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Bond- Quantum of Solace (2008)

Posted: 11/14/20 09:47
by bunniefuu

It's time to get out.

Don't bleed to death.

Hello Mitchell. Bond.

The Americans aren't going to be none too pleased about this.

I promised them Le Chiffre and they got Le Chiffre.

They got his body.

If they'd wanted his soul they should have made a deal with a priest.

Has he said anything?


Going to check perimeters, Ma'am.

You look like hell.

When was the last time you slept?

Vesper's boyfriend, Yusef Kabira, the one who was abducted in Morocco... the one she was trying to save.

His body was washed up on a beach near Ibiza.

We were meant to believe the fish did that to his face.

His wallet and ID were in his pocket.

Well that's convenient. Quite.

Which is why I did a DNA check on a lock of his hair... found in Vesper's apartment.

It's not him.

A lock of his hair?

I wouldn't have thought Vesper's the sentimental type.

Well, we never really know anyone, do we?

But I do need to know Bond...

I need to know that I can trust you.

And you don't?

He'd need to be a pretty cold bastard who didn't want revenge... for the death of someone he loved.

You don't have to worry about me.

I'm not gonna go chasing him. He's not important.

And neither is she.

It's clear, Ma'am.

Thanks, Mitchell.

Shall we?

You're gonna tell us who you work for?

I was always very interested to meet you.

I'd heard so much about you from Vesper.

In fact, the real shame is that... if she hadn't k*lled herself, we would've had you too.

I think you would have done anything for her.

Well, you know you're not in Britain, and God knows where you'll be tomorrow.

Which should tell you that eventually... you'll tell us about the people you work with... and the longer it takes, the more painful we"ll make it.

You really don't know anything about us.

It's so amusing, because we on the other side... thinking, oh... the MI-6, the CIA, they're looking over our shoulders... they're listening to our conversations... and the truth is, you don't even know we exist.

Oh, we do know, Mr White... and we are quick learners.

Well, then, the first thing you should know about us is... that we have people everywhere.

Am I right?

Oh, my God... what inhumanity!


Craig Mitchell worked for me for 8 years.

He passed a full security check and lie detector test every year.

He didn't leave so much as a scrap of paper to explain any of it.

Eight years, five as my personal bodyguard.

I found this... and 3 other bloody Christmas presents I bought him, about the house.

I don't think he smoked.

And you had to k*ll him! You couldn't bring him in for questioning... so we might actually learn something.

When someone says: "We've got people everywhere"... you expect it to be hyperbole.

Lots of people saying that...

Florists use that expression.

It doesn't mean they've got someone working for them inside the bloody room.

What the hell is this organization, Bond?

How can they be everywhere and we know nothing about them?

I assume we found no trace of White. No, ma'am.

The agent guarding the door in the garage was dead before you passed him on the stairs.

I passed him on the stairs? Christ!

Mitchell must have k*lled him, when he went out to check the perimeter.

You're lucky to be here. You think White is still alive?

Yes I do. What is it?

Craig Mitchell, 45 years old, has no living family... gave generously to charity.

Tell me you know more than that. Yes...

Our money men went through every bill in Mitchell's wallet and house.

How much did he have? Less than 100 pounds.

And about the same, in euros and dollars.

Excuse me! Excuse me, ma'am.

We did a complete forensic analysis of every note and its traceable history.

I'm not in the mood.

After you.

This particular note from Mitchell's wallet might be of interest.

We introduced tagged bills into Le Chiffre's money laundering operation... by intercepting illegal payoffs.

We traced money through several of his bank accounts around the world.

That's pretty thin.

At the rate money changes hands... you could probably find a tenner in my robe with a tag.

That's true Ma'am, a single bill could be a coincidence, but what about a whole stack?

These bills from the same series as Mitchell's... were just scanned at a bank in Port au Prince, Haiti.

Deposited into the account of a Mr Slate.

Impress me.

We have a Mr Edmund Slate, returning to Port au Prince from Heathrow this morning.

His entry documents have him staying at Hotel Dessalines.

He's in room 325.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Do you have any messages for 325?

Oh, no sir, the only message is about the briefcase that was delivered earlier.

Did you want us to continue holding it?

No, I'll take that now. Yes, sir.

Thank you. You're welcome.

Get in.

What? Get in!


You're late.

Oh... I got pulled into a meeting.

Who with? A friend of Mr. Whites.

I don't think I know him.

It's funny.

You don't look at all like I expected.


What were you expecting?

I didn't think geologists looked so...


Friend of yours?

I don't have any friends.

Get outta the way, move it!

We didn't settle on a price.

Make me an offer.

Okay, we can work out later, over drinks.

Dominic, didn't give you any trouble, did he?


What the hell is this?

I think someone wants to k*ll you.

That wasn't very nice.

You were supposed to sh**t her.

Well, I missed.

I guess he didn't like that. Get Bond.

Where is he now?

Approaching the docks. Kings Key.

Tanner? I've got Bond.

- Ask him about Slate. She wants to know about Slate.

Tell her Slate was a dead end. Slate was a dead end.

Damn-it!... He must have k*lled him.

Yes mommy, it's awful hot here.

Wough... wough... whough... wough. Touch me and I'll break your wrist.


How nice to see you.

Alive you mean?

I knew we shouldn't have slept together.

I think I'm starting to like you.

So you did just try to have me k*lled?

And that made me very sad thinking I would never see you again.

But... here you are. Damn-it, Dominic!

I was trying to help you!

I was trying to uncover a leak.

And you... you send someone to k*ll me?

Please, don't talk to me like I'm stupid!

It's unattractive.

Come, I wanna show you something.


There is nothing that makes me more uncomfortable, than... friends talking behind my back.

It feels like... ants under my skin.

It's been that way forever...

I remember when I was 15.

I had a crush on one of my mother's piano students.


I overheard her saying very nasty things about me.

I got so angry...

I took a knife...

Is that him?

I don't... We only spoke on the phone.

It's such a shame, because he's one of my best geologists.

He said you asked to buy information.

No, he called me and offered to sell information.

Why would I come back here if I was lying?

Because you love me.

I was doing it for you.

To stop him from betraying you.

You know what burns more... then all your bullshit?

Is that I always got the feeling that you were only sleeping with me... to get to General Medrano.

Is that him?

You know how these deposed dictators are.

Solicitous of their safety.

Stick around.

I'll introduce you.

You see the girl that just walked in here?

Would you give her that and tell her to call me.

You have reached Universal Exports, all our offices are currently closed...

And you can do all this for me?

Well look at, what we did to this country.

The Haitians elect a priest who decides... to raise the minimum wage from 38 cents to one dollar a day.


It's not a lot, but it's enough to upset the corporations... who were here making T-hirts and running shoes.

So they called us and we facilitated the change.

The difference is my country is not some fly speck in the middle of the Caribbean.

Plus we've already begun destabilizing the government.

We'll supply the private security.

We'll pay off the right officials...

And we have 26 countries ready to officially recognize your... new Bolivian government.

You want your country back.

My organization can give it to you within... two weeks.

You've been busy.

And in return... you want what?

A desert.

This part. This land is worthless.

Ahh... So you're getting a great deal?

You won't find oil there.

Everyone has tried.


Maybe not.

But we own... whatever we find.



Did you know, Ernesto Montes? A very powerful man in his day.

He had a beautiful Russian wife. I know he did...

A dancer... Mm'hm.

And his daughter works for me... or... did.

She's lovely.

But I don't see the resemblance.

Why don't you consider her something to sweeten the deal?

Just promise me to drop her over the side when you're done.

Camille... General Medrano.

General... Mucho gusto. (Great pleasure) Mucho gusto, se�orita.

Be careful what you wish for, my dear.

Have fun you too.

Don't let 'em get away! Don't let 'em get away!

What the hell are you doing?

You're welcome! You idiot, take me back.

You know, maybe I'll do that later.

You're not one of Greene's?

Dominic Greene?

Get down!

Give me the wheel! Navigate!


What're you doing? Hold on!

Get down!

Excuse me. Take her.

Thank you.

She's seasick.

It's Bond... Connect Bond!


Name check: Dominic Greene. G- R- double E-N-E.

We'll need more than this.

Might need a little more than that, there're a lot of Dominic Greenes'.

Do you have a social security or passport number?



Do you have anything?

Will you put her on, please. I am on, Bond.

What happened to Slate?

I'm not dwelling on the past, I don't think you should either.

You k*lled him?

NOR just hit: Dominic Greene, CEO of Greene Planet.

It's... a utility company... but Greene's been doing a lot of philanthropic work... buying up large tracts of land for ecological preserves.

You should be getting his picture now.

Yeah, that's him.

I'm afraid there's a firewall around his other corporate holdings... so, we have no other information.

Get me the Americans.


Go ahead.

Interest in Dominic Greene, Greene Planet.

Transferring you now...

Hold for Gregory Beam, please.

Thank you... oh, hi, this is Gregory Beam, ma'am.

Hello, Mr. Beam.

Huh... so sorry to keep you waiting. We have no interest in Mr. Greene.

- Thank you, Mr. Beam. Connection terminated.

He's a person of extreme interest.

But he just said that... Tanner...

I asked about the man and she transferred me to the section chief of South America.

How would she know to do that if they weren't tracking him?

Bond, we have your location as approaching an airfield.

Is Greene on the move?

Yeah, I've got a tail number Golf Zero Charlie Sierra Charlie.

It'll get you it's destination.

It's a... private charter, going to Bregenz Austria, leaving immediately.

Tanner, authorize a Charter for 007.

And Bond, if you could avoid k*lling every possible lead, it would be deeply appreciated.

- Yes, ma'am... I'll do my best. Connection terminated I've heard that before.

Hello. Hi.

Ah, welcome aboard.

Bon jour... Ca va? (Okay?)

Ca va, ca va. (Okay, okay.) Come, have a seat.



How much longer?

So do we have an understanding?

Well, yeah...

We do nothing to stop a coup in Bolivia and in exchange, the huh... new government gives America the lease to any oil found.

If it's oil you want.

You didn't find diamonds, did ya?

Ah, drilling underground... you kept off everyone's radar for a very long time but... you can't buy that much piping without somebody getting curious.

We'll have to verify the find.

I'm not really admitting there is one. You are getting this for free.

Venezuela, Brazil now Bolivia.

With you tied up in the Middle East, South America is falling like dominoes.

You don't need another Marxist giving national resources to people, do you?

No, we can hardly be expected... to do something about a coup we know nothing about.

I think, I have a... pest

You have any idea who that is?


It's James Bond, British Secret Service.

I don't know how I could've missed that.

I will need for you to get rid of him for me.

Yeah... That's not gonna be a problem.

You know who Greene is, and you wanna put us in bed with him.

You are kidding right?

Yeah, you're right. We should just deal with nice people.

I need to know you're on the team, Felix.

I need to know you value your career.

Good to see you again. Nice to see you too.

Have a nice evening. Thank you.

- How much more pipeline do we need? Should be Ideal maybe...

2000 kilometers.

Are there any objections?

- No... not here. No objections.

Transfer the funds from our Siberian holdings.


Where do the Americans stand?

The CIA doesn't care about another dictator as long as they get a free hand.

But when they find out that they've been duped?

I'm working on that.

I'm still not sure that the Tierra project is the best use for Quantum this time.

Perhaps we should shift our focus to the Canadians.

This is the world's most precious resource.

We need to control as much of it as we can.

Bolivia must be top priority.

Can I offer an opinion?

I really think you people should find a better place to meet.

Where do you think you're going?

Thank you.

It seems Tosca isn't for everyone.

Drop it!

So, who're you working for?

Piss off!

Get rid of anything we brought with us. We've been compromised.

I asked you, who you were working for.

Is he one of ours? No.

Then he shouldn't be looking at me.

Get me M.

Fr�ulein... Heinz... connect call.

We've ID'd the pictures.

Show me.

Gregor Karakov, former minister, now owns most of the mines in Siberia.

Moeshi Saroff, former Mossad, now Telecomm giant... and Guy Haines, special envoy to the prime minister.

Get Bond. There's something else.

It appears Bond shot Haines's bodyguard and threw him off a roof.

- Where are you? Did you get my pictures?

Abridge this conversation, can you link these people?

- I hear stress in your voice. I need you to come in and debrief.

I don't have time. Bond, you k*lled a man in Bregenz.

I did my best not to.

You shot him at point blank and threw him off a roof.

I'd hardly call that "showing restraint".

Especially since he was a member of special branch.

So, who was he guarding?

Bond, you're missing the fact that you k*lled a member of the special branch.

I want you to come in. And I would... but right now I need to find the one who tried to k*ll you.

- Go back to sleep. Connection terminated Restrict Bond's movements. Cancel his cards.

Put an alert on his passports. All of them... and I want to know everything we don't know about Haines.

Yes, ma'am. And Tanner... be careful who you trust with this.

Hopefully you're a better judge of character than I am.

You want to follow your friends to La Paz, Bolivia?


(Abgelehnt Rejected)

Oh, I'm sorry sir, but this one doesn't work.

Do you have another card?


Could you do me a favor.

You're gonna get a phone call in a minute.

Would you mind telling them I'm headed for Cairo?

I'll be happy to.

Thank you.

Ocean Sky, guten abend. (good evening)


What do you want?

Come to apologize?

You know Mathis... I think retirement suits you.

None for him.

Sorry... he is in a bad mood today.

I need a passport and matching credit cards.

Has MI-6 run out of plastic?

Well oddly right now you're the only person I think I should trust.

That is odd.

But I guess, when one's young it seems very easy... to distinguish between right and wrong.

But as one gets older... it becomes more difficult.

The villains and the heros get all mixed up.

I was sorry to hear about Vesper.

I think she loved you. Hm'hm... right up until the moment she betrayed me.

She died for you.

Why did you really want to see me?

I need some information.

Ahh... you have some hard friends.

This man is some kind of facilitator, fingers in many pies... but that don't leave any prints.

These men were together?

They're buying up oil pipeline.

Something called the "Tierra Project", you know it?

Destroy these! That's the guy, Haines. You don't know him?

Should I? I suppose not.

You haven't been keeping secrets as long as I have.

He keeps a very low profile... but is one of the Prime Ministers' closest advisers.

And they say that you're judged by the strength of your enemies...

You know anything about Bolivia?

I was stationed in South America for 7 years.

You probably still have some contacts there?

A few.

What do you want to know?

Come with me.

You can't sleep?

May I fix you a drink, sir?

What're you drinking?

I don't know, what am I drinking?

3 measures of Gordon's Gin, 1 of Vodka, 1/2 a measure of Kina O...

Kina Ole... Kina Ole, which is not Vermouth.

Shaken well until it's ice cold... then served with a large thin slice of lemon peel.

Six of them.

That's impressive. They're good, you should have one.

Nah... it would just keep me awake.

So, what's keeping you awake?

I was wondering why you came with me.

It takes something to admit you were wrong.

You want a sleeping pill?

No. Pain pill?

I have pills for everything.

Some make you taller.

Some make you forget.

I'm gonna try to get some sleep.

Good idea.

Thank you.

One moment, Mr. Bond, my name is Fields, I'm from the consulate.

Well, of course you are, what'd you do at the consulate, Fields?

That's not what's important. My orders are to turn you around... and put you on the first plane back to London.

Do those orders include my friend Mathis?

I'm sorry, I don't know who you are.

You see that? Gone such a short time and already forgotten.

Ahh, you're just saying that to hurt me.

Mr Bond, these orders come from the highest possible authority.

Tomorrow morning.

Well then, we have all night.

If you try to flee, I will arrest you... drop you off in jail and take you to the plane in chains. Understand?

Perfectly, after you.

I think she has handcuffs.

I certainly hope so.

He blames the water shortage on global warming.

The colonel, who heads the national police.

Carlos, momentito.

We have a reservation. One moment.

Okay. I'll have to verify it.

Very well, thank you.

Your name? Miss Fields.


You're going nowhere.

So, sh**t me, I'd rather stay at a morgue.

We are teachers on sabbatical, it fits our cover.

No, it doesn't... get in.

Get in!

Ola... (Hello...)

Follow me please.

May I show you your room, Se�or?

No, it's fine, thank you. Gracias.

I can't find the, um... the stationery.

Come and help me look.

We've been invited to a party.

I didn't know we had any friends here.

Green Planet.

You're not coming?

I'm having a drink with my friend, the Colonel.

I'll see you there later.

Do you know how angry I am at myself?

I can't imagine.

You must be furious.

Do you wanna go to a party?


But I have nothing to wear.

We'll fix that.

It might be useful to know your real name.


Just Fields.

Fields it is.

We are in a spiral of environmental decline.

Since 1945...

17% of the planet's vegetated surface has been irreversibly degraded.

The Tierra project is just one small part of a global network, of equal parts... that Green Planet has created, to rejuvenate the world... on the verge of collapse.

I hope that tonight, you make the decision to be part of that.

Thank you.

And have fun.

Excellent speech. Congratulations.

Wonderful speech, Dominic.

Thank you.

Miss Fields, Mr. Bond... my friend Carlos. Pleased to meet you.


Mr. Bond, Mathis has spoken a great deal about you.

I want you to know my entire police force... is at your disposal.

Well, that could be very useful.

You know, there are people in this country... spending half their paycheck just to get clean water.

What do you think of that?

The Bolivian government is the problem.

They cut down the trees, then act surprised... when the water and the soil, wash out to sea.

I couldn't agree more.

I hope this figure is to your liking.

Cherie, you shouldn't tease.

Why don't you tell them about all the land you bought up outside near the sea?

It's been a pleasure. Would you excuse me?

Somehow the logging rights went to a Multinational Corporation... that cut down the forests.

But only after our last government sold the land to Green Planet.

What was that?

Oh, have I got my facts crossed? Yes, I think you did.

Will you excuse us?

What a wonderful night, Se�or.

You just cost me quite a bit of money darling.

You can't put a price on integrity.

I can try.

Tell me you didn't drop by tonight just to piss on my parade.

Why are you still after this general's head, for your mantel?

A little of both.

Tell me where Medrano is, and maybe you won't lose any more investors.

You are really breaking my heart choosing an insect like that over me.

You're going to throw me over?

Well, you've been drinking... maybe you slipped?

Oh... just think how much you'd miss me.

Good evening.

There you are.

Would you excuse me?

Mr. Bond.

What a pleasure.

Careful with this one, she won't go to bed with you... unless you give her something she really wants.

That's a shame, because she's really quite stunning once you... get her on her back.

Yeah, I wish I could say that the feeling was mutual.

I'm sorry Mr. Greene, but we have to go.

Please, my friends call me Dominic.

I'm sure they do.

How much do you know about Bond, Camille, because he's rather... a tragic case, his MI-6 says that he's difficult to control.

Nice way of saying that everything he touches seems to wither and die.

Shall we?

It doesn't bode well for you, I'm afraid.

You two do make a charming couple, though.

You're both... what's the expression?

Damaged goods.

Oh my Gosh!

I'm so sorry.

Come on, lighten up. You're cramping my style.

So it's British intelligence now? What the hell they want from me?

You're gonna show me Dominic Greene's Tierra Project.

Are you up to it? Do I have choice?

Do you want one?

There's something horribly efficient about you.

What a compliment.

What's the bet that Dominic Greene has friends in the police force?

Stay here.

Buenas Noches. (Good Evening)

Now why would you want me to do that?


There's a hospital on the other side of town.

Please... stay with me.

Stay here, please.


Come here.

It's alright... hold on.


That's better.

That way doesn't hurt.

Is Mathis your cover name?


Not a very good one, is it?

Do we forgive each other?

I shouldn't have left you alone.


She did everything for you.

Forgive her.

Forgive yourself.

Is that how you treat your friends?

He wouldn't care.

Let's go.

The Foreign Secretary is asking to see you.

What don't I know?

Ren� Mathis, has been shot dead in Bolivia.

The police claim it was Bond.

Buenos d�as. (Good morning)

Buenos d�as.

How much did you pay him? Well, he wanted you.

But I left him the car as collateral.

He'll make much more when he sells us out.

Alright... let's see if this thing will fly.

Here... all the information I found said there was nothing of value there.

But Greene's geologists had prove that there was.

My sources tell me you're Bolivian Secret Service... or used to be.

And you infiltrated Greene's organization by having sex with him.

That offends you? No, not in the slightest.

So, what's your interest in Greene?

Well, amongst other things, he tried to k*ll a friend of mine.

A woman? Yes... but it's not what you think.

Your mother? She likes to think so.

What's that... down there?

That's a sink hole... There are a few around here.

Just for the record, I wasn't with Greene for a...

I think we lost him.

He's coming fast.

He's right behind you!

Here! Put that on!

Come on!

Come here!

According to Bolivians it was a routine stop... and when they discovered Mathis's body, Bond disarmed and shot them.

Of course there are no witnesses to prove otherwise.

I need something. I can't go in there unarmed.

I'm sorry, there's nothing.

Come in.

What's today's excuse? That Bond is legally blind?

No, Minister.

I don't think I need to tell you how upset the P.M. is.

With respect, the P.M. has my direct line.

And he would've used it if he wanted to speak to you.

I'm sorry M... things have changed... We've had long discussions with our cousins.

Mr. Greene's interests and ours now align.

Minister, this man is a major player... in one of the most dangerous and powerful organizations...

We've never even heard of.

Foreign policy cannot be conducted on the basis of hunches and inuendo.

Then give us time to gather enough evidence so you can make informed decisions.


Say you're right... say Greene is a villain.

If we refused to do business with villains we'd have almost no one to trade with.

The world is running out of oil, M... The Russians aren't playing ball... the Americans and Chinese are dividing up what's left.

Right or wrong doesn't come into it. We're acting out of necessity.

Bond... is running wild. Who's to say he hasn't been turned?

Pull him in... or the Americans will put him down.

I think I've found a way out.

You're freezing.

I'm fine.

So what is it that Greene has that you want?

It's not Greene, it's Medrano... the man you met in Haiti.

My father... worked for the Military Junta.

He was a very cruel man.

But he was my father.

When I was a small child, the opposition sent General Medrano to our house.

He shot my father... he did things to my mother and my sister... and then strangled them while I watched.

I was too young to be any trouble.

So he just smiled at me... and set the house on fire.

He left his mark.

So, when I pulled you off the boat...

I waited years for that chance.

I apologize.

Seems, we're both using Greene to get to somebody.

You lost somebody?

I did, yes.

You catch whoever did it?

No... not yet.

Tell me when you do...

I'd like to know how it feels.

We should go.

You ready?

They've used dynamite.

This used to be a river bed.

Greene isn't after the oil, he wants the water.

We can't leave it like this.

It's one dam.

He's creating a drought... And he'll build others.

Excuse me sir... your wife left a message.

The English woman. She left it for you this morning.

Thank you. My pleasure.


What is it?

Would you mind waiting down here?

I'll be outside.

So that's what she meant?

I hope you can trust these men.

Just a moment... It's Tanner.


We've got the girl downstairs...

She says to tell you she's sorry but this is not her fight.

It isn't... let her go.

She isn't our concern.

Well, I'm disappointed.

You are?

How much oil did the Americans promise you?

This isn't about oil. Well, that's good, there isn't any.

It's about trust.

You said you weren't motivated by revenge.

I'm motivated by my duty.


I think you're so blinded by inconsolable rage that you don't care who you hurt.

When you can't tell your friends from your enemies it's time to go.

You might like to still hold your theory about there being no oil.

Her lungs are full of it.

It was Greene.

No doubt. But Why?

It's just misdirection... I mean... why her Bond?

She was just supposed to send you home.

She worked in an office... collecting reports.

Look how well your charm works, James.

They'll do anything for you, won't they?

How many is that now?

You're removed from duty and suspended pending further investigation.

You'll give whatever weapons you have to have these men and leave with them now.

Miss Fields showed true bravery.

I want that mentioned in your report.

Now, you and I need to see this through.

There's nowhere to go.

There's a capture or k*ll order out on you.

Who would have done that?

Ma'am? Find out where he's going.

He's on to something. Ma'am, the CIA is insisting...

I don't give a shit about the CIA, or their trumped up evidence.

He is my agent. And I trust him.

Go on.

Get in.

You're gonna try to sh**t me?

I said, get in.

You'll be getting botulism if you keep drinking that.

It's bottled water.

It probably came from some stream just around the corner from here... a bunch of little kids peein' in it.

That's why I eat the peppers. Well, all I'm sayin' is... you can't trust a damn thing around here.

Lincoln Exportar, buenos noches. (Lincoln Export, good evening)

You know when someone calls, you can just tell 'em it's the "CIA", Felix.

A taxi driver told me where your office was.

Well, if it's so easy to find, James... you really should come visit.

Or maybe you should go out and see some more of the city.

I heard a rumor you'd gone native.


�Qu� le gusta? (What would you like?) Una cerveza, por favor. (a beer, please.)

You know, I was just wondering what South America would look like... if nobody gave a damn about coke or communism.

It always impressed me the way you boys would carve this place up.

I'll take that as a compliment coming from a Brit.

Are you sure you're playing with the right side?

Regimes change once a week down here.

Medrano will be no dirtier than the next guy.

Oh you see, that's what I like about U.S. intelligence... you'll lie down with anybody. Including you brother.

Including you. Do you know you're being played?

Dominic Greene is gonna suck this place dry and then he's gonna move on... and you're gonna be left picking up the broken crockery...

What can I tell you, there's no such thing as a free lunch.

You see Felix, I do not think you're half as cynical as you make out to be.

You don't know me.


Just because you didn't come alone?

How long have I got? 30 seconds.

Well, that doesn't give us a lotta time, does it?

Medrano can't move until he's pays off the army and the police chief.

Greene's bringing him his money now at the hotel called...

"P�rola de las Dunas", in the desert.

Thank you, Felix.

James! Move your ass!

What the hell happened? What did you tell him?

Just what we agreed.

What're you doing?

It slides cocked.

Maybe you should check your own.

I will.

Have you ever k*lled someone?

The training will tell you that when the adrenalin kicks in, you should compensate.

But part of you is not gonna believe in the training because this k*ll here is personal.

Take a deep breath.

You only need one shot.

Make it count.

General, he is here.

The time has come, General. Let's go.

Welcome. How are you?

In Euros... as requested.

The Dollar isn't what it once was.

The cost of w*r.

Yes, I'm afraid that the corruption in this current Government... can no longer be tolerated Presidente?

And mine?

You'll get that as soon as you sign over my land.

My first official act.

And this, if you would.

What is this?

As of this moment, my organization owns... more than 60% of Bolivia's water supply.

And this contract states that your new government... will use us as utilities provider.

This is double what we're paying now.

Oh... well, then don't sign it!

But you should know something about me and the people I work with.

We deal with the left or the right, or dictators or deposed dictators.

If the current president had been more agreeable, I wouldn't be talking to you.

So, if you decide not to sign, you'll wake up with your balls... in your mouth and your willing replacement standing over you.

If you doubt that then sh**t me, take that money... and have a good night's sleep.

You and I had a mutual friend.

Sounds like you just lost another one.

Not this way, not this way! I can't... I can't.

Make your shot.

Take a deep breath.

Make it count.

Come on!

Wait here.

You promised that you...

Let you go?

I answered your questions.

I told you what you wanted to know about Quantum.

Yes, you did.

And your friends would know that, so they're probably be looking for you.

But the good news is... you're in the middle of the desert.


I bet you make it 20 miles before you consider drinking that.

Goodbye, Mr. Greene.

Motor Oil

Thank you.

It's my pleasure.

Are you alright?

I'm fine.

But I keep thinking, he's dead, and now what?

Well, the dam we saw will have to come down.

And there'll be others too... someone who worked for Greene might be of help.

Not a bad idea.

Do you think I'll be able to sleep now?

I don't think the dead care about vengence.

I wish... I could set you free.

But your prison is in there.

Fine, anything for an easy life.

Sit down.

Sit down!

It's okay, baby.

You're Canadian?

You work in Canadian intelligence?

I'm sorry, I know you do.

And knowing this man..

I guess you have access to some very sensitive material... which you will be forced to give up.

His life will be threatened... and because you love him... you won't hesitate.

That's a beautiful necklace.

Did he give it to you?

I have one just like it...

He gave it to a friend of mine.

Someone very close to me.

Your name is? Corine.


Corine, I suggest you leave now, you contact you're people... and you tell them to check their seals they have a leak.

Do it now, please.

This man and I have some unfinished business.

Thank you.


Make it quick.

He is still alive?

He is.

I'm surprised.

Did you find what you were looking for?

Yes. Good.

I assume you have no regrets. I don't.

What about you?

Of course not. It would be unprofessional.

They found Greene dead in the middle of the Bolivian desert, of all places.

Two b*ll*ts in the back of his skull.

They found motor oil in his stomach.

Does that mean anything to you?

I wish I could help.

You'll be glad to know...

I straightened things out with the Americans.

Your friend Leiter has been promoted.

He'll replace Beam.

Well then, the right people kept their jobs.

Something like that.

Congratulations, you were right.

About what?

About Vesper.



I need you back.

I never left.