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04x08 - Ichi Go Ichi E

Posted: 11/02/20 08:22
by bunniefuu
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RODRIGO: We could talk.

Sorry, the music is giving me a headache.


RODRIGO: Sir? Excuse me.

Sumimasen, do you mind?

Yeah. Yes, the music, yes.

Please, just... down more. More. More.

More. More. (MUSIC OFF) Yes.

Arigatou gozaimasu.

We don't have to do this, you know?

- I thought you wanted to.
- I did.

I do. You already set it all up.

I think you're gonna love this.

You know, drinking a tea
just becomes an art form.

It's incredible. It's so, you know,

all the little details
of the whole... it's amazing.

And the legend behind it says

that there was a monk called Daruma,

who sat awake for seven years,

and one day, he fell asleep.

So he was so infuriated
that he cut his eyelids off

and threw them in the dirt,

and a tea plant grew from there.

We can talk about something else.


You didn't tell me
what you did last night.


I guess we do have a lot to talk about.

Master DeSousa,
I'm Miss Aki, your interpreter.

Please this way.
Everything is prepared for you

and your guest.

AKI: Every detail of a Japanese
garden is carefully planned,

from the color of the mosses
to the shape of the pond

to the texture of the rocks.

And seeing the landscape
in miniature helps you reflect

on the transience of life...
to foster an attitude

of appreciation and
a mindfulness of beauty,

which is central to a well-lived life.

Sorry, I've never done this before.

Is there anything I should know

about the tea ceremony?

Boil water, make tea and drink it.

This is the essence of the ceremony.


Told you it was pretty wild.

AKI: This is Mrs. Kimura, our Teishu.

Her family has been doing
the tea ceremony

for many, many generations.



Here, we wash the hands and the mouth

to purify our mind and soul.


Each element of the tea ceremony
is designed to promote

harmony, respect, purity and tranquility.

You will see that the art of tea
is very simple:

Lay the charcoal so
that it heats the water,

arrange the flowers
as they are in the field,

and give those with whom
you find yourself

every consideration.

Then share a delicious bowl of tea.

This creates a heart-to-heart connection,

so that the boundaries
between us come down.

The Buddhists say this is
the main cause of our suffering.

Are we gonna go through that cat door?

The door is small so that
everyone is at the same level

when they come to take tea.

But be careful not
to touch the black lines.


Just in case there's a ninja
who might be hiding

under the house,
and who could thrust his sword

up through the mat.

There is always an alcove in the tea room

with calligraphy and fresh flowers

reflecting the season.

Please, let's sit.

So, this scroll, selected by Mrs. Kimura

for this unique occasion, has the saying:

"Ichi go ichi e."

It means: one life, one opportunity

to be present with each other

and to pay full attention
to this distinct time

and experience.

Please, take off any jewelry.

This is to not call
undue attention to oneself.


Do you hear the sound the water makes?

It's called Matsukaze, or "pine wind."

In the ceremony,
we don't use a thermometer,

but we know when the water
is ready because it makes

the sound of the wind in the pine trees.


Arigatou gozaimasu.

Ippuku sashi agemasu.

AKI: This is a traditional
greeting that means,

"I'd like to serve you some tea."

Okashi wo dozo.

Mrs. Kimura has made these
sweets for you, please.

Take the plate in your left hand...

...and you can cut it with
a wooden pick, if you like.

And then enjoy.

Mm, it's like a little pillow,
you know, from a doll's house.

Very orgasmic.



Arigatou gozaimasu.

AKI: Since you are the first guest,

you take the bowl and put it to the side.

And then, you say to your guest,

"Please excuse me
for going ahead of you."


Excuse me for going ahead of you.

AKI: And then, you say,

"Otemae chodai itashimasu,"

or, "Thank you. I'm now
going to drink your tea."

Otemae chodai itashimasu. Thank you.

I'm gonna drink your tea.

Please place the bowl in your left hand.

Turn it slightly, as it is
a courtesy to the potter

to not drink from the best side.

And then, you give thanks
in your heart and take a sip.

And then, you drink the rest of it.

And the last bit, you can slurp.



Hai Lai!

Wow, this tea is kind of amazing, right?

Finally we can talk.

I'd rather not talk about last night.

Yeah, I don't want to
talk about last night, no, no.

I want to talk about tomorrow night.

I want to talk about
the night after that night.

I want to talk about two weeks,
plus a night.

You know, for everything that's
going on in my life right now,

I have to tell you
it's such contentment I find,

you know, from being your boyfriend.

Nothing could make me happier.

I need nothing more.

We don't need that crazy
"throw yourself out the window"

- kind of love.
- Right.

'Cause I've already had
that kind of love,

and it's... I don't know...

I'm-I'm more for a kind of soft
and comfortable,

"I can be your boyfriend"
kind of relationship.

That's just what I want.

Really? Wow. That-that's really good.

You seem surprised.

Yeah, just a little, yeah.


I don't know.

I felt that maybe you, you blamed me

for losing the stupid
competition or something.

What? No, no, no, no, no, no.

You were nothing but supportive.

Oh, really?

Oh, that's great, because, you know,

I-I thought you wanted something from me

that I couldn't give.

That's incredible that you feel that way.



Hang on, no.

Hai Lai, don't-don't do this,

because this is already trippy enough.

I'm not the real Hai Lai.

Real Hai Lai's in the tea room.

I'm the just the Hai Lai
that's in your mind.

So I'll say whatever you want.

This was just a tease?

Be honest with her.

I'm always honest with her.

Just tell her about
your biological necessities,

that-that you cannot sleep alone.

She knows that I cannot sleep alone.

We get along, we have a laugh,

we like to be in bed... you and I...

Hai Lai, a lot, no?

We do.

I just need something more.


Okay, let's just be together,
you and I, you know?

No problems, no dramas.

You like this whole boyfriend
and girlfriend thing, right?

Hai Lai? Hai Lai?

Oh, man, you blew it. You blew it.

You cannot tell a girl
that you're not madly,

- deeply in love with her. I...
- It's okay.

With-with real girlfriend and boyfriend,

you can tell everything.
That's the whole point.

No, no, she said it.

You didn't listen.

She needs something else.

I felt her drifting away.

Yeah, she was drifting away
because that's how you get

to a place that you want to go
in this place.

Well, you-you two have to
evolve with each other.

I don't want to evolve, no.

No, I want to...

I'm enjoying this kind of, oh,
Hamlet-ian crisis right now.

I like it.

I like the comfort that she gives me.

What's wrong with that?


That's the worst word for
an artist, as far as I can tell.

(CHUCKLES) You know,
you have to grow up, man.

Don't tell me about growing up.

I'm just going through some
work-related crisis right now.

I... it's so... you try to confuse me.

Where the f*ck are we?

And what kind of a fantasy is this?

- This is my mind.
- Mm?

Yeah, I'm having some tea so it's fine.

It's-it's no big deal.

Look, I-I wanted to tell you something

and I know you probably know
the answer in your heart, but...

- Mm-hmm.
- You know, you've got

a beautiful, budding relationship

with an extraordinary,
talented young woman.

But you've got to take it
the rest of the way.

Well, I like it the way it is.

"The way it is." (CHUCKLES)

The way it is, that's a kiss of death.

You have to evolve.

You've got to find
profound new experiences.

I mean, of course,
you've got to have the balls.

I have the balls.

All right, then, as a man,

you have to experience the joy

of holding your very own child
in your arms.

- Mm.
- To... to love them, to smell them,

to live your life through them,

even though they may shit
all over your fingers.

And I want it for you now.

Oh, I was thinking about that,
but... but maybe not now.

Yes, now. This is the time.

Look, you're not getting any younger.

You know, your-your face,
it's starting to fade a bit,

- you know?
- No.

I've just got one question for you.

Is this what she wants, too?

Of course.

Of course, this is what she wants.

- Oy.
- AKI: It's been said that a bowl of tea

is the universe held between the palms.

Yeah. Yeah, I-I agree.

Place the bowl in front of you

and then you say,
"Otemae chodai itashimasu."

Otemae chodai itashimasu.


And then...



(ECHOING): Hello?


I'm f*cking pissed!

to win that competition!

I should've won!

I'm ready for something new,
something f*cking epic!

This is my f*cking moment in life!

I want to get lost in-in wine
and strange lands and strangers.

(CHUCKLES) And I want to be
the f*cking crazy one, for once.

I want to be the f*cking crazy one!

And I don't want to give a shit

about messing up someone else's day!

So long as it's in service of my art!

Whoa, what the f*ck? Cool down.

Oh, my God, Lizzie, I wish
that you were really here.

- You're losing your grip, dude.
- I'm so confused, man.

Well, what's the problem?
I mean, he adores you.

You have a great time together;
I mean, he cooks you breakfast.

You teach him, you learn from him.

I mean, what more do you want?

Nothing, not a thing.

But it's not about him, it's about me.

- I'm losing myself.
- You're just scared.

And you're leaning towards
a romantic cliché...

that you can't be yourself
without being alone.

I'll be ready for someone else later.

- Right now, I need to focus on me.
- Well, why not now?

I mean, this is the moment
that matters, right?

Ichi go ichi e?

"One life, one opportunity."

Oh, I know. I know.

I mean, who else in the world is
more dynamic, more charismatic?

Not to mention the great sex
I've heard you talk about.

I mean, who do you have
more of a connection with,

that's more engaging, fun to be around,

knowledgeable about music
and passionate about art?

I mean, all the things
you want in your life.

No one.

I think that you should commit
in a deeper, crazier way.

I think that that would be
daring and beautiful.

You're right.

If you wait too long, he'll be gone.

We belong together.

ANA MARIA: Charming thought.

But you're never
gonna get him. Not fully.

Go ahead, commit.

Just don't expect the same from him.

Trust me, you're not his type.
You're like a pillow.

A pillow?

Okay. I'm just talking
to my friend right now.

He needs the fire!

- The fire of a deeper, crazy love.
- Okay.

Like we had.

Maybe still have.

What are you saying?

I'm saying you're too much of a mouse.

You're not crazy enough.

f*ck you, you pretentious
f*cking assh*le.

LIZZIE: Yeah, f*ck you.

You got a problem with her,
you have a problem with me.

If I hadn't taken a vow of nonviolence...

(WHISPERS): I still carry a knife.

Hey, guys, guys. Hey. Hey.


If you're not crazy already,

if you stay with him, trust me,
he'll drive you crazy.

Look at me.

You make every woman who's
with you go a little insane.

- No. Hai Lai, don't listen to her.

No, I'm not that kind of person anymore.


Come. I need to tell you something.

I'm sorry, Hai Lai.

You were doing so well in the
competition and I messed you up.

You should have won.

No, I did it to myself. I froze.

I just didn't want to be there,
and I couldn't be in the moment.

And that's what always happens to me.


Not always.

Just when it really matters.


AKI: So, now you ask,
"May I see the tea container

and the tea scoop, please?"

- "Onatsume."
- Onatsume.

- Onatsume.
- "Ocha shaku."

- Ocha shaku.
- Ocha shaku.

- "No haiken."
- No haiken. -No haiken.

- AKI: "Onegai"
- Onegai. -Onegai.

- AKI: Itashimas.
- Itashimas. -Itashimas.

AKI: You may see
little hills and valleys,

formed by the scoop
as it withdrew from the tea.

It's like bamboo.

From the forest.


AKI: This is why tea
takes a lifetime to master.

Everything tells a story.



Is this the real you, Hai Lai?

Or it is me just thinking about you?

It's really me.

There's so much things I've been
thinking about, recently.

I feel I'm entering a new perspective.

I'm realizing new things about myself.

Me, too.

There's so much I want to tell you.

Not now.

Just be here with me.

Just hold me.


I never told you this, with all my heart.

I'm in love with you.

I'm in love with you, too.






It's the Concerto in C.

You played it so beautifully.

The day we met.

A day I will never forget.

♪ ♪

- Hai Lai.
- Rodrigo.

- I have to say something...
- I have something...

Oh, well, uh, okay.

You-you go first.

No, it... you go.

Do... okay.

We-we go... both at the same time.

- Okay?
- Okay.

One, two, three.

- It's time for us to break up.
- I think we should have a family.

AKI: There is one thing more
thing to say before we go.

Shitsurei itashimasu.

AKI: It means, "excuse me for
anything that wasn't perfect."

I'm sorry.



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