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02x10 - Hidden

Posted: 10/27/20 12:31
by bunniefuu
Previously on The 4400 ...

-Do you remember me?


You're the only good since I got back.

-Hold on.


Danny, do not give me more debt for Nikki.

Stop it, Shawn You k*ll him.

So this look into the future applies not only to earthshaking things?

Not always.

That one.

You're my new talisman, girl.

You know what I think?

Try my mother diamond engagement ring.

And now he's gone.

You said it was not about winning.

You liked me.

-It was just a test.

-And you're sunk.

-It does not sound like me.

-Turn it over.

You're the boss.

-Matthew Ross.


Jordan said if he would die I had to be there for you to help you.

The soil shifted under your feet.

You need to find balance or you fall.

It is certain that everyone Jordan Collier is something due.

He had a vision to save the future.

You were last night outside my house waiting.

I do not know how I got there.

Believe me.

I had last night another blackout.




-Yes, I'm here.

Just a second.

- It's 8:10 pm.

Take your free?

-My alarm did not go.

sh**t it.

Your first lesson is Thursdays at 9:00 yet?

Should I get some smelling salts for you?

Come on, boy.

In the legs.

Alana called last night.

I forgot to tell you.

She is in Barcelona, ​​Kyle.

There are currently twenty minutes we both awake.

-They say anything?

-Yes, they ...

She has a few paintings for her gallery bought and misses you.

If she calls again if I'm not there ...

I'll remember.

I have to get ready.

I can not wait.

You'll have to take the bus.

And do not let your towel again lying on the bathroom floor, okay?

Intense hunt for k*ller Ben?


My God, you have not changed.

That's what 50-year break.

-You see ...

-I look old.

Especially next to you.

I was 8 months older than you.

-The last time I saw you ...

-Was in a tent.

-Outside Sinanju, Korea.

-11 May 1951.

You know the date yet.

Sometimes I forget my grandsons birthday but that date I will never forget.

Lee att*cked you and you ...

I do not know.

You disappeared.

And, what are you doing here, Ben?

Remember Milton Weinberg?

Your old wingman?

Spleen was the first who invited me at his table in the officers' mess.

He is deceased.

Parkinson's disease.


I know you It could find well.

I'm sure he's yours at the funeral had wanted.

Lee is also?

We treated you as an equal.

did not think you have enough.

You had to cross the line.

None of us has Lee spoken in years.

I'll be there ...

out of respect for Milt.

Physicians Practice -Is he all right?

-Better than okay.

Heart rate, breathing, reflexes, all above average.

Say goodbye to your healthy child.

Edwin, I ...

I did not even have words for.

We are very grateful to you.

He will know everything about you, nurse that changed his life.

Enjoy your son.

Take good care of him.

EDWIN MAYUYA Disappeared: February 24, 1996 Edwin, you got a minute?

Sorry, I have to go to the nursery.

That can wait.

What did you with that sick baby?

We had an amniocentesis done.

That baby had Prader-Willi Syndrome.

Maybe the next test.

You saw the results.

'T 15th chromosome was damaged.

That indicates a serious mental retardation but their child scored a nine the Apgartest.

A miracle is normal reason to joy, not research.

This is the fourth time in the last six months.

In each of those cases is you the nurse on duty.

And you're one of the 4400.

I see no clear link.

Everyone has read about the man who runs the 4400 center.

They say he diseases ALS has healed diseases that no hospital still can heal.

He is a healer.

Just like you.

Works for me only in utero.

I feel the damage on their chromosomes.

I'm not sure how it works but in a way or another, I can repair them.

That is incredible.


Hodler, if you do anything is I prefer to work anonymously.

People talk in this hospital about miraculous births.

People keep talking.

I do not think you have that option.


Wait a minute.

It's Gavin Marr.

I read his statement.

-Why they send it back?

-Something seen on the head?

It was busy at the meeting where Collier was k*lled.

They had us at least new useless files can send?

Are there clues in?

I do not think so.

I gives you the Collier case.

Something important, I hope.

One of the files caught my attention.

There's an internet chatroom for pregnant women.

Yesterday someone started a conversation about cure birth defects at Mercy Hospital.

Take us with you on Collier to pull a chat after It operates a hospital in 4400.


Edwin Mayuya.

He was born in Rwanda.

And he is a kind of healer.

-According to the Internet.

You're still the best, though.

I do not mind.

It's great if it's him.

We should invite him here.


Mayuya deserves at the very least a meeting.


The rule.

I'll be there.

Why do you leave me not handle?

I'll find out or something of that story true.

Meanwhile I want that you are considering a move.

Call it a phase in your development as a leader.

I told you I The Art of w*r will read.

I want you to call your mother.

Jordan has advised you take your family.

away Before Jordan told me something had my family been taken away from me.

Family life is complicated.

I do not think a phone call will lead directly to a group hug.

All leads' t but to a dinner party, then it's all good.

Why it is important for you?

At present take all newsrooms you under the microscope.

They find a weak point.

Which implies the I do not talk to my family?

Everyone should do the same?

That will make of the press.

So they stick us a cult label.

You want me to these old cases weather oprakel as a publicity stunt?

You can now handle or wait.

And with big heads see in the newspapers.

This is your mother's phone number, in case you forgot.

How did you I rang the bell?

We said just it was a beautiful ceremony.

That old Milt has a large family left behind.

He had or divide his love, huh?

We thought you were slain taken or imprisoned.

-You would be deserted.

-None of us believed that.

Disappear in a beam of light, because no one thought of, huh?

Are you in town tonight?


We go our own vigil for Milt at Chauncey's.

He liked a beer so we go for a drink to his memory.


Then we talk about the past.

Previously for me barely a year ago.

Then you can supplement the gaps.

There are many things we do not know.

Exchanging tall tales with a bunch of old timers?

I would not want to miss.

NTAC has me this year examined several times.

I think I'm about three months again only have an investigation.

You never missed an appointment.

We appreciate that.

You just admitted that you have developed this ability.

It is an earth-shattering gift I must say.

Sorry, but I do not see how undergo more tests someone would help.

-The changes that you can generate.

-They are not mutations.

I believe that the repairs.

Anyway, our doctors should examine you.

If they can invent how your gift works it can help many people.

All right.

I'll let you doctors poking me in and piercing until they are satisfied.

But I ask one thing.

I can maintain my privacy.

I do not want to be public figure.

All right.

Whenever a new case leaks, in good or bad sense caused much unrest.

Exactly what I was hoping to avoid.

I've seen the behavior itself irrational fear can cause.

You went in April 1994 away from Rwanda.

That was the beginning the genocide of the Tutsis.

The beginning?

Believe me, I've been in those two weeks seen more than enough horrors.

If I here in America no asylum had been, I'd be dead.

You started fixed network used to it when you were kidnapped.

There were nights in Kigali I would have had the chance to this earth to disappear.

Let me just this straight.

You used Maia's predictions to gamble.

I did not use it to gamble.

I used her to win.

You used her to cheat.

You exploited a nine-year-old girl that loves you from.

She was enjoying herself.

We both are.

But you're an adult.

I can not believe that you defend.

Well, this part I can defend.

So you did not yet to 't part for which you're ashamed?

Those bets, that were certain things.

But I needed money to dismiss them.

You know Mom engagement ring?

They failed me?

I had to bear at my wedding.

I pledged him.

I can not believe I Maia with you in the neighborhood have left.

I want you to leave.

When I watch the news tonight, I become happy?

The television stations that I called seemed interested.

Someone who birth defects recovers?

I would beat.

I assume that the tip was anonymous.

Believe me, I did not mention my name.

The center reveals that a 4400?

Seems somehow not right.

It is unusual but if we 't Drain we define the story.

And it's better than him let languish in the NTAC.

-Is Shawn go to sleep?

He's gone.

Personal business, he said.

Good night, Lucy.

Who's there?


-Mom, you do open the door or should I use my key?


I had to call you first, but I ...


Will the 4400 healing of all diseases mean?


The question on everyone's lips.

A member of the 4400 seems the gift to have genetic to make.

defects in utero undo Anonymous sources claim Edwin Mayuya a nurse at Mercy Hospital k*ller.

miraculous cures has done.


He was unreachable for comment.


If these allegations are true ...

That's the man who k*lled your parents.

Top News Edwin Mayuya - Medic Wait.

There's more.

I sit in the front to bounce in my chair ...

Tyler and floors it.

And we had $ 200 used that race.

Davis was 10 meters behind me and I could just hear him shouting: "Not that way.

There are landmines. " If I had known he meant, I had paid attention.


Well, no one followed us that way so we came 2 minutes for the rest inside and we shared the money.

Hard to believe 50 years later, same guys and the same beer.

It's great to see you.

Too bad the death of Milt was needed.

It is hard to think of excuses to get the club.

together It's not really the whole club, right?

Lee is still there.

Which one of you is going to tell me where he is?

-Does it matter?

-For me.

The last thing I heard is that he lies in a hospital.

He has long poor health.

Everyone here hates it what have we done to you.

Is not that enough?

You have nothing to to talk.

Lee Do yourself a favor.

Just forget it.

-What is it?

-The Miracle Healer of yours, huh?

His real name turns out to be.

Edwin Musinga All his papers are forged.

He is wanted since 1995 by the Rwandan government.

-Search for what?


During the uprising he was a doctor.

He k*lled many people.

I was pediatrician in a hospital in Kigali.

I'm Hutu, but most patients were Tutsis.

Many of my friends also.

Result was my loyalty for discussion.

There were some soldiers to my clinic.

They wanted to disclose that the clinic a shelter was where Tutsis could come to be.

not slaughtered And who came?

-At 15:00 hours the clinic was full.

Every room, every corridor, completely filled with frightened Tutsis who saw me as their protector.

The same soldiers came back militias.

It was a trap.

Trying to stop them?

According to the radio messages had the Tutsis k*lled our president.

The anger spread itself like a virus.

I was also lit.

So you stood by and did nothing?

Throughout the city there were organized murders.

-We could not flee.

-You could try.

Quiet, Tom.

Let him finish his story.

Yes, I could have tried.

That is true.

I know that now.

They let me watch.

They k*lled them all.

I allowed them to my clinic turned into a slaughterhouse.

But you yourself have not k*lled anyone.


But it makes little difference.

I knew what was going to happen.

I left the place.

I'm guilty.

My wife has left me.

I have her and my children not seen.

To my execution ...

Your government insists on extradition.

You should now have.

in the plane But your gift ...

complicates things.

It would give me a chance to make amends.

I would spend the rest of my life every day can save a child I would still each of my nightmares deserve.

What was the matter, Tom?

Because if you are him story did not want to finish were those evil eyes a good way.

He would for a tribunal to come.

And we serve him a lunch.

Should we starve him?

I can not believe you're defending him.

I would never defend his actions but argue what he can do now.

There is a reason that the future it has returned with this gift.

But sorry if I sound like, you know?


Not this one.

Time We're talking about a criminal.

Not even a m*rder*r.

We are talking about genocide, Diana.

Perhaps not hurt that the future but me.

So if I do not find this guy better may be dead I defend genocide?


There are at this moment people in Rwanda that mothers, brothers and children have lost in the clinic.

He stood without doing anything.

Just like our government.

As governments around the world.

Everyone knew what was happening but nobody did anything to stop it.

Yes, that was wrong.

Just like this.

We worked a half years in blind faith assumed that they knew what they did, but now it's enough.

We save the future, but let the justice behind us.

Do you want to partake of it?

So Shawn emerges from nowhere and suddenly I have my plans dropped and go to a reconciliation dinner.

We know yet why he has surfaced?

You need not be a shrink to 't understand.

His father figure dies and he goes to his mother.

Why do not you like about Shawn?

He's your brother.

It was a year ago.

You told me how he was brainwashed.

It's good when he comes to eat?

Do at least pretend.

For your mother.

Why do you do this, man?

Do you now with that nagging?

I do not understand.

Why do you leave?

Can not you just say you're sorry?

If not always works in adults.

Sometimes things get so screwed up sorry that does not help.

This often happens if I'm involved.

But if you just leave, it is not getting any better.

I'm sorry, honey.

I used you.

It was wrong.

But I forgive you.

However, I must go.

I did my very best, but my lasagna really that good?

Are you both beaten dumb?

I have been a year not eaten.


You said something.

Why dare you no attempt?

Okay, that's enough.

Danny, this whole evening about you and me.

Therefore, Mom done.

What do you want me to do?

Say anything amiss?

-It's not that simple.

-No but you and I have clearly something to discuss.


So you're me now apologize?

Or I fancied me you f*cked my girlfriend?

I wish that Nikki was not done.

And you my heart almost stand still?

Do you regret there too?

You know what?

If you give me forever wanna hate, go ahead.

But you're my brother and I wanted to make.

What do you want me to do?

You want me save in my face or something?

-Go ahead.

-Do not you, Danny.

But a blow, Mom.

He deserves it.

He asks us even.

Is it okay now?

Are we ready?

Let him walk?

He has hundreds of deaths on his conscience.

It is not for us mate of debt fix.

I can not send him to Rwanda.

Not yet, at least.

Meanwhile his Detention beyond 48 hours and 't Centrum lawyers hired him to get free.

The press feasts on the story.

Will he be safe on the street?

The safety of a criminal.

I do not care.

Yes, because in exchange for protection he will come to our labs.

We will look after him?

In exchange for a chance to study what he can.

He can genetic research Advancing 100 years.

It seems like a fair exchange.

-How long do you feel exhausted?

-Maybe a month.

-You should have told you.

Doctors -I am a doctor.

I have anemia since I was 15.

I'm sure ...

-Are you okay?


-Stay with him.

-Sit down.

Get those people out of here.

I want every twenty minutes a police car passes.


Somebody call an ambulance.

Fixed a heart attack.

He has done this to her.

Why are you protecting him?

He is a m*rder*r.

-How is this known?

-Not by NTAC, definitely.

If I was going to talk to them, this might not have happened.


She had calmed it fixed.

They could have lynching.

I think I have already shown how far I'm willing to go to live.

You can another dead to your list Add.

The woman is dead.

Okay, Tom.

Why do not you go back outside?

-Walk around the block.

-Do you know why she was there?

Because this m*therf*cker her son, daughter- and about eight of her nephews has let die.

-Is not that right, Doctor?

-Tom, stop.

Stop it.

I regret her death, as I regret all those deaths.

Well, sorry that you feel so bad, but that does not change anything, do you?


Let him go.


Let him go.

THE 4400 CENTRE I do not understand what the problem is, Benjamin.

Edwin has no Musinga m*rder*d.

Not personally.

I said to call.

Which senators Meet them in person.

Should I fly there and do it yourself?

I do not think so.

Send a mail if anything changes.

-Is there quite put pressure behind?

-I wish I was there.

What reciprocal service questions, see parliament agree.

We wish to re services ask for this man?

He says himself that he is guilty.

Worse than that.

He is pretty much a mass m*rder*r.

Why are we wasting our time than with him?

Maybe deserves ever someone really our help.

He is a 4400.

Guilty or not, He is part of what we do.

He got that gift not for nothing and it is certainly not the intention he is tried.

Suppose he had not come back with a gift we would still fight for him?

You're the boss.

You tell me.

Breakfast is ready.

You know that eventually you should talk to me, right?

I seriously doubt that you can hold out until you're 18.

-They used you, Maia.

-She said she was sorry.

Nevertheless, there are consequences.

Your gift is a gift, but it also makes you a target and I'll protect you against people you want to exploit.

In addition, your aunt April not only hurt you.

But I showed her the ring.

She had not even known without me.

You were never allowed to play, along and therefore you can not watch TV this week.

What did your aunt was something else and she knows it.

She has made a big mistake.

Are there not with family?

You forgive someone if they have made?

a big mistake It does not matter or I forgive her.

I simply can not her leave with you around.

We have not such a large family.

We can not just anyone ostracized if they screw up.

Maia, do me a favor.

Stop to be more mature than your mother.

Come on.

You cornflakes are soft.

Come on.


I'm serious.

I've never seen anyone so hard his wrist reversed.

He did not flinch.

Hats off.

Yeah, man.

Then we went to eat.

And we talked.

I was surprised.

It was good though.

Nice to hear.

Yes, I'm glad I went.

Now you know what that makes you.


-Yes, I'm a genius.

I do not understand, Kyle.

You become angry when I say I do not want to see.

Shawn Then I will and I say that it went well and you get your shoulders.

-You do not have to sit here.

-What is it?

-Get you back a blackout?

-Never mind.

If you do not say what it is, I talk to your father.

I feel fine, okay?

And you say my father anything.

Tell me why you walking around like a zombie.

I can remember now.

Things I did during those blackouts.

-I remember.

-Like what?

I'm in trouble, I can not say more.

Can I help you?

Help yourself.

Stay with me away.

Do you have a cigarette?

You have emphysema.

I know I have emphysema.

What I did is a cigarette.

Do you know who I am?

For a moment I thought you were the angel of death.

Richard Tyler.

How was Weinberg's funeral?



A bit like Milt.

I never had much with his ideas.

After you disappeared, he blamed me and he fought a few times with me.

Of course he was wrong.

What are you doing here?

I'm going to give you clap?

My oxygen t*nk close?

You is not attractive target more, Lee.

What do you want?


When I returned and was in quarantine, I thought of you.

All I would do to you if I ever see you.

You want revenge.

I'm sorry to disappoint you.

That will not go.

The time to graze me more taken than you could.

Time takes everyone to graze.

You eventually.

The time Spleen also caught up, right?

At the funeral offered those guys succession their apologies.

You had 50 years to think about what you did.

I did not beat fellow officer.

But you gave reason.

I ate at your side, fought by your side.

But you started something with a white woman, went too far.

-You said then.

-I will say it again.

The world has changed, or you do not know?

The world.


But not me.

And how does that for you from?

I stood by your room.

No cards.

No flowers.

The front desk could not believe know you had.

I really wish you some cigarettes had taken.

You were always faithful to your habits.

Even after death to get started.

See you.

These are not just statistics, Diana.

He let that happen.

I know, but you do there is not need to come back on.

It is important to give a face.

figures We have a problem.

BZ decided to challenge extradition.

They give special feeding conditions.

Edwin is so freely.

Many children will receive a normal life.

Not as much as we had hoped.

We do not even how his gift works let alone that we can repeat.

And it goes bad with his health.

He has anemia and can not sleep.


It is much worse.

His gift.

If he's a chromosome restores he himself.

damages -So if he continues to heal ...

-Will he die out.

If you do not want to talk about what you did I will not try you to force.

Whatever it may be, there must be a solution.

Easy to talk.

You do not know what it is.

Tell us.

How can we help you if we do not know what is?

I did not ask for help.

You could even tell no one, Danny.

I'm not just anyone.

-I am your friend.

-Stop it.

You mean well but have no clue what you're talking about.

I have to fix this on my own.

We get it.

One in you.


We will help you.

I think what he trying to say if you need some time to clear your head and want to get away from it all so you can figure out things I can provide this purpose.

Come with me to 't Centrum, Kyle.

Get here a wervingsrit of?

Since I'm not talking about.

There you have the space.

No one will bother you.

If you ever come to the point you want to talk to someone then we have advisors, therapists and lawyers.

You can always try.

What you do, it does not work.

My car is outside.

You can start with me if you want.


Leave me alone ...

I have to arrange a few things free get out of school, things like that.

-I see you there tonight.

And I'll be waiting.


Thanks, guys.

-How much time do I have?

That's hard to say.

Your genes mutate every time you heal a fetus.

You look like a heart condition to develop.

You MRI shows spine abnormalities.

If you continue to heal, perhaps a year.

Or less.

And if I stop it?

If you stop cure then there is no reason to BZ to challenge.

extradition Then you fall into the hands of the Rwandan government.

Who me ASAP will be tried and condemned.

So ...

Both choices lead to my death.

Yes, that's right.

It seems that my kidnappers A perverse sense of humor.

Of course I will continue to heal as long as my body allows.

Then my death at least a purpose other than revenge.

The doctors will your state monitor and your brakes decline.

But you must come with us because we have some of the best doctors.

If you offer me a bed in NTAC, I refuse unfortunately.

I did not see from one prison off to die in another.

There is a place where you could go.

NTAC Medical will make him five days a week need.

I will get you the grid.

And we will ensure he's here on time.

Each time.

Edwin Musinga, this is Shawn Farrell.

He runs the Centre.

And you two have a lot in common.

Not much.

One thing only.

One very important thing.

-Did you tell him?

-Yes, he goes with healed.

It does not surprise me.

I got him 4400 brought to the center.

I think he better off than at home.

How does it feel, Tom?

There will be some babies saved and you get what you want.

-You really want to know?

-I asked you?

It feels like justice.


How did you find me?

Sometimes it is good To have things that do.

A child -What's in Berkeley?

- A tattoo shop that my work may.

What friends to whom I myself may impose a while.

Di, I have this told Maia, but ...

I'm really sorry.

That's good to hear, but it changes nothing.

You are very cunning.

You are totally unreliable.

You will not see Maia have proven to you.

I wish I knew how I could make it up.

Yes, I also wanted to be.

And I know it will last long.

But you're still my sister, and you're the only one I have.

And I ...

Well, I do not give up.

You have redeemed him of the pawnshop.

I always thought his mom should bequeath to you.

Frankly, I thought she 'M only gave to me because they ...

She thought It was the only way for me to ever get.

those things That is a completely different therapy session.

Di, I do not.

Earn him No.

But you take him as well.

One day ..

Maia who will ring wear on her wedding.

And I hope ...

Well, I hope you contact will be.

restored Yes.


Dad, I had to leave.

I'm sorry.


I agree.

Where are you, man?

It is 2:00 pm.

You're not.

Still When you hear this, give me a call or show up, yes?


I know that you mean well but you have no idea what you're talking about.

the I have to solve this one alone in m.