. Right.

First of all, that's not cooking, that's baking,

and second of all, what, you want cookies for dinner?

Sure, I love cookies for dinner.

Okay, fine, I'll make cookies for dinner.

- Great, we're having cookies for dinner. - Mm-hmm.


This is taking too long.


We're coming in. We got that search warrant

to your very, very, large house.

Evidently paid for with pawnshop money.

Oh, there you are.

Did Yaniv get lost?

I understand it's a really big house.



g*ns, plural! (g*nshots)

You happy?

You finally got me in the kitchen.

Uh... (grunts)


We're on the scene.

What's Kensi and Deeks' location?

ERIC: They're pinned down in the kitchen.

Almost out, you? Same.

Pretty soon I'm gonna be throwing pots and pans.

G, G.

You got to be kidding me.

(g*nshots continue)

Looks like you need some help.

Turn around and drive out of here now.

sh**t's on the balcony.

If you still want us to leave, I'm gonna need your keys.

That's definitely not happening.

CALLEN: You want to help us?

Give us some cover.

You got it.


Drop your w*apon!

Kens, Deeks, you okay?

KENSI: Yeah, I'm out.

Here you go.


One, two, three.




What the hell is happening out there?

You said there were two of them!

There are more now.

We need to leave.


You're gonna slow us down.

(g*nsh*t) (groans)

We got what we need. k*ll him.

Federal agents.


Langston, Langston.

How did he open that door?

LANGSTON: I don't know.

I didn't see.

SAM: You okay, buddy?

Hang in there, all right?

SAM: Deeks, get Langston out of here.

KENSI: I'm on it. I got it, I got it.

SAM: All right. Okay.

KENSI: All right. You're okay.

DEEKS: You got him? KENSI: I got him, I got him.

You good? I'm gonna secure the house.

KENSI: Yeah, go, go, go.

Let's get you out of here.

Eric, Yaniv escaped on a road south of his property.

Find him.

BRIDGES: Well, if the b*ll*ts didn't get him, the fall sure did.

(groans softly)

Charles, you look like hell.

A.J. Sterling.

They got my key.

What key?

You two hard of hearing? What key?


We're gonna need a ride.

Come on, you get shotgun.

It's over here.


You keep yours on a keychain?

It's a key.

Unbelievable. All yours, A.J.

You guys want to see something cool?



I want all of it.

This is impressive.

BRIDGES: Thought you might appreciate it.

Oh, no, no.

Oh, damn it.

Well, that's unfortunate.

What's the problem?

Might as well.

Remember how I said

we had to raise all the money

for our mission in Southeast Asia?

Kind of inspired a bit of creativity on our part.

We got creative as hell.

We managed to rescue Granger and all the other operatives

without spending one damn dime of that ransom money, but...

that left us with another problem.

Yeah. What to do with all that money.

BRIDGES: It's almost 40 years later

and we're still trying to figure that out.

The idea was to use it for good,

but that's easier said than done.

Okay, so what's so hard about that? Just donate the money.

(footsteps) HETTY: It wasn't money, Mr. Hanna.

It was gold.

$1 million worth

when we came home in 1978.

Today, those gold bars are worth a cool $40 million.


LANGSTON: Minus the one I sold

to Yaniv.

Mm, and I'm assuming he has it all now.

Once we were stateside, I was in charge of it.

Kept it here in this electronic safe.

SAM: Okay, so...

how did Yaniv know where it was?

His g*ons didn't beat it out of you, right?

Of course not.

HETTY: They didn't have to.

Did they?

I found that at your house, Charles.

There was a little cubby behind it, empty.

I kept a journal in there.

It had this container's location.

And the code to the safe.

Damn it, Charles.

You know better than to write things down.

Man, I don't know what I know anymore.

I had to write it down.

I keep losing things,

names, faces.

Is it my condition, my age?

I sold that gold bar because I just wanted to do some good

in the time I have left.

Let's go get that gold.