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05x15 - Deathtrap

Posted: 10/31/20 07:12
by bunniefuu
( alarm blaring )

Battalion 25, Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61, steel and box alarm, 1100 Fulton Street.

Main to Battalion 25, be aware, we've received multiple calls on this fire.

Battalion 25 copies that message.


Where's Connie?

She just left for vacation.

My name's Marcie. I'm a temp.

Call Headquarters, Marcie.

The address for the alarm is on our target list.

See if they have any information from Fire Prevention.

Tell 'em to relay it en route.

Yes, sir.

( sirens wailing )

1100 Fulton, that's commercial, isn't it?

Big warehouses?


Remote area at night.

Must be burning pretty good to have so many people call it in.

Unless they're calling from inside.

How far are we?

Four or five blocks.

You guys smell that?

Think we got ourselves a working fire.

I got a feeling we're not getting any shut-eye tonight.

I want everyone ready to go soon as we land.

Got it, Lieutenant.

Herrmann, bring the rope bag. You have to expect the worst.

( sirens wailing )


( panicked shouting )

We're gonna need every company in the city.

( panting and coughing )

Hey, what is this place? A club?

The place just went up! ( coughing )

How many inside?

I don't know.

50, 60? A lot.

( coughing ) It's like a maze. I couldn't find my way out.

Here's one of the paramedics.

Battalion 25 to main.

Give me a 2-11 alarm and an EMS Plan 2.

51, get two lines inside.

You hold that fire until we evacuate.

77, grab a hydrant on Fulton and feed 51.

Ambo 61 is triage.

The fire is in the trusses. We need to move fast, save as many as we can.



Let Herrmann take point.

I need you out here to recon the outside of the building.

Copy that, Chief. Herrmann, Mouch, Otis, Kidd... inside for primary search.

Copy that, Lieutenant.

( indistinct radio chatter )


Somebody help!

( frantic shouting and coughing )

Hang on! We're gonna get you out!

( shouting and coughing continue )

Ugh, come on! ( grunting )



( overlapping shouting and coughing )

Easy! Slow down, slow down.

All right, you're gonna be all right. We got you.

Capp, get them out of here.

Copy that!

Come on, guys, follow me.

Come in there.

The door wouldn't open!

All right, let's go.

Fire Department! Call out!

Fire Department! Call out!

( coughing )

81! We got a victim here!

Got her!

I got you! Come on, let's get you out of here.

Cruz, you grab the search line.

Tie it off. Truck, you guys go right.

Squad, we'll take left. Let's go! Let's move!

Hey, copy that. Mouch, anchor the line up.


Hey, you two keep within reach of me, all right?

Let's not get lost in this dump.

You good?


Let's go.



Yeah, I'm right here.

( grunts )

Careful, careful.

Otis, hey.

She's not breathing. I'll intubate.

What's the layout in there?

Ah, it's crazy. It's full of stuff.

It's practically made out of kindling.

We're gonna pull a lot of bodies out of there, Chief.

I was dancing with this girl when the fire started.

I don't even know her name, but she was in a-a pink dress.

I... ( coughing ) I think she's still inside.

We'll keep an eye out.

( sirens wailing )

Chief Walker's here. Let me go in.


Otis, let's go.

Fire Department! Call out!

Fire Department! Call out!

Fire Department! Hey!

Fire Department!

Help! Help!

Where are you?


Herrmann, up there!

Up here... ( coughing )

Where the hell are the stairs?

I don't know!

Truck 81 to Battalion 25.

We need an attic ladder up here, inside.

Give me a minute, 81.

Next available truck will bring you one.

Okay, let's improvise a ladder.


Got it.

You, up there, stay with me.

I'm gonna get you.

( girl coughing )

Ladder! Give me a hand!

Hang on!

Okay, hold it steady.

We got it. Go ahead.

Okay, hon, you're coming with me, all right?

Help us!

Hey, stay there, we can only take one person at a time.

Hey, do not climb over here!

This thing's not gonna hold too much weight up there.

I said stop! Stop!


( crashing )

Mouch! Chief, Mouch is down!



What happened?

Mouch is under here!


Mouch, hang in there, buddy.

We're gonna get you out of there.

You got it?

All right, let's get these victims out!


Hold on, come on.

Come on.

( coughing )

Stay there. Stay down. Be right there.

Hang in there, buddy. We've got you.

You got it?

All right, on three.

One, two, three.

Down, down. Okay, pull up.

( grunts )

You got him?

( grunts )

Hey, buddy?

( grunts )

You all right?

Let's go!

( wheezing )

My name's Matt. Who are you?

( wheezing ) I'm Kathy.

We're gonna follow this line out of here.

Hang on to me, okay?


( grunts )

That sucked.

Hey, come here.

Come on, easy, easy.

Wait... okay.

Take it slow. All right, we got you.

( coughing )

( shouting )



( coughing )

Smoke inhalation.

A few lacerations.

She's having trouble breathing.

We'll take care of her.

You're gonna be okay, Kathy. Hang in there.

( coughing and wheezing )

Hey, 61, heads up!

All right, you're okay, buddy.

Where are you hurt?

All right. He got pancaked.

I'm okay, really.

Take him in.

Casey, there's a lot more...


Three minutes and nobody else goes inside.

Squad 3, evacuate the building.

Severide, report!


On our way, Chief. Bringing out two victims.

Wallace. Wallace.

Al, what is it?

My daughter, Lexi. She's in there.


She's in there.

My daughter, Lexi. She's in there.

What? Hey, hey, hey, hey!

Oh, my God!

You're sure?

She's been living here for a month.

I just got off the phone with her a couple of hours ago, and she was here!

Okay. Let's try and find her.

Come on.

Dawson! You seen Olinsky's daughter, Lexi?


Well, she didn't come through triage.


Wallace, I beg you. I beg you.

Al, I have pulled my people out.

That building's gonna collapse any second.

We have got to get water on that fire and hope that she made it.

Chief, Severide and Cruz are back.

Severide, report.

It's bad. We can hear voices in the back, delta side.

We're gonna need another minute.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!


We got to go in there!

Wait! Hold on. Hold on.

We got to go in!

Hold back.

I'm begging you, man. Please.

Please! I'm begging you.

Lead the way.

( indistinct chatter )

Hang tight, Mouch.


( indistinct chatter )

Maggie! Maggie.



Hey. You okay?

I'm good.

Let me check you.


Jumped out of a second-story window.

GCS 3, intubated in the field.


Lungs are clear. Let's get a chest X-ray and call trauma down now.


Trauma 3 just opened up. Go, go, go, go, go.

I'll check in at the nurse's station.

Wait a second.

Maggie, help the ones who really need it.

You sure?

Yeah. Get back to the fire.

Okay. Yeah?

Chout, go!

I need some help over here!

I need some help here!

Fire department! Call out!

They'll find her.

Fire department! Call out!

Back here! Help us!

This way!


Hey, Lexi.

Hey, Lexi. Come on, come on.

Stay with us.

( grunts )

Ah! It's too hot.

Through that wall!

Lexi. Come on, Lexi. Get down. Come on.

I got her. Go.

Severide! Boden!

Someone! Report!

I'm going in after them.

No! Stay there.

( girl coughing )


We got her. We got her. Let us work.

We got her. We got her.

Let us do our job, okay?

Lexi, baby.

Watch out. Watch out.

Take the front seat, Al.

I'm bringing down extra staff from upstairs.

How many nurses do you need?

Everybody you got.


Dr. Choi? I'm coordinating with the burn unit, so if there's anything you need, you let me know.

Got it.

You good?

Ms. Goodwin, if you're worried about me because of the burn victim I lost last week...

No, no. I just want to make sure you stop and catch your breath every once in a while.

That's all.

Yes, ma'am.


I just heard.

Yeah, there are a whole lot of patients, family, and friends here who may need help.

You might need more staff.

Got it.

Got a 19-year-old with large area 3rd degree burns and smoke inhalation.

All right. Take her to Baghdad.


Tachypneic and tachycardic.

Sats are marginal.

Hey, Lexi, I'm here. She's awake.

She's awake.

Natalie, with me.

What kind of body surface area are we talking?

Sixty percent.

All right. On my count.

One, two, three.

Draw an ABG, CBC, carboxyhemoglobin, and lactate.

Get a chest X-ray and run her fluids wide open.

Lexi, I'm Dr. Halstead. Can you hear me?

She's barely moving air.

Swelling's getting worse.

We need to intubate.

Got it. Give me 20 of etomidate, 60 of roc.

You're gonna be okay, sweetheart.

You're gonna be okay.

Hey, Al.

You're okay.

Come on. Come on. Let us take care of her, all right?

Her airway's really tight.

She's bradying down. You want the cric kit?


I'm in.

All right, get her on the vent.

Nice job.

How the hell does something like this happen?

Wish I knew, Chief.

Let's get some blankets on these bodies.

Let's cover them up.


I saw you at the fire.

What happened?

Oh, a balcony collapsed. I was underneath.

But I was lucky. They pulled us out quick.

I was lucky, too.

Everyone was screaming and pushing.

Then I saw a window through all the smoke, just ran for it.

The window was up high, so I climbed and pulled myself out.

That's good.

No. No, I don't think so.

I couldn't reach, so I stepped on something... someone.

I stepped on someone to get out.

Maybe they were still alive. I don't even know.

Hey, hey.

I was so scared.

If I'd just stopped to help, maybe they'd be okay.

Maybe they are.

No. Mm-mm.

Listen. Listen to me.

You didn't start that fire.

Whatever happened, none of this is on you.

Al. Al.


They're working on her in there, got her in a medical coma, I think.

Can I get you anything, or...

She was breathing.

And I saw her eyes open, so.

Oh, that's good, Al.


So she's gonna be okay.


She's gonna be okay.


Hey. We've put Lexi on a ventilator and sedated her.


Okay, we'll keep her there for the next 24 hours, watch her closely.

She's in burn shock.

Her lungs were badly injured by the smoke.

We're doing everything we can for her.

Is she gonna be okay?

We're gonna take really good care of her.

Can I go in and see her?

Of course.



Sweet girl...

Hey, sweet girl.

Sweet girl.

( crying )




I understand the only reason Lexi Olinsky is alive is because of you.

Thank you.

Just one father looking out for another.

both: Commander.


This is Lieutenant Alexa Hubble from OFI.

Hank Voight, Intelligence. This is Commander Crowley.



All right, so what do we know?

Building owner's name is Barry Kimball.

He's already reached out to CFD, promised to cooperate with the investigation.

Does he know how many people were living and partying on his property?

According to him, no.

He thought it was just a small group.

When can my investigators get inside?

66, can we release the scene to OFI yet?

Affirmative. We're done in here.

Scene's all yours.

You want to join us?


Thank you, Lieutenant.

I saw it on the news.

It must have been really rough.

Well, you guys should eat something.

I don't think anyone's too hungry right now.

Hospital update. Death toll's up to 33.



All those kids out having a good time.

And that guy looking for his dancing girl in a pink dress.

Oh, I know. Didn't even know her name.

Wait, pink dress?

We pulled out a girl with a pink dress.

What was her condition?

Not great, but we got her to a rig.

You remember her name?

Damn. No. Uh... but Casey talked to her.

I'll call him.

Hi. It's Anna. Leave me a message, and I'll call you back.

Hey, Anna. It's me.

Um, sorry I haven't gotten in touch.

I guess I wasn't sure if you'd want to hear from me.

We... we had a pretty rough night here, and, thing is...

I miss you.

It'd be nice to hear your voice.

If you get a sec, give me a call.


Hey. You heading home?

No. I'm gonna head back to the factory, see if OFI needs a hand.

Suzi's working in the southwest quadrant.

You want to help her out, Severide?

I'd be happy to.

Please. I'm just here to pay my respects on this tragic, tragic day.

When was the last time your building was inspected by the city?

I don't know any more than you do about why this happened.

I'm just here to say how sorry I am... how deeply sorry I am Casey, for my part in any of this.

You own this fire trap?

Okay, everybody needs to back up.

Officer, who is he?

He's the property owner.

My cousin died in there! Where were the fire exits?

Where were the sprinklers?

I thought the building was safe.

You k*lled them!

Okay, everyone needs to disperse, now! Come on, everybody just...

( all shouting at once )

What the hell is this?

( all shouting at once )

Come on! Come on!

Go, go, go, go, go!

Come on!

Okay, everybody. Calm down!

You're gonna have to relax, sir.

Calm down!

( all shouting at once )

Calm down. Calm down!

Am I under arrest?


This is just a conversation.

Some place you won't be overrun by an angry mob.

There weren't supposed to be that many people inside.

Those parties are usually a lot smaller.

Mr. Kimball, your building isn't permitted for public events of any size.

Am I to understand that you had people living there?

Just a few.

In a building not zoned for residential use.

I was just trying to help those kids.

They don't have a lot of money, and Chicago is so expensive these days.

I'm not some slumlord trying to make a fast buck.

That was my father's factory.

I didn't want to just get rid of it.

And if these kids want to live there and use it to create their art...

You get the building up to code.

Give them someplace safe to live.

What can I do?

What can I do to make it right?

You can start by making us a list of all of your tenants and anyone who had access to the factory.

This place is... what's the word? Byzantine?

No sprinkler system, no clearly marked exit signs, no fire extinguishers.

I saw one back there, but it hasn't been inspected since '95.

I stand corrected.

My money's on electrical fire.

Wiring in this place is a nightmare.

I'm gonna say open flame. You know, space heater, a candle that got kicked over.

Hey, Suzi, look at this burn pattern.

Think this could be the area of origin?

Could be. Yeah, yeah, could be.


We found out her first name. It's Kathy.


We checked at area hospitals, and they haven't found a Kathy yet, but they're sending us a list of all of their Kathleens and Kathryns.

If she isn't at any of the hospitals, is there a chance that... she didn't make it?

Last our guy saw, she was alive.


Okay. Thanks.

When I was dancing with that girl... with Kathy...

I was thinking, "I'm gonna remember this night."

Now everyone will.

We'll let you know as soon as we find anything out, okay?

Something good has to come out of what happened there, right?

We'll find her?


Okay, sweetie, take care. We'll see you later.

We don't really know if she's okay.

Can't stop now.

( sighs )


Chicago Med has lost another victim.

( exhales ) That brings it up to 36.

I know.

That's on you, Mr. Kimball.

Easy. He gets it.

Sure. He gets it now.

Far too late for all those young people and their grieving families.

Lieutenant, is there a, um, bathroom I could use?

Yeah. Straight back, down the hall.

Thank you.

Are there any exits near the bathroom?

He's not going anywhere.

( g*nsh*t )

Oh, my God.

Mr. Kimball's rash and tragic decision to take his own life will not slow or alter our investigation.

We want to know why and how this fire happened, and we will get answers.

My office is working with the Chicago Police and with CFD.

Our city and our people are stronger when we come together, and it is my hope that the citizens of Chicago will continue...

Did nobody think to pat this guy down?

I was there to protect him, ma'am, not arrest him.

Kimball was under threat at the fire scene, so Lieutenant Hubble asked if we could bring him here.

This is a tragic end to a tragic day.

Excuse me? I'm sorry to interrupt, but is one of you named Matt Casey?

Yeah. That's me.

You saved my daughter's life.

All of you did.

She remembered everything you said to her, said if it wasn't for you, she never would've made it out of the factory.

We own Kathy's Polish Deli on 17th, and we'd be honored if you all came by for some of the best kielbasa in town, on us.

Bring everyone.

That's very generous.

Yeah, you know, that sounds like just the right thing, so I'll put the word out.

It's Kathy's Deli?

Yes. It's named after our daughter, the light of our life.

Appreciate it.

( laughs )

( indistinct speech )

( indistinct speech )

Come on in.

Lieutenant Casey would like to have a word.

Hell of a first day you had.

Yeah, it was.

Is there anything I can get for you, Chief?

No. I'm good.

You can send in Lieutenant Casey now.

Thank you, Marcie.

He'll see you now.




Heading out. Just wanted to check in, see if you needed anything.

No. Go on, get out of here.

We've both talked to people on ledges.

Usually we can tell if they're really gonna jump.

How'd we miss this?

Maybe he wasn't planning it.

Maybe he just got overwhelmed.

Whatever the reason, I wish that we could've stopped it.


Chief, Lieutenant Severide's here.

Chief, you're gonna want to see this.

Okay. What did you find?

That's where the fire started.

And that's what we found there.

Electrical fire?

That's a timing device. You take a brown paper bag, and you fill it with an oxidizer... kitty litter or chlorine.

Then you take a light bulb and you fill it with fuel... gasoline, cooking oil, whatever.

And you see the drill hole? That's where they filled it.

You put the light bulb in the bag.

Right. And now you've got a simple incendiary device.

Drop the bag on the floor, you step on the bulb with your heel, and just walk away.

Chemical reaction would start right away.

Instructions are easy to find with a quick Internet search.

( footsteps approaching )

Kelly, hey.

There is someone to see you on the amp floor.



I can't imagine what the last 24 hours have been like.

Are you okay?

You came all the way up here to check on me?

Sort of.

I was actually already packing up my car when I heard about the Kimball fire.

The thing is is that, um, last week, when I was heading home from work, it just suddenly hit me.

You are not the only one who gets to decide when it's "someday," because "someday" was actually my idea, so I should be the one who gets to decide.

Yeah. Sure...

And I get why you wanted to stay in Chicago, 'cause I mean, it's the same reason I went back to Springfield... it's home.

But then I... heard about this opening for a pediatric nurse at Med.

You're the one who took the job at Med.


( laughs )

Maggie told me you already asked about it for me, though.

Actually, I wasn't supposed to tell you that, so if you tell her, she will k*ll me.

"There were doors all around the hall, but they were all locked, and when Alice had been all the way down one side and up the other, trying every door, she walked sadly down the middle, wondering how she was ever going to get out again. Suddenly, she came upon a little three-legged table, all made of solid glass. There was nothing on it but a tiny golden key."

"Alice in Wonderland."

Yeah. Thanks.

She was Alice for Halloween every year until she was eight.


Excuse me. You know where Lexi Olinsky's room is?

It's right here.



OFI has a conclusion.


That fire was intentionally set.

This was mass m*rder.

Dr. Halstead!

Chief. Sarge.

Lexi. What's going on?

Do something.

Hey, watch out. O2 sats are tanking. She's unable to oxygenate.

Lexi! Hey, Lexi! Lexi?

Al, come here. Come here.

Do something.

Al? Al.

Hey! Step out.

Do something, man. Lexi!

Come on.




Get another blood gas, drop her tidal volume to 300, and increase her rate to 25, and up the PEEP to 10.

Start paralytics. 50 of Atricurium.



It's okay.

Doc, Doc, please...

Close that curtain.


( machine beeping )

Her chest can't expand to accommodate the breath from the vent.

We need to release the skin.

Chest escharotomy?



( beeping )

Air pressures are coming down.

Sats are coming up.

All right.


How's Lexi? Is... is she okay?

What? Tell me.

Tell me.

She's in critical condition.


She's in critical condition.

( crying )

Where is she?

Okay, it's okay.

Can I see her?

I need to see her.

Hey, hey.

I need to see her.

This is Meredith, Lexi's mom.

This is Dr. Halstead, Jay's brother.

So Lexi has burns over 60% of her body.

Ohh, what?

We had to make incisions in the burned area of Lexi's chest to improve her ability to breathe.

I'll continue to update you every step of the way.

And you're going to save her. Please?

We're gonna do our best.


Let the man do his job.

Come on.

Take a seat.

Hey, take care of her.

You take good care of her.


Now you find whoever set that fire, and I want him alone.

Detectives and arson investigators from across the city will not rest until the individual or individuals responsible are brought to justice.

This cowardly act has robbed many of our Chicago citizens of their future.

I'm being told that the structure was a home to many young and talented artists.

If those responsible are watching this, they're about to feel the full strength and scope of the Chicago Police Department.

Any questions?




The entire State's Attorney's office and investigators are at your disposal.


What do you need?

Just have your people in Felony Review ready to sign some warrants.


Hank, I know Detective Olinsky's daughter is among the injured.


But when I get this case file, it's got to be legit, by the numbers and tight.

Hey, Sarge!

Hey, when we responded to the call, this door was locked... so we thought... so we just pried the door open.

And you see these scratches?


Whoever did this when they exited... they jammed these metal wedges underneath the door.

Excuse me a sec.



Chief Lugo.

We have a task force assembled but I want you and Intelligence to run your investigation.



Find the son of a bitch who did this.

( footsteps approaching )

I got a relief sergeant to cover the front desk so I'm here to help.


Uh, these are our 36 DOAs.

And the 18 over there are in the ICU at Med.

All right, thank you. All right, hey, that was a parole officer in East Garfield Park.

She has an ex-con named Nathan Delano who did 18 years for arson and attempted homicide in Stateville because he lit his family on fire back in 1998.

Including three of his own children.

So this guy failed to report in yesterday.

She marked him down for the violation, but his last known address was 4133 South Wells.

That's six blocks from the Kimball Factory.

There's a active warrant out for his arrest.

Yeah. Let's go.

Nathan Delano? Chicago PD! Open up!

( shotgun cocks )