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04x08 - No Exit

Posted: 10/27/20 13:04
by bunniefuu
The world will have to deal with us.

Previously on The 4400: Promicin is out there.

People are gaining abilities and nothing can be done about that.

Kyle, listen to me.

If you're involved in something...

Collier will lead the human race to salvation.

- You will help him.

- What is this place?

Cassie just said we should come here.

You are on the wrong path here.

And you've always been rebellious.

But I think you're afraid of change, Shawn.

Or is it just me?

You don't really know this girl at all, do you?

Baby, get your hands off of me.

I share an office with two of the most annoying guys on the planet.

I don't understand why Collier would come back to Seattle.

It's like he's daring us to catch him.

This is a message of hope for a better tomorrow.

And it begins here in Promise City.

I was gonna ask you if you're sure you wanted to be a part of this operation.

I want Collier caught as much as anyone.

It's not Collier I was thinking about.

He's my son.

I gotta believe I can still reach him.



What the hell is going on?

Where is everyone?

I don't know.

You're the first I've seen.

I just woke up on the floor of the break room.

Why were you sleeping in the break room?

- I don't know.

- Why was I sleeping at my desk?

The last thing I remember is going to bed at home.

Well, the last thing I remember I was going over case files in my living room.

Tom. Skouris.

Why did I just wake up underneath my office chair?

Please tell me you know how we got here.

Possibility one: We're under attack.

Someone with a grudge against NTAC used a 4400 ability against us.

- Maybe more than one.

- That would explain the memory gaps.

But if a 4400 were coming after us, why are we still alive?

Are we the only survivors in the building?


Or maybe the attackers haven't gotten down to our level yet.

Let's not ignore possibility two: The world at large is under attack and the building's reacting to some kind of security situation out there.

So, what, we're the only survivors in the world?

Could we maybe come up with a possibility that doesn't involve an attack?

It's not responding.

We're locked out of the building's network.

I can't even access the system.

Maybe we can do it from Ops.

Try to get in through the mainframe, establish some contact with the outside world.


Or maybe we could just walk out the front door.

Do you hear that alarm?

That means the building's sealed.

And it's gonna stay sealed until someone overrides the security protocols.

We could be the only ones here who know how to do that.

All right.

Get yourself ready to go.

Okay, I don't care if this building is crawling with every p-positive in Seattle.

We're getting to Ops.

First, wake up P.J.

P.J., wake up, man.

No phones.

No e-mail.

Even the emergency radio doesn't work.

- Internal surveillance is down too.

- I can't find a side arm anywhere.

- Marco.

- Good to see we're not alone.

God, tell me you got some answers.

Well, you got into the network.

Good job, Brady.

That wasn't me.

I'm still locked out.

- The alarm just went silent.

- The phones are still dead.

If the security system's down, that could mean the exits aren't sealed.

- We could get out.

- It's worth checking out.

Tom, you and I will scout ahead, make sure there's a safe path to the exit.

Oh, and, Diana, make sure you stick with these guys.

Watch their backs while they work on establishing communications.


All right, let's go.

There's no one there.

There's no one anywhere.

We haven't seen a soul since we left Ops.

- Baldwin.

- Collier, what did you do to this place?



What's going on here?

- That's not...

- Kyle, run!

Hold it.


Kyle, wait.

Wait, Kyle.

Open the door.

Open the door, Kyle.

Look, whatever you're doing here, you have to stop.

You have to convince Collier to stop.

Open the door.

- What are you doing here?

- Shawn?

Where are we?

What did you do to me?

- What the hell is going on?

- It wasn't me.

I didn't do anything.

This looks like NTAC.

Did we get arrested?

I was working late in my apartment.

I don't remember anything after that.

Maybe the government's rounding up 44005.

They have soldiers with abilities.

Could've messed with our memories.

Why would they put you and me together?





But I don't understand.

Collier has just built a huge settlement for himself in the middle of Seattle.

A huge win for him.

Why would he risk everything and attack the building?

And stick around to explain himself.

Whatever he's planning, we have to defend ourselves.

Guys, can we lower the blast doors over the entrances to this room?

They're controlled by the computer.

We still can't access the system.

We could move the furniture, build a barricade.


We'll make a wall made out of desks and chairs.

I'm sure that'll be really helpful.

Especially if they've got somebody who can melt brains.

- Have a better idea?

- Wait, there's a weapons locker a few floors down.

That's where we store all the as*ault r*fles.

Maybe Collier hasn't gone to it yet.

I mean, believe me, I don't wanna point a g*n at Kyle, but if Collier is leading some kind of attack, we need something more than office supplies to fight back with.



- Maia.

- Mom, what's happening?

I checked that room.

It was empty.

You're okay.

Now you're with me.

You're safe.

My dad and his boss seemed just as surprised as we were.

They thought Jordan brought us here.

- Did he?

- Jordan had nothing to do with this.

He doesn't always share his plans, Kyle.

Guess you haven't learned that.

My relationship with him is different.

He doesn't hide things from me.

He sure as hell wasn't planning an as*ault on NTAC.

You guys, wait.

We can't fight.

Not now.

We gotta find Jordan.

He's trapped in here.

I'm not going anywhere without him.

All right, do whatever you want.

I'm gonna find my way out of here.

- Shawn.


- What, Isabelle?


Listen, whatever's going on here, we have a better chance of getting out if we stick together.

Now, stay with us.

We'll find Jordan and we'll leave as a group.

It's not responding.

These locks are supposed to run on reserve power.

What good is a weapons locker if you can't get into it during an emergency?

We can find a crowbar and try to force the door.

Hcld on.

If we can pry this face pad off, there's a chance I might be able to short-circuit it.


You're gonna hot-wire the door open?

Don't look so surprised.

I worked in a think t*nk for years.

You'd be amazed at the things I picked up around the water cooler.

Try this.

- Where'd you get that?

- My desk drawer.

You said we might have to defend ourselves with office supplies, so...





I'm just wondering how you do it.

We all wake up in the middle of NTAC with no explanation.

We're in the basement, trying to break into a weapons locker so we can fight off an attack by God knows how many people with 4400 abilities.

It seems pretty hopeless, right?

But you, you just keep moving forward.

If I stopped cold every time a situation looked hopeless, I wouldn't have lasted very long in this job.

All I do is focus on what's in front of me.

In a few years, you'll look back and realise that you survived by doing exactly the same thing.

A few years?

I'm flattered you think I'll last that long.

Here, come on.

Give me a hand.

All right, now I'll twist and you pull.

All right?

Okay, good.


All right, here we go.

There you go.


And none of you has any idea how we got here?

- Everyone's all right?

Nobody's hurt?

- Yeah.

- Shawn?

- I'm fine.

- What are you doing here?

- The exits are sealed, so I looked for this place.

NTAC imprisons 44005 here and those who have taken the shot.

I was looking for allies.

The Wing's empty, so I guess you're out of luck.


No, I'm not out of luck.

I found you three.

- That should be enough.

- Enough for what?

Their operations centre is on the second level: communications gear, security controls.

We get there, we can contact Promise City, send for help.

Where my dad's office is.

They'll all be there.


There's no other way.

We need control of that room.

Now you're talking about overpowering a bunch of government agents, Jordan.

What are we gonna do?

Take hostages?

Shawn, they brought us here against our will.

They're the aggressors.

I'll walk out of here peacefully if I can, but I will walk out of here.

Any of you not wanting to spend the rest of your life in one of these cells should join me.

- Are you all right?

- Yeah, yeah.


Yeah, it's fine.

It's fine.

Prepare to be impressed.

I guess the shock was worth it.

I'm impressed.

There's nothing here.

It's empty- Meghan.

What happened?

- Are you all right?

- Yeah, I'm fine.

I don't know what happened.

I'll try and get the lock open again.




Meghan, are you there?


Oh, my God.



Meghan, look at me.

Look at me.



I don't understand what happened.

It's like that door closed by itself.

We were only apart for a few seconds.

- Well, it was an accident, Tom.

- Yeah, maybe.

But we wouldn't be stuck in here if it wasn't for Collier.

Meghan's death is on him.

We can add it to the list of thousands he's responsible for.

This doesn't make any sense.

She shouldn't be dead.

We have to get the computers back online.

Let's just focus on that.

What exactly are we supposed to be looking for?

Anything we can use to defend ourselves.



This is crazy.

Are we actually supposed to use these on someone?

I hope not.

This was all I could find.

A broom handle?

So, what am I supposed to do with this?

Use it.

Or don't.

But I'm not inclined to give up without a fight.

See, why do you think that we need to fight?

Jordan, didn't you say that when you ran into my uncle that he thought that you were behind this?

And you think that they are.

Does that not beg the question: What if it was neither of us?

What if something else is causing this?

First we control that room, then we ask questions.

No, let's ask them now.

What you seem to be forgetting is one of those NTAC agents that you are so intent on battling is my uncle.

Kyle's father.

There's gotta be some way that we can communicate with them.

I'll go.

You three can wait here for me.


It's just the future gave you the right ability.

You're always looking for the peaceful solution for your...

For healing.

I admire that.

Even if it means you can't be part of the movement.

What's going on?

Come on.

We need to go.



Oh, no, my...!


- Shawn.

- Shawn.

- Shawn.

- Shawn.


You know, it doesn't have to be so weird and quiet in here.

- You guys can talk to each other.

- What?

It's not weird and quiet.

Your mom and I talk to each other all the time.

I guess.

But you used to come over almost every night.

We'd play games.

It was fun.

And you don't come over anymore.

It's like we're supposed to pretend nothing ever happened.

It's complicated, sweetie.

But Marco and I, we are friends.

Aren't friends supposed to see each other sometimes?

Everybody get out here.

They're coming.

Keep the door locked, stay down.

No matter what you hear.


Everyone stay back.

Just stay back.

Collier, whatever you're here to do, whatever you want, - it's not gonna happen.

- Dad, we're not doing this.

Please let me in.

We don't wanna fight.

Meghan Doyle is dead, Kyle.

Do you understand?

She's dead.

- How could you do this?

- I told you, it's not us.

We just woke up here.

We don't know what happened.

- It's the truth.

- Kyle.

Oh, God.

You're hurt.

What happened?

A window blew out.

I got cut.

- And Shawn...

- Oh, God.


- Shawn.

- Oh, no.

This isn't right.

This isn't how it's supposed to happen.

He's dead.

Because of you.

Two people lost their lives because of you.

- I had nothing to do with it.

- The hell you didn't.


He's telling the truth.

He didn't bring you here.

I did.

I made this happen.

I took the shot.

We're all here because of my ability.

I took the shot about two months ago.

Once promicin got out there, I knew it was gonna change everything forever: science, politics, religion.

I just wanted to be part of it.

I had to be part of it.

Then one night, my fiancée and my mother had this huge fight about the guest list at our wedding.

I went to bed wishing there was something I could do to smooth things over between them.

When I woke up, I was some place else.

Me, my mom, Sara.

We didn't know how we got there but we were trapped in this huge traffic jam on the Spokane Street Bridge.

It was an hour away from when we were supposed to get married.

We had to work together to get across town.

And when I say work, I mean work.

There were earthquakes, floods, a fire.

It was crazy.

But we survived together.

And we got to the church just in time.

I kissed Sara at the end of the ceremony.

And then we all woke up at home.

- The game was over.

- The game?


I figured out how it works since then.

My ability, it's like a game.

P.J., stop using the word "game." There are two people dead.

Oh, I'm not sure about that.

No one's ever died before.

I don't know what that means for the real world.


Why did you pick this place?

I didn't pick it.

You did.

We all did.

But I have no control over anything else.

We determine where we go.

All of our minds, together...

It's a subconscious thing.

NTAC means something different to each of us but it matters to everyone.

- That's how we got here?

- Exactly.

And there's always an obstacle.

Something all the players have to work together to overcome.

I know this sounds weird, but in this case, I think the obstacle is the building itself.

You're saying NTAC is trying to k*ll us?

That makes sense.

The building electrocuted Meghan.

The building caused the wind burst that shattered that window and k*lled Shawn Farrell.

So, what are we supposed to do?

Just sit here and wait for it to pick us all off?

No, we're supposed to work together.

That's the whole point.

I sit in my office every day and I read about how things are getting worse, about how it's just a matter of time before everything blows up.

A w*r between positives and negatives.

That's why I brought people from both sides here.

I wanted to help.

I wanted to bring the two camps together.

So we get to watch each other die one by one?

- That's a hell of a valuable lesson.

- You haven't just put our lives at stake.

If I die, if Kyle dies here, that could mean the end of the movement.

You've jeopardised everything we've worked for.

Let's not make it easy for this place to hurt us.

We should move the computers out of here, anything electronic.


There might be a way out of this.

The last couple of times I played, I figured out that there's always a back door.

If I find it, I can walk through it.

And if I do, the game ends.

We all wake up.

- Hopefully, Shawn and Meghan do too.

- Where is it?

It's usually at the far edge of the playing field.

Wherever I woke up in the game, it's as far away from there as possible.

- You came to in the Theory Room?

- Yeah.

Okay, Marco, find some maps of the building.

Figure out where this back door should be.

Everyone get to work.

And be careful.

Do you think Shawn is really gone?

I don't know.

Let's hope not.

I know you think taking the shot was wrong.

But I knew what I was doing.

I knew that following Collier meant I had to get used to people dying.

Maybe even people I knew.

I kept saying, you know, these deaths weren't meaningless.

They were sacrifices.

I still believe that.

I do.

But seeing Shawn lying there...

You might wanna remember that feeling the next time Collier hands down orders.

Look, I don't wanna lecture you, Kyle, but I don't think you know what it's like to worry the way I do.

Every time I hear something about Collier on the news, every time I pick up the paper in the morning, I'm afraid that I'm gonna learn that you're in jail, or that you're dead.

I don't see how it could end any other way for you.

We could win.


We could save the world.

I want a son, not a martyr for Collier's cause.

Dad, that's enough gauze.


I guess I never stop being a dad.

I think Marco's got something.

That's it.

The dead end of this hallway on Sublevel 11.

That's the farthest point in the building from our office.

If P.J.'s back door is anywhere, that's the spot.

- I'll go.

- Not alone, you won't.

This whole building is one big trap.

We're not sending you out there.

He won't be alone.

As far as I know, I'm the only one who can end this.

I have to be the one to walk through that door.

All right, get yourself ready.

- We're leaving in two minutes.

- I'm going with you.

This is supposed to be an exercise in cooperation.

I think it's fitting we divide the risk.

I'm thinking we should take the stairs.


You really cared about Shawn, didn't you?

Shawn was just a little kid when his father left my sister.

I tried to take an interest in him, do what I could to help raise him.

Well, you did a fine job.

He was an extraordinary...

He is an extraordinary young man.

He and I have grown apart.

It's difficult losing someone you've invested so much time in.

You made that bed for yourself.

Shawn broke off from you because he didn't agree with what you believe in and you were too rigid to change.

Isn't that why Kyle pulled away from you?

Hey, don't compare the two situations.

For one thing, if it wasn't for you, we wouldn't be here wondering whether Shawn was alive or dead.

You put the sh*ts out there.

Which is why he could take one.

And that's why two people I care about might be dead.

The spread of premium is not to Name.

The fear of it is.

Your government prevents people who've taken the shot from learning how to control their abilities.

- You've criminalized the gifts...

- So what?

We should just step aside and let you run the world?


Can you two ever stop arguing?

You are literally going to get us all k*lled.

If you can't calm down, you both might as well go back to Ops right now.

I'll find the way out myself.

These are the stairs.

Let's go.

Would you mind going first?

I got your back.

If this back-door thing doesn't wcrk out, we're gonna need another plan.

We already know we can't get to the generators, so...

Maia, what are you doing?

I'm just helping Kyle.

We don't know this place as well as you guys but we might as well pitch in.

I mean, who knows?

Maybe we'll come up with something.

Okay, that's great.

Maia, will you 90 stand with Marco?

- But, Mom, we're just trying to...

- Go now.


You know, I wanna get out of here too, just the same way you do.

I know you hate me.

To tell you the truth, I don't blame you.

But you do need to work with me.

That's the game.

You threatened my daughter's life.

I know.

- You shot me for it, remember?

- Yeah.

Six times.

More if I could have reloaded.

I really don't care what this little exercise is supposed to be about.

You just stay the hell away from Maia.

Maia, come over here.

Well, that's it.

If we can get through that door, that should be the way out.

Let me try.

That's me.

My bedroom.

Looks like we found our back door.

I know I'm going to jail when we all wake up.

Just make sure everyone knows I'm sorry.


He's dead.

It's gone.

The way out, it's gone.

That won't work.


said he's the only one who could end this early.

- Yeah, well, I'm not giving up.

- Neither am I.

The back door was just that: a way out, one option.

There is another.

We play out the game.

Try to survive.




said there's a goal to every game, an end point.

- We don't know what that is.

- Not yet.

But I doubt we'll find it down here.

We head back up to the Operations Room.

We stick together, figure out a way to live.

Wait a second.

Is it me or is it getting hotter in here?

That air's gotta be well over a hundred degrees.

So this place is gonna cook us all?


I don't know about you guys, but personally, I'd rather be electrocuted than fricasseed.

Nobody's getting cooked.

The environmental controls are just a few floors down.

We can change the temperature manually.

It won't work.

The temperature control runs through the main computer network, and we still can't access the system.

We need to k*ll the building.

This place runs on power.

We take that away, it can't hurt us anymore.

We shut the building down, we win.

Cut the power?

You don't think we've thought about that?

The emergency generators are sealed off.

Well, it's actually not that bad of an idea.

We can't shut the generators down, because we can't get to them.

But if we could find a way to create an electrical surge big enough to overload the emergency systems...

There'd be a power outage.

This place would go black.

There's two major power relays that run throughout this building: our everyday system and the emergency line.

If we can find a place where the two relays run close to each other...

Connect the two lines and...

short the building out.


We keep all the computer sewers in that room.

Every power conduit in the building runs through there.


If P.J. hasn't gotten us out of here in two minutes, Marco, you and I head into that room.

Isabelle, will you find the longest power cord you can and strip the insulation off of it?

You're coming with us.

It's your idea.

You should have the chance to see it through.

What is that?

The building.

I don't think it likes our plan.

What's happening?

It's not blowing air into the room anymore.

It's sucking it out.

Okay, guys, we're not waiting two minutes.

We're all going now.

The blast doors are down.

- Hello.

- Stay there.


- Dad.

- Kyle, what's happening?

The building's shut us off.

It's sucking all the air out of the room.

Tom, I don't think we've got much time.

You have to try and short-circuit the building's power supply.

This was all I could find.

We need to run that cord between these two power relays.

If Marco's right, that'll shut this place down.

- Well, this is not nearly long enough.

- Then find more.

These power lines, they're all...

They're all sealed to the wall.

If we could rip these out of the ceiling...

No, they're dying in that room.

We don't have time.

There is one way to complete the connection between these relays.


We complete the circuit ourselves.

You're talking about running thousands of volts of electricity through our bodies.

We'll die.

We will.

But if your colleagues are right, we'll end this thing.

So how about it?

You don't strike me as a man afraid of sacrifice.

I keep telling myself it's just a game.

But you know what?

I still don't feel like dying.

It's not an experience I'm looking to revisit.

I guess it's like you're always saying: You just have to have faith.

- On three?

- On three.







Sweetheart, are you okay?

You're okay.

You're not hurt.

I'm fine.

- Is Jordan here?

- No.

Have you seen him?

Can I talk to Tom Baldwin, please?

Tom, hi.

We picked up P.J.

After he woke up, he tried to make a run for Promise City, and we...

I'm fine.


It's okay.

I'm sorry, it's just...

I watched you die last night.

You have no idea how good it is to see you right now.

I'm sorry that things got so out of hand.

And I know I'm going to jail for taking the shot.

So it's probably the wrong time to say this, but if everything you told me is true, maybe it'll be worth it, playing the game.

How could you say that?

It was scary, but my ability worked.

Jordan Collier and Tom Baldwin actually cooperated.

They sacrificed themselves to save the other players.

That has to mean something, right?

Let's hope so.

I'd hate to think you gave up your freedom for nothing.

Someone will be here shortly to take you downstairs.

- Are you okay?

- Yeah.

It's gonna be strange not having P.J. in the office anymore.

Yeah, I know it's not PC, but I kind of admire what he did, you know?

I know Jordan Collier a hell of a lot better than I did a day ago.

And he knows us.

That's got to be a good thing.

Yeah, well, we'll see about that.

Marco, I...

Was Maia right?

Have things gotten weird between us?

Kind of hard to avoid, right?

You broke up with me and, you know, I still have to see you every day.

Well, if you're up for it, I really would like to be friends.

And I promised Maia that I would cook a meat loaf tomorrow night.

And maybe you could come by.

I know that she would really like that.

So would I.

The infamous Skouris meat loaf.

It's gotten better, I promise.

Will I see you, then?


- Baldwin.

- Your son's fine.

We all are.


I wanted you to know.

I appreciate that.

I've been leaving him messages all morning.

Talked to Shawn a while ago.

He's doing all right too.

I don't want any misunderstanding.

Nothing's changed between us.

I'm still gonna give promicin to anyone who wants to make a difference.

And I will still build Promise City.

And you're gonna wind up in handcuffs, Jordan.

I'm gonna be the one putting them on you.

You called me "Jordan" just then.


I guess I did.

P.J. accomplished that much, anyway.

50, Tom, would you like to hang up?

Or shall I?