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09x13 - Các Tù Nhân

Posted: 10/20/20 17:03
by Phnxgirl
How much do you want?

For him? Nothing.

You, on the other hand,

your future now in the hand

of the highest bidder.

I take it you don't know where she is either.

She's selling all her properties.

Raising capital. For what?

Damned if I know, but clearly it's expensive.

- Does anyone know you're here? - No.

But they'll figure it out.

How can you be sure?

I trained them.

And I left them the tools to do this.

It's only a matter of time.

This reminds me...

of the night I saw Salvador Dalí...

k*ll a werewolf.


I know it seems like the others

get all the glory.

But they would not be able to do half of what they do

without your abilities.

Thank you, Hetty.

What's this?

It's a gift of my appreciation for what you do.

I don't know what to say.

You don't need to.

You don't need to.

Uh, Hetty?

For the love of Gamera.

♪ NCIS: LA 9x13 ♪ Các Tù Nhân
Original Air Date on January 14, 2018

What the hell's going on?

I'm sorry I woke you up. I just...

I had this crazy dream last night

that reminded me that Hetty gave me this book.

And I don't know, I just felt like maybe,

it was a sign, you know?

Like a clue as to where she went,

but I've been through every page.

Nothing. Okay.

Let's just slow down, Eric.

When did she give you this book?

I don't know. After Michelle died.

What? Eric, that was months ago.

You never told me.

I know, but it just seemed like a nice gesture at the time,

plus, it was a while before she actually disappeared.

Okay, fine, I get it.

Um, let's think.

I don't know, maybe the book is the clue.

Well, it takes place in the Civil w*r,

so unless she went back in time...

Well, I wouldn't put anything past Hetty, so...

Where does it take place?

Well, it doesn't say.

It's fiction, but most historians agree

that it's pretty close

to the Battle of Chancellorsville in Virginia.


I mean, we know she sailed to Hawaii,

and then, who knows?

All right, well, maybe the clue is within the title,

or, like, one of the characters?

Or maybe it's just an overactive imagination,

and too much Chunky Monkey before bed.

I don't know. I mean, she never gave me a book.

The only thing she gave me was this survival key chain.

I even went through it with a blacklight,

to see if she circled anything in invisible ink.


What is that?

It's got this little red flashlight.

Damn it.

It's dead.

Where are you going?

Batteries. Come on, bring that book.


Wait, so what are you thinking?

Hetty wrote something in this book

that you can only see with your light?


Give me a second.

All right, yes.

We're in business. All right.

All right, hold this. Yeah.

I'm gonna flipbook it.

Come on, come on...


Nell, I think this was a good idea,

but we're both victims of wishful thinking here.

Whoa. Did you see that?

Holy glowing gonads.

I'm-I'm tired.


Keep flipping. Mm-hmm.

There. “Action.”

“Failed action.”

Yeah. What failed action?

S-Should we tell someone what we've found?

I mean, what exactly have we found?

Yeah. We're gonna need more coffee.

Let's go.

This couldn't have waited

till morning?

“Failed Action Skin.”

What does it mean?

I don't know.

Hetty circled them in an ink

that only fluoresces under certain light.

She gave me the book,

and Nell, the light to read it with.

And you just realized this now?

Well, to be fair, I didn't know Eric had this book.

I had no idea it had anything to do with her disappearance

until I had this dream last night,

where I was chasing this honey badger,

and I was in my avocado disguise,

and then I saw myself in the office

with Hetty,

and we were drinking scotch. Stop.

I don't want to hear if this gets weird

with you and Hetty in any way.

What? No!

What are you talk...? Although,

once I had a dream that

Hetty and I were in a hot tub with Charles Nelson Reilly

and Grimace, and that did get disturbing.

I still hate bubbles.

Is this code for something?

Maybe, but we still don't know what.

We've searched the Internet,

our files, you name it. We've tried it

as a password in our system, but nothing.

So it's a Hail Mary. It was definitely hard to find.

In fact, you wouldn't have found it

less you were looking for it.

Which suggests

it's a failsafe in case things went wrong.

She also designed it so that it took

two of you to crack it, which would only happen

if we were all worried about her.


At least she left us some breadcrumbs.

Hmm. Breadcrumbs may have been more useful.

Not to be a Debbie Downer,

but we still have no idea what any of this means.

Did she give you anything?

I mean, maybe we need another piece to solve the puzzle.

No. Well,

I guess she figured we're the only two

smart enough to figure it out.

No. Kidding.


I'm kidding.


Ms. Lange, I'm so glad we could find you.

I'm Spencer Allen. I'm with the U.S. State Department.

We've made arrangements to have you taken

to a hospital.

Is there someone we can call

on your behalf?

I'm sure your family has been

terribly worried about you.

My brother called me Milly.

I didn't like that.

I-I wasn't aware

you had a brother.

Uh... where does he live?

Uh, once I got my hair caught in the fence,

and he cut it off!

Now I can't wear braids.

Ms. Lange...

do you know where you are?


I just have to be patient.

My mother kept the ribbons

for me until it grows back.

What did you do to her?


She's not even lucid. She's faking!

Where are you going?

I'm calling my embassy.

You think you're funny?!

Huh?! You think you're funny?

Oh, God.

You don't even have the guts.

Come on.

Come on. What you waiting for?

Pull the trigger... bitch.

Ms. Lange, the authorities

have no record of you entering the country.

How did you get here?


One time,

my father took me on a riverboat

after church.

That's very interesting.

You think you're funny?

Oh, God.

You don't even have the guts.

Come on.

Come on. What you waiting for?

Pull the trigger... bitch.

I respect that you would

rather die than betray your country.

I truly do, but...

I'm paying good money for you,

so, you will give up your secrets.

One way or another.

You got to be honest, this would be a whole lot easier

if Hetty just gave us all secret decoder rings.

I mean, what are we even looking for?

Looking for clues. 'Cause she couldn't

just left a Post-it note on her refrigerator

like everybody else?

Well, she did grow up in the Cold w*r.

She probably started the Cold w*r.


admittedly, her methods can be a little...

Extreme? Antiquated? Ridiculous?

I was gonna say “old school.”

Yeah, definitely old school.

Like the roaring '20s.


What's that?


You know, most days I still find myself going to call Granger.

I don't want to go through that again.

Well, the good news is you're not gonna have to

because Hetty,

Hetty's coming back.

You don't know that, Deeks. I do.

I positively do. I know that for sure.

You want to know how I know that?

How? 'Cause there's no way

that she could live her life without this.

- What the hell is that? - I'm not sure.

But I'm pretty sure if we boiled it down

in hydrochloric acid, we'd find, like, a note inside.

Okay, now you're just mocking.

Kensi, do you want to snuggle?

- You're ridiculous. - Do you want to spoon?

What the hell are you doing?

Like, right this moment or in my life?

Okay, Eric and Nell found a hidden message

in a book that Hetty gave Eric.

We think it might contain a clue

as to where she is. What'd it say?

We're still trying to decipher that.

Where are the others?

Callen and Sam are also looking for clues.

So this takes precedence over all our other cases?

No, of course not.

What she said with the, with the no.

Of course not.

Okay, tell Callen and Sam to please report to my office.

Will do.

Where's Agent Callen?

Uh, he's with Sam in the armory

going through some of Hetty's things.

So Hetty left you guys a coded message?

Yeah, we think so.


Uh, the three words that we're all looking at

on the screen. Is this the right order?

Well, it's the order we found them in, though,

the chronological order in the book was:

skin, failed, action.

I mean, the “failed action” I get, but...

I don't understand what the “skin” is referring to.


It's what3words.


It's the three words that we're looking at on the screen.

What3words is a geocoding system

that maps the world into three meter squares

which are each given a unique three word identification.

Okay. Oh.

“Skin failed action” is nine square meters

somewhere on the planet.

So that would be...

It's Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.


Great job.

Thanks for that. Yeah.

Find anything?

I think this is a waste of time.

Yeah, everybody loves a scavenger hunt.

Ah, you're right.

But you got to admit, she left something in that book.

Yeah, okay, maybe, but why make it so damn hard to find?

My thinking is that she didn't want us to figure it out

until we were looking for it.

That way, we wouldn't find her until she was in trouble.

You think she's in trouble?

We broke it.

It's not a code.

Oh, Hidoko broke it. It's a place.

Hidoko? Yeah.

What place?


You find her?

Not yet. We think she may be someplace

in Ho Chi Minh City, thanks to Hidoko.

Nice work.


Is there something specific

at that location? Uh, sat footage

and street views are coming up.

That's a long way to go

for a cocktail.

Can we get eyes inside that bar?

- That's a lot to ask, don't you think? - Well, I mean,

if it's a popular spot, we should be able

to pull up some social media postings, right?

This is the area of responsibility...

...for NCIS Singapore.

Contact their office, see if they heard anything.

Looks like we're headed to Westminster.

What's in Westminster?

Largest Vietnamese population outside of their own country.

A lot of families and individuals

settled there after the conflict.

Probably our best source of Intel stateside.

I thought they were going to the dog show.

That's a different Westminster.

Intery, mintery, cutery corn.

Apple seed and apple thorn.

Wire, brier, limber lock. Three wild geese

fly in flock.

- One flew east... - Sounds like she's casting a spell.

And one flew over the cuckoo's nest.

It's an old children's nursery rhyme.

Intery, mintery,

cutery corn. What does it mean?

- Apple seed and apple thorn. - Nothing. It's nonsense.

That's the point.

Wire, brier, limber lock.

She's using a self-induced palilalia

to keep her mind focused.

One flew east...

Or maybe she...

really is a witch.

Intery, mintery, cutery corn.

Apple seed and apple thorn...

You can stop now. Wire, brier,

limber lock. Three wild geese

fly in flock.

- One flew east and one flew west... - You're wasting time.

There's no such thing as a truth serum.

Intery, mintery, cutery corn.

Apple seed and apple thorn.

Wire, brier, limber lock.

Three wild geese fly in a flock.

One flew east and one flew west...

And one flew over the cuckoo's nest.


Where the hell is Callen?

He and Hanna are on their way to Westminster.


I believe to question some sources.

Did you tell him that I wanted to see him?

Yes, ma'am.

And where are the others?

Not sure.

So I have a mutiny on my hands.

I don't think you should look at it like that.

Well, how should I look at it?

Like teammates looking out for one of their own.

I'm sure they'd do the same if it were you or me.

I seriously doubt that, Hidoko. All I know is,

if I'm ever in trouble, I want them on my side.

Can you please go find out where the others are?

Yes, ma'am.


You gonna answer that?

Not now.

Well, good luck with that.

We're in this together, Hoss.

She didn't call me.

You were saying...?

We're both gonna be looking for jobs.

Screw jobs. Let's move your boat down to Mexico

so you can open a dive shop.

Hmm. What are you gonna do?

Who do you think's gonna tend bar?

Think we can bring Otis down there?

Yeah, I'm back and forth once a month.

It's crazy. China's out of control, too.

If you boys were smart, you'd be learning Mandarin.

And your mother.

We're looking for someone we believe was in Ho Chi Minh City.

Why are you asking me? You should be talking

to Công an Nhân dân. We will.

But the police may not be able to help.

The person we're looking for is probably keeping a low profile.

In fact, we think she may have snuck into the country.

She? You lose a girlfriend?

A former colleague.

Name is Henrietta Lange,

but she may be using an alias.

I guarantee you she's using an alias.

Never seen her before.

Sorry, boys, can't help you.

You can. How?

By cutting the crap.

We know you're a smuggler, Billy.

I'm an import-export specialist.

Yeah? I'm a jockey.

Homeland Security has two ongoing investigations

into your business practices.

Innocent until proven guilty.

Most of those are drummed up charges by my competitors.

You're a pirate.

With probable cause,

we can go through all this stuff to prove it.

But that's not our concern right now.

Right now, we're just trying to find

the location of one little lady.

You know a drug dealer who operates over there,

Tilo Iona?


Of course you don't.

Guys, seriously.

Oh, we are serious.

Hold on, let me check, okay?

Yeah. That's his serious face.

Hold on.

Give him, um, give him “deadly serious.”

Do you see that?

There it is.

Admittedly, it's subtle. You have to know

what you're looking for, but it-it's definitely there.

Look, trust me.

You don't want to see

his “sorry I hurt that guy real bad” face.

I'll try and make some phone calls.

You'll try to make some phone calls?

They're 14 hours ahead over there.

It's the middle of the night.

Crime never sleeps, Billy.

You of all people should know that. You got one hour.

Then we're coming back here with a search team.

- We're gonna rip this place apart. - Okay, okay.

I'll see what I can do.


Oh, look. You made him smile.

Hey, you find anything?

Yeah. I've discovered there are

a lot of people out there

who appear to be having way more fun than I am.

What? What are you complaining about?

You're the king of cosplay.

The baron of Burning Man.

The friar of furrydom.

Holy smackers, cheese and crackers.

Who's that?

I don't know, but I can run them through facial rec.

No, no. Sorry.


What the what? No way.

Why the hell am I here?

You're the executive assistant director Pacific.

Then how come I have no damn idea

where the rest of this unit is?

Nobody has even had

the decency of giving me a sitrep.

I thought Hidoko was keeping you informed.

She is keeping me informed,

but that is not the point.

It is becoming painfully obvious that Agent Callen resents

my presence here, and it seems like

it's rubbing off on the rest of you.

You don't get to do whatever the hell you want

when you want to do it.

Callen, you need to get back here as soon as possible.

Mosley's on a warpath. She just took a strip out of Kensi,

and I'm pretty sure she's sending me

back to the dog pound.

That is not a figure of speech. It's, like, a room

in the basement with a bunch of dogs,

- and I don't-- just come back. - This insubordination ends today.

And if it does not, I will make sure that you are reassigned

to a different continent. Different continent?

That doesn't sound very good.

Yeah, unless you like travel.

Hey, I think you're gonna want to see

what Eric and I just found up in Ops.

Is it a new job for me?

Mm. I'd take that back stairwell if I were you.

We have a back stairwell?

You didn't know about that?

Nobody tells me anything.

Okay, Beale, what do we got?

Recognize anyone?

Son of a bitch.

Does Mosley know? Yeah, Nell's supposed

to be telling her. This photo was posted

six minutes ago. They're still there.

All right. Call 'em.

Xin chào.

Um, hi. Do you speak English? Oh...

Yes. Who is this? Hi. My name is

Eric Beale. Mm.

And I'm calling from California. Yeah.

In the United States of America. And I just saw... - Condescending.

...the photo that you posted.

How did you get my number?

Oh, well... I-I work for a...

for a federal law enforcement agency. - No.

Um, and I...

Um, I...

That was rude.

Yeah, maybe we should try something

a little more personable, a little less...


All right. Beam me up, Scotty.

- Put my... put my goods on the screen. - Uh...

Which means you got to get over...

Just-just this. Just this.



Hi, ladies. How are you?

Listen, uh, my name is Max,

and you guys are at my favorite bar in Ho Chi Minh City.

And, crazy enough,

uh, my buddy is there,

and he's the tall bald guy in the back of the booth.

He looks like a really... a giant thumb.

Yeah, that's him, right in the back there.

Listen, it's his birthday,

so, if at all possible, if you could walk over there

and just show him the screen,

I'll wish him happy birthday and then

I'll buy all your drinks. How's that sound?


Okay. Wonderful.

Thank you so much.

Oh. Bribery.

Uh, I like to call it charm, actually.

Teach me?


Can I help you?

What's going on, gentlemen?

Son of a bitch.

No, no. Don't run away. Wait, wait, wait.

We got a couple, uh...

Hi. Thank you. Ladies, thank you so much.

And, as promised, I am gonna get your drinks.

This is my friend Randy...

Wait. What... Here. Randy's gonna

read you off his credit card.

What...? Go ahead, Randy.



if you can hear me,

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

Me, too.

I'm s-sorry he didn't sh**t me in the head.

How bad is it?

Somewhere between

“don't worry about it”...

...and “hello, Jesus.”

Even if I cooperate,

this is not gonna end well

for either of us.

Do you know the guy who shot me?


No. But I...

I plan on k*lling him, too.

I like your style.

But I don't think this one's swinging our way.

I know.

I'm glad

to see you're still alive.

Can't say the same.

I have a surprise for...


He's beautiful, no?

We trapped him a few days ago,

so he's very hungry.

He go to Russia. Some oligarch

want to hunt him. And I promise him

a man-eater.

Dang, you win!

Stop this! Now!

But he's hungry!

I'm dying anyway.

Not this way!

It-It'll be faster.


I'm gonna do what you want me to.

Stop this, please. St... Now.


Just get him out!

You no fun anymore.

But don't feed him!

I told you,

my way is better.


You wanted to speak with us?

Are you trying to be funny?

- We have reason to believe that... - I know what you believe,

Agent Hanna. Unfortunately, no one had

the decency to inform me,

so I had to figure it out on my own.

Well, we didn't want to bother you with hearsay until we...

Agent Callen,

you can disagree with me, you can dislike me,

you can even curse me, but please

do not insult my intelligence.

We think Hetty's in trouble,

and we think we know where she may be.



Do you have any confirmation?


But I know that Admiral Chegwidden

was looking for her as well.

We have confirmation that he was in Ho Chi Minh City

with Charles Langston.

Admiral Bridges is probably with them as well.

Hetty's in trouble.

They're trying to find her.

Maybe it was just a reunion.


That's SECNAV for you.

Saved by the bell, gentlemen.

Make yourselves scarce.

You guys get spanked?

She was definitely warming her arm up,

but, uh, SECNAV called.

You find anything else? Yeah, we tried reaching out

to Chegwidden, Bridges, and Langston, but no joy.

A.J. knew we were looking for Hetty.

Yeah. These four like to do things

on their own. Oh, my God,

you guys, they're like our future selves.

Look at that. Ooh, baby, you should probably

consider doing some calcium supplements.

You should probably consider some hair plugs.

Ooh! Ooh!

You two sound like you're married already.

It's love.

It's love. Did someone alert

SECNAV about what was happening?

I did.

Ooh, on the count of three, everyone should run

in different directions. One, two-- ooh, too late.

Unfortunately, I didn't have as much Intel

as I would have liked, since none of you deemed me worthy

of staying informed.

We were... Save it,

Agent Callen.

We know you're angry.

I'm not angry, Agent Hanna-- I'm just disappointed.

The Vietnamese government

has no record of Hetty or any of her numerous aliases

entering the country.

Well, actually, we think that she snuck into the country.


Why do we think that or why would

she sneak into the country?

We have reason to believe that Hetty

came into contact with a drug runner in the region

who may have smuggled her into the country.

Again, why?

Whatever Hetty's doing,

it's off the books. Okay, guys,

one more time with feeling. Why?

We don't know.

We all have vacation coming our way,

and I know that each of us would be happy to...

Save it, Agent Callen.

No. Okay?

I'm sorry that you don't want to hear this

and I'm sorry you disapprove,

but Hetty's in trouble and we intend

to help her. - g So you can...

...suspend us. You can fire us if you want...


We're booked on the next Air China flight to Vietnam.

Once again, thank you for your vote of confidence.

But before you go, I suggest you figure out why she's there.

Otherwise, I doubt you'll ever find her.

You might want to start with, um, who took that photo.

So what are the chances of us taking g*ns

into the country? Not a chance.

Well, what if we need weapons?

We improvise.

- Yes, and I still would prefer a g*n. - All right,

Billy's hour's up. We still haven't heard from him.

He's probably using it to move every speck of contraband out of his place.

So, I hate to be the voice of reason, again...

Since when is that a thing?

Well, I am the only girl in the group, so...

- That makes you the voice of reason? - Obviously.

Objection. And as such,

I have to agree with Mosley. All we have

is the bar that Chegwidden and the others showed up at.

It's a start. We've worked with a hell of a lot less.

Agreed. But let's look at what we have.

Hetty cashed out. Why?

She's working off book. She's dealing in cash.

Everything from fuel for her boat to paying Tilo Iona

to smuggle her into Vietnam.

Fake papers, bribes... Agreed.

But all of those things combined don't come close

to the amount of money she cashed out.


She can get ahold of those any time she wants.

You could finance a small coup with that amount of cash.

Okay, so what else would she need millions of dollars for?


Same reason she and the others accumulated that gold,

only this time she doesn't have access, forcing her to cash in.

Okay, so who's being ransomed?

Well, it's like Mosley suggested.

Somebody had to take that picture of Hetty and the others.

Could have just been a passerby.

Or another person in her unit.

Hetty never mentioned anyone else.

She never mentioned any of them

until they bumbled into one of our cases last year.

Yeah, well, our flight leaves in three hours and 16 minutes.

Then we got to run this down fast.

Good luck, gentlemen.

Batya Corsia,

Alexis Tavori, Trudy Chambers,

Elizabeth Cohen, Henrietta Lange.

Are any of these actually your real name?

Oh, right.

Let's start with something simple.

How long did you work for the CIA

before joining the Naval Criminal

Investigative Service?

Keane needs medical attention.

I hate this place.

I hate the weather, I hate the food, I hate the bugs.

Hell, I hate Dang.

I am only here

because of you.

And you have already kept me here

much longer than I would have liked.

So feeding Keane to that tiger

is about the only thing that I have left

to look forward to.

And the only thing that would keep me

from doing that is you, here in this room,

telling me what I want to know.

Damn, you're good.

You think that if you stall

long enough, Keane will bleed out

and succumb to his wounds.

Painful, but...

not nearly as gruesome

as being mauled to death.

Yeah. No chance.


I joined the CIA

while I was still in college--

uh, December 12, 1963.

It was a cold, drizzly Thursday.

We found somebody--

a former NIS agent in Vietnam.

He worked with Hetty and the others?

Nell and Eric are still trying to confirm that.

Hetty and her crew were way off the books,

but this guy was there around the same time.

Where is he? Hawthorne.

We're running out of time. Yeah, but I'm driving.

Oh, lucky me.

Hey. You know,

I could open that for you

if there's something you want to take. - Nah.

It's okay. Can't bring weapons into the country anyway.

That's right. I forgot.

You know, Hetty once gave me a makeup brush

with a spring-loaded blade in it.

Oh, gosh. And also,

for Christmas, she made me this scarf

with imbedded Kevlar in the filaments

so it could double as a garrote.

She's such a character.

- Like the coolest aunt you ever had. - Yeah.

You know, I kind of wish I was going with you guys.

I almost wish I was staying here.


I hate to say it, but there's a part of me

that doesn't really want to find her.

I don't... I don't understand.

No, it's just,

if-if we don't find her, then there's a good chance

that she's still alive out there somewhere, you know?

Having Mai tais with Granger?

I don't really think Granger's a Mai tai kind of guy.

Well, maybe if it was, you know, from the skull of his enemy.

That sort of thing.

Hmm. Okay.

No bad mojo. No. No way.

You're gonna find her.

I know it.

This is Hetty we're talking about.

She's got more lives than a cat.


You know you're an endangered species.

But I guess that makes two of us.

This was a long time ago.

Everyone looks so young.

Do you know any of them? Oh.

Sure do.

I helped support their unit.

Yeah. Uh...


Chegwidden, Bridges.

The woman's name was, uh, uh, Margaret.

I-I forget her last name.

Yeah. Oh.

Oh, and this guy, Granger--

they pulled him out of the bush, and he-he stayed

on with them.

Do you know what their mission was?


They never really, uh, talked about it.

I... I think they were pulling spooks out of the jungle.

Did you take this photo?

Uh, no.

You have any idea who might have?


It was probably the kid.


There was this, uh... this young guy with them.

Nice boy from, uh, I think

it was, uh, Montana or, uh, Wyoming.

He-he grew up on a, on a ranch somewhere.

He was pretty green.

Followed the woman around

like a puppy.

Hetty never mentioned anyone.

The kid was, uh, KIA

in a, in a... a chopper crash.

Uh, only the woman survived.


Any chance he could have survived?

Oh, no, I don't think so.

Pretty sure they would have looked for him.

And even if he did, he's probably dead,

or... or dying now like the rest of us.

What do you mean?

Well, most of the guys I served with are gone.

I would be, too,

if it weren't for the lung transplant.

Even so, I'm not sure how long I got. Hmm.

Agent Orange? Yeah.

But the NIS were considered civilians,

so we get no VA benefits.

No. Bank owns everything now.


Not that there's anything left.


And, uh, I'm one of the lucky ones.


if you can think of anyone else who might have been around

at that time, can you call our office?

Of course.

Oh, I-I wish I could do more.

You've done plenty, sir.

Thank you.

Thank you.


I have not had any luck finding our mystery photographer.

Everyone we should be asking is in Vietnam.

All right, try contacting Sabatino at the Agency.

He may be able to help you with a name.

I got to check in with the assistant director.

Should I be coming with you? No.

Of course not. Because we need you here,

doing what you do best.

Plus, somebody's got to

keep this place safe while I'm gone, huh?

All right. I'll see what I can do.

Yeah. Oh. Thanks, Sam.



Cutting it close, huh? Yeah, we're out the door.

I just wanted to say thank you.

Oh, you can save your apologies, Agent Callen.

I didn't say I was apologizing.

Oh, well, baby steps.

We'll keep you informed of any progress.

Oh, that would be nice for a change.

We should get going.

You should. And good luck.

Thank you.

We good to go?


Let's go get Hetty.

Let's do it.

After the w*r,

some of us stayed behind to secure American interests.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, okay.

Enough backstory. I'm...

I'm more interested in current events.

People are so impatient these days.

You know, we didn't have computers and cell phones then.

Enough with memory lane.

We did have some wonderful gadgets, though.

Stop stalling!

Or it's tiger time. This is important.

Back then,

we understood

the value of information.

The more you knew, the more valuable you were,

but also, the higher the security risk.

So we took steps to ensure that

information never fell into enemy hands.

It's a brave new world.

Yes, but I'm an old-fashioned girl.

The things we did

back then... were better.

You may think they were old-fashioned,

but they worked.

Back then,

they'd pull a molar,

replace it with a fake tooth

with a cyanide capsule inside.

You know, in the event

that you were... captured.

That's just... Cold w*r folklore.


I see. Is it?

Open your mouth!

Open it! Open it!


