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01x03 - I Feel Sick

Posted: 10/20/20 17:06
by bunniefuu
Previously on "The Secret Life of the American Teenager"...

Did you tell your parents about...?


OK, people only know that Amy had sex with Ricky.

So were you with that Amy girl, the one in the band?

I was only with her the one time.

You've got competion.

What, that total loser Ricky?

They slept together.

If you're interested in Ricky, I won't go out with him.

I'll back off.

Are you telling people that we did something?

You didn't tell your two girlfriends, and your two girlfriends didn't tell anyone?

I made a mistake, but I do love her.

Excuse me?

You're lying?

When you do,your face turns bright red, you get little beads of sweat on your forehead, and if it's a really big lie, you start stuttering again.

Teenaged guys in high school are only interested in one thing, and that's sex.

You love this girl, and you don't know for sure that she slept with Ricky.

Ricky told you that we were telling people that?

Hey, you!

I can't believe you told him.

Ben apparently doesn't care if Amy had some one-night fling with the drummer boy.

He's above all that.

As long as it wasn't more than that.

You embarrassed me in front of the whole school.

I'm sorry.

I was thinking that maybe we should talk about what you heard about me.

The thing with the drummer?

Forget about it.

Really, it's none of my business.

I've never had a boyfriend.



Well, I've never had a girlfriend,ever.

- I just...

- Love me?



It's hot out here.

Please tell me you kept that sweater on at school.

Yes, I kept the sweater on at school.

What's wrong with showing a little cleavage, anyway?

Be mysterious.

Less is more.

I thought this is what you meant.

Give me a break.

She's 13, you pervert.


Oh, Dr.



You're out of the office early.

Oh, but I guess you can do that now that you got a new partner.

Hi, Ashley.

How's school going this year?


I knew I should have called you when Dr.

Bowman came into the practice.

That's OK.

You're under no obligation to make me or my daughters feel comfortable just 'cause they're your patients and have been for their entire lives.

Is that why you didn't bring the girls in this summer for their school checkup because of Dr.


I thought you were on good terms with the Bowmans.

Are you on good terms with your husband's ex-wife's husband?


I'm not married.

I'm surprised.


Look, Anne, Marshall Bowman is a very good doctor, and you know my old partner left when she had a baby, and he was having issues with the guys he was in practice with, and - I'm sorry, Anne.

Would you like a referral?

Yes, I would.

I'd also like to know why I got a bill from the insurance company for Amy when I know for a fact she's at least six months overdue for her physical.


Gee, I don't know.

I try not to get too involved with the paperwork.

Just try to focus on the patients.

But I'll check on it for ya, I promise.

Does he ever take an afternoon off?

He does.

He plays golf on Wednesday afternoon, and I cover for him.

And on Thursday afternoons, I take off, so here I am.

I'll call you and schedule something.

All right.

Bye, Ashley.

Man, she is such a fake.

Fake what?

Fake doctor?


A fake nice person.

Who's the new guy, anyway?

Your father's ex-wife's husband.

She thinks she's so special just 'cause she married a doctor.

Come on, she's not sobad, is she?

Are you kidding?

She'd never let you wear that tube top.

Well, you won't let me wear it, either.

You're wearing it,aren't you?

Yeah, well -Well, if it counts for anything, I feel fine.

I don't need a checkup.

It's a school requirement.

They just haven't caught up with us yet.

How am I gonna fix this?

Fix what?

Well, are we talking about it or not?


We're talking about the fact that my clothes no longer fit because I'm fat.

Maybe we could get you,like, a big safety pin, like those giant pins they put on diapers?

How long is that gonna work?

OK, why are you always so negative?

I'm not negative,but sooner or later, you're gonna have to tell your parents that you're...

fat and why you're fat.

Here, picked something up for you at the gas station.

Free with fill-up.

You guys can have those if you want.

No, that's OK.

We have cars to fill up, so I can get my own.


Well, I'll take 'em.



Darn thing's in love with me.


Oh, man,you need help.

No, no, I like the direction this is going.

At least you're taking an interest in someone or something other than Amy.

You're moving way too fast.

But I mean,it's just a kiss.

I mean, I've kissed her,but I really wanna kiss her like a man kisses a woman.

Or like a guy kisses a bear in drag.

If you're just doing this to compete with Ricky,don't do it.

If you're not gonna kiss her, what's the pointin going out with her?

What's the point in the two of us going out?

I don't know.

What do you mean you don't know?

Children, let's not fight.

I wanna take that next step.

I'm ready.

I have a girlfriend.

With Henry, you idiot.

I wanna decide when.

That's a man's right.


Sorry, sorry.

Don't say it.


It's my privilege.

Don't be a control freak.

Oh, I'm a control freak?

And you?


You're actually putting time and effort into planning a spontaneous moment where you kiss your girlfriend for the first time.

Am I wrong for doing that?

No, not necessarily...

not if you're planning it because you want it to be special or romantic.

A nice romantic moment ex*cuted in the right way might make up for your lack of experience.

Remember, she has experience.

Of some sort, but we don't really know.

Or care.

You care, or you wouldn't be going to all this trouble.

Here's the deal.

You can't plan something this big by yourself, so I'll help you, as a favor.


Like you're so romantic that you should plan his first kiss with a girl he's in love with?


Hey, I'll walk you out.

My dad's picking me up.

What, he can't see us talking?

He's thinking about it, OK?

He might be giving in, but I don't know.

How old do you think you'll be when you stop letting your parents make your decisions?


You're almost 16.

Don't you think you should be able to decide who you can and cannot date?

Jack, don't start this now.

He's gonna be here any minute.

Start what?

I've been waiting a whole week.

I know that.

It's not like I committed a crime.

I made a small mistake with a girl who means nothing to me.

You know my family.

Your small mistake was a big deal to them.

Now they're questioning your character, your morals and my self-esteem.

It was just a kiss.


Yeah, it was, a big wet kiss in front of the whole school when you were supposed to be my boyfriend.

I wanna be your boyfriend, but I've waited all this time, and it's not like I can wait forever.

I probably could wait forever, but what's the point if I'm not gonna be seeing you anyway?

All the guys think I'm a big wuss.

They think you're in charge of me, you and your parents.

Well, I wouldn't want the guys to think you're a big wuss.

I'll try to get a decisiont out of them tonight, OK?

- Promise.

- Thank you.

I miss you.

Me too.

All right,I'll talk to you soon.

Oh, thought I heard someone.

Adrian, right?


Marc, right?

Marc Molina,the counselor?

I know that.

Funny I should run into you today.

I had your file out, noticed you took your PSATs as a freshman.

You did really well.

You're very smart.

And your report card last year looks good, too.

All A's and only one "B" last year?

Yeah, well, don't go spreading that around.

It might ruin my reputation.

Any plans for college?


I hear Indiana University has an awesome sex education program.

Awesome, huh?

I saw that you almost got a perfect scoreon the verbal side of your PSAT.

Columbia's got a great English Lit department.

I bet you'd really love New York.

I really love sex.

If you have any academic concerns, stop by the office.

I'd be happy to help you explore some options to your...current interest.

So what, do you proposition every guy you talk to?

I saw you standing there.


Hey, I'm not your chauffeur.

Sit up front.

I believe you are our chauffeur.

Seat belts?


I thought it would be OK if we put them on when we're actually in motion.

So, did, um, Amy tell her parents yet?

You told him?

You better not tell anyone, Jason.

I don't know anyone who would care, and you two couldn't keep a secret if your lives depended on it.

You shouldn't have told him.

It's not like Amy can keep hiding it.

Her body's gonna change, and she really should eat right and take prenatal vitamins and stuff to protect the fetus.



Don't say things like "fetus" to us.

I can't say fetus, but you can ask me to take you on a free tampon run?

You know Mom and Dad aren't gonna let you hang out with her anymore when they find out.

They're not going to find out.

Even if they did, I didn't do anything wrong.

I've been the one encouraging her to tell her parents.

Still, she had sex, and no one your age should have sex, and no one your age should be having a baby.

Mom and Dad definitely aren't gonna let you be friends with Amy Juergens, who had sex with some deviant and is now having a baby.

I don't think my dad will care.

Will he?

OK, whatever happened to knocking?

Dinner's ready.

We're not waiting on Dad.

We're eating.

Anything good?

I don't know.

Isn't it always good?

Well, yeah, but what is it?

Just hamburgers.



Oh, just so you know, before Mom brings it up at dinner, we ran into someone you know at the gas station.



Hightower, our pediatrician.

She said we need to come in for our checkups.


Um, what did Mom say?

That she'd call her, but I'm not sure she will, because Dr.

Hightower has a new doctor in the office.



Grace Bowman's dad.

Dad's ex-wife's husband.

Uh, wait.

Wife number one's husband?

How long has he been working there?

How should I know?

Let's eat.

Jack's a nice guy.

You know he's a nice guy.

He's not a nice guy.

Oh, no?

You don't think Jack is a nice guy?

He made a mistake.

He thought she was you.

Tom, let's just hear Grace out.

She's not making sense.

No, sweetheart, you're not making any sense.


Sometimes liking someone doesn't always make sense.

It isn't always logical.

Maybe I have no reason to like this guy, but I do.

We dated all summer, and he never gave me or you guys any reason not to trust him.

Oh, come on.

Yeah, come on, Gracie.

OK, come on, boys.

Tom, will you go get the ice cream, please?

I vote no on dating Jack.



Oh, no, no.

There'll be no voting in this household.

Your mother and I will decide what happens in this household.

It's not a democracy, it's a kingdom.

my kingdom.

Well, your mother and my kingdom.

And we hereby decree that you should go get the ice cream.

OK, Mr.


I don't know why you guys think this is so funny.

I wanna date Jack.


Gracie, you keep asking the same question.

The answer is the same.


It's very simple.

What's the answer?

No, honey.



I don't understand why.

No, I think you do.

I've heard what you have to say, over and over and over again.

I've taken it all into consideration, and what you need to do - you need to drop it.

You need to drop him, and you need to find somebody else.

That's how the king works.


Hello, Amy.

It's Dr.


I just wanted to see how you were doing.


How are you feeling?


Any morning sickness?


Um, a little, yeah, sometimes.

Try a few crackers by the bed.

And eat a little something before you get up.


Your mother's a very nice woman.

She's gonna be a big help to you when she gets past the news.

You haven't told her or your dad, have you?


Come in.

Come in with her.

Let's talk, the three of us.

Let me help you with this.

Every single day is important in a pregnancy,Amy, and weeks have passed since I saw you.



You're in charge of another life now.

Yeah, I know that.

Hi, Ricky.

Can I come over?

Oh, wait.

Hang on.

I told you to call first.

I did.

Hey, it's Ricky.

Leave a message.

Ricky, Ken Fields here.

You missed your appointment.

In fact, you missed several appointments, and that's really not good.

It's not good for you, because you need the help.

It's not good for me, because I need the money.

So listen - I hate to thr*aten people, but if that's what you'll respond to...

I'm gonna call your mother, OK?

So you get your ass in here, all right?

Talk to ya.

Amy, did your dad mention to you anything that he had to do tonight?


Your feet are swollen.

N- No, they're not.

Honey, it's not a criticism, but, yeah, they are.

I think that Mr.

Sedlack is working this band way too hard.

I mean,the halftime shows are great, but just so you know, if you don't wanna spend all of your free time trying to form a snowflake with a bunch of intermediate musicians, your dad and I will understand, and so will Juilliard.

I like marching in a band.

And we like seeing you march in a band.

It's just...

maybe those shoes aren't good enough.

Maybe you just need shoes with more support.

No, they have fine support.

We just bought 'em.

Still, I wanna take you shoe shopping tomorrow.

And maybe we'll get something extra, now that you're dating and all.

We just bought new clothes at the beginning of the school year.

Yeah, we bought school clothes, not dating clothes.

You know what?

I think you're getting curves.

N- No, I-I don't think so.

I'm sorry.

Did I embarrass you?

You going out with Ben this weekend?


Let's get something special.

Mom, I really - I- I don't need anything.

But this isn't about need.

This is about me wanting to buy my daughter something nice.

Come on, it'll be fun.

Can we take Ashley?

Do we have to?

It was a joke, Amy.

I'm just joking.

OK, we'll make it the three of us.


Good night.


I love you.

Love you, too.

At seven, you pick her up.

Do not put any food in the car.

Why not?

She loves to eat.

The girl's got an appetite.

Because you're taking her to the county fair.

You'll have plenty of opportunity to get close.

Just pick a ride, any ride, but nothing that leaves the ground.

Don't make her kiss you in a fearful moment.

That's not romantic.

Go for something dark with a tunnel and some water, like the riverboat ride.

There are people hiding out at every turn.

It's creepy.

here are guys watching you.

Ignore them.


Focus on Amy.

Focus on the kiss.

How am I supposed to focus on the kiss when there's some guy lurking in the corner with a flashlight?

Who cares about the guy with the flashlight?

I do.

I don't want somebody watching my big moment.

It's only a big moment to you.

Well, and hopefully for Amy.

We don't want an audience.

What, like you wouldn't have an audience on any other ride?

Maybe I'll walk her over to the livestock show.

Where it smells like cow dung?

The tunnels are too obvious.

She'd see it coming.

So what?

So I wanna appear to be more spontaneous than that.

You're impossible.

Can't you just say, "Great idea, Alice.

You're a genius when it comes to romance"?

It was a good idea, the county fair.

It's a great idea.

I don't know why you and Henry don't think I know anything when it comes to this stuff.

I am a woman, you know.

I know.

Great idea.

OK, the Ferris wheel.

Mm, I'm afraid of heights, and I'm a tad bit claustrophobic.

Ooh, so it wasn't the strangers lurking in the corner with flashlights.

I knew you were lying.

Got it.


OK, but we can't really share a horse, so how does that work in terms of the kiss?

There's always a bench.

Go for the bench.

Who sits on the bench?

Guys who are afraid of heights and are a tad bit claustrophobic.

Do what I tell you.

Great idea, Alice.

You're genius when it comes to romance.

Poor Henry.

Poor, poor Henry.


What's the final decision?

Where we goin'?

Someplace where you can get out and roam around on your own.

The county fair.

Ah, little privacy, huh?

You're gonna kiss her.

Uh, it's not like I haven't kissed her, but...

yeah, I'm gonna kiss her.

It's about time.



You can't really rehearse these things, you know?

Don't worry so much.

Everything's gonna be fine.

Once you kiss her, it'll be like you been makin' out with chicks all your life.


You love this girl.

I can see it.

I do, and I think she loves me, too.

So even if you bump noses or something, from there, it'll just get better.

I'm kidding!

Why don't you just stay a little while longer or however long you want?

I know, I know, you can't.

Good night.

Good night.

Good night.

Good night.




Who is this?

This is Ricky Underwood.

Oh, sure.

Adrian's boyfriend.

Adrian's a friend.

I have a lot of friends.

Thought maybe you and I could even be friends, so, I just wanted to,you know, clear the air with this whole thing.

I feel like you're kind of avoiding me in the hallway at school, and I don't want any weirdness with anyone.

Have I been avoiding you?

I'm so sorry.

Thanks for saying that, 'cause you kinda hurt my feelings.

I had no idea.

I guess I've just been so upset about Adrian and how she kissed Jack.


Yeah, right in front of everyone.

Oh, yeah, that kiss.

That was forever ago.

Don't worry about it.

She was just trying to make me jealous.

She wants to be more than friends,but I don't really wanna be more than that.

Maybe she just hates me for some reason.

Maybe she just wants to break us up, Jack and me.

I don't think so, no.

She was just usin' him to get to me.

No offense, Grace but not everything is about you.

Oh, no offense taken.

And you're right, not everything is about me.

I'm just making this about me because, I don't know, I guess I'm just jealous because she's so sexy, and I'm not.

I'm just that good old girl next door.

Is that what you think, that you're not sexy?

I got news for you.

Guys think you're sexy.

I doubt it.

I don't.

Well, it doesn't matter what other guys think.

The only guy I wanna go out with is Jack.

Then go out with him.

I told you, I can't.

My parents won't let me.

They gave me their final decision tonight.

Grace, you don't have to do everything your parents tell you to do, especially if you don't think it's fair.

I don't think it's fair, but they're my parents.

I mean I have to do what they tell me.

Don't you do what your parents tell you?

Hell, no.


Would your parents let you go out with me?

I don't know.

It's not that you're not a nice guy.

They just don't know you.

Besides, people might think I was going out with you to make Adrian jealous, and it wouldn't be fair to you because I really do think I'm in love with Jack.

That was a very nice rejection speech, but don't worry.

I wasn't asking you out on a date.


OK, well, that's embarrassing.


I was offering to let you pretend to date me.

I'll pick you up and take you home, but you and Jack can have any time in between that.

You mean sneak around?

Come on, Grace.

Stop being the Jesus freak people think you are and be normal for once.

Be one of us.

It's not that big a deal.

It'll be fun.


I wasn't asking you, sweetie.

I was telling you.

I'm gonna go pick her up after the game.

I'll take her to meet Jack, I'll come over your house, and then I'll go pick her up and take her home.

So you said.


You had sex with her boyfriend, he cheated on her, and you cheated on me.

It doesn't count as cheating.

You and I hadn't done anything then.

I'm just giving Grace a ride.

She's just doing this to get back at me.

She's not doing anything.

She asked me to help her.

She's in love with Jack.

You don't me to help get the two of them together?

You have some interest in Jack?

I told you he's not my type.

If you'd thought about it before you did whatever you did with him, then we wouldn't be having this problem, because he and Grace wouldn't be having a problem.

What is your interest in helping these two idiots sneak around with each other?

I don't know.

She asked me.

You're jealous of Grace Bowman?

She's hardly my type.

And when did type ever matter to you?

You like them all.

Oh, and I'm different from you how?

I am not jealous of some prissy little virgin who thinks she's better than everyone else.

You know what?

Go do whatever you want.

After all, we really aren't even friends.

We're just bed buddies.

So you'd be willing to sneak around and hang out with me without your parents' permission?

I tried everything.

I think they're being totally unreasonable, and they're treating me like I'm a baby.

You think we should?


Yes, I think we should.

I don't understand why Ricky would volunteer to help us out.

I don't know.

Because he and I are friends?

Believe me, that guy's not just interested in being your friend.

Come on, yes, he is.

No, he's not.

He just wants to be alone with you in the car.

That's not true.

Besides, what're our other options?

I don't know.

Can't you just walk out of your house and tell your parents you're gonna hang out with one of your friends, one of your girl friends?

I don't have any friends.

Oh, hey, star-crossed lovers.

Are we gonna do this or not?

I guess.


So, where do you two wanna go?

The county fair?


And my dad doesn't really like rides, so he was gonna drop us off and come back for us.

Yeah, I'm not big on rides, either.


I thought you said you were one time.


No, not really.

Well, we can just walk around.

They've got plenty of food there.

They've got corn dogs, hotdogs, and sausage and peppers and onions and churros and cotton candy and frozen banas dipped in chocolate.


You had me at "corn dogs." Sorry.






I haven't heard from you.


not now.

Sorry, it's my mother.

Um, I mean, m- mm-my sister.

I'll call her back later.

Fair sounds great.

Where were you been?


Quite a haul.

What you got in there?

Look who's taking an interest in his family.



What time's dinner?

Whatever time you go pick it up.

What's going on?

Got me.

Well, we ate at the mall.

Ashley and I did, anyway.

Not Ames?


She has a date.

She wants to wait and eat with Ben.

All right, well, guess I'm going to pick up food.

Will you be back?

Yeah, I'll be back, when I'm ready.

I could go with you, if you want.

I'd like that, princess.

You wanna come with us?

We ate already.

And Amy has a date.

So, what, you leave the Sausage Prince is gonna take advantage of her?

Let's go.

She'll be fine.


Why don't you go tell your sister we're leaving?

What's going on?

You tell me.

When did you get boobs?

Gained a little bit of weight, OK?


Could you stop staring at me?

Well, y-you look kinda...

I look what?

You look kinda sexy.

I do not.

Mom, Dad, and I are gonna get something to eat, OK?

But you just ate.

So did she.



Mom, Dad, this is my friend Ricky.

He's in the band.


Oh, hi, Ricky.

Nice to meet you.

The drummer?

Yeah, he plays the drums.

You like drums?


Where's Jack?

I'm not allowed to see Jack anymore, partly because of you.

And why would you want to?

He kissed my girlfriend.

We're gonna go to the fair.

We'll be back at ten, OK?

Hang on.

Fair's kinda rough, don't you think?

My foster mother's a social worker.

We have a lot of foster children in the house.

Some cop gave us a bunch of free tickets.

He's gonna be there, he and a bunch of other cops.

So maybe it is a little rough.

Yeah, maybe it is a little rough.

Maybe we should hang out here.

It's a good idea.

You can hang out here with us, play "Scruples." No.

The fair can't be that bad.

It sounds like fun.

We used to go every year.

I could go with them.

We're just friends.

We're just going to the fair.

It's no big deal.

I mean, kids go to the fair all the time.


Say no, Mr.



Tommy, I think we lost this fight.

OK, you can go, but I want you back at 9:57 sharp.

And no kissing.

No kissing.

We're just friends.

Yeah, no kissing.

Good night.

Nice meeting you.

Nice meeting you, too.

Hey, drummer boy,I just happen to know all the cops in town, in case you were wondering.

No, he doesn't.

Let's go.

I am feeling very uneasy about this.

Ah, don't worry, sweetheart.

They're only going out together so she can mess with Jack and he can mess with, um...


Adrian, right.

As far as I'm concerned, if it annoys Jack, then it's OK with the King.

Oh, OK.


The King.

Thank you.


Wow, you look seriously, uh, woman.

Thank you.

My mom made me go shopping.

I mean, you're always beautiful, but you look especially beautiful tonight.

I'm gonna grab my jacket, just in case I need it.

I hope you don't need it.


Yeah, you better go get it, just in case.

Please don't let me screw this up.

So, uh,` how's the date shake?


I like it.

So what's your favorite thing you've eaten so far?

I don't know.

Oh, maybe that sausage thing with the peppers and onions.

That was really good.

Told you so.

We've gotta get boyfriends.

You said it.

After this, let's find my brother and go home.

I love the dog.


It must've cost you, like, 50 bucks.

Fortunately, I had 50 bucks because I hadn't been out with you in weeks.

We're out now.

Yeah, but I wish we didn't have to sneak around, you know?

I know, me too.

I don't know, it's kinda fun.

I've never done anything bad before.

Maybe you'd like to do other bad things.

Maybe I would.

Should we go out to the car and wait for Ricky?

Is there more of this involved?



Come on.

You want something to eat?

No, thanks.

You can come with me, if you want.

To pick up Grace?


Uh, no, thanks.

All right, your choice.

Call me after you drop her off.

I'll try.

You'll try?

Mm, not a phone guy.

OK, then drop her off and come back over here.

I can't do that.

You could if you wanted to.

No, I couldn't.

That was great.

I had a really good time.

Well, we could have a good time all night long.

I can't sleep over.


Go pick up your girlfriend.

Riding this the second time was not such a great idea.

No, this is great.

I love the benches.

Anyone can just sit on the horses.

How was it?

Ooh, you scared me.

What's that smell?

Got sick on the carousel.

What did you eat?


You rode home in the car with Ben and the Sausage King like that?

I had to.

I went to the bathroom and washed up, chewed a piece of gum, but there was only so much I could do.


I couldn't help it.

Where's Mom and Dad?

They went to bed, but I think they're fighting.

About what?

I don't know.

She seems mad at him about something, but they don't tell me that stuff.

Would you go change?

You kinda stink.

Yes, I know.

Good night.


I stayed up because I wanted to ask you something.

You're not, like, pregnant or anything, are you?

W- Why would you say something like that?

Amy, you're acting really weird lately, and you're stuttering again, so know you're trying to cover something up.

You're lying all the time, and you're hungry all the time.

You eat everything in sight, and you've gained weight.

You've got boobs.

And you got sick.

You love the carousel.


I won't tell them if you are.

I won't tell anyone,I promise.

You're gonna need me if you are, because you know they're gonna k*ll you and...

you're gonna need a friend.

I have friends, Ashley.

Not in this house, not if you're having a baby.

Just tell me, are you?

Are you having a baby?


Don't tell anyone,OK?

I'll tell them when I need to.

Hi, Dad.

You're late.

I called.

I told Mom we were getting something to eat.

You were right about the fair.

It was a little rough.

The food didn't look that safe.


So, where'd you two wind up eating?

We ate where I told Mom we were gonna eat Dairy Shack.

Oh, that's right, the Dairy Shack.

I was just checking.

That's quite a prize.

You win that dog for my daughter, drummer boy?

No, not me.

It was Grace.

Fish-bowl toss.

She wanted something for Tom.

Something like that must've set somebody back at least a hundred bucks at the fair.

No, not really.

More like 50.

Oh, I'm gonna pay you back for everything you've spent.

We split it.

It was no big deal.


I'll give you some money for it.

Tom's really gonna love that.

No, I couldn't accept that.

It's part of going to the fair.

We had a really nice time.

I had a really nice time.

Take it.

All right, thank you.

I had a really nice time, too.

That's really nice of you, Ricky.

Really nice of you, Gracie.

I better be going.

I'll talk to you tomorrow?


Good night, sir.

Good night, Ricky.


Thanks for everything.


Fish toss, huh?



Something fishy's going on around here.

Oh, my God, I think that's Ben.



I, uh, I know it's kinda late, but you forgot something.



There you go.

Oh, thank you, but you probably should've thrown that away.

I, uh, I rinsed it off.

I think it's OK.

And I brought you some ginger ale.

Ginger settles the stomach, my dad said.

Thank you.

And, um...

I forgot something.

I forgot to do this.

Good night, Amy.

Good night, Ben.

Again, I'm really sorry for everything.

I'm not.

I'm not sorry that you kissed me.

I love you.

Me too.

Does he know?
