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09x09 - Fool Me Twice

Posted: 10/20/20 16:48
by Phnxgirl
All things considered, darling,

you've been treated pretty well.

I think you'll grant me that.

So why push your luck?

Just tell me what I want to hear.

You've already figured out what the alternative is.

I... I just...

What's that, darling?

No, I-I didn't, I didn't catch it.

Now, come on, girl.

Speak up.

Hey, hey!


Chain her to the floor!

On your knees. Hands behind your head.

I need your help, Callen.

♪ NCIS: LA 9x09 ♪ Fool Me Twice
Original Air Date on November 26, 2017

Yeah, 243 Lawson Avenue, in Hancock Park.

Just stay on 'em until I contact you.

Oh, and can you have Eric do a background check on the husband?

Got it. Callen, be careful.

I know, I will. Thanks, Kens.

Of course.

The shirt's yours. I'm guessing the jeans

belong to Anna Kolcheck.

Kensi and Deeks are keeping an eye on your family.

I need to call my husband, tell him

to get my son ready for when they arrive.

They're not making contact.

This is strictly Overwatch.

No, Callen, I told you, they're in danger.

That's not good enough.

It's gonna have to be, Joe.

The only reason I'm doing this is because

there's a kid involved.

Anything beyond that, I seem to remember

that you've got a lot of friends at the CIA.

Not for months.

They've disavowed all knowledge of me.

Oh, you mean they fired you?

No, I quit.

Believe it or not, I was not privy to everything

the rogue CIA group was doing.

But after I learned the extent of their activities,

after they turned me on you, I...

Okay, you don't have to believe me.

But you're the only one I can trust now, so...

Do you have any food?

I haven't eaten in 48 hours.

I'm sorry, I'm, uh, all out of Nutella.

I also noticed you got rid of the dining room table.

Just so we're clear, I don't believe you.

Not a word.

I'll get you to your family.

Whatever trouble you're in, it's got nothing to do with me.

That's where you're wrong, Callen.

It has to do with national security.

After a couple months out of the CIA, I let my guard down.

And it didn't happen right away.

Just gradually, I fell into a routine.

It's hard not to when you have a kid to drop off

at school every day. That's when they got me.

Two days ago, after dropping him off,

they got me at a stop sign, threw me into a van.

What intersection?

Gifford and Palm.

What about your car?

If you left it there, somebody might've reported it.

I think someone jumped in and drove it away,

but I'm not sure.

Get a look at their faces?

No, they were wearing masks.

And they put a hood on me right away.

Never took it off.



Maybe from the South.

But I only ever heard one of them speak.

Based on his questions,

I would say he worked for a foreign intelligence agency.


Russian, ISI.

They wanted Intel.

Including naval intelligence.

I admit, I gave them what I had,

but it was all at least six months out of date.

I knew it was just a matter of time

before they realized it was useless,

and I-I didn't think there was a chance they would let me go.

So I escaped.


You're not gonna believe me.

That's a given.

I gouged out my guard's eye

with my interrogator's collar stay.

Stole another guard's g*n,

shot the others.

Did you check the collar on that shirt?

JOELLE Not that you believe me.

Where'd they hold you?

Warehouse district downtown. Look, I can direct you there,

but it's pointless, they're not gonna be there anymore.

If anything, they're gonna be out looking for me,

and the first place they will go is my house.

Callen, I need to see my family.

Agent Wilson.

Please take her in the interrogation room.

What do you think?

Former CIA, falls into a routine.

History of corruptibility.

Seems like the perfect target.

Maybe too perfect.

What about you,

Assistant Director?

In my experience,

you don't admit to violating the Espionage Act

unless you fear something worse.

Agent Callen, as much as I wish

you would have booted your ex out the door

the minute she arrived, I'm afraid this is a threat

we can't ignore.

Assistant Director?

What is it?

We checked for a camera at the intersection

of Gifford and Palm, where Joelle was taken.

Claims that she was taken.

Uh, well, it may be more than a claim.

This was from two days ago.

Good operatives avoid cameras.

This could've been staged.

Agreed. But if a foreign intelligence agency

is actively seeking classified naval intelligence,

we have to investigate.

She fooled you once, boys.

Don't let it happen again.

Thank you for the clothes.

And tell Anna thank you, too.

From what I've read, she's quite the woman.

You bring her up again, and we're done here.


We need to talk about your husband.

Nick? What do you want to know?

Is he real?

Or is he just, uh...

the perfect cover for you?

Well, who says he can't be both?

Can you tell?

Then, let's go.

Hold on a second.

You've been gone for 48 hours.

What does he think you're doing?

Uh, don't worry about it.

He's used to me leaving at a moment's notice.

He knows about the CIA?

He knows enough not to ask me too many questions.

Marriage requires trust, Callen.

Nick trusts me. Huh.

End of story.

He trusts you.

I almost feel sorry for him.

You know, don't be. You know, and while you're at it,

why don't you stop feeling sorry for yourself?

You're not upset because I betrayed you.

You're upset because you didn't figure it out.

Look, neither of us is innocent.

But my family is.

That's who we need to worry about.

Agent Wilson, put her in the car for me, please.

Hidoko followed Joelle's directions.

She thinks she found where she was being held downtown.

Well, that could be a trap.

You should go with Hidoko.

Maybe you should.


We'll keep Joelle contained

until we can verify her claim.

No movement yet.

All right. Interesting.

Thanks, Kensi. All right, I'll see you in a bit.

- Hmm. - Callen and Joelle are on their way.

All right, listen to this.

The spider can be

interpreted symbolically as either

negative or positive.

It most often represents the feminine power

to entrap or to dominate.

Seriously, Deeks. Enough.

Such as an overbearing mother figure.

So, uh, how has Julia been?

Has she been on your case about our wedding plans?

What wedding plans, Deeks?

Exactly. Did she say that?

Deeks, my mom has been great.

It was a dream, okay?

It didn't mean anything.

Let's just forget I said anything.

So you dream you're getting married

to your ex-fiancé, Jack, and when he puts

the ring on your finger, it turns into a spider,

and you think that doesn't mean anything?

No. I think it was random

electrical impulses firing in my brain, that's all.


Because this website says that if you're dreaming

about your ex, you're actually dreaming about

your current relationship.

So that would mean that Jack was me,

and I gave you a spider, which is an overbearing mother,

which is my mother.

Oh, my God, I gave you my mother.

Wow, that's awkward.

Why is that awkward?

'Cause I kind of-sort of...

squished the spider.

You squished my mom.

I squished a spider.

You squished my mom.

I didn't squish your mom.

You squished Bertie. I love your mom.

Okay? Let's just drop it.

Gonna drop it.

'Cause you're right, I'm sorry.

Thank you. Just breathe.

Breathe with me.

Speaking of which, I, uh, forgot to mention,

my mom put together another...

another binder of flower arrangements.

She wants to go over when you have a chance.

Are you kidding me?

That's like five b--

oh, wait.

You're messing with me.

You're not funny. It's pretty funny.

That's not funny. I'm pretty sure I just saw

those random electrical pulses sh**ting out

of your ears right there. You're the worst.

You're literally the worst.

Speaking of female entrapment,

here comes the black widow now.

All right, buddy. Got your homework?


Okay. Let's see.

Two legs, two eyes, two ears.

Show me a muscle. Nice.

You're all set, buddy.



My little peanut.

Ah, I missed you so much.

We missed you.


Callen. We, uh, we met before. Right.

You work with Beth, right?

Just in the neighborhood again?

Nick, not now.

This is Agent Kensi Blye,

Detective Marty Deeks.

You and Peter need to go with them right now.

You'll need his booster seat.

Of course.

Beth, what's going on?

I'll explain later.

Will you? It's fine.

Okay? You have to trust me.


Mom, I want to go to school.

There's a field trip to the zoo.

Oh, honey. We'll go another day.

But you get to go on a field trip with Daddy now.


Are you coming, too?

I'll join you as soon as I can.

I promise.


It'll be okay.

- Kensi, Deeks. - Yeah.

Got 'em. Come on, kiddo.

You good? Yeah.


We're not staying here.

Callen, it's safe. Believe me.

I mean, there's cameras everywhere,

state-of-the-art security system, several panic rooms.

Well, that all sounds charming,

but I'm not giving you home field advantage.

Besides, I have a safer place.


You're joking.

It also doubles as a panic room,

but only when it's sinking.

How many people know about this?

Just my team.

This is the last place anyone would think to look for you.

This is where Joelle said she was held.

According to Eric,

it's owned by a defunct Chinese real estate firm.

Everything okay?

Yeah, I'm just waiting to hear from G.

Thought you said you weren't worried about him.

I'm not worried about him. I'm worried about my boat.

Put a lot of work into it.

And you don't trust Callen and Joelle

not to ruin it?

I don't trust much when it comes to her.

But then, with all due respect, Agent Hanna,

why are we going along with this?

I read the reports.

Joelle played you, Callen and Hetty for years.

As far as I can tell, no one's ever done that before,

so who's to say she's not trying to play us again?

Well, she might be, but if Joelle is telling the truth,

we have an obligation.

That's the oath we took.

Yeah, and what if Joelle is just taking advantage of that oath?

What if she's counting on us coming here?

I've considered that, too.

Still doesn't change the fact we have to go in there.




In here.

They cleared out fast.

Didn't even clean up.

I saw blood droplets in the sink down the hall.

This room matches Joelle's description

of where she was held.

So far, everything seems to verify her story.

We're on camera.

It's a steel door.

There's no way we're busting through that.

Okay, but I don't see any other way out.

All right.

If I'm right, there shouldn't be anything on the other side

of this wall. Tear the padding off!


Pull the pads down.

Hidoko, over here.


You okay?

Yeah. You?


Now I'm really worried about my boat.

Fire department found a cell phone detonator.

They think it ignited a flammable liquid.

It was a k*ll room.

Well, found this router inside.

It might've been connected to the camera.

If we can recover any data,

it might tell us who was watching

or at least where they were.

You should get this over to Eric.

I've seen him tackle much worse.

Already gave him a heads-up.

He also discovered that the Chinese firm

who owns this building is a subsidiary to a shell company.

So, basically, we don't know who we're dealing with.

Hey, Sam.

I wanted to say thank you.

If you hadn't found that exit, we would both be dead.

You think that was Joelle's plan all along?

I'm not so sure.

I mean, there's a lot easier

and less elaborate ways to k*ll someone.

So you don't think she's playing us?

Well, we need to get more information first.

Like you said, we don't know who we're dealing with.

Oh, yeah.

I'll be sure to ask her.

Was that about Nick and Peter?

Are they okay?

Oh, they're fine.

Sam, on the other hand,

narrowly escaped a fire at your warehouse.

A fire? What do you mean?

I mean that he was done clearing the place

when the room he was in sealed up tight

and caught on fire.

That must've been meant for me

when they were done with their questions.

Well, did he see the bodies?

I mean, I got to hand it to you,

when you commit to a story, you really commit.

You think I set this up?

Let's just say it's not looking good.

Callen, don't you get it?

You're so worried about me deceiving you again,

you can't even see when you're deceiving yourself.

I didn't try to k*ll Sam.

I... there must be another explanation.

Or the simplest one.

You're lying.

This was a mistake.

I don't know why I ever thought you'd help me.

If you leave this boat,

your family goes back home.

You do know that.

They're gonna call him White Chocolate.

That's how smooth he is.

White Chocolate gets the rock.

He's from outside. Three, two, one.


All right, ready from the canoe.

Looks like they're having fun.

From the outside. He's never made it from the canoe before.

One more. He's a good kid.

Which one of them?


Smart, too.

All right, time out.

Knows when something's wrong.

We'll have you guys back to your normal lives

as soon as possible.

Hmm. “Normal.”

I don't think that's ever applied to us.

Ah, Beth made sure of that.

She never shared the details of her work with me,

of course, but after a while,

she stopped sharing anything else,

you know, her thoughts, her feelings.

Things haven't been right in our marriage for a long time.

Was that why you had the affair?

Sorry. It's just in situations like this,

we have to investigate every avenue a threat could come from.

So, we looked into your bank statements,

your phone records, and we found...

Sarah. Sarah. Yeah.

She worked at my office for two years. She's not a threat.

I understand, but we do have to be thorough.


Then you know that I ended it three months ago

and I told Beth everything.

You know what she said when I told her?

No. That she knew.

She knew the entire time

and she-she didn't stop it.

You know, it always k*lled me when she slept with other men,

but the difference is, is that was her job.

I couldn't do anything about that.

But she... she could've stopped me.

You know? She could have...

...she could have at least tried and...

she didn't.

You know, we were never

a normal family.

But now I'm starting to wonder

if it wasn't all just based on a lie.

I'll get this router to Eric.

So... what do you think, Agent Hanna?

It's nice.

Nice? That's it?

Well, I guess we can say good-bye

to Hetty's open-door policy.

Did you ever consider how Hetty's door was always open,

but she always kept secrets?

She gave you the illusion of access,

but it was never really granted.

Here, it's the opposite.

All I ask is that you knock.

That's good to know. Now,

tell me why I shouldn't pull Callen from the case.

No one distrusts Joelle more than he does.

And no one was hurt as much as he was.

Are his emotions

gonna be a problem?

I wouldn't call him emotional.

He's cautious.

But that can change if he catches her in another lie.

I don't like operating with this level of uncertainty.

I read your report on Joelle,

and there's a lot here.

But when you get right down to it,

we know next to nothing about this woman.

Is that Callen?


He's a CIA officer who... I, I know.

I read your reports.

What does he say?

Well, I contacted him earlier today

to cross-check Joelle's story--

the one about her leaving the CIA.

He says she's still active.

Well, then, I guess I'm gonna get

the answer to my question.

Thought you said you hadn't eaten in 48 hours.

I'm not really a veggie-dog girl.

Take it up with Sam. That's all he had.

It's fine.

Lost my appetite, anyway.

Beth or Joelle?

Which one were you born with, Beth or Joelle?


When I joined the CIA,

they scrubbed my original identity.


That's rare.

My background wasn't useful to them.

Better to create a whole new identity,

or two.

So, you haven't been yourself for...

Almost 20 years.


Well, we have time.

I'd like to hear about her.

Well, your boat is still in one piece,

as promised.

What's it like, Joelle?

To have no allegiance,

no trust, no loyalty to anyone but yourself?

Callen, I don't know what you're talking about.

You're still in the CIA.

That's not true. Not exactly.


Why did you even come to me for help?

You know what, don't even start, 'cause every word

that comes out of your mouth is a lie.

Look, I needed your help. That's the truth.

And, yes, I lied, but only because

I didn't think you'd help me if you knew the real reason.

That is the only way I would help you,

and you're smart enough to know that.

I was afraid.

Oh, come on, Joe, really?

Are you even capable of fear?

How about love, huh?

'Cause I know your husband has some doubts about that one.

You want the truth?

It's a little late for that.

The truth is, I wasn't kidnapped by a foreign

intelligence agency.

I was kidnapped by the rogue CIA group

that I used to belong to.

That's a nice try. We destroyed them. Turn around.

Yeah, not everybody.

Not the man behind the curtain.

The wonderful Wizard of Oz.

Let me guess, we find a ruby slipper,

and you can go home again.

Okay, he grabbed me because

he wants to rebuild the group.

He made my choice clear-- either I join or I die.

But I-I'm done with them.

Your husband doesn't even trust you.

Why the hell should we?!

How many times do I have to say it?

I don't need you to trust me!

I need you to keep my family safe!

Okay, I believe you.


She's telling the truth.

Next time, save us some trouble-- start with it.

“Next time”?

Why do you b... What changed?


Actually, you were very consistent.

Everything you did was to protect your family.

So, so that was all an act?

I don't know that I'd go that far.

What is it?

It's my house.

They look like your kidnappers.

After Hidoko and I got caught on camera at the warehouse,

they must have figured out NCIS was involved.

They wanted to see who you'd run to for help.

Your friends at the CIA have been to my house before.

We may not be safe here.

Sorry to bring this to your doorstep again.

Technically, it's already past my doorstep.

But thanks anyways.

Do we have them?

I sent LAPD and a few agents over to Callen's house,

but the intruders left before they got there.

And I could only track them

as far as the freeway,

then I lost them.

Where is Joelle now?

She's in the car, driving with Callen.

Moving target is harder to hit.

Okay, this has gone far enough.

Call the CIA and put it through to my office.

She is their problem,

and never should have been ours.

Hold off on that for the moment?


Save your breath, Agent Hanna.

This is cut and dry,

and you know it. What about Joelle's family?

That's for the CIA to decide. As for NCIS,

we will not be directing any more resources to this case,

if you can even call it a case.

End of discussion, Agent Hanna.

Was that not clear?

If that rogue CIA group is still active,

they're a threat to us.

You've read the report.

I have, and I think I learned a valuable lesson.

While Hetty's methods

were effective, they also bred chaos

and almost destroyed this office.

If this group is still active,

we will handle them.

But we're gonna do it my way.



Come in. Uh, sorry to interrupt.

I... Oh, it's nice.

Um, I've been trying to restore

the burnt router from the warehouse,

and I think I got something.

Do you know where the camera feed was going?

No. Uh, maybe.

It used a VPN and proxy servers to mask the IP,

but I was able to pull the serial number from the metadata.

The router was purchased in a bulk order

from one Manticore Mineral Group.

They're an international mining company

that's done business with the Chinese corporation

that owns the warehouse.

Putting the CIA aside for a second,

we need to investigate the fire.

It did almost k*ll two NCIS agents.


I will authorize the surveillance

on the Mineral Group.

But tread lightly. We'll need Joelle.

She's the only one that can I.D. the guy

who held her in the warehouse.

I thought she never saw his face.

She didn't. She heard his voice.


I have the deputy director's office on the line.

Tell him I'll call him back.

You have two hours.


G, we're in position.

Yeah, we are, too.

We're just getting things set up here.

How's the food today?

All out of tacos.

All we've had so far are veggie dogs.

What kind of a maniac only has veggie dogs?

Yeah, the kind that regrets letting you use his boat.

Look, you bought that under an alias,

you move it to a new dock every few days.

They won't find it.

You definitely should think about moving, though.

All right, well, if you're offering me a cabin

on your new boat, I have one request--

all-beef hot dogs.

All right, Eric, send the comms

through our system here.

You got it, Callen.

I'll be there soon, Nick, I promise. I love you.

Hey, thanks for letting me call them.

No problem.

You don't approve.

I didn't say anything.

You didn't have to.

You don't think I should have a family

and this job.

It's your life, Joe.

But it's also theirs.


I suppose you said the same thing to Sam

after Michelle was taken?

Now, that is not... Not fair?

No, it's not. But he's a man.

It's okay for him to have it all.

I don't care that you have a job and a family, okay.

What I care about is that you made a mistake,

and you're afraid to admit it for some reason.

Sabatino told you I was still in the CIA.

Did he also happen to mention that

I've been placed on leave pending an investigation?

I did make a mistake, Callen,

and I have no doubt that I will pay for it.

But I was also doing my job,

just like you do your job,

just like Sam does his.

And I will fight to keep doing my job,

just like I will fight to keep my family safe.

Is that too much to ask?

No. It's not.

But at least Michelle knew what the risks were.

Can you say the same thing about Nick?

All right, Callen, we're in position.

We're ready.

3-D microphone is hot.

Same here.

All right, we're all systems go.

Okay. With these 3-D mics...

Mm-hmm. ...Joelle will be able to hear the voices

like she's right there in the room with them.

So, for instance,

if someone makes a noise on the left side of the mic,

Joelle will hear it on her left side.

She'll even be able to gauge distance.

And she should be able to direct Kensi and Deeks

to the right voice. Oh, my God.

So cool.

Wait for me.

Ooh, and weird.

I know, right? Assistant Director,

you have to try these headphones; it's an experience

like no other. You're loud, Eric.

Okay. You did say

“it's like being in a room with them.”

Uh, yeah, it is.

But it's like... I've been in rooms before.

We're in a room right now.

I don't need the headphones.

Hi, Stephen, good to see you.

- Things good? - Things are great.

Yeah, yeah? Good, good, good.

Glad to hear it.

Randy? Uh-huh.

Like that shirt.

Really taking advantage of that casual Friday, aren't you?

Uh, it's Wednesday.

And, uh...

How about you... Rudy.

Rudy. Cashmere sweater, V-neck.

You're rocking it, you're rocking it.

Looking sharp. Thanks, man.

Sorry, I'm, uh, I'm new.

Are you Bradley?


You sure about that?

'Cause Larry's supposed to be sick today.

Clearly, I'm fine.

No, no, it's not him.

Deeks, move on.

Okay, moving on.

Can I get my mail, please? Oh, yeah,

I got no mail for Bradley. Bradley's got no mail.

I'm not-- I just said...

I just said... No mail for you!

These numbers look good.

Kensi, that guy

right behind you, get closer.

Would you like some coffee, sir?

No. Thanks.

- I'm already at my daily allotment. - Okay.

Come on over here, darling.

I'll take that coffee.

Afternoon, gentlemen.

We'll begin in a moment.

Here you go.

- Thank you, darling. - Uh, would you like

some sugar with that? No.

Okay. That's him, isn't it?


That's Colton Leach, VP of operations at Manticore.

Any indication he's CIA?

If there is, I'm not seeing any.

Manticore does have interests in the Middle East

and Afghanistan, though. That's where

the rogue CIA group performed their wet work.

All right, well, if we access his home computer

and his cell phone...

Agent Callen,

what you are asking for is illegal.

We need more than

Joelle's word to move on this guy.

- I understand, but under the... - I'm sorry.

Your two hours are up.

I'm calling the CIA.

G, incoming. It looks like the same van that kidnapped Joelle.

Hey, we got to get out of here.

We're boxed in.

That's not gonna be easy.

Federal agents! Weapons down!

I can help.

Back up.

Joelle, stay inside!


How the hell did they find her? I don't know.

Well, you'd better figure it out and send them some backup.

Kensi, Deeks, Joelle went inside.

I think she's going for Leach.

Sam, I'm going in.

Covering you now.

Mr. Leach, I'm a federal agent.

You're in immediate danger.

Am I now? Yes, you need to come with me.

Well, thank you for your offer, darling.

But I've got my own protection.

Deeks, coming your way! Down, down! LAPD!

Ah, son of a...

Is that you or Joelle?

Get to the street, back up Sam and Hidoko.

Callen, wait.

He's retreating.

Push forward. Watch for traps.


Looks like I owe you this time.

You saved my life.

Yeah, but then you went and saved mine again,

like, two seconds later.

Give an agent her moment next time.

Easy, girl.

Think about it.

You really gonna sh**t a wounded, unarmed man?

Joe, wait.

Callen, as long as he's alive, my family will never be safe.

Oh, darling...

You think I'm it?

I'm just one of many.

We call it a syndicate in the business world.

You're not CIA?

No. We never were.

We just saw an advantage to owning a piece of the CIA.

They can secure our business interests overseas.

That venture failed, as you recall.

Turns out the CIA isn't so good

at securing the Middle East.

Then what do you want with me?

Oh, we got a better plan this time.

I want you to be a part of it.

The CIA is just gonna toss you aside.

They don't understand that you were born for this.

But I do.

Civilian life doesn't suit you.

The husband,

the kid, soccer practice?

It's all such a drag.

You know I'm right.



Eric, get me an ambulance.

Joelle's been shot.

It's okay. It's okay, Joelle.

Stay with me. Stay with me.

Keep your eyes open, Joe.

Joe, keep your eyes open.

Not Joe.


How's Joelle?

Oh, man.

What about Callen? Where is he?

He's still at the hospital with her body.

Go home.

It's been a long day.

Come in.

I have an update. Great.

We found an app running in the background of Nick's phone.

It traces all of his outgoing and incoming calls.

Like the one Joelle placed to him from outside Manticore.

So that's how they tracked her down.


Who put the program in his phone?

We followed up on the woman Nick was having an affair with.

She didn't show up for work this morning,

and she cleared out her apartment.

We believe she was keeping tabs on Joelle through Nick.

And I thought D.C. was full of rats.

Nice work, Harley. Thanks. Thank you.

They deserve to know the truth.

They deserve to be safe.

My death ensures that.

The truth will come later.


After you've hunted down the rest

of the so-called Syndicate.

It'll take me a while to recover.

I could use some help.

I got my own family to take care of.

Thank you, Callen.

For everything.


Okay... go.