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01x08 - Your Cheatin' Heart

Posted: 10/21/20 09:48
by bunniefuu
Previously on "the secret life of the american teenager"...

I can't imagine not seeing you every day, being with you through all this.

I wanna do this all alone.

I'm going to my grandmother's.

I don't wanna say goodbye because I don't want you to leave.

How can you be angry with a guy who loves you despite the fact that you're pregnant by another guy?

Are you seeing adrian's mother?

You're the boyfriend?

You stay away from my daughter and you keep your mouth shut about me and adrian's mom.

We're not friends because your boyfriend and I hooked up.

I've forgiven him.

What do you even want to talk about?

I think I do wanna be involved.

Don't even know why I did this.

Maybe it's because I asked if you wanted to be friends.

You need me around here!

I'm not so sure that I want to fix our marriage.

Perfectly capable of speaking for myself!

Since when?

Since I discovered that I am going to have to take charge of another human being's life!

I might as well just start with my own.


Oh, amy.




Good morning, sweet pea.

- Morning.

- I was talking to the baby.

Oh, please, now, no shame.

Not a moment of shame.

Not with me, because I am so proud of you.

You are a wonderful girl.

You are a wonderful girl.

So you're going to have a baby.

So what?

Who cares?

Life must have wanted another beautiful creature on this planet.

Who knows life's plan?

We don't know how this is all gonna turn out, whether it's gonna be a good thing or a bad thing, so don't worry about it.

Not a bit.

Oh, and thank you.

Thank you for letting your mother call me and tell me.

Oh, no, mimsy, thank you so much for letting me stay with you.

- mom?

- Oh, hi.

Um, I got up at four and rushed down here 'cause I couldn't wait to see my amy.

But I thought I was gonna drive amy up to you.

Well, I'm not a planner.

You know I'm not a planner.

Neither are you.

And neither are you.

Obviously you take after your mother and me.

- What's going on?

- Ashley.

- Hey, mimsy.

- Little ashley.

I didn't know you were coming, but no one tells me anything.

If anyone had told me that someone in the family was gonna be pregnant as a teenager, I would have said it was you.

Yeah, well, um, is that bacon?

Yes, it is.

The real thing.

Thick cut.

I brought it from home just for your father.

Where is he?

Um, I-I told you.

They don't tell me anything.

Uh, he had to go to a furniture thing, um, in north carolina.

North carolina?

Like george ever bought furniture made in this country.

Come on.

Where is he?

In north carolina.

He buys a lot of furniture in north carolina, mother.

But he should be back by tonight if you can stay.

Oh, sure.

We can take off in the morning, right?

I guess.


Can't you stay for, like, a week?

- A week?

- Ashley, your grandmother - Uh, no g-word, dear.

Mimsy doesn't have her things to stay for a week.

Probably not even for a night.

You know, why not?

We can pick up some things at the mall, and then we'll go during the school hours so that you won't run into any of those stupid teenage girls.

I guess.

Mom, the thing is is amy's already said goodbye to her friends, and I think she really wanted to get out of here today.

She didn't say goodbye to milli and vanilli.

So how are madison and lauren?

I said goodbye to them.

- No, you didn't, not in person.

- Did too.

You know, you're acting very strange, and you're not a good liar.

So, come on, come on, give me the straight poop now.

- You and george are not...

- No, we're not.

We're fine.

We're very happy.

But we'll all be a lot happier when he gets back from...

North carolina.

Get over here.

hey, you!

Snap out of it.


Visual realization.

How's it goin'?

I see her everywhere I look.

Then stop looking for her everywhere you look.


Just stop, otherwise you're gonna make yourself miserable.

I am miserable.

Get used to it.

That's what love feels like misery.

No, it's the absence of love.

That's what the absence of love feels like.


You wanna start focusing on something else?


Like school.

Don't forget you came here to get an education.

Focus on your education.

It's an interesting idea.

But I can't focus on anything but amy, every second of every minute of every hour of every day.

What's the point in doing that to yourself?

And don't say you can't help it.

You can help it.


Only I...

I think that if I keep picturing her, then...

She'll maybe show up here again.

And that could happen.

I mean, she could come back to school.

Ben, she could come back, but most girls like amy go into a continuation program, where they go to smaller classes at another school with other girls having babies.

So even if she decided to stay at home with her parents, more than likely she'd go into the continuation program.

It's not likely that she'd come back here.

He gets to come to school every day as if nothing happened.

- That's right.

- No, that's wrong.

That's just...

It's wrong.

Would you just focus on something else?

You have to focus on something else.

Choose what you think about, and don't think about amy every second of every hour of every day.

You'll go crazy.

That's odd.

You just sound crazy.

She's not coming back to school here, ben.


Insensitive, don't you think?


Yeah, but what is the truth?

I mean, the truth is, it could happen.

She could come back to school.



I'm sorry.

I just hate to see you do this to yourself your first year of high school.

And what are you doing to yourself?

You have anyone in your life, or are you just too scared of being miserable to get involved?

Well, I'd rather be miserable and involved.

That's just me.


That went great.

Look, I'm sorry I haven't called.

I've been really busy lately, learnin' about babies and stuff.

- Me.

Can you imagine?

- Nope.

I can't imagine.

But if you wanna come over, i'll remind you of where babies come from.

I know you don't take my problems seriously, but I care about this baby.

Or, do you just think you should care, so you're acting as if you care?

- What's the difference?

- Exactly.

Look, ricky, if you're gonna be involved with amy and the baby, I don't think I can see you anymore.

- Why not?

- Because I don't want to.



Hi, adrian.

Hi, ricky.

So, um, thanks for letting me come by your house the other night.

I had a really nice time.

Oh, me too.

Oh, did you know that grace and I are friends now?

No, I didn't.

Grace and I are friends, too.

Aren't we, grace?

- We're all friends, aren't we?

- Yeah.

And as of right now, that's all we are.


- Bye, grace.

- bye.

She's just upset because I've decided to do the responsible thing and be more involved with amy and the baby.

Oh, I didn't know.

I heard she wasn't coming back to school.

Yeah, she's...

Goin' to her grandmother's.

She's runnin' away like a child.

I mean, it might be a good time to grow up.

There are schools for girls like her.

I guess it's just a little harder for her to come to school than you because soon people are gonna be able to look at her and just tell that she's pregnant.

- People are lookin' at me, too.

- Yeah, I guess they are.


Well, it just goes with the territory.

We did something we shouldn't have, and now we're both havin' to suffer the consequences.


I just hope the baby isn't paying the consequences.

Is she planning on keeping the baby?

I hope so, but I think she's leaning toward adoption.

That's good.

Don't you think?

I don't know.

I don't know what it's like to be adopted.

- Ricky, I'm sorry.

- That's ok.

Look, you think I can come over tonight and talk to ya?

I really need someone to talk to about this, someone who's not so emotionally involved, you know?

I don't know.

Are you seeing jack again?

Not really.

I guess we're just friends, too.

He hasn't called, so...

You want some advice from a friend?

Just forget about that guy.

- Because...?

- Because you deserve better.

I'm not saying that I'm better, but there's better out there, better than jack.

Excuse me for just a second.

I have to ask amy's friend something.

- Hey, it's madison, right?

- What do you want?

- And if it's sex, forget it.

- No, but thank you for offering.

Is that what you consider an offer?

I just wanted to know if amy's left for her grandmother's yet.

Well, I can neither confirm or deny that.

What, are you runnin' for office or something?

I know what's goin' on.

I know she's goin' to her grandmother's.

I just don't know if she's there yet.

I'd like to call her.

I need her number.

Well, I'm not gonna give you her number.

If amy wanted you to have her number, she would have given you her number.

And you don't have it, so she obviously doesn't want you to call her.


- wow.

- Wow?

Wow what?

You have incredible eyes, you know that?

Thank you.

Come on, let me have the number.


I will not let you have her number.

You will not believe what just happened.

- What happened?

- Ricky just tried to seduce me.

- That's funny.

- Why is that funny?

- Come on.

- What?

- Why would he try to seduce you?

- Oh, to get amy's number.

You think he would try to get you to sleep with him just to get a number out of you?

He slept with amy.

Why wouldn't he want to sleep with me?

- That's not the issue.

- Well, what is the issue?

The issue is...

Well, I don't really know what the issue is, but I just don't think he would do that.

- Well, why not?

- why?

You're just jealous that he wanted to seduce me and not you.



I'm sure he didn't ask me for her number because he knew I wouldn't give it to him.

Oh, because you're too smart?

- I didn't say that.

- Yeah, well, you're thinking it.

You think you're smarter than me, don't you?

Well, you think you're sexier than me, don't you?

I have amy's number, too, so I don't know why he would try to seduce you and not seduce me.

- Well, it's just what happened.

- Well, we'll see about that.


What's up?

You wanna open that door?

Don't get nervous.

I just wanna talk to you.

I'm not nervous.

School policy.

Why would I be nervous?

It's personal, ok?

I don't want anyone hearing what I have to say.

- I can talk to you, right?

- Right.

Just like any other student.


Well, I need some help.


I wanna find my father.

I wanna know who he is.

You have a name?

If I had a name, then I'd just go on the internet.

- Your mother knows who he is?

- Well, I would hope so.

- I don't know, ok?

- Have you ever asked her?

- No.

- Could you ask her?

I don't wanna ask her.

I wanna do this on my own.

Be a lot easier if you had a name.

Is that what you're looking for?


No, no, no.


Don't start that stuff with me, ok?

I'm not interested in high school girls, not even one as smart as you.

- Really?

- Really.

You're gonna be late for class.

Lemme do some research.

- ben, Where's your lunch?

- I don't feel like eating.

You have to eat, ben.

You can't just wait to eat till you see amy again.

I see her everywhere I look.

The solution for that may be to go blind.

I know a great way to go blind.

Ah, I knew I could make you laugh.

I don't get it.


I'll let you take this one.

You know, loving yourself.

In a physical way.


That won't make you go blind.

It was just a joke.

It's just an old wives' tale.

It's not even funny.

- It made him laugh.

- It didn't make me laugh.

That's because you don't engage in any eye-damaging activities.

According to the encyclopedia britannica, 92% of men masturbate and between 70-80% of girls.

- Girls?

- Girls?



You-you think girls don't do that.

Well, you don't.

I think I'll skip lunch and go study somewhere.

I have an algebra test tomorrow.


So she has sex with herself but not with me?

Whoa, be careful.

You don't wanna slip into a double standard here.

I feel like I just found out that...

Alice cheated.

You feel like your girlfriend cheated?

Oh, come on, please.

At least you know who you're competing against...

The drummer.


Who do you think alice is attracted to?

Who do you think she's fantasizing about?

Who is she having sex with?

- You don't wanna know that.

- Oh, yes, I do.

No, you don't.

I bet it's that stupid justin timberlake.

Don't go down this road.


I'll see ya.

Can I ask you something?


But I already have a girlfriend.

Do you mind?

It's personal.

All right, you guys.

Move it.

Do you have any idea of how I could get a copy of my birth certificate?

Uh, there's probably a copy in your permanent record.

You know, when you entered school.


- Thanks.

- Wait.


I charge for this stuff.

I'm all outta cash.

Are you that desperate to get ricky?

I am not desperate.

You are desperate.

I can get any guy I want.

Yeah, well, I bet I could get a boyfriend before you could get a boyfriend.


'cause you look like a tragic teen star in her declining years.

Oh, excuse me, janet.

It looks like you're about to have a wardrobe malfunction.

- Is that some kind of r*cist remark?

- Oh, so now I'm a r*cist.

Hey, ricky.

- hi.

- hi.

Just so you know, i'm not gonna give you amy's cell phone number, either.

- All right.

- Just so you know.

Yeah, I didn't think you would.

That's why I didn't ask.

Yeah, I guess you know that I'm smarter than that.

No, you're just more difficult than that.

Than her.

No, I'm not.

Hey, don't apologize.

I like difficult women.

I like a challenge.


Well, I am a challenge.

Hey, if I give you my cell number, would you give it to amy and ask her to call me?

I don't think she has my number, either.


I guess I could do that.

Hang on a sec.

You have a copy of my birth certificate.



But I know how to get a copy.

All you have to do is fill out a form and get it notarized.

It's real easy.

I'll give you a website.

It's a very simple process.

- I know all about the website.

- Then what's the problem?

Did you read the fine print?

It takes four months to get it.

Look, there's a copy of my birth certificate in my permanent record, isn't there?

Four months isn't that long.

oh, come on.

If you have a copy of my birth certificate, just give it to me.

- Can't.

- You could if you wanted to.


I'm sorry, I can't hear you.

- Cindy, is that you?

- Cindy?

Cindy who?

Uh, cindy.

Cindy lou.

I told you I'd call you when the bunk beds got in.

I know you wanted to surprise little tommy for his birthday, but...

I don't think they'll be here in time.

- George...

- You know what?

Get that kid a puppy.

That's what he really wants.

Got a customer.

Gotta go.

- hi.

- Hi.

It's me.

- Me who?

- George.

Anne, is that you?

Why you whispering?

- Because my mom's here.

- Mimsy?


She wanna see me?

She doesn't know you're not living here.

I told her that you're in north carolina.

That's just great.

So don't drop by here until I've called and told you she's left.

So you'll let me know when your mother's taken our daughter away?

Gimme a break.

She's gonna be two hours away.

You can visit her anytime you want.

Yeah, when I get back from north carolina.

Hey, it's me.

You know I hate to ask, but...

I really need someone to talk to.

- hi.

- hi.

So, did dad get back from north carolina yet?

I don't wanna tell her, ok?


You rember this one?

- That's mine, isn't it?

- Mimsy brought it for me.

She said she has a lot of your stuff that might fit.

I didn't know that you saved that.

I loved that sweater.

Me too.

Do you rember when you wore it?

Well, I don't remember if it was a special occasion, but I wore it a lot.

It was a long time ago.

You wore it when you were pregnant with amy.

No, I don't think so.

I think I was in junior high.


I remember you were wearing it when you told me that you were pregnant.


I had that in college?

I distinctly rember because I told you, as I've told amy, that adoption is not an option.

You know, we're a big family.

We can take care of this baby.

You and george and me and even ashley...

- We can take care of the baby.

- Well, mom, I don't know about that.

Ok, we still have lots of time to think about what's right for amy and for the baby.

Oh, well, we don't need any more time.

Amy and I have decide.

We don't want adoption.

We wanna keep the baby.

Amy, let's think about it, ok?

There's still plenty of time to think about that.

No, mom, this is my baby.

And, you know, I wanna keep her or him.

And mimsy definitely agrees that ben and I should get married and possibly go on a honeymoon to paris?

A little wedding gift from mimsy.

- What?

- Well, he's a good boy.

You haven't even met him.

He's 15 years old, just like amy.

They're both 15.

- Oh, who cares how old they are?

- I do.

And so does george.

Well, george always agrees with me, so we'll wait till he gets home, and I'll talk with him.

You know, this house is plenty big enough for one more, and a baby is very tiny.

I mean, you only weighed 3 pounds.


I weighed 7 pounds, 4 ounces.

You were tiny.

You were very tiny.

Tsk, now, amy, the baby can stay in here for the first year or two, and then, after that, we'll find something bigger, like a dresser drawer.

Ashley, can you call your dad to see if he's landed yet?

I don't know why I did it.

I've been married for 15 years.

She's need me for the past 15 years.

She doesn't need me anymore.

She doesn't even like me anymore.

Ignore that.

I'm an attractive guy, don't you think?

I'm smart, funny.

I mean, why can't she see that?

That's a lot to see.

Maybe too much for the eyes.

That's true.

- So you still with that guy?

- How long have I worked here?


And you don't know i'm still with that guy?


Yes, I'm still with that guy.

His name is leon, and we're married, happily married.

10 years.

I didn't know that.

Is that legal?

A marriage is more than a piece of paper, george.

It's a commitment.

I know that.

So, you never...?


He never did, either.

We have a guest room.

It's all yours if you want it.

Oh, thanks, I'm fine.

Short commute.

In that case, I set the alarm for 7:00.

Good night.

- Maybe I should be going.

- You just got here.

Yeah, you just got here.

I'm just not comfortable talking with...

A third person listening in.

- No offense.

- Why don't you leave us alone, grace?


I know you wanted to talk to ricky.


Huh, you can't live with them.

Can't live without 'em, yeah.

Is that what you wanted to talk to me about...


- Yeah.

My mother.

- Your mother.

- She was old.

- She's not that old.

And between you and me, she's kinda hot.

- You are confused.

- I'm confused?

I am adopted.

My mom died.

Go away.

It's me.

I just wanted to come and say goodbye in person.

See mimsy.

Don't cry.

It's gonna be ok, all right?

You look, uh, different.

Oh, I look like a slut, don't i?

I am a slut.

Lauren and I got in a fight today at school.






Well, it all started when ricky tried to seduce me.

- Ricky.

- Hello?

He seduced you.

Why wouldn't he try to seduce me?

Wait, ricky's hitting on you and lauren now?

Well, not lauren.

Although that would make her very happy.

I don't understand.

Lauren wants to go out with him?

Well, not really.

Ok, but you're dressed like this because you wanna go out with ricky?

Ok, I'm over it.

It was just temporary insanity.

Lauren and I both wanted him to want us.

And not the both of us.

Like, I wanted him to want me, lauren wanted him to want her.

Just got into this stupid competion.

I don't know why I would want a guy to want me when I know he's such a horrible guy.

I understand.

Believe me, I completely understand.

It's kinda how this whole thing happened.

I knew it was wrong, I knew he was wrong, and yet, i, uh...

And yet...

Where's lauren?

Her parents still won't let her come over here, so...

I figure she'll probably give you a call after she figures I've left.

You're gonna call me, right, every day?

Please don't cry, amy.

I know you're sad about leaving, but just...

Please don't cry.

Madison, I'm not sad because of that.

I'm sad because I have no place to go.



It's lauren.

She probably wants to say goodbye.

- hey.

- Hi.


I thought I called madison.

- Are you at mimsy's?

- No.

There's been a little complication.

- Oh.

Are you ok?

- Not really.

I'm sorry.

And I'm sorry my parents won't let me come over there.

Yeah, me too.

Uh, madison said you guys were in a fight?


We're both stupid.

- I'm so sorry.

- So am i.

We should never let a guy that we don't even like come between us.

Even guys we do want.

Well, unless he's, like, a really hot celebrity.


It's an extreme case that would never happen.

Friendship first.

I know, even though we're both desperate to get a boyfriend.

Well, it'll just happen when it happens.

I know someone who wants to go out with you.

You do?

Have you ever considered dating my brother, who happens to be sitting right here listening to us talk?

- Hi, madison.

It's me.

- It's jason.

Uh, I told lauren it was completely unnecessary for her to ask you when I'm perfectly capable of asking you myself.



By the way, I like the new you.



I would love to go out with you.

Ok, well, um, i'll call you later?



- Oh, my god!

- I can't believe it.

Johnny depp.


Alice, our next guess is johnny depp.

Oh, uh, he's married to some french woman apparently.


Well, obviously alice doesn't go for married men.

Can't she just fantasize he's not married?

Can't you... no.

- Brad pitt.

- Brad pitt.

- "ew.

" uh, oh, raymond.

- Romano?


The guy in science class.

The kid with the good hair.

- She hung up.

- I don't get it.

I don't get why she has sex all by herself when she could have me.

You get it.

You do the same thing.

So do you.

I quit.

You can't quit.

Once you start, you can never quit.

You're just taking some time off.

No, I quit.

I'm in love with amy juergens.

I don't have anyone in particular.

I know I can make you laugh.

Amy was supposed to call me when she got to her grandmother's.

She'll call you.

I bet it's shia labeouf.

Aw, please stop this.

It's shocking to me that she could put me off for this long.

No, it's just shocking to you how she's been putting you off for this long.

You ever think about having sex with amy?

Of course you think about it.

- I don't wanna talk about it.

- She's already pregnant.

You and her could...


We're gonna wait until we get married.

I love her that much.

Oh, yeah?

Well, I love alice that much.

And if she'd let me, i'd have sex with her tonight.

I came over here just to tell you that you're an idiot.

Why is that?

Because I didn't know about your boyfriend or boyfriends?


Because I'm thinking about you.

I fantasize about you.

I have this whole story I think about where we're married and I'm in a wedding dress and we're in paris, i'm on a balcony, and you rip the dress off.

Enough, enough.

I have to go now.

I have an algebra test tomorrow and my mother drove me over here, and she's waiting for me.

You were in the car with your mom while we were talking about who you fantasize about when you...?


She's my mother, and she's a therapist.

We talk about everything.

That's not right.

Well, look at the upside of things...

She didn't tell her dad, although I think her mother will tell her dad.

Oh, why did I do this?

What was I thinking?

Why didn't I take your advice?

You want a ride home?

No, thanks.

Made me kinda sad.

It's a sad story with a happy ending.

Where's his father?

He left when he was born.

He couldn't handle it.

And so his mom was left all by herself, and she didn't have insurance, so my dad helped them anyway.

That's why he left the practice he was in.

He's constantly doing things he's not supposed to do as a doctor, like helping people, so when tom's mom had to go into assisted-care living, he brought tom home, and then he and my mom and me, we all adopted him.

Why are you telling me this?

Well, we thought maybe if we told you more about us, then you'd tell us more about you, and if we knew more about each other, maybe we could really be friends.


Or maybe you'd decide that I'm not the kind of guy you think I am.

Maybe if you knew who my mother was or who my father was, you'd be too scared to even be in a room with me.

I think I better go.

It was nice talking to you.


Hurry up.

I can't believe you two would sneak into my office at night.

How'd you even get into the school?

The gym.

It's the construction.

Anyone can get in, so it's not like we were breaking in.

How'd you get in?

You're not supposed to be here, either, sir.

The gym.

And I know the security guard, who called me when he saw the two of you in here.

Then why didn't you call the police?

'cause I told the security guard that this might happen.

And I'll be the one to ask the questions here.

You know I could have the two of you suspended from school for this?

And you could be kicked off of majorettes.

And you could be kicked off the football team.

- Please don't do that.

- Yeah, that's scary.

But it's probably not as scary as getting fired from your job.

I don't have your permanent record, ok?

Permanent records are kept in the principal's office.

But you have access to it.

I do, I have access.

And I went to the principal's office during school hours and pulled your file.

I figured you had a point about the entire school board knowing who your father is when you don't.

What do you get out of this, if I may ask?

Grace and I are friends now, kind of, and I told jack that i'd get them back together.


- I'll figure it out, ok?

- You better.

I will.


It's not a legally binding document.

It's just a copy of a copy of a copy.

No, no, no.

No touching.

- Thank you.

- So when do I get grace?

I said I'd talk to her.

I'll talk to her.

Let's get outta here.

- hi.

- How are you doing?


How about you?

- The same.

- I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, too, I mean, about mimsy.


I think I'm the one who should apologize.

I should've told you.

It's kind of embarrassing having alzheimer's when you can rember it.

You know, I forgot to take my medication when I left the house this morning, and I'm really much better when I'm on my medication.

You know, mimsy, I could still stay with you.

I mean, I could take care of you.

Oh, amy, I know you could, honey, but then who would take care of you?

I'll take care of you.

Both of you.

All three of you.

You check back with us after you get through this stage, and then we'll see.

Mom, you can't just go home.

No, I wasn't planning to.

You see, when you called me and told me that you were driving up, I ran out and pulled the "sold" sign out of the front lawn.

And then I went into a panic, because I was planning on getting situated first, and then telling you that I'd moved.

- to?

- To a very nice assisted-care complex.

You know, I never liked that house.


You know, your father surprised me with it because he liked it, and I always wanted a fireplace and a screen porch, and so now I've got a fireplace and a screen porch.

You know, it's odd that they'd provide a fireplace for someone in assisted care.

It's electric.

You know, I'd been planning on traveling for the next few months, a few of us there who are still capable of traveling, and there's this very nice doctor and his wife and...

They said they would take us on a trip through europe and...


I really would come and take care of you though, amy, if you really need me.

Mimsy, it's...

- It's ok.

- Thank you.

Thank you for that.

I knew you'd say that.

I mean, I want to help, I do, but I'm really more of a good-time girl, you know?

I'm really not a good helping type.

And besides, look at all the people you have to take care of you.

And I really would like to have this vacation while I still can, you know?

And you should take a vacation while you still can.

Take a little break from george and go on out and do whatever it is you've always wanted to do.

Life is short, anne.

Believe me, it's over in the blink of an eye.

- So you know about george and me?

- Yeah, I know.

But don't worry.

I'll soon forget.

It's ben.


I hadn't heard from you.

I know it's been a long day, but I just wanted to say good night.

Good night.

- I love you, amy.

- I love you, too.

- I'm really gonna Miss you.

- I'm not goin' anywhere.