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Come Sunday (2018)

Posted: 11/12/20 19:45
by bunniefuu
[preacher] Ladies and gentlemen, we are blessed to have with us a key man in the world today.

One of the most beloved of the Pentecostal movement in America.

God has chosen him.

There's a destiny at work in him.

He's prayed with presidents.

Now, I know no one who ministers so tirelessly to so many.

[crowd responds in agreement]

And he's been going non-stop this tour, and I thank God for giving him the strength...

-[woman] Hallelujah! be with us before he flies back home to Tulsa.

[crowd responds in agreement]

Ladies and gentlemen...

[crowd responds in agreement] put your hands together... for the one, the only...

Bishop Carlton Pearson.

[cheers and applause]

[woman] We kindly ask you to step out of the aisle to allow passengers behind you to pass.

Please place all carry-on items in the overhead bins and any smaller items underneath the seat in front of you.

[woman] No, listen to me. They're not bluffing, okay?

No, they're not.

No, trust me. We're at that point now.

If we go back for more, they're gonna walk.

Could I get a red wine, please?

Tulsa, for a deposition.

All right, I'll talk to you Monday.

Okay, bye.

-[woman] Here you are, miss. -Oh, thanks.


You a lawyer?


Must be a lot of work.

You must love what you do.

Even the preachers back then, a lot of them were illiterate.

Most of them were janitors. The women were housekeepers.

The way it was back then, you either went to church or you went to jail.

Every Sunday, the church folk would haul in the drunks and the backsliders for altar calls.

"Uncle so-and-so just got out of San Quentin."

-What are altar calls? -Oh, you don't go to church?

When I was young, but I was raised Catholic.

What happened? Why did you stop going to church?

I don't know.

I think the part I liked the most was being a family.

You married?




It's complicated. [laughs]


I mean-- I should finish.

You know, maybe it's not just chance.

You sitting there, me sitting here.

Like, fate?

Or purpose.

I can't have kids.

My husband wanted to have kids and I put it off.


Do you have kids?

Oh, yeah, I got 'em.

Yeah, I got a boy and a girl. They're a pain in the ass.


I didn't wanna get married and have kids, honestly.

I was raised to believe that having a family was a distraction from God.

I struggled with it.

I still do.

Even though they're the most precious thing to me now.


-I'm so sorry. I'm... -It's okay.

-I'm such a mess. -That's how everybody feels.

Things are going okay, you skate by. When they're not, the sky falls in.

I want you to imagine something, just for a second.

And I want you to really imagine this.

There's a reason for things.

And there's a simple choice.

I could get you saved right now if you wanted.

-What does that mean, exactly? -Pray with me.

Relinquish your sins.

Accept Jesus Christ into your life.


-On a flight to Tulsa? -[laughs]

Hold my hand.

[Carlton] And she's right there... and I'm right there with her.

And I know this woman is going to hell if I don't do something about it.

She's never been saved. She's not born again.

But I'm tired, Lord. I've... been to seven churches in four days.

Spent all night, the night before, preaching.

And I heard God say, "No, don't let go, Bishop."

[woman] Amen!

"Hold on."

I hear Him say, "She needs your love."

[crowd responds in agreement]

And it's a tough love.

She don't want to hear it.

It's like I love my kids. I don't care how much that spoon hurts.


Now all the white people are looking at me like, "That's not how we do discipline."


All the white folk here, they like the nice-talking for the discipline.

"Now, don't do that, Tommy.

Oh, please don't do that, Tommy. Please."

-[laughs] -You know, I'm kidding, because these days, black people are starting to discipline their kids just like white people do.

The white folk are starting to beat their kids

-like the black folk. -[laughter]

Ain't that a blessing? I don't know. Maybe it's a blessing, who knows?

[laughs] Okay, let's get back into it, okay?

Now, we love because Jesus teaches us to love.

[crowd] Right.

So, I can love my parents.

I can-- I can love my children, I can love my wife.

I love you, honey. I can love all of you.

I can love you, and you, and you. I can love this beautiful choir.

[organ plays]

I can love this music.

-I love you, Reggie, I do. I love you. -Oh, I love you, too, Bishop.

Jesus said, "I give you the authority to love."

You have been authorized.

You have been anointed and appointed to bring His love.


-Yes! -Yes!

That's why we knock on every door, turn over every stone, bug people on planes, pass out tracts, rant and rave, shake 'em till we save every soul!

We may not like it.

We may be tired or ticked off, but this is what we do.

Look at somebody and say, "This is what we do."

-[all] This is what we do! -Because the world needs to get saved!

[all] The world needs to get saved!

Lift 'em up and say, "Hallelujah!"

[all] Hallelujah!

Say, "I'm a soldier."

-[all] I'm a soldier! -Say, "I'm a soldier!"

-[all] I'm a soldier! -♪ Hey, I'm a soldier ♪

[all] ♪ In the army of the Lord ♪

♪ I'm a soldier ♪

[all] ♪ In the army ♪

[Carlton] ♪ I'm a soldier ♪

[all] ♪ In the army of the Lord ♪

[Carlton] ♪ I'm a soldier ♪

[all] ♪ In the army ♪

[Carlton] ♪ I'm a soldier ♪

[all] ♪ In the army of the Lord ♪

[Carlton] ♪ I'm a soldier ♪

[all] ♪ In the army ♪

♪ If I die, let me die ♪

[all] ♪ In the army of the Lord ♪

♪ If I die, let me die ♪

[all] ♪ In the army ♪

♪ If I die, let me die ♪

[all] ♪ In the army of the Lord ♪

♪ If I die, let me die ♪

[all] ♪ In the army ♪

[Carlton] ♪ I got my w*r clothes on ♪

[all] ♪ In the army of the Lord ♪

♪ I got my w*r clothes on ♪

[all] ♪ In the army ♪

[Carlton] ♪ Yeah, I'm a soldier ♪

[all] ♪ In the army of the Lord ♪

♪ In the army ♪

♪ I'm a soldier ♪

♪ I'm a soldier ♪

♪ I'm a soldier ♪

♪ I'm a soldier ♪

♪ I'm a soldier ♪

♪ I'm a soldier ♪

♪ I'm a soldier ♪

♪ I'm a soldier ♪

[Claire] St. Stephens moved their women's conference to Friday the 14th.

I can get Julian from school, but I'm gonna have to move your lunch with Lady Gail.

[Nicky] Sister Gina?

-You left it in the pulpit. -Oh, thank you.

I wanted to talk to you about Friday's class?

-Did you get my message? -I did.

I think it's fine.

Well, no, it's actually-- It's just... if you misquote scripture, people question your teaching.

I thought maybe we could run through it together next week?

-Claire, can you set a time for that? -Yes.



You okay?

Yeah, just go on up. I'll be right there.


[Henry] We had a great turnout this morning.

-Full house. -That's great.

That was a beautiful sermon today.

Thank you.

We ought to book you on some transatlantic flights.

You'd get the whole plane saved.

-[laughs] -Sounds like you had a productive trip.


You ready? We're scheduled back to back today.

Let's do it.

[baby coos]

-Da? -[baby coos]

-Da? -[baby coos]


[Gina] Okay, Julian. More greens on that plate.

Maj is down.

Do you want me to pack your bag for tomorrow?

No, I already packed, baby.

[buzzer sounds]

Empty your pockets, sir.

Step through.

There you go.

[Quincy laughs] Oh, man, it's good to see you.

[Carlton] Tell me, Uncle Quincy. Tell me. I want to know the whole story.

I've been praying a lot.

Yeah, thinking.

I-- I guess y'all praying for me actually worked.

[both laugh]

They got you a church down here?

Yeah, they got that nice little church. Yeah, about a mile from here.

-Good Shepherd. -Good Shepherd.

Bus pick us up every Sunday.

-Praise God. -Yeah. Praise God.

Six weeks.

Six weeks, you're out, Uncle Quincy.


There's something else.

They found dr*gs in my room.

It wasn't mine, but that ain't the point.


They're gonna revoke my parole.

Six years.

But my PO tells me you can help.

I mean, if you write a letter to the board...

Who you are and all... the people you know, maybe they let it slide.

Is this why you asked me here?

-No, it's not why. I told you... -No, you told me you wanted to get saved.

Yeah, I do.

Hey, Carly? Hey, man.

I had this vision.

I mean, it's so clear and beautiful.

When did your PO tell you about this letter?

Oh, Carly.

No, no. When did he tell you about this letter?

Two weeks.

Before you called me?

Six years, Carly.

Doesn't matter if it's six years or sixty.

The way you live, you're going to hell, and that's forever.

Then get me saved.

I can't save you to help you with the parole board.

-It's not the way it works. -Can't do this kind of time anymore, man.

-Hell, I'll be 76 when I get out of here. -I'll come back.

I'll help you through it.

But you got to do the work.

I want to help you, Uncle Quincy.

I do.

This is the only way I know.


-I still love you, boy. -Yeah.


I love you, Uncle Quincy. I do. Always, always.

Remember who you get your charm from.


[buzzer sounds]

[telephone rings in the distance]

[door opens]

Carlton? You okay?

-Thanks for seeing me, Chief. -God bless you, son.


-Good to see you, Carlton. -You too.

Of course, he's your uncle and you love him dearly.

No, it's not just Uncle Quincy, it's... half the people I grew up with and their kids.

They're all going in the wrong direction, backsliding.

What did I do about it?

I feel like I...

ran from home and spent my life saving people I don't know.

You did not run.

You came here and got into our university... and you dedicated your life to God.

But I understand how you feel, thinking of all those you love but were unable to save.

When Ronnie died, I felt just the way you do now.

Helpless and guilty.

But what in heaven's name was I gonna do?

How could I ever accept a gay son?

And you know, when we got the news that Ronnie had k*lled himself... more than the awful, awful guilt I felt was the fact that I had spent my whole life healing people and getting people saved at the Crusades and on television and I could not bring my own son to deliverance.

I prayed and prayed for answers.

It was the greatest test of my faith, ever.

And when I came to understand that it was a test...

then I was made stronger than ever.

Thank heaven, God gave me you.

I've always thought of you as a son, Carlton.

That's what I tell folks.

You're my black son.

What year'd you get here, in '70?

-Seventy-one. -Seventy-one.

The Holy Spirit drew me to you the moment I saw you. Praise God.

And one day, maybe soon, the good Lord will call me home.

But my comfort and my joy is knowing... that you're here to lead the way.


[baby cries]

I don't see how you expect us to pull something like that together, Carlton.

Look, just make a list of all the cities I guest-preached at last year and we take the pageant to every one.

I'm sorry, the entire choir and band? You know how much that would cost?

Well, you know I can do arrangements for a smaller choir, right?

And we could just use the local church band.

Guys, I already have accounting on my back about Azusa.

-We're incredibly over budget, Carlton. -[Carlton] I'm sorry, Henry, I can't care about that.

-[Reggie] It's Ben. -Tell him I'll call back.

Do me a favor. Would you rub his shoulders?

-[chuckling] -Do something.

We need to keep growing, not rolling back.

Nobody's saying we need to roll back.

We're shuffling sheep, but it's all the same flock.

If we're not reaching more people, then I don't know.

-You want some more maple syrup? -Sorry, my car wouldn't start.

Got here as soon as I could.

All right, so this is the one the ad people like.

It's a mock-up, but you get the idea.

Looks good.


The tears are a bit much.

And your head, it's too big for the wording.

You should make the wording bigger and move it over.

Or you could make your head smaller.

Yeah, Ms. Pearson, I don't think we can make his head any smaller. It's--

[light chuckling]

I'm only saying what no one else has the nerve to.

-You're making everybody uncomfortable. -You mean, I'm making you uncomfortable?

You need to let go of Nicky.

She's not organized, Carlton. You said it yourself.

She's late more than half the time.

I can't fire people 'cause you don't like 'em.

She's a single mom. She's late because she's juggling a lot.

And chasing me around with my stupid hats?

You left it on stage.

You left another one in the parking lot. Was that last week?

-I hate those hats. -Then don't wear them, Gina.

What're we talking about?

[phone rings]

[phone continues ringing]



Yeah, Ma, slow down. What happened?


[Gina] What happened?

My Uncle Quincy hung himself.




Yeah, okay.

[organ plays]

[Carlton] In some ways, Quincy raised us.

Helped me raise money to go to college.

Some from this church.

[crowd responds in agreement]

I sometimes wondered where the rest of the money came from. [laughs]


We all know he had his schemes.

[crowd responds in agreement]

But he was always making people laugh.

He'd always say, "Remember who you get your charm from."

He never found God.

He never found God.

But I pray for him.

I pray for his soul.

It was good, what you said about Quincy. He would have appreciated it.

-I didn't realize how many stories I had. -[both laugh]

I almost told the one about the time he took me and Elector to the track.

At the man's memorial?

[laughing] It's one of my favorites, Ma.

Ooh, I was so mad at him for that.

I never screamed so much in my life, that horse came in.

Then I had to come back and tell you what I'd won.

Elector knew how to keep a secret better than you did.

You were all, "God sees everything."


-You told me I wasn't going to heaven. -You were gambling.

I was six years old, Ma.

-You scared me half to death. -Well, it worked.

-You know I went to visit him, right? -Yeah.

He told me.

Said he was happy to see you.


He wanted me to write him a letter. He tell you?

No, what letter?

For the Prison Board.

Vouching for him, I guess.

He said he messed up and they were gonna revoke his parole, but if I-- if I wrote this letter, they'd let him out.

I said no.


Letter wasn't the point.

He called me down there to get him saved, but he wasn't ready.

I told him I'd come back and he...

He just needed more time.

More time?

He was 70 years old.

[man on TV] They've survived the w*r and traveled hundreds of miles to get here.

[man speaking native language]

It's a scene that typifies the Western response to the Rwanda crises.

Few people with few resources, overwhelmed by millions.

The UN puts the death toll of this genocide at 800,000, almost half of them children.

And doctors fear that if the situation doesn't quickly improve, many thousands more will die here in the coming weeks.

As one medic we spoke to said, "Either there's hope, or there's nothing."

We've asked the medics....

[TV continues indistinctly]

[whispers indistinctly]

[quietly] Oh, Lord. Help me.

God... why?

I don't understand.


Oh, my...

God, I don't know...

But I still believe. I do.

[Carlton] I said, "God, I don't know how you can call yourself a loving, sovereign God and let these people suffer like this.

Oh, God.

[Carlton] None of them are saved.

They don't know Christ.

They're not born again.

And when they die, you just suck 'em down into hell.

Oh, God.

Oh, my God...

[Cartlon] And then I heard a voice, as clear as my own, say...

"Is that what you think?

That we're sucking them all down into hell when they die?" I said, "Yes."

And He said, "What would you do about that?"

-I said, "Well, we got to get 'em saved." -[woman] That's right.

[crowd responds in agreement]

Got to speak the gospel to them.

Then He said, "Well, if that's what you think will get 'em saved, then put your baby down, turn off your big screen TV, and get on the first thing smoking, and get 'em saved."

[light applause]

I said, "God, don't put that guilt on me.

I've given you the best 40 years of my life.

Besides, I can't save the whole world."

And He said, "Precisely.

You can't save this world.

That's what we did."

Oh, stay with me. Stay with me.

All my life, I've been taught it.

Everything I know points to a choice, heaven or hell.

Many people I loved... members of my own family went to hell, and they're there for good.

Now, I could never reconcile that, but I do accept it, because they had a choice.

But when did these people in Africa separate from God?

When did they make a choice?

And how do they get saved?

And He said, "They don't need to get saved.

They're already saved.

And I've taken them into my presence.

They will all be with me...

in heaven."

[crowd murmurs]

You get up there and you tell 6,000 people, people who depend on your council, that everything they believe, and 2,000 years of history, is wrong?

That's not what I said.

Okay, can you explain what you did say, because I don't think I understand.

I know it's confusing, Henry, but...

I felt God's love and I heard His voice.

Carlton, if those people in Africa, Catholics, Muslims, if they're all saved, does that mean that everyone is saved?

Everyone gets a pass, however they live?

-h*m*, murderers, rapists? -I don't know.

I don't know.

But God isn't sending those people in Africa to hell.

A loving God lets people choose.

That's scripture, right? That's the good news.

-If we "choose" to seek God. -Those people, too?

-I can't believe you and I are having... -Oh, I'm asking.

Yeah, yes. Those people, too.

Dying of Cholera and famine, the mothers watching their kids die in dirt fields in the middle of nowhere?

Wherever they're at. Okay?

Wherever they're at, in whatever corner of the world, if they are truly seeking God, they will find Him.

Through a missionary, through a dream, through a vision.

One way or another, they will be brought to Christ.

And you're sure about that?

It's the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

It's the same gospel that you've been preaching for 25 years.

Why didn't you call me?

Or call a meeting? Just take a minute before you get up there?

Just... come on, you owe me that much.

I don't know how long. A few days, maybe.

I'm only asking because I need to figure out what to tell Julian.

He's old enough to know something's wrong.

Tell him the truth.

I need time to fast and pray.

I'll be home soon.

[man over radio] ...not even Bishop Pearson to reinterpret God's word.

[woman] Say what you want about what he's preaching right now... you gotta give this man credit.

He has done a lot for the Pentecostal movement.

[man] Look, I don't want anybody to go to hell, however, the Bible declares, on Judgment Day, "He will judge the secrets of all men's hearts."

[woman] And all men are saved, whether they believe it or not.

[man] That's just not-- No. But here's the basis of our unity.

We all become sons and daughters of God through the shed blood of Jesus.

[woman] Which is what Bishop Pearson is saying.

He is saying the same thing that you just said.

[man] I want everybody in heaven, because that's what the love of God ought to be.

[man 2] I love him, but he is absolutely wrong.

Because if you are to refute the Bible that you grew up on...

-You good? -I'll call you.

...if you are to say now that the word has fallacy, then every person who came to Azusa, you owe a refund.

Every person who bought your CD, you ought to give them their money back, because your name has become great--

[Carlton quietly] Let them see... the purity...

Oh, Lord.

Oh, please, God.

Oh, Lord.

Oh, Lord, help me, please.

If you had been there, then you would understand the context.

Don? Yes.

Don? Hey, Don--

Just listen to me for one second.

No, he did not stop believing in hell overnight.

[telephone rings]

Because they're trying to draw in viewers.

[Ron] Henry!

It's Ramsey, from the Christian Press.

Well, okay. How about this? I invite you to come see for yourself.

Okay, thank you.

[doorbell rings]

-Henry. -Hey, Gina.

Carlton's not home.

I know. I was actually-- I was hoping that I might be able to talk to you.

Can I come in?

Yeah. Please.

I honestly don't know where he's going with this.

I also don't know where he's coming from.

Did something happen between the two of you?

-Excuse me? -I'm sorry. I don't mean to pry.

No. No, nothing happened.

Nothing new, anyway. He doesn't really talk to me, Henry.

I think you know how things are.

I do.

Carlton was married to the church long before I ever came along.

You know what Oral said to me when we first met?

He said...

He said, "Get married and the love will come."

Carlton loves you.

Oh, I know. And I love him.

But this was practically an arranged marriage.

Single, 40-year-old man, leading a family church and all the women throwing themselves at him.

It's no wonder he chose me. I'm an outsider.

The balcony practically cleared out after he got married.

We used to joke that you'd be the ruin of the church.

I heard those jokes.

I know I'm not the first lady ya'll were expecting.


Speak to him?

See if you get anywhere.


-[Reggie] Everybody's nervous. -[Carlton] You speak to Henry?

[Reggie] Yeah, this morning. Um...

He just wanted to know if we talked and if anything had changed.

He put out a notice telling everybody just to, you know, be patient and everything will get cleared up.

What about you?

Well, Bishop, I'll stand with you through whatever.

No, I mean what did you think about what I said?

Well, I mean, I liked it when you were saying it.

I mean...

I've always been terrified of hell.

You know, but Henry's saying we could really lose people if you keep going on--

Henry worries too much.

Bishop, I don't know what I would do without this church, okay?

-What're you talking about? -This is all I got.

You're stronger now.

You got your demons, same as me, same as anybody.

Yeah, but we know that it ain't really all the same.

You fight it the same way.


You know...

You know how many times my mama tried to get me delivered back home?

You may never be fully delivered.

But being gay and doing gay ain't the same thing.

It's how you live that matters.

You stay with God, He'll stay with you.

He'll keep you strong and healthy.

[door opens]

-Hello. -Two?

-No, we're meeting friends. -Oh.

-There-- there they are. -Go ahead.

[Oral] I cut my trip short.

-You didn't have to. -Yes, I did.

I did have to.

And I'm hoping that you've come to your senses.

Nothing's changed, Chief.

-If anything, it's clearer to me now. -Clearer to you?

Would you excuse us, Richard? Just give us a moment, please?

-You too, son. You mind? -No.

Thanks so much, I appreciate it.

We won't be long.

[clears throat]

Carlton, what is going on?


You know, I wake up every morning and I expect to feel like my old self.

To feel the need to go out there and save people, but I--

I don't.

I-I don't. I feel-- I feel free of that.

First, I thought it was just those people in Africa, but it's not. It's everybody.

Everybody. His blood covered everybody.

No, that's heresy, son.

-Chief... -It is heresy, believe me.

Now, listen to me, please.

I watched you build your church and your ministry, and nothing filled me with more pride than to see how quickly they came to see you.

Blacks and whites together, that's a very rare thing.

And now, you've got the television broadcast with a whole lot more people listening to you.

So, I need to ask you one question, son.

And think about this.

Are you certain it was God's voice you heard?

You know how the devil works.

You saw your uncle die, unsaved.

He saw you weak and vulnerable, and told you what you wanted to hear.

If everyone you love cannot enter the kingdom through the narrow gate, he will widen that gate to accommodate them.

It makes sense because he makes it make sense.

Satan's a snake. He's a ventriloquist.

And he chose to speak through you.

But if you continue to lead people down this path, it's not only your eternal salvation you're putting at risk, it's theirs, too.

And that's Satan's victory, so I ask you again, son, are you certain it was God's voice you heard and not the devil?

You need to consider everything you're putting at risk, and not just for yourself.

We can go and reason things out later, but first, we need to fix this.

We'll write something together right here, right now.

And come Sunday, you'll make all this right.

All right.

Now, lookie here.

I was taking some notes and I'm going to suggest that you... consider Romans 10:9.

I know you're familiar with it. I've heard you preach on it.

All right.

I want you to consider that, and also consider preparing...

Henry came by.

Why? He knew where I was.

He came to talk to me.

He thinks you're having a nervous breakdown.



What did Oral say?

He wants me to recant.

Is that what you're gonna do?

Do you believe God spoke to me?

Well, what does it matter what I think or what anyone thinks?

Matters to me.


Since when?

Henry wants to know about our home, and if I'll talk some sense into you, and you're looking at me for, -I don't know what. -Why are you angry?

Because you believed it.

You were sure.

It's not that simple.

God spoke to you or he didn't.

And everyone else, Oral and Henry and the church, they have nothing to do with whether it's true or not.

-It's easy for you, Gina. -How is it easy for me?

Because I'm responsible for a lot of things and a lot of people, including you and Julian and Majesty...

You'd just as soon see the church go up in smoke.

You said it yourself.


The lawyer? You wanna go there?

You're really gonna bring that up right now, Carlton?

The only reason I spoke to him was so that maybe you would listen.

Maybe you would notice I was in the room.

I had children for you and for this church.

Carlton, why would I want to see it go up in smoke?

I thought being with you meant standing with God.

I thought it meant being a part of something meaningful.


♪ Well, I wish somebody's soul would ♪

[choir] ♪ Catch on fire ♪

♪ Catch on fire ♪

-[man] ♪ Catch on fire ♪ -♪ Catch on fire ♪

[man] ♪ I wish somebody's soul would ♪

[choir] ♪ Catch on fire ♪

-[man] ♪ Burn ♪ -[choir] ♪ Burn with the Holy Ghost ♪

[man] ♪ Oh, I wish somebody's soul would ♪

[choir] ♪ Catch on fire ♪

-[man] ♪ Catch on ♪ -♪ Catch on fire ♪

-[man] ♪ Catch on fire ♪ -♪ Catch on fire ♪

[man] ♪ I wish somebody's soul would ♪

[choir] ♪ Catch on fire ♪

♪ Burn with the Holy Ghost ♪

Is Oral here?

Not yet.

When he gets here, show him to the front, would you?


[all] ♪ in this place ♪

[man] ♪ Yes, the presence... ♪

-♪ Yes, the presence of the Lord... ♪ -♪ Hallelujah ♪

[man] ♪ Is in this place ♪ Come on, just one last time.

Submit your will unto His will.

[all] ♪ Yes ♪

[man] ♪ Oh, tell Him yes ♪

[all] ♪ Yes ♪

[man] ♪ Oh the presence, the presence ♪

-[all] ♪ The presence of the Lord... ♪ -[man] ♪ Hallelujah ♪

-[man] ♪ Is in this place ♪ -[all] ♪ Is in this place ♪

[all] ♪ Yes, the presence of the Lord... ♪

-[man] ♪ Is in this place ♪ -[all] ♪ Is in this place ♪

♪ Hallelujah, hallelujah ♪

Y'all yet holding on?

-[all] Keep on keeping on. -Keep on keeping on.

Turn to somebody and say, "We're still here."

[all] We're still here.

I said look at somebody and say, "We're still here."

[all] We're still here.

I'm gonna get straight into it, okay?

Now, last Sunday, I...

I told you that God spoke to me and... he told me that all those people... out there starving and dying in Africa, without being saved...

they're all going to heaven.

Now... that's quite a statement.

And to come up here and just blurt it out the way I did...

I regret it.

All week, people have been...

talking to me... and trying to help me understand what I heard and why.

I'm sure many of you've been having those same conversations.

You say, "If they're saved, does that mean everybody's saved?"

And if that's true, if you don't need to accept Jesus, then... why come to church at all?

And if the Bible says that only those that accept Christ can be saved, then it all points to one thing.

That it wasn't God's voice I heard.

Something else.

Now Romans...

Romans 10:9 says...

[clears throat]

I've been-- [laughs]

I've been reading and praying all week, trying to understand it.

Romans 10:9 says, um...


Henry, could you come up here and read something for me?

If you don't mind.

Of course.

[clears throat]

It's, um... It's from First John, Chapter Two.

It's there. "My dear children."

[clears throat]

"My dear children, I write this so that you will not sin."

"My dear children, I write this so that you will not sin."

"But if anyone does sin, we have one who speaks to the Father in our defense."

"But if anybody does sin, then we have one who speaks to the Father in our defense."

"His name is Jesus Christ, the righteous one."

"His name is Jesus Christ, the righteous one," go on.

"And He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins.

But not only for ours..."

"Not only for ours...

but for the sins of the whole world."

It means Jesus died for everybody.

That's the literal meaning.

Everyone's included in the redemption.

Even people that never accepted Christ, never heard the word of God, never set foot in a church.

All those people in Africa and everybody else.

Everyone's already saved.

And that... is the finished work of the cross.

-That is not right. -John.

I'm gonna answer your questions.

No. No, no, you can't just rewrite the Bible.

I'm not rewriting anything, I'm just rereading it, John.

No, you speak the word of God in this church!

Sit down! Let him finish.

No. You are a messenger, Bishop.

-Sit down. -[Carlton] Okay, settle down.

-John, Ben, sit down, please. -No, I've had enough of this.

Come on, let's go. You know...

-we built this church. -[Carlton] Okay.

We did!

You remember that.

[Carlton] No, it's okay. Just let 'em leave.

Let 'em leave.

Look, Jesus said study the scriptures diligently

-because they "testify about me." -[woman] Amen.

Now, if we do-- if we do study them diligently, then we have to understand there are contradictions.

For all the Bible says, that the only way to heaven is to accept Christ, there's just as much that says we don't need to.

Now, I just read First John, but it's... it's... it's in Corinthians. It's in-- it's in Timothy.

Peter. Here's Timothy 4:9.

Timothy 4:9.

"God is the savior of all mankind, especially those who believe."

And he goes on.

And, uh...

And there's Paul in Corinthians.

-Thank you. -I just reread this last night.

"As in Adam all men die, so in Christ all men shall be made alive."

"All men"!

I can't stay here.

This is the same Bible we've been... we've been reading all our lives.

So, he's saying... I don't understand.

Minnie, I...

Minnie, I know it's hard.

I know it's hard, but... but you know me well enough to know I'd listen to you or anybody else here.

I'm just asking you to do the same for me now, please.

People have been saying that I-- I stopped believing in hell.

And I've been thinking about that and I've been-- I've been praying on it.

The God that we worship... from the parts of this Bible that we focus on...

that God is a monster.

[crowd murmurs]

If we're really saying that God sends billions of people to burn in hell for eternity for missing the mark or missing the point, or being born someplace else, well, that God is a monster.

That God is worse than Hitler. That God is worse than S*ddam Hussein.

But that's-- that's not our God.

That's not the God that we worship.

No, that God loves us all!

♪ Hold to His hand ♪

[organ plays]

♪ God's unchanging hand ♪

[choir] ♪ Hold to His hand ♪

♪ God's unchanging hand ♪

♪ Build your hopes ♪

♪ On things eternal ♪

♪ Hold ♪

♪ To God's unchanging hand ♪

♪ Everybody hold on ♪ Excuse me. I'm just trying to get through. Thanks.

Quite a show.

I'm sorry.

I'm out there vouching for you.

I'm making promises all week, and you march me out there like I'm some kind of puppet.

I can't just ignore it.

You want proof it wasn't God's voice you heard?

Half our congregation walking out, that was it.

What more proof do you need?

[door closes]

[Pat] Exactly what is your relationship now with Carlton Pearson?

I'm sorry, um...

When you've known someone as long as I've known...

Bishop Pearson, it can be very difficult.

[Pat] Oh, well, Richard, I mean, you two grew up together, in essence.

And your dad took him in and raised him at ORU.

That's right.

I always thought of him as a younger sibling I had to look out for.

[Pat] And now you think this is the work of dark forces.

Dark angels.

[Richard] Oh, I believe the devil has gotten to him, yes.

-And he's being controlled. -To lead others astray?

[Richard] That's right.

He's a powerful and trusted voice. This is a dangerous situation.

[Pat] And what does Dad say?

-I imagine you talk about it. -[Richard] Of course.

He's heartbroken.

He's lost a son.

Can't believe he would go after you like that.

[Pat] ...not with God's help.

We can all be healed...

-He's waited 25 years for the chance. never lose anyone completely, you know that.

Just like he's got you, Richard.

[door closes]

-Hey. -How you doing?

Nice to see you. Hey, Henry.

[Gina] Hi, how are you?

Please, come in.

-Hello, Gina. -Henry.

We got some-- we got some coffee on, if anybody wants some, and... want anything to eat?

I think everyone's okay.

[Carlton] Okay.

Look, before you say anything, I want you to know I should have done things...

I should've done things differently. Okay?

I should've talked about it with you. I should've shared it.

-Carlton. -No, I should've done things differently, so if there's anything you need me to change... anything.

Let's work it out.

We're leaving Higher Dimensions.

We prayed on it, and...

-we're going to start our own church. -Henry.

-You can't just leave. -No, they're not leaving.

We'll talk it through.


-It's too late for that. -It's not too late.

I just need time to understand it.


-Just to formalize it. -Time to sink the whole ship?

-It wasn't God's voice you heard, Bishop. -[Gina] Now, how do you know?

-How do you... -Gina...

-Come in here, ganging up on him. -What if he's wrong?

You don't know.

None of us-- none of us knows.

But you want me to just trust you and go out and tell people it doesn't matter if they accept Christ.

It doesn't matter if they go out there and sin.

Well, what if it turns out that you are wrong and there is a hell?

And we are responsible.

Even if I thought you might be right, which I don't, it's not a chance that I'd be willing to take.

You went ahead with this without any thought about me, or us, or anyone else.

That's all I've been thinking about night and day. Don't leave.

It's not us that's leaving.

It's you.

You turned your back on us.

For 20 years, I put your needs ahead of my needs.

And I put Gina's ahead of Maggie's.

And I put your kids ahead of my kids.

I gave you 20 years, so just remember that it is not me that is turning my back on you, it's the other way around.

And I think that you should take a long, hard look, and ask yourself why God... why God would want that.

[Henry exhales]

The hardest part about this whole thing is that you had it.

-You had fellowship with God. -My fellowship with God--

And it was pure.

-It was true, and you are rejecting-- -I'm closer to God in this moment than I've ever been in my life.

I love you more than anything and you know that, but there is nothing that I can say right now that you will hear.

You're gonna spend eternity separated from Him.

I don't know what to do with that.

-No, no, no, no. Okay, no. Okay. -Please don't make this harder.

Come on, Henry. This is us.

This is us.

Remember in Jackson?

When they told us we'd never get white people up there?


Or Higher D, that we'd never fill it?

God put us together.

And we built something that never existed before.

We got white folk and black folk praying together.

In Tulsa.

Aren't you proud of that?

It got away from me, that's all.


I just...

I lost control of it.

I'll roll it back.

-You'll pull it back? -I'll pull it back.

You'll recant what you said?

God spoke to me, Henry.


Just stay.

I can't.


Look, I wanted to find a place as far away from Higher D as I could, and it turns out the only spot that's available is on Memorial Drive.

At 51st. It's not what I wanted.

-I'm sorry. -It's okay.

It's okay.


Let's go.


You can always change your mind.

You too.

[door closes]

[organ plays]

♪ I know the Lord ♪

[all] ♪ I know the Lord ♪

♪ Will make a way ♪

[all] ♪ Will make a way ♪

♪ Oh, yes, He will ♪

-[all] ♪ Oh, yes ♪ -♪ I know He will ♪

♪ I believe He will ♪

♪ Oh, yes ♪

-♪ He will ♪ -[all] ♪ Yes, He will ♪

♪ Yes, He will ♪

-♪ Yes, He will ♪ -[Carlton] ♪ Hmm, yes ♪

-♪ He will ♪ -[all] ♪ Yes, He will ♪

♪ Yes, He will ♪

♪ Yes, He will ♪

-[Carlton] ♪ Mmm, Yes, He will ♪ -♪ Yes, He will ♪

-♪ Oh, yes, He will ♪ -♪ Yes, He will ♪

-♪ I tried Him for myself ♪ -♪ Yes, He will ♪

♪ Oh, yes, He will ♪

-♪ Yes, He will ♪ -♪ Oh, yes, sir ♪

♪ Yes, He will ♪

-♪ Yes, He will ♪ -♪ Hmm ♪

-♪ I know the Lord ♪ -[all] ♪ I know the Lord ♪

-♪ He'll make a way ♪ -[all] ♪ He'll make a way ♪

♪ Oh, yes, He will ♪




-Here you go. -Carlton, we didn't pay for those.

Uh-oh. It's okay.

You want to help me?

Come on, let's go.

Okay, careful. Careful.


Come on.





-Hi. -Hi.

I've been leaving you messages.

No, I know. I'm sorry, I...


But we've been thinking about you. How-- how is Francis feeling?


I wanted to call.

I try to tell Frank it's not your fault, but...

Oh, girl, I can't imagine what it must be like for you.

There's a whole community that loves you and prays for you.

I'll pray with you right now. Do you want that?

Dear God, in the name of Jesus, awaken my dear sister from the spirit of deception, and rebuke the demons that have vexed her mind

-and overtaken her body. -Keisha.

It's okay.

[Carlton] Keisha?


How you doing? How's Frank?


Everyone's fine.


It's three months pay and 12 months of benefits.

I'll call everybody I can think of. I promise you that.

Anything else I can do, I will.

Thank you. Thanks for everything.

[man] ♪ I've seen the lightning flashing ♪

♪ I've heard the thunder roll ♪

♪ I've felt sin breakers dashing ♪

♪ Trying to conquer my soul ♪

[organ plays]

♪ I've heard the voice of Jesus ♪

♪ Bidding me still to fight on ♪

♪ He promised never... ♪

[Reggie] You come in this time. You can just drive in at the top here.

We'll run through that.

Okay, ya'll ready?

All right, come on. Let's do it.

[man] ♪ Oh ♪

[all] ♪ No, never alone ♪

[man] ♪ Oh ♪

[all] ♪ No, never alone ♪

♪ He promised never to leave me ♪

♪ Never to leave me alone ♪

♪ No, never alone ♪

[man] ♪ Oh, no ♪

[all] ♪ No, never alone ♪

♪ He promised never to leave me ♪

♪ Never to leave me alone ♪

♪ I've seen the lighting flashing ♪

♪ I've heard the thunder roll ♪

♪ I've felt sin breakers dashing ♪

♪ Trying to conquer my-- ♪

-[startled gasps] -[man] You okay?

Doctors, uh, held me overnight.

Gave me antibiotics, and, uh...

They say I'm low on my T-cell count.


Why didn't you say something?

Why didn't you tell me you were getting worse?

I don't know, Bishop. I just...

[shaky breath]

I guess I'm just trying to make it all make sense.



I started seeing someone.


Misery just... It felt good to finally just... be able to be with someone and feel like it's okay.

It's not okay.

Bishop, what is this?


Is this God, just, like, punishing me?

Just 'cause there's no hell, that...

that don't condone sin.

You don't get to just... do whatever.

That's not what we're saying.

That's not the message.

Well, what is the message?

[Carlton] Hey, Ma, it's Carlton.

-[Lillie Ruth] What? What happened? -[Carlton] No, no. Everybody's fine.

I'm sorry to call so late.

I just wanted to talk to you.

I've been thinking about Uncle Quincy.

I should've helped him.

Not with getting saved. I just should've helped him, and... been thinking about Mama George and Patrick.


Just everybody I let down.

They gave up on God because they thought God gave up on them, but it was me.


Now, you listen to me, and you listen good.

Quincy, and Mama George, and Patrick did what they did and no one made them.

God didn't put them in hell. They put themselves in hell.

Now, you read your Bible, boy, and get your head straight.

You read it and you teach it, like you always did. You hear me?

Yes, Ma.

Thank you.

Thank you.

-You didn't have to do this. -Oh, are you kidding?

I'm proud of you.

I don't know, it's just a clerical job.

Something to celebrate.

It's gonna be okay.

It's gonna be okay.

Everything's gonna go back to normal.

-[chuckles] I hope not. -Huh?

Well... you preach differently now.

-It feels more connected. -Gina...

The church is three-quarters empty.

Okay, so let's find a smaller space.

You said you were worried about the mortgage.


Just support me, okay?

I am supporting you.

Well, it don't feel like it. Feels like... you're asking me to crawl back to some storefront, preach to 20 people, and... talking about...

Crawl back?


Let's just order.

The theology doesn't surprise me. Why would it?

We've been preaching this kind of inclusion for over a decade.

The only surprise is who's preaching it.

Bishop Pearson is just articulating what a lot of people in the church really think.

[Carlton] I never thought she'd be agreeing with me.

[Nicky] Who'd have thought?

I told you Julian I'd take him to his game today.

[comm beeps]

[receptionist] Bishop Ellis is on the line.

Yeah, put him on.

Bishop Ellis, how are you?

-Bishop, thanks for taking my call. -[Carlton] Not at all.

What can I do for you?

Well, we're having our annual conference here next month and, uh... we've been following what you've been preaching.

We feel we ought to give you a chance to... explain these new positions you're taking.

In a formal setting.

[Carlton] Well, I appreciate the invitation. Thank you.

I'd have to know the context, though.

[Ellis] Context?

Yeah, what's the format? Is this a discussion?

Bishop, we think you owe it to the body of Christ.

We're offering you an opportunity to speak directly to your peers.

Frankly, uh, I thought you'd jump at the chance.

You might as well just call it what it is. It's a trial.

-Oh, Nicky. -It's a heresy trial.

Do you have any idea what kind of circus they're putting together?

This was J.D. Ellis last week.

"If Bishop Pearson is taking the position we think he is, he will be no more welcome at African-American pulpits than Louis Farrakhan."

[scoffs] I'm not intimidated by these guys.

[Nicky] That's not the point.

-[Reggie] Just ignore them. -I can't.

Then put out a statement rejecting their legitimacy.

The Joint Council of African-American Bishops?

-You want me to deny they're legitimate? -No, but we don't need them.

Look, our numbers have leveled out. The church is stable now.

If I can go there and get them to understand--

That's not gonna happen.

Bishop, the members that we have now, they're loyal to you.

But most of that's just racial. I mean, Henry took all the white folk.

If you go down there and you make some kind of stand-off... and... and you lose, then we could lose the church.

This is God's will. He's not gonna take my church.

What if he does?

How many people did Jesus lose, huh?

Five thousand, in a day. He back down?

God spoke to me.

And I'm not backing down.

Now, either you're with me or you're not, but if you're not strong enough, Reggie--

This is a gift.

It's how we win the congregation back.


You know I love you, Bishop.

Then wish me luck.

[smacks hands together]

[door slams shut]

[car door closes]

[keys jingle]

[ignition chimes]

[chiming stops]

[Ellis] There has been... considerable interest about some of the things our guest today... has been preaching.

Bishop Pearson is no stranger to us.

We valued his contribution to the Body of Christ.

So I thought it'd be important... before we make a judgment... for us to bring him to the pulpit.

And let him speak for himself.

Bishop Pearson?

I was counseled not to come here today.

I've been...

[sighs] spending a lot of time thinking about this.

I prayed and fasted.

I asked God for the anointing to speak with conviction and clarity.

I studied.

Bishop Ellis?

I want to ask you something.

Is there anybody you've loved in your own life?

Anybody you were close to?

An uncle?

A brother? A friend?

Who backslid and is in hell right now?

This ain't about me, Bishop.

It's a simple question.

I'll get to the point.

My daddy's in hell. What about it?

How do you know?

-I just want to understand. -Bishop Pearson, we have a process.

How do you know he's in hell?

-If you can't answer the question... -Bishop Pearson-- then either you're not sure, or you're afraid to answer.

Because he sinned until the day he died. That's how I know.

How long's he been there?

-Fifteen years. -Fifteen years.

And did you love him?

'Course I did. He was my daddy.

But he beat my mama. He beat me.

-He was a fornicator. -[Carlton] And now God's punishing him.

He's suffering in hell, he's tortured and tormented for all eternity.

So, let me ask you something.

Would you get him out of hell if you could?

That ain't up to me.

How about if it was?

If there was a way we could negotiate with God, with Jesus and the blood, you'd get your daddy out of there quick as you could, wouldn't you?

-I can't answer that. -Of course you would, anybody would.

So, the question we have to ask ourselves is this:

Are we more merciful than God?


I thank God that reprobate is in hell.

-You just said that you loved him. -I adored him.

And you wouldn't get him out?

Hell is where he's at and hell is where he belongs.

This foolishness. This arrogance.

You come in here telling us we all wrong and you all right?

Perverting scripture and arguing that God don't punish?

It's false doctrine you're preaching and it will not be tolerated in our churches.

[man] Amen.

We believe if you confess the Lord Jesus with your mouth and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

And that is the only way you will be saved.

[man] Amen.

-[applause] -[indistinct shouts of agreement]

[gavel pounds]

[man] Next up, we have a six-octave keyboard with a market value of $9,000.

Who will give me $1,300 to go? I got 13 over here, now 13-five.

13-five. Anybody? 13-five. 13-five, now 14?

For $1,400. Anybody for 14?

I have 14 over here, 14-five. 14-five...

14-five. 14-five, now 15.

$1,500 over here. Thank you, ma'am.

15, now 15-five. 15-five. Anybody for 15-five? 15-five...

16. $1,600 bid, anybody? 16?

I need $1,600. I got 16, thank you. 16. Now 16-five...

16-five. 16-five, now $1,700.

[continues indistinctly]

I have to go down to the storeroom.


[door opens, closes]

18-five? 18-five, I'm at 18-five. I'm at 1,800.

1,800. Going once, going twice. [pounds gavel]

Sold, $1,800, number 286.

Next up, we've got the offering plates. Item number 275...

You looking for a deal on some pews?

[chuckles softly] Yeah.

I just... I had to see for myself.

It's hard to believe, huh?


Did the bank assume the mortgage?

Make sure you get a waiver of liability. You know that, right?

I hear you're doing well.

Got good numbers.

We're growing, yeah.

How many services you got over there?

We just added a second.

That's great.

I learned from the best, you know.

I did.

You got any anointing in there, huh?

Got to get that oil, get the fire going.

If you ain't got that oil, God ain't pleased with you.

[exhales] Excuse me.


Oh, God.

Oh, God.

[child screams]

[child cries]

It's all right. I got you.

[cash register beeping]

[Nicky] John, this is Bishop Pearson. Bishop, John Felton.

[Felton] Pleasure to meet you, Bishop.

[Carlton] Sorry I'm late.

[Nicky] I know, just look at it. It'll take five minutes.

[Felton] So, it's 9,700 square feet.

It used to be one of the old Huntsfield warehouses.

I figure if we build the stage up against that wall, we can put the offices over there.

Hang some drapes on the windows and lay down a new floor.

[child cries]

Could you excuse us, please?

Oh, sure.

Of course. I'll just...

Take your time.

Come on, Nicky.

What are we doing here?

I don't know what we're doing.

This is the best space for what we can afford.

[sighs] What do I preach, Nicky?


Tell me what to preach.

Are you saying... that God took Higher D, and so you must've had it all wrong?

You're telling me you don't think that?

That's not fair.

I saw Reggie.

I guess you two don't really talk.

How's he doing?

He wanted me to give this to you.

He's moved back to Texas.

He's moved back to live with his mother.

So, how was the space?

It's not right.

Oh, but Nicky was so excited.

What was wrong with it?


Don't put that all in your mouth at the same time. Let me cut it for you.

Why do you think he wrote to you?

He loves you.

I just...

I just don't want him to see where I'm at.

And where are you?

I'm here.


You're here.

Look at somebody and say, "We're still here."

We're still here.

Get up, Carlton.

Just get up.


[Oral] Carlton.

I was so glad you called.

Sit down, please.

I do ask after you, believe it or not.


How are you doing?

I guess you saw the news on Richard.

They're accusing him of embezzling.

Things have gotten pretty messed up around here.

I miss you.

How you doing?

I feel lost.

I pray, but I don't hear anything.

I don't feel anything.

Just separated from God.

I've been thinking a lot about Ronnie.

How lost he was and... how I pushed him away.

If there was one thing that made me want to consider everything you were preaching, it was how lonely God must feel denying his own children.

I turned my back on you, son.

Sorry I had to do that.

Maybe I didn't give you a choice.

I was surprised to hear you'd given up the preaching.

And frankly, I was disappointed because you were called, Carlton.

I still believe that.

And I want you to know that there is a place for you here when you're ready to come back to us.

It's a challenge to be called by God and not allow it to fill you with arrogance.

It is a very important lesson.

Arrogance will separate us from God.

And it'll separate us from the ones we love most if we're not careful.


Hey, buddy.

How you doing? How you holding up?

What're you doing here?

How are you?

Well, you know.

Doctors gave me a new medication.

I got diagnosed with Lymphoma.



gave me your letter.

And I, uh--

I just want to say I'm sorry.

And I wanted to tell you you're not alone.

Did God tell you that?

He still whispering in your ear?

Did he tell you how much I weigh?

[door slams shut]


[faucet turns on]

[faucet turns off]

You know, I figured something out, Bishop.

You know how you used to tell me, "Reggie, just stay strong and... doing gay and being gay is two different things"?

Well, it was bullshit.

I'm gay.

It ain't no choice.

It just is. It is what I am.

It's who I am.

And now, God's gonna send me to hell for it.

Just as sure as you sitting there with your jaw hanging out, God is going to punish me for it all.

I tried so hard.

I tried so hard to get saved.

So many different people tried, but it just never worked.

But... you could get me saved, right?

I mean, if anybody could do it, you could do it.

Will you do that for me?


Will you?

-'Cause God about to send me to hell. -Reggie, Reggie.

-I know, I can just feel it now. -Listen to me, Reggie.

-You don't need to be saved. -You don't know that.

You can't know that for sure.

I've never been more sure of anything in my life.

Look at me, Reggie.

When the time comes...

you'll be with Him.

♪ Jesus loves me ♪

♪ This I know ♪

♪ For the Bible ♪

♪ Tells me so ♪

♪ Little ones ♪

♪ To Him belong ♪

♪ They are weak ♪

♪ But He is strong ♪

♪ Yes, Jesus loves me ♪

♪ Yes, Jesus loves me ♪

♪ Yes, Jesus loves me ♪

♪ The Bible tells me so ♪

♪ The Bible tells me so ♪

Bishop Pearson.

[Carlton] You know, when Pastor Flunder... asked me to come and visit, I...

And our guest today took a lot of convincing...

[Carlton] I was terrified, actually.

...Bishop Carlton Pearson.

[Carlton] These people don't want to hear from me...

What have I got to say to them, but...

then I thought, well...

You know, with everything I've been through...

I do know something about... what it feels like to be an outcast.

You know? And I...

I do know something about...

what it feels like to be... to be told you're not worthy of God's love.

I've spent a lot of my life... living in fear of God.

And I preached that fear.

And I preached it and I preached it, and I preached it so much that I became afraid not to preach it.

Why is it so hard to let go of that fear?

Is it because if God loves everybody unconditionally, then... maybe we have to?

Is that it?

And what is it about loving each other unconditionally that scares us so much?

I don't know. But I do know one thing.

It know it was God's love got me in this room.

[woman] Amen.

I know that. I know Jesus's love brought me here.

Can I get an "amen" around here?

[all] Amen.

-Maybe a little "hallelujah" around here. -Hallelujah.

Oh, I got some, okay.


I thank God for my life.

I do.

I thank God for my wife.

♪ Jesus, I'll never forget ♪

♪ What you've done for me ♪

♪ Jesus, I'll never forget ♪

♪ How you set me free ♪

♪ Jesus, I'll never forget ♪

♪ How you brought me out ♪

♪ Jesus, I'll never forget ♪

♪ No, never ♪

♪ Jesus, I'll never forget ♪

♪ What you've done for me ♪

♪ Jesus, I'll never forget ♪

♪ How you set me free ♪

♪ Jesus, I'll never forget ♪

♪ How you brought me out ♪

♪ Jesus, I'll never forget ♪

♪ No, never ♪

♪ Jesus, I'll never forget ♪

♪ What you've done for me ♪

♪ Jesus, I'll never forget ♪

♪ How you set me free ♪

♪ Jesus, I'll never forget ♪

♪ How you brought me out ♪

♪ Jesus, I'll never forget ♪

♪ No, never ♪ Come on, clap your hands.

♪ How can I? ♪

[choir] ♪ How can I forget ♪

♪ What you've done for me? ♪

-♪ How can I forget ♪ -♪ How can I forget ♪

♪ How you set me free? ♪

-♪ How can I forget ♪ -♪ How can I forget ♪

♪ How you brought me out? ♪

-♪ How can I forget ♪ -♪ How can I forget ♪

-♪ No, never ♪ -Come on.

-♪ How can I ♪ -♪ How can I forget ♪

♪ What you've done for me? ♪

-♪ How can I forget ♪ -♪ How can I forget ♪

♪ How you set me free? ♪

-♪ How can I forget ♪ -♪ How can I forget ♪

♪ How you brought me out? ♪

♪ Jesus, I'll never ♪

♪ How can I forget ♪

[Carlton] Come on, sing the song.

-♪ How can I ♪ -♪ How can I forget ♪

♪ What you've done for me? ♪

-♪ How can I forget ♪ -♪ How can I forget ♪

♪ How you set me free? ♪

-♪ How can I forget ♪ -♪ How can I forget ♪

♪ How you brought me out? ♪

-♪ How can I forget ♪ -♪ How can I forget ♪

♪ How you set me free? ♪

-♪ How can I forget ♪ -♪ How can I forget ♪

♪ How you brought me out? ♪

-♪ How can I forget ♪ -♪ How can I forget ♪

♪ No, never ♪

[Carlton] You know that old song... ♪ I'm a soldier ♪

[choir] ♪ In the army of the Lord ♪

[Carlton] ♪ I'm a soldier ♪

[choir] ♪ In the army ♪

[Carlton] ♪ I'm a soldier ♪

[choir] ♪ In the army of the Lord ♪

[Carlton] ♪ I'm a soldier ♪

[choir] ♪ In the army ♪

[Carlton] Let me tell you what I'm gonna do.

I'm gonna run through some of them old songs.

Mom, I'm looking at you. I'm gonna have to call you to help me a little bit.

Some of them old holiness songs that you-- my-- my-- my grandma used to get up every Sunday night and sing some of these songs, and before you knew it, you know, we couldn't sing it long without--

We couldn't go to parties, the only place we could dance was in the house of the Lord.


[Carlton] ♪ Got my w*r clothes on ♪

[choir] ♪ In the army of the Lord ♪

[Carlton] ♪ Got my w*r clothes on ♪

[choir] ♪ In the army ♪

[Carlton] ♪ I got my w*r clothes on ♪

[choir] ♪ In the army of the Lord ♪

[Carlton] ♪ Got my w*r clothes on ♪

[choir] ♪ In the army ♪

[Carlton] ♪ I'm a soldier ♪

[choir] ♪ In the army of the Lord ♪

[Carlton] ♪ I'm a soldier ♪

[choir] ♪ In the army ♪

[Carlton] ♪ If I die, let me die ♪

[choir] ♪ In the army of the Lord ♪

[Carlton] ♪ If I die, let me die ♪

[choir] ♪ In the army ♪

[Carlton] ♪ He's a great consolator ♪

[choir] ♪ He consolated me ♪

[Carlton] ♪ He's a great consolator ♪

[choir] ♪ He consolated me ♪

[Carlton] ♪ He's a great consolator ♪

[choir] ♪ He consolated me ♪

[Carlton] ♪ He's a great consolator ♪

[choir] ♪ He consolated me ♪

[rhythmic clapping]

[Carlton] Come on, clap those hands.

[Carlton] ♪ I get joy when I think about ♪

[choir] ♪ What he's done for me ♪

[Carlton] ♪ I get joy when I think about ♪

[choir] ♪ What he's done for me ♪

[Carlton] ♪ I get joy when I think about ♪

[choir] ♪ What he's done for me ♪

[Carlton] ♪ I get joy when I think about ♪

[choir] ♪ Oh, what he's done for me ♪

[Carlton] ♪ You don't know like I know ♪

[choir] ♪ What he's done for me ♪

[Carlton] ♪ You don't know like I know ♪

[choir] ♪ Oh, what he's done for me ♪

[Carlton] ♪ You don't know like I know ♪

[choir] ♪ What he's done for me ♪

[Carlton] ♪ You don't know like I know ♪

[choir] ♪ Oh, what he's done for me ♪

[Carlton] ♪ You can't tell it like I can ♪

[choir] ♪ What he's done for me ♪

[Carlton] Come on. ♪ You can't tell it like I can ♪

[choir] ♪ What he's done for me ♪

[Carlton] ♪ You can't tell it like I can ♪

[choir] ♪ What he's done for me ♪

[Carlton] ♪ You can't tell it like I can ♪

[choir] ♪ Oh, what he's done for me ♪

[Carlton] Come here, Mama, you can help me sing some of this. Come on, now, baby.



Help me sing it, Mama.

[woman] ♪ I get joy when I think about ♪

[choir] ♪ What he's done for me ♪

-[woman] ♪ Joy when I think about ♪ -[choir] ♪ Oh, what he's done for me ♪

[woman] ♪ I get joy when I think about ♪

[choir] ♪ What he's done for me ♪

-[woman] ♪ Joy when I think about ♪ -[choir] ♪ Oh, what he's done for me ♪

-[woman] ♪ Joy when I think about ♪ -[choir] ♪ What he's done for me ♪

-[woman] ♪ Joy when I think about ♪ -[choir] ♪ Oh, what he's done for me ♪

-[woman] ♪ Joy when I think about ♪ -[choir] ♪ What he's done for me ♪

-[woman] ♪ Joy when I think about ♪ -[choir] ♪ Oh, what he's done for me ♪

[woman] ♪ Oh, you can't tell it like I tell it ♪

[choir] ♪ What he's done for me ♪

[woman] ♪ Oh, you can't tell it like I tell it ♪

[choir] ♪ Oh, what he's done for me ♪

[woman] ♪ You can't tell it like I tell it ♪

[choir] ♪ What he's done for me ♪

[woman] ♪ You can't tell it like I tell it ♪

[choir] ♪ Oh, what he's done for me ♪

[woman] ♪ You don't know like I know ♪

[choir] ♪ What he's done for me ♪

[woman] ♪ Oh, you don't know like I know ♪

[choir] ♪ Oh, what he's done for me ♪

[woman] ♪ You don't know like I know ♪

[choir] ♪ What he's done for me ♪

[woman] ♪ You don't know like I know ♪

[choir] ♪ Oh, what he's done for me ♪

[woman] ♪ What he's done for me ♪

[choir] ♪ What he's done for me ♪

[woman] ♪ What he's done for me ♪

[choir] ♪ What he's done for me ♪

[woman] ♪ What he's done for me ♪

[choir] ♪ What he's done for me ♪

-[woman] ♪ What he's done for me ♪ -[choir] ♪ Oh, what he's done for me ♪

[Carton] If you're really happy, jump.

[rhythmic clapping continues]

[Carton] Come on, jump for a little bit. Just a little bit.




♪ Say "Yeah, yeah" ♪

[all] ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

[Carlton] ♪ Happy talking about the Lord ♪