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05x15 - Sisterhood

Posted: 10/31/20 06:58
by bunniefuu
( Rock music )

( Indistinct chatter )


What's up with that, huh?

Yo, why's the deal walking out the door, man?

Peña ain't interested in meet-and-greet.

Not today anyway.

So he just gonna walk out the door like that?

Did you tell him I got new heaters with no heads on 'em?

Got nothing to do with that.

He's just got something else going on.

Like what?

Initiation Day.

Really, Initiation Day?

How long does it take to beat up some boys?

To Peña, it's more than that.

Prison made him even crazier than he was.

Okay. What does that mean?

It means that he wants his whole crew to be straight up evil... just like him.

( Tense music )

( Sighs ) Listen, I got long eyes on Peña and three male Hispanics, ready for action, hopping in a silver Caprice.

Can't make the plates out...

What you on about, homey?

Hell you all over me, man? Huh?

You know what I came here to do. What you playin' for, G?

You trying to get to jefe, but it's not happening today.

So it's best you keep on moving.

It's dead, huh?

It's dead.

( Tires squealing )

Listen, bro...

I'm just a businessman.

A'ight? I ain't come here for all that.

On God. Let Peña know, whenever he ready to do business, I'm ready.

Boss, we have a situation.

All right, listen up.

Atwater's g*n lead went south, but we got something else.

There's two wanna-be gangbangers out in the wind looking to do something stupid.

It's initiation day for the Three Corner Kings.

Ah, man, with Peña back in charge that's not good.

He's only been on the streets for three months.

He's already good for six homicides.

All right, so let's get these kids off the street fast.

Invent a charge if you have to. Just bring him in.



Get a BOLO out on that car.

Late-model silver Caprice.

That's the partial plate Atwater got.

5021 Eddie, all units be on the lookout for a late-model silver Caprice.

Where's the car?

It's not here.

Dispatch said they picked up a silver Caprice on this block ten minutes ago.

Dispatch confirmed this is the right address.


Fresh tire tracks.

Looks like they left in a hurry.

( Suspenseful music )

Guys, check this out.


Oh, my God.


That's one hell of an initiation.

What kind of animal does something like this?

What kind of animal makes someone do this?

Looks like they dragged her inside, r*ped her.

This is Peña's new initiation ritual, r*pe and k*ll women?

Yeah, control the people, control the territory.

She's just a kid.

She can't be 17.

Right. Talk to your CI, get the names of those two pledges.


Hey, boss.

So patrol located the Caprice about ten blocks away but it's been torched.

Who's it registered to?

A Michael Landry. Male, black, 54.

It was reported stolen last week.


Found this by the door.

Charm bracelet.




Thanks for doing this.

Guys, this is Detective Scott Hart.

Area Central Homicide.


Good police.

He's saying that 'cause my brother just turned Chief of Patrol.

Well, we're working together on this.

Kim, you partner up with Scott.


( Indistinct radio chatter )

Fifth one I've seen this month.

( Sighs ) Okay.

That was my CI.

He swears he can't ID the two pledges.

You believe him?

Doesn't matter.

He's not giving them up.

I got the M.E. report.

The DOA was r*ped, then strangled to death.

Any third-party DNA?

No, they were wearing condoms.

They found traces of spermicide inside the Jane Doe.

Her name's Daniella Rios.

Yeah? How do you know?

I was researching local dance groups.

She looked like she was wearing a dance uniform, and there was a dance charm on her bracelet.

Village Dance, it's an after-school program for at-risk teens. Uniform's the same.

I'll run her name, get an address.

I already did.

So go talk to the family.

Yes, I'm Ana Rios. What's this about?

Would you like to take a seat?

What happened? Why are you here?

I'm sorry to tell you this, ma'am, but we found a young girl's body inside an abandoned apartment.

And we think it might be your daughter, Daniella.



Are you...

Are you saying she's... she's dead?

Is this her?

( Crying ) No, no. Mi hija.

Mrs. Rio, we are so sorry for your loss.

( Sobbing )

I know this is hard, Mrs. Rios, but the clock is ticking.

Was your daughter in any trouble?

Was anyone bothering her?

No. Never.

She was... sweet.


She was going to college next year.

I... I need to go home.

I know, I know, I understand.

And we're gonna get you a patrol car home, okay?

I found this bracelet at the abandoned apartment.

It was Daniella's, and I thought you might want to keep it.

No, that's not Danni's bracelet.

Are... are you sure?

I'm positive.

It belonged to her best friend, Tina.

Danni gave it to her for her quinceañera.

You think Tina was at the abandoned house too?

( Indistinct chatter )

Have a seat there.

Tina, we want to talk to you about your friend Danni.

When's the last time you saw her?

You know, Danni's mom, she said that Danni gave you this bracelet for your 15th birthday.


We found the bracelet inside the house Danni was k*lled.

Were you there?


Then how did the bracelet get in there?

Oh, Tina, they hurt you, too, didn't they?

Look, those bruises look really bad.

Can I get you to the hospital and get you checked out?

If you were assaulted, it's important that we do a r*pe kit.

I said no.

I can show you some photos.

So you can help identify the guy that hurt you and k*lled Danni.

I just want to go home.

Look, you can go home after...

Yeah, I think that's a good idea.

That's fine.

Why don't you go home, you take a rest, and when you're ready to talk, call me.

Okay. Come on.



I heard that Tina girl got assaulted too?

Yeah. I mean, she didn't say that, but it's pretty obvious.

Poor kid's terrified.

I don't blame her.

It's just horrible.


What's up?

I dealt with this last year with my sister.

She got drugged and r*ped.

Yeah, I heard.

You guys hooked the offender though, right?

Oh, we hooked the offenders, yeah.

We arrested them.

But the judge, he whiffed.

He just smacked him on the ass and said, "Don't do it again."

Three years. I mean, out in what? One?

I'm sorry.

Me too.

What's going on with the case?

Ruzek and I have been going over the Title 3 wiretaps but...

But he said there's a lot of chatter the night of the m*rder but it's all in code or something?

Mm-hmm. All numbers, no words or letters.

( Knocking )

Got something.

( Sighs ) Good.

All right, so I talked to g*ng Intel.

They helped me crack the code.

Each letter's a number.

They split the alphabet in half, evens and odds to make it confusing so A is 1, B is 3.

Then by the 13th letter, it flips.

N is 2, O is 4, so on and so forth.

Anyway, we came up with this.

"Matamos a una." It means "We k*lled one girl."

That was an incoming text sent by Miguel Salazar.

A minute later, another incoming text was sent from Eduardo Vargas.

"La otra escapo." It means "The other escaped."

Both of these idiots, they used their own phones.

Texts were sent to a burner phone that we think is owned by Peña.

You run their names?

Both are 18, both have impressive juvie sheets.

Ping their phones, grab them up.

( Suspenseful music )

Hey, this is open.

Chicago PD, hands up.

Got two bodies.

Hmm, okay, that's...

That's one way to take care of rapists.

You gotta be kidding me. They cut 'em off.

Looks like someone got to our targets before we did.

Yeah, and that someone was not playing either.

Yeah, we heard about it.

So any witnesses?

No, sir, nothing.

We confirmed this is where Miguel and Eduardo live.

Our friends live in that house.

We just want to know if they're okay.

It's our legal right.

I'm sorry, let them in.

It's your legal right, huh?

Where'd you learn that, law school?

We just want to know what happened.

I'm happy to talk about it... with Peña.

You tell him Hank Voight wants to see him in one hour.

All right. All right.

Okay, they're dead.

So who did the murders?

Well, I was hoping you could tell me.

I mean, the way these kids were k*lled it was obviously personal.

Certain male body parts were severed.

What you sayin'? That they...

That's what I'm saying.


I'd hate to go out like that, huh?

Caught these kids snitching?


They didn't know enough to snitch.


Well, you're at w*r with someone?

We don't do wars, socio.

It's bad for business.

Yeah, but, uh, but raping and k*lling little girls, that's good?

I didn't say that.

But if you want to own a neighborhood or a territory, you got to break its soul first.


Call your CI, get that deal back on track.

I want to bury this son of a bitch.


I want to break his soul.

Yo, yo, so we talked to CIs, g*ng Intel, bangers.

There are no conflicts with the King crew, at least not right now.

Which means these two punk rapists...

Sorry, victims, were probably k*lled by somebody connected to Daniella or Tina.

You know, the real victims.

Sure feels like revenge.

Yeah, looked like it too.

Okay, so circle back with the family.

There's got to be a brother, an uncle, somebody out there capable of doing this.

I wish my sister had someone like that in her life.

Would have made things a lot easier.

I get it.

Just keep your head straight, okay?

Got a double homicide to clear.

For the tenth time, I didn't tell anyone, okay?

So please, leave me alone.

I just want to move on and forget this ever happened.

Yeah, I know, but it's not that easy.

Because the two men who hurt you are dead.

Someone k*lled them.

Tina, you are the only one who knows what happened.

You saw the faces of these two punks.

So either you did it or they told somebody and they did it.

I didn't k*ll them.

Okay? I would never. That's... that's ridiculous.

I believe you. I do.

But I think maybe you told someone.

Like your mom?

My mom?



She's got enough problems, trust me.

That's a sweet picture. Who is that?

That's Dante. My boyfriend.

You didn't tell Dante?

No. No way.

Why? Is he violent?

Because I love him.

And I would never want him to know that someone...

I understand that.

But we do need to talk to Dante.

Could you tell us where he is?

At J&P Metals. He works there.

Don't tell him what happened.

Please, he'd never look at me the same.

Dante Silva?

Chicago PD.

We want to talk to you about your girlfriend, Tina.

Why? Something happen to her?

Yes, yesterday she was...

Her best friend, Danni, was sexually assaulted, m*rder*d.

Yeah, I know.

What's that got to do with Tina?

The two guys that k*lled Danni, they wound up dead.

k*ller made a real statement by cutting off their... you know.


Ask me, we should tell the whole city what happened to those dudes and that other bitch-ass r*pist, too.

What other bitch-ass r*pist?

Some janitor.

Lakeside High.

Heard he r*ped a girl.

He got dealt with too.

That's all I know.

I got to get back to work.


You guys... You guys scared me.

Coming in with those badges, I thought something bad happened to Tina.



Either he's the best actor alive or he has no clue Tina got r*ped.

We found the DOA, Mark Whitmore, in a garbage bin two blocks from his house in Wilmette.

g*nsh*t wound to the chest and he'd been castrated.

Wilmette, but he works in Little Village, right?

Lakeside High?


He was a maintenance worker.

Did he have any sexual as*ault priors?

Two. Lot of nasty rumors swirling around as well.


Because we found two other bodies in Little Village, same M.O.

So we're probably looking for the same guy.

The only lead we got is the DOA said some gangbanger was threatening him.

We told him to come in, file an official report, but he got k*lled the next day.

Do you have this gangbanger's name?

Only his nickname: Q.

Any word back from your CI?


The deal is on ice for now.

Kings are on high-alert.

Those two pledges getting whacked made them nervous.

We got any intel on this gangbanger Q?

Yeah, Sarge, his name came up on the wire a few days ago.

Exact quote was "Have Q deliver the g*ns.

Drop off at the pool hall on 22nd. Usual price."

I'm assuming that's somewhere in Little Village?

There's this place called Kedzie Billiards on 22nd.

Could be Q's hangout.

All right, check it out, you two.

( Rock music )

CPD. We're looking for a guy named Q.

( Chuckles )

Something funny?

No, I'm just happy.

There's no law against that, is there?

No, but there's a law against lying to the cops so maybe you want to rethink your answer.

I swear to God on my mother I don't know a man named Q.


Excuse me.

We're looking for someone named Q.

Maybe you could help us out?

Don't know no one by that name.

Really? What's that on your arm?

We're gonna need to take you down to the District, ask you a few questions.

About what?

Three dead rapists.

Do you know Miguel Salazar?



What about Eduardo Vargas?


These two fine gentlemen sexually assaulted two girls.

k*lled one. The other one got away.

What's that got to do with me?

We just want to know if you know these two guys.

Two rapists.

And I already told you no.

What about Tina Vasquez? You know her?


See, she only lives a few blocks from you.

Lots of folks live a few blocks from me.

Most people cringe at something like that.

I ain't most people.


You're not.

You're tougher.

More fearless.

'Cause you stand up for your friends.

For women, for young girls.

And then when someone commits a r*pe, you k*ll 'em and you castrate them.

You ask me, you deserve a trophy.

But that's not the way the world works.

You done?

Can I go now?

Isabel Torres, street name Q. Short for Queen.

Long rap sheet: dr*gs, larceny, aggravated as*ault.

She runs an all-female g*ng called the Viper Queens, but for the most part, they're a delivery service for the local male gangs.

Yeah, woman behind the wheel lowers the risk of arrest by 50%, maybe 60%.

Yeah, because like it or not, we're all biased.

We don't profile women as criminals.

They're not strong enough, they're not tough enough.

That's a little bit of an overstatement.


Because we never used "her" or "she" when talking about suspects in this case.

It was "he" and "him" from the jump.

She kind of makes a point.

Okay, enough.

We got homicides to solve.

Right now, we got a whole lot of nothing.

No physical evidence, no forensics.

So dig into these r*pe victims.

Find the connection with this female banger Q.

Rest of you, canvas the neighborhood where the bangers got popped.

Show photos of them, Q.

Maybe someone saw them together near the time of the murders.

Hey, Sarge, I'm looking at this M.E. report, and based on stomach contents, it looks like the last thing the Kings had to eat was pizza.

So you should let me and Ruzek check out some local restaurants.

Well, there's a good place to start.

Yeah, I've seen him before.

They come here a lot. One of them...

That one.


Owes me $5.

You might want to write that off as uncollectible.

He's dead.

Yeah, they both are.

They were just here.

Were they with her?


But they were with a girl. She was real pretty, too.

All right, can you describe her for me?

Uh, she's Latina.

Blondish hair. Curly.

She was thin but not too thin if you know what I mean.

Sure, keep going.

She was medium height.

And she had real pretty brown eyes.

She sounds fine as hell.


But I didn't want to sound like a creeper, you know?

Oh, yeah.

All right, hey, listen.

We need to look at your surveillance video.

So you know who this girl is?

Yeah, yeah, that's Veronica.

She and that girl Q used to run with the Kings.

But they branched out when Peña was up in Stateville.

Some sort of chick-clique.

All girls. Viper Queens.

Them b*tches don't play, neither.

Especially Q.


She a stone-cold k*ller.

Talk to us about Veronica. What's her specialty?

Drug runs. Works with the Kings.

And lots of black gangs on the South Side.

All right, I need you to do a deal with her today.

Three bricks.

( Scoffs )

How we gonna find that kind of weight on short notice, man?

The grocery store.

Baking soda and Vitamin B.

Take it easy, man.

( Hip-hop music )

Antonio's CI said 3:00, right?

Yeah, which means 5:00, maybe 6:00 if we're lucky.

Aw, if you're looking for punctuality, don't date a CI.

Or an Italian.

I dated a guy from Rome once.

The more I learn about you, the more I realize I have no clue who you really are.

Good. My plan is working.

Antonio's plan on the other hand, not so sure.

Girls are tough to flip.

Tougher than boys?

Way tougher.

So women are more loyal than men?


( Car horn honking )

Looks like this is our girl.

She's got the backpack and the money, let's roll.

We'll take the back.

Both: Yeah.

It's open.

Ready, you ready?


Chicago PD!


Get your hands up!

( Dishes clatter ) Hands where I can see them.

Here against the wall.

Where's your backpack?

What backpack?

Where's your backpack?

Where's what?

Got her?

Keep your hands where I can see them.

All right, you too, over here.

Stay against the wall. Don't move.

Upton's coming out!


No backpack. She passed it off to someone.


5021 Charlie, be advised, two plainclothes officers are in pursuit of a female, red backpack, black jacket.

Get down! Get down!

Move out of the way!

Stay to the wall!

Get out of the way!

Police! Move, move, move!


Halt, halt!

I'm going right.

Got you.

Straight on the wall! Move, move, move, move!

Stop, stop! Chicago PD!

Chicago PD!

Move out of the way!

Move, move, move, move!


Stop right there.

Hands up!

Do not move!

It is over. Put the backpack down.

Put the backpack down.

Turn around.


( Panting )

We saw the handoff, Veronica.

A man pulled up, gave you an envelope, and then handed you a red backpack.

It had a bunch of coke inside it.

I thought it was school supplies.

You're staring down some real time here.

Got nothing to say.


You have something to say about this?

Why don't you take a look?

Way we heard it, you were the bait.

You met up with the pledges at the pizza joint, you played with 'em a little bit, and then you went back to their house where you let Q inside.

She whacks them then castrates them.

I ain't never gonna switch up on Q.

She's my girl.

My sister.

So y'all can stop doing the dance.


But someone's got to pay the ticket for those murders so if you're not going to talk then that someone's gonna be you.

So charge me.

( Chuckles )

Knew you was bluffin'.

Am I free to go?

What do you want to do, Sarge?

'Cause we can't charge her on distribution of Vitamin B and baking soda.

Kick her.

We still got this other kid.


She has idea it's fake coke.

Maybe this little trick will work with her.



You think I did that?

Well, you're running dr*gs.

Who knows, maybe you're doing murders, too.

No, no. I could never do that.

You didn't have a problem running coke.

( Crying ) I didn't want to. I...

I didn't have a choice.

What do you mean?

Tina, did you ask Q to k*ll those two boys?

I was scared.

I thought they were gonna come find me and k*ll me.

So I called my cousin.

She's in the g*ng.

Told me to talk to Q.

Said that she could help protect me.


It's okay. It's good.

You were just protecting yourself.

Now we can help you make this go away, okay?

But you have to help us.


This has a camera inside it?

Yeah, so we'll be able to see and hear everything.

But don't play with it or touch it 'cause that might make you nervous.

Remember, we need her to confess to the murders.

You find a way to get her to talk about what happened in that house.

Yeah, but don't push too hard.

Look, remember, I'm gonna be right outside.

We're all gonna be right outside so if anything happens we'll be right there.

This is Detective Halstead and Upton.

You all set?

We're gonna take you back to Little Village.

And then what happens?

You're gonna walk over to Q's house and you're gonna tell her that the cops brought you in.

They asked you a lot of questions but you didn't tell them anything.

And they didn't have any evidence because you stashed the backpack before you got pinched.


( Tense music )

Okay, here we go. She's stepping to the house.

I hope this kid can pull it off.

All right, come on.

You still have the backpack.

I hid it in a locker before they could arrest me.

Closed the door so no one could find it.

That was smart. Real smart.


So the police, they just let you go?


What did they say?

What kind of questions did they ask you?

They wanted to know where the dr*gs were, who gave them to me, and how I knew Veronica.

And what did you say?

I said that I didn't know about any dr*gs, and that I knew Veronica from the neighborhood.


That's good.


You should feel really proud of yourself.

You handled your first bust like a pro.

Then how come I feel so... awful?

You've been through a lot, T.

What those guys did to you and your friend...

It takes time to get over.

Trust me, I know.

You saying that...


It happened to me too.

I was 14.

So that's why you did what you did to those guys.

I did that.

I k*lled them because I wanted to protect you.

And other future victims.

( Yelling )

Chicago PD!

Nobody move!


Turn around.

You make me sick.

Tina all set?

Yeah, she's on the way to the airport.

She's gonna live with her aunt for a while.

Good. All right, I got Q in the box.

I want you to get her confession.

Let's put this thing to bed.

I want to offer her a deal.

A deal? You got to be kidding me.

This woman's got three bodies to her name that we know of.

Understood, but it's not like she's k*lling choir boys.

She's k*lling monsters.

She's helping girls with nowhere to turn who are afraid to talk to the police.

She is helping them, Sergeant.

Kim. Kim.

Either way it doesn't mean a damn thing unless she's got something to give us that we want.

Like Peña?

Well, yeah.

That would be good, but his entire crew is on lock down.

Been trying to set up a deal.

Q and Peña used to run in the same g*ng.

They know each other.

I think I can get her to play ball.

It's worth a shot.

Grab Upton and get your play together.


I did that.

I k*lled them because I wanted to protect you.

So, that's you admitting to a double m*rder.

Look, we know why you k*lled those guys.

And on some level we get it.

Which is why we're willing to offer you a deal.

Hell no. I'm not snitching on my girls.

That's okay.

Because we want Jorge Peña.


Can you get him?


That's easy.

So you'll cooperate? You'll wear a wire?


You just leave the rest of my girls alone.

They ain't got nothing to do with this.

I did all the sh**ting. I did all the cutting.

It was all me.


Q put a feeler out to Peña.

He's interested in buying some g*ns, so it's a go.

All we need is a gaming console.

For what?

It's how Q sets up terms with big players and other crews, that way everyone stays off the radar.

So grab one of these gaming things.

Let's get this operation moving.



Since that g*ng chick confessed, I think I'm gonna head back to Homicide.


How'd it go with Burgess?


She's a real pro.

Thanks for the help.

You got it.

Looks good.

Let me see your left wrist, please.

Throw this on. It's a wire in that, okay?


All right, just so you know, there's a GPS tracker on the car.

There's a k*ll switch and the firing pins have been removed from the weapons so don't get any crazy ideas.

Ain't nothing to worry about.

I'm all about business.


You play this right, you'll do 15 instead of life.

And that's pretty good considering your resume.

I appreciate this.

I won't let you down.

I hate Peña too.


Hey, if you don't mind me asking...


How's your sister doing?

Um... Not so good.

I mean, she's trying.

She is, but it's a process.

A long, complicated process.

I'm trying to be there for her.

I'm trying to support her, but...

It's like the more I try, the more she pushes me away.

And those bastards that did this to her are gonna be out in...

Like a year?

Going to happy hour...

Here she comes.

( Suspenseful music )

What the hell was that?

I-I don't know, the red sedan pulled up and the driver passed something to Q.

What, a g*n?

It could be.

How does anyone even know that she's here?

I don't know, the gaming console, maybe?

We gotta call this in. We gotta tell Voigt.

Hailey, this is our best chance to get Pena.

Kim, call it in!

All right, be advised, we got Peña's car approaching target location.

Call it in or I will.

Sarge, a car pulled up and passed Q something.

What are you saying?

It could be a w*apon; I could not make it out clearly.

So you're not sure?


All right, then let's just play it out.

Peña's arrived.

Glad you reached out, Q.

It's been a minute.


But I've been thinking about you a lot lately.


I was just waiting for the right time to connect.


So I hear you got some heaters.

Yeah, I got a lot.

Got some automatics.

Some nines.

Some shotguns.


Move in now.

You ain't got it in you, little girl.

( g*nshots )


I never did you wrong.

Drop the g*n, Q.

Drop it!

Do it!

Yeah, that's right.

Don't move. Hands where I can see 'em.

You blew it, Q. You really blew it.

No, I got what I wanted.

Peña's the one who r*ped me.

Ain't nothing feel better than taking back the power.

Come on.

Yes, sir, I will have the file on your desk in the morning.

And I have been on the phone with the deputy chief for the last hour...

I knew it was a g*n.

I saw it, Sarge.

I should have told you, but I didn't.

Because I didn't really care... if Q k*lled that son of a bitch.

Have a seat.

Sit down.


Actually it's more than that, Sarge.

I kind of wanted her to do it.

Like, I wanted her to k*ll that pig.

Make him pay for all the pain he caused.

I wanted that.


g*n or no g*n.

Doesn't really matter.

( Closes drawer )

Because... ( Sets glasses down )

I wasn't gonna let anybody k*ll that operation.

You ask me...

( Replaces top )

Chicago is a better place with Jorge Peña dead.

Let it go.

( Sets glass down )