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Kickboxer (1989)

Posted: 11/14/20 07:20
by bunniefuu
Way to go, champ! Wow!

Neutral corner!

One, two, three, four, five- All right.

Let's go!

You got him, champ! Let's go!

Hit him again, champ! Break! Take him to his corner.

The champ is really awesome.

No one has even lasted five rounds in his last eight fights.

He's definitely the eliminator.

Watch this kid. He's goin' down in this round.

You can do it, champ! Let's fight!

Yeah, champ! You're the best!

You got it, champ! That's it. It's over.

The winner in 38 seconds of the fourth round... and still heavyweight champion of the world...

Eric "the Eliminator" Stone!

Hey, champ, how come you don't use a trainer anymore?

Got my kid brother in my corner for now. He says he's going to be a vet.

I say he's going to be a lawyer, or I'm gonna kick his butt!

Now that you've beaten everyone there is to beat, what's next?

Take on the world�s best. Show 'em who's boss.

What about Thailand? What about it?

I understand kickboxing was invented there, and they're the best at it.

Oh, really? Kid, book us a flight to Taiwan, first.

Bangkok. Bangkok, Taiwan, Tokyo-

What's the difference? I'm kickin' ass wherever I go.

See ya, kid.

Just don't forget, you're fighting your champ next week.

I know. I'm ready. Don't worry.

Watch your wallet. She doesn't want my wallet.

She wants to make it with the champ.

You sure had it easy with Mom in Europe.

Dad never let up.

If I wasn't the best at every sport l played, he'd call me a loser.

He was always on my case... but he made me strong.

You know, Eric, Mom, she was a very special lady too.

She wanted me to learn three languages... to take ballet, before I learned karate.

I really miss her.

I wish they would�ve been there to see me win the championship.

Well, big brother, they could never get along.

But I'm glad we do.

They'd be proud. Yeah.

You're right, kid. Kurt!

Come on.

Damn it, kid!

How many times do I have to tell ya? You don't win with that "tip tap" shit.

Power. Power kicks.

Take your gloves off. Let's go hit the pads.

Come on.

That's power, kid.

Whoa! Take it easy.

Got to learn, kid. Come on.

Hi. Welcome to Bangkok.


How do you feel about fighting our champ Tong Po?

Piece of cake. Think so?

Think you're going to win this time?

Where's the g*dd*mn ice in this dump?

Go get me some, huh? Okay.

Hey, how much time we got?

About 30 minutes.

You never fought this style before. It's so different.

Hey, a punch is a punch. A kick's a kick. We came to fight.

Get me some ice, will ya? Let's go.

Where the hell you been? Gimme the ice.

Eric, don't do it.

I saw the look in his eyes. This guy's crazy.

He's f*cking crazy! Good. The crowd'll love it.

You don't understand. No, you don't understand, kid.

I'm the best. This is just another chance for me to prove it.

So watch and learn. It's all in the legs.


This guy was kicking one of these with his f*cking legs.

The dust was failing down.

So what? Can he move like me?

No. We got him.

Eric, please, I've got a bad feeing about this one.

Hey! Trust me. Don't fight this guy.

Hey! I brought you here to work my corner.

What's your problem? You're either with me, or go the f*ck home.

We're family. Let's kick some ass. Come on.

Okay. Let's go, champ.



f*ckin' music's drivin' me crazy. Let's forget about the music.

Did you see that? He got me with an elbow.

That's the way they fight here. I told you.

m*therf*cker wants to street fight? I'll show him.

Let's cancel. No.


Can't do that!

Jesus Christ, get off of me! You can give Americans a bad rep!

They'd just as soon k*ll you as look at you, kid.

That's my brother!

Just tryin' to help you. Take us to a hospital!

There's two more fights!

Hey, where're you going?

Where's the g*dd*mn hospital?

You hear me?

Don't move.


Hospital. I want to go to hospital.

assh*le would�ve probably taken you to a whorehouse.

He looks bad. Let's move it.

It's cool. I'll take him to a good hospital.

All right, out. Go on. We'll party later. Out!

b*tches never get enough of my stuff.

My name's Taylor, Army special Forces.

Retired, sort of.

Hang on, my man. You're riding the fastest wheels in Bangkok.

Can I see him now? The doctor say stop by tomorrow.

Tomorrow? Yes. We're doing all we can.

It's going to be a long night. You may as well get some sleep.

Sleep? I can't sleep!

Please try. It's better for you.

I'm sorry. There's nothing more I can do.

Your brother is paralyzed.

What do you mean, paralyzed? The spinal chord was damaged... around the tenth vertebrae.

I'm afraid he can never walk again.

You're going to make him walk again.

Easy, easy!

Okay! Take it easy!

It's fortunate... even to survive.

He'll be in the hospital for at least three months before he can be moved.

I'm very sorry.

I want-

I want to bowl!

Forget about it. I'm not signing your death warrant too!

Just tell me where he is. g*dd*mn it, no!

I don't want to be f*ckin' part of it! Go home!

Wait your three months and go home where you're safe!

I don't want your blood on my hands. I got enough all ready.

He's going to pay for this. You hear me?

I'll find him. I don't need your help.

The only way you'll find him is inside the ring, and you're not good enough!

I don't know where- I'll get him. You don't understand.

You go after him outside the ring and we're dead- all of us!

He's too valuable to them!

The only way is inside the ring.

And like I said, you ain't good enough!

We�ll see. Okay?

Excuse me, sir. We have to go.

Please, sir.

Hello. I help you?

Yes, I want to try muay thai.

Oh, really? Yes.

I want him. I want Tong Po. I want to fight him.

You? Yes.

What do you want? You're serious about this muay thai.

What do you think? I think you're out of your mind.

If I can't stop you, I might know somebody who'll train you.

Someone? Maybe.

Who? There's one person crazy enough... to put you in the ring with Tong Po.

Name's Xian.

Lives out in the sticks. Will he do it?

I don't have any f*ckin' idea. That's your problem.

I just know how to find him. Let's go.

What if he doesn't take you? He will. Let's go.

Now. Now? f*ck now. I'm goin' drinkin'.

I don't want to drink. You want me to take you tomorrow... we go drinkin' tonight, and it's a deal.


So, what's it gonna be? The Pink p*ssy or the Kitten Candy Club?

I don't suppose we can just go back to the hotel.

f*ck no!

Relax. I know a nice, mellow place close by.

Baby, do it!

Hurt me!

Come on. This is your idea of a mellow place?

Oh, yeah. I don't go to raunchy cubs any more.

All she offers is soda pop.

Sit. Come on.

Bring my usual. What do you want to drink?

Water. Bring him a Perrier. Yeah!

I just couldn�t see no reason to go back.

Wasn't nothin' there for me, so I stayed.

I'm better off here. Less of a danger to anybody.

Why? What do you do?

g*ns, grenades, mines, armoured cars, tanks.

Whatever I can get my hands on. Don't worry, you're safe with me.

I'm a survivor.

A high-livin', slick-talkin', fast-walkin'... cool-drinkin' dude.

I just like to enjoy life's many good pleasures.

Let me tell you about Tong Po's boss, Freddy Li.

That's one bad m*therf*cker.

It's a different culture. Different world.

You gotta come to terms with that or you won't last a heartbeat.

Why are you helping me?

Had a buddy in 'Nam- like an older brother.

Taught me everything.

How to survive and come out alive.

He needed me once... and I wasn't there.

Could�ve saved him... and I froze.

Anyway, I saw a kid wanting to help his brother. Here we are.


Here we are, my man. Shangri-La meets Alice In Wonderland.

What is this? This is Xian Land.

I'm telling you, man, he's weirder than a three-headed cat. Good luck.

You're leaving? Yeah, I got some business up the road.

You're welcome to come along. No, I'll take my chances here.

I'll be back in a few hours.

By the way, don't you provoke him, you hear?

Don't provoke him?

May I help you? Yes. Help me down.

No. I cannot. Why?

Don't know who you are, what you want.

I want down. And I want you to teach me muay thai.

Really? But you are American.

So? Americans have swelled heads.

Especially when hanging upside-down for too long.

Very funny. Can you cut me down, please?

Heard about American champion last week. Very swelled head.

Lost badly in fight.

That was my brother, and now he cannot walk.

Wait! Wait!

Yo! Hey, wait!

Revenge is a dangerous motive.

It's also a powerful one.

Don't step there.

So why you think l teach you muay thai?

Taylor. He say you're the only one who might train me.

Winston Taylor?

You know him? Yeah.

Funny guy. Crazy.

He said the same stuff about you.

You fight before? Yeah.

You good? Yeah, I'm good.

Good defence? Yeah.

Must train different in America. Your defence stinks.

Teach me.

Don't know who you are. Maybe next year.

No! I must train now.

Why? My brother. Remember?

Take this path. Go to the village.

At Mylee's store, get groceries. Groceries?

Groceries. Rice, flour, honey- What for?

For lunch. Catching people in rope make me hungry.

What about training?

Never make decision on empty stomach.


Is this the Mylee store?

Yes, I'm Mylee. May I help you?

I was sent by Mr. Xian to get his groceries.

Uncle Xian sent you?

He's your uncle? Yes, but how do you know him?

I asked him to teach me muay thai.

And Uncle Xian's going to teach you?

My uncle does not teach anyone anymore.

Too many people come before. Now he prefers to be alone.

Let me get his things.

Where are you from?

I was born in Belgium, but now I live in Los Angeles.

Why you come to Thailand?

My brother came here to fight Tong Po.

Got hurt. That's why I'm here.

You're going to fight Tong Po?

Yes. That's why I went to see your uncle.

Tong Po very mean man. Very dangerous.

He run this province from Freddy Li.

What do you mean? We must all pay, or there is trouble.

Get the police.

Freddy Li pay police not to interfere.

Please, you must say nothing.

I cannot lose my store. It is all I have.

Please, do not interfere.

Don't let those jerks take your money.

I must pay. It is all right. No, it's not!

Give back the money.

That was very stupid!

What do you mean? I get in big trouble now!

But I did it, not you Freddy Li won't care.

Look what you did to my store!

What was I supposed to do? Let them take your money?

I'm going to talk to Uncle Xian about this.

You don't understand.

Did you get my things? Yeah. I got everything.

Good. Hey, my man.

What's happening? You stayin', comin' or what?

You will stay a while. We have many things to discuss.


I mean, who wants to stay here anyway?

I'll be back in a few days to pick you up to see Eric.

And, uh-

You're gonna live to regret this. Mark my words.

Not a chance. Come inside.


Change clothes.

Breathe. Store here.

Breathe out when hit.

Breathe in.


If you can do both at same time... that's good.

Ready to protect? Uh-huh.

Guess not.


This will make run faster.

This? How?

He did that? Yes. Can you believe it?

Good for him.


My store was a mess.

I worked four days cleaning it up.

But Freddy Li's g*ons are also a mess.

Something I want to do for you a long time ago.

But if I do, l put you in danger.

American can get away it, so it's good.

Yes, but what if he doesn't get away with it?

I worry for him. He will learn my way.

You're late for dinner. I was supposed to get-

Look, I'm sorry if I caused you any trouble.

It's okay. Do you like the food?

Excellent. My niece has many talent.

Good to help training too. You�ll see.

I'm sure. I can't wait.

Eat your food.

Our parents divorced when Eric and I were both in grade school.

Mom raised me in Europe, and Dad raised Eric in America.

In some ways, we're different... but we're brothers.

And now it's all the family we've got.

You are very fortunate.

At least the both of you had the love of one parent.

I never knew mine.

My entire family was taken when I was just an infant.

But fate has also provided me with Uncle Xian... so I am happy.

Uncle Xian. He is very different.

Yes. And very wise.

If you stay with him, he will make you the best you can be.

And you're going to help?

I used to help my uncle.

I'm going to need all the help I can get.

Must you fight him? I have to.

You're so beautiful.

I have to go now.

What is this?

This is Stone City, where many ancient warriors come.

While you train here, listen.

Listen to what?

Just listen... with your mind, your heart, your whole being.

You must learn to be faster than any punch or kick.

That way, won't get hit.

No kick. Move legs. Okay? Okay!

Is that enough?

Winner, palm tree.

Kick the tree.

That's it.

Take your bag and leave my house.


What's going on? You don't want training.

Hey, you want me to break my leg?

Your brother. Remember?

You want this?

What about this? Huh?

Ready to protect?


I am okay.

No step there.

Good timing.

I go make lunch, then maybe we take a walk?

What did he say?

He said your training not finished today.

After lunch you go to special place. Special place?

What am I supposed to learn here?

Learn later. First, relax.


It's good stuff. What is this?

Translated, "kiss of death." You like?

Oh, yeah. It's good stuff, man.

You good dancer? Dancing?

Yeah, American dancing. Disco.

Oh, yeah, dancing. I'm good. Why?

Like to see you dance, observe your balance.

Here? Really?

It's all right

Feeling So good today Ain't nobody Standing in my way Tomorrow There's gonna be a price to pay

There's a mountain that I have to climb It's so high and I'm so behind Got to get on up Move on out Ain't no place for having doubt

There's a river that I have to cross On the side And getting close l won't bend I won't break Right now I want to celebrate

Yeah. Yes!

Brother lose very badly to Tong Po.

But this brother different.

You see how he embarrassed your young fighters inside?

Why not set up fight with your good fighters?

You will not be disappointed.

What happened? Why those guys try to hurt me?

Did they succeed? No.


Why did you leave? And why they were so pissed at me?

Because I tell them you say they no good fighters... and that their mother have sex with mules.

You what?

Oh, make them very angry, fight hard.

Good training.

And now, you drive me in Pedi cab.


He looks pretty mean to me.

And tough.

Thanks, Taylor. What about Xian?

What does he have to tell me?

Roughly translated...

"Kick the m*therf*cker's ass."


What are they saying?

"White warrior."

I want Tong Po!

Give me Tong Po!

Hey, Eric! They let you out early?

I told them they'd be sorry if they didn't; I'd raise hell.

Congratulations. Heard about your fight last night.

I wish you were there.

They called me nack suk cao- "the white warrior."

Really? Yeah.

Let's talk more about that later. Right now I'm starved.

You got any breakfast out here?

Are you kidding? The best. I go make some right now.

Wait! I'll help. I ain't cooked in ages.

I'll make my specialty: Jungle Survivor Quiche.

What do you need for that quiche?

It's cobra heads.

Morning, Xian.

See you inside.

Good morning, Eric.

Is Kurt around? He's training on his own.

Be back late.

So, Kiki, what do you think? I am ready or what?

Yes. Thanks. Thanks a lot.

Huh? Let's talk.

One day that dog is going to believe in me.

What's up?

I don't want you to fight him. What?

I don't want you to fight Tong Po. You know what I'm saying.

He put you in that wheelchair for life.

That's right. And I don't want you in one alongside me.

Give it up. Let's go home.

I should�ve listened to you.

Now it's your turn to listen to me.

Look at me. I can beat him.

That's what I thought. I trained muay thai with the old man.

It's different.

Tong Po is a k*ller!

Wake up! He's not going to let you out of that ring alive.

Eric, I'm in the best shape of my life.

I'm a better fighter than I ever was before... than you ever were.

I can beat Tong Po.

I'll win that fight for you and me.

Come, quick!

Let's go.

What's going on?

Message from Freddy Li.

Why is he dressed like that?

He is wearing the traditional robes of a messenger... sent to bring news of a fight, the ancient way.

Ancient way?

It says you will fight the old ways-

Hands wrapped in hemp and resin... dipped in broken glass.


I have to go.

Wait a g*dd*mn minute! You're not fighting that assh*le like that!

Kurt, listen to me!

I'll kick your ass all over the place.

Listen to me!


This is Stone City... where many ancient warriors come.

While you train here, listen.

Tao Liu, master w*rlord...

I come with a good news and request.


I have arranged a fight... between Tong Po and American challenger.

He has been trained by Xian Chou.

Xian Chou? The American will not win.

I promise you they will fight... the ancient way... in the old underground tomb.

What is your request?

I want to borrow one million dollars... to bet on Tong Po.

I trust you will not fail me.

It's all being arranged.

Tong Po.

Get him, Kiki!

Eric, we got to get going. I got held up on some business-

What the hell happened?

Freddy Li.

You were here? No.

You think I would�ve let them take him if I was?

You've done it before.

Taylor, Kiki's still alive.

Take us to town, to the doctor.


I'll get the van.

They want to make sure you not win.

You can find him.

You�ll do whatever they tell you to do, or they'll k*ll both of you.

Come on. Listen. Help me.

I ain't crossing Freddy Li.

Okay, go!

Be a chickenshit all your life.

Like I said before...

I don't need your help.

You must help Kurt. I'm out of it.

Listen to me.

Tong Po r*ped me...

but I did not tell Kurt.

His mind must be clear for the fight.

So, you see... you must help him find Eric.

Xian... where is he?

You want brother alive?

My br-

Make crowd happy.

Let Tong Po punish you... all the rounds.

You must last to the end... or brother die... very slowly.

You understand, huh?

Let's go.

Go on, k*ll him!

I was waiting for you, Winston.

Why so late? Sorry it took so long.

Traffic was a mess. There's a big fight in town.

Thanks. Now we're even.

Now Kiki even too.

You bleed like Mylee.

Mylee good f*ck.

Tell me.

Tell me the truth.

Tell me!

I love you.

Get him, Kurt!

Mylee, cut these ropes.

What? Just cut them.

He's coming. Don't worry.


Come on. Get up!

Get him!


Never surrender

That's the way, baby!

All right, my man!

All right!

You were born a fighter In the blood a mighty warrior Driven by desire Glory calls lt's waiting for you