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Divergent Series 3: Allegiant (2016)

Posted: 11/15/20 09:40
by bunniefuu
[woman] Hello.

I come from outside the wall, where we have all but destroyed each other.

We designed your city as an experiment.

We believe it is the only way to recover the humanity we have lost.

And we created factions to ensure peace.

But we believe there will be those among you who will transcend these factions.

These will be the Divergent.

They are the true purpose of this experiment.

They are vital to humanity's survival.

If you're watching this now, then at least one of you is proof that our experiment has succeeded.

[all shouting indistinctly]

The time has come for you to emerge from your isolation and rejoin us.

[soldier] On Evelyn's orders, this gate is now closed.

[woman] We've allowed you to believe that you're the last of us.

But you're not.

Mankind waits for you, with hope, beyond the wall.


[Tris grunting]

We're almost there.

[Four grunting] Yeah, I'm right behind you.

[chuckles] What, are you afraid of heights?

No. Who told you that?

[Four panting]

Sometimes, when I look past the wall, I think that I can see something out there.

Do you? No. I don't.

Maybe you need to look harder.

I am looking. I'm just not seeing what you're seeing.

When it's right in front of your face, you will.

So we're really gonna do this?

[softly] Yeah.

[Tris moans]

People of Chicago...

I know you're curious about what's beyond the wall, but sometimes walls are there to protect us.

Remember, the Founders were the ones who divided us into factions.

So until we know their intentions, the wall must stay closed.

[scoffs] - Jeanine is dead.

Today, we begin the trials of her conspirators...

Put the traitors on trial, close down the gate.

Didn't take her long to make the same mistakes as Jeanine.

I need to talk to her.

I still think I can bring her around.

But that doesn't change anything, right?


[indistinct chatter]

[Tris] I need you to get some things for me.

[chuckles] Just this?

You're sure you don't want the sun and moon as well?

I know it's a lot. It's impossible.

So? So I'll make it happen.

Well, hello, ladies. Where we going? Can I come?

Give it up, Peter. Oh, so hostile!

There's no factions. We can be friends, right?

Can't we all just get along?


You should be up there with all the other leaders of the city.

No, that's not me. I don't wanna make the rules.

Great leaders don't seek power.

They're called by necessity.

The people need you.

[all cheering]

[crowd jeering]

Look at me! Look at me! You rat!

Back up! You ready to die today?

[woman] That's right! Yeah!


Just sit tight.

[man] String his ass up!

[crowd quiets]

We all find ourselves on new ground.

I dedicated my life to seeking the truth.

But under Jeanine, it passed me by.

And for that, I humbly apologize.

[all cheering]

[Jack] But my personal failure has only strengthened my resolve to make things right.

While the faction of Candor may no longer exist, I want everyone to know that I will not stop leading the pursuit of honesty as we rebuild our city.

[all] Yeah!

Let the trials begin! Justice will be done!

[all] Yeah!


[Max groans]

May the truth set you free.


Now there is no doubt, Max, that you helped Jeanine take over Chicago and exert brutal control over its citizens.

So my only question to you is this...

Did you feel justified in murdering people in support of her regime?


People are sheep.

They need a shepherd to guide them.

And when they resist, they're slaughtered.

[all gasping]

[man] Monster. We should slaughter you!

[all] k*ll him!

Yeah, k*ll him! [crowd clamoring]

k*ll him! k*ll him now!

k*ll him! [man 2] Don't k*ll him!

Let him live! k*ll him!

Let him live! [woman 1 ] k*ll him now!

[woman 2] Rise above it!

[woman 3] You can't do this! Stop it!

[man 3] Let him live! We're better than this!

Rise above it! No!

[all shouting indistinctly]

Jeanine... Jeanine is dead.

Let's not keep her spirit alive.

[man] k*ll him! [man 2] Let him live!


What are you going to do?

They need an answer.

This is an execution.

No. This is a trial.

And I yield to the wishes of the people.

It is time that we break from the past.

[all] Yeah!


[woman] k*ll him!

[man] He needs to die!

[woman 2] He's a m*rder*r! [woman 3] He should die!

I don't wanna die.

[Evelyn] Neither did your sheep.

[breathing heavily]

[g*nsh*t] [all cheering]

Whoo! Yeah!

There was a time I would've said, "I leave you in love, not malice."

That time is past.

[all booing]

Coward! Traitor!

Get out! Get out!

[man] Traitor!

Get out, now! Get out!

Out, out, out, out!

[Caleb] Beatrice!

I'm sorry.

You incited a mob. Good luck controlling them.

Beatrice, please! Don't let them k*ll me!

Beatrice, no!


What the hell do you think you're doing?

We need to show a united front, especially since Tris refuses to stand with us.

I'm not gonna tell Tris what to do. Well, you need to try.

Do you really think that you can stop people leaving this city?

The wall's on total lockdown.

My soldiers have orders. No one gets out.

Why did you go to w*r with Jeanine if you were just gonna become her?

[chuckles softly]

Leaders need to make tough decisions to protect their people.

You'll understand that when you take over for me.

I'm doing this for you.

[Four] You know, it might not be the best time to leave.

I know, but we can't be here for every fight.

And the message said to come out and meet the rest of the world.

And we know absolutely nothing about the people who sent it.

But aren't you curious to find out?

What about our home?

I don't think our home exists anymore.

Maybe the way to help Chicago is going beyond the wall.

And what if there's nothing out there? What if there is nothing left?

I can live with that if you're with me.

But I can not live without trying.

You know, it's Caleb's trial tomorrow.

Yeah, I know.

I don't owe him anything.

No. No, you don't.

[all shouting indistinctly]

I'm gonna deal with this one.

Do you think I'm asking your permission?

No, please, Four. No.

Four. Four, please, don't k*ll me, I'm sorry.

Four, I'm sorry!

You tried to k*ll your own sister, Caleb.

You brought this on yourself.

I'm sorry. For everything.

Come on. We're going up.

Come on, come on.

Beatrice? Walk slowly.


All Erudite prisoners are supposed to be locked in the cages.

Stop! [g*n cocks]

I can handle this one myself.


Bring 'em in!

You can come out now, Caleb.

Thank you, Four. Thank you.

Don't thank me. It was your sister's idea.

[vehicle door slams]

You saved me?

It's what you do for family.

[engine starts]

Get in the car.

I knew it.

Hey, partners. What are you doing, Peter?

Get out of here.

Yeah, that's what I'm doing. I'm getting out of here.

Look, I don't wanna be here when your crazy mom goes around k*lling everybody who used to work for Jeanine, okay?

Look, I can join you guys, or I could... yell, "Help! Help! Hey, they're getting away!"

Peter, get in the car. That's what I'm saying.

Get in the car. Thank you.

What's up, Caleb?

[Hollis] Yeah! [all shouting]

You want the truth?

He's dead! Yeah!

Justice for all!

You do have a plan, right?

I didn't hear anything about a prisoner transfer.

Well, you're hearing it from me.

Let me see your movement order.

[Christina] I got it.

Right here.

I got everything, just open the gate.

[all cheering]

One more, come on, one more! Yeah!

Edgar! Tobias Eaton took Caleb Prior out of his cage.

Come on, let's go, now.

Come on, let's do some more!

You a statue?

Open the gate.

Did they come through here?

Let's get out of here. [engine starting]

They're getting away.

[breathing heavily]

[grunts] [groans]

Tobias Eaton is abetting Caleb Prior's escape.

That makes him a traitor. sh**t to k*ll.

Nobody goes over that wall. We have our orders.

You ready? Yeah.

Not the same as reading it in books, huh?

[Christina] Okay, coast is clear.

[Tris] It's time to see what's out there.

Okay. On me.

[alarm blaring]

[Four] Shit. Release now!



I got him.

I'm sorry, Four.

Come on, come on!

[screaming] [Tris] Christina!

[grunts] [gasps]

I'm okay.

That part of the plan, stiff?

[Four] Evelyn electrified the fence.

[rapid g*nf*re]




We did it.

[g*nsh*t] [groans]



Tori. Tori!

Tori! Oh, God. Tori?

Come on. We gotta go. Come on.

No! Tori!

[panting] Tori...

Load up! Load up!

All right, let's go.

[Four] Come on, it's this way.

[Peter] Holy shit.

[Caleb] What happened here?

Didn't exactly send out the welcoming committee for you, stiff.

Shut up, Peter.

[Peter] "Humanity welcomes you with hope."

What humanity?

This hole looks radioactive.

Or at least it was in the last 200 years.

Meaning what exactly?

[Peter] Somebody seriously messed up the world.

[Peter] Shit.

Great. Now the sky's bleeding.

This way.

Come on, let's go. Now, come on.

[thunder rolling]

This is fun. I'm glad we did this.

What if there's nothing else out there?

There has to be.

I'm scared.

Yeah. I think that's a good thing.

[thunder rolling]

[engine whirring]

You guys hear that?

It's an engine. Someone's coming for us.

[Christina] It's Edgar! Go, go! [Four] Go!

[all panting]

All right.

Go, go! Cut back! Go!

[groans] Hollis!

No! Hollis!

[Caleb] What?

Whoa! What? What is it?

Don't be afraid. There's nothing to worry about.

You're safe now.

Welcome, Four.

Tris Prior, it's an honor to meet you.

How do you know our names?

[grunts] What the...


[Romit] Welcome to the future. We've been waiting for you.

Our plasma globes will protect you from the toxicity.


We're gonna be okay. Yeah.


[Caleb] This is incredible.

[Christina] This is insane!

[Peter] Gadzooks!

[man] It's Tris!

Welcome to the Bureau of Genetic Welfare.

My name is Matthew.

Now, let's get you into decontamination.

[woman] It's them from Chicago.

It's her. Tris Prior. She made it.

[Matthew] There's nothing to worry about.

You're being decontaminated from the toxins which plague our world.

Please remove your clothes and place them in the incineration hatch.

Please step forward.

Place your feet on the mark.



You're clean. Please place your arm into the tube in the wall.

There's nothing to worry about, Tris.

Please place your arm into the tube.

[beeps] [gasps]

I've never felt so clean in my life.

That was the best weird shower I've ever had.

Little cold...

Hey, yours is different.

Why are they all different?

[David] Hello and welcome to the Bureau of Genetic Welfare.

In the early part of the 21st century, scientists first discovered a way to map, then edit, the human genome.

[man on tv] Or you can choose health.

You can choose to settle for merely adequate.

Or you can choose excellent.

A genetic solution puts you in control of your life.

So why just hope for a better future when you can choose perfection?

Choose Perfexia.

[David] But what started as an attempt to erase humanity's faults almost erased humanity itself Genetic modification deepened the rifts between people, and as they got more entrenched, the world began to tear apart, until humanity crossed a line from which it could never return.

In the ashes of civilization, a small group of genetically unmodified individuals established the Bureau of Genetic Welfare here, at Chicago's O 'Hare Airport.

Our mission is to oversee a grand experiment to purify the human genome.

That experiment is the city of Chicago.

Your participation in the Bureau's work means you are now the guardians of the future.

Your destiny begins today.

Now, please follow me.

What's an airport?

Life in the Bureau can be demanding, but the work is worth every sacrifice.

[girl] It's them!

We don't have all the resources we would like, of course, but I think you'll find your accommodations more than adequate.

[kid 1 ] Whoa! [kid 2] They're in person here!

Who are they? We bring them in from the Fringe, get them healthy, give them a second chance.

[girls] Hi, Four.

Hi, Four. Hey.

How do they know who we are?

The experiment is the entire focus of the Bureau.

Our surveillance technology is centuries ahead of anything you've known in Chicago.

They've grown up watching you.

Nothing creepy about that.


You have to forgive everyone for staring, but your arrival is the most exciting event some of us have ever known.

Welcome to your new home.

Where's Four? Did you hurt him?

I told you I wanted them unharmed.

He went with them. Willingly.

But he's alive?

Do you hear what I'm saying? He betrayed you.

No. It's just love.

He's your son. He should be loyal. I'm loyal.

Yes, you are. So rest up. I need you ready to fight.

[all murmuring indistinctly]

What do you think?

I think they've been studying us for 200 years and we need to catch up.

We're gonna give it a chance, right?

Yeah. 'Course we are.

I wish we were alone.


[Matthew clearing his throat] Excuse me.

The director's ready to see you.

Yeah, er, sorry, I meant Tris, alone.

We can't go together?

Since you were the one who opened the box which invited you here, the director would like to thank you personally.

I'll see you later.

Clothes. Thanks.

This way.

[indistinct chatter]


Go ahead. Put your wrist under the scanner.

[beeping] [computer] Access granted.

[beeping] - Pure.


[indistinct conversations]


Just never imagined the world to be this big.

Ah. Chicago is just one of 50 major cities that used to exist on th is continent alone.

Beyond that is oceans and more land than you can imagine.

It's all like this now?


All except for Providence.

Which is why what we're doing here is so important, Tris.


You must be the director.

Oh, please, call me David.

It is a pleasure to finally meet you.

You must have so many questions.

[chuckling] I'm a bit overwhelmed. I'm still processing it all.

Oh, Tris, I know you.

I watched you being born.

I saw the love that your mother and father had for you.

I watched a little girl have a happy childhood and grow into a courageous young woman capable of making choices.

Dauntless. Defying Jeanine. Saving Chicago.

To your people, you are Divergent.

To the Council, you are a freak.

To me, you are a miracle.

[chuckles softly]

David, are you aware of what's happening in Chicago right now?

Of course. Yes.

[chuckles] The people at Erudite really made a mess of things, but I don't want you to worry about that.

Restoring order in Chicago is as important to me as it is to you.

It's the only way to save the Damaged.

What is the Damaged?

The genetic alterations had disastrous consequences.

Too brave, and you're cruel.

Too peaceful, and you're passive.

Too smart, and you lose compassion.

Like your brother.

Caleb's Damaged?


For nearly 200 years, the greatest scientific minds have lived here to test a theory.

If we could rescue genetically damaged people from the toxic environment in the Fringe and put them in a safe place, like Chicago, then perhaps, over time, man's genetic material would heal itself, return to its original form.

And I'm one of those people.

You are the only one.

[stammering] That doesn't make any sense.

I mean, uh, Four is Divergent. There's lots of Divergents.

Not Divergent, Tris. Pure.

You are genetically Pure. The rest are still Damaged.

Four? Damaged.

Not as much as Caleb, but Damaged.

If we can understand what made you, maybe we can use that knowledge to help the Damaged.

But what does this have to do with Chicago?

I answer to the Council.

They're the ones who ultimately determine our fate, yours and mine.

I'm gonna bring you with me to Providence to meet them.

When they see that it's possible, that you were possible, it will change everything.

I understand it's hard to take my word for it.

But if you don't believe me, believe your mother.

My mother?

Your mother Natalie wasn't born in Chicago.

She was born in the Fringe and rescued by the Bureau.

[chuckling] No, that's impossible.

See for yourself.

[softly] What are those?

They're your mother's memory tabs.

With them, you can watch the world th rough her eyes.

What do I do?

Place one on each temple.

Natalie! Come on!

I'm not Natalie.

We need to hide! Come on!

[breathing heavily]

They're coming! Run!


[boy] The Fringers!


[all screaming]


[echoing] I'm not Natalie.

[woman] Natalie, no!


Bureau soldiers!

Left! Flank left!

Hit right, hit right, hit right!

We're taking you to the Bureau.

You're safe.

You don't have to be afraid anymore.

How many more did you save today?

Not enough. We never get enough.

Chicago has got to work, David. It's the only hope for us.

[David] In the ashes of civilization, a small group of genetically unmodified individuals established the Bureau of Genetic Welfare here, at Chicago's O 'Hare Airport.

You're safe.

...grand experiment to purify the human genome.

[soldier] You're safe now.

[David, echoing] Your destiny begins today.


Tris, in a moment of need, your mother did something that no one had done before.

She volunteered to leave the safety of the Bureau to enter the experiment herself.

[chuckles] She did this because she knew the Damaged were worth saving.

She believed in the experiment so much, she was willing to be a part of it.

If I can show the Council your miracle can be replicated...

...then her life's work is complete.

The Council will be forced to look at every human being, no matter where they were born, as worthy of life.

Help me.

You saved a city.

Help me save the world.

[Tris] It was amazing.

It was like I was her and seeing it all through her eyes.

[Four] Hmm...

I still can't believe my mom is from this place.

Well, I can see why she left.

Do you trust him?


I trust her.


[inhales deeply]


[computer] Access denied. Tris.

[beeping] Access granted.

There you are. You ready?

Say hi to David for me.

Tobias Eaton.

You've been assigned to me.

I'm Nita. Let's go.

Why isn't everyone allowed upstairs?

That would be one of the Council's many rules.

Certainly not mine.

This separation, I don't like it.

I agree. And in time, that won't be necessary.

But, Tris, I don't know who told you that being different was a bad thing.

Because I know it wasn't your mother.

Oh, I know I can replicate this.

All I need is time.

[Peter] Look, Regina, let's talk.

You seem like a nice lady, but I'm really not a desk job kind of guy.

I get claustrophobic. I need to be where the action is.

The job of surveillance is to keep tabs on the devolving situation in Chicago.

This is where the action is.

Hayes, this will be your pod. Prior, you're next door.

Resistance is growing.

Evelyn is beginning to respond.

Watch what's happening. File a report.

Wait, what? Hold on. I just escaped from Chicago.

Now you're saying I gotta sit here and watch it for the rest of my life?

With Caleb?

Perhaps you'd prefer to be banished to the Fringe?

Wow, this surveillance technology's incredible.

Whoever created this is a genius.

Well, thank you. It was a labor of love.

[mock sneezing] Ass kisser.

Keep it up, Prior.

And you, get to it.

[chuckles softly]

[train whistle]



That's an awful lot of firepower.

The Fringe is full of dangerous people.

Put this on.

What are these? Personal drones.

Expands your field of vision and provides 3-D modeling of environ ments.

Just like old times at Dauntless, huh?

Except there's nothing old about any of this.

[Nita chuckles]



Activate the headgear. [beeps]

The left hand activates the drones.

Does it do anything else?

Not much.


Use the drones to find the targets.

It'll take you a while to get the hang of it.



[drone] Identified.

[drone] Target identified.


I think I got the hang of it.


Can I ask you a question?

Yeah. Of course.

If my mother was born in the Fringe, then how did she end up in Chicago?

I mean, you couldn't just send her through the gate, right?

No. No, the Council's always careful how they introduce any new element to the experiment.

Right. But when they need to, they intervene.


So why aren't they intervening now?

Well, they will. We just have to make our case.

Can I still count on you to help me?

Yes. Can I count on you?


Jeanine never had a chance against you.

The sooner we get finished, the sooner we leave for Providence.

The Allegiant? That's what you're calling yourselves?

Amity just doesn't seem appropriate anymore.

So what exactly are you allegiant to?

The faction system?

The factions kept Chicago peaceful for a long time.

Well, I wouldn't know about that because I was forced out of my faction.

I gave up my life, my child, everything.

I understand your anger, Evelyn, I do.

But the way forward...

The way forward has already begun.

I know I said I'd be alone, but I'm not Candor.

And I'm not Amity.

So I will lie and I will fight if I have to.

You see these scars?

I wasn't born Amity.

And I can assure you, I'm not afraid to fight for what I believe in.

Seems like we're two peas in a pod.

But it doesn't have to be this way.

We can come to some sort of agreement.

[man 1 ] Get back! Stop! Stop!

No, no! [woman] Get outta here!

All right, Caleb.

Keep me posted if anything changes, all right?

[sighs] Hey. Hey.

Caleb said that some of the Dauntless are lining up with Johanna.

But the rest of Candor is still solidly with Evelyn.

Things are spiraling out of control.

Has David said anything about what he can do?

Well, yeah, once we talk to the Council, then the Bureau can step in.

So it all hinges on the mysterious Council, does it?

What if they say no? David is confident that they won't.

David. Right.

You know I found out why I can't go upstairs?

[smacks lips]

I'm Damaged and you're Pure.

I know.

You know. When were you gonna tell me?

I don't know, I... I guess I didn't think that it mattered.

Why doesn't it matter?

Because it doesn't make a difference if you're Pure or if you're Damaged.

You're still the same person to me.

Look, I know that it's not perfect by any means, but the Bureau saved my mother from the Fringe.

I wouldn't be here without them.

What do you actually know about what they do in the Fringe?

You know what they tell you.

Yeah, but... [Matthew] I'm sorry.

He needs you upstairs.

He needs you upstairs.

[Nita] The people are nice. Weird, but nice.

[Christina] Yeah, they're definitely weird. That's for sure.

[Nita] You kinda get used to it.

Yeah. Yeah.

Next time you go to the Fringe, I want in.

You're not ready. I'm going.

Tris, I am more than aware that the separation has been difficult for you and Four.

But I've watched you both enough to know that I think the two of you are going to work it out.

We're fine.

Everything's fine.

Good. Let's get to work.

[Romit] Here we go!

Fall in, people! Weather's clear, we are green for a run.

[woman] Let's go! You, let's go, let's go!

Move! Let's go! [soldier] Ready to go!

[all speaking indistinctly]

Let's go.

All right, here's the deal, listen up!

This may be a humanitarian mission, but the Lindale Settlement is very dangerous.

Everybody clear? [all] Yes!

So what is the lifespan out here? 25, 30 years.

If we get people early, they can live up to 50 or 60 in the Bureau.

Dauntless, if it was up to me, you would not be out here.

I know you think it was tough in Chicago, but this is the Fringe.

Understood? Yes.

Mission is to save as many kids as possible.

They've grown up in hellish conditions.

But you have your weapons handy. You stick to protocol.

I don't wanna lose anyone.

[man shouting indistinctly]

Bullfrogs! Go! We're under! Go!

[Romit] Go, go, go! We gotta move!



[boy] Help! [Romit] Stop, stop, stop!

Hey, hey, hey! Everything's okay.

[boy] Put me down! Please! No!

No! No!

[Romit] Everything's gonna be okay. Just follow me.

[boy grunts] Uh...

[man] Come on! [boy grunts]


[drone] Searching target.

[man] This way.

[drone beeping] [drone] Target identified.

[man] Go!

Stop! [boy screams]

Stay away from us! Calm down. We're here to help.

[man] We don't need your help. I just wanna talk to you.

Not gonna lose my family. Hey!

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Stop! [boy] Don't!

Get off him! Hey, get off my kid!

Get off him! Don't touch him!

[g*nsh*t fires]

[breathing heavily]

[boy] What did you do?

It's okay, it's all right. [crying] I wanna see my dad.

[Romit] Four, let's go! Gotta move!

It's all right, it's okay.

Go! We gotta move, we gotta move.

Let's go, come on, come on!

Romit! Don't.

What the hell is going on here?

Just do your job, Dauntless.

Let's go.


Said, "Let's go!"

One man, two children, down on the bridge! Go!

[all shouting indistinctly]

[girl screaming]

[soldier] We're here to help you! [woman] Go!

[soldier] Eyes down! [soldier 2] Shut up! Look at me!

Hey, you, stop! [boy growling]

[Peter] It's called soap. You should try it.

What's up, stiff? You lost?

I wanted to see Four. David and I are leaving for Providence.

On a first name basis with the director, huh?

You work fast. Peter, can you leave her alone?

I don't need you to defend me.

[chuckles] [Matthew] Attention!

[David] Get us ready for Providence. We're on my ship within an hour.

[Regina] Yes, sir. Follow me.

David, hey. I was wondering if I could talk to you about my job.

You know, 'cause I'm not really a typist and...

Or if you're busy today, I get it, totally fine. We'll talk tomorrow.

Good idea.


[Four] I need to talk to you.

[sighs] What is this, Nita?

Vaccinations. What do you mean, vaccinations?

We weren't given vaccinations.


Look at this.

Hey, what's your name?

My name?


I'm sorry about your dad.

My dad?

All right, I'll see you back at base. Yep.

This is not a humanitarian mission.

We're not saving kids. We're stealing them.

This is what we do. Now you know.

David takes them out from here, wipes their memories with the gas, and raises them in the Bureau.

If you take away what they know, then you take away who they are.

Yeah. I think that's the point.

[breathing heavily]

[Uriah] They were all unarmed.

I won't surrender to this.

Round up everyone who's left.

We take the fight to Evelyn.

[Uriah] Yeah, I'm loading up.

We're moving.

Today we take Evelyn down.

Whatever it takes.

[all] Yeah!

[Caleb] This is all real time.

I mean, the surveillance technology they have in place is extraordinary.

Caleb, can you get out of your head for a second?

This is our home. And there's gonna be a w*r.

Where are you going?

I'm gonna do something about it.

[beeping] Four! What are you trying to do?

[computer] Access denied.

I'm getting Tris. We're leaving.

You can't go up there.

What do you think you're doing? Four.

You cannot be in here. Four.

It's not gonna work. [computer] Pure.

Central elevator's been compromised.


Hey. What? We're leaving. Right now.

What? I can't.

Look, you don't understand yet, but these people have been lying to you.

Lying? What are you talking about?

Look, whatever they've told you, they have been...

Put the g*ns down.

He has been stealing children from their families.

We're giving them a better life. By k*lling their parents?

It was an unfortunate accident, sir.

One terrible accident doesn't mean it was the wrong thing to do.

Tris, this is not the place that we thought it was.

If you had enough to save one person, and your choice was between a healthy child or a sick old man, who would you choose? I wouldn't choose.

Good. Now they're both dead.

We have to go.

Tris, we're going back to Chicago. We should never have left.

No, we have to wait. No, we've been waiting, okay?

David is not the person that you think he is.

Four, you know nothing about David.

You've no idea what we've been working on up here.

What have you been working on?

Do you have any idea what is going on out there?

Yes, of course I do.

Why do you think we're going to meet with the Council?


[sighs] I want you to listen to me.

[David] Tris.

You're coming with me.

I have to go.

You're making a mistake.

You ready?


[computer] Autopilot engaged.

[engines revving]

If you wanna go back to Chicago, I'll take you.

No, thanks.

[scoffs] You're gonna walk across the Fringe? I don't think so.

There's no rule saying you can't go home, Four. Come on.

Yeah. I'll come with you.

[Romit] All set!

Take us to Chicago.

Look, I understand how you're feeling, but what you're about to do has ramifications for people all over the world.

If Four doesn't see that, it's not your fault.

David never wanted you to see what you saw out on the Fringe.

He keeps tight control.

Nothing happens without his approval.

And his ship is the only one that can fly through the camo wall.

Why are you telling me this?

We're not taking you to Chicago.


Hold on! [alert beeping]

Welcome to Providence.


I see why they don't want to share.

Someday the whole world's gonna look this beautiful.

[David] So, as you can see, there are multiple genetic markers supporting this conclusion.

Standard personality tests.

Behavioral evaluations. Stimulus response.

She's passed them all with flying colors.

It all sounds great, assuming it's the truth.

Phillip... David has lied to us before.

Haven't you, David? I'd like to hear from the girl.

Well, I don't know why. She can't tell you anything I'm not.

Indulge us, David.

This must all come as quite a shock to you, Miss Prior, finding out that you're Pure.


"Pure." I'm not even sure what that's supposed to mean.

But, yes, it is shocking to me.

Shocking that the more I learn about the past, the more I feel like you're all making the same mistakes over and over again.

Tris, this is not the way.

Let her speak, David.

What mistakes, Tris?

[Tris] Human beings can not be categorized in this way.

[chuckling] It doesn't work.

Maybe it's time to start embracing everyone instead of dividing them into groups, regardless of whether they're Pure or they're Damaged.

[Phillip] That isn't what we're here to discuss.

Well, it should be!

Look, I know that all of this is just an experiment to you, but these people in Chicago are real.

And they are in a w*r right now because of divisions that you created and you are doing nothing to help them.

David has control over the administration of Chicago.

He's only here to extend his funding.

[Sarah] Which we would be happy to do, but if things are as bad as she says, David, shouldn't you get your house in order first?

You said that you couldn't do anything.

I am doing something.

I'm bringing back the factions.

What? Why?

I hoped the Allegiant would take care of the problem for me.

The factions work, Tris. They keep the peace.

They created you.

I never should've trusted you.

You want change with no sacrifice.

You want peace with no struggle.

The world doesn't work like that.


[Matthew breathing heavily]

[Four] You okay? [coughing]

I'll be fine. The Bureau isn't far.

I need to get to Chicago.

Tell Evelyn she's got a lot bigger problems than Johanna.


You'll need this to get through the camo wall.

We need your help, Tobias.

You don't know what he's capable of.

What about Tris?

As long as she stays in the Bureau, she's safe.

She's too valuable to him.

I'll need a head start.

So when David asks, I want you to tell him that I left you behind. Okay?


Because then Tris will know you're lying.


There was an accident.

There was turbulence.

Not more than any other storm, but...

Lightning, maybe.

We just went down. Where's Four?

I don't know. I passed out.

When I came to, everyone was dead. Four left me behind.

Okay, we search the settlements, search the Fringe.

Make sure he's not there.

Don't worry, we'll find him. I promise.

Four would never leave anyone behind at the crash site.

Yeah. He told me you would say that.

Four's trying to make his way back to Chicago.

[thunder rolling]






Hello, David.

I didn't think that you knew my name.

I know all of the important people from Chicago.


Well, if I'm so important, then why did you give me such a terrible job?

[chuckling] We all have to make sacrifices.

I don't see you making any.


I need help with something in Chicago.

What's in it for me?

Well, if you do well, you can have any job you want.

Except mine.

Do you know where Peter is?

Um... He's not in his pod? No.

No, I don't know where he is.

[stammering] Is-is there something that I can help you with?

Can you find Four?

You can't tell anyone.

Okay, of course.

Anything you need, Beatrice.

[Caleb sighs]

Come on, Four, where are you?


We found him outside the wall.

Take it off.

Where's my son?

I don't know.

Edgar told me what's out there, so you better start talking or we'll be holding your trial now.

No, you won't.

Because I have something that you need.

Really? And what's that?

The way to win your w*r.

Hey. Hey.

Any news?


I'm sorry. [Caleb] Tris...

Did you find him? Yes, I found Four.

And there's something else you're gonna wanna see, too.

Okay, go. [beeping]

[man] Over there!

That's him! We got him!


Don't worry, he's fine. Just keep watching.

[Evelyn] What is this place?

[Peter] You're gonna love it.


What is it?

Try it out. You'll see.

Just don't try it on anyone you like.

I was wondering when you'd have the courage to face me.

Three weeks you leave me here.

I ran a faction!

I protected our son from Jeanine's thugs.

Protected him? Is that what you call it?

Beating your own child!

It made him who he is.


[Peter] Make sure he gets a good dose.


[breathing heavily]

[Marcus] Tobias... I'm just trying to help you to be better.

[distorted talking]



[stammering] I'm s... I'm s... I'm sorry, but...

Who are you?


Just imagine if you released this on the Allegiant.

Not even Johanna will remember a time that you weren't in charge.

Who exactly told you about this?

You have a very powerful friend on the outside if you choose to engage instead of prepare.

Does this friend have a name? David.

David? [Evelyn] You can tell my friend I'm not gonna use that thing unless it's a last resort.

Why would David support Evelyn?

Doesn't make any sense.

Are you okay? I was worried about you.

Evelyn, you need to make peace with the Allegiant.

No. Johanna made her choice.

I never wanted this w*r, but I will end it, I promise you.

You have no idea what you're up against. Johanna is not the issue.

Look, I know you're angry at me and I understand that.

I'm just... I never meant...

This is hard for me, too. I don't wanna have to keep you in here.

Then let me out.

I can't. I have responsibilities.

One day you'll understand that, but right now I need you to stay here.

I'm gonna finish this. One way or another.

How are you gonna finish this? [grunts]

Hey, don't worry. You won't have to be here for long.

What... What are you talking about?

Well, Evelyn's deciding now.

If she uses the memory serum, Chicago might forget its own name.

[breathing heavily]

[grunting] [groaning]


[breathing heavily]

We have to go.

Get Christina and meet me outside.

Where are we going?


[computer] Access granted.

How's it going in Chicago?

Making sure it's safe from Evelyn and the Factionless?

Tris, you need to forget about Chicago.

You know, it's really funny, David.

You've been watching me for years and you don't know anything about me.

You're wiping the memories of everyone in Chicago, aren't you?

All right, uh, no...

You were never supporting the Allegiant.

These people treated you terribly. They k*lled your parents!

Four is there!

Four. Yes, yes, Four is there.

But he's Damaged, just like the rest of them.

[scoffs] Where are you going?

I'm taking your ship and I'm not coming back.

You can't fly.

Watch me.


[computer] Autopilot engaged.

Tris Prior is stealing my craft. Bring her back.


[Nita] Christina.

These are for you and Tris. How'd you know we were leaving?

You're not the only ones who hate David.

Okay, come on. Thank you.

[soldier] Hold it! Get in, get in.

Hands to yourself or I throw you out.

Let's go rescue Four.

[Caleb] Looks like three ships are following us.

[computer] Plasma craft engaged. Surround it.

Give her a nudge towards the ground.

The autopilot will bring her down safely.

[all] Whoa!


[Caleb] What are they trying to do?

They're trying to bring us in for a landing.


I'm going manual.

[Caleb] Tris!

[all screaming]

[Caleb] Pull up! Pull up!

Trying. I'm trying!

[computer] Altitude.

[all shouting]

[Tris] I got it.

[computer] Your orders, sir?

sh**t her down.

Before she reaches the camo wall.

You can't follow her through.

[Christina] We're dead. [Caleb whimpering]

We're gonna die, we're gonna die, we're gonna die!

[all screaming]

[Tris] Hold on! [Caleb and Christina screaming]

[Tris] It's gonna be close.

[all sighing]

[Caleb laughing]

[Tris] There has to be a way to shut off the gas.

Look at the ventilation system. It's all over the city.

Down there.


We got here just in time.

[all shouting indistinctly] [g*nf*re]

It's time, Evelyn.

You said the gas was a last resort.


How do you think your trial is going to end?


[all yelling indistinctly]

[Tris] Let me know the second the serum is released.

[Caleb] You got it. Good luck. [zipping up]

Thank you.

How do these drones work?

Turn your headgear on.


Watch and learn.

[guard] Stop right there! Drop your weapons!

Hey. Hey, whoa, what are you doing?

Put me down! [screaming]

[Christina] All right, this one's all you.

Easy! Sorry.

Stay where you are! [grunts]

That's my girl.

[whispers] Recon!

[g*nshots firing] [groans]

[breathing heavily]

Screw this! I'm outta here.


What the hell is that?




[whispering] Hey... I'm sorry.

I never should have trusted him.

You were doing what you thought was right.

[Tris chuckles]

I love you.

[breathing heavily]

We should find Evelyn.

Come on.

[computer] Serum status: ready.

Now, if you press that button...

We're completely safe inside the vault.

And no one else will ever know what happened to them.


Your choice.

[button beeps]

[computer] Initialize serum vaporization.

[Caleb] Guys!

Guys! They just initiated the serum.

Did you find a way to shut it off?

Come on. [sighs]

Not yet.

This way.


It's locked.

I'll see if I can get in from the control room.

Evelyn, you have to stop this right now.


I didn't wanna do this, but I have to.

I'm the only one who knows how to save Chicago.

I was right to close the gate, but no one listened. No one!

Not even you.

The Allegiant brought this on themselves.

Evelyn, that serum is not just gonna wipe the memories of the Allegiant.

It's gonna do it to the whole city.


Whatever they told you was a lie.

Oh, God...


Oh, God. [Four] Evelyn...

I wanna stand by your side.

But what you do to the city, you do to me.


[shakily] Tobias...

I won't know who you are.

Don't do it.



[groans] [Four] No!

That's why you pick a guy like me for a job like this.

[Evelyn groaning]

I hope you're watching, David!

♪ Ba! ♪

Christina, have you figured out the door yet?

Once it's locked from the inside, the door won't open.

Well, keep trying.

[chuckles] [rapid beeping]

[computer] Begin serum release.

[all coughing]

[soldier] Don't breathe it in! Don't breathe in the gas!

Caleb, we're running out of options here!

[Caleb] Hold on.

[stammering] I think I found something.

There's a choke point where the vapor gets pumped out.

Cut their com line to the ship.

Caleb? Caleb!

Tris? Tris, can you hear me?


I'm going in.



What? Huh?

Oh, shit!

What the...


[Tris] Make it stop! It's locked!

[Tris] Open the door! [Four] Open the door!

Peter, open the door!

[coughs] [computer trilling]

I will find you, Peter.

[breathing heavily]


You're okay.

Oh, shit!

Can you stop it? No.

[all coughing]

Caleb, do you hear me?

Caleb, where are you?

[soldier] Caleb Prior!


[all coughing]

Tris, look at this, it's really smart.

So they ran the piping through the air ducts.

Caleb, focus. Just tell me where it is.

It's right here. There's an isolation valve that controls the flow of the air.

But I don't know how you're gonna get down there.

I do. Four!


[Caleb] Tris, it's at the end of the hall.

Close the door.

Tris? I control everything.

I can even seal the room you're in right now.

Just stop fighting.

[Caleb] There's another way. Down the stairs.

[David] This is foolish. Just stop.

I made you.

You might as well be my child, which is what you're acting like.

A spoiled child.

[Caleb] Tris, at the end of the hall, there's another way up the ladder.

[David] It's over, Tris.

[drone] Searching target.

Searching target.

Searching target.

Target identified.

There you are.

[Tris] You're right, David. It is over.

[grunting] No!

[computer] Serum release halted.

How's that for Damaged? [Evelyn sighs]

[computer] Clear.

[man] It's clear.

[all speaking indistinctly]

[computer] Clear.



[chuckles] We did it.

It's what you do for family.

[Tris] Caleb, there's one more thing I want you to do.

I wanna send a message to David.

My name is Tris Prior.

And I'm here to reveal the truth.

There are others who exist on this planet.

They do not view us as equals.

They call themselves the Pure and they call us the Damaged.

They created a wall to divide us from their world and factions to divide us from each other.

Hello? Come on!

You think you can ditch me like this?

Get me to do your dirty work and then just wipe me away like the rest of 'em?

We had a deal, pal!

[Tris] We were their experiment and it almost destroyed us.

I set the autopilot right for our friend's neighborhood.

Along with a little surprise for when it goes through the camouflage wall.

[Tris] They tried to make us forget who we are and where we 're from, but they did not succeed.

So here we stand. Together.

Not as five factions, but as one city.

And we're gonna tear down their wall.

I want the penthouse!

Yeah! That's right!

Or a room in that really cool upstairs area.

Okay, look...

I'll even take my old bunk back.

Just come on and open the damn door!



[Tris] You've seen us.

And now, we see you.

To those of you beyond the wall, hear me loud and clear, because I know you're listening.

Chicago is not your experiment.

It is our home.

And it always will be.
