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09x19 - Outside the Lines

Posted: 10/20/20 17:16
by Phnxgirl
Who's King?

He's the reason Sam created his whole “Switch” alias.

- This a joke, bro? - You see me laughing?

'Cause LAPD has no idea who he is.

I'm King.

And you're gonna help me become a queen.

I'm the L.A. district attorney, you can't arrest me.

I have King, that's all I need.

Just stay in the car. Don't get out of the car.

Don't do it!


Stay with me. King, stay with me.

Get inside.

We have no money. You think I'm stupid?

What's up?

- He's alone. - Where are the key codes?

I don't know what you're...

Where are the key codes?!

Wait! Wait! Okay.

Th-this way. Move!

Move! Move!

Get up.

Open it.


Come on, man!

Give me that. Okay.

Got it.

James! James!

No, wait...

♪ NCIS: LA 9x19 ♪ Outside the Lines
Original Air Date on April 22, 2018

And just...


I just finished the Cynical podcast in the car.

I cannot believe no one noticed the mom was a twin.

Come on, how obvious was that?

Right? Yeah.

That's-- Yeah. Awesome.

Yeah. That's wild. Mm-hmm.

Oh, my gosh. I'm sorry.

I-I should have said “spoiler alert.”

I-I thought we were all on the same page with this.

No. No. It's-it's not that.

Okay, so what is it? You recommended it.

We were all talking about it.

Yeah... a year and a half ago.

It's not the first time.

What is...?

It's true.

You come in all gassed up about old news,

something we've already discussed,

and then you get upset

when we're not excited, so, yay.

I do not. I don't get upset.

You're chronically late to the party.

You know what? I was gonna ask you guys

to go see Star Wars this weekend,

I'm just not gonna do that anymore.

Saw it.

Is it still even in theaters? Definitely not.

You know what? Fine. I don't care.

I'm just gonna ask Deeks to come with me.


He saw it already?

He's... I'm gonna k*ll him.

I'm gonna k*ll that guy. Way to go, Nell.

Whatever, I don't care. Where are Callen and Deeks?

'Cause he left before I woke up this morning.

He probably knows. Uh, Callen is...

talking to A*F about Anna

and if you'll follow me, I will tell you where Deeks is.

That's great. Hey, question.

Wait. Um, so, uh, did you go see Star Wars?


Tell me the truth. Well, uh...

- You saw Star Wars. - He definitely saw it.

You all saw Star Wars.

No sense of commitment.

Well, a small cryptocurrency farm

was hit this morning in San Pedro.

LAPD talked to the owner, and get this...

the thieves managed to get away

with $10 million worth of bitcoin.

This guy just left his partner to die.

I have a question. Uh, how do you steal bitcoin?

Just to be clear, the thieves didn't steal actual bitcoin, - Right.

they stole the offline keychains used to access the bitcoin

from cold storage, in this case, a hard drive.

Now, the thief left for dead

is Mark Nichols.

He was treated at UCLA,

and is currently being transported to the boatshed.

Nichols is a career criminal, multiple felonies.

Guys are probably just hired g*ns.

What does this have to do with us?

Well, we went back through the surveillance,

and found this outside the bitcoin farm.

Sasha Channing and Angus Reeves,

both known associates of...

Barris Stone.

Who's Barris Stone?

The most dangerous narcoterrorist in the game.

Think European Pablo Escobar.

Mm-hmm. Now, we've clocked Channing and Reeves,

but no one has seen Barris Stone enter the U.S.

They could be making moves without him.

I don't buy it.

If they're here, he's here.

This is our chance to shut him down for good.

We did spot Sasha entering this downtown cafe

without Angus. Deeks is there setting up surveillance.

- Callen's gonna meet him. - She's most likely waiting

to make the exchange with Nichols' partner that got away.

Okay. So, Kensi, you take Nell

to the boatshed and check out Mark Nichols.

Will do. What are you gonna do?

Something I was hoping I wouldn't have to.

It's risky.

Barris Stone was the supplier

behind disgraced DA Frank Gibson

that I took down a year ago.

And his partner King.


If Barris Stone is back town making moves,

then I need to be in the streets to find him

and using my Switch alias allows me to do that.

Not if Switch is burned.

Did you know that after the trial

DA Gibson was m*rder*d

during his transport to prison?

We don't know if Barris Stone was behind that.

We don't know that he wasn't.

Switch is still my best option.


I'm gonna allow it,

but first you need to make sure

that Switch is still a viable alias.

You want me to see King.

Talk to her, see what she has to say. If you feel like it's safe,

then I don't... - She's been under strict supervision.

There's always a way around that.

You wanted to see me, ma'am?

Yes, you're going out with Sam today.

Callen's got enough on his plate

and you need someone watching your back.

And besides, she could use the extra fieldwork.

Do what you got to do.

But bring Barris Stone in.

Will do.


How goes?

Well, she either has more time to spare

than the average bear, or she's waiting on a connect.

What are you doing?

I know that you're used to confiding in Sam,

and I want you to know that I'm here for you.

That's not weird at all.

Well, no. What's weird is that Anna's under investigation

for k*lling Sokolov,

and you haven't mentioned it since it happened.

Well, there's not much to talk about.


I'm still trying to make sense of things.

I get that.

I gave a statement.

They haven't even questioned me for the investigation.

Now, that is a little weird, don't you think?

I mean...

as a cop, I'd say not to worry about it,

'cause these things take time.


As a lawyer, I would advise you

to pick a story and stick with it.

But as your friend,

I would say you got to follow your heart, man.

'Cause honestly, whatever it is that you choose

is gonna effect the rest of her life.

Sam never touches me.

It's too much, right?

Almost nailed it.

Mark Nichols.

Long list of felonies,

in and out of prison...

Wash, rinse, repeat.

Who hired you to hit that bitcoin farm?

You know, blockchain, mining,

cryptographic cash.

My friend here, she's really smart.

She understands the likes of bitcoin mining,

cryptographic cash. Yeah, good for her.

Bad for you.

Which means it's just a matter of time

before she finds out who hired you.

So why don't you just go ahead and tell us?

Who was your partner?

Where were you making the exchange?

Look, you're lucky to be alive,

especially after your partner left you to die.

He didn't even try to come back for you.

Why would you try to protect him?

You want to know who hired me?

You know the last guy he thought crossed him

got a gallon of sulfuric acid forced down his throat.

And he posted the video online

as the guy burned from the inside out.

His sick way of saying, “Don't cross me”"

You see, that's who you're dealing with.

And that's what I'm facing.

Best I can do is to convince him I kept my mouth shut.

If I'm lucky, he'll k*ll me quick.

Goals, right?


How do I look?


That's one of Hetty's favorite jackets.

All right. Well, I'll try not to spill anything on it.

Yeah, you do that.

So what's the plan?

What's the plan-- Oh. You know what?


It's all in the details.


So, uh, after King got shot,

she suffered massive blood loss and a stroke.

I read in her file that she was in a medically induced coma.

Until she stabilized.

She had to learn to walk since then.

Wow. She's been through it.

More than you know.

She's got a strong spirit.


Mmm. Let me tell you something.

She testified against DA Gibson

and laid out the whole structure of Stone's organization...

- Mmm. - ...knowing what that could mean for her.

And in return, she was offered a lighter sentence

and secret relocation.

Okay. Now I have to meet with her,

see if this Switch alias is still in play.

It has to be, 'cause I'm not giving up this outfit.

Yeah, okay.

Boom! That's it.

We are now the proud owners of a fraction of Ethercoin.

It's gonna be the next big thing. Just watch.

You are the proud owner.

I'm not throwing away my hard-earned cash on that.

I wouldn't exactly call sitting in a roach coach “hard”"

There are a lot of options

if you just want to throw away your cash.

There are casinos.

Racetracks. There's backyard dice games.

Tell me, what exactly did you buy?

I feel like this is a trick question.

Where is the actual value?

In its demand, baby.

Fear of missing out. That's what's driving this.

You know what, my friend? This is the future.

So while you're out there writing checks

and handwritten letters by lamplight,

I'll be on the Internets. That's right, on the Internets.

Buying stuff.


Oh, look at this!

Up three bucks in, like, two minutes.

I already made a fortune. I'm buying more.

All right, but you're not staying at my place

when Kensi throws you out for spending all your cash.

What the Cr...?

What? Is that even possible?

It just crashed, didn't it?


Oh, my God. I think I owe them money.

Oh, she's moving.

Well, Vanilla Ice,

the Pet Rock,

and Ethercoin at $200.

What are three things people thought were here to stay?

I don't know what I like better, this outfit or the car.


Give me a minute.

Take your time.


You look like this guy that I used to know.

New me?



It is good to see you.

It's good to see you, too.

It's too quiet out here.

I miss the city.

The only thing that made this tolerable

were your visits.

I always wanted to ask you...

after you got the information you needed,

why keep coming?

You know why.

I do.

Just trying to remind myself that I'm not crazy.

You're not.

I miss you.

I miss you, too.

Look at you.


Back to normal. No, not there yet.

But close. Hmm.

Can't walk right without it. Hmm.

- Want a little help? - No, I'm good. I got it.

Oh, okay.

You okay?

I am now, Dana.

I have hated that name my whole life,

but somehow when you say it,

it doesn't sound so bad.




I need to ask you something. Hmm?

Did you tell anyone about me?

About Switch?

After everything that we've shared?

My rehab, the tri...

You confided in me about your wife's death.

I need to know.

Wouldn't want to jeopardize my cushy deal,

now, would I?

You know, I didn't say a word.

I couldn't even if I wanted to.

Look, I care about my deal,

but I care about you more.

I don't want anything to happen to you, Sam.

In a weird way,


you're all I have.

I assume you're asking for a reason.

There's a chance Barris Stone might be in the U.S.

We're not certain.

Am I in danger? Oh.

No, no, no, no.

You don't have anything to worry about.

But if he found me... No. You're safe here.

And I'm gonna find him first.


But there's got to be something you can tell me.

You know, uh...

a pattern.



Yeah, there was an emergency once,

and we ended up meeting...

by the old shipyard by the harbor.

I need that address.

I got you.

I got you.

I got you.

Look, we know you're scared, okay?

But we need to know.

Are you working for Barris Stone?

And if you are,

please let us help you.

There's no way you can help me.

We are very resourceful.

Witness protection. Secret secure locations...

There's nowhere you can put me that they won't find me.

Here's the deal.

You can take your chances with us

and tell us who your partner is and who hired you, or...

Or we can lock you up in gen pop,

and you can take your chances

with whoever it is you're terrified of.

Seems like a pretty easy call to me.

Sasha Channing hired us.


Yeah, that's her.

Who else was at the meeting?

There was another guy.

- Reeves. - Mm-hmm.


Anybody else?

There was this guy creeping around the back.

Didn't want to be seen.

Yeah, that's him.

And I'd never seen Sasha defer to anyone

the way she did with him.

I mean, we were up for running his L.A. distribution.

To prove ourselves, we had to deliver that drive.

Who is your partner?

The hell.

Jerk left me for dead, anyway.

Eddy Davis.

Goes by E-Money.

Thank you.

We're early.


If we're gonna get close to Stone,

we got to bring something to the table.

You mean cash?

Something like that.

You and King seem... close.

It's complicated.

Complicated feelings?

More like respect.

She's been through a lot.

So have you.

And Sam, no one would blame you if...

As much as we'd like

to believe it...

everything isn't black and white.

Nobody's all good or all bad.

We all have flaws.

We all have virtues.

Comes down to choices.

My husband used to say that.

I was in Afghanistan, and I got summoned by my CO.

The next thing I know, I'm being flown

to a nearby combat support hospital in Kandahar.

When I got there...

...he was in...

he was in really bad shape.

Something came over me, and...

I proposed to him right there.

I was so scared.

Someone called the chaplain,

and he married us right there on the spot.

He died shortly after on the table.

I didn't know.

You know, I may be out of line, but...

I think it's okay to feel.

You perform like a superhero,

but you cannot forget that you're human.

So, do you believe her?

About Stone?

No choice.

Switch is our best option

if we want to get close to Stone before he skips town.

Okay. So what are we doing here?


visiting an old friend.


Caught you slipping again, big boy.


You can't be serious.

You can't jack a man twice.

It's against the code. What code is that?

The code that says you can't jack a man twice code.

It's against the rules.

I make my own rules.

Give up the case.

Give it up-- easy.

Easy, easy.

Don't give me a reason.

Don't be stupid.

For real, for real?

You got some balls showing up here, player.

Man, shut up, man. Get the case.

Open it.

Oh, that's cute.

Where's the real stuff, huh?

I don't know what you talking about.

Where's the real stuff?

Yeah, sting a little bit?

Still got your tricks doing your dirty work, I see.

Give it up.

Where's the real stuff, tough guy?



That looks more like it.

I'd like to thank you for another contribution

to the Switch charity fund.

You know this is gonna come down between you and me, Switch.

And you ain't gonna like

the outcome.

Look out!

You ain't getting away this time, Switch.

Your ass is mine!

I've been praying for this moment.

Let's go!

Let's roll!

Damn you, Switch!

Got what we needed.

More importantly, we know Switch is still a viable alias.

I'm starting to think this, uh, Eddy Davis isn't gonna show.

Well, he doesn't have any other choice.

Doesn't have the means to move bitcoin.

I think he's just playing it safe.

You know, this place makes me rethink my career choices.

Couple beers.

Just to, you know, hang out and and relax

in a fine establishment like this all day long?

Don't know if I would call this a “fine establishment.”

What are you talking about?

You got darts, you got neon signs,

you got that sticky film on the fake wood floors.

This place is awesome.

I'm certain it's up to code as well.

Eh, it doesn't matter.

I've actually got my eye on a place

that looks a lot like this over on the east side.

What, to buy?

Yeah. Yeah.

It's been abandoned for years.

There's probably a reason for that.

Yeah, 'cause it's waiting on me to buy it.

Mm-hmm. And how's Kensi feel

about being married to a bartender?

Well, first off, I prefer the term “mixologist,”

and secondly, I haven't told her, yet.

♪ Let me reason with you... ♪

Wait, you're serious?

Yeah, man, I'm serious.

I mean, planning for this wedding has got me thinking.

You know? I mean, how much longer can we roll the dice?

Man, that's just your nerves speaking.

No, it's not, man, it's me thinking ahead.

To be honest, I think that we've gotten lucky so far.

And I-I want to, you know, I want to have kids, man,

I want a family.

Sam made it work.

I mean, not to be insensitive,

but considering what happened to Michelle,

you're proving my point.

That's just not a conversation

I'm prepared to have with little Deeks.


Living our lives by playing it safe?

That's not living.

♪ You ain't run far enough to say... ♪

Here you go.

Thanks. I agree with that.

I'm just saying there's a lot of miles between “safe”

and t*rrorists trying to k*ll you

with a*t*matic weapons every single day.

All right, well, here's to

little Deeks and fewer t*rrorists.

I'll drink to that.


♪ It ain't gonna get any better... ♪

Deeks would be so proud.

Dumpster diving with Deeks.

I'm into it.

All right, I think this is about as close as I can get

without being spotted.

You seeing this?


I got him.

I got Angus Reeves, too, and two extra guys in there.

No sign of Barris Stone.

They're here. Game on.

Just stay cool and follow my lead.

Copy that.

Oh, easy. Easy, big fella.

I suggest you keep it moving.

We're not here to cause any problems.

All right? I need to see Reeves.

I got something I know he'd definitely want to see.

Uh-- easy.


Got over a half a million in diamonds right here.

That should be more than enough to purchase

a few minutes of face time.

And what's stopping me from just taking it?

You could, but that'd be no way to treat a lady.

All right. Put your arms up, then.

Arms up.

All right.

Follow me.

What's the status, Eric?

Sam and Harley are inside,

with no comms or weapons, but Kensi and Nell are on Overwatch.

And, um, Callen and Deeks are currently sitting

on Sasha Channing...

...waiting for Davis to come through with the key codes.

No luck locating Davis?

No. Not yet.

I've been backtracking since the robbery. Nothing.

Well, he could be spooked after dropping two dead bodies.

Okay. Keep me updated as things progress.

Two questions. Hmm.

Who are you, and how'd you know where to find me?

My name is Switch.

This is my partner, CJ.

Never heard of you.

Well, if you had, it means we're not doing our jobs.

You can't trust Mark Nichols

and Eddy Davis.

Two idiots couldn't pull off a simple robbery.

And you're lucky Nichols got shot,

'cause he was planning to skip town.

He wanted me to go in with him,

but I don't roll like that.

When I heard who the job was for,

I saw an opportunity.


So you show up at the door with a bag of diamonds.

It's the best housewarming gift I could think of.

Next to cash.

Okay, I'm listening.

Nichols and Davis...

...can't do for you what we can do for you.

That half a mill is every week for us.

The possibilities are endless.

Every week?

From Diego to the Bay.

We got the West Coast on lock.

Sounds impressive.

Especially for a federal agent.


Kensi, they're moving Sam.

Bag him, let's go!

Nell, I don't have a shot.

Watch this.

I don't want to risk hitting Sam.

Eric, track the van.


Beale, call an ambulance.

Harley's down!

I'm on it.

Okay. Okay...


Thank you, Hetty.

Nell, talk to me.

Yep, jacket's lined with Kevlar.

She's gonna be okay.

Where's Sam?

They took him.

Oh, God.

Okay. Try not to move.

It hurts.

Yeah, it should.

You've been shot.

But your jacket's lined with Kevlar.

You should be okay.

They knew.

They knew we were feds.

We were set... we were set up.

Talk to me, Eric.

I just got an alert from LAPD.

The farmhouse was att*cked.

King is gone.

That bitch set him up.

Have you found Sam?

I-I'm trying. I've checked every street cam,

media feed, Kaleidoscope, keep coming up short.

What if I can't find him?

You listen to me, Eric.

I have worked with the best in the game,

and I have never seen anyone who can do what you do,

so if anyone can find Sam, it's you.

I need you to do your job.

I believe in you.

I'm coming, Sam.

I've got to give it to you.

He came right to us, just like you said.

Don't do this, Dana.

Sorry, Sam.

I want my old life back.

And to get it, all she had to do was deliver you.

But you gave up the Barris Stone organization.


I gave up a few dispensable players.

Put in place for exactly that sort of thing.

A fail-safe, if you will.

I believed you.

Sorry, sweetie, it's business.

It ain't personal.

We're coming in to help.

Callen, we're just as concerned as you are,

but there is nothing

you can do about this.

Just stay on Sasha Channing

and get those key codes.

We will call you if we need you.

Keep me posted.

♪ I won't be jumping... ♪

Sasha's on the move.

This may be it.

We shut this down.

Then we find Sam.

♪ Bring the light ♪

♪ To you... ♪


The man who cost me a fortune.

I wish I could say it was a pleasure.


Well done.

I didn't think you would pull it off.

Deal's a deal.

You bribed the guards at the farmhouse.

Everybody's got a price.

When that fails, I find extortion to be more effective.


Yeah, well, you'll never get away with it.

I'm a federal agent.

And I plan on using that to my advantage.

Insubordination tends to breed contempt.


Sometimes, you have to send a message to people,

to remind them who they're dealing with.

I hope you're ready for your close-up.

- Let me know what you find. - Yeah.

Thank you, Steve.

What's up, Eric?

I think I found him-- or found something.

Whoa, whoa, hold on, hold on, hold on.

Found what?

I got to thinking,

Sam is the most thorough person we know.

There's no way he's dealing with someone like King

without some sort of contingency plan.

What do you mean?

I'm picking up an extra signal

on the network from your location.

Could it be Sam's phone?

No, no, I have Sam's phone right here.

They dumped it after they took him.

Well, I'm showing five when there should be four.

Hold on a second.

Yeah, you guys are clear to go.

It's a burner.

He was tracking something.

Eric, we need a chopper.

I'm on it.

Nice work, Eric.

Chopper's on its way.

I got eyes on Sasha and Davis.

Copy that.

Where is it?

I didn't think you had it in you.

Federal agent, drop your w*apon!


We got a runner!

Oh! God, that was the perfect check.

On your knees.

Hands behind your back.


We good?

We got the key codes.

Now we get Sam.

Beale, I need LAPD at this location.


Fire it up.

Good to go.

It's all about social media these days, huh?

We have to use the tools available to us to stay on top.

If you die well, this could go viral.

Are you gonna keep talking, or are we gonna do this?

I do like this guy.

It's almost a shame to see him go.


Let me do it.


It's kind of poetic.

Dana, wait.

Like I said, you talk too much.


Step aside, Sam.

Look, I'm sorry.

The only way for me to get close enough to Stone

was to deliver you.

It's the only way for me to be free.

I'm gonna start a new life, and I want you to come with me.

I can't let you do this, Dana.

After everything we've been through...

we deserve this.

Tell me you don't want to go.

I absolutely want to go.

But I can't.

I can't run away from who I am.


How? Did...

The farmhouse.

Where'd you put the tracker?

Your brace.

So you used me to get to Stone.

Guess that makes two of us.

How'd you know I wouldn't k*ll you?

I didn't.

But I know how I feel about you.

And I was counting on you feeling the same way.

I'm not going back.

I wish things could've been different.

I know. Me, too...


Federal agents!

g*n down, now!

Put down your w*apon.




Give me the g*n.

Give me the g*n.



You'll be okay.

It's gonna be okay.

Callen and Deeks are processing

Sasha Channing and Eddy Davis.

Barris Stone is out of surgery,

and in custody with the marshals.


Bruised ribs.

I think I'm gonna be sore for a week.

Try three.

Remind me to thank Hetty for that jacket.

You good?


We good?


We're good.

Get some rest.

You earned it.



Hey, have a good night.


To be honest, um...

I'm not thrilled with how you played this one.

You put Hidoko's life in danger.

“Do what you got to do,” right?

You know better than anyone, it gets real out there.

How did you know?

I knew King was the only one

that could get close enough to Stone.

And nothing was gonna stop her.

Apparently, even if that meant using me.

You're not answering my question.

I guess I used my instincts.

You mean, your heart?

Look, Sam, I get it.

Sometimes, you have to play outside the lines.

Good work.

Good night, EAD Mosley.


I will do everything I can do to help her.

But whatever's going on with you, you need to figure it out.

Do you get what I'm saying?