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Kickboxer 3: The Art of w*r (1992)

Posted: 11/14/20 07:26
by bunniefuu
[Woman screaming]


[Shouting in portuguese]

Milton, how are you?


Good to see you.

Listen, did your son pass those exams?

Yes. With honors.

That's wonderful. That's wonderful.


You're here again.



Freshen these drinks, huh?


Morris, this one's on me.

Boss, we have a problem--

A big problem.

[Shouting in portuguese]

I don't get it.

I feed them.

I give them a home.

I'm like a father to them, pete.

Why would she embarrass me like that?


[Singing in portuguese]

Now, girls...

What happens when we're bad?

Who can tell me?

This is very disappointing.

This is very disappointing.


[Girls crying]

Lesson is over.

Man, rio de janeiro, huh?

Hey, this is beautiful.

Hey, you in there?


Aw, come on.

I can't believe this.

How can a guy like you be afraid to fly?

This is not flying.

We're dropping out of the sky at a rate I do not want to calculate.

I'm not a passenger. I'm a projectile.

Why don't you try thinking about the money we're going to make.

That should make you feel better.

At this moment, I cannot think of money.

I can only think of mortality.

[Speaking portuguese]

The championship fight is only 7 days away.

I think we should train this afternoon, david.

Oh, xian, relax, man.

We just got off the airplane. Heh.

It's good to have a day off once in a while.

Have it your way.

Oh, now you're pouting, right?

I do not pout.

Yeah, you do.

You're pouting right now.

I never pout.

I ponder.


[Singing in portuguese]

The slaves in brazil, they were not allowed martial arts, so they disguised it as a dance--


It's beautiful.

Very lethal.

They used to fight with knives tied to their feet.


Man, was I hungry. Heh heh.

This is really good, xian.

How's yours?

Yes? Can I help you?

I'm just picking.

Well, I'm sorry.

I was under the impression that this was my food.

A tiny bit--

I just took a tiny little bit.

Well, you know, xian, that's how it starts.

First it's a tiny little bit, and then it's half a sandwich, and before you know it, you'll be asking me for my bacon and eggs in the morning.

[Speaking portuguese]

No, no.

[Speaking portuguese]

What is this?

The camera!


Hey, kid!

David: hey!

Hey, you stop!

[Car horn honks]

Hey, kid, give me my camera!

[Dogs barking]



[Woman speaking portuguese]

David: hey, kid!

Hey, stop!


[Shouting in portuguese]

Hey, that kid stole my camera.


That kid stole my--

[Bottle breaks]

What the hell is this?


Get over here, kid.

Where do you think you're going?

Aw, come on, kid.

Now, don't be stupid.

Just give me the camera.


Now, you give me the camera, I let you keep this arm.

That's it.

Now, what's the matter with you, pull a knife on me like this?

I ought to turn you in to the authorities.

Next time, I'll k*ll you.

You know, you got a serious attitude problem, kid.

You ought to work on it.


Ahh, I was hoping you would make it in time for dessert.

Mine is great.


Hey, kid gave me a souvenir.

You did not hurt the kid?

Oh, they're going to find him floating face down in the river, I'm afraid.


I want my knife.


My knife.

I don't want to have to get rough with you.

I'm not kidding.

I want my knife.

I think he means it, david.

What am I going to do?

I don't want to hurt the kid.

Then feed him.

Kid: I need my knife.

Xian: forget the knife. Don't worry about it.

Come on, eat your food.

I got to have my knife, or I don't live long.

I'll pay you for it when I get a little money, ok?


David: ah, your partner in crime.

Who's this?

My sister.

Without the knife, I can't protect her.

Tell your sister to sit down, please.


Don't touch her.

[Speaking portuguese]

Is everybody happy?

Can we please now just eat lunch without anybody else getting insulted or stabbed?

Kid: thanks.

David: that's better.

All right, waiter, we need another order over here.

Hey, that looks pretty good.

Naw, you don't want that.

That's cat barbecue.

Cat barbecue?


They say it's cow, but it's cat.

Yeah, well, uh, maybe I'll skip it.

Look, you need someone to show you around.

There's places you must stay away from--

Bad places.

I know these places.

Yeah, I'll bet.

I also know the good places--

Nice places.

I'm your number-one guy.

Why not?

Ok, kid, you're hired.

All right.

Now give me my wallet back.


Give me the wallet.

Anything you want, just ask.

Wow, this is a nice hotel.

Yeah, it sure is.

Oh, ok, so we'll meet you right here tomorrow morning, first thing. All right?

Yeah. No problem.


You need some advance.

No, I don't take charity.

You'd steal the fillings from my teeth, but you won't take a couple of bucks?

What's the matter with you, kid?

I'm a man.

If you take something, you are a thief, but if you're given something, you're a friend.

David: come on, big guy, go for it.

All right.


We'll be here in the morning.

Don't be late.

All right.

[Speaking portuguese]


That kid stole our camera.


Aw, we'll get it tomorrow.

Psst. Psst.

[Speaking portuguese]

[Speaking portuguese]

[Imitating shutter clicking]

Good morning, mr. Sloan.

Hey, david!

Oh, hey, marcos.


No problem.

I just wanted to keep it safe for you.

You got to watch it, david.

There's a lot of robbers in this city.

Tell me about it.

Come. We have a surprise for you.


Marcos: what's all this?

David: it's a benefit for homeless kids.

I didn't know you were the kickboxing champion.

You didn't ask.

I don't believe it.

Yeah, neither do i, kid.

I would never have taken your camera if I'd known who you were.

Yeah, that's good to know.

Oh, hi, mr. Sloan.

How nice.

Let me show you to your dressing room.

Who are they?

They are with us.

We want them treated properly.

Oh, ok.

[Speaking portuguese]

Don't worry.

They'll be taken care of.

This way, please.

The word for today is "exhibition."

We do not get hurt today.

Whatever else happen, we do not get hurt.


Yes. We do it for charity.

We give so we may receive.

Next week, we fight to be the best--

The champion.

To make money.

Yeah, to make money.

Because we do not have money.

We have a little.

We are in need.

We're desperate.

We are cutting off my circulation.



Hello. My name is miguel machado.

I'm fighting after you.


It's a pleasure to finally meet the champion.

I've seen you fight.

Very impressive.

I'm happy that you think so.

David, my corner man, could not be here.

Would you honor me by taking his place?

Oh, absolutely.


You're right. He's good.

Nice kid.

Announcer: e agora,david sloan!

[Crowd cheering]

[Ding ding ding]

Crowd: miguel! Miguel! Miguel!

Miguel! Miguel!

Miguel! Miguel!

Miguel! Miguel!

[Crowd booing]


It's you I want!


Next week, you die!


[Ding ding]

[Crowd booing]

What's your problem?


What the hell was that?

You know what an exhibition is, huh?


Shut up!


David: you ok, miguel?

Come on, miguel.

Kick him in his legs. Kick his legs.

Slow him down.



[Crowd booing]

You want to try that with me?


[Bell ringing]

Stop it!

Hey, come over here.


Wrong time, wrong place.

That kid needs a beating.

I'll see you next week, punk.

Take it easy.

Crowd: david! David!

David! David! David!


David! David sloan?

Will you wait up a minute?

Name's frank lane.

I manage martine.

Well, I just want to apologize for what happened.

I mean, out of the ring, this guy's as gentle as a lamb, but inside, I don't know. He loses control.

He's an animal.

Please accept my apologies.

Yeah, ok.

You know, uh, I'm a real big fan of yours.

I saw you fight last year in l.a., And, man, you were fantastic.


Listen, uh, I'm having a party, and I'd be real honored if you'd show up.

You know, give you a chance to have some fun here in rio and give me a chance to talk to somebody from home.

What do you say? Can you make it?

Here's the address.

8:00 Tomorrow night.

Yeah, ok.


I'll see you then, all right?

And, uh, bring your friends, all right?

Marcos: you really pushed martine around, david.

You're going to beat him easy.

They never finished building this place.

It was supposed to be a hotel.

You probably thought we lived on the streets, huh?

I didn't know.

Uh, we're pretty lucky.

At least we have a place to stay.

Other children live on the sidewalk.

Marcos: great view, huh?

Better than your hotel room.

Yeah. Bigger rooms, too.

Ok, so where did you learn to speak english so well?

My father taught me.

He learned from a man he worked for a long time ago, an american.

What happened to your parents?

My--my mother's dead, and--and my father's in jail.

He had no work, we needed food, so he stole a sausage.

Now, because of the sausage, my father's in jail.

How long?

He's been there 3 years.

He has 5 to go.

8 Years for stealing a sausage?

And the money.

David: what money?

The money that was in the bank.


Look, he took the sausage on the way to the bank.

On the way back home from the bank, he stopped by to pay the man for the sausage, but the man hit him with a club and called the police, so it is because of the sausage that he is in jail.

Are you following all this?

Of course.

Of course.

No, I don't think so.

Woman: try this one.

It's very nice and colorful.

I think you'll like it.

Not good for me.


Clothes don't make a woman beautiful, but it helps.

[Singing in portuguese]



This is my wine.

Here is your club soda.

Man, the women here are beautiful.

Mmm. You can say that again.

You need to dance, david.


I'm a fighter.

I don't dance too good, you know? Heh heh.

I'll get you a girl. Don't worry.

Nice to see you.

Hey, mr. Lane, how are you doing?

Hey, sloan, I'm glad you could all make it.

How are you?


Uh, this is xian, my partner--


And, uh, isabella.

Very pleased to meet you.

So, what do you think of the place, david?

Oh, it's great.

Yeah, I want you guys to feel right at home, all right?

Anything you want, you just ask.

Thank you.

Not bad for a kid who never graduated from high school, is it?

Looks like you're doing pretty good to me.

Mm-hmm, but you know, when I first came to rio, I only had $500.


Now look at me. I got a place in society, I command respect, and I got a thriving business.

But there's one thing I never forget, david, and that's that I came from nothing.

Hey, check marcos out.

Aw, that kid's an operator.

I like you, sloan.

No, really.

You know, if you decide to stick around rio, maybe we could do something together.

It's like the wild west down here, david.

A smart guy like you could make a lot of money here--

A lot of money.

All you need's a score to get you started and it's clear sailing from there.

Think about it, all right?


Sounds like a plan.

Uh, I think somebody's trying to get your attention.

You are very pretty.

Would you like to dance?

Oh, no, thank you.

I'm not a very good dancer.

[Speaking portuguese]

What's your problem?

Marcos: get him, david! Get him! Get him!

Hey, not bad.

Welcome to rio, david.

Is this typical?

I told you, it's like the wild west here.

Is he still breathing?

[Shouting in portuguese]






[Knock on door]

Yeah, all right. I'm coming. I'm coming.

[Knock on door]

Marcos. What happened?

Come on in.

I'll get you cleaned up.

They live in the streets?

No parents?

[Imitating his accent] nobody.

What do you want us to do?

Find her.

We'll call you if we find anything.

Hey, now, wait a minute.

How long before I can expect some kind of answer from you?

As long as it takes.

What is that supposed to mean?

Just what I said.

Well, that's not good enough.

I expect action on this.

Oh, yeah?

As soon as we take care of these, we start on your case, ok?

Hey, hey, hey!

Just a second.

There are 100,000 children living in the streets.

A pretty girl...

Someone decide they can make some money with her.

They take her, no one cares.

You don't know.

We'll find her. You hear me?

We'll find her.


Hey, mr. Sloan.

I don't advise you to get too involved with this.

The kind of people who could do this--

It's nothing for them to k*ll someone.

It sounds hard. I know.

But that's life...

In rio.

Marcos: margarida works here.

She knows all the bad guys.

Well, that's all we need.

Hey, you stay here, big man.

No way!

This will be an ordeal.

I should be the one to go inside.

I admire your courage.

There will be women of dubious morality, possibly women with very few clothes on.

This situation requires someone special.

You mean an old guy.

I mean a man of experience.

I can handle this, no problem.

Except, uh...

What's her name again?


Tsh. Hey, come on.

I'll buy you ice cream, huh?

Don't worry. We'll get her back.

♪ That you wanted to make love to me ♪

♪ I looked over, and my head began to spin ♪

♪ I know we're just good friends ♪

♪ Some things never change ♪

♪ Just try to understand

♪ I'm a one-man girl...

You're looking for me?



Thank you.

Marcos suggested I see you.


Marcos? You mean the boy?


[Laughing] he does errands for me.

Can I offer you a drink?

Oh, yes. Champagne, please.

Thank you.

Very quick service here.

To new friends.

To health.

I want to ask you something.

Why talk?

What would you like to do?

I can do a variety of things.

What's your name?

[Hoarsely] xian.



That's a funny name.

Not where I come from.

Well, xian, this is your lucky night.

I'm looking for a girl.

I think you've found one.


I'm looking for this particular one.


Somebody's taken her.

Did you expect to find her here?

She's marcos' sister.

I was hoping she won't end up in a place like this.

Really? So this is bad?

I'm not saying it's good or bad.

We just want to give her a choice.

Is it wrong?

I know of a place you can look, but be very careful.

These boys can be naughty, very naughty.

[Blows whistle]

David: which guy is he?

Marcos: that's him, the guy with the glasses.

Excuse me!

I need to talk to you now.

Go away. We are rehearsing.

I'm looking for a girl, a particular girl!

She was kidnapped!

What's the matter with you?

Calm down.

[Blows whistle]

[Speaking portuguese]

Dancers: aw!

Let's talk.

Now, what does all this have to do with me?

I heard you might know about this sort of thing.

Oh, right, but first tell me about the girl.

She's american?


Then what do you care about what happens to her?



I was told you could help me, so start helping me.

I hate answering dumb questions.

You know, you're pretty stupid.

I bet you've been all over town making trouble.

You understand, as a responsible citizen, I cannot allow that to happen.

[Speaking portuguese]

Excuse me.

David, that way.




Do you know this girl?

Do you know where I can find her?

I don't hear anything you say.


You hear me now?

Yes, I hear you! I hear you!

Talk to me.

Branco is the one you want.

He has all the best girls.

I'll tell you where he is...

But I warn you, it's your funeral.

Well, we're definitely getting warmer now, xian.



Run, david, run!

Hey, right in there.

Very unpleasant people.

I recommend you exercise great caution.

We slowed them down for you.

David, don't resist. They've got a g*n.

Hey! What the--

Yo! We're the good guys.


She's a virgin.

You sure?

I'm a doctor, aren't i?

In some countries.

Hmm. Thanks.

Don't damage the goods.

It's all right, kid. It's all right.

Listen, relax.

I know you don't understand a word that I'm saying, but no one is going to hurt you, no one.

Nobody's going to touch a hair on your head until I say so...

And you...

Are going to make me a lot of money, a lotof money.

Man: aah!

It must be time for lunch.

You should be getting proper training, prepared for the fight.

I don't think we're going to see daylight for a long time, xian.

There's always hope.

If one cannot hope, one cannot live.

Well, I hope we get out of here this week.

Sloan, come here.

Did you like our accommodations?

Oh, hey, a few gallons of paint, some nice curtains, a little dynamite--

You could do wonders with this place.

All your problems have been taken care of by a friend of yours.

Boy there called me and told me you guys were in the slammer.

Listen, if you need a little female companionship, you let me know.

I'll take care of you, no problem, all right?

Actually, we are looking for someone.

[Chuckles] I'll bet.

Listen, hop in.

I'll give you a lift to the hotel, ok?

Yeah. I appreciate it.


Hey, kiddo. Nice job. Thanks.

No problem.

I told you I was your number-one guy.

Man, I'm starving.

Let's go get some of that k*ller cat barbecue.

What do you say?

People are very excited about this fight, david, veryexcited.

After you and martine squared off at that charity thing, [chuckles] people are billing this as a grudge match.

You know, everybody thinks you're going to kick my boy martine's butt.

Well, I'd be lying if I didn't tell you that was a strong possibility.

You know, in this kind of thing, david, a guy doesn't necessarily have to win to make a lot of money. You know what I'm saying?

No, I don't.

Well, I'm just saying if a guy had a bad day, right, I mean, if he knewhe was going to have a bad day, he could let his friends know about this upcoming bad day, and, well, they could take advantage of this knowledge and maybe put down a few bets for him, you know?

Make him feel good after he loses.

Say, I don't know, $1/2 million or so.

Put it right in his pocket, he feels good right away.

I mean, he don't even remember he lost the fight, right?

Yeah, well, something like that I don't think I could forget so easily.

Well, so you remember. So f*cking what?

I mean, I got things I'd like to forget, but, hey, I'm a happy guy.

Do you notice there's a change in the air?

Yeah, it smells like raw sewage in here.

Marcos: phew.

And very close, too.

Pull the car over.

[Speaking portuguese]

[Tires screech]

David: thanks for the ride, frank.

You could have waited till we got to the hotel before you insulted him.

Timing is everything.

We're never going to get our training at this rate.

Why are we just sitting here?

We have to eat.

We have to find her before something terrible happens.

What if they k*ll her?

What if she's already dead?

We're going to find her, marcos.

Maybe, maybe not.

It's ok. I'm smart.

I can take care of myself.

I'm not afraid of being alone.

We'll find her.

I'm going to k*ll them...

And bleed them very slowly so they will know who I am before they die!

And afterwards?

They'll be dead.

And you?

What about you?

Will you not also be dead...

In there?

She's all I got, the only person who cares whether I live or die.

Without her, I'm dead already.

[Rooster crows]

Marcos: I used to live here in the favela until my father got arrested.

It's bad here.

Coke dealers run everything.

[Cocks r*fle]

I know marcos.

His father is a friend of mine.

I owe him some favors, but I don't know you. Who the hell are you?

Just someone that's trying to help out, that's all.

You think you can come to this city and perform a miracle.

You know nothing. You're crazy.

Are you going to get isabella back?


David: hey, how about that .38 for xian?


And I'll take the beretta.


Take these.

15 sh*ts per clip.

This many rounds--

You should be able to stop an army.

Just as water adapts itself to the conformation of the ground, so, in w*r, one must be flexible.

Sun tzu, the art of w*r.

It seemed relevant.

A gringo, a philosopher, and a boy.

Good luck.

Woman: she's beautiful.

Lane: mmm, and very expensive.

I want her.

Like I said, she's very expensive.

Heh. How much?


I will need some time to get the money.

No problem.

Let's say next week.

Please, don't sell her to anyone else.

I want her for some foreign buyers.

They'd love her.

Then you'd better hurry.


Good afternoon, mr. Sloan.

How you doing?

Fine. How are you?

Fine. What are you guys doing up here?

Oh, someone called me about a crazy american making threats against a citizen that lives just up there.

Yeah? Really?

You know, I saw a crazy american heading back down that way.

Then I will not have to put him in jail.

Nope, you won't.

Yeah, so, uh...

Guess you guys'll be going home now, huh?

No. I will wait here, make sure the crazy man does not come back.

You know, mr. Sloan, even a pig is protected by law.


Yes, especially a rich pig who knows important people, but such a pig would not rely only on the law.

Such a pig would employ 7 men to protect him, exactly 7 men to protect him.

Yes, I see.

Well, we were just taking in the sights, heh.

Good. Then I guess you'll be on your way.

Yeah. I'll be seeing you.

Good day, mr. Sloan.



Ok, kid, you stay here.

Come on.

Hey, if I see you up there, you are in big trouble, you understand?

Yeah, come on. Follow me.

Hey, bro.

Did the raiders win last night?

That's one.

All right. You go around back.

Uhh! Uhh!


Branco. Where's branco?

[Speaking portuguese]

You speak english? Branco. Branco.

[Speaking portuguese]

[Speaking portuguese]



Hey. Thanks a lot, pal.

Heh heh.

Come on.

Xian: look out!

Ha ha ha ha.

What do you say we stick together, huh?

Might be safer.

That's 7, right?

How many you k*ll in the kitchen?

2. That's 6.


Now, that's number 7.

So let's go get branco.

Senhor branco, I hate to disturb your dinner engagement.

That seems to be the least of my problems.

Let's go.

Come on.

Come on. Move.

A friend of yours suggested I talk to you.

I hope you don't mind.

I don't know anything that would be of interest you.

I'm an investment banker.

Well, I'd like to chat with you anyway.

I want to know if you've seen this girl.

Who is she?

Why have you destroyed my house?

Because you're a pimp.

Now, you hide it pretty well, but you're still just a pimp.

Now, somebody took this girl, and I figure it was you.

You'll go to jail for this.


Ma'am, do you know what your husband does for a living?

Look, we just want to get the girl back.

You can understand that, can't you?

Yes, I can, but you have the wrong man.

My husband merely finances the business.

You should look for his partner.

He's the one who does the dirty work.

And who might that be?

His name is lane. Frank lane.

Thanks for the tip.

Mm-hmm. Obrigado,huh?


That crazy son of a bitch beat the hell out of branco, but I like that kid.

He's got guts.

He hasn't got much sense, that's for sure.

That's because he wants the girl and he wants her bad.

Let him have her. It's not worth it.

I'm not so sure.

Maybe we can work something out.

Yeah. How's that lobster?

Not bad.

It's freezing cold.



You stay here.

[Whispering] my sister might be in there.

Hey, you stay here. I mean it.

I told you to stay put.

I'm going.

You could k*ll me, but I'm going anyway.

You see?

You just have to know how to talk to kids.

That's true.

Unfortunately, I don't know how to talk to them.

Get over there. Come on.

Everything looks normal.

It looks too much like everything looks normal.

Well, xian, sometimes what you see is what you get.

Almost never.

All right. You guys stay here.

I'm going to go around the side.

Hello, lane.

Hi, pal. I've been waiting on you.

Oh, hi, guys. Nice to see you.

What can I do for you?

Where's the girl, lane? I want her now.

No problem.

You can have her alive...

Or dead.

[Whispering] isabella.

[Cocks g*n]

Lane: you know...

All this fighting and sh**ting--

It's so unnecessary.

[Cocks g*n]

It's like I told you.

If you want anything, david, anything, just ask. Hmm?

Xian: give him the g*n, david.

That's good.

Let's go!

Guard: move!


Isn't this delightful, gentlemen?

Spending a day at the beach together.

I love it.

What do you want, lane?

What do I want?

I want what I've always wanted.

I want you to show up for the fight.

No problem.

Good, because if you show up for the fight, I'll give you the girl.

And you don't want me to throw the fight or anything?

Nah. No.

I got too much respect for you to do something like that.

I just want you to show up and do your best, ok?

No problem.


But I want to be sure you're in good shape so you can give us a good fight.


So I'm going to give you a little extra training, all right?

Tone you up a little more.

Forget it! No way.

Mr. Sloan, you know...

I had hopes that we could become good friends.

You're disappointing me.

[Speaking portuguese]

k*ll the girl.

No, wait a minute!

Forget it.

A very wise decision, mr. Sloan.


This is a little training device I developed for endurance.

Pick it up.

Hey, pete, you obviously didn't put enough rocks in.

Here, let me make it a little heavier for you.

I mean, we want you in top shape, right?

Yeah, that should do it.

Have a nice day.

Let's go. Move!



Come on, keep going!


I said move it!

Come on! Up! Up!

[Cocks p*stol]

Keep going!

Keep going!


Where does this sloan train?

No one has seen him anywhere in rio.

I don't know.

From what I understand, he's training in secret someplace.


Mm-hmm, yeah.

Apparently he's a very dedicated boy, no distractions at all.

Sloan must be in great shape by now.

Your boy looks good.

Yeah, he sure does.

Yeah, martine's going to give the champion a real fight for his money. I can promise you that.

Sloan will win.

I have seen him in the united states.

No one can beat him.

3-1, And you got a bet.


Why don't you put your money where your mouth is?

Let's say $10,000, pal.



[Speaking portuguese]



Ooh, yeah!

All right!


Uhh! Ohh!

David, the body and the mind do not always travel together.


The body and the mind do not always travel together.

You will need this tomorrow.

A nice, refreshing dip in the ocean will do that boy a world of good.

Why do you do this, mr. Lane?

Do what?

The children.

Oh, please.

Now I suppose you're going to tell me that we should be really nice to these little kiddies.

Is that it? Come on.

Life is not a walk across an open field, my friend.

Either you use, or you get used.

It's as simple as that.

Anyway, these children are animals.

You should see them before I have them cleaned up--

Lice-ridden, diseased, filthy.

Hey, I'm doing them a favor.

I feed them.

I dress them up.

I give them a home.

I don't see the problem, really.


No. Listen...

They should be thanking me for taking them off the streets.

I should be rewarded, really.

That is the beauty of it all, mr. Lane.


You will be rewarded.

Yeah? How's that?

It is the one absolute truth in this world--

Everything we do comes back to us.

You can count on it, mr. Lane.

See you soon!

Your drink, sir.

Well, that's a relief, isn't it?

I was getting worried.

Welcome back, david.

That was pretty good.

How you feeling?

Here. You earned it.


I needed that.

You obviously need more exercise.

Xian: remember...

The body and the mind do not always travel together.

The body and the mind do not always travel together.


He's like a machine.

Have him clean this mess up.

Nice, calm sea, beautiful day, perfect for water-skiing, david.

How's your water-skiing?

Not bad.

How about without skis?



I want you to take mr. Sloan back to the hotel.

I think he's had enough.

And you remind that son of a bitch--

He doesn't show up for the fight, isabella disappears...

For good.

What you need, david, is rest.

You're weak.

You must heal, regain your strength.

The fight is tomorrow.

[Speaking portuguese]


Come on, marcos...

Come over and help me.

No way!

Keep that snake away from me!


Marcos: you've got the dried caterpillars and the chicken eyes.

You want the mouse tails, too?

Yes, about 20 pieces.

[Speaking portuguese]

[Speaking portuguese]

She says they're very good--

Fresh, powerful.

[Speaking portuguese]

Thank you very much.

[Speaking portuguese]


It's good.



Let's go, marcos.


100 Million cruzeiros on martine.

You are in for about $150,000.

It's no problem.

Sloan can't win.

You trained him yourself, right?

I hope you're right.


Senhor vargas, how nice to see you.

I'll take all you can handle, lane.

How about 600,000?



Why not?

Let's see it.

Hey, I thought we were friends.

For that kind of money, we would have to be married.

So what do you want?

This place.

You're crazy.

This is everything I got.

You know, on the coffee exchange, we have an expression--

When the market changes quickly and we get rid of the small players, we call it "cleaning out the shoe clerks."

Are you a shoe clerk, mr. Lane?

Hell, no.

You got yourself a bet.

It's ok.

What are you doing?


It will take the soreness away, give you strength.

How do you feel?

I'll let you know when I'm in the ring.

Man: win, david!

Woman: go, david!

Where have you been, david?

Are you hurt?

Martine says you won't last 2 rounds.

What's your reaction?

Are you ready for this fight?

Crowd, chanting: david! David! David! David! David!

Ladies and gentlemen, the main event of the evening for the light-heavyweight kickboxing championship of the world!

From argentina, the challenger, eric martine!

[Crowd booing]

Rahr! Yah! Rrr! Shut up!

Announcer: and, ladies and gentlemen, from the united states of america, the champion, dave sloan!

All right, sit down.

Hey, keep your eye on isabella, ok?

Got it covered.

You just go and fight.

Eric, eric, come here.

Listen to me. Listen to me.

Settle down, all right?

Carry this sucker for a couple rounds, and then destroy him, all right?

You can do it, david.

You're the best!

Come on! What the hell are you doing? Fight him!

[Speaking portuguese]



Fight, david, fight!

Get up! Come on, get up!

Go to your corner.

Go to your corner now!

I'm going to wipe up the floor with him.

Don't get overconfident.

Sit down! Settle down!

What the hell do you think you're doing out there, man?

He's tearing you apart!

Finish him!

[Speaking portuguese]

[Speaking portuguese]

k*ll the fucker!

[Bell rings]



Fight, david. Fight! Fight!


k*ll him!

Are you all right? Are you ok?

Take him out!

[Bell ringing]

Break it up, break it up!

Back to your corner. Back to your corner!


Come on! Come on!

Hit to the groin. It's a one-point deduction.

Beautiful, kid. Beautiful!

Keep it up! Keep it up!

Come on! Good.

[Bell rings]

Come on, you son of a bitch! Get up!

Get up! Eric, come on!

Come on, finish him!

Back to your corners!


Illegal elbow.

Break! Break!


Crowd, chanting: david! David! David! David...


Let's get the hell out of here!

Hurry up! Move out of the way!

Come on! Hurry up!

David! David! Wait a second.

Xian went after isabella! Let's go!

Crowd, chanting: david! David! David...

Leaving the party early?

I want that girl back. I want her right now.

Why don't you come and get her?

You wouldn't use that thing on me.

Ain't exactly your style, is it, pal?

Look, what do you care about her, anyway?

I just lost my ass on this fight!

I leave here without her, and I've got zilch!

She's nothing!

She's a piece of garbage you picked up on the street.

Now give her to me!

[Cocks g*n]

You'd die for that?

You don't want to find out.

Who needs her? Come on.

There's plenty more where she came from.

Let's go.


Let's go.



Listen, xian, I know we can't take care of these kids ourselves, but I just--

David, we've made the right decision.

[Speaking portuguese]

Marcos, listen...

We're taking the money that we won from the fight and we're putting it into a private school for you and your sister and the other kids.

This is a good school. These are good people.

They'll take care of you.

Xian and i, we can't.

It's a decision that the two of us have made together, and we think it's the best thing for you.

They had a doctor examine her to see if she was a virgin!

He was going to sell her to someone else, like an animal.

There are other children there.

Lane k*lled one of them a few days ago.

Hey, you and isabella wait here.

We'll pick you up on the way back.

Isabella can wait. I'm going with you.


If we don't make it back, what's going to happen to her?

I'll wait.

What the hell are you guys doing here?

I want to finish this.

Finish what?

What the hell are you talking about, man?

Because of you, I've lost everything!

You've ruined me!

The bets, the fight, my partner--

I even lost this place.

What more could you possibly want from me, huh?

I came for the girls, lane.

What, are you kidding?

k*ll him.

[Cocks g*n]

Now, come on.

You're too smart to back a loser like this, am I right?

What are you waiting for? k*ll him!

Blow him away!

k*ll him!

I never did like you.

Pete, what are you saying?

Come on, it's me.

Come on!

Let him live.

He will create his own hell.

You son of a bi--


Come back here!

All right, come on, come on, come on.

Let's go, let's go, let's go!

Hey, you're free!

Don't worry.

Nobody's going to hurt you.

It's ok go on, go.

What the hell do you think you're doing?

Sit down!

You're not taking them, man. No way.

They are all I've got. Do you hear me?

You know, I'm getting tired of you!

Hey, sit down!

You listen to me, ok?

I'm trying to help these girls.

Ok, sure, they earn their keep, but I treat them good!

Kids are more mature now, man!

It's the nineties, pal!



Oh, you son of a bitch!

Get back in here, sloan!

You're not getting away with this!


You son of a bitch.

[Bangs piano keys]

Those girls...

Were all I had left, david...

My only chance for a fresh start.

I'm glad I could be of help, frank.

You underestimated me, david.

You may have beaten me, but you underestimated me.

And, boy...

Am I going to enjoy this.

I may go down, but I'm taking you with me.


Got you!

How could this happen?

You ok, marcos?

I thought I'd feel a lot better than this.

k*lling somebody never makes you feel good.

Come on, let's get out of here.

No m*rder w*apon, no case.

Time for you to go home, I think.

We were just on our way to the airport.

Good. I'll give you 5 minutes.

Goodbye, isabella.

You take good care of marcos, huh?

I don't belong in no orphanage.

Yeah, you do.

Hey, they can take a lot better care of you than I can.

You got to make something of yourself, do something for the other kids.

So you're going to forget us?

No, I'm not.

I owe you my life.

We're tied together forever, marcos.


Traffic is pretty heavy now.

Perhaps I should give you an escort, make sure you don't get lost again.

Sounds like a good idea.

Sergeant: if we make good time, perhaps we can share a beer at the airport.

David: love to.

Xian: we've missed our flight.

The next one is in 22 hours.

Sergeant: then I guess we'll share a lotof beers.

[Singing in portuguese]