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09x20 - Reentry

Posted: 10/20/20 17:16
by Phnxgirl
HIDOKO: We found somebody-- George Nelson.

Former NIS agent in Vietnam.

Most of the guys I served with are gone.

I'm not sure how long I got.

HETTY: Harris Keane.

You don't remember the helicopter crash?

You left me to die.

I thought you were dead.

I would have been better off.

There's always someone worth k*lling, and I did,

a hundred times over.

Then one day I put my r*fle down.

I don't even know what home is anymore.

It's with us now.

(helicopter rotors whirring)

You do know we have a gas stove, right?

It's called “glamping” for a reason.

Cooking s'mores on a stove is blasphemy.


- Lend a hand? - We had to march ten miles

just to get here, and now you want me

to do physical labor?

First of all, that was two miles, tops.

Second of all, this hardly counts as labor.

And, quoth my dad, it does build character.

So come on, put your phone down and help.

All right, just hold on. I got no service,

and I can't get this stupid Wi-Fi to work.

Wasn't the whole point of coming out here

to escape technology? - I know, but-- Whoa!

What is that?

WOMAN: Relax.

It's a rocket launch from Vandenberg.

I saw a story about it on the news last night.

It's beautiful, isn't it?

Oh, I gotta record this. The 'Gram is gonna love it.


That can't... be normal, right? Uh,

is that coming towards us? - Yeah.

It is. Run!

- Run! - Go! Go!


♪ NCIS: LA 9x20 ♪ Reentry
Original Air Date on April 29, 2018

♪ ♪

I'm not saying it's stupid, I'm just saying it's boring.

It's not boring, it's soothing.

It's a waste of time, Deeks.

Whoa. That's like saying that therapy is a waste of time,

because after a long day of things blowing up,

and getting shot at and arresting bad guys,

I just like to go home and relax and watch

some Slow TV. Oh, my God.

Yesterday, you watched eight full hours of a boat

crossing a fjord, and nothing was happening.

The boat wasn't on fire,

there were no pirates trying to board the boat.

- There wasn't even any music. - I know.

That's part of the slow movement.

It's about finding a better pace for life.

I like our pace. What's wrong with our pace?

Just saying that things are moving so fast

where, like, a single tweet could start a nuclear w*r,

that we could all benefit by just

slowing down a little bit.

Guys! There you are. Oh, my God.

We gotta go. We got a case. It's a thing--

Well, it's more than a case. It's so cool.

Just, you guys gotta come.

Hurry, hurry, hurry!

Come on, come on, come on!

Was he foaming at the mouth?

I'm having heart palpitations

just from watching that.

Here we go. Last night,

Proxima Aerospace launched a Janus III rocket

from the Vandenberg Air Force Base.

91 seconds into flight, this happened.

Great. Another episode

of Slow TV. - It's very relaxing.


Oh, uh, jumped the g*n a little bit.

(clears throat) 91 seconds into flight,

this happened.

Oh! That's what I'm talkin' about. (chuckles)

- Wait, there was no one on board, right? - Correct.

It was unmanned, but it was carrying

a top-secret payload

from the National Reconnaissance Office.

The NRO designs, builds

and operates the government spy satellites.

That payload should be orbiting the Earth right now,

but instead, it crashed

somewhere deep in the Los Padres National Forest.

Campers and hikers have been reporting

debris sightings all morning,

but, unfortunately,

nothing significant has been recovered.

The defense department has launched

a massive search effort-- it's all hands on deck.

Which also includes us.

I just sent agents Callen, Hanna and Jones

to the operations base in Los Padres.

They should be arriving shortly.

KENSI: What about me and Deeks? - And me, Eric Beale.

'Cause I'm going, too.

And Hidoko. DEEKS: I'm terrified.

Where are we going?

The four of you will be investigating

the failure of the rocket.

By going to Proxima Aerospace.

Home of the next generation of space flight.

Eric. Yes?

I just got off the phone with the NRO director.


Proxima will be coming to us.

Well, with all due respect, Assistant Director,

I'm gonna be of much more use on site.

KENSI: I hate to say it, but I do agree.

If something went wrong with the rocket,

the evidence is probably at Proxima.

This wasn't an accident. It was sabotage.

Sabotage? We-Well, then the saboteur will be at Proxima.

Let's go. Come on! Eric.

The NRO already has a suspect they'd like us to question.

They're headed over to the boatshed now.

I'm sorry, I don't understand.

When am I going to Proxima?

Can you two handle this?

KENSI: Yeah, we got it. Yeah, of course.

DEEKS: All right, little buddy,

we're gonna get you through this. - What?

I got a video for you to watch on the way over.

- A video? - Yeah. It's about a boat.

Oh... ERIC: But rockets...

He is a genius, but boy,

is he high-maintenance.

(chuckles) Yeah.

(indistinct voices)

Whatever this payload is, it must be important.

It's like they're preparing for battle.

SAM: 3,000 square miles of wilderness.

Mother Nature's a force to be reckoned with.

Mm. So is the call of nature.

Hi, I really need that restroom.

Again, I'm sorry I missed the rest stop.

Well, you were driving,

and that makes you the dad of the road trip.

And it's the dad's responsibility to let

everyone know when

the rest stop's coming up.

She's not wrong.

I don't know the rules. Okay?

I didn't do a lot of road trips when I was a kid.

You, by the way, are an actual dad.

Why didn't you say something, huh?

Oh, that's right, you slept the whole way.

Yeah, well, I was an actual dad until 2:00 a.m.,

helping Kam study for her finals exam.

I deserve a couple hours of shut-eye.

Ah, finally.

Which one of you is the lion tamer? (laughs)

Because... this is a circus?

Sorry. Haven't slept in 36 hours-- I get a little loopy.

Melissa Gates, NRO mission director's chief of staff.

Agent Callen, this is Agent Jones,

Agent Hanna.

NCIS Office of Special Projects. Perfect.

This is a very special project. If you'll follow me,

I'll show you our little big top.

Okay, we'll get you guys set up down here

in the command post,

and then we'll get you out in the field.

Hey, hey, hey, my area. Get away from that.

(chuckles) Any progress on the search so far?

We've recovered a number of pieces of the rocket,

but still haven't located the payload.

Funny thing about these satellites,

their transponders don't actually activate

until they reach space.

Let's just say this one fell a bit short.

Emphasis on “fell.” (chuckles)

So, it-it is a satellite.

I shouldn't have said that.

No, you shouldn't have.

I'm so sorry, sir. Uh, Colonel Lawson is

the NRO mission director for the launch.

Colonel Lawson,

Agents Callen, Hanna and Jones.

NCIS. We need you geared up

and in the field ASAP.

The longer this payload is missing,

the more likely it is to be damaged or destroyed.

SAM: Well, it would help us to know

a little bit more about what it is we're looking for.

Let me be clear, Agent.

I am not here to help you.

You're here to help me.

And if I point in a direction, you go there.


Yes, sir.

Gates, with me.

Well, I'm sure on days when his rocket doesn't blow up

he's a really nice guy.

(inhales sharply)



Keane... (gasps)

We need to talk.

All right, you guys all set?

Water, sunscreen, MREs?

We're good. Where's the helo dropping us?

Glad you asked. So, your landing zone

will be 20 klicks from here,

and I will be monitoring you the entire time.

(power shutting down) CALLEN: Oh, that's reassuring.

That's fun. Yeah, this command post was

put up in a hurry.

Probably just working some kinks out.

Luckily, we've got ye olde analog alternative.

(generator starts up)

Sweet. Okay, so the white pins

and red circles indicate areas where we believe

debris has fallen.

Now, that's based on visual sightings

and ballistic arcs.

The remaining pins indicate

locations of search parties currently in the field.

You guys will be dropped right about here,

and then you will work clockwise and out.

Walking around in circles.

That sounds like fun.

LAWSON: I don't want to hear excuses.

Get them on the radio or get out of my command post.

SAM: Gates.

(indistinct radio chatter)

SAM: What's going on?

We lost contact with a search party half an hour ago.

Which party?

Air Force Office of Special Investigations.

Three-man party led by Agent Murphy.

Don't worry, it's probably just technical difficulties.


Ah, the ringmaster needs me.

Your chopper leaves in five.

Happy hunting.

Every member of that team has their own radio.

I find it very hard to believe

that they all went out at the exact same time.

And they have sat phones, like us.

CALLEN: That's not far from where we're going.

- You thinking what I'm thinking? - People over payload.

Let's take a little detour.

Colonel Grumpy Pants is not gonna like that.

All the more reason. Mm-hmm.

Chelsea Parker.

There's been a mistake.

So you didn't program an unauthorized increase in thrust,

causing an expl*si*n and crash?

No, that's insane.

We're just saying, 'cause it was done from your station.

I worked for years on this launch.

Nights, weekends. I sacrificed relationships.

Why would I sabotage it after all that?

Well, Chelsea, that's what we're here to find out.

This is everything we know about you,

and we are going to go through it...

I just can't believe this.

How long has she worked for you?

Five years.

Model employee, or so I thought.

I mean, when I checked the programming after the expl*si*n

and saw what she had done, I thought I was going crazy.

All right, launch sequence, main engine burn,

no surprises there.

Though, in retrospect,

I should've seen the warning signs.

This is where she programmed the increase--

Wait a second.

I mean, she follows Edward Snowden on Twitter.

Why did she...

She goes to all of those marches,

you know, for women and minorities.

Who I support, absolutely,

but there's a radical element.


Eric, where are you...

Show me how you'd program a stage separation sequence.

You heard the man.

What's he doing?

That is a very good question.


She's free to go.

- Uh... hold on, hold on a second. - You're free to go.

Yeah, you don't actually get to say that.

Well, she didn't sabotage the rocket.

What? In computer programming,

there are two methods of code indentation,

using spaces and using tabs.

- Yeah. - Yeah.

The code used to sabotage the rocket was written with tabs.

All of Chelsea's code, including this one,

used spaces.

That's not...

I-- She might've just done that to throw us off the trail.

Okay, but then why would she program it from her own station?

That seems counterintuitive.

ERIC: Bingo. Clearly, it wasn't her.

I always use spaces.

It's not as efficient, but it's more accurate, right?

Totally. Honestly,

tabs drive me insane. - Oh, my God. Up the wall.

They're the worst.

Whenever Donald asks me to fix his code,

- I want to pull my hair out. - Oh, my God. Drive me bananas.

Hold on a second. Donald, as in Donald Jenkins,

your boss who's just outside? He uses tabs?


And he has access to your station?

He's my boss.

(thud, yelling)

Ah! Hidoko!

He took a swing at me. It was pathetic.

So pathetic.

Ugh! Okay.

- All right. - Tabs.

Sorry about the mess.

You were good enough to put me up.

Oh, I don't care about the mess, Keane.

You were avoiding my calls.

The psychologist I recommended

says you never showed up to the appointment.

I was worried.

And I think I was right to be.

It's this...

It's, uh... this dry climate.

I'm-I'm not used to it. I keep getting nosebleeds.

Hetty, if I wanted to k*ll myself,

I would have done it long ago.

Hell, I've had plenty of chances.

What is all this?

It looks like letters, but I don't see

any envelopes.


That's because the Post Office

doesn't deliver where they're gonna go.



Captain Thien Lu, 83rd Viet Cong Sapper Battalion.

He wiped out an entire village for talking

to the Americans.

After the w*r, he settled down on a farm.

That's where I found him.

And that's where I took him out.

While his wife and three daughters

slept in-in the other room.

Madame Song.

Sh-She delivered young girls to the Khmer Rouge.

And-and... (stammers)

One night, I-I followed her home and...


I don't need to hear this.

You can't keep doing this to yourself.

This is not atonement.

This is punishment.

My sins are all I have left, Hetty.


There's a suit in there.

Put it on.

You're coming with me.


Mountains, forest, oceans, desert,

all within an hour's drive of L.A.

Sometimes I forget how lucky we are.

Not sure everyone would agree with you.

Earthquakes, forest fires, mudslides. (chuckles)

Sometimes it feels like we're playing disaster roulette.

Disaster roulette.

There's danger everywhere.

At least we get a little beauty with our beast.

NELL (over radio): Callen, Sam, you copy?

CALLEN: Go ahead, Nell.

All right, I am tracking your progress,

and you are in fact approaching

the missing search party's last known coordinates.


Agent Murphy!

NCIS! We're here to help!

Agent Murphy.



That's an entire search party.

We're not the only ones looking for that payload.

Yeah, whatever that satellite does,

someone's willing to k*ll for it.

I-I swear, I didn't mean to as*ault that agent.

(Kensi laughs)

Calling whatever that was “as*ault”

seems to be giving you too much credit.

Would you call yourself a

betting man, Donald?

Uh... It's okay, we know about the gambling.

And the debt that you're in.

$75,000, to be exact.

Well, being a bad gambler's not a crime.

No, just motive to sabotage a rocket,

but, you know what, accessory to m*rder,

that actually is a crime. I'm sorry.

m*rder? One of the search parties

looking for the payload

from the rocket you blew up,

they were taken out.

As in shot dead. That is three Special Agents

who are not coming home to their families.

You did that.

They're dead because of you.


Ah, it wasn't supposed to happen like this.

So why don't you tell us

how it was supposed to happen?

I was approached by a loan shark

that I owed. Name.

Franco Martinez.

Only, he-he-he wasn't

coming to collect, he was offering to pay off my debt,

half up front and half afterwards,

plus a bonus if I just did

this little thing for him.

This little thing being sabotaging a rocket

carrying a top secret government payload.

Not so much a little thing.

If I had known people were gonna get k*lled,

I never would've agreed.


Ugh, stupid Donald.

Oh, so stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid,

stupid, stupid, stupid.

Stop hitting yourself in the head.

Stupid, stupid


Yeah, I'll go get him.

Franco Martinez.

Small time loan shark, known to operate in Koreatown.

But somebody is putting a lot of money into this.

Franco's probably the middleman.

Agreed. We need to figure out

whoever's bankrolling this operation.

Have Donald contact Franco

and arrange a meet.

Sorry, so you want us to put

that guy in the field?

Unfortunately, I don't think we have much of a choice.

Walk him through it, coach him.

I don't have to have faith in the student,

just the teachers.

(both stammering)


Right, this is... I don't...

...stupid. Oh, man.

All three of them took a hit in the back.

They were ambushed.


- Yeah? - I only found two of the walkies.

One of them's missing.

(phone ringing)

(phone ringing)

Hey, guys,

so the helo's en route to evac the bodies

and we're attaching Marine fire teams

to all search parties.

Wait, why are you calling me on a sat phone?

Nell, a walkie was taken from one of the bodies.

We have to stay off open airwaves.

Sat phones only.

NELL: That is going to slow down the search process.

Small price to pay. We can't risk it.

All right, I will alert the colonel. Wait, before you go,

the search party you found was looking for

a large piece of debris that landed

just east of your current location.

If the K*llers were after their payload,

there's a good bet they're headed there now.

- Thanks, Nell. - Yup.

Can never just go for a nice walk in the woods, can we?

DEEKS: You know, I've been thinking.

Now would be a good time for zeppelins to make a comeback.

You mean blimps?

Uh, how dare you?

A blimp is just a floating billboard.

I'm talking about a dirigible.

I mean, talk about staterooms and martini bars,

hot tubs, all while the scenery is just peacefully floating by.

Oh, I'm so glad you're still on this slow kick.

Well, slow is the new fast.

Why not do slow travel?

Because we already have that in L.A.

It's called driving.

DONALD: Hello?

Can you two keep it down?

I am barely holding it together here.

All right, Donald.

You need to take a few breaths and relax.

Okay? We got your back. Relax.

DONALD: I am trying, but now all I can think about

are blimps, which, by the way,

had their shot and we all know how that ended.

DEEKS: Yeah, says the guy whose rocket

just, “Oh, the humanitied”

all over the national forest, Donald.

KENSI: Heads up.

I got eyes on Franco.

DEEKS: You can do this.

Slow and steady.

I contact you,

not the other way around.

Remember, Donny?

I know, but I-I, uh, I need the other half of my money.

That wasn't the deal.

We still got to retrieve the payload.

What if I could help you do that?

There is a, uh,

program on this

that'll open a backdoor to Proxima's systems

and activate the transponder. Once you're in,

you can export the location data... - Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Pump the brakes. All right? I don't know a lot

about this technobabble stuff.

Tell you what.

Come with me, explain it to him yourself.

Uh, I don't think that's necessary.

Can't you just take it?

FRANCO: Well, you see, Donny,

it's his money, not mine.

Franco's armed.

You want to change the deal, it's him you got to talk to.

KENSI: Just do what he says, Donald.

Is there a problem?

Donald, say no or shake your head.

For the love of God, do something.

Good. Vámonos.

KENSI: Donald, it's gonna be okay.

You're gonna have to ditch your earwig in case they search you,

but do not worry.

The tracker on the USB is active,

so we got your back the whole way.

And now we've got no ears.

Well, at least he's a capable agent

with years of training to fall back on.

What could possibly go wrong?

He died a few weeks ago...

after a long battle with a presumptive condition.

Agent Orange?

I only just found out yesterday.

Do you remember Nelson?

I barely knew him, Hetty.

It was a lifetime ago.

You have one, too. A grave.

Back in Wyoming next to your parents.

But that one's empty.

Is it?

You may not

want to die, Keane,

but you don't want to live, either.

And that's a problem...

...because I owe you a life.

Then let me make it easy on you, Hetty.

I absolve you of your debt.


doesn't matter if-if I forgive you, does it,

when you...

can't forgive yourself for leaving me behind?

It's coming

for us all, Keane.

It's already taken George and Owen.

Charles is fighting as best he can.

I need to make this right

with the time I have left.

But I can't do it alone.


He'll be here soon enough.

You like golf?

Not particularly.

Grab yourself a drink.

All your troubles will soon be gone.

Yeah, looks like whoever they're meeting isn't here yet.

We got to find a way to get ears on them.

Did I get the best idea ever.

Oh, what?

WOMAN: Is anyone out there?

I repeat. Can anyone hear me?

Nell told everyone to stay off the radios, right?

Hey, Sam. Yeah, we can hear it, too.

This is Vanessa Podrasky. My boyfriend and I

saw the rocket crash last night.

We went out into the woods this morning to check out the debris

and we found something that looks important.

See if you can track the source.

No one respond until...

MAN: We hear you, Vanessa.

Can you describe what you found?

VANESSA: Oh, thank God. Who is that?

We've been trying every frequency.

Um, okay. It's no one on our end.

It's a bit damaged but it's a metal cube

about eight inches on either side

and it has what looks like are solar panels on it.

That's the payload.

MAN: Vanessa, what is your location?

Vanessa, my name is Callen. I am a federal agent.

For your own safety, stay off the radio.

Why wouldn't we be safe?

I told you that this thing

is probably radioactive or something.

MAN: Vanessa, what's your location?

CALLEN: Don't answer that, Vanessa.

You could be in danger.


Look, don't talk to us about being in danger.

This thing almost k*lled us.

Send somebody up here to come and get it.

We're at a campsite Damn it.

two miles north of the Jubilee Trailhead.

MAN: Perfect. We're ten minutes away.

Who is this? Identify yourself.

MAN: Sit tight, Vanessa.

We're coming to get you.

Nell, talk us in.

Yeah, so, we've located the campsite

mentioned over the radio.

It turns out it's just 2.4 miles

east of your current location.

We redirected a search drone to the area

and it should be overhead soon. Wait, wait, wait.

The voice on the radio said they were ten minutes away

from the campsite.

There's no way we're gonna make it before then.

Vanessa, you and your boyfriend are in serious danger.

The man you were talking to on the radio

has already k*lled three federal agents

and he is headed your way.

They don't know who to trust.

Vanessa, if you can hear me, you have to trust me.

You need to move right now.

Take your radio and run. Let's go, G.


Oh! Got ahold of that one.

The august crowd, normally reserved,

goes wild.

You got a nice swing.

Oh, thanks.

You should see me Lindy Hop.

Care for a friendly game?

Maybe put a few dollars on it?

What are you thinking, huh?

A little horse? Nine point? Blue pin.

One shot each. Closest wins.

Say ten bucks to start.

Well, that, my friend,

is music to my ears.

I'll take another.

KENSI: I got it from here.

Manager wants to see you downstairs.


What is taking so long?

Just relax. Be patient.

You're doing fine. Okay? (exhales)

And I'm cutting you off.

Ow. I mean, it's not bad,

but I don't think that's making it to the dance floor.

Why don't you watch and learn?

Take some notes.

First off, you got to have super white pants

and secondly...

you got to get in there.

Can I get you gentlemen anything?

DEEKS: It's all in the hips.

Never seen you before. New?

- Yeah, I'm new, but I've been around. - Mm.

Make me a boulevardier. Rye.

It's a bold choice for a bold man.

I like it.

DEEKS (laughing): I hit so pretty.

Sorry, bud. Floor is closed.

Oh. What?

No, we're playing a game. He owes me ten bucks.

I don't know what he's talking about.

What? Brother, I got a whole bucket

of balls here.

Come on!

Well, that seemed excessive.

I got a bag. I got more balls in there.


Those are rentals.


Ah, this place is the worst.

You're getting one star.

Not happy.

The only thing you need to know to work up here

is keep your eyes down and forget everything you hear.

Just in one pretty ear...

...and out the other.


I understand.

Very good. Cheers.


And you must be Donald.


Let's talk.



I'm picking up my clubs. Give me two...

Okay, that was intentional.

MAN: Get out of the way.

Kensi, I can't get a visual on this guy.

Can you... (grunts)

MAN: Move!

Can you snap a photo

so we can ID him?

What exactly are you proposing?

I think I can help you find the payload.

Don't need your help with that.

My people have already located it.

They'll have it within an hour.

Oh. Well, in that case, I'll, uh... just...

Stick around.

We have a deal.

As soon as it's safely recovered,

you'll get the rest of your money.

(chuckles nervously)

Sajad Khadem.

So he's an Iranian millionaire?

Yeah, with ties to the Ministry of Intelligence.

Why would Iran want this payload so bad?

(scoffs) MOSLEY: Because it is a next-gen

nanosatellite capable of unmasking any violation

of the nuclear deal.

I twisted a few arms.

So, if Iran wants to keep their nuclear program hidden,

they need to keep this satellite out of the sky.

And recovering it would be a huge win

for their spy program.

Yeah. Tell Kensi and Deeks to apprehend Khadem

as soon as Donald is safe. Yes, ma'am.

KHADEM: Yes, I see.



Do you know what I like about golf,


It's a game where you can really

take out your frustrations.


As long as you don't mind replacing a few clubs.


No, no, no, no, no. Okay, okay.

Okay, okay. DEEKS: Kensi, what's going on?

(grunts) Seriously?

(Donald whimpering)

Oh, please. Oh, please.

I knew you were taken in by the feds this morning.

(Donald whimpering)

Oh, that's not gonna end well.

All right, guys, the drone is online and moving over

your current position now. Copy that.


Guys, wait.

There is someone moving...

What was that? Nell?

Callen, Sam, do you copy?

Oh, my... Are you kidding me?

Can you please get the power up now?


Lost her.


Vanessa? Who are you?

Agent Callen, NCIS. I'm the one you were talking to.

This is Agent Hanna. Oh, my God.

I'm glad to see you. I did what you said.

I stuffed the thing in my bag and ran.

What about your boyfriend?

I couldn't convince him to leave the campsite.

Are there really dangerous people out here?

BOYFRIEND (over radio): Vanessa?

Are you there?

(stammers) That's Dave.

MAN: Vanessa, we have your boyfriend.

Return the satellite to your tent in the next ten minutes,

or he is dead.


You are going to tell me

everything you told them.


Now would be a good time to take your break.

Yeah, of course. Um, hey, let me just, um, grab my...

Federal agent.



DEEKS: Kens?

Deeks, Khadem and Franco are running.

On it!

(g*nshots) (grunts)



Hang on, Donald.

Get down! LAPD. Get down.

LAPD. Don't do it.


Ow! Really?

You're gonna swing a golf club?

Okay, we're doing this, huh? You just want to...


Really glad we ironed this out.

Oh, wait.

It's a three wood.


Please, don't let me go.

Donald, do you trust me? I don't want to die!

You're not gonna die.

Don't let go of me. (whimpering)


See, you're okay.

You dropped me.


I regret everything.

I did what you said. Where's Dave?

Drop the bag.

Back away.


(g*nshots) Drop it!

Are you okay?

What about any of this is okay, Vanessa?

This is why I hate camping.


(overlapping chatter)

Want to get to know someone? Take 'em camping.

We've never been camping.

Why do you think we're still together?

Mm. Eric ID'd the strike team. They were all mercenaries.

No connections to Iran. Khadem still isn't talking.

Something still isn't adding up.

How did Khadem know that Donald had been taken into custody?

And for that matter, how did the Iranians even learn

about the satellite in the first place? - Yeah.

Welcome back, and let me be the first, and probably only one,

to tell you, great job out there.


LAWSON: Well, look at that.

He didn't need to know what it was to find it after all.

Oh, you mean the nanosatellite

that was gonna keep an eye on Iran's nuclear program?

CALLEN: Don't worry, your secret's safe with us.

I would recommend that you do an internal investigation ASAP.

What exactly are you insinuating?

Everyone in my organization has been thoroughly vetted.

NELL (over radio): Hey, guys, you there?

SAM: Go ahead, Nell. Where are you?

I'm just out back, trying to get the power up,

and, look, the outage definitely wasn't a glitch.

The line was deliberately cut,

by some sort of a...


Wouldn't you have heard a b*mb?

No, no, no, no, no, there's a b*mb out here right now.

Clear everyone out of there.

(overlapping shouting)

Go, go, go. Let's go. Go! Move!

Gates, let's go. Gates! Leave it. What are you doing?

Let's go.



Callen, Sam, do you copy?



CALLEN: You all right?

Oh, God. Yeah.

Did you guys... Did you get everybody out?

- All good. - Okay.

Where's the satellite? Who's got it?

Gates got it.

Where is she now?

Come on, come on, come on, come on.

Go, go, go.

Sorry, Gates.

Circus isn't leaving town just yet.

So let me see if I follow.

Granger met a woman over there,

she tried to k*ll him, and then they had

a daughter together who ended up working

as a North Korean spy.


(chuckling) Good for him. He needed to lighten up.

(both laughing)

I should be getting back.

Keane, Keane, Keane, Keane.



CALLEN: It's okay, Nell, I'm not angry.

I'm just saying that when you're

driving on a road trip, you are the dad.

And the dad is responsible for calling out the rest stops.

Am I right? He's right.

Everybody knows that.

Uh-huh. I mean, guys, I'm sorry,

I just, I don't know how it happened.

Callen, you know, uh,

I apologize profusely.

- You did that on purpose, didn't you? - What's that saying?

Revenge is a dish best served to someone with a full bladder?

I'm gonna grab Beale

and Hidoko and I'll meet you there.

Well, you two look like you've had a successful day.

SAM: Harris.

It's good to see you again.

How you feeling?

Better. The docs patched me up good.

Uh, we're sorry about Nelson. Yeah.

Hetty told us yesterday.

He seemed like a good guy.

Yeah, yeah, he was.

SAM: So, uh...

we're gonna go grab a drink. You want to join us?


First round's on me.

KENSI: Thought you'd want to curl up

with another thrilling installment

of Boat in a Fjord?

It's actually called Hellemofjorden Ferje.

Ah, sorry. But a cocktail

with my fiancée and my friends,

just what the doctor ordered for tonight.

What do you think?

Uh, thanks. Maybe another time.

Hetty? HETTY: I think I'll

see you all in the morning.

KENSI: See you tomorrow.

Good night. Bye, Keane.

Good night.

It's so good

to see them happy.

They've had a rough couple of years...

...but they look out for each other.

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