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06x01 - New Normal

Posted: 10/31/20 06:34
by bunniefuu
You're under arrest for the m*rder of Kevin Bingham.

You can't save everyone, Hank.

Just make sure I get bail.

Alvin Olinsky has dedicated his life to the people of this city.

He dedicated his life to you.

It should be you in there.

Not him.

( Grunting )

( Tense music )

It has been a tough day.

But we still have jobs to do.

( Grunts ) Chicago PD!

Okay, okay, okay...

You shot him in cold blood!

I didn't see what happened.

It doesn't matter!

We're talking about the guy who k*lled Al here.

Watch yourself, man.

I'm right here!

All right, enough!

I'm sorry, Al.

( Screaming )

( Knocking on door )

( Knocking continues )


( Urgent knocking )

All right! All right!


Come on in.

Come on in.

Okay, okay. So.

You're alive.

I have been calling and calling.

We've got two DOAs in Grant Park.

Oh my God, Hank! What the hell happened?

Can I take you to the hospital?

No, I'm okay.

Must look worse than it is.

I know you're going through hell.

But if you, if you need help, if you need someone to talk to...

I'm good.

I'm good.

I'm good.

Yeah. Right.

I mean, I know I'm overreacting because you look just great, and I don't even know why the idea popped into my little head.


Listen, I want you to do me a favor.

Just the next time you... you talk to Meredith, just... you tell her I'm gonna take care of the funeral, okay?


( Somber music )


Sergeant Hank Voight. Intelligence. What's going on?

It looks like there's a hot batch out there.

We got five ODs so far this morning, It's not even 10:00.


Get the hell off my crime scene.

Excuse me?

I called you three times.

This about the De Leon sh**ting?

Yes, it is.

Well, like I told the review board, it was a good sh**t.

The problem is I have two credible witnesses both say the victim had his hands raised up above his head.

You listen.

First of all, that guy is not a victim. He's an offender.

He ordered the hit on Alvin Olinsky.

And second... that's not what happened.

Well, it's your word against theirs.

Yours is selling at quite a discount these days.

State's attorney is circling this as a homicide.

Best you can do is call your FOP lawyer.

There's bad dr*gs on the street.

Kids are dying.

It's better I'm out here.

Well, I appreciate that you want to help.

But the facts are the facts.

This got nothing to do with facts.

Meaning what?

Meaning I think it's a good time for you and your boss, Kelton, to bury an old-school white cop with a bad reputation.

You're wrong.

It's an absolutely fantastic time to bury an old-school white cop with a bad reputation.

But that's not what I'm doing. I'm following the facts, doing what's best for the department.

You are benched until further notice, Sergeant.

What happened to your face, boss?


There is some bad dope out on the street and we are gonna find it.


Now, Antonio is gonna take the lead.

So get on the horn with CFD right away.

Get a list of all the ODs the past two days, the exact locations the bodies were found.

Track down the 911 tapes, tox reports...

I got it, Hank.

I'm good.

Sarge, you want to tell us what's going on?

Why aren't you involved?

The COPA thing. They're still investigating the sh**ting.

Listen, I'm on the bench until it's resolved.

Way to step up, bro.

Stay out of this, Adam.

Hey. Enough.

Now listen, everything is gonna be fine.

So stop talking, and track down that bad dope.

Okay, let's get to work.

That's my son.

That's my baby!

I'm sorry...

Let me go!

Let me see my baby.


( Whimpering )

It's okay, it's okay.

( Indistinct radio chatter )

Same tox report for all five DOAs.

Heroin cut with battery acid.

Battery acid?


That means it's intentional.

It means somebody's trying to put bodies on the street.

Wait, so, is this business or is this some sicko serial k*ller out here just trying to k*ll people with dope instead of b*ll*ts?

Well, all five ODs are on the West Side between Sacramento and California.

It's confined to one area, which is a good thing.

What about the crime scenes?

Detectives found packets at three out of five locations.

They all had the same logo: a spider.

Yeah, well, maybe we should call Voight, see if he can at least point us in the right direction.

No. We can't.

Hank's off the books until COPA's done with the investigation.

Right, yeah, I know that, but there's five people dead and the clock's ticking, so...

Voight's not involved, you understand?

He's been stripped.

It's violation to even talk to him about any of this.

All right, talk to Narcotics.

See who the shot-callers are and who's supplying product with a spider logo.

All these kids copped somewhere.

Hopefully that somewhere is connected to the same corner.

I think they are. I ran the phones.

All five trace back to the same burner. Gotta be the dealer.

Pinged it, looks like he's doing business on the corner of Sacramento and Fillmore.


Here's what we're gonna do.

Dealer's name is Andre Thompson, AKA Little Dre.

5'9", 135 pounds. 19 years old, two priors.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I think I got him.



He's working near the southeast corner, you see that?

Blue jacket.

Oh, yeah, yeah, I see him.

So this Antonio thing.

I don't want to talk about that.

He didn't see the sh**ting, Ruzek.

Oh, my God.

That doesn't matter.

Yeah, it matters.

No, it doesn't.

It doesn't matter. Not in this situation, it doesn't.

Not when the dead guy got exactly what he deserved.

We're talking about the guy who ordered the hit on Al.

I get it.

No. Hey.

Antonio was right that Voight's future hinges on his word.

He had the opportunity to back up his brother and he didn't.

And I don't know why.

But he didn't, and that's the end of the story.

End of your story, maybe.


Look, what I'm saying is it's not as simple as you make it sound.

Just keep that in mind.

Found his jab.


Deflated basketball.

It's in the shopping cart.

Jay, we're up with solid eyes, ready to roll.

Copy that.

Yo, what's up, bro?

Looks like you in the wrong neighborhood, homey.

No, Dre, I'm here to see you, man.

We just talked on the phone.

I'm friends with Nick, from Evanston.

Long black hair?

No. No, it's light, like mine.

And it's shaved like a Marine.

Come on, man. Just help me out, bro.

How much you want?

Couple grams.

I could do that.

All right, cool.

Heyo, 5-0!

Chicago PD, hands on the hood.

Hands on the hood.

Hey! Hands on the hood!

Get on the hood!

Hold on, hold on.

I ain't got no dope.

I told you, I ain't got no dope!

You keep your head down.

You got the wrong man.

Jay Campbell from Winnetka.

What you doing on the West Side, Jay?

I'm lost, man.

I'm looking for directions.

You good?


Okay. Y'all good to go.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

That wasn't no inconvenience.

That was a violation of my Constitutional rights.

People are dying because of this dope you selling.

Now's a bad time to give me lectures on the Constitution.

( Tense music )



Andre's hot.

He should be.

Just lost thousands of dollars' worth of someone else's dr*gs.

"Do I call my supplier and admit I screwed up, or keep my mouth shut and pay the G note out of my own pocket?"

And the answer is... choice A.

Always is.

All right.

Okay, we got a phone number and an address, 8660 West 54th Street.

Let's go get this punk.


We've got five dead bodies, Jalen.

Make that six.

Patrol just found her in an alley off Lexington.

Amy Moore, 19.

Last number she dialed, same as the other five... your boy, Andre.

Sorry, I don't know no Andre.

No? He's the skinny black dude who works the corner of Sacramento and Fillmore.

You know, the one you sell heroin to?

The one who just called 'cause he lost his jab.

Y'all must have me confused with someone else.

Like, for real.

I don't know nothing about no dope.

Really? Nothing?

Yeah. Nothing.

What's that?

We found that in a hidden compartment in your passenger door.

It's not mine.


Look, man.

If you give up your supplier, you'll get out in five.

If you don't, we're gonna charge you with narcotic-induced homicide and you die in prison.

So why don't you do yourself a favor, Jalen?

Start talking.

All right, sure thing.


But only after you get on your knees and kiss my black ass.


But I'm sure you're gonna meet some new friends in prison that are gonna be happy to take you up on that offer.

He's laughing at us.

There's people dying and this kid's laughing.

He doesn't want to talk, there's nothing we can do about it.

( Indistinct chatter )

All right, I know you're supposed to be on the bench...

I told you, Antonio is in charge.

We got six dead.

They're all under 20. It's not even lunch yet.


They found another one.

All right, I'll see what I can do.

But this stays between us.

Of course.

All right, everybody. What else do we know Anabout Jalen?

Um, he's affiliated with the Black Tiger Posse, has two priors, both drug-related.

Okay, so we work this up and down.

Burgess, Atwater, start with the kid on the corner.

Andre. Wave those homicides under his nose, see if he bites.

The rest of you work your sources and find Jalen's suppliers.

Who sold the product to him? Who's behind the spider logo?

And coordinate with Patrol. I want them to put up fliers so that everyone in the neighborhood knows what's going on out there.

All right, put up fliers?

We sure that's a good idea?

Demand usually goes up when ODs start happening because the junkies think that the dope's super-charged.

Put word out, that might do more harm than good.

I get it, but it's better to be transparent.

This way the people decide for themselves.

Right, even if it's gonna k*ll more people?

Okay, let's go.

We don't have much time.

All right, man.

Adam, hang back a sec.



I know you're upset about Al.

About Voight.

But we got work to do here.

So no more crap.

Whatever you say.

You're the boss.

( Sighs )

All right, I got a name for you.

Phil Gamble.

Supplies the product to all the black gangs this part of the West Side.

Phil Gamble?

I've never heard of him before.

He's a pro.

He minds his own business, stays under the radar.

Why would someone like that pump bad dope onto the streets?

That doesn't seem to make sense.

Well, that I don't know.

What I do know, he's the man behind the spider logo, which means he's involved, intentionally or unintentionally.

So talk to him, see if you can catch him dirty.

He owns a bar called The Trick.

Copy that.

Hey, boss.

This, ah... sh**ting investigation.

You gonna be all right?

You got an angle to play?


It's called the truth.

I told you.

I ain't got nothing to say.

We've got six kids on a slab at the morgue because of your dope, and you're gonna pull the "I got nothing to say" card?

My dope?

What makes you say that?

Phil, it's being sold in an area you control, and it's got your logo on it.

You sure about that?


Come on, Phil.

What's going on here?

Who's cutting your product with battery acid?

That doesn't happen by accident.

Look, bro, it's clear you don't know what we're talking about.

So help us.

Help us get this crap off the street before it kills anybody else.

And we can work out some sort of deal, all right?

But you got to help us now.


Like I said before...

I ain't got nothing to say.

Now it's best you leave...


No luck, man. Talked to a bunch of low-level dealers.

Kids, really, like 16, 17. They don't know anything.

Did confiscate half an ounce, though.

Yeah, we struck out too.

Tried to squeeze this guy named Gamble but he wasn't having it.

Gamble? Who the hell is he?

Word is he controls the spot where the hot loads were being sold.

But, like I said, he shot us down pretty quickly.

Yeah, he seemed more confused than anything.

Like he had no idea the ODs were connected to his dope.

How'd you hear about this guy?

Uh, Adam's CI.

Yeah, I've got a source.

He knows the area pretty good.

A source.


This source on the books?

No, not yet.

He got a name?

Excuse me?

Are you talking to Voight?

I'm talking to whoever can give us good info...

So you're talking to him?

Antonio, we got six people dead.

What does it matter who I talk to or where I get my information from?

I'm trying to solve the case!

This is insane.

( Tense music )


I know you're pissed about this Voight thing.

But that's your issue. Not mine.

Don't jam me up in all this.


Yeah, the guys are loading it up right now...

Hey. Sergeant Hank Voight, Chicago PD.

Let me call you back.

Listen, you got a surveillance camera on the roof. I think it's facing east.

I need to see the footage.

This about the sh**ting the other day?

Yeah, listen.

I just need to see the tape. It shouldn't take long.

I'd give it to you, but some people already came for it.


Police. Guys in suits.

Said they were with Internal Affairs.

Hold on a sec.

So you gave them the tape, right?


About an hour ago.

You see the video yourself?

Were you in the room when the police were watching it?


I just, I let them in the office, showed them where everything was, then left.

Ten minutes later they're walking out the door with my machine.

They give me the machine back, right?


I'd be happy to show you the footage if we had any.

There's no surveillance video?

So I've been told.


Well, I think you might have been told wrong.

Excuse me?

There is video of the sh**ting.

It exists.

And you and I both know it.

What I didn't know until just now, until you denied its existence...

That video confirms it was a good sh**t.

That's preposterous.

Why would I withhold evidence of a good police sh**ting?

Yeah, why would you?

I don't know.

Could ruin your next campaign speech.

Like that one you give...

The one about the... CPD cleaning up its act, getting rid of all those white, middle-aged, cowboy cops.

That one?

I mean, it's worth a hell of a lot more on the campaign trail than a good police sh**ting.

Like I said. No tape.

You're excused, Sergeant.

Guys, that was Meredith.

She asked us to be the pallbearers tomorrow.



We need more officers on the street.

We gotta be two deep on every dope corner in that neighborhood.

I'll try, but I've only got so many bodies.

Hey, I've been going back through Jalen's phone, and the last three days he made 22 calls to the same burner in Pilsen.


So a black dealer named Jalen who works the West Side is chatting with a Mexican cat in Pilsen?

That's right.

Yo, Jay.

I ran that name you gave me through HIDTA and it came back hot. Guy named Ernesto Varga.

Plugged to some major suppliers in Mexico.

All right, track him down fast.

Chicago PD.

Ernesto Varga?

Anybody home?


( Dramatic music )

Yeah, he's dead.

( g*nshots )

sh*ts fired! sh*ts fired!

Copy that, 50-21 David.

We've got cars rolling your way.

Everyone else stay off the air.

( g*nsh*t )



It's a kid.


It's a kid.

Hey, buddy.

It's the police. Okay? We're the police.

Put the g*n down.

Son of a bitch.

All right?

We're here to help you.


You speak English? Habla ingles?

Put the g*n down!

All right? No more sh**ting.

All right?

( Shouting in Spanish )

Screw this, man.

Hey, hey, hey.

Stay right there. Don't sh**t, don't sh**t.

Don't sh**t.

I got this.


What are you doing?

No mas pistola.




Put your g*n down, I got this.

Kevin, pick your g*n up.

It's on the floor, okay, buddy?

Kevin. Kev.

You see that? I got this.

Don't. Don't.



It's okay.


No, please don't do this.

I got this.

No, man.

Let me do this, okay?

You see that? It's just me and you.


Me, you.


My hands up, g*n's on the floor.

Hey, hey.

Stand down. Stand down.

Stand down, Ruz, I got it.

I got it, just let me do this. Hey, hey, hey, hey, look at me.

Look at me.

See? Put the g*n down.



It's okay. Put the g*n down.

Take your finger off the trigger.

Finger off the trigger.

Okay? He's gonna be okay. He about to put it down.

Finger off the trigger. There you go.

Bueno. Down.

There you go.

Lo siento!

Lo siento...

Lo siento...

It's okay.

( Crying )

Everything's all right.

You're good.

Varga was dead when we got here. We missed the sh**ting by ten minutes.

Give or take.

Yeah, blood was still fresh.

But the kid is okay?

Uh, the Patrol took him down to Chicago Med to get checked out.

Was he able to ID the sh**t?

No, he was hiding in his room.

Said he heard someone arguing with his dad and two g*nshots.

All right, what's it look like to you?

A robbery or what?

No, we found $20,000 in cash and a Rolex, so... definitely wasn't just a robbery.

Yeah, more like a straight-up hit.

All right, you two need anything, let me know.


What the hell was that, man?

Why'd you go in like that?

What was that?

Worried about the kid.

And you thought I was gonna sh**t him?

Yeah. And if you did...

I wasn't gonna sh**t him.

Adam, I hear you.

And that is the right call.

It's a kid with a g*n. He wasn't listening.

But I couldn't watch that happen.

I said I wasn't gonna sh**t him.

All right, look, I know it's a tough play.

I didn't know what to do.

But, Kev, you go in like that... the position you put me in, what choice do I have right there?

I sh**t a little kid or I... watch him sh**t you?

That ain't right, man.

It's just...

I can't bear to have another one of my friends die this week.

I can't bear it, man.

Recognize that dude?

This dude right here.

That dude?

Ernesto Varga ring a bell?


You called him 22 times this week.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Jalen, it's over, man.

We all know what's going on.

And if we know, you can be damn sure Gamble knows.

Knows what?

The game that you and Varga are playing.

Putting out poison under his logo.

Trying to convince people it was him k*lling folks.

Or maybe you were just trying to frame his ass.

Hoping that we'd blame him for the ODs, get him off the street, open up the market.

I get it.

Look, either way, it's clear the two of you were trying to roll up old Phil Gamble, take his customers. That's clear.

Did you know about the battery acid?

Or was that Varga's idea?

Because if you didn't, we can work with you, man.

All right? We can blame it on the dead guy.

Yeah, I keep telling you. I don't know what you're talking about.

Jalen, I'm starting to lose my patience.

Give me my lawyer, bitch.


"Bitch"? I'll give you your bitch.

You and me, we're gonna take a walk...

You're going to tell where is the dope Let him go, Adam! Enough! Enough!

Kevin, bring him downstairs.

Get him processed now.



Move, move.

What the hell are you doing?

What the hell am I doing?

He knows where the dope is!

It doesn't matter!

He lawyered up!

You hear me?

Hold on.

No, no, no.

What do you mean it doesn't matter?

Adam, just let it go.

Everyone's doing everything we can.

No, we are not.

No, we are not, not by a long shot.

Antonio, if Voight was here the dope would be off the street by now!

But he isn't here, is he?

Yeah, why's that?

We're doing it my way!

Hey! Hey!

And if you don't like it, then get the hell out!


I have an update.

Three more dead.

Oh, my God.

Two female.

Both white, both 18.

One male, Hispanic, 20.

Same spider logo on the empty packets.

Come on, let's go.


You heard her. Get to the scene.

I'm doing the best I can, Sarge, but this kid Jalen, he's not talking, and I can't do anything about it 'cause Antonio's on my ass.

All right, I'll take it from here.

What do you mean?

Been talking to Phil Gamble. He gave me some useful information.

Like what?

Doesn't matter.

I'm gonna call you in 30 minutes.

Just make sure your phone is on, you have access to Jalen, and you're alone. You got it?


All right.

Dawson, right?

Yes, ma'am.

Close it.


What the hell is going on out there?

We got nine dead.

I know. It's a bad situation, but I assure you we're doing everything we can.

These overdoses are a black eye on this city, on this police department.

Drug arrests are up 34% yet we got bodies dropping all over town.

You need to find these dr*gs before another body drops.

I'm trying my hardest.

Nobody cares how hard you try, detective.

This isn't kindergarten.

We don't give A's for effort.

Get it done.

( Suspenseful music )

Yeah, they're having their anniversary sale, so, like, everything's 50% off.

( Giggling ) Yeah, girl, no.

You're telling me. Oh, no, she's doing great.

You know.

You know, with poor people, it's, like, a lifesaver.

No, I'm making dinner right now, and then... um, yeah...

Shh, shh.

Stay calm.

Stay calm.

Tell her you'll call her back and hang up the phone, you understand?

Okay, good.

I-I'll call you back, all right?

Give me the phone.

Listen. Just relax.

Please don't hurt me. I...


Where's the money?

Where does Jalen keep the cash?

He'll k*ll me.

Jalen is in jail.

He's gonna be there for 15 years, maybe more.

Look, you help me, I'll help you.

Come on.

Yeah, boss, I'm almost there.


Nah, I told you I ain't talking.

Yeah, we're gonna give you one more opportunity to tell us where the product is.

Jalen, look at the phone.

Yo, look at the phone.

Hey, Jalen, guess who I'm with?


The mother of your beautiful son.

Yo, what the hell are you doing?

Easy, easy.

Just shut up and listen.

Now you tell me where that hot dope is and you can keep all the money.

All $170,000 of it.

You don't... and I'll burn every dollar.

Yo, that's hers.

You can't touch it.

Yeah, you think I'm bluffing?

Jalen, come on, please.

Jalen, tell him where it is, come on.

Start talking, Jalen.

Or I'll burn every dollar.

That's a lot of money.

Oh, okay.

Man, I'll tell you what you need to know.

But I-I promise I didn't know Varga cut it with battery acid.

He was supposed to use some sort of laxative...

Yo, yo.

Make people sick.

The time for feeling bad...

He didn't say nothing about Listen to me. We need to know where the product is.

All right? Tell us now.

Jalen just confessed. He gave up the stash house.


He lawyered up.

You weren't even supposed to be talking to him.

The address is 3220 Edgemont Road.

There's 1/2 kilo sitting there just waiting to k*ll another 10, 20, 50 people.

And he just volunteered this.


You're lying.

You wanna be right or you wanna save lives?

It's your call.

Let's gear up and hit this place now.

( Suspenseful music )

Hands up!

Now, get your hands up and turn around!

On the wall, on the wall!

Don't look at me... turn around Hands on the counter.

Let's go, let's go.

Get down.

Nobody move.

Everybody keep their hands where they are.

We're just gonna make the rounds.


Come on, come on...

( Indistinct chatter )

You hear that?

Yeah, I hear 'em.

You guys good? You're good?



Hey! Hey!

Nobody move!

Put your hands against the wall!

Hey, put your hands up.

Hey, why don't you three come to me, okay?

Move against the wall!


Come to me, yeah.

Now go up against the wall.

Keep your hands where I can see them.

Why don't you put your hands down?

Everything's okay, I'm Officer Burgess.

Are you okay?

Are you okay and are you okay?

Has anyone hurt you?

Real slow.

No? You're all right?

Hey, hey.

Okay. So you found the dope, congrats.

Now we talk about what just happened.

We just solved the problem.

That's what just happened.


Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And that's all you need to know.

So back up.

What did you say? Huh?

I said back up!

( Both grunting )


Come on!

Get off me!

This ain't over, you hear me?

Let's finish it now!

Get outside!

Let's finish it now!

Turn around!

Turn around and shut up!

Come on, man! The hell is wrong with you?

Give it a look, email should be sent by now.

I appreciate you doing this, Franny.

You do what you gotta do, man.

Just leave me out of it.

We gotta talk.

Congratulations, you guys are all over the news.

What happened?

I had an angle and I played it.

Why, hmm?

To make me look bad because I didn't cover for you?

I was trying to help.

I'm trying to save lives.

Yeah. Then why didn't you tell me?

Hey, come here.

Come on.

Why didn't I tell you?

'Cause I didn't want to jam you up.

What's that mean?

Antonio, I need you clean.

I know things've been choppy, but...

Bro, I like the fact you have your own code even if it's different from mine.

Listen to me.

The best thing you can be is you.

The best thing I can be is me.

I mean, it's not easy. I get it.

Bro, we pull it off...

Everybody wins.

( Phone buzzing )


Sorry I'm late.

Such a beautiful city.

That why you texted me?

To talk about Chicago architecture?


I wanted to thank you for finding the bad dope.

Wasn't me, I'm on suspension.

Dawson told me everything.

Said if it wasn't for your intel there would be 50 more dead bodies on the street.

And I wanted to apologize for our conversation earlier.

I was wrong.

Turns out there is some footage of the sh**ting.

You get a chance to review it?

You bet.

It was... more ambiguous than I was led to believe.

It's not ambiguous.

He reached for his g*n so I shot him.

I'm not sure COPA would agree with that... without my help.

It was a good sh**t.

I don't need any help.

Don't be stupid.

We all need help.

I guess it depends on the cost.

I want you to support Kelton for mayor.

Support him how?

I need someone I can rely on to help solve cases in a hurry.

Or... not in a hurry, depending on the facts.

Or the circumstances.

So you want me to be...

My friend.

I need something too.

Like what?

A letter of exoneration for Alvin Olinsky.

So his wife and child can collect his pension.

That's a big ask.

That's my price for being your friend.

I'll see what I can do.

Hey, you back on the job?

Got the official call an hour ago.

All right.

Good to see you, boss.

You too.

Hailey. Kim.


All right.

I'm glad you're back, Hank.

Yeah, well...

Me too.

Listen, um...

It has been a very long few days.

With a lot of pain.

A lot of anger.

I get it.

And I don't expect these emotions to just disappear overnight.

But going forward, we need to be a team.

One team.

No more fighting.

No more crap.

( Knocking on door )

Hey. Everything all right?


Uh, Hank, I tried calling.

But, um...

What is it, Trudy?

I just got off the phone with Meredith.

She would prefer it if you did not attend the funeral.

I understand.


( Somber music )