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09x17 - The Monster

Posted: 10/20/20 17:12
by Phnxgirl

It's time to wake up.

We're gonna start.


Not all people will get to know the nature

and timing of their demise,

nor would they want to, but for you to watch

this very human condition,

this face-to-face intimate interplay with death

and unimaginable pain--

it can be an enlightening and informative experience that will

tell you everything you need to know about this man.

The effectiveness of my method for human revelation

does not come simply from my motivational tools.


The real secret is enabling this man

to bear witness to his own suffering

for as long as humanly possible.

That's what will lead us all to God's truth.

- What do you think I know? - And now

for your edification and pleasure,

we begin.

♪ Eyes of a sideshow ♪

♪ Teeth of a dog... ♪ What?


Talk to me.

What do you think you're gonna get from me?

I think we both know the answer to that.


Somebody help me!


My name is Lieutenant Commander Timothy Weir.

If someone can hear me, call 911!

Help me!

♪ NCIS: LA 9x17 ♪ The Monster
Original Air Date on April 1, 2018

Wait a minute. I'm not saying

that I don't care about the length of the tablecloth

or color of the flowers.

That's exactly what you're saying.

I'm just saying it's the bride's day.

I don't want it to be the bride's day.

I want it to be our day, Deeks.

Listen, the day that you asked me that was my day.

All right? That was my week, that was my month,

that was my year, that was my lifetime.

Forget about it. Game over. Drop the mic.

So the only thing that matters to me

in this wedding is that I'm with you.

You really don't care about the tablecloth?

Not at all.

You know what? Neither do I.

But I need help from you to organize this wedding,

so, please, please, please can you do that?

Absolutely. I can do that. Thank you. I love you.

It's not working for me.

Well, I would...

I understand...

I was wondering how long the peace would last.

They've been going on like that for the past half an hour.

I keep hoping she'll drive Hetty to use one of her poison pens.

How is that possible?

What do you think it's about?

Two diametrically-opposed life views.

Hey, uh, we have a case up in Ops.

No whistle? No megaphone? No foghorn?

Mosley wants everyone upstairs... except Callen.

Well, at least we know what they're talking about up there.

She wants to fire me.

You guys head on up.

I'll be there in a minute.

You know there's no way Hetty'll let her fire you.

She may lose that battle.

Then we'll both be out of a job.

So, what do we got?

I don't know.

We're waiting on Hidoko.

I guess she gives the briefings now.

That's interesting.

Do we know why

Mosley doesn't want Callen up here?

Not a clue.

If Callen goes, I'm next.

She's been trying to send me

back to LAPD since they got here.

Yeah, she never did like you.

Okay, easy.

She just doesn't approve of our relationship.

The truth is, Hidoko may be here

to replace me.

That's ridiculous. That's... No.



Navy Lieutenant Commander

Timothy Weir, who is currently

assigned to DoD Intelligence...

Is Mosley firing Callen?

- I have no idea. - Are you here

to replace me? - Excuse me?

No. Not that I'm aware of.

Okay, okay, look, let's all relax,

take a deep breath. Until we're told otherwise,

we have a job to do, so let's concentrate on the case.

Navy Lieutenant Commander Timothy Weir,

who is currently assigned to DoD Intelligence

in a Special Access Program,

did not report in last night or this morning.

He has access to some of DoD's

most sensitive information concerning

China and North Korea, so we need to find him quickly.


We can concentrate on that. All right, let's look at...

Let's look at his last communications.


I guess we can all be replaced.

You heard the lady.

What's going on?

It's difficult to say.

Is this the part where you give me an answer

that doesn't tell me a damn thing?

We've sung this duet before.

So I should stop asking.

It would save time.

Looks like his last call

was to AAA.

Car was in a camera dead zone, but we'll keep digging.

I'm sending you information on the tow company

that picked up his car now.

Anything before that?

Uh, yeah, looks like he made a call

to a Mandy Huang,

a Chinese national from the Yunnan province.

Looks like she's lived in Los Angeles

for the past ten years, and...

She works for the Chinese consulate.

Could be something.

Maybe Weir is selling intelligence to China.

Mandy Huang is his contact person?

It could be a lot of things.

You and Deeks talk to Mandy.

We'll take the tow company.

Good morning.

We're gonna be changing things up.

Sam, you'll be teaming up with Kensi on this,

and, Detective Deeks, you're...

Permanently going back to LAPD?

- Yes. - Wait. Seriously, you're doing this?

If you keep interrupting me.

Right. Sorry.

Detective, you'll work with Hidoko.

- What? - What about my partner?

Agent Callen will not be working on this case.

Keep me informed.

So, she's not firing me?

Yeah, but she's breaking up our team, and yours.

Like I said, let's just do our jobs.

We'll take the mechanic's shop.

Deeks and Hidoko,

you talk to Mandy Huang.

I'm sure the addresses will be on our phones, right?

Of course.


You wanna tell me what's going on?

It's clear you and I have had a difficult relationship.

And that's not a situation that's sustainable

or good for anyone. Look,

I get that you don't like me, okay, but this is not about me.

This is about this team.

This team does incredibly valuable work,

and I will fight to keep it together.

Hetty's not the only one around here that has connections.

I'm not breaking up your team.

Oh, you're just firing me?

I'm not firing you either, Agent Callen.

In fact, it's quite the opposite.

You and I are gonna be partners.

Last I checked,

you and I are not exactly partner material.

Then you should check again.

If this is your way of getting me to quit,

I wouldn't waste your time,

because I can do this as long as I have to.

Then we need to get to work.

What, exactly, are we working on?

Assisting A*F to locate

and arrest an international arms dealer.

Spencer Williams.

This will be the first time

he's seen stateside

since he fled the country in 2012.

That's when A*F discovered he was selling arms to Iran.

Why would Williams risk being exposed after so long?

If A*F is correct,

he's in the States to sell a huge cache of arms stolen

from Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake

over ten years ago. I remember this.

It was almost $45 million worth of weapons and amm*nit*on.

Hellfire and Javelin anti-t*nk missiles, Stingers...

This is all state-of-the-art stuff.

They found Williams and managed to get

an undercover agent in his crew.

This is a big case.

Why just me? Why not the rest of the team?

A*F is still collecting evidence on the Iran case.

Politically, that's the big one.

This is their bust.

The smaller our footprint, the better.

We're merely advisors on this one.

Okay, well, sounds like it's time

for you and I to get to work... partner.

What is it?

You're giving me a look.

I don't have a look.

What are you talking about? What look?

Is it 'cause of the Mosley thing?

No. But now that you ask,

it's just I prefer it when I drive.

Oh, you're a control freak.

Whoa... I get it.

I like to be in control,

but I'm not a control freak, okay?

I mean, you know how it is when you're at the mercy

of somebody else's driving skills

and directions and stuff. Yeah, I can relate.

Okay, cool. So, I can drive?

- I can drive back? - That's not gonna happen.

- Hey. You dropping off or picking up? - Neither.

NCIS. Agents Hanna and Blye.

Cindy. How can I help you?

We were hoping someone could answer some questions

about a AAA tow from yesterday.

Timothy Weir.

Silver BMW 5 series.

I haven't seen him, but the past couple days

have been crazy.

So let me get Al. He's the owner.

He might have checked this in.

- That'd be great. Thanks. Thanks. - Sure.

So you're saying I can never drive?

You can drive if I'm shot, stabbed,

or suffering from major blunt force trauma.

So you're saying you'd have to be wounded?

And unconscious.

Then you feel free to take the wheel.

I'll think of something.

- How's it going? - Good.

Albert Barrington.

Cindy says you're looking for the owner

of the BMW that came in yesterday. - Yeah.

- Anything you can tell us? - I just did the paperwork,

so it's not in the computer yet.

Yeah, Bobby brought it in,

but the owner wasn't with him. He's our only tow guy.

Well, he might be the last person

to see Weir-- does Bobby have a last name?

- Allen. Bobby Allen. - Okay.

Can we talk to him? Is he here?

He's on a tow at the moment.

Should be back inside an hour.

Okay, so in the meantime,

we need to take a look at Weir's car.

Sure. Right back here.


So, Hidoko.

Family name, adopted or... or what?

What does it matter?

I guess it doesn't matter.

Then why are you asking?

Because it sounded Japanese, and I was just curious.

You ever here that curiosity k*lled the wild jungle cat?

Did you just call me a wild jungle cat?

Well played.


But if we're gonna be partners,

don't you think we should know a little something

about each other?

Not really. No.


- is this a bad time? - Not at all, Eric.

No, it's great timing.

Okay, we found some security cam footage

of Huang with Weir.

They were walking together, holding hands, eating dinner.

Looks like a clandestine romantic rendezvous

going back a few years.

Okay, well, send it to us and keep digging.

Deeks, it's what we do.

We dig.

Come on.

So, you've deflected and you've avoided, Hidoko.

You're k*lling me. Where is that name from?

Kensi really agreed to marry you?

Now you sound like my mom.


Mandy Huang?

I'm Detective Deeks, LAPD.

This is Special Agent Hidoko.

What is this about?

Navy Officer Timothy Weir.

- I don't know who that i... - Uh-uh.

Let me just stop you right there.

How do you think we knew to come here?

You know what, better yet...

Hmm, maybe we should just call

the Chinese consulate.

Wonder what they would think

of this photo.

And there's more where that came from.

We're investigating the whereabouts

of a missing naval officer,

and you were the last person he called.

This is serious.

You're in a relationship with Lieutenant Commander Weir?


I'm an attaché at the Chinese consulate.

We are aware. If they find out

I'm dating somebody working for the U.S. Navy,

I could lose my job.

I'd have to return to China.

It could be very bad for my family back home.

What was the phone call about last night?

I was supposed to see Tim tonight.

But I haven't heard from him since.

Do you think something's wrong?

We don't know.

Any idea

why he would disappear?


None at all?

No. I have no idea.


If you think of anything,

here's my card.

Just, uh, give us a call.


Why'd you stop questioning her

so quickly? The wild jungle cat

lays in wait for its prey.

You want to stake her out.

Apply the pressure, let the bad guys do the work for you.

It is a classic.

Assistant Director Mosley.

Special Agent Callen.

Special Agent Cha'Risa Swan. Welcome.

Nice to meet you.

Williams' men just drove into the garage

and are headed to the lower level.

Is Williams with them? No, just his men.

Do we know if Williams was alone when he entered the States?

Is there someone with him

we should be looking for specifically?

No, I'm just trying to figure out

the big picture.

The buyers are the three Filipino men on the right.

The one with the Fabio hair

is our man, Special Agent Mark Hodges.

Williams' second-in-command, Thomas Jones,

left with one of his security men 45 minutes ago,

after the buyer transferred ten percent of the money.

Roughly 2.7 million.

Now they're just waiting for Jones to get back.

If Williams shows, do you have enough to make a case?

As big as Williams is, this is about recovering the weapons.

Until then, we have to stay in play.

That's Jones right there.

The transfer went through,

we're good to go.

There's just one small matter.

Oh, my God.

We got one down.

Special Response Team wants to move in?

If you move in now,

you will never get Williams.

I've worked with Hodges for two years.

- They should go in. - We have to stay in play

until we see the weapons.

Hodges would have died for nothing

if we do it now.

Tell them that we need to recover the weapons.

Do not engage.

Stand fast. I repeat, stand fast.

We do not end this.

My man recognized him as a Dade County sheriff

from ten years ago.

I confirmed it.

I don't believe this.

I'll text you the location

of the exchange site.

Do not cross us. Damn it.

Bobby Allen?

Federal agents.

What do you mean, "federal agents"?

NCIS. We just want to talk.

All right. About what? What is this?

Eric, I need you to check out this picture I just sent.

His name is Bobby Allen.

Something's up with this guy. Run a search.

- Who-who's she talking to? - Why don't you take a breath,

and we have a conversation?

Just relax. Just want to ask you a couple questions.

Okay, guys, nothing on Bobby Allen,

but facial rec did get a match

to a Robert Griffin,

and is...

He was convicted of a m*rder in '93, Katherine Sheridan.

She was cut up into pieces and left in an overgrown yard.

He did 19 years.

All right, what's up? You're scaring me.

Think it's time we talk, Bobby Griffin.

Same Bobby Griffin who mutilated Katherine Sheridan 20 years ago?

That was a long time ago.

And he was scared of us?


All right, what's this all about?

You tell me, Mr. Griffin.

Or is it Allen?

I changed my name when I got out of prison.

I was just looking for a fresh start.

All right, what's this about?

You mean besides

the brutal m*rder of an innocent young woman?

I was a kid on meth.

All right, I had a psychotic break.

It was 20 years ago. Timothy Weir.

Silver BMW.

You picked him up yesterday. Your coworker said

you were alone when you returned with his car.

He said he had to meet someone

and he was gonna grab an Uber.

I gave him the info to the shop, told him he could call

and get an estimate in the morning,

then I hooked up the Beemer and took off.

Hey, look,

I did a terrible thing a long time ago,

and I served my time.

All right? But you look at me, and all you see

is a convict, right?

Truthfully, I don't know what I see.

I didn't know about the name,

but Bobby did tell me he spent time inside.

He was upfront about it.

- That didn't bother you? - I knew he had a drug issue,

and he'd k*lled somebody.

I-I didn't know

that's how it happened. - Hmm.

I was just trying to give the guy a shot.

How well did you know him?

Uh, w-we've hung out.

I thought he was okay.

Cindy? Any problems with him?

Anything inappropriate?

He used to get a little too flirty,

but he never crossed any line.

All right.

What about last night, after the tow?

Yeah, he was here helping me install an engine,

uh, till 10:30.

Then, we had a beer, hung out till around 1:00.

His work is all right, and the customers like him.

What do you think Bobby did?

I hope you're tracking these guys.

There is a tracker on the car.

We're on top of this.

I don't know that Agent Hodges would agree with that.

I have been working this case for over two years,

and I just lost an agent with a wife and a child.

Look... So now is not the...

We understand your loss.

But let's just stay on track.

Williams didn't show up for the meet,

so I suggest we end this now.

Bring Jones and his men in

for the m*rder charge,

and make them tell us where Williams is.

You get Williams, you get the weapons.

That's not necessarily

going to work.

Jones just k*lled a federal agent.

There is no scenario where he isn't brought in immediately.

I am sorry, EAD Mosley, but this is that scenario.

And I'll remind you,

this is A*F's case.

You're here as guests.


if you'll excuse me?

Can I talk to you a second?

What is it, Agent Callen?

You know this is bigger

than just bringing in Jones and Williams, right?

This is about an end of days cache of weapons.

Yes, but tracker or no tracker,

unless there's someone on the inside,

they will never recover those weapons.

We might be able to help with that.

We traced Thomas Jones's sat phone as he left the garage.

It went to Cole Bingham.

Am I supposed to know who that is?

Bingham owns Blue Octagon

security firm.

They contract ex-special ops

with questionable pasts as private security.

It appears

he's trying to replace Hodges

with another operator.

How does that help us?

Bingham is a CI that works for me.

Why haven't I heard of him?

'Cause I flipped him around the time of the mole.

I didn't think it made any sense to put him on the books.

- And you trust him? - Yeah.

You know, he's made some mistakes, but he knows

if he screws up, he's going away for life.

So you want to use Bingham to get inside.

It's not a bad play.

We got lucky, we should take advantage of this.


Eric, starting working

on Callen's backstop.

They're gonna be thorough.

Okay. Beale out.

Here's the deal.

If I'm going in there to do this, I need full disclosure.

'Cause there's obviously

something you're not telling me, and I need to know what it is,


Spencer Williams and I were in a relationship,

but that was before I knew about the arms trafficking.

He betrayed you.

Well, I know a little bit about that.

I suppose you do.

So is this about justice,

or is this about revenge?

Why can't it be about both?

I guess it can.

Let's get you inside.

You know, when I first met this team,

Sam and I were basically in a steel cage fight to the death.

And you survived. Impressive.

I thought so, you know, 'cause he weighs, like, 245 pounds,

and I'm, like, 180.

That's not the point; the point is, I know what it's like

to be the new kid on the block.

Especially when everyone else has grown up together,

and it's tough.

You all seem to get along fine.

Yeah, now we do.

Now, they're my family, I love them.

One of which I love so much, I'm gonna marry her.

But my point is,

that didn't happen overnight.

Look, I know I'm liked and respected.

But I'm a package deal with Mosley.

And it's very clear where the team stands on her.

Yeah, but you're two separate people.

We get that.

What I'm telling you is that

you're only attached to her if you want to be.

I want to be.

She's mentored me.

She's gotten me this far.

I'm loyal.

I'll be happy to go down with her if that's what happens.

Fair enough.

Look at that. Game on.

Okay, please, put it away.

I was in a really bad way, then.

All right, I was a mess.

All I cared about was staying high.

You did away with whoever got in your way.

I did 19 hard years for that.

All right? 19.

What else can I do?

L-Look at me. You have any idea

what life in prison was like for a skinny 18-year-old meth head?

Katherine Sheridan.

There's no coming back for her, and you did that.

So you'll excuse us

if we don't RSVP to your pity party.


Believe me, I get it.

But I didn't do anything.

That may be.

But until we find Weir or verify your story,

you'll be here a little while longer.

Get comfortable.

You tell my boss about this?

You know, a lot of guys have k*lled people.

If they're lucky, somebody gives 'em a second chance.

Not for me, I guess.

That's the breaks.

Looks like Mandy's not

who she said she was.

Beale, she went into the Los Angeles Theater

on Broadway and she's armed. We're going in.

Got it.

Freeze! Drop the g*n!

Mandy. Mandy, put it down now.

Drop the g*n. We won't ask again.

Secure the w*apon. Got her.

Nice and easy. Nice and easy.

Oh, my God.

You okay?

This is the most horrifying thing I've ever seen.


And they're saying it's body parts

from at least five different people sewn together.

Coroner estimates Weir's time of death

between 10:00 p.m. and 1:00 a.m. yesterday.

What the hell?

Hey, Bobby Griffin, the guy Sam and Kensi are talking to,

butchered a woman 20 years ago.

Could line up.

Let's find out.

You start talking now.

How did you find that body?

Look, this needs to be handled discreetly.

Oh, because you're an attaché to the Chinese consulate?

Something like that.

No, "something like that" is not gonna cut it.

We need answers. We need them now.

- You think that I did this? - If you didn't k*ll Weir,

how did you know where to find him?

Take me someplace secure

and I'll tell you exactly what you need to know.

Close it.

Go ahead.

There. Now it's secure. Start talking.

You need to speak to Jordan Davis.

What just happened to your accent?

And who's Jordan Davis?

Davis is an intelligence officer at the NSA

and my handler.

Mandy Huang isn't my real name.

The real Mandy Huang is dead.

NSA used that opportunity for me to assume her identity.

Which means you're...

NSA agent and a U.S. citizen.

I provide intelligence from the Chinese consulate

to the NSA.

Timothy was my partner in Los Angeles.

Call Jordan Davis.

He'll corroborate everything.

I just got off the phone

with NSA Director Shaw and Officer Davis.

They've confirmed everything.

All right, Hetty. Thank you.


So, how did you find Weir?

A tracking app.

We have implants in case we miss a check-in.

So why didn't the NSA activate them?

They're not from the NSA.

I fell in love with my partner.

Timothy wanted us

to have the trackers

in case something went wrong with the op.

When you told me he was missing, I activated his.

Now can you please tell me

what the hell I was looking at in there?

What happened to Timothy?

Been awhile.

There's a clock on this, Bingham.

We need your complete assurance

that your man is clean.

This is former Marine Sergeant Reid Yeager.

He's the best.

Force Recon out of Camp Leatherneck. Helmand Province.

I was also in Kandahar.

Tell me what you did there?

We were both with Echo Company...

You do realize if Callen gets inside, this becomes

much more of a joint operation. - What does that mean specifically?

NCIS is not handling any of the tactical...

Williams shows his face,

I get first shot at him, 48 hours

before he's questioned by any other agency.

I'm good with that.

The Brits. You remember their man Rearden?

Had a thing about animals.

He almost adopted this little dog

that used to run around the fields, right?

I think you mean McAlester.

Wasn't the, uh, 3/5 out of Kings Bay?

Kings Bay is

a naval submarine base.

3/5 was out of Pendleton.

Sounds like they're buying Callen's backstory.

Good thing everyone got out, right?

Uh, is that Spencer Williams?

What are you talking about?

Let's do this.

I've heard enough. That's him.

He's good. Pay him.

Always a pleasure.

Call if you need another man.

Sergeant Yeager,

I checked you out.

I'm impressed.

You know what happened to the man you're replacing?

Didn't work out.

No, it didn't.

So, what's the op?

Just a buy. Simple.

All you got to do is have my back.

If you see anything, I'm more than happy to walk away.

I don't need this deal.

Understood. When and where?

In two hours.

Whiteman Airport.

Let's go.

Do not lose that car.

I'm on it.

Someone took the time

to dismember these bodies like this.

It's not too different than what Bobby did

to Katherine Sheridan.

It can't be a coincidence, can it?

Let's find out.

All right, can I go?

You want to go, answer our questions.

Tell us about last night.


Again? I picked up a tow.

What time?

Around 7:00 Check my phone. All right?

Guy took off, said he had to meet someone.

I towed the Beemer back. That's all I can tell you.

And the rest of the night?

I helped Justin restore and rebuild an engine.

Look, who is this missing guy?

Doesn't matter to you.

I go out there, I talk to Justin,

he's gonna tell the same story? Yeah.

Yes, 'cause it's the truth.

Why? What, is-is he saying something else?

We were in the shop till like 1:00 in the morning.

What do you got, Eric?

FBI pulled security camera footage from the mechanic shop.

I scrubbed through it.

His story checks out.

He was there till just after 1:00 a.m..

So he didn't k*ll Weir.


We're looking at this wrong.

Yeah, we're wasting our time.

There's something else.

I tracked down security footage

from the alley behind the theater.

You need to see this.

Is that...?

Lieutenant Commander Weir.

Keep watching.

Okay, what the... what the hell are they doing?

What the hell are they watching?

What's happening? What are they wearing?

Eric, put her on the screen.

We just found out the FBI's been looking

at a similar case.

Special Agent Rand.

Tell everybody what you told me.

Over the last year,

we found two Frankenstein bodies

similar to the one that you've just discovered.

One in Juarez, Mexico; the other in Cleveland, Ohio.

Each body is made up of at least

four or more victims.

How could someone do this to another human being?

My profilers are telling me that it's more than one k*ller.

We've gathered evidence and have learned that

they're working the Dark Web,

selling these m*rder/dismemberments

to individuals who want to pay to watch.

Wait a minute. Sorry.

So, people are paying to watch them cut people up alive?

And sew different body parts back together, evidently.

And they're making a lot of money at it, too.

The procedure of murders have become more elaborate each time,

almost like performance art.

Until you found this third body,

we weren't even sure they were all connected.

In the meantime, you're keeping it out of the press.


But for how much longer, we're not sure.

My agents are there now looking at your body.

But this all seems to be the work of the same group.

A team of serial K*llers.

This is just so twisted.

So this has nothing to do with national security?

It doesn't seem so.

Lieutenant Commander Weir

just appears to have been another victim.

Okay, well, it's in your court.

We'll let you know if we find something else.

I appreciate it, Sam.

- Guys. - Bye. -Bye.

I can't tell you how happy I am

we don't have to investigate this.

Amen to that.

As agreed for 27 million.

Confirmed and ready for transfer.

It's all yours as soon as you deliver.

Bring it in.

- We're good. - See if we can trace the transaction.

I want that money, too.

It'll be here in 15 minutes.

Check the weapons. Transfer the money.

If you fool around at all, my men have orders to k*ll you.

Wait, where are you going?

Don't worry.

I can check the transaction from the plane.

We are not letting him get on that plane.

The FBI will be tracking it.

The plane can't get out of U.S. airspace in 15 minutes.

No one moves until we've recovered the weapons.

Take them now.

We can find out the location of the weapons

from Williams or one of his men.

EAD Mosley, we have an agreement.

Agent Callen, end this now.

Belay that order.

Do not engage.

Agent Callen, stop the plane

and take Williams.

Agent Callen, stand down.

Agent Callen, you work for me.

The mission is what I say it is.

EAD Mosley, you say another word,

my agents will remove your comms.

Go. Get 'em open.

Open it.

Check all the crates, make sure they're all there.


Those cases match the ones

stolen from Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake.

Should we move in?

We came this far.

I want to see them.

Zoom in. Let me see what's inside.

That's as close as we can get on that camera.

The buyers are satisfied. It's got to be them.

Get in tighter on camera two.

That's an AGM-114 Hellfire m*ssile.

- Don't see that every day. - It's the weapons.

Take 'em. Execute. Don't move!

Execute. Execute. Don't move!

Show me your hands!

Right there, on the ground!

Drop your weapons. Ground, down on the ground!

Don't reach for it!

Nell, call FBI,

and tell them to take Williams's plane down.

They've got to move.

If he finds out, he's gonna run.

I'm on it.

Thanks. Yes, sir.

All the weapons from Naval Air Weapons Station

have been accounted for-- every last one of 'em.


EAD Mosley.

What's wrong?

FBI tracked Williams's plane to LAX, where it landed.

Before they could get eyes on him,

they lost him somewhere in the airport.

Did he leave LAX on foot?

He take another plane?

FBI is looking over all the cameras now.

They don't know.

You let him go.

I am not having this discussion

because right now I have to go speak with my agent's widow.

Agent Callen, good work out there.

Assistant Director.

You want to tell me what's really going on here?

We just lost a major felon.

I'm calling SECNAV.

I need all the resources we can get on this quickly.

You're still not telling me everything.

Agent Callen,

that is it.

Office of the Secretary of the Navy. Who's calling, please?

Assistant Director Shay Mosley.

I need to speak with her as quickly as possible.

Welcome back.


What's up with that?

That was a cold wind that just blew through here.

A*F just recovered all the weapons that were stolen

from the China Lake theft.

I remember that theft. That's great.

That's what you've been working on all day?

Why doesn't she seem happy about it?

I don't know. What's happening here?

Not much.

Just looking into a guy

who likes to stitch parts of dead bodies together

to make Frankenstein monsters.

You're kidding?

No. No. No.

Is this your office now?

I was just sitting here

trying to see things from your prospective.


come, sit. No, no.

I'm fine.

Have it your way.

We had Williams, and Callen let him go.

I heard. I know you thought

that it would be a good idea for Callen to assist me...

But you didn't let him.

And as a result,

things took an unfortunate turn...

for you.


Williams could be out of the country now.

He may never come back.

You have to be honest with your team.

Do you really want

to find Williams?

You know I do.

This team can do that.

But you, I dare say...

have to trust.


Real bravery always

starts in the heart.

Good night.

Good night, Hetty.

Let me guess,

she's being elusive.

Hetty and God work in mysterious ways.

In Hetty we trust.



Yeah, I'm not missing this.


I heard you enjoy whiskey.

I didn't even know you drank.

When I want to.

In the office?

After hours with colleagues.

Would you join me?

It's the least I can offer you.


Have a seat.

Do you know why I chose you to be my partner?

I have a few ideas.

They're wrong.

I chose you because you are the best

agent I've ever worked with.

And I needed the best.

Thank you.

You really wanted to find Williams. Why?

There was more to the relationship

with me and Williams.

I thought there might be.

Spencer Williams and I had a child.

His name is Derrick.

And when he fled the country, he took my boy.

I haven't seen him in five years.

Probably wouldn't even recognize him.

I will do everything I can to help you get your son back.

Thank you.

Everyone needs to come up to Ops now.

I'll see you in there.

FBI just ID'd

some of the body parts from Weir's corpse.

Some belong to these four people:

Anna and Peter Newman, Eduardo Gonzales, Michael Martinez.

- Sorry I'm late. - Anna and Peter

own the mechanic's shop where Weir's car was towed.

Eduardo and Michael work there.

Whoa, hold on a second. Who were we talking to?

Yeah, wait a minute. Didn't Agent Rand

say there was more than one?

So this whole time, we were talking to...

The K*llers.

It was all four of 'em.

So let me get Al, he's the owner.

Cindy says you're looking for the owner...

Bobby brought it in, but...

We were in the shop till, like, 1:00 in the morning.

They staged the security footage to create Bobby Griffin's alibi.

We were talking to Bobby three hours ago.

We had him.

Why, why weren't they reported missing?

Anna and Peter are married,

so no one reported them missing.

And Eduardo and Michael,

they live alone,

so I'm guessing no one noticed yet.

Special Agent Rand is on her way to the mechanic's shop now.

We're closer. Let's move.

My God.