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01x05 - What Have You Done To Me?

Posted: 10/20/20 17:17
by bunniefuu
Previously on the "Secret Life of the American Teenager"...


Hey, are you still picking me up?

I'll be right there.

If you could hurry.

I'm here by myself.

Don't panic.

I'm on the way.

What the hell's going on here?

Grace, get down here!

I can explain...

And why would your sister say she's having sex if she's not having sex?

She knows about the baby.

I should never let you talk to me in this stiup????

All I know is you took me into a conre and took off.

She make a big mistake.

But she didn't make the same mistake Amy Juergens make.


Is every thing OK?

I'm not ???

She ???

She can't be ??.

I just kiss her.

Dad, Ashley is not having sex.

She pulls these stunts when she's trying to distract us from something.

Are you having sex?

You mean some another new?

Can't told them.

Ashley, I have to.

I don't think it's gonna make Ricky jealous if we just go to church.

It might make Grace jealous.

you are going to church just so that you can "get with" Grace Bowman.


I don't know.

I will be back in coupe days OK.

Are you sure I can't help you with that?


I can help you ????

NO, it's ok??



OH ,men, i don'e know???




and iI'm in ???




somebaby ????

I am???




- you ok?

I'm fine.


I love you, Amy Juergens.


Me too.

And I love that you love to eat.

I really don't know why I'm so hungry all the time.


Here you go.

Thank you.

That was really good.

You're welcome.

So, uh, how'd you learn to make chicken wings?

I, uh, grew up with the Sausage King.

I got tired of sausage.

Had to make something else.

Listen, could I...

ask you something?

Uh, yeah.

Yeah, I guess.

Will you marry me?

A simple "yes" would do.

You know?

I know that I love you.

You know... about me?

Uh, I'm not sure what you're talking about, but I know that I love you and I wanna marry you.

Why did this all have to happen to me?

Well, I know you could have fallen in love with someone who's more deserving, but I'm not that bad.

Don't cry.

- Who told you?

- What?

Who told you?

My dad.

Your dad knows?

He suspected.

I am so embarrassed.

No, don't be embarrassed.

It's OK.

No, it's not OK!

It's definitely not OK.

Ben, you're such a nice person.

I'm such a whore.

Well, you're my whore.

No, I'm sorry.

It was a joke.

I just meant that I love you.

What am I gonna do?

Well, marry me, of course.

I can't get married.

My parents will never let me.

I'm only 15.

I'm not even sure they're gonna let me do this.

Maybe they'll want me to get an abortion or something.


No, Amy, you don't have to do that.

I'm here for you.

Look, I know that I can be a complete idiot some of the time, or most of the time, Look, I know that I can be a complete idiot some of the time, or most of the time, but...

I love you, and I'll care for you if you let me.

And we can tell your parents that it's my baby, that it's yours and mine, and that we're getting married.

I am so stupid.

Ben, I lied to you.

I had sex with Ricky.

It was awful sex, though.

I mean, it only lasted, like, two seconds, and I wasn't even sure it was sex until...

this happened.

What am I gonna do?

What am I gonna do?

Everything's gonna be fine.

I don't know how or when, but everything's gonna be fine.

- How do you know that?

- Cause everything is fine.


Everything is not fine.

I mean, I'm getting fatter and fatter by the second, and more and more people are finding out.

Sooner or later, my parents are gonna find out.

So is Ricky.

You haven't told him yet?

Then don't.


As far as Ricky and the whole rest of the world is concerned, that's my baby and that you're my wife.


Amy Boykewich, the Sausage Queen.

Or, no, the Sausage Princess.


And, please, let me be your prince.


I deserve that fake smile.

You're smart, you know that?

I know that.

What is your story, drummer boy?

My story.

It's kinda personal.

I'm in foster care.

I don't live with my mom and dad because...

they were both bad people.

That's usually how you get in foster care.

I myself didn't do anything.

- What they do?

- I don't wanna talk about it.

Let's talk about something else.

- OK.

- Uh...

It's Sunday.

We could watch football.

- You like football?

- No.

Me neither.


I don't understand the rules.

I don't understand why they have rules.

I don't understand why guys put on a bunch of pads and smack into each other just to get a ball around a field.

- They do it to get girls.

- To get girls?

The same reason you play the drums.

I don't play drums just to get girls, OK?

I can't just keep him waiting.

Listen, we fed him.

Now he can go.

We said you could be friends.

We didn't say you could date him.

In fact,I'm not sure that we're gonna let you date anyone ever again at this point.

Sorry to interrupt.

I think I should be going now.

We can do a movie some other time.

- Or not.

- Hey, I'm very happy that you went to church.

I am, too.

I think it's great.

You should come next Sunday when we're there.

Yeah, or some other Sunday in the near or very, very distant future is fine.


Well, thanks for the invitation.

I like goin' to church.

And, look, I know you don't trust me, and I don't blame you, but I just wanna say that...

I was just tryin' to help Grace out because I like her.

I like her a lot.

And I like you, too, Ricky.

We all really like you.

Thank you guys for lunch.

You're welcome.

See ya at school, Grace.

- Bye, Ricky.

- Bye, Ricky.

Bye, Ricky.

See ya in a couple days.

You're not going on a business trip, are you?

What, did she kick you out of the house or something?

No one kicks me out of my house.

You mind your own business and be a good girl.

Are you seeing someone?

Got a girlfriend or something?

This is not a conversation a father has with his daughter.

No, I'm not seeing someone.

Your mother may think I am, but I'm not.


Just don't go.

Look, you know how you always wanna be treated older?

Like an adult?

Well, now...

now's a good time to grow up a little bit and realize that things don't always work out like you want them to.

Dad, just please don't go, OK?

I-I promise.

I'll do anything you want.

I mean, I'll-I'll wear long skirts or high jeans, and I won't wear makeup, and I won't dye my hair, and I'll get good grades, and I'll make decent friends like you're always telling me to,just, Dad, please.

Ashley, please, this is hard enough.



It's not like I'm not gonna be around.

I'll be around.

I'll always be around for you.

No, you won't.

And I don't wanna have divorced parents.

Everyone has divorced parents, and I don't wanna be like everyone else.

I know, sweetheart.

I know.

We're just takin' a break.

No one said anything about divorce here.

We just need some time alone, you know?

Some time to think.

I gotta go.

Look, I don't want you blaming yourself for anything that happens.

This has nothing to do with you or Amy.

Sometimes things just happen.

Things just happen?

No, things don't just happen.

Things just happen when...

Why'd you have to cheat on her, man?

I mean, she's pretty, she's smart, she's nice, and she's my mother.

How could you leave her?

How could you leave us, especially now?!

especially now?

Um, you have to actually read the book before you write the report.

I read it.

It's not about buffaloes.

Buffffaloes ???



I'm kidding.

Kind of.

But so what?

The teacher couldn't have possibly read 30 books.

She couldn't know what happens in every single one of 'em.

I think she knows what a buffalo soldier is.

I doubt it.

I'm not even a teacher, and I read 30 books last summer.

You did not.

Yeah, I did.

Children's books?

Not children's books, real books.

- Why?

- 'Cause I like to read.


Could you read this one and write the report?

Help me write the report?

Yes, I'll read it and help you with the report,but you have to read it, too.

But you have to read it too.

Were you even listening to that sermon today?

It was about personal responsibility.

That sermon was about making Grace look good in the church 'cause Reverend Stone wants her daddy to keep giving him money.

See, the church needs money from people like Grace's family to survive.


Can we talk?

The two of us?

Just for a second before I leave.

Be right back.

I gotta make a phone call.

I gotta call my house and let 'em know where I am.

I'm sure.

Excuse me.

Excuse me.

What happened to Ricky?


We're just friends.

- I'm sure.

- You wanted to talk to me?

I wanted you to know that my friend may be staying here with us a couple of weeks.


I'm not asking for your permission or your opinion.

I'm just letting you know.


As long as he doesn't stay here while you're gone...

'cause if he is,I'm staying somewhere else.

He's a perfectly nice man,and he has a daughter about your age at your school, so I hope you don't say anything to anyone, OK?

He and his wife are having some problems, and he just needs a place to stay while he can find something.

Yeah, 'cause God knows there aren't any apartments or hotels or anything like that in the area.

He's nice, OK?

And I like him.

And he's the kind of friend that...

Well, it could turn into something more.

Yeah, provided he leaves his wife.

For your information, he already left his wife.

And his daughter, the one I go to school with.

Isn't this the guy that owns a furniture store?

Yes, and he has two daughters, Amy and Ashley.

Ashley is...

12 or 13.13.

And Amy's a year younger than you.

And he left them and his wife for you.

You think that'll really work out?

I could come back if...

No, no, no, no, it's-it's...


I'll be back in a couple of days.



Yeah, I...

I almost forgot.

I love you.


Bye, Jack.


Your mom seems nice.

She's not, and we're never gonna talk about my mom - ever.

What about your mom?

- Were you parents at church today?

- Parents?

Um, yeah.

Yeah, they were there.

Don't you know who my dad - my stepdad is?



Uh, Reverend Stone?

No way.

- What do you mean, no way?


- Your last name is not Stone.

My mom met him at grief counseling after my dad died.

I couldn't have gotten over my dad's death without the help of Reverend Stone.

- And the love of Jesus Christ, of course.

- Of course.


I was thinking maybe...

my dad, I mean, my stepdad could help you.

Help me what?

I don't know.

Did your stepfather ask you to date Grace, or was that your idea?

Doesn't matter whose idea it was.

I wanted to date her.

Doesn't matter to you.

Might matter to her.

- What's wrong?

- Where's Mom?

She's in her room.

Have you been crying?

Ben asked me to marry him.

You're 15.

And I'm having a baby.

Mom's gonna hear you, OK?


Y-You told him?

His father suspected, and I don't know what difference it makes.

He knows.

Pretty soon, everybody's gonna know.

Might as well just get it over with and tell Mom while Dad's gone.

You know he's gone?


To, like, Vegas or something like that.

N-No, Amy.

God, how can you be so...

I don't know.

What's the word?


He left her.


he left us.

I know that.

- I just said I know that.

- No, you don't get it.

He's not coming back.

Ashley, he is.

He's coming back in, like, a couple of days or something.

He's cheating on her, and he's left her for someone.



Our dad.

Dad's having an affair.


Shut up.


who would want to have sex with Dad if they didn't have to?

I know it's not funny.

I must just be losing it.

I don't think I can have this baby.

I don't know what to do.

Yeah, it's probably a good idea.

Don't have the baby.


Don't do it.

I have to.

I don't have any choice.

You do have a choice.

I'm giving you a choice.

What, your Dad will let you get married?

I don't see why not.

Because yoyou're 15,and I'm pregnant by some other guy.

I love you, and he knows that.

He and my mom were high school sweetheararts.

He gets it.

It'll be fine.

Even if your dad did let you marry me, it's not gonna solve anything,because my parents will never let me get married.

I mean, they'll probably send me off to some home when the baby gets adopted and just tell all their friends I have a disease and I'm there for treatment or something.

I'll tell them with you, and I'll tell them I wanna marry you.

And I'll even ask my Dad to come if you think that'll help.

And no one is gonna send you off to any other home other than mine, and no one can make you give up your baby if you don't want to.

Ben, why are you so nice to me?

I love you.

Then please help me get rid of this baby.



No abortion.

I'd rather do that than tell my parents.

I never thought I could, but I think I have to.

I know I'm being a coward, but...

I cannot tell them, Ben.

I have to.

You don't know them.

I have to do this.

OK, of course.

You have to make the decision, but I don't think this is a decision you wanna make.

You don't have to.

Maybe it's what I want to do.

Maybe it's the easiest thing.

Yeah, maybe, but maybe not.

We need to talk.

Uh, about what?

It's personal.


Personal how?

I'll give you a ride home from school, OK?

My mom's picking me up.

Tell her you have a ride.

I wanna talk to you.

About what?


Isn't that your name?

This is between me and Amy.

It's a private conversation.

Butt out.

Butt out.

Excuse m- Uh, OK.

I'll meet you in the parking lot after practice.


See ya.


She probably knows.


How would she know?

I don't know.

How does anybody know?

How did you know?

Maybe no one knows.

Ben, look at me.

It's so obvious.


We'll catch up later.

Do they know?

Of course they know.


They won't tell anybody.

I mean, they didn't even talk about Ricky and me at band camp.

He was the one going around talking about it.


I'm not sure he was.

Then how did people find out?

I don't know.

I could be mistaken, but...

I think your two best friends are a little chatty.

No, they told me to my face that they didn't tell anyone.

Don't criticize my friends.

W-Why would they tell anyone?


No, they wouldn't do that.

You know 'em better than I do.

How did you find out?

Who told you?

What difference does it make?

My two best friends told me.

And they heard it from?

I don't know.

All right, well, they didn't hear it from Madison or Lauren.

I'll call you later, after I get home.

Where were you yesterday?

At the park with my woman.

People think you two are doing it.

What people?

High-school people.



She's lookin' a little...

bigger these days.

She's put on a pound or two.

Don't say it.

So you know.

- Is it yours or that drummer's?

- Why?

Why you wanna bet on who's baby it is?

It's mine.


Here, here's $20 to leave me alone.

- I can't keep this.

- I don't want it.

You know he's gonna try to marry her?

Yeah, mm-hmm.

Oh, she is not.

Oh, I think she is.

I don't think we should be talking about it.

I mean if she is, it's so sad.

And why do you think I'm telling you, 'cause it's so sad?

So, who do you think the father is?

I don't know.

Her boyfriend, I guess.

If she is pregnant, really, it's ridiculous.

It's not Jack, is it?

Please tell me it's not Jack.

Are you not over that idiot yet?

I don't know.

Did I tell you he brought her to church with him yesterday?

Amy Juergens?

No, with Adrian.

Are you kidding me?

First, he gets oral from her, then takes her to church?


A kiss.

It was just a kiss.

The whole school saw it.

Oh, Grace, are you that naive?

You think I'm naive just because I won't wanna believe the worst in everybody?

He told the guys in the locker room, guys told people, people told me.

There are no secrets in high school.

- Oh.

- ??

Hey, slow down.

When Jack and Adrian kissed outside the dance in front of everyone, do you think they were doing something else?

I mean ??

they weren't just kissing?


They were doing something else?

- Hey, what difference does it make?

- What difference does it make?

Calm down.

Come on, walk with me.

He told me it was just a kiss.

Hey, people are listening.

He lied to me.

People do that, Grace.

People lie.

They tell lies to make life more interesting when the truth would probably be more interesting than the lie.

Yeah, well.

I wanna get the truth.

I doubt it.

You doubt it?

What is the truth?

Did she seduce him?

Did he seduce her?

Did they have sex?

Did they not have sex?

I want answers, and I want the truth this time.

Everyone has their own versions of the truth.


No one tells the truth all the time.

Still, there's only one truth, and no matter what story you tell, there's truth, and then there's lies.

I want the truth.

That's what you wanted before, and you got a lie, so why is this time gonna be any different?

Your friend is a really bad girl.

Your friend's a really bad guy.

So what?

People are what they are, and people are good and bad.

Except for you, Grace.

You're the exception.

You're the only good person I know.

If your parents would let me come over tonight, I'd love to hear your personal testimony.

You would?


Because if it's your personal relationship with Jesus Christ that makes you such a good person, then...

I don't know, maybe I need to make some changes in my life.

Oh, Ricky...

I need you, Grace.

I need a friend.

Make me worthy of being your friend.

I would love to witness to you, and I will.

But first, I have to go kick Jack's butt.

We saw you talking to Ben.

We didn't wanna interrupt.

We thought it looked important.

Did you tell him?

Yes, I told him.

What did he say?

Did you guys tell anyone what's going on with me?

- No.

- No.

Are you sure?

Amy, you're gaining weight.


OK, what's your point, Lauren?

My point is that if people think you're pregnant, that's not our fault.

If they think that.

We don't even know if they think that.


Are people saying that?

Are people saying that I'm...

you know...

We're not in the popular group exactly, so we really don't know what they're saying, but, uh, we have heard some people talk and...


Maybe you should just go home.

Yeah, maybe I should just go home, stay home.

I mean that's what would happen.

If I left right now in the middle of the day, I don't think I could ever come back.

You know, if I stay and nothing ever happens, ??

then, you know, maybe people will just think it was like a rumor and that it wasn't true or anything.

OK, what are you talking about?

Are you talking about what I think you're talking about, because I'm Catholic.

Yeah, well, she's not.

Help me.

I can't help you.

I don't know anything about it.

You can't.

I have to.

I mean are you guys gonna help me or not?


I don't know where to go.

I don't know how to...

get it done.

By "it," do you mean an abortion?

It's her choice, Madison, and it's a valid choice considering her age and the father.

I need help.

I can't.

I mean, I love you, Amy, but I can't.

You can't.

Tell your mother.

Tell her today.


Maybe at this point, maybe you really should tell your mom.

So that's it?

That's how you guys are going to help me?

By telling me that I need to tell my mother?

I can't tell my mother.

You guys, my dad left us last night.

Oh, my gosh.

A divorce, abortion.

What's next?

I don't know.

But what I do know is that this is not what I wanted my high-school experience to be.

Amy Juergens?


I was wondering if we could talk.

Um, about?

You've got study hall fifth period, right?

Could you come by my office instead of going to study hall?

- I'll give a note to class.

- Yeah, I guess.


I'll meet you here.



You shouldn't have your cell phone on at school.

I was gonna leave you a message.


Aw, sweetie, don't cry.

I didn't want to upset you.

I just wanted to say hi.

Where are you?

In Vegas.

Remember I told you I had to come to Vegas?

I'll call you when I get back.

Dad, when are you coming home?

I'll call you when I get back.

She answered.

Oh, I'm sorry, honey.

I know how hard this must be.

Let me make this easier for you.





I already took care of it, OK?

You did what?

Just don't call me again.

You wanted to see me?

Oh, hey, yeah.

Come on in.

Please sit down.

Uh, look, it's taken me a few weeks to go through all the student files...

What, all of them?


So not just mine?

No, not just yours.

But I did happen to notice yours particular for a couple reasons.

You've done an excellent job of mapping out your educational goals.

You ultimately wanna go to Julliard?

Yeah, eventually.

Hoping to make the All-State Orchestra this year, and if I can keep that up through high school, keep my grades up and do good on the SATs, then hopefully I'll get accepted.

Great, and after you graduate Julliard?

Well, my dream would be to play in the New York Philharmonic.



It's really good to have goals.

It's even better to plan out the steps along the way to reach those goals.

I just want you to know that sometimes there are missteps.

Sometimes obstacles get in the way.

And when that happens, when you hit a bump in the road, ???

that's what I'm here for - to help you navigate.



any problems since you started school?

Anything I can help you with?


I-I-I don't have problems.

All right.

And I guess you have friends here at school?


And everything OK at home?

Good, good.

I just want you know that I'm here.

I'm always here.

I get in before school starts, and I'm here after school is over for a couple hours, so...

if you ever wanna talk or I can help you in any way...

...the door's open.

So that's it?

That's it.



Is it yours?

Is what mine?

The whole school is talking about it.

She's not pregnant.

She's not.

Did she say she is, sir?

She didn't say anything about being pregnant.

I hoped that she might, but she didn't.

Because she's not.

She's just, uh...

a little pudgy, that's all.



Pudgy, not pregnant.

Then why are you hanging out watching my office?

I'm not stalking you, if that's what you were thinking.

I was just going to the bathroom.

Here's my bathroom pass.

- The men's room isn't on this hall.

- Yeah, I know.

I was just taking the long way 'round.

I'm really not that interested in American History.

It's mostly lies, too, like the rumors going around this school.


I'm gonna give you some advice.

You don't have to take it, but I'm gonna give it to you, anyway.

Are we talking about colleges here?

'Cause I'm still a freshman.

And it's still ??

early in the game.

All right.


It's not your decision to make.

You might wanna have some say in the decision, you might wanna express your opinion, but it's not your decision to make.

Encourage Amy to talk to her parents right away.

And you go along with whatever it is she wants to do.

Or commit to taking responsibility for the next 18 years and beyond.

I should be talking to Ricky, shouldn't I?

I'm sorry, kid.

I'm really sorry.

- About what?

- About everything.

High school stinks.

For some crazy reason, I actually thought I could make it better.


give her a ride?

Why can't someone else?

Maybe I wanna give her a ride.


You shouldn't hang out with girls like that.

Girls like what?

Girls like Amy Juergens.

What's wrong with Amymy Juergens?

Come on, you haven't heard?

Heard what?

Don't you have any girlfriends?

No, I don't.

I don't want any girlfriends.

You're not even friends with the other majorettes?

Not really, no.

They're not as good as I am, and they know it.

They're jealous, they're petty, and they're mean.

You never notice how much better I am?

You never notice I do all the solo performances?

You know, I really don't pay attention to the baton twirling.

I'm kind of paying attention to the game, you know?

What's wrong with Amy Juergens?

She's pregnant.

She's having a baby.

- Amy Juergens?

- Amy Juergens.



Don't run away from me.

I'll just run after you, both of you.

Who's running?

I can't believe I was so stupid to think that ??

just kissed.

Me, neither.

He told me, he told me that's all that was going on, just kissing.

Mm, please.

This is so boring.

Is it?

It's boring to you when you ruin somebody else's life?

Did someone here ruin your life?

Yeah, he did.

Jack did.

He was my boyfriend, my first boyfriend, and he cheated on me and lied to me, and I in turn had to lie to my parents, and now I don't know if they're ever gonna trust me again or if I'm ever gonna trust another guy ever again.

And yet you're friends with Ricky.

You trust him?

- At least he's honest.

- Is he?

Then ask him if he's the father of Amy Juergens' baby.

Have you seen Amy?


Amy Juergens, the French horn player.

She didn't show up for practice.

So Amy's really having a baby?


So run along and tell mommy.

You win, Grace.

You're the good girl, and Amy isn't.

Although when you tell your parents, I doubt you'll be able to see Ricky anymore, huh?

No, it has to be Ben's.

Ricky would never make a mistake like that.

And I would know.

I guess you would know about her, too, huh?

- You should be ashamed of yourself.

- Oh, shut up, Grace.

I'm tired of being ashamed of myself.

I've been ashamed of myself my whole life, so just shut up.


Is that too honest for you?

Thought you liked honesty.

So let me tell you something else.

I only went out with you 'cause my stepdad asked me to.

He wanted to make sure you and your perfect little family were happy at church.

How's that for honesty?


Ah, well, look who's here, just minutes before my next appointment.

You should've called, Ricky.

I wanna talk to you.

But what's goin' on?

- I'll come back.

- Good, good.

Yeah, you come back.

But before you go, what's goin' on?

I, um...

I heard this rumor that I got a girl pregnant.


Um, is there any truth to that rumor?


Sit down.

I'll cancel the next appointment.



Staring at the moon?

Kind of.

I used to do that a lot when I was little, just stare at the moon.

Seemed like the perfect place to run away to, place where I could eat freeze- dried ice cream and drink Tang.

Bounce around all day.

You really thought about running away to the moon?

Oh, yeah.

There was no place on earth far enough away from whatever was bothering me.

You thinking about running away to the moon?

I wasn't, but...

you made it sound like so much fun.

Good night, Mom.

I love you, Amy, no matter what happens.

N-No matter w-w-w-what happens?

With your father.

I want you to remember that I love you and he loves you, too, OK?

Good night.

Hi, Amy Juergens.

Ben Boykewich here.

Huh, remember the first time I called you?

Seems like a million years ago.

But when we're married and we spend like 75 years together, it'll seem like yesterday.



Come on, marry me.

People used to get married when they were 14, didn't they?

I don't know, kings and queens and pharaohs or something.


I don't know.

I just know I love you and the offer of marriage is good for a lifetime.

So you just let me know when and where, and the two of us will take off together.


Good night.