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04x09 - Daddy's Little Girl

Posted: 10/27/20 13:05
by bunniefuu
The world will have to deal with us.

Previously on The 4400: - Diana, what the hell are you doing?

- Diana's not quite herself right now.

She'll do whatever Tess tells her to.

Tess is schizophrenic.

The strain of hiding out, the guilt over what we did.

She can't handle it.

It's caused a break.

She needs medical care.

I will not sacrifice Tess to you.

You made your choice.

But you're my daughter.

If you quit, I'll stand by you.



What about my father?

Has anybody heard from him?

They did something to me last night.

Those people who came into my room, they were dressed for an operation.

Yeah, they put something into me.


What if they took whatever is inside of him and put it into me?

Please just tell me that you're still you.

I think so.

- Hey.

- Sorry.

I know it's late.

I'm not interrupting anything, am I?


No, I was just...


Because I didn't know where else to go.

I was out with friends.

The Rep is doing a revival of Arcadia.

You know, that Tom Stoppard play?

Anyway, when the show let out, I found this on my windshield.

Every car on the block had one.

So basically, if you wanna be cool, take promicin.

On the news, I heard a story about two middle-school kids who took the shot.

Twelve years old.

Both died.

We're losing the w*r, Tom.



This one's my favourite.

Come on, everyone.


Let's dance.

Hello, this is Shawn.

- Shawn, it's Kevin Burkhoff.

- Dr.


Listen to me.

I don't have much time.

It's Tess, all right?

Her schizophrenia is out of control.

I've tried every combination of meds I can think of.

Nothing works.

So you have to help her or heal her.

Before she hurts someone.

- Can you get her to the Centre?

- No, no, no.

Listen to me.

She's taken over a diner, all right?

She won't allow anyone to leave.

We're trapped here.


Put down the phone.

Dr. Burkhoff.

Where are you?

Where's the diner located?

So this is the last one and then I'm really leaving.

- I've kept you up long enough.

- Maybe I should put on some coffee.

You let me sit here for hours ranting about promicin and Jordan Collier, and then instead of kicking me out, you're offering me coffee?

That's so sweet.

I don't know about sweet.

Selfish, maybe.

Since Kyle left, it's been pretty lonely around here.

Besides, I know how stressful the job can be.

I'm the guy who thought he was possessed by some entity from the future.

Had a perfectly harmless mole removed for no good reason.

It's healing okay, though, right?

- Let me look.

- Yeah, I think so.


I don't know why I did that.

Maybe we could both use some coffee.

Maybe later.

Tell me again why we're doing this at 6:30 in the morning.

Because I like to have fresh tomatoes with my eggs.

Besides, I love working in the garden.

Makes me feel like I'm contributing even though I don't have an ability.

Well, you gotta admit, it's pretty amazing.

A week ago, this place was a toxic wasteland.

And now we're having our first harvest.

Well, you're amazed now.

Wait till we get to actually eat them.

Okay, very funny.

Who's doing that?


Hello, Isabelle.

So, what's it been now, six months?

Something like that.

I have to say, all that time and you don't seem so glad to see me.

The last time I saw you, you tried to k*ll me.

- Isabelle, I'm not here to hurt you.

- How'd you get in here?

I have friends, 44005 who live here now.

They left a key for me under the mat.

Now, if you don't mind, I'd like a moment alone with my daughter.

- Kyle, it's okay.

- You sure?


Why are you here?

I wanted to apologise.

Tell you how sorry I am for being such a lousy father.

I guess I wasn't exactly the best daughter.

You needed guidance.

Someone to teach you right from wrong.

I wasn't there for you.

I tried, but I didn't do a very good job.

You were so powerful, even as a baby.

I was never comfortable with that.

And then you grew up overnight.

And your mother aging the way she did, I tried to deny it, but I guess part of me blamed you for her death.

Maybe I was responsible.

I still don't know.

- But I never meant to hurt her.

- I know that.

But all the other bad things I did?

They were my fault.

My decisions.

Not yours.

You weren't ready to make those kind of decisions.

You were used by the future, by Dennis Ryland.

If I had been stronger, I could've prevented all of that, but instead, I allowed things to get ugly between us.

And we both paid the price.

All I want is for us is to be father and daughter again.

I want that too.

You'll stay, right?

I want you to.

So do I.

Hello, Richard.

Welcome to Promise City.


Tom, the second time, we did it with the lights on.

It's not like there's anything you haven't seen.

Could you help me?



I'll have to make a quick stop at home to change.

Good, then we won't be showing up at the same time.

This is only gonna be weird if we let it.

- Well, we're not going to, right?

- Right.

- Right.

- Last night was fun.

It's been a rough couple of months.

We both needed a little...

distraction, a little comfort.

There doesn't have to be anything more than that, okay?

So you're saying last night was just a one-time thing?

Well, yeah.

I think so.

- Don't you?

- Oh, yeah.

Have that list I asked for?

Every diner in the greater Seattle area that has a jukebox.

Are you sure it was '505 music you heard?

Pretty sure I heard Chuck Berry.

You're gonna have to cancel all my appointments for today and tomorrow.

Are you sure you should be going after Dr. Burkhoff?

He's a wanted man.

You could get in a lot of trouble.

Kevin saved my life and the lives of all the other 44005 after the government's inhibitor programme almost k*lled us all.

And besides, if there's anyone that can reduce the risk of taking promicin, it's him.

He's worth it.

What's wrong with everyone?

Why aren't they dancing?

Are they trying to ruin my party?


They've been dancing for two days.

They're exhausted.

They need sleep.

So do you.


Why would anyone wanna sleep?

It's a party.

What would Bobby think if he showed up and I was sleeping?

I love Bobby.


He has eyes just like Montgomery Clift.

Soulful, you know?

Where is he, anyway?

Why isn't he here yet?

Maybe he's not coming.

You're just jealous because Bobby's my boyfriend and you're not.

- Tess, that's not why.

- No, I don't wanna hear it.

Bobby cares about me.

He's so sweet.

He'd do anything for me.

- Everybody get up.

Everybody dance.

- Okay.


So one fugitive to another, tell me how you managed to stay off NTAC's radar all these months.

I had lots of help.

44005 who risked their freedom to give me shelter, money, pretty much anything I needed.

These friends of yours, how do they feel about promicin?

About people developing abilities?

The world's changed, Jordan.

You changed it.

They're just trying to figure out where they fit in.

I'll tell you where they fit in.

Right here in Promise City.

Everyone with an ability belongs here.

This is a pretty amazing place you've created here.

Oh, I didn't do it.

Not alone, anyway.

Everyone here has helped to make Promise City a reality.

Including you.

No, I'm serious.

All the work that you did for me at the Centre, everything that you accomplished, it all led to us being here.

If you say so.

But there is work yet ahead of us.

Plenty of it.

And I could use your help, Richard.

Guess telekinesis could come in handy in case the government ever decides...

No, no, no.

That's a remarkable ability, yes.

But it's your leadership I could really use.

These people, they respect you.

They listen to you.

You can make a big difference.

I'm here to reconnect with my daughter, not join the movement.

Well, I hope you'll consider doing both.

We need to...

Kyle says they're throwing you a welcome party.

Guess I should feel honoured.


Tyler, it's so good to have you with us.

Thank you.

You see that?

Everyone's glad you're here.

Including me.

Jordan's been great, and Kyle too.

But I'm the only person here without an ability.

I still feel like I don't belong.

And I was kind of hoping you could help me find my way, you know?

That's why I'm here, Isabelle.

To help you all I can.

Starting right now.

You're gonna feel a little dizzy, Isabelle.

Don't be scared.


It's okay.

Everything's gonna be just fine.


Richard's gone.

He took Isabelle with him.

Okay, wait for it.

No doubt about it.

The man is a genuine badass.

Well, maybe when we catch him, you can ask for his autograph.

Now we know why we never caught up with him.

He's hiding with Jordan.

No, I don't think so.

If Richard was with Collier, we'd have known it.

He's too important to be background.

He managed to get into Promise City without us even knowing.

Which means he could've left just as discreetly.

He was in a hurry.

I couldn't tell if Isabelle was unconscious or dead.

He did try to k*ll her once before, right?

But if she were dead, why carry the body away?

I think it looks like a kidnapping.

I guess we won't know until we find him.

Well, we could start by talking to Jordan Collier.

He did say he was willing to keep the communication lines open, so let's see how serious he is.

Knock on his front door.

See if anyone answers.

Take it easy.

Your head's gonna hurt for a little while.

You should drink some water.

You'll feel better.

What did you do to me?

Stopped the flow of blood to your brain.

Only for a few seconds.

Just enough for you to pass out.


Where are you taking me?

Away from Collier's w*r.

Away from Promise City.

We don't belong there.

That's the only place we're safe.

The government, NTAC, they're all gonna come after us.

They're not gonna find us.

I promise.

I'm sorry I had to do it like that, but it's for the best.

From now on, we're gonna be a family again.

Got a long trip ahead of us.

You should eat something.

I'm not hungry.

I wanna go back.

It's not gonna happen.

You have to accept that.

Come on.

You gotta keep your strength up.

At least drink some water.


I can't do it anymore.

It's been two days.

Need to stop.


I don't believe this.

Wake him up.

- The rest of you keep dancing.

- Get him some water.

Come with me.

Tess, you are torturing those poor people and it's going to stop right now.

This is my big night, Kevin.

A girl only turns 16 once.

You turned 16 back in 1953.

That was a long time ago, and you never even had a sweet-16 party.

You told me you had your first schizophrenic attack the night before and your parents called it off.

- No, that's not true.

- Yes, it is.

This is my party- I want Bobby.

Where's Bobby?


Listen to me.

Even if Bobby were alive, he'd be, like, what, 70?

That's a lie.

You don't know what you're saying.

Look at those people.

Look at them.

You see what you're doing to them?

Get your hand off me.


Tess, don't.

I'm afraid there's not much to say, Tom.

Richard Tyler was only here for a few hours.

I'm afraid he didn't inform me of any plot to kidnap his daughter.

Do you have any idea where he's taken her?

Did he mention where he's been hiding?

Safe house?


Sorry, Dad.

Richard didn't tell us anything.

There is one name.

Michael Ancelet.


I remember that name.

He's an original 4400.

When Richard was running security at the Centre, Michael was his deputy.

If Richard goes to anyone for help, it might well be him.

- Well, thanks for the lead.

- I hope it pans out.

Jordan, why would you help them?

My dad will throw Richard and Isabelle in prison.

We welcomed Richard Tyler into our home.

We trusted him.

He broke that trust.

We owe him nothing.

And besides, helping NTAC apprehend a fugitive puts your father in our debt.

That could prove useful.

What about Isabelle?

Do you care what happens?

Kyle, I understand you two have grown close.

But Isabelle's role in the movement has never been clearly defined.

Neither the book nor Cassie have made any mention of her importance.

She's important to me.

I'm going to find her before my father does.



A rescue attempt is reckless at best.

Losing you vastly outweighs the benefit of finding Isabelle.

Don't do anything foolish.

How long have you been planning this?

Ever since I found out you moved to Promise City.

You could probably use some sleep.

Your room is at the top of the stairs through the door.

Dad, this is a kid's room.

There's no way I'm gonna fit in that little bed.

Don't worry about it.

I've got that covered.

You're gonna be happy here.


I'll be sure of it.


Everything's okay.

Don't be scared.

Something's wrong.

I think I'm shrinking.

What did you do to me?

I told you, Isabelle.

We're starting over.

You're not getting smaller, you're getting younger.


Daddy, what am I?



For now, anyway.

What is that supposed to mean?

How much younger am I gonna get?

I'm just trying to help you, Isabelle.

Find a way to make things better for you.

For months, that's all I could think about.

Then I met Cora.

She has an amazing ability.

She can actually make people younger.

That's what I can give you.

A chance to start over, to have a normal childhood.

Soon you'll forget about those things you did, all those regrets weighing you down.

Daddy, I was doing fine on my own.

You don't have to do this, Daddy.


Do you know what the happiest day of my life was?

It was back when we were living at the Centre.

Your mother was working for the healing foundation with Shawn.

I took you to Madison Park.

To the playground.

I put you on my lap and we sat on one of the swings.

I rocked you back and forth, must have been 20 minutes.

You laughed the whole time.

It was a perfect day.

The next morning, you woke up 20 years older and your mother was dying in front of my eyes.

I want us to be able to start over and now we can.

I have started over.

I have my own life now.

It might not be perfect, but it's mine.

Please don't take that away from me, Daddy.

I know this is scary for you.

But soon, you won't remember any of this.

This is the water you gave me in the car.

That's how this all started, isn't it?

It's in the water?

Is that how you're doing this?



Kevin, I brought you some butter.

My mom said it's good for burns.

Well, thank you, but my hand's fine.

How could that be?

It was all black and blistered.

I can heal myself, Tess.

It's my ability from when I took the shot.

Just like you can compel people to do things against their will.

Sometimes, Kevin, you say the craziest things.

I guess that's why I like you.

Oh, my goodness.

That must be Bobby.

Everybody, look like you're having fun.

Hey, Tess.

- Bobby?

- It's about time, Bobby.

Tess was worried.

She was afraid you weren't gonna show up, Bobby.

- Where you been?

- I'm sorry.

I had some car trouble.

Well, you're here now.

- And that's all that matters.

- What are you doing?

Bobby is going to help you, Tess.

He's gonna make you feel better.

- I feel fine.

- Believe me, you're not fine.

That's okay.

I can make that all better.

All you have to do is just take my hands.

- It's real easy.

- No.

Don't touch me.

You're not Bobby.

You two are playing a joke on me.

A horrible, nasty joke.

You're right.

I'm not Bobby.

But I really am here to help you, Tess.

You're sick, Tess.

Shawn is a healer.

There's nothing wrong with me.

Stop saying there is.

- Listen to me.

- No.

Gloria needs a partner.

- Tess, just listen to me...

- No talking.

Just dancing.

- Tess...

- And you?

You're not my friend anymore.

You're mean.

I hate you.

Why are you still here, Kyle?

Isabelle needs you.

- I promised Jordan.

- Jordan is wrong.

Don't look so surprised.

Even messiahs make mistakes sometimes.

Do you know where Richard took her?

As a matter of fact, I do.

I'll be right with you.

Just have to get this thought down.

It seems like you've had a lot of those lately, Mr. Ancelet.

It's my autobiography.

- Well, you must have had a busy life.

- I'm about to start on 4th grade.

What are we talking about here?

Some kind of total recall?

That's right.

I remember people, events, dreams, just thoughts even.

If I experienced it, I remember it.

All of it.

- You're writing it all down?

- Only thing that keeps me sane.

Otherwise, it just... builds up in my head until it feels like my brain is gonna explode.

Mr. Ancelet, you know why we're here?

- Richard Tyler.

- Do you know where he is?

I know he's my friend.

I understand.

Friendship's important.

But, Mike, aiding and abetting a fugitive, a 4400, that's...

That's a prison sentence.

And in that prison, you're not gonna get computers or pens or paper.

No, it'll just be you.

Alone with your thoughts.



Where are you?



How's that soup?

I like the noodles.

That boy?

The one at the Centre?

The one I like so much?

What was his name again?

Shawn Farrell.

I was mean to him, wasn't I?

I'm having a hard time remembering things.

That's okay.

We'll make new memories.

Better ones.

All it takes is one big sip, then we're done.

And then what?

I won't be me anymore.

It'll be like I never existed.

If your mother were here, she'd want us to do this.

She'd want us to be a family again.

Be together.

Stay here.


- What did you do to her?

- It's a 4400 ability.

He wants to turn me into a baby again.

Richard, this is crazy.

- You have to stop this.

- This is between me and my daughter.

- It has nothing to do with you.

- Daddy, don't.

Kyle is my friend.

He's the first person who ever believed in me, believes that I could change.

She's not the same person you knew.

If you'd spent more time in Promise City, you'd have seen that.

Come on, Isabelle.

- Where do you think you're going?

- Away from here.

Okay, we'll fix this, okay?

I promise you.


Can I talk to you for a second?

It's about Bobby.

He's here.

- No, he's not.

- Yes, he is.

He's right over there.

That's just Kevin.

Hey, Bobby loves you, right?

He's always there for you.

- He'd do anything to make you happy.

- Yes, he would.

And I'm telling you, that's Bobby.

Go over to him.

Look into his eyes.

See for yourself.


Is that really you?

I've been waiting for you a long time.

Well, I'm here now.

Promise you'll never leave me again.

I promise.

I'm so tired.

I know you are.

Shawn can help.

He can make you feel better.

Would you like that?

That would be nice.

You ready?


I was so scared.

And sick.

I hurt these people, didn't I?

It's all right.

You're better now.

You're gonna be better from now on.

I'm so sorry.

We should go.

They're not gonna remember any of this, right?

Not if I don't want them to.

Backup is five minutes out.

- We should go in now.

- What?

If we go in hat, we'll be forcing Richard to fight back.

You saw what he did to the guardsmen outside Promise City.

You really think you can talk him down?

It's worth a try.

I'm not gonna hurt him, Isabelle.

You have my word.


Richard, it's over, all right?


We have to go, Isabelle.

Oh, boy.

Oh, God.

- You okay?

- Yeah.

- You're okay?

- Yeah.

Diana, do me a favour and make sure everyone's okay out there.

And stall them as long as you can, okay?

I'll see what I can do.

- Where's your car?

- Out back.

Come on.

NTAC doesn't know you're here.

This way.

But I'd stay Off the main roads, just to be safe.

You're letting me go?

Yeah, it looks that way.

You gonna be able to get back to Promise City?

Yeah, I got out, didn't I?

Thanks, Dad.

- Okay, go.

Just go.

- Okay.

Promise City?

It's the last place I'd wanna live.

I thought that you and Jordan were close.

- Not anymore.

- He scares me.

He always has.

Yeah, this messiah complex he's developed?

Very disturbing.

And all this talk about heaven and Earth?

Frankly, I don't buy it.

You can stay here as long as you like.

Well, that'd be wonderful.

But we're fugitives.

If they track us here, you could be in a lot of trouble.

It's a risk I'm willing to take.

You can use our medical facilities to continue your research.

Find a way to make promicin safer.

Tell him, Kevin.


That's really only a theory at this point.

Well, I'd like to hear it.

Well, I'm putting together profiles of the people who've taken the shot, the ones we know of, anyway, to see if I could discover why some survive and others don't.


And the initial research is promising.

Pretty soon, Kevin thinks he'll be able to predict who will survive the shot and who won't.

And if people know for certain that promicin will k*ll them, they won't take the shot.

And a lot less people would die.

Isabelle, did you hear what I said to you?

You don't have to drink the rest of it if you don't want to.

And if I don't, then what?

I start my life over again as an 8-year-old?

You could go see Cora.

Maybe she can reverse the process.

Age you back to where you were.

That boy, Kyle, risked his life to come find you.

Someone cared that much about you, says a lot about him.

About you.

Maybe you have changed.

Maybe you're a different person now.

But you still want me to drink it, don't you?

I just want us to have more perfect days, Isabelle.

But like I said, it's up to you now.

I'm scared.

I'm right here.

You know, I had him.

He was standing right there in front of me and I let him go.

Well, what else could you do?

Arrest him?

I thought if I ever got him out of Promise City, that's exactly what I would have done.

If I didn't wanna bring him into NTAC, I would have brought him here until I figured out a next step.

What would you have done?

Locked Kyle in his bedroom?

He would have taken off the moment you turned your back.

Tom, you had a choice between Promise City and prison.

If it was my kid, I would have done exactly the same thing.

Am I making you feel any better at all?




Thanks, by the way, far coming over here and letting me ramble.


We're friends, right?




- Okay, we're good friends.

- Good friends.

- What?

- I felt something behind your ear.

- What?

- Turn around.

Show me.

Your mole is back.

- Isabelle?

- Daddy.