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Free Willy 2: The Adventure Home (1995)

Posted: 11/14/20 08:47
by bunniefuu
[Eagle screeches]

[Whales sing]

[Whales sing]


[Whales singing]

What's up, uncle randolph?


What is it?


There's three positions on a throttle--

Straight up and down is neutral.

Straight up and down is neutral.

All the way back is reverse.

All the way forward--

This way?


No, this way.

Yeah. Very funny.

Once you're in gear, get going or you're going to grind metal on metal.


You follow what I'm saying?

Yeah, sure.

Watch out.

What are you looking at?


See you later.

He's coming over to talk to us.


Hey, julie.

Hi, jesse. What's up?

Just me and my dad working on the boat.

Hey, dwight.

How you doing, glenn?

Very good.


So jesse's got some girlfriends, huh?

Yeah. Several hundred.

What brings you by?

If it's o.k., I'd like to talk with annie and you.

Oh, hey, dwight!

Didn't see you come in.

You were busy, son.

Man, I'm starving. So you staying for dinner?


Come and sit with us, honey.


Just come here.

What's going on, you guys?

Well, um...

Dwight has just told us that...

They found your mom in new york city, and...

I'm--i'm afraid she's passed away.

She died?

I'm really sorry.

I should have tried to find her.

She didn't want to be found, son.

There's nothing you could have done.

Your mom still needs your help, jesse, because she left somebody behind.

You have a brother.


A half-brother, actually. He's 8 years old.


Don't touch me!

Just--just leave me alone!

I don't want a brother. I want my mom!

Unh! Unh!

Unh! Unh!

Get out of here!

How could she ditch me...

Then have another kid?

I don't know, jess.

I can't answer that one for you.

I really thought if I was good...

And I believed enough, she'd come back for me.


She's not coming back, jesse.

I know.

I know.


It's the cold air.

It gets in my eyes.

Forget about that. It's o.k.

Listen, your little brother's going to live with us for a couple of weeks.

Dwight and annie got it worked out already.

It's called, uh... Kinship care.

You're his only living relative, so he'll stay with us till dwight finds a more permanent place for him.

Yeah. Or until annie falls in love with him and never lets him leave.


It sucks!

Yeah, it kind of does, I guess.

It'll be all right.

You'll see.

Dropped something.


All right.

I'll wait for you outside.

So what about the vacation?

What about it?

You still want to take him along...

A total stranger?

We're still going to do everything we planned--

Go fishing, visit randolph at work, camp out.

It'll be fun.

You really believe that?

I don't know. Ask me in a couple of days.

O.k., Son. Try and be nice to these people.

Let me give you a hand with that.

Be nice. Be nice.

[Knock on door]




Hi, dwight.


Come in. Come in.


Glenn, annie, I'd like for you to meet elvis.

Elvis, these are the greenwoods.

Hi, elvis.

Aren't you guys rich?


That's what dwight said.

I never said that.

I told you I can only stay with people who are loaded, so then it's not much of an adjustment.

It's easier for me.

I'll go see what's keeping your brother.

[Knock knock knock][loud music plays]

[Music stops]

What's he look like?


Come down and find out.

I don't want to.

Jesse, just talk to him.

You might learn a few things.

Like what?

He spent the last eight years with your mother.

You tell me.

We'll see you downstairs.


He'll be right down.

Elvis, this is jesse.




O.k. We got to hustle.

The ferry leaves at 10:30.

Elvis, do you have everything you need?


Did you use the bathroom?


O.k. Honey, take this.

Looks like everything's packed up.

Let's go.

O.k. We're all set.

Slide in and put on your seat belt.

Let's go. Seat belt.

Come on!

O.k. We're out of here.

So how did you get the name elvis, elvis?

My mom.

[Glenn] funny. That's how I got mine, too.

Whatever. I'm going to be a big movie star just like my dad.

Yeah, right.

My dad, you know, al pacino.

My friends call me the godfather.

Give me a break.

Hey, the ocean! My mom loved the ocean.

She was born at sea, you know.

Oh, well, that's interesting.

On an aircraft carrier.

You're not supposed to know. It's classified.

You come with a remote?

Not that I know of.

[Horn blows]


Isn't it beautiful?

What are you staring at?

What are you staring at?

Bunch of water.

Shows what you know.

Is there at least an amusement park on this island?

No, there's a whale-spotting station.

You mean where they paint spots on whales?


Look, whales, whales!

Oh, wow! Look at that!


There's the sign for the campground.

O.k., Here we go then.

Are we there yet?

Oh, boy.

I'm putting the tent up over there.

All right.

Can I get you anything?

Cup of coffee, maybe?

Having fun?


Elvis, come here away from glenn.

Nice job. Ha ha ha.

I need you to help me in here.

Will you please sweep up?

[Honk honk]



Look at you!

You must have grown at least 6 inches.

4 1/2.

Since breakfast.


Hi, randolph.

Good to see you.

Good to see you. This your brother?


Hi. My name's elvis.

I'm half apache.

Pleased to meet you, elvis.

Apache. They're the sworn enemy of my people.

Did I say apache?

Tch. Oh, I meant-- I meant cherokee.

That's even worse.

Come on, let's go.


Whale spotting.

See you guys later.

Have fun!

Hey, where do you think you're going, pal?

You want me to drive?

You know how to drive?

No. Do you?

Very funny.

Here. Got a couple of surprises for you.

For you from my village.


My people believe your soul lives here.

When you wear the necklace, the orca's close to your spirit.

Thanks. This is so cool.

I missed you, jesse.

Me, too.



Hi, randolph.

Hope she's the second surprise.

I'll ignore that.

Aren't you going to introduce me?

No. Come topside. I'll teach you how to steer.

Who is she?


She's my orca spotter.

Cast off that line, nadine.

We'll be on our way.

[Engine starts]


Keep a lookout.


Oh ho ho!

Give me a break, jesse.

She's my goddaughter.

What are you saying?

She's like a daughter to me. I look out for her.



Come on up here.

What you need, randolph?

Nadine, jesse.

Jesse, nadine.

Hi. Hi.

Nice to meet you.

Nadine, take over here.

Jesse, I want you to listen to something.

I got to get by.

Oh, yeah.


Listen to this.

I made this recording about a week ago.

[Whale sings]

Randolph, it's willy!

I didn't want to tell you till I knew for sure.

No orcas.

I'll take over, nadine.


Maybe they're at turner's point having lunch.

O.k. I'm going down to get a better look.


Hey, guys. J-pod!

Wow! We got to get closer!


I count 16, maybe 17.

Right there! See it, randolph?

Randolph, look at the size of that one!

That's catspaw, willy's mother.

Willy's mom.

He found her.

Over there! They're spyhopping.

Randolph, that one's got a white patch on his dorsal!


Her dorsal?

That's luna, willy's sister.

The calf beside her is littlespot, willy's brother.

Yeah, I see him!

There's willy! There's willy!

I know.


Wow, he looks great!


They're hunting now. We'll come back tomorrow.

What time?

Very early.


Glenn, I saw willy!

I saw him just for a second, really far away.

Ha ha ha. Randolph thought you might.

It was so cool, you know, to see him with his family.

Must be great for him.


Must be.

Do you think he misses me?

Oh, yeah.

I know he does.

Besides, you got your own family...

Just like willy.

Don't forget, all right?


I know.

Jesse, honey, move that twig, or it'll hurt your back.

I can't sleep on the ground.

We're all sleeping on the ground.

It's called camping.

You have two pads, and I only have one.

We're all supposed to have two pads.

Nobody knew you were coming.

But I have a bad back.

So what?

Jess, come on.

You had a great day.

Give elvis your extra pad. He is our guest.



You help him set up, o.k.?

Good night, guys.

I'll close this so you won't get bitten by mosquitoes.

You don't have a bad back, do you?

I do so. I have spasms...

Which I got bungee jumping in the alps.

Yeah, right.

See this line?


Well, you cross it... You're dead.

Glenn and annie told me all about you and willy.

That's nice. Go to sleep.

The same exact thing happened to me two summers ago.

Shut up!

Go to sleep!

Is this the line you didn't want me to cross, or is, um, this the line?

All right, that's it!

[Playing harmonica]


Just great!



Hey, boy.

You've grown, haven't you?


Guess you've been eating pretty well, huh?

Oh, wow!

Thanks, boy. You found it!


I missed you so much.

I saw you with your family.

God, you must be so happy to be with your mom.

My mom died.

I miss her so much.

I feel like...

I've got nobody.

Feel like I'm all alone.

I don't know what to do.

[Whale calls]


That's your mom.

You'd better go. She's calling.

Good night, willy.

Caught ya!

I never sleep.

Good night.

Glenn, annie! Wake up! It's 7 a.m.!

Let's go out in the boat with randolph.

Keep your voice down or you'll wake up a grizzly bear.

Don't you usually wake up after noon?

Randolph leaves at dawn.

It's dawn. Let's go!

You go on ahead, o.k.?

Jesse, take elvis with you.

No way!

Wake up!


Hurry up.

I'm walking as fast as I can.

Try running.

My legs are shorter than yours.

If randolph leaves without us, I'll k*ll you.

Yeah? I have a black belt in karate.

Well, I have laser death rays that come out of my eyes.


Come on! Hurry up! Let's go!


So, uh, randolph, I'll see you in a couple of hours?

O.k. Sure.






Girls are the enemy.

No. Youare the enemy!

Hey, randolph, when are we leaving?

I got a problem with the bilge pump.

It'll take a few hours. I'm sorry.

Um, o.k.

See you in a couple hours.

[Running footsteps]

Come on, let's go!

Hey, wait up!

Elvis, just go back to camp.

Tell glenn and annie I went out with randolph, but you couldn't go 'cause you get seasick.

But that would be a lie.

I'm really sure you can handle it.

What are you going to do?

None of your business!



Oh, wow!

Look at that!

Whoa! Whoa! Unh!

Hey, what do you think you're doing?

Sitting in the ocean.

You followed me here, didn't you?



Here, I'll help you up.

So what is this place?

This is my favorite place in the whole world.



Yeah, that's j-pod.

Yeah, I know that.

This is their rubbing rocks.

Orcas come from all over just to rub themselves on the smooth rocks at the bottom of the cove.

Sometimes they'll come really close.

How close?

Um...10 feet once.

Oh, wow.


Are you still trying to impress me?

Just--just watch.



Come on, I got to show you something!

Come on, let's go!

Hurry up! Hurry! Let's go! Come on!

Where are we going?

Follow me. I know where I'm going.

Come on! Let's go! Come on!

Come on, let me help you down.

No, no, I'm o.k. Thanks.

Hurry, though. I got to show you this.

Careful on that log. Don't trip.

Say, girl, where's your brother, huh?

Come on, boy.

Come on.

Just one second.

Come on, boy.

Come on, boy.

Come on.


Willy, where'd you come from?

Oh, my gosh.

Hey, boy, you scared me. Whew!

How you doing, huh?

It's o.k.

Yeah, open up.

See, he's friendly.

Good boy.

Oh, wow, who's this?

Is this your brother?

Uh, littlespot?

I want you to meet somebody, o.k.?

You got to help me, all right?

Come on. It's o.k.

Really, it's o.k.

Nadine, this is willy.

Willy, nadine.


Oh, my gosh.

He's pretty cool, huh?


You can touch him.

No, that's o.k. I don't--

No, go ahead.

Ah, come on.

O.k. Hi, willy.

Just reach out and touch him.



Come on.

Hi, willy, hi.

Oh, he's going under.



Ha ha ha ha.

Come on, willy. What are you doing?

I'm sorry.

Hey, littlespot.

Littlespot, what are you doing?


Ha ha. Oh, my gosh.

Wow! This is great.

I'm going to get you, willy.

He's coming back.


He's showing off again.

Showing off.what's he doing?


Willy, what's your problem?

Yeah, great friend.

Ah, got to get it.

Come in. The water's great.

Get a grip. This is a k*ller whale.

Come on, he's my friend.




Way to go, boy.

Oh, my gosh.

Oh, my gosh!

Nadine, come on in! It's great!

Whoo! Let's go!

Hey, luna!


All right! Look, no hands!


All right, willy.


♪ ♪ ♪ Aah! No! No! No!


Aah! Get away from me!

Later, willy.


Give me your hand.



I can't believe that.

That was so cool.

You'll touch him next time.

I can't believe he lets you do that.

I think he likes it.

I think you're right.

Bye, boy! See ya!


[Whales chatter]

Oil tanker dakar,this is vessel traffic control.

Vessel traffic control, this is the tanker dakar, at 124.4o, inbound.

Be advised, prepare to load oil at 1500 hours.

Copy, dakar.

We're cleared for inbound lane.


Ha ha ha ha.


He doesn't look like you.

Oh, elvis. Yeah, well...

We got different dads.

Hey, look, an oil tanker.

[Horn blows]

Tell me about it.

They come through here like it's their private highway.

I saw jesse kissing nadine.

Any sign of j-pod?

Maybe they went back to the rubbing rocks.

Want to check it out?




Oh, hey. Hey, glenn.


Nadine, uh, this is glenn.

Hi. Nice to meet you.

Hello. Nice to meet you.

Randolph's goddaughter.

Can I talk to you?

Sure. I'll be right back.


Elvis saw you and nadine this morning at the cove.

Yeah, that figures.

I was a lot like you when I was your age.

Annie's worried and wants me to talk to you.

She thinks that behavior is dangerous.

Nadine thought so too, but it's perfectly safe.

I know what I'm doing.

I thought the same thing.


Oh, yeah. Ha ha ha.

Well, I'm practically an expert.

Yeah, well, listen...

You're a smart kid. You're a good kid.

I know you're going with your feelings, but...

It can lead to other things.

Like what?


Well, sex.

Can lead to sex?

Yeah, right, huh?

Yeah.can lead to sex.

Are you o.k.?

I'm fine. Why?

'Cause I have no idea what you're talking about.

I'm talking about you kissing nadine.

I didn't kiss nadine.

You didn't?

No, I didn't kiss her. Who said that?

I'll give you three guesses.



You're not going anywhere.

But I'm hungry.

Eat your hat.

[Whale sings]






♪ ♪ ♪ Boy, that's a lot.

All right, come on. I know you're in there.


All right, come on! Yeah! Yeah!

You ain't so tough now, huh?

Oh, man!

Eat this! Huh!

How do you like that?

How do you like it?

Come back and fight like a fish. Ha ha.

See you later, fish.


See you, willy.

What is it, sir?

We lost time. We're late.


Know why I'm captain?

Yes, sir--no, sir.

I'm captain because my ships run on time.

Benbrook oil doesn't look kindly upon late deliveries.

Yes, sir.

Dakar,this is seattle traffic.

We have heavy winds and reduced visibility at smith island.

Reduce speed to 12 knots.

Reducing speed to 12 knots.

Maintain 15 knots.

But, sir, without a tug escort in these waters--


Resuming speed to 15 knots.


Elvis, wake up.


I have to ask you something.


Did mom ever talk about before you were born when she lived out here?


Did she ever talk about my dad?


Did she ever talk about me?



She had problems.

Like what?

She lied a lot.

Said she loved me.

Said she would never leave.



What is it?

We're losing engine pressure.

We can't hold course.

[Telephone rings]

Engine room.

This is the captain. Give me something.

I got nothing here.

We're doing our best.

Keep working on it.

We're on the wrong side of the buoy. Hard starboard!

Not responding!

Hard starboard!

I can't bring it around. 4 Fathoms.

2 Fathoms.

Oh, my god!

We've run aground!

[Whale cry]

[Whale cry]

Mayday! Mayday! This is tanker dakar.

We are run aground and spilling crude oil.

Extreme distress!

Repeat--extreme distress!

Oh, man.

Come on.

Hurry up.

Elvis, over there! Look!

Come on! Come on!

Let's go!

It's willy's sister luna! She's beached!


What's wrong with her?

I don't know. Come on.

It's o.k. You're all right.

What is that stuff?

Oil. Elvis, wake up glenn.

Have him call randolph. Get him down here.

We got to get luna in the water. Go!



You're going to be o.k.

I promise.

Wake up! Wake up!

Hey, guys, wake up! Come on! Come on!

There's been an oil spill, trapped the whales.

Willy's sister's beached, and she's sick.

Do something. Call the army or the national guard.

Call randolph.

A ship crashed or something.

It's a major disaster.

Go back to sleep.

I'm telling the truth.

That's a first.

[Whale cries]

Glenn, listen.

I'll call randolph.


Hang on, girl.

[Radio] ...major oil spill at lawson reef.

Thanks for coming, randolph.

Looks serious, huh?

Luna's sick. I think she's dying.

See, I told you.

Nadine, go get my kit, please.

[Randolph] easy, girl, easy.

The oil's all over her.

Easy, girl.

Here you go, randolph.

It's o.k.


Let me get this.

It's o.k.

I'm afraid the oil's got into her lungs.

O.k., Run this down to the lab.

Tell them it's for me, and it's an emergency.

O.k., Let's go.

Easy now! Easy! Easy!

Push on the head?

Yeah, whatever you can.

On 3, guys, o.k.?

1, 2, 3.


Come on, luna!


Easy, girl, easy. Again on 3. 1, 2, 3.

Come on!


Come on, push!


Come on! Come on!

There she goes. She's going.

Go, girl.

Go! Go, girl!

Let's get back up on shore.

The whale, is she o.k.?

She needs help, randolph.


I don't care. I got to get the story.

Excuse me!

Excuse me!

The dakar,a 40-year-old liberian oil tanker, ran aground on lawson reef at 12:05 last night spilling thousands of gallons of raw crude into the water, endangering these orcas and other wildlife indigenous to this region.

I'll take care of it.

...benbrook oil tanker was built before 1990, the year when double-hulls became mandatory for all new vessels that many feel could go a long way to prevent these disasters.

Save the ecology!

Don't k*ll the whales!

You need double-hulled tankers!

[Horn honks]

She's here. Let's go.

All right, here we go.

Let's secure that stuff.

I'm dr. Haley.

Commander blake, coastal marine patrol.

Your medical team is here.

This is what we've got so far.


Here, take this.


I'm glad you're here.

Me, too. Me, too.

When was this sample taken?

Three hours ago.

I'm reading four aspirations a minute, breathing is labored.

Let's do this now.

Prep the antibiotic.

20 Cc.keflin?

Jesse found them.

Jesse, randolph's told me all about you.

Boat's ready, kate!

Willy doesn't like doctors.

She's a good one, jesse.

But he doesn't know that.

Jesse, the oil slick is moving this way.

If the whales don't get better fast, they'll be trapped here.

Pull right alongside her, o.k.?

We'll make this quick and painless.

They're protecting her.

That's not like him.

Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop.

Aah! Aah!


I'm not going to lie to you, jesse.

This is an awful situation. My company's to blame.

It's important to me no harm comes to these whales.

That is where you come in.

I could help, too. Littlespot likes me.

Elvis. Elvis, please.

Willy trusts you, jesse.

He doesn't trust you.

He thinks he's protecting luna.

But by keeping us from her, he's k*lling her.

You're his only friend, jesse.

I'll make a deal with you.

I'm listening.

I'll convince willy to let us help luna.


But you have to promise to get willy, luna, and littlespot back to their mom.

I can't promise that.

Your oil's k*lling luna.

If she dies, everybody will see it on the news.

Everybody's going to blame you.

What do you want?

Just promise me you'll try.

Well, that I cando.

Mind if I join you?

Do whatever you want.

I'm only your guest, remember?

You want to tell me what's bothering you?



You and jesse seem to be getting along good now.

I hate him.

Now, I know that's not true.

The world kisses jesse's butt.

I'm tired of it.

Let me tell you something.

This family doesn't play favorites.

We don't kiss butts.

Ha ha ha ha.ha ha ha ha.

I want to help.

The whales need your help.

They need everybody to pitch in.

You promise I can help?

I promise.

Well, will you spit shake on it?



This is very unhygienic. Ha ha ha.



Good luck.


Be careful, jess.

[Randolph] take care, jesse.

He looks mad, randolph.

♪ ♪ ♪

That's a boy.

Come on, it's me--jesse. Come on.

Come on.

It's o.k.--Whoa!

It's all right.


Come on, I want to help.



What's the matter? Come on, willy.


Come on, stop.

He's gonna eat him.

Oh! Come on!

You're going to hurt yourself.

Please, stop.

Come on, it's all right.

It's all right.


It's o.k.


That's it, willy. That's it.

How about some chocolate, willy, huh?

Ohh! I got something for you.

Please, just-- just take the fish.

All right.

Open up wider.

Yeah, there you go.

[Cheering and applause]

Good boy.

All right, go!

Let's go around her.

Hello, luna, sweetie.

She won't hurt her. I promise.

That's it, boy.

It's o.k.

Everything's going to be o.k., Luna.


I need her to raise her fluke.

All right, boy, let's go.

Raise your fluke.

That's it. That's it.

All right, willy.

That's it, luna. One more time. One more time.

Good girl.


We did it.

All right!

Yeah, I told you.

Thank you, willy.

Congratulations, dr. Haley.

That was great.

Hey, kid, you hit it out of the park.


Just a minute. Yeah?

You don't want to hear this.

John here. Who's this?

Pete wilcox here. You got problems?


Well, listen up.

Hey, randolph, what's the matter?

The oil slick's being pushed toward the cove.

We don't have a lot of time, guys.

It's going to be o.k.

I mean, I know it. It'll get better.

No matter what, it's not all going to be o.k.

I mean, birds, otters, seals, this whole cove--

It's all ruined.


It's the best I could do.

What, you want your pocket back?

It's o.k.

Who said you could touch that?

The president. He announced it on tv.


Pretty cool, huh?

Yeah. What's it mean?

There was a young haida indian named natselane.

He lived many years before there were whales.

One day, natselane got lost and couldn't find his way home.

He carved the first whale ever out of a log.

Natselane got on the back of the whale and rode him all the way home.

All the way home?


Wow! That's a cool story, jesse.

Randolph told it to me.

Glenn! Annie!


We got a problem!

Luna's beached herself again. It's serious.

Come on, let's go.

Call the department of fish and wildlife right now.

Go! Go!

Yes, sir.'re coming with me.

Where to?

We have to try something else.

I'll explain on the way. Nadine, stay with luna.

Elvis, you stay here.

Well, I'm coming, too.

No. This is between me and randolph. You stay.

Help glenn.



O.k., Let's just try and keep her wet.

[Luna snorts]

Glenn, can I help?

Elvis, stand back.

I thought I could help.

Not now! Get back!

I want to help! Elvis!

It's dangerous. I want you to stay on that beach.

Just go!

Go! Right now!

O.k. Should we try to push her?

On 3.

1... 1...

2...3! 2...3!

There are medicines besides the ones dr. Haley believes in.

They all come from our mother, the earth.

Calling upon our ancestors to heal sickness is a gift, handed down from generation to generation.

My grandmother taught me.

Now I teach you, knowing this is part of what it means to have medicine roots.


The root we're looking for has leaves on the bottom.

Now, uh...


Whoo! Go, girl!


Where's elvis?

I don't know. I told him to stay up on the beach.

Oh, no.


I broke a promise.

What promise?

I even did a spit shake on it.

You did a spit shake with somebody?

Excuse me.

Man, that's serious.

What's that?

It's called skookum. It's very, very strong.

How strong?

Give me your hand.

Oh, I can taste it in my mouth.

[Spits] ughh!


♪ Have you seen my childhood? ♪

♪ I'm searching ♪ elvis?

♪ For the world that I come from ♪

♪ 'Cause I been looking around ♪

♪ In lost and found ♪

♪ In my heart ♪ thanks, mister.

♪ No one understands me... ♪

Oh, come on! Let me in!

Oh, come on, come on, come on.

Oh, man!


Hey, when's the next ferry leave?

Tomorrow morning.


Have you seen...

♪ 'Cause I love ♪

♪ Such elementary things ♪

♪ It's been my fate to compensate ♪

♪ For the child ♪ elvis!


♪ I've never known ♪

♪ Have you seen my childhood? ♪♪ Hey, luna.

Is that your brother?

Come on, willy.


Hey, there you are.

Come here.

Come here, boy.


Yeah, that's it. That's it, boy.


Good boy.

Come on...

Open up.

That's a boy.


Good girl.

Oh, yeah.

There we go.

Good girl.



[Singing in haida]


[Chattering slowly]


We've done everything in our power, jesse.

All we can do now is let her sleep on it.

Wait and see if the spirits are with us tonight?

The spirits are always with us.

I'll see you in a while.

Good night.

Good night.




Looks like luna's doing better.


Pretty powerful, my medicine.


Did I say that?

I meant yourmedicine.

What have you been doing behind my back?


Ha ha.

Well, whatever you did...

I'm glad you did it.

[Horn blows]

I'll have a jelly-filled and a coffee.

A coffee.

Yeah, black.

Black coffee.

Coffee or anything?

No. I'm fine.

We haven't taken an orca out of the wild in 20 years.

Now there's three, right in my hands.

$1 Million each for the two young ones.

2 Mil for the older brother.

Young males are particularly attractive because of their breeding capabilities.

The older brother's already trained.

He's a gold mine.

You've got to be careful.

Don't worry. You're covered.

Long-term rehabilitation is what I recommend.

So long as it looks like we have the whales' best interest at heart. You understand?

That's all that matters.

Sure...and your 10%.

Besides, we do have their best interest at heart.

They'll be well cared for, I assure you.

In the meantime, they're getting nice and healthy.

No reason why people shouldn't pay to see them. Right?

[Ferry horn blows]


Oh, man!

The situation at lawson reef is worsening by the hour.

Cleanup crews are fighting the spreading crude oil around the clock.

But they're no match for the heavy winds and strong currents.

Benbrook oil now reports that oil and gas fumes and growing more and more dangerous, and rescue workers are proceeding with extreme caution.

Sensitive coves and beaches are also being boomed off to protect endangered wildlife.

At camp mowester, three orca k*ller whales remain stranded.

Protective booming is already under way.




What's going on?

The boom will seal off the cove, keep out the oil, and protect the whales.

Protect them? You mean trap them.

No, nadine. If they swim out of the cove, they'll swim right into the oil. They'd die.

If they're trapped, they can't return to their family.

It's for their own good.

No, it's not! None of this is for their own good!

Not hurting them, not ruining their home would have been for their own good.

It's all a bunch of bull!


I'm not so sure about this, kate.

We at benbrook oil are pleased to announce we've arranged for the whales to be lifted out of the cove and taken to a marine rescue center where they can be properly cared for.


Lower the harness!

Lower the harness!

O.k. I want to take the little one in first!

Take the little one in first.

Take the little one! He's in there.

He's in there. All right.

Hold it up!

O.k.! Move that way!

Move that way!

Bye. Thanks!


Where the heck have you been?

Saving your blubbery butt, that's where.

Listen, these two guys were in the doughnut shop--

Wait. What are you talking about?

You have to trust me.

Why should I trust you?

Because nobody ever has.

Yahh! Yahh!


Thataway. Pull 'em in.

Close it off.

Looking good!




Keep moving the net. Good.

All right.


[Crying]work it in there!

Take it back! Take it back!

Take it back.

O.k., Pull it.

Watch it. Close him off! Close him off!

Get him in!

You can't capture whales and dolphins! It's not fair!

Get off me! Leave me alone!

Under him!

Get him in there!

Get them all!

Look out! Come on, move!

You lied! You're a liar!

You're going to sell these whales to an aquarium!

Jesse, they'll be returned to j-pod just as--

Not if he's involved.

You're going to lock them up. He heard everything.

You have to leave now, kids.

Come on, kid. We're just trying to save the whales.

You're not getting away with way.

[Whale screams] come on!



[Crying out]

I said I wanted these kids out of here now!

You promised!

Whoop! Whoa!

Help me!

You jerk!

Here! Come over here!hyah!


That's for littlespot, you jerk!


I believe you. I don't know what we can do.

I do! Come on, you guys, let's go!


Don't look back!

Don't look back, john! Just keep swimming!

Get away from me!

Get away from me!

Get me out!


Where are those kids?

Jesse, look!

Watch that sucker!

[Crying out]


Aah! Aah!



Yeah! Yeah! Way to go, willie!


Elvis, meet us over there.

Nadine, let's go.

Help! Help! Get away from here!

[Whale screeches]

Come on! Let's go! Come on!

What are we doing?

Just untie the back line! Hurry! Let's go!

Back line. O.k.

All right. O.k.

Can you drive this thing?

Define "drive"!

Come on, jesse! Come on!

O.k., Elvis.

Come on, come on! Jump in!

Come on, you guys, let's go!

I got you. Get his belt.

Here we go, elvis!

Put this on.

Get those kids out of the water!

Get them out!

You really know how to drive this thing?

Not really!


Come on, let's go!

They're coming after us!

Yeah, guess again. Ha ha!

Aah! Aah!

Did you do that?


Hey! Help!


Nadine, do you see willy?

No. I see littlespot and luna, but I don't see willy.

Come here, boy.

Come on, boy, come on.


Hey, boy.


Kid is nuts.

See that boom? We're going to get you out of here.

It'll be o.k., I promise.

Remember the old days? Remember this?


Yeah, you remember.


What's that signal mean?

Give them a show. See that boom? You got to break it.


Yeah! All right!



All right!

Yeah! All right! Yes!

Forget it. Let's go.


They made it around the point!

Honey, isn't that your boat?

It sure is. And that's elvis.

Come on.

Yeah!yes! All right!

We got to make sure they get past the oil.

Authorities are now saying that when benbrook engineers tried to start the ship's generator this afternoon, the fuel vapors ignited, causing a fire below deck on the dakar starboard side.

Efforts to contain the blaze continue.

All island residents are now being ordered to evacuate.

Get on! Get on!

There's been an expl*si*n.

That oil can catch fire. Let's go.

Oh, no! The oil's on fire!


The oil's on fire!

They have to be around this point.


Hang on.

We'll follow them till they're safe.

[Whales shriek]

[Jesse] they're diving under!

They're going under the fire!

They made it! They made it under the fire!

What about us? We have to get out of here!

That cove! We're going to head into that cove right there!

Hurry! Go!

Hey, guys! I think I see something!

What? Watch out!

[Motor stalls]

What'd we hit?

Come on, start.

Turn over. Come on.

Come on, start!

There's water in the boat! Put this on now!

Where's yours?

I can take care of myself!

Start getting the water out of the boat!

Mayday! Mayday! This is the natselane off turner point!

There's a small pleasure craft trapped in the fire!

I repeat-- a small pleasure craft trapped in the fire!

Come on, guys, hurry! Get the water out!

Come on, elvis!

Come on!

Uhh! Uhh!

Coastal marine patrol, this is search and rescue 1. Copy.

Uhh! I can't get a grip!

[Nadine] jesse, look!

[Elvis] we're trapped, jesse!

Let's make a u-turn, you guys! Head for the opening!

Come on, you guys! Push!


Now, paddle!

Come on!

Come on, you guys, paddle out!

[Annie] jesse!

[Glenn] elvis!


Keep going!

We're almost there!

Come on!

Hurry! It's closing!

Come on! Unh!

No! No!

No! No!

The flames are getting closer!

[Motor sputters]

Jesse...if you get me out of this, I swear I won't do anything to hurt you.

Please, just get me out of this! Please!

It's o.k. I'm not going to let anything happen to you.

We're going to drown!

We'll be o.k. We'll be all right.


See them?

What is that?

It's a helicopter!over here!


Look! There!

Got 'em.

Here! Here! Yeah!

We're down here!


Over here!

Here!the boat's sinking!

They're sending the harness!

Grab it, jesse, grab it!

Arms in first, elvis, arms in first!

You're the best brother I ever had!

I'm the only brother you ever had!

It's all right. It's just like bungee jumping.

But I never went bungee jumping! I lied!

Hang on!


You're going next!


Get him in the back!

It's o.k.! He's in!

Hurry! The fire!

Come on! Hurry!

Put your arms in right now! Let's go!

What about you, though?

Don't worry!

I can't do this!

Go up! Go up! Now!

[Jesse] hang on! Now! Aah!



Hang on!

[Elvis] come on, nadine!

Come on!

Get jesse! Get jesse!








Come on!

Good! Good! Hang on, jesse!


The whole thing might blow! We got to get out of here!

Hang on!hang on, jesse!

Jesse, come on!

You're almost here, jesse! You can make it!



Jesse, come on!reach!


Come on!



No! No!

We lost him! He fell out of the ship!

Jesse, no!



Come on!



Go back down there!

The engine's choking. I got to land.

The backup ship's almost here.

Get these kids back inside!

No! I'm not going! No!

No! Jesse!



[Calling out]

[Calling out]




See anything?



Oh, my god! There's jesse! Stop the boat!

[Glenn] jesse!

Hold on, jesse!

Hold on!

Good boy.

Jesse, are you o.k.?

I'm o.k.! I'm o.k.!

Come on!

Reach up!we'll grab you!

Take my hand.that's it. Foot up.

Oh! What were you doing?


Ha ha! I love you.

You saved his life, willy. Thank you.

Thanks, boy.

That's the best friend you ever had, kid.


I'll say.



Go on, boy.


It's o.k. I'm o.k.


How come he won't go?

I don't know, jess.



I love you.



So long, willy.bye.



Pull alongside.

[Nadine] randolph!

Oh, my god, honey, look! Hey!


Nadine, jesse's o.k.!

You're o.k.!

Hey, you guys, are you all right?

Nadine, you o.k.?

Yeah!you all right?

[Jesse] hey, you guys, you made it!

I got him.

Thank you very much.

Hey! Oh, my gosh!

Randolph, let's get out of here.

You got it!

Here you go. Thanks a lot.

[Annie] thank you, guys!

You're welcome!

I'm so glad you're o.k.

What are you looking at?

What are you looking at?

This is for you.

What is it?

What the heck?


It had a little accident, but I taped it back together.


She talked about you all the time.

She felt bad about what happened.

Thank you.

She loved you.

So what do you think?

I think it'd be a shame to break up a set.

Where are the fish?

Where's littlespot?

Littlespot, luna, and willy are back with their mom.

How do you know?

I know.

[Chanting in haida]

♪ May god bless and keep you always ♪

♪ May your wishes all come true ♪

♪ May you always do for others ♪

♪ And let others do for you ♪

♪ May you build a ladder to the stars ♪

♪ And climb unabated ♪

♪ And may you stay ♪

♪ Forever young ♪

♪ Forever young ♪

♪ Forever young ♪

♪ May you stay ♪

♪ Forever young ♪

♪ May you grow up to be righteous ♪

♪ May you grow up to be true ♪

♪ May you always know the truth ♪

♪ And see the light surrounding you ♪

♪ May you always be courageous ♪

♪ Stand upright and be strong ♪

♪ May you stay ♪

♪ Forever young ♪

♪ Forever young ♪

♪ Forever young ♪

♪ May you stay ♪

♪ Forever young ♪

♪ May your hands always be busy ♪

♪ May your feet always be swift ♪

♪ May you have a strong foundation ♪

♪ When the winds of changes shift ♪

♪ May your heart always be joyful ♪

♪ May your song always be sung ♪

♪ May you stay ♪

♪ Forever young ♪

♪ Forever young ♪

♪ Forever young ♪

♪ May you stay ♪

♪ Forever young ♪

♪ Forever young ♪

♪ Forever young ♪

♪ May you stay ♪

♪ Forever young ♪♪