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Bond- The World Is Not Enough (1999)

Posted: 11/14/20 09:44
by bunniefuu
So good of you to come see me, Mr. Bond.

Particularly on such short notice. lf you can't trust a Swiss banker, what's the world come to?

Bon! And now that we're all comfortable...

...why don't you sit down?

It was not easy...

...but I have retrieved the money.

No doubt Sir Robert will be pleased to see it again.

At the current rate of exchange, minus the fees and certain...

...unforeseeable expenses.

Voila, the receipt.

Would you like to check my figures?

I'm sure they're perfectly rounded.

It's all there.

I didn't come for the money.

The report Sir Robert bought was stolen...

...from an MI6 agent who was k*lled for it.

I want to know who k*lled him.

-Terrible tragedy. -I just want a name.

I am merely the middleman. I'm trying to do the honorable thing...

...returning the money to its rightful owner.

We know how difficult that can be for a Swiss banker.

I am offering you the opportunity to walk out with the money.

And I'm giving you the opportunity to walk out with your life.

Looking at our present situation... a banker, I'd have to say...

...that the numbers are not on your side.

Perhaps you failed to take into account... hidden assets.

You've had a small reversal of fortune.

-Give me the name. -I can't tell you.

Let's count to three.

You can do that, can't you?



All right.

But you'll have to protect me--


Have you brought me a souvenir from your trip?


An engagement ring?

I thought you'd enjoy one of these.

How romantic.

I know exactly where to put that.

Oh, Moneypenny.

The story of our relationship: close, but no cigar.

I hate to tear you away from affairs of state. Would you mind coming in?

Right away, M.

Sir Robert King, James Bond.

The man who retrieved my money. Thank you. Excellent work.

Be careful, M. I might steal him from you.

Construction's not exactly my specialty.

Quite the opposite, in fact.

Best to the family.

Old friend?

We read law at Oxford together.

I always knew he'd conquer the world.

Care for a drink?

Yes, thank you.

He's a man of great integrity.

Who buys stolen reports for 3 million pounds.

Thank you.

Any leads on the sn*per?

Not one.

Professional job.

She must be working for someone.

-Is this the stolen report? -Yes. Classified.

From the Russian Atomic Energy Department.

What would King want this for?

He was led to believe the document was a secret report...

...identifying the t*rrorists who'd att*cked his new oil pipeline.


It doesn't explain why someone would want me out of their office alive.

King! The money.

Moneypenny, stop King.

Move! Move, move!

Get out of the way!



Get out of the way! Move!

Stop, stop!

It isn't finished!

Let go!

-What do you think you're--? -Let go!

Listen to me!

You can't get away.

We can make a deal. Tell me who's behind this...

...who you work for.

Don't do it!

Don't blow us up!

I can protect you.

Do you understand? I can protect you.

Not from him!

Hello, my dear.

Who is that young woman?

King's daughter.


Thank you.

The money was dipped in urea.

A highly compacted fertilizer b*mb.

Having handled the money, the water on 007's hands...

...when he touched the ice, started a chemical reaction.

In one note, the anti-counterfeiting strip was replaced with magnesium...

...which acted as a detonator. And King's lapel pin...

...was switched for a copy...

...which contained a radio transmitter to trigger the blast.

In other words, he set off the b*mb that k*lled him.

We know it was someone close to King...

...and our only lead committed su1c1de on that balloon.

But given the size of King's organization... could be anyone, anywhere.

This will not stand.

We won't be terrorized by cowards who'd m*rder an innocent man...

...and use us as the tool.

We'll find those who committed this atrocity.

We'll follow them to the farthest ends of the earth, if needs be.

And we will bring them to justice.


M says you're off the active-duty list until you're cleared by medical.

Dislocated collarbone.

If any more tendons snap, I'm afraid you'll be out of action for weeks.


...I need a clean bill of health.

You have to clear me for duty.

-That wouldn't really be-- -Ethical?



Well, let's just...

...skirt the issue, shall we?

You'd have to promise to call me...

...this time.

Whatever the doctor orders.

I suppose if you stayed in constant contact--

Of course.

If you showed sufficient stamina...

-...cut out all kinds of-- -Strenuous activity?

I suppose we all have to pay the piper sometime, right, Q?

Oh, pipe down, 007.

Was it something I said?

No. Something you destroyed.

My fishing boat.

For my retirement...

...away from you.

Now, I want to introduce you to the young fellow...

...I'm grooming to follow me.

Helps to open the door.

And you might be...?

This is 007.

If you're Q, does that make him R?

Yes, the legendary 007 wit.

Or at least half of it.

Now, I dare say, 007, that you've met...

...your match with this machine.

New model? Improved specs?

I thought you were on the inactive roster. Some injury?

We'll see about that.

As I was saying, the very latest in interception countermeasures.

Titanium armor, a multitasking heads-up display...

...and six beverage cup holders.

All in all, rather stocked.

''Fully loaded,'' I think is the term.

-I think-- -You're not here to think.

You're here to do what I tell you.

Now, go put on the coat...

...and demonstrate it for 007.

But of course.

Now watch closely, please, 007.

The right arm goes in the right sleeve, thus...

...and the left arm in the left sleeve, thus.

Note closely, please: pockets, poppers and zipper.

Take the lower part of the zipper...

...and insert it into--

Pull the tag.

You said--

He seems well-suited for the job.

You're not retiring anytime soon...

...are you?

Now, pay attention, 007.

I've always tried to teach you two things:

First, never let them see you bleed.

And the second?

Always have an escape plan.

Good evening. The Elektra King kidnap ordeal is over.

The Cyprus authorities say she has escaped...

...after sh**ting dead two of her captors and is--

He shouted.

Shouted all the time.

Level one clearance required.

Level one clearance required.

Yes, 007?

Tell me about the kidnapping of Elektra King.

I wasn't aware you had an assignment on this case.

I brought the money in that k*lled King.

-Don't make this personal. -I'm not. Are you?

You're the only one who could seal her file.

Will you excuse us?

I will not tolerate insubordination, 007.

What happened?

After Elektra King was kidnapped...

...her father tried to deal with it on his own...

...with no success.

So he came to me.

As you are aware, we do not negotiate with t*rrorists.

And against every instinct in my heart...

...every emotion as a mother...

...I told him not to pay the ransom.

I thought we had time on our side.

You used the girl as bait.

The money in King's briefcase was the same amount... the ransom demand for his daughter.

It's a message.

Your t*rror1st is back.

Victor Zokas.



The anarchist.

He was operating in Moscow in 1996. Pyongyang, North Korea before that.

And he's been spotted... Afghanistan, Bosnia, Iraq, Iran, Beirut and Cambodia.

All the romantic vacation spots.

His only goal is chaos.

After Robert came to me, I sent 009 to k*ll Renard.

Before he completed the mission...

...Elektra escaped.

A week later, our man caught up with him.

He put a b*llet in his head.

That b*llet's still there.

How did he survive?

The doctor who saved Renard couldn't get the b*llet out... Renard k*lled him.

It's moving through the medulla oblongata, k*lling off his senses.

Touch, smell.

He feels no pain.

He can push himself harder, longer than any normal man.

The b*llet will k*ll him...

...but he'll grow stronger every day until the day he dies.

Robert is dead.

MI6 is humiliated.

He's had his revenge.

Not quite.

Renard had three enemies in that kidnapping.

And there's still one he hasn't touched.


I see the good doctor has cleared you.

Notes you have exceptional stamina.

I'm sure she was touched by his dedication... the job in hand.

007, I want you to go to Elektra.

She's taken over the construction of her father's oil pipeline.

Find who switched that pin.

If your instincts are right, Renard will be back...

...and Elektra will be the next target.

The worm on the hook again.

She doesn't need to know the same man may be after her.

Don't frighten her.

A shadow operation?


...shadows stay in front or behind.

Never on top.

You, go back. Leave. This area is closed.

I'm here to see Elektra King.

James Bond, Universal Exports.

And I'm Davidov, chief of security.

We're having problems with the villagers.

I've told Miss King to stay at the office in Baku.

Oh, hell.

-Miss King, I told you to-- -I know what you told me.

Send the pipe around.

It's going to take weeks and cost millions.

-Your father approved this route. -Then my father was wrong. Do it.

-Davidov-- -I'll talk to her.

I saw you at my father's funeral.

I'm sorry.

M told me she was sending someone. Mr...?


James Bond.

Did you know my father?

I met him once, briefly.

You seem to have inherited his touch for diplomacy.

Saving the church?

And avoiding the bloodshed.

100 years ago, my mother's family discovered the oil here.

When the Soviet Union was formed...

...the Communists spent the next 70 years...

...plundering our countryside for it.

I saw their mess on the drive in.

The new pipeline will guarantee our future.

But it would be a crime to destroy what little is left of our past.

But you didn't come here to talk about oil, did you?

Tell me...

...have you ever lost a loved one, Mr. Bond?

M sent me because your life might be in danger.

Please, I want to show you something.

I'm trying to build an 800-mile pipeline through Turkey...

...past the t*rrorists in Iraq...

...Iran and Syria.

Up here...

...the Russians have three competing pipelines...

...and they'll do anything to stop me.

My father was m*rder*d, the villagers are rioting...

...and you have come all this way... tell me that I ''might'' be in danger?

We suspect there is an insider.

My father's pin.

No, a duplicate.

With a transmitter inside that set off the b*mb.

My family has relied on MI6 twice, Mr. Bond.

I won't make that mistake a third time.

I'm going to finish building this pipeline...

...and I don't need your help.

If you'll excuse me, I have to check the survey lines.

I've always wanted to check the survey lines.

You don't take no for an answer.

I hope you know how to ski, then.

I came prepared for a cold reception.

Can't land.

Wind's too strong.

Hold her steady.

You ski very well, Mr. Bond.

Seems you enjoy being chased.

Happens all the time.

Less often than you might think.

So this is where they meet...

...the two ends of the pipeline.

Your father's legacy.

My family's legacy... the world.

-Expecting visitors? -No.

This isn't a social call.

Head for the gully. I'll lead them into the trees.

Go, go!

See you back at the lodge.

-It's all right. -We're buried alive!

I can't stay here!

You're not going to.

I can't breathe! I can't breathe!

Look at me. Elektra, look at me! Look at my eyes.

Look at my eyes.

Look at my eyes!

You're all right.

Everything's all right.

Trust me.

She's fine.

Some bumps and bruises, but otherwise fine.

She wants to see you. Not you, Davidov. Him.

Are you all right?

I need to ask you something.

And I want you to tell me the truth.

Who is it?

Who's trying to k*ll me?

I told you, I don't know.

But I'm gonna find him.

Not good enough.

After the kidnapping, I was afraid.

I was afraid to go outside. I was afraid to be alone.

I was afraid to be in a crowd.

I was afraid to do anything at all.

Until I realized...

...I can't hide in the shadows.

I can't let fear run my life.

I won't.

After I find him... won't have to.

Don't go.

Stay with me.


I can't do that.

I thought it was your job to protect me.

You'll be safe here.

I don't want to be safe.

I'll be back soon.

And who's afraid now, Mr. Bond?

I want to see Valentin Zukovsky.


Vodka martini.

Shaken, not stirred.

Tell him James Bond is here.


I don't think you heard me.

Mr. Zukovsky would be delighted to see you.

After you.

After you.

I insist.

And a little for you.

Bond! James Bond!

Meet Nina.

And Verushka.

Lose the girls, Valentin.

We need to talk.

Why am I suddenly worried that I'm not carrying enough insurance?

Chill out, James.

Fine, ladies.

Go on. Beat it. Scram.

Bull, give them an inch.

And make sure they lose it in this casino.

I'll see you later, Mr. Bond.

I see you put your money where your mouth is.

Mr. Bullion does not trust banks.

So what would you like to talk about?

I'm not sure I can really help you.

I'm a legitimate businessman now.

Would you care for some caviar? My own brand: Zukovsky's Finest.

Look at this.

Russian Special Services.

Atomic Energy Antiterrorist Unit.

Where did you find this?

I took it off a Parahawk which tried to k*ll Elektra King this morning.

Renard is behind this.

I think you and I had better have a drink.

And then after Afghanistan, the KGB decided...

...Renard was a liability and just cut him loose.

Now he works freelance.

But for whom?

There are four competing pipelines.

I'm willing to bet half the customers in this casino would be...

...very happy to see the King pipeline disappear.

-What's funny? -Nothing. It appears...

...Miss King does not share your concern.

What are you doing here?

The same thing you are.

Looking for the people who tried to k*ll me.

Let me take you home. Now.

No. I want them to see I'm not frightened.

Miss King, how very nice to see you.

We've kept your father's chair free.

Free? Nothing comes free from you.

Your father had a credit line with us. One million U.S.

I'd be happy to extend you that courtesy.

So what's it to be?

Blackjack, your father's favorite?

Let's keep it simple.

One card.

High draw.

A million dollars.


Bury the top three cards.

You're determined to protect me.

From yourself. You don't have to do this.

There's no point in living if you can't feel alive.

Queen of hearts.

It appears you've been beaten... the ace of clubs.

No hard feelings, my dear.

Come again soon.

Shall we?

This is a game I can't afford to play.

I know.

-What happened to Davidov? -I gave him the night off.

Welcome to the Devil's Breath.

For thousands of years, Hindu pilgrims journeyed to this holy place... witness the wonder of the natural flames that never die...

...and to test their devotion... God... holding the scalding rocks in their hands... they said their prayers.

Tell me, Davidov...

...what happened this afternoon?

You promised me your best men.

Mr. Arkov supplied the latest weapons.

Yes, but Bond--

Bond was unarmed.

And you, Arkov? Is everything ready for tomorrow?

I have the authorization and passes in the car.

I have arranged for a plane tonight, but....

But what?

We should scrub the rest of the mission.

The Parahawks were meant to be returned.

People will ask questions, even of me.

All because of his incompetence.

I see.

I see you're right. He should be punished.

Davidov, hold this for me.

It was wrong of me to expect so much of you.

k*ll him.

He failed his test of devotion.

You can take his place.

Take his I.D.

And do be on time.

Poor shoulder.

It looks painful.

It needs constant attention.

I knew....

I knew when I first saw you.

I knew it would be like this.

Enough ice for one day.

How did you survive?

I seduced the guards.

Used my body.

It gave me control.

And the rest, I got a g*n and started sh**ting.

And what about you?

What do you do to survive?

I take pleasure... great beauty.

Let's go. It's getting late.

What happened to Davidov?

I was told to expect him.

He was buried with work.

Let's go. Get your stuff.

Okay, come on.

Let's get out of here.

You're late.

Did you bring it?

The grease.

Of course.


Get ready. We're 10 minutes out.

But make sure you wear the I.D.

I'm gonna go get some air.

Welcome to Kazakhstan, Dr. Arkov. I'm a great admirer of your research.

It's not often we see someone of your stature here.

I go where the work takes me.

By the way, you have the transport documents?

I pulled the plutonium out of the one inside.

You can detonate the triggers now.

Look, our IDA physicist.

Don't bother. Not interested in men.

Take my word for it.

This year we decommissioned four test sites. Not even a glimmer.

Are you here for a reason?

Or are you just hoping for a glimmer?

And you are...?

Mikhail Arkov. Russian Atomic Energy Department.



...Jones. Christmas Jones.

And don't make any jokes. I've heard them all.

I don't know any doctor jokes.

This is okay. Take the elevator down the hole.

Your friends are already down there.

Don't I get some protection?

No, Dr. Arkov.

Down there it's weapons-grade plutonium. Reasonably safe.

Up here we have leaking hydrogen bombs that your lab built...

...which I've spent the last six months cleaning up.

So if you need any protection at all, it's from me.

Your friends are waiting for you.


Aren't you forgetting?

Of course. Thank you.

By the way....

Expecting Davidov?

He caught a b*llet instead of the plane.

Get off.

Keep your mouth shut.

You can't k*ll me. I'm already dead.

Not dead enough for me.

Show a little gratitude.

I did spare your life at the banker's office.

That's right.

I couldn't k*ll you. You were working for me.

You delivered the money, k*lled King.

Now you brought me the plane.

What's your plan for the b*mb?

You first. Or could it be you don't have a plan?

That b*mb will never leave this room.

Neither will you.

How sad to be threatened by a man...

...who can't grasp what he's involved in.

Revenge is not hard to fathom for a man who believes in nothing.

And what do you believe in?

Preservation of capital?

Go ahead, sh**t me.

I welcome it.

My men will hear the shot and k*ll you.

And the firefight will bring down half the army from above.

But when a certain phone call isn't made in 20 minutes...

...Elektra dies.

You're bluffing.

She's beautiful, isn't she?

You should have had her before...

...when she was innocent.

How does it feel... know I broke her in for you?

I usually hate k*lling an unarmed man.

Cold-blooded m*rder is a filthy business.

A man tires of being ex*cuted.

But in your case, I feel nothing...

...just like you.

But then again, there's no point living if you can't feel alive.

-Drop the g*n! -Keep away, colonel.

He's an impostor. Dr. Arkov is 63 years old.

This is your impostor.

Along with the men outside on the plane.

They'll steal the b*mb.

I said drop it!

On your knees!

Well done.

He would've k*lled us all.

Did you speak to him?

Yeah, but he's no atomic scientist.

I suppose you were the one who allowed him down.

You had me...

...but I knew you couldn't...

...shoulder the responsibility.

Without any interruptions, let's proceed.

Too many new faces are here, including yours.

The b*mb doesn't move until I am satisfied.

All of you, to the surface, now.

Come on! Go!


They're sealing us in.

Who are you?

I work for the British government.

Stay calm.

No hard feelings, Mr. Bond...

...but we're even.

Soon...'ll feel nothing at all.

Seal the door! Close it!

Come on!

Keep going! Move! Hang on!

You're a British spy. Do you have a name?

The name's Bond.

James Bond.

Don't stop! Go, go! Jump!

They won't get very far.

Every warhead has a locator card.

We can track the signal.

You mean one of these?

Do we have the range of Renard's plane?

Anywhere in this circle: Russia...

...Armenia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan--

Sorry to interrupt. Elektra is calling from Baku.

It's on the video line.

Put her on the wall screen.

I'm sorry. I would never call you except...

...James has disappeared.

He left my villa in the middle of the night...

...and my head of security has been found...

...near a local airstrip, m*rder*d.

I'll send someone out.

M, could you come?

I can't help thinking...

...I'm next.

Get me out there.

Just get me out there.



What's wrong with you? Are you crazy?


Maybe I should ask you.

After all...

...''There's no point in living if you can't feel alive.''

Isn't that right, Elektra? Isn't that your motto?

What do you mean?

Or did you steal it from your old friend Renard?

He and I had a chat. Knew all about us. Knew about my shoulder.

Knew exactly where to hurt me.

Renard's the man who's trying to k*ll me?

Drop the act.

It's over.

I don't know what you mean.

Oh, I think you do.

It's called Stockholm syndrome.

Common in kidnappings.

Young, impressionable victim.


Sexually inexperienced.

A powerful kidnapper skilled in t*rture, manipulation.

Something snaps in the victim's mind.

The c*ptive falls in love with her captor.

How dare you?

How dare you?

That animal. That monster?

He disgusts me.

You disgust me.

So he knew where to hurt you, is that it?

You had a sling on your arm at the funeral.

And I didn't have to sleep with you to find that out.

He used your exact words.

So you knew.

You knew all the time he was out there, coming for me...

...and you lied.

You used me.

You used me as bait.

And you made love to me.


To pass the time as you waited for him to strike?

He's struck again. Ten men are dead at the pipeline.

I'm coming with you.

You do what you want to do, but I've called M.

She's coming to take charge.

I want an update. Where do we stand?

One of Renard's men took the locator card from the b*mb... we can't track it. But....

But what?

With all due respect...

...I don't think you should be here.

May I remind you that you're the reason I'm here, 007.

You disobeyed an order and left that girl alone.

Perhaps that girl isn't as innocent as you think.

-What are you saying? -Suppose the inside man...

...the one who switched King's lapel pin...

...turned out to be an inside woman?

She kills her father and att*cks her own pipeline?

-Why? To what end? -I don't know...yet.

Look at that.

That's not right.

What is it?

An observation rig.

Travels in the pipe looking for cracks.

Shut it down.

I don't understand.

It won't respond.

The place is clean. No sign of--

-The b*mb is in the pipeline. -Oh, my God!

They brought it through here. That'd explain the attack.

Heading for the oil terminal.

Where it would do the most damage.

Have your men evacuate that terminal.

So now do you believe me?

This is an emergency situation. So please...

...clear the room. Do it.

He's going for the oil.

The one pipeline the West is counting on to supply our reserves.

Do you have an idea?


How far is the rig from the terminal? How fast is it traveling?

It's 106 miles from the terminal, going 70 miles an hour.

We have 78 minutes. Is there another rig?

There's one parked in the passageway ahead of it.

-Charles, can you get me out there? -Of course.

Wait a minute. Are you gonna do what I think you're gonna do?

-What do I need to defuse a b*mb? -Me.

There it is.

Hatch to the passageway.

You keep the speed up so the other rig catches up with us.

-I'll wait to hear from you. -Gotcha.

You know how to drive this thing?

Doesn't exactly take a degree in nuclear physics.

They're in the pipeline.

They're on the move.


If there's the slightest chance, Bond will succeed.

He's the best we have...

...though I'd never tell him.

I hope you're right.

Here it comes!

It's closing up. Faster!

Sit tight.

No brakes! The controls are jammed!

It's a tactical fission device.

Low yield. Hold me steady.

You've defused hundreds of these, right?

Yeah, but they're usually standing still.

Life's full of small challenges.

Have a look at this.

Someone stripped the screw heads.

Someone's tampered with the b*mb.

Look, half the plutonium's missing.

So what are you saying? It couldn't go nuclear?

There's still enough expl*sive to k*ll us both if the trigger goes off.

-Let it blow. -But I can stop it.

Let it blow!

Trust me. Leave it.

Move down. Move down!

Jump! Go on, jump!


Robinson's reporting.

The b*mb was a dud.

But the triggering charge blew out a 50-yard section of the pipe.

And Bond?


I'm so sorry.

But I have a gift for you.

Something that belonged to my father.

He would've wanted you to have it.

Perhaps this isn't the time.


He often spoke of how compassionately... advised him on the best course of action during my kidnapping.

It's very valuable, you know.

I couldn't let it explode with the rest of him.

I was very upset when the money didn't k*ll both of you.

I didn't think I'd get another chance.

Then you dropped the answer right in my lap.


And as you say, he's the best you have.

Or should I say, ''had''?

Take her to the helicopter.

Come on, give me your hand.

Jump, jump!

Do you wanna explain why you did that?

I could've stopped it. You almost k*lled us.

I did k*ll us.

She thinks we're dead, and she thinks she got away with it.

Do you wanna put that in English for those of us who don't speak ''spy''?

Who's ''she''?

Elektra King.

Why would she blow up her own pipeline?

It makes her look innocent.

The expl*si*n covers up the theft of the plutonium.

It looks like a t*rror1st attack.

But why leave this half?

So there's enough to spread around to cover up what they did take.

What will they do with the other half?

It's not enough to make a nuclear b*mb.

-You're the scientist, you tell me. -I don't know.

But the world's greatest t*rror1st running around with 6 kilos...

...of plutonium can't be good.

I have to get it back, or somebody will have my ass.

First things first.

Bond to Robinson. Do you copy?

By the way, before we go any further...

...I just wanna know....

What's the story with you and Elektra?

We're strictly platonic. Now.

Bond to Robinson. Copy?

What's your story?

What are you doing here in Kazakhstan?

Avoiding those kind of questions, just like you.

I read you, 007. Red alert.

M is missing with Elektra. Three men down.

Await instructions. Out.

What do we do now?

I may have overlooked one critical element.

What? More plutonium?



Brought me something?

The power to reshape the world.

Go on.

It's safe.

Touch your destiny.

I have brought something for you as well.

Your present.

Courtesy of the late Mr. Bond.

My executioner.

Overpraise, I'm afraid.

-But my people will finish the job. -Your people?

Your people will leave you here to rot...

...just like you left me.

You and my father.

-Your father-- -My father was nothing.

His kingdom he stole from my mother.

The kingdom I will rightly take back.

I hope you're proud of what you did to her.

I'm afraid it is you who deserve credit.

When I took her...

...she was promise itself.

You left her at the mercy of a man like me.

You ruined her.

For what?

To get to me?

She's worth 50 of me.

For once, I agree with you.

And now we also share a common fate.

You will die...

...along with everyone in this city...

...and the bright, starry, oil-driven future of the West.

Since you sent your man to k*ll me...

...I've been watching time tick slowly away...

...marching toward my own death.

Now you can have the same pleasure.

Watch these hands, M.

By noon tomorrow...

...your time is up.

And I guarantee you...

...I will not miss.

So beautiful.

So smooth.

So warm.

How would you know?

Why are you like this?

Because Bond is dead?

It's what you wanted.

Of course it's what I wanted.

He was....

He was a good lover?

What do you think?

I wouldn't feel anything?

I feel nothing.

What about this?

But surely... can feel this?



Wait here.

Always something.

First the casino.

Now the caviar factory.

I am a sl*ve to the free-market economy.

Bond is alive.

Is nothing in this place straight?

Who are you?

And how did you get in?

I'll call security...

...and congratulate them.


Can't you say hello like a normal person?

Get lost.

No, no, no. Down the back.

What's your business with Elektra King?

I thought you were the one giving her the business.

She drops $1 million in your casino, and you don't even blink an eye.

What's she paying you off for?

You know, if I were you, a relationship with a man like that...

...I wouldn't bet on it.

$5000 of beluga. Ruined.

That's nothing compared to what a nuclear b*mb can do.

We had a nuclear b*mb stolen this morning.

Renard and Elektra King are working together.

-I didn't know. -Well, what do you know?

Q's not gonna like this.

Get out!



...where were we?

-A rope, please! -No. The truth.

She has M.

-I know nothing. -Those blades were meant for you.

What does Elektra King want you dead for?

It was you who destroyed my factory.

Then you drown my Rolls-Royce...

...and now you're trying to drown me in my own caviar!

Let me out!

Too bad we don't have any... champagne.

Or sour cream.


...I get equipment for her. Machinery. Russian stuff.

And the payoff in the casino?

It was a special job.

My nephew is in the navy.

He's smuggling some machinery for her.

-Where? -Absolutely not!


-Where? -Istanbul!


Where have you been, you gold-encrusted buffoon?

Sorry, boss. I must have bumped my head.

Get me out of here, I'll show you what a bumped head feels like.


We have no roof, but at least we have four good walls.

The insurance company is never going to believe this.

This used to be the KGB's Istanbul safe house. Now it's FSB.

Federal Security Bureau.

Same old friendly service with a new name.

-Did you raise Nikolai? -Nothing.

Try scanning the emergency frequencies.


In the old days, there were 100 places...

...where a submarine could surface undetected.


What class is your nephew running?

Victor 3, you call it.

Nuclear. He's not loading cargo. They want the sub to use the reactor.

That's it.

Put weapons-grade plutonium in that sub's reactor...

...instant, catastrophic meltdown.

Making it all look just like an accident.

But why?

Because the existing pipelines from the Caspian Sea...

...go to the north. Here.

The oil is put on the tankers, shipped across the Black Sea to Istanbul.

The expl*si*n would destroy Istanbul...

...contaminating the Bosporus for decades.

There'd be one way to get the oil out.

Down south to the Med.

The King pipeline.

Elektra's pipeline.

We must find Nikolai.

Captain Nikolai?


Ready to load your cargo.

-We have only a few hours. -You came with skeleton crew?

-That's all we can afford. -Of course.

Some brandy and refreshments for your men.

Thank you.

Good morning.

What's the time?

It's time for you to die.

I've got something.

On the emergency frequency.

Two six-digit numbers cycled every 15 seconds.

A GPS signal. Position coordinates.

Locator card. M.

-Here. -Maiden's Tower.

Have you been there?

No. Mr. Bullion!


Come on, come on.

After you.

I insist.

Enjoyed your meal, boys?

Take them up and throw them in the sea.

The extruder's in here.

It'll take me half an hour to set up the machine to make the plutonium rod.

Put them in here.

The reactor is secured.

Everything is complete as planned.

-Is your helicopter ready? -It'll pick me up in half an hour.

Then this is the end.

This is the beginning.

The world will never be the same.

The future is yours.

Have fun with it.

James Bond.

If only you'd kept away...

...we might've met again in a few years and become lovers once more.

Take her to Renard.

Pretty thing.

You had her too?

I could've given you the world.

The world is not enough.

Foolish sentiment.

Family motto.

They were digging near here, and they found some very pretty vases.

They also found this chair.

I think we ignore the old ways at our peril...

...don't you?

Where's M?

Soon she'll be everywhere.

All this...

...because you fell for Renard?

Five more turns and your neck will break.

I've always had a power over men.

When I realized my father wouldn't rescue me from the kidnappers...

...I knew I had to form another alliance.


...turned Renard.

Just like you...

...only you were even easier.

I told him he had to hurt me.

He had to make it look real.

When he refused...

...I told him I would do it myself.

So you k*lled your father.

He k*lled me.

He k*lled me the day he refused to pay my ransom.

Was this all about the oil?

It is my oil.


...and my family's.

It runs in my veins, thicker than blood.

I'm going to redraw the map.

And when I'm through, the whole world will know my name... grandfather's name, the glory of my people!

No one will believe this meltdown was an accident.

They will all believe.

You understand?

Nobody can resist me.

You know what happens when a man is strangled?

Elektra... it's not too late.

Eight million people need not die.

You should've k*lled me when you had the chance.

But you couldn't. Not me.

Not a woman you've loved.

You meant nothing to me.




Boss...'re alive.

So glad to see you.

Me too.

I'm looking for a sub.

It's big and black, and the driver is a good friend of mine.

Bring it to me.

What a shame.

He's just gone.

Zukovsky really hated you.

Everything's under control up here. Are you ready?

Time to say good night.

You can't k*ll me.

Not in cold blood.


Call him off.

I won't ask again.

Call him off.

Call him off!


You wouldn't k*ll me.

You'd miss me.

Dive! Bond--

I never miss.

Where is she?

Ah, James!

Thought I'd forgotten you, eh?

Level at 100 feet.

Hold her steady.

Level at 100 feet.

If we can force them up to the surface...

...they'll show up on the spy satellite...

...bring out the navy.

Come on. Get up!

Over there. Move!

Move! Go, go!

Get over there!



Get us level! Level!

It's all smashed!


So we're going up then?

Slight miscalculation.

Hold on!

Hold on, hold on.

Brace yourself.

It's flooding!

Get up to the hatch.

Damn! Come on!

Go, go!

He's opened up the reactor!

And locked himself in!

I have to get up there to him.

We have one chance.

I'll get out and back in through the reactor room escape hatch.

When the light goes red, press this button so I can get back in.

James, it's too risky.

If I don't make it...

...use this chamber to get out. Close the hatch.

Exhale all the way up. Close it.


Come on, come on!

We're safe from the radiation...

...if the reactor coolant doesn't burst.

If he had gotten the plutonium rod in the reactor...

...we could've written off the whole city.

Welcome to my nuclear family.

Are you really gonna commit su1c1de for her?

You forget, I'm already dead.

Haven't you heard?

So is she.

You're lying.



She's waiting for you.

The hydrogen gas level's too high.

One spark and the reactor'll blow.

I have to stop it.

Go to the top of the sub. Meet me in the torpedo bay.

The reactor is flooded.

So it's safe even if this place blows.

No, it's simply not the case.

No. Before that.

Any word?

No. Still no contact.

Always wanted to have Christmas in Turkey.

Was that a Christmas joke?

From me? No.


So isn't it time you unwrap your present?

Oh, I think so.

Look. What's that?

-The card. -He must be nearby.


-Where? -It picks up...

...body heat, so humans come out orange.


I thought you said he was with Dr. Jones?

It's getting redder.


Must be a premature form of the millennium bug.

I was wrong about you.

Yeah? How so?

I thought Christmas only comes once a year.