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04x04 - Sous-Vide

Posted: 10/29/20 05:49
by bunniefuu



Easy, Johnny Utah.

Geez! Watch where you point that thing.

Is that any way to treat a guest in your home?

Guests are invited into my home.

So what are you doing?

What does it look like I'm doing?

Solving a tattoo.

Last night, yours truly found a clue in the Tokyo data cache that deciphered this text.

Fun twist: It's a recipe.

And the only way to solve that is in my kitchen?

Well, it's not the only way, but it's definitely the most delightful way.

And, okay, I'm also a little bit worried about my favorite FBI power couple. Is that a crime?

Yeah. It's called breaking and entering.

Not when you have a key.

How do you have a key to my apartment?

So, how is Jane doing with the whole, you know, dying thing?

How are you doing, by the way?

'Cause people think about the afflicted, they don't think about the caregiver, and I'm concerned about you.

I mean, you know, for both of you, but you especially.

I'm not a caregiver.

What are you making?

Uh, let's see. The recipe calls for ten cups of cream, a cup of lemon juice, a hint of rosemary, sliced okra-- I'm not crazy about that part...

Uh, yeah, I'm not crazy about that.

You shouldn't be mixing the lemon juice in the cream.

What do you mean? I just did.

Abbondanza. I wouldn't do that.


So the lemon juice, that curdles the cream.

Mm-hm, it really does. Right in your mouth.

Now, what is this?

It's a recipe for Brunswick stew.

Cream shouldn't be there.

Oh, Roman, you minx.

It's a Caesar shift, and cream is the key to unlocking it.

Numbers turn into letters, letters turn into...An address.

See, I did need to be here.Yeah.

Dream Team, huh?

Hey, where's Jane?

I dunno.

Door's unlocked!

I won't get mad that you guys are ten minutes late if you don't get mad that I'm not leaving a tip.


What are-- What are you-- Are you with anyone?

Just me.

You've been busy.

Oh, yeah.

The U.S. government can take my TV and my Internet, but, uh, I'll always have my art.

I can see that.

I'm afraid you've caught me smack dab in the middle of my Narwhal Period.

The most majestic of all tusked sea mammals.

It's not too late to find someone else.

The FBI seized all of his servers with the rest of the black site intel on it.

We just need to find a hacker who can retrieve it.

Got anyone in mind?


Uh, please.

Sit. Make yourself at home.

This is not a social visit.

The FBI is recruiting hackers to find a hole in our cyber defenses.

I want you on my team.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

Is it-- Is this a secret audition for one of those sweetheart consulting gigs like Rich has?

It is, isn't it?I can neither confirm nor deny.

Oh, you can't say. It's fine.

I am all the way in.

Somewhere on the FBI network is a target file.

We're in a race to find it and get it off the server without anyone noticing.

Um, first concern:

Uh, from what I saw, Patterson and Rich have basically made the FBI impenetrable to outside forces.

Okay. What about from the inside?


Well, that's an entirely-- I mean, from the inside, the right device, put on the right server, could compromise their entire network without anyone being the wiser.

But, why tell you when I can show you?

♪♪ Ta-da!

An Ethernet cable.

What, that attaches to the device?

No, the cable is the device.

When hacking into highly secure government servers, discretion is paramount.

And what better disguise than an unassuming little black wire?

I take it back.

This is our guy.

Well, welcome back.

No souvenirs?

Things at Amsterdam got...


We were just discussing that.



We were discussing your inability to steal personnel files from Bradley Dynamics as you were tasked to.

I'm sorry. Who is she?

Someone less inclined toward mistakes.

Bradley has billions of dollars in contracts with the U.S. government.

Meaning, the FBI will have conducted extensive background checks on every exec at the company.

Okay, well, I'm pretty familiar with how the FBI works, so I can take it from--

No, you can't.

You're going to stay put.

Claudia's going to leverage somebody at the FBI who has sufficient clearance to get us what we want.


Assistant Director Edgar Reade.

I want a full debrief of his psychological profile, so that I can tailor his enhanced interrogation accordingly.

You mean t*rture. Yeah.

We mean t*rture.

Is that going to be a problem?

What do you want to know?


Allie. What are you doing here?

Bethany's next visit isn't for, like, two weeks.

What am I doing here?

You called me, remember?

We need to talk about Jane.

You wanted to talk, so I'm here to talk.

Yeah, I didn't mean in person.

You didn't sound good.

All right? It's fine.

I moved up a work trip.

I'm worried about you.Worried about me?

Jane is the one that's sneaking around.

She just got the worst news someone can get.

Don't you think that warrants a few strange behaviors?

For all you know, she's commiserating with a cancer patient, you know?

Someone with a similar diagnosis.

In secret Allie, the whole thing feels wrong.

As wrong as spying on your wife?


Weller, you coming? Hey, Allie. Yeah.

Hey. Yeah.

I'll be there in a sec, uh...

We'll... we'll pick this up later.


All right, Rich.

What do you got on this address of yours?

Uh, the address of ours. We found it together.

It's an abandoned psychiatric hospital.

Closed in the '50s for inhumane practices.

How bad does an asylum have to be to get shut down in the '50s?

I don't even wanna think about it.

Hasn't been occupied since.

Yeah, because it's obviously haunted.

The complex's design and remoteness make it an ideal hiding place.

A hiding place for what?

There's only one way to find out.

Let's move.

♪♪ Okay, but hey, don't split up.

Or dare each other to spend the night.

That's weird.

What is?

The graffiti.

It's cut off right there.

Then this door is new.

Heads up.

Someone's watching us.

Get down!

They're sh**ting through the wall!


Either I'm missing something or this guy was very protective of his doll collection.

The hell did we just find?


Why can't I look away?

It's like I'm stuck in a staring contest with my own soul.

Why does it have teeth So, have we got any idea as to why these dolls are worth k*lling for?

Uh, no, but we do know a little something about the sh**t.

He was a smuggler known as The Carpathian.

He made a name for himself smuggling for Serbian rebels, and when the wars were over, he went freelance, moving everything from dr*gs to rocket launchers across the globe.

I'm guessing there's no rocket launchers in there, so dr*gs?

Well, uh, imaging did not reveal any secret compartments, but, uh, the dolls themselves could be contraband.

Opioids like heroin can be starched and shaped into plastic-like objects, perfect for smuggling. Or so I've heard.

Laurel, hey! Come on in. Hey, hi!

Hi. Guys, this is Laurel Chadwick.

DEA Chemical Analysis Division.

Thought I'd help you come figure out what's going on inside this cute little dolly.

Oh, she's precious.

So, Laurel is actually an expert in heroin starching.

Blah, blah, blah. Who cares?

Come on, time to strike while your feds are playing tea party.

Excuse me, I'm...

I'm not feeling very well.


I'm gonna take something.

Be right back.

♪♪ Let's go back to Reade's health.

Any old injuries?Is this really the best use of our time?

Yeah, he blew his knee out in college.

How does that help us?

Just pull out his fingernails till he gives us what we want.

t*rture won't work.

I say we break into Reade's apartment.

He has a hard line into the FBI's New York office that bypasses the firewall.

I know everything we need to exploit Reade's remote access.

We can be in and out of his apartment with the intel and no one will know we were there.

It's less fun, but... being invisible does have its advantages.

Fine, but Claudia leads the op, and you know what to do if it gets messy.


Boston said we need to access a comms server.

What's your plan?There's two in the building.

One is in the main server room, which gets no foot traffic.

But it's loaded with cameras.

The other is in the server corridor off the bullpen, which is in a camera blind spot.

Yeah, because it's near the busiest part of the building.

Little tricky getting alone time there.

Not during a general staff meeting.

♪ Hydrogen is number one

♪ But helium is much more fun ♪

♪ Lithium...

Is that the...?Periodic Table song.

Played on a non-stop loop in my house when I was a kid.

Of course, your house.

You don't actually like this song? Like it?

I lost my virginity to it.


Okay, you guys have fun.

When you figure out what the dolls are made of, or who the smuggler worked for, let me know.

Uh, hang on.

I was actually thinking now might be a good time to talk about, you know, Zapata.

WhyNo, I mean...

Talk about Zapata.

Betraying us as friends and... more than friends.

Look, like I said, when you know something, let me know.

Yeah, but what about what White said?

White said to treat her like a suspect, so that's what we do, all right?

You don't actually believe--

It doesn't matter what I believe.

If you have some intel on her whereabouts, then put it in a report.

Otherwise, we have nothing to discuss.

That it? Yep.

So I used to have that on cassette tape.

Hey. Hey, Allie.

You heading out so soon?

Yeah, I got a meeting uptown.

But, uh, you, me and Jane should grab dinner tonight.

I-I told you that something's wrong with my wife.

You want to have dinner together?

What I want is for you to relax, okay?

You guys have both been going through so much.

That is who she met.

Now, she didn't show up on any of our face-rec systems, databases, nothing.

Not being in a criminal database is a good thing.

You can find people.

You're good at it.

All I'm asking for is your help. No.

I am not gonna look into your wife or her friends, okay?

I'm not here as a marshal. I'm here for you.

Dinner. Tonight.

I'll even do vegan.

That's how much I love you guys.

Stop. Allie, stop.

I found Jane with a needle.

She said... if this ZIP poisoning got any worse, or we couldn't find a cure, then she's gonna end things on her own terms.

Oh, my God, I'm sorry. That's awful.

I'm scared she's... she's trying to pull away from me.

Trying to... spare me the pain of seeing her die.

She, um...

This woman?

What if she's helping her to disappear?

Shh. It's okay, little dolly.

This'll only hurt a teensy-weensy bit.



What is it?Nothing. Just paint.

Need to go a little deeper.

This is definitely going to hurt.

Now, one minute till the staff meeting.

And that's a problem.

She's right where we need to be.

Hey, you think we should...


k*lling someone right in the building.

One last parting gift for the FBI before we leave to break out Shepherd.

You got something?Uh, maybe.

A reverse image search might have just found a couple of dolls in the wild.

One of the photos was taken in Sierra Leone and the other in India.

Wait. This is weird.

Both images were taken by volunteers for Doctors Without Borders.

Hey, so the initial X-rays were correct.

The dolls don't have any hidden chambers, but additional imaging found that they're, um, skin is hollow and filled with an ultra-fine layer of a particulate of some sort, possibly cocaine.

Not saying that because I'm invested in that outcome or because I miss cocaine, because I don't.

In both cases, the doctors were responding to an outbreak of hemorrhagic fever.

Oh, that's too bad. That could have been fun.

♪♪ Laurel, stop what you're doing!

The biohazard response system has been activated.

If you are not in a quarantine zone, please proceed to the nearest exit.

Laurel, don't move.

No one move!

If that dust is carrying what I think it is, inhaling any of it could be fatal.

Is this a drill?


The FBI is under biological att*ck.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God!

Laurel, it's gonna be okay. It's okay.

Just try not to move.

Everyone stay as still as possible.

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Empty the trash can and then duct tape the lining around Laurel's area to contain the dust?

That's much better. I was actually just thinking that she's probably gonna die.


There's duct tape in the second drawer.


Laurel, you're doing great.

I'm gonna die.

No, no, no, no, no. Hey, hey.

You're a scientist.

What does the science say?

Only a fraction of people that are exposed to a pathogen contract it, and only a fraction of them become symptomatic.


And odds are, you're gonna wake up tomorrow morning as if none of this ever even happened.

What if I don't?

I don't wanna die.

Hey, hey, hey.

Uh, wanna hear a joke?


Huh? Um...

Okay, uh, not really a joke teller in the traditional sort of-- but I'm gonna get you to at least cr*ck a smile, or I'm taking you for a steak dinner at Mr. Velvet.

Okay? Um, here we go.

Um, uh, two hunters in the woods.

One of them just collapses, there's no signs of life, eyes glaze over, the other one calls 9-11.

Rich.Mm-kay, that's not really appropriate given the circumstances. Um...

Check this out. Say "knock-knock."

Laurel That's it, c'mon. Say "knock-knock."


Who's there?

Yeah. Not my best work. Kind of a... an easy laugh there, but you know what?

I'm still gonna take you out for a steak dinner when we get out of here, okay?

This is just precautionary.

Odds are it could all just be dust.


♪♪ What?

Hey. Sir, Kurt Weller, FBI.

Allie Knight, U.S. Marshals.Colonel Beck, U.S. Army Biological and Chemical Response Unit.

The lockdown was triggered in the basement lab, which caused an immediate quarantine of all the below-ground floors.

That's cut them off from the rest of the building.

All right, air flow?Completely restricted.

Individual rooms have their own quarantine.

All right, good job. We'll take over from here.

Hey, uh, let's make this the mud room.

Sykes, give me control of all doors and let's spoke the building's comms through our hub.

Come on, people, let's move!

You're worried about Jane?Yeah.

She's not answering her phone.

We need to plant that device.

If we could just get these people out of this room.

They can all be exposed to a deadly pathogen.


If these people have to die to save Shepherd...

...then so be it.

No one who chooses to work here is a victim.

Even Weller?Especially Weller.

So... how do we clear this place out?

We don't.

He does.


Hi, Laurel. I'm Colonel Beck.

I'm here to help you.

I'm contagious, aren't I?

That's why-- that's-- that's why you're sealing me up?

I'm Patient Zero?

I'm Typhoid Mary?

The monkey from "Outbreak"?

What? Did you know that that monkey also played Ross's pet, Marcel, on "Friends"?

Really versatile primate. You've seen "Friends," right?

Mm-mm. What? You've never seen "Friends"?

Are you kidding me?

With the beautiful 20-something New Yorkers with huge apartments who don't know any people of color?

That doesn't ring a bell?No.

Okay, we gotta add that to the list of things we do when you get out of here, okay?

Now, this gentleman here is gonna help you.

Uh, he's gonna tell you that you're in good hands and that, uh, this is as much for your protection as it is ours.

Isn't that right?What he said.

This is a reaction serum.

Okay? It's designed to slow down your symptoms and buy us some time in order to figure out what we're dealing with.

Do I have your permission to inject you?


Just a pinch, okay?

There you go.

Laurel Chadwick, female, injected at 3:35 p.m.

Hang tight.


That was a mosquito bite, right?

Excuse me just for a second.Sure.

So, uh, looks like we'll be here a while, huh?

Well, it depends on what we find in those dolls.

You don't think it's hemorrhagic fever?

Doctors Without Borders says that the--

Doctors Without Borders specializes in triage, not epidemiology.

Okay? Hemorrhagic fever is unlikely, because the pathogen comes from biological spore dust.Okay.

So you think it's anthr*x? Or ricin I'm just-- let me stop you there.

I find it's best for people who are in quarantine not to spend too much time thinking about, you know, what they've been exposed to.

Okay? In places like this, the only thing more dangerous than the disease, is the human mind.

Says the guy in the hazmat suit.

Says the professional who deals with this stuff for a living.


♪♪ Hey.

Are you okay?

Why haven't we been cleared yet?

We're nowhere near the dolls.

I'm sure they're just playing it safe.

I mean, the dolls did pass through here, but it's not like they touched anything.

They passed through here?

Well, yeah. I saw them myself.

You did? Relax.

If it were airborne, we'd all be dead by now.

And you heard them. They said there's minimal chance for infection and they're just holding us here as a precautionary measure.

If they were lying, that would mean they would be shutting us in here to die to protect themselves.

Do you really think the government would do that?

♪♪ What's this?These blue rooms, they've been cleared of the pathogen.

The red ones haven't.

According to Beck, Jane is in there.

You need to talk to her.

About your concerns.

I just don't wanna lose my wife.

You know what really destroys a marriage is this-- paranoia, distrust.

Just talk to her.

And then Ross goes, "We were on a break!"

My God, why would he do that?

I know. 'Cause he's an idiot?

I don't know, that's just, that's...

David Schwimmer, you wanna hate him but ya can't 'cause he's so good.

Okay, I'm not really doing the moment justice.

Let me go grab my tablet.Okay.

So who were they?

Who was whom?

The person in the hospital you spent so much time with.

Was it a parent or a sibling?

It's clear you've done this before.

You know what? I'm sorry, man, it's... it's none of my business. I'm... just not in a good place right now.

I guess none of us are.No, that's okay.

It's just, uh, I'm usually the one pulling awkward, uncomfortable truths out of people.

Not really used to it going the other way, so.

Hey, guys?

Weller, are you still there? Yeah.

What have you got?

I'm trying to figure out what the pathogen is. and the doll's history suggests hemorrhagic fever, but Beck's right.

HF requires a live host to be transmissible.

Laurel was infected by dust spores.

Like anthr*x.

The good news about anthr*x, it's not communicable from person to person.

You can't catch it from a cough or a sneeze, only from spores.

Why am I sensing a giant, J.Lo But...

Laurel is presenting with a highly communicable disease.

Whatever she has is spreading through spores, and hosts.

Nothing like this exists in nature.

So you're saying it was engineered to be a bio-w*apon.

I'm saying it was engineered to be the perfect bio-w*apon.

Beck's team is looking for a known disease.

They're barking up the wrong tree.

These guys are slaves to their playbooks.

We need this quarantine lifted so we can get out there and find whoever made this disease.

Wait a second, so if this thing was designed to be perfect, does that mean there's no hope for Laurel?

It just depends on how fast her symptoms are progressing.

Laurel, do you have any new symptoms?





♪ Hydrogen is number one

♪ Helium is much more... ♪ Hey!

Hey, please let me help!

This lab, my lab, put it to use, okay?

We're not dealing with a known contagion!

Patterson, I don't like that look.

Beck told us to leave the epidemiology to them.

No, he told me to leave it to the professionals, and I'm a professional.


Keep an eye out.


Well, what do we have here?

Nice. That's good thinking.Yeah.

I'm with ya. Easy.

I'm reading your mail. Okay, here we go.

Yeah, got it.

Yep.There we go.

Lefty loosey, Righty tighty... Yep.

Okay, got it.Okay, okay.

♪♪ Phew! Okay.

Okay. Yeah. Go.

Okay, nobody saw a thing.

About your team down there, the ones with Laurel, the way they cared for her, more concerned about her life than their own.

You don't see that very often.

Not in quarantine.

Your team is special.

That team thinks that you're looking in the wrong place.

They think that we're dealing with a man-made package.

This is where I'm supposed to give you some terse, Pentagon-approved response about how we don't need outside help.

But I can't.

Not while we have a body count.

What else does your team think?

Um... not much.

We know that the dolls were being moved by a smuggler with deep Serbian ties.

Do you know of any former Serbian generals with an interest in epidemiology?

Can't be a long list.

I'll put my unit on it.

When we get some names, I'll reach out.

I didn't know nine mils were effective against any diseases.

Well, like I said, your team is special.

I've been in enough hot zones to realize the effects quarantine can have on most people.

The isolation, the fear.

We have to be prepared for every contingency.

♪♪ I'm just saying if someone in this room is infected, we're sitting ducks.


Just because you were near the lab when we brought back the dolls doesn't necessarily mean you're infected.

I hadn't even considered--

Wait, is that how it spreads?

Don't worry.

If you were infected, and I'm just saying "if," the first things you'd feel are shortness of breath and a headache.

And you don't feel that, right?



I just...

I thought your lymph nodes looked a bit puffy for a second.

It's amazing how your mind will start seeing the worst-case scenarios in these situations.

Oh, my God.

Jane, what if I am infected?

Shelly, calm down, okay? They're staring.

Calm down.

You're a good FBI agent.

Like top fi-- like the way that you figured out that I had hospitals...

You're like an all-time great, I think.

Which is why it pains me so much to tell you I think you're going about the Zapata investigation all wrong.

Oh, so you do know her name?

Okay, look, you know how in action movies, cops are always saying like, "This time it's personal"?

It's because it's the ones that are in too deep, those are the ones that do the job.

You know what I mean? They don't just sit around waiting to read reports.

You've been eavesdropping on Patterson and I's conversations.

I keep my ears open, okay?

Sometimes stuff falls into them.

Okay, look, if you quarantine your feelings on this, that's not only gonna be unhealthy for you as a person, it's bad for you as a cop.

You might as well turn off one of your senses.

Wait, this can't be.

What can't be?


Laurel was infected by bacterial spores, but according to her blood, she was k*lled by a viral infection.

Could it be a mutation?

An impossible mutation.

Bacterias and viruses are like apples and...

Cheeseburgers, hot dogs.Dolphins.

It's as if Laurel was exposed to an entirely different pathogen after she was in quarantine.

How is that possible?

It's Weller.

What's up, Kurt?

You guys seeing this?

Seeing what?

Someone just hacked open the SIOC door.

Who would be stupid enough to do something like that?

A bunch of very scared people that are about to get themselves k*lled, that's who.

We have to stop them from getting out of that hallway.

Good work.


One of these doors is usually unlocked.

To think, in a few minutes, we'll know Shepherd's location.

And if we're lucky, a bunch of FBI employees are about to catch a very bad cold.

Too bad Weller's not one of them.

Nice, but you and I both know that he should already be dead.

What are you hiding behind your back?

Why are you hesitating?

It was too soon.For who You really wanna talk about this right now?

Come on! Let's go.

Come on, open it up.

Jane! You okay?

Get rid of her.

Uh, Briana...

I think I'm infected.Oh, my God, Jane!

Stay here! I'm gonna go get help!

Well, it's not how I'd have done it, but I guess it got the job done.

Almost... got it.

What just happened?!

Boom! just happened, Milton Dunlop from IT.

Those goobers won't be going anywhere any time soon.

Is that branch from rosemary?

From that BCRU emblem?

It could be. Rosemary is a healing plant.


Patterson... we need to have another look at the tattoo.

What Why?

'Cause we haven't solved it yet, that's why?

Try using "rosemary" as the key.

Okay, well, if we put "rosemary" for the Caesar shift, we get...


Wait, in this recipe, some of the numbers are spelled out, others aren't.

If we can take these digits and use "rosemary" to shift them...

...we get "beck BCRU."

So the tattoo points to Beck's unit and the smuggler?

Beck's not here to stop that bio-w*apon.

He's the one that made it.

What about the medicine Beck injected into Laurel?

That's when Laurel was exposed to whatever k*lled her.

Beck wasn't trying to slow the symptoms, he was trying to speed them up to k*ll her faster!

While masking the original pathogen.

It was a smokescreen. He was destroying evidence.

And taking advantage of this quarantine to run their own controlled experiment.

We're not the patients, we're the lab rats.

Where's Beck now?

This is designed to slow down your symptoms and buy us a little more time to figure exactly what we're dealing with.

Do I have your consent to inject you?



So, where's this hardline?

When used with Reade's FBI-issued laptop, it provides direct access into the FBI database.


But I don't see a computer.

I get the feeling there's a lot you don't see.

I don't suppose you have one of Reade's thumbs with you?

His prints are kind of everywhere.

Wonder where I'll find yours.

So, what's your deal anyway?

Where did Madeline find you?

Upset you weren't consulted?

Just confused as to what you offer.

Everyone has a line they can't cross... except me. That's what I offer.

I will do whatever Madeline needs done.

Like leaving that girl alive at Kira Evans' house?

If you're gonna make up stories, they should at least be based on something.

I wonder if Madeline knows. Nah.

'Cause if she did, you'd be dead.


I need you to do whatever you can and retake control of this building.

Jane Doe, female... administered reaction serum at 6:04 p.m.

Wait, wait, is that the medicine they used to k*ll Laurel?


No, no, Kurt, Kurt, wait.

You're gonna single-handedly take out this whole unit with your bare hands?

I'm considering it, yes.

Kurt, come on.

Reade... bring in the cavalry. I'm already on it.

We need to retake control of this building by force.

How much time has Jane got? Laurel d*ed in less than an hour after getting injected.

That's the clock we have on Jane right now.

BCRU wouldn't be here risking exposure to their own bio-w*apon if they didn't have a counter-agent.

Rich, I need to talk to Jane.

Can you patch me into the building's P.A.?

Okay, all right, um, they rewired the comms through their equipment, so it's gonna take me a minute.

We haven't got one. Patterson... you find me a way to Jane.

Avoid all the rooms that haven't been cleared yet.

Avoid all of Beck's teams.

You're going in?Don't worry.

Patterson, she'll get me there in one piece.

Then she can get us both there.

Hold up, there's movement ahead.

Okay, you're safe to move when you reach the corner.

Oh, no, wait!

♪♪ Okay, Weller, no more blue.

You go any further, you're gonna be exposed to the pathogen.

Jane! Don't trust him.

Whatever he's injected you with is gonna k*ll you.

Agent Weller appears to be suffering from quarantine syndrome.

He's having a break with reality.

It's over. We know what you're doing.

So get your team to go and find the counter-agent to whatever you've injected her with.

Just relax, this'll be over soon.

Do what he says.


Nobody woke up this morning wanting to k*ll FBI agents.

Then you found those damn dolls.

Sometimes fate makes decisions for you.

Look on the bright side.

Your death, what we learn here today, is only gonna make our w*apon stronger and our nation safer.

Patterson, on my signal... open this door.

Sorry, do what?

Kurt, you can't go in there without a hazmat suit.

I have to.

Go back to that safe room, okay? Go.

Patterson... open the door.


You still think I'm crazy?

Huh? Did I just inject you with a death sentence?

Where's the cure for the disease!

For the reaction serum. For all of it!

Where is it?

Who needs enhanced interrogation when you have modern technology It's asking for Reade's emergency access PIN.

His what? What PIN?

Wait, this screen shouldn't be here.

Or maybe you shouldn't be.No, it only appears when the FBI's under class "A" lockdown, freezing out all access both digitally and physically.

Then we wait till it's lifted.

No, it doesn't work like that.

Even if this ended this second, it could still be up to 24 hours before they restore complete digital access.

So much for doing things your way.

Now we do them mine.

So, uh, this was the good one, right?



Uh, how do we know that this sh*t is gonna counteract the last one?

Because that's the same one that Beck wanted for himself.

Ah, right.

Jane, I know I've been a little dis--

Thank you.

All right, that's it.

The lockdown is completely lifted.

Laurel was the only casualty.

And no other infected personnel.

And the Pentagon is denying all knowledge of Beck's "rogue operation."

Of course they are.

All right. Thanks, Patterson.

Hey, um, about Zapata... let's say we talk about her.

I haven't slept since I saw the photo of her meeting with Blake in Paris.

I just lay there, wondering if she ever loved me, or... if I was just some mark to her this entire time.

Whatever she has or hasn't done, before that she was still Tasha.

Our Tasha. And if she turned, it was after Keaton fired her.

And she had feelings for you way before that.

Trust me.

She loved you.

And here is your target file.

Hmm. Did we get it first? Did we win?

We sure did. We're not done, though.

I'll be in touch about the "next round" of your audition.

And, um, this?

Keep it. We're gonna need it.

Okay, seriously, what's with the narwhals?

You really want to know?

Uh, it's nature's most misunderstood animal.

Their so-called "unicorn horn"?

It's not a horn, it's a tooth.

And it's not a w*apon. It's how they talk.

The biggest thr*at to their survival isn't predators, it's... their isolation.

Kurt, um... Stop.

I know what you're gonna say. "I told you so."

No, I was gonna say I looked into this photo for you.

The woman's name is Violet Park.

She works at a non-profit in Jersey and her record's completely clean.

Thank you.

Why don't you seem happy to tell me this?

It's not what I found, it's the reason I looked into it.

There's something that's been, uh... bugging me about today. About Jane.

When you got to her quarantine zone, she didn't stop you from going in.

She didn't even try.

That's not the Jane I know.

You know, you can't just hug him every time he gets suspicious.

I can handle Weller.

That's what you said three years ago.

And yet here you are, making the same mistakes.

That's not true.

At least Jane had amnesia when she k*lled Oscar, when she k*lled me.

You've already k*lled Dolan.

Who's next? Shepherd?

Jane didn't k*ll you, Roman, you did, when you fell for the boss's daughter.

When I went under as Jane, you fell apart.

Because you are weak.

And that is why you are dead.

You know, if I really was Roman I'd be very hurt right now.

I don't care what you are.

I'm not gonna wait around and watch you screw up another mission.

Then go.

Stop bothering me, stop following me!

Just get out of my head!


Let her go.
