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Transporter, The (2002)

Posted: 11/15/20 09:41
by bunniefuu
Go, go, go, go! Move it, move it!

Move it! Let's go!

Move, move! In the car! Let's go.

Let's go!

There's 4 of you.

You can count. I'm impressed. Now drive.

Rule one... Never change the deal.

The deal was transportation... for 3 men with a combined weight... of 254 kilos.

Yeah? Well, this is a new deal.

An extra 80 kilos means we'll not make... your destination on the gas I have allotted.

So we'll stop and get more gas!

Every stop we make exposes us.

Every exposure... increases the risk of getting caught.

An extra 80 kilos means the Koni shock absorbers...

I installed for this job will not give us... the ability to outmaneuver... any police that might be chasing us.

Which means, if there is a chase... we lose our advantage, which also increases... the possibility of getting caught.

I don't want to get caught.

You don't want to get caught.

Just drive the car, man... or you're gonna catch a b*llet through the brains!

And who's going to drive?

sh**t this assh*le! I'll drive.

Not without the ignition code you won't.

3 men. 254 kilos.

That was the deal.


3 men, 254 kilos.

Seat belts.



See what I mean about the shocks?

Now it's time.

Cop: Move it, Marcel, move it!

Look out! Get out of the road!

One way, one way!

We're going the wrong way!

Stop it, Marcel, stop!

Move away!

Look out, look out!




Go, go, go!


Oh... shit!

If you don't mind...

I just conditioned the leather back there.

Take us to the drop point!

Not yet.


The cops, the cops!

What are you doing? Don't stop now!

Thug 1: Do something! Come on, do something!

What are you thinking?

Your g*n, please.

Police! Stop!

Stop! Police!

I'm fed up with this car chase!

You gave me too much.

We need you to take us to Avignon.

The deal was this far and no further.

The deal is the deal. Rule number one.

Rules are meant to be broken.

Not mine.

Let's go. Get in the car.

Come on! Quick!

Move it!

Man 1 On TV: Really I did.

Man On TV 2: Oh, yeah, well, how come... you don't have your yellow card with you?

Well, I... I... must've left it back in Nam on the base.

Yeah, they all say that.

"Left it back in Nam on the base. " Uh-huh.

Let me show you what we do to people... who left it back in Nam on the base.

Oh, no! Please let go of me!

Where are you taking me?

You gotta be punished for not carrying... your shot record on you. It's a fate far worse than death.

Newscaster: The Argentinian government reaffirmed... its commitment to meeting... the I.M. F's target this year.

And yesterday, in Nice...

4 men robbed the Alliance Investment Corporation.

One man died on the sidewalk.

The others were apprehended early this morning... when they took a wrong turn on a one-way street... in Avignon and ran into a taxi cab.

The police said... were it not for their poor driving habits... the 20 million euros in bearer bonds... would have been cashed and gone by this afternoon.

And in other news...

I always say the way a man treats his car... is how he treats himself.

I'd say that's probably true, Inspector.

Heh heh heh! You have a good sense of humor... for a foreigner, Monsieur Frank.

Like the French. Sly wit.

Just the right amount of flavor.

Been out driving?

Until they pass a law that says I can't.

You want to come in for a coffee?

Uh, thank you... but I have a lot of stops to make.

88 to be exact.

That's a lot of stops.

A lot of 1999 black BMW 765s... with 06 in the license plates to check out.

Oh, it's a very popular car... with a certain type down here.

You've seen them.

They come over from Italy... in those very expensive suits... and the young pretty girls... with the big jewelry and too much make-up.

Very... Mafia.

There was a robbery.

A getaway.

Some very fancy driving.

By someone in a 1999 black BMW 735?

With 06 on the plate.

You have been in the city lately?

Not for a while.

I love Nice. The food... the way they grill fish.

No place else in France does it... the way they do in Nice.

And the women...

I prefer the women there.

They are more... complicated... than the local variety.

Don't you think?

I don't particularly like complicated.

You like to keep it simple.

Why are you so interested?

Oh, you know, uh... ever since I'm a little boy... military people have always intrigued me.

I'm ex-military.

I'm an ex-little boy.

Sure you don't have time for a coffee?

Everything is always... so neat with you, Monsieur Frank.

Nothing ever out of place.

I'll take that as a compliment... coming from a man who pays attention to every detail.

Maybe I'll come back later for that coffee.

Door's always open to you.


Unh. Ahh.

Man On Phone: Lupo gave me your number.

Be brief.

I'm looking for a transporter.

I'm listening.

#Are you ready? #

#Are you ready... #

One bag, that's it.


Be specific.

One meter fifty by half meter.


50 kilos, not more.


24 Rue de Luxembourg.

You're delivering to Mister...

Rule 2... No names.

Time of pickup?

7:00 in the morning at the front door.

A package, one meter fifty by fifty...

50 kilos, 250 kilometers... travelling within the speed limit... one stop for refreshments...


Half now, half on delivery.

Delivery will be at noon.

If no one's there, it is not my responsibility.

I'll leave the package. Once we make a deal... the terms of that deal cannot be changed... or renegotiated.

Another rule?

It's rule number one.

Do we have a deal?

You're very precise.

Transportation is a precise business.



Now, don't move. I'm not gonna hurt you.

I'm just gonna make a little hole... so you can drink. That's all I'm gonna do.

Please... please! Please, come on.

Come on, drink.


OK, OK, that's enough.

Good girl.

I'm going to take the tape off.

If you scream, I'll have to k*ll you.

You understand?

I have to pee!

You want me to do it in your car?



I'm gonna take my knife out... so don't scream, OK? It's to cut you free.

You don't need your mouth to pee.

You have one minute.

55... 54...

53... 52...

You're breaking the rules, Frank.

Not good to break the rules.




Time's up.

Don't make me drag you out.


No, please! Nnn!

Rule 3... Never look in the package.

Hope you enjoyed your pee... because it's your last on this trip.

See what comes of breaking the rules?

#Yeah, yeah #

# My music, my life, my heart, my soul... #

Woman: Jerk!

# My wife, my daughter, my love, my dream #

# My mother, my father, my brother, my team #

# My camp, my squad, my house, my car #

# My boat, my shoes, my pants, my shirt #

# My coke, my sugar, my cream, my butter #

# My toast, my all my queen, my folks #

# My baby walk like 6 strings tall #

#Talk like she's my everything #

You're late.

Ran into a little problem.

Nothing serious?

Nothing serious.

You open the package?

Rule 3... Never open the package.

Ha! I like that.


You can't get anything done in the world without rules.

You're a foreigner, right?

This is a nice little thing... you've got going for yourself here.

High class, good reputation.

I didn't get your name.

Rule 2... No names.

Of course.

You don't count it?

Why? Should I?

No, no.

That concludes the deal.

You know, I was wondering... if you wouldn't mind... transporting something for me.

That's what you do, right?

You deliver, no questions asked.

Why not?



Oh, maybe a kilo.


Grenoble, 306 Rue du Lac... a Mister...

Oh, right. I forgot.

Rule 2.

Heh heh heh!

I like him.

Thug: What the f*ck?!

Come on!

Where is he?

You're like dog shit! You're everywhere.


I know, you wanna pee.

All you wanna do is pee.


# I got love #

# I got love for #

# My homies who be rollin' wit me #

# Play no game #

# Play no games #

Frank, you stupid shit.

# I got love #

# For my niggaz on my family tree #

# I got love #

# Love for the ghetto, down for whatever #

# If you was down before #

#You gon' still gon' be down wit me #

# I got game 'cause the game was given to me #

I ask the questions. You answer the questions.

No long speeches. Just keep it simple.

Got it?

Who are you?

My name is Lai. I come from Chi...

I ask the questions. You answer the questions.

Nothing more. Nothing less.

You want to try again?

What kind of shit am I in?

Deep shit. Very deep shit.

Those guys... Sorry! Sorry!

I won't say any... Mm!

Bon appétit.

Where are you going?

To bed.

I can't think straight when I'm tired.

After a good night's sleep...

I always see things better.

Can I leave?

Be my guest.

Hey... are you comfortable?


Save your strength.

Just tell me, who did this?

The transporter.

The transporter's dead.

He's not.

Believe me.

I believe you.

And the police? They were here?


You told them nothing, right?


Of course... you couldn't talk.


Let's keep it that way.

I picked them from the garden outside.

I hope you don't mind.

I didn't know if you like coffee... or tea, so I made both.

I hope you like, uh...

"ma-de-leine. "

Try one.


It's hot.


Let me.

I like it quiet in the morning.

Yes. Quiet in the morning.

Me, too. Me, too.

I'm the same way. I like very quiet.


Are you looking for milk?

There's milk at the door.

Stay, stay. I'll go.


And you are?

The new cook.

Is Monsieur Frank in?

Ah! Monsieur Frank.

Is your invitation for coffee still open?

Sure, come on. Please, sit.




I'll bring some more.


My mother used to make... fresh madeleines every morning.

I smell them and my whole childhood... comes back in one big flood... like Proust.

You ever read Proust, Monsieur Frank?


Ah. He's fantastic.

Memory like a steel trap.

He would have been a great cop.

A real detail man.

Milk? Please. Mmm.

Thank you. Ahh.

Tarconi: I used to have a memory like Proust.

Like a filing cabinet up there.

I would see something and remember it like that.

Like, uh, license plates.

I could see a plate and it was printed in my head.

Now I need all the help I can get... remembering whose plate... goes with whose car.

Like, uh, this one.

It's mine.

Ah, memories.


Where's the rest of the car?

I was hoping you could tell me.

It was stolen. Stolen?

Yeah, I went down to Frejus to pick up a few things.

When I came out of the market, it was...

Gone. Did you report it?

It's the first on my list of things to do today.

It's a long walk from Frejus.

How did you get home?


I brought him.

I saw him walking along the dark road.

Mm, a risky thing.

Picking up a stranger on a dark road.

He had a kind face.

I didn't see a car outside.

It's in the garage.

May I see it?


Pretty nice car for a cook.

Some people have a problem with the Germans.

They're too aggressive.

They take up the best beaches in summer.

They can't cook worth a damn.

I say anyone who makes such great cars... can't be all bad.

I would say your intuition worked out very well... for Monsieur Frank, mademoiselle.

Worked out for both of us.


My intuition says this is probably a good time... for me to go file my report.

Where's the rest of my car?

Oh, yes.

I almost forgot.

It was blown to pieces at a rest stop.

What's left of it is down at the lab.

They're trying to separate what was left... of the 2 cops in the trunk... from the rest of it.

But, uh, you wouldn't know anything about that?


Sorry to interrupt.

Thank you for the coffee and the memories.

Come back any time.

Would you mind walking me?

Come on.

You have always been very quiet... about your business, Monsieur Frank.

I appreciate that. Less work for Mother.

But this business at the rest stop.

That is not very quiet.

I don't suppose you would like to tell me... something besides a stolen car story?

If I had one I would.

Well, may I suggest that when the 2 of you... show up in my office after lunch... you do have one.

A better one than you currently have.

You are the one he wants to see... not me!


Please, I have to think.

You were supposed to think last night.

Yeah, well, last night I had nightmares... about a girl who came into my nice, quiet life... screwed it all up.

Everything she touched broke... and every move she made turned into a catastrophe.

OK. Sorry.

I'm still wondering if I want to know everything... or nothing about you.


The quiet.

I thought you liked quiet.

Yeah, not this quiet.

You OK?


Good. Let's go.

Go! Go! Go!

No, don't stay there!



Come on, give me your hand!

Come on!

Come on, get in! Get in!

No! No! Get in!

Lai, look! Come on, you wanna die?!

Get in!

Calm down, OK?

Don't worry. You OK?

Stay here. I'm coming back.

No, wait! Wait!

Put it on.

You OK?


OK, let's go.


Is this your house?


Yeah, guess.


I should mind my own g*dd*mn business.

A simple rule. A simple, little rule.

There's gotta be some dry clothes... in this house.

Don't open the package.

Nothing but trouble, you open the g*dd*mn package.


What are you doing?

Making up for the trouble.

Wait, wait.

Why are you making...

No more questions.


I don't like it when things get complicated.

You like things simple.

Very simple.

I'm not so clear about the house.

Could you explain... uh, one more time. After I left.

After you left, we went for a walk on the beach.

Had a swim. Where again?

Past the point.

Anyone else swimming at that time?


Did you see anybody else swimming?

No. No one.

So, you took a walk, had a swim... on a beach where no one else was swimming... past the point where you can't see... or be seen from the beach on either side... which makes witnesses a little hard to come by.

That's the point of a romantic swim.

Who wants witnesses?

And then?

Then we came back to the house... found it on fire.

Just like that? On fire?


And the 5,000 rounds of spent a*mo... my men found all around the house?

Maybe they had the wrong house.

Monsieur Frank... people with this kind of firepower... do not make mistakes about who they visit.

Who would want you this dead?

I don't know.

Any problems with a client?

I don't have clients. I'm retired.

I live on my army pension, you know that.

You have all the facts of who I am... and who I was. You've had them for years.

Any enemies you can think of?

People from the past?

I left the past behind when I moved here.

Huh. A past like yours you never leave behind.

Commissaire, on vous demande en bas.

I'll just be a moment.

Don't leave.

What are you doing?

Computers know everything.

You just need a password.

What, are you nuts? We're in a police station.

You're always complaining.

Except when we make love. Then you say nothing.



# La la la #



So, where will you be staying?

I don't know.

Well, my cousin has a small hotel.

Thanks, but we'll manage.

Without money, it would be hard.

Here. It's not much... but at least you won't go hungry.

Thank you.

Where are you going?

Going to see that guy.

Good luck.

One minute.

You're not coming?


But he blew up your car.

I'll buy a new one.

He burned your house.

I'll rebuild it.

He tried to k*ll you!

And as far as he knows, he succeeded.

Look, I'm going to give you some advice.

I don't know what you were into.

I don't care what you were into.

But whoever wanted you dead... thinks you're dead.

You have a free pass to start over.

Here's the advice: Start over!

There are 400 people dying... in a container on a ship.

My father.

My sisters.

The ship arrives today.

They will make my father a sl*ve.

The only one who knows the container number... is that guy.

You're very good.

What do you mean?

The moment you saw those pictures in my house... you were setting me up to get involved in this.

The breakfast.

Giving the excuse to the cop to help me.

One lie after another.

Not everything is a lie.

Name one thing that isn't?

What happened in the house... between us... that was not a lie.

You were a soldier.

Your job was to save people.

Past tense.

What does that mean?

It means I got tired of seeing my best efforts... get turned into bullshit by the same people... who paid me to do the job.

No one cared.

This time... I care.

Thank you.



No phone calls for half an hour?

Hello. Surprise!


Put your hands where I can see 'em.

So, before we get to the heart of the matter...

I have one question for you.

Why'd you try to k*ll me?

You lied to me.

You opened the package.

You broke the rules.

Your rules.

What did you expect me to do... recommend you for another job?

What's the ship number?

Mr. Transporter... we can both agree...

I answered your first question politely.

I won't answer any more... so I suggest you k*ll me right now... and go screw yourself.

I can't find anything.

Oh, poor Frank. What did she tell you?

We're smuggling people in containers?

I tell you, "Lai"'s the perfect name for her.

Secretary, On Intercom: Mr. Kwai's on the way up.

Your father's here.

He'll really get a kick out of this.

I thought your father was in a container.

Yes! I... I mean, no.

There are 400 people in that container.

Stay where you are!

She's a real heartbreaker, isn't she, Frank?

10 seconds, 2 choices.

The information on the paper or your brains on the desk!

Now tell me I'm lying!

9... 8... Lai.

Lai, give me the g*n.

I don't know what you're talking about.

...6... 5...

4... 3...




Would I k*ll my own daughter?


Come on now.

Put it down.

We'll talk.

She thinks we're smuggling people in containers.

I don't know where you get these ideas!

Stay away!

Would you k*ll your own father?


I am begging you.

Stop what you are doing.

I do what I do.

I am who I am.

I'll never change.

So if you're going to k*ll me... k*ll me.

But if you don't... get this g*n out of my face!

Give me.


I know he's innocent.

Oh, you have such a good heart.

Always interested in saving innocent people.

Well, here's your big chance.

Drop your g*n... and you will save one.

k*ll him! No!

The police are on their way up.

What now? Take her.

Send in Leo.

I need him to wrap something up.

Just for the record... there aren't 400 people in that container.

Only 395 made it here alive.


Inspector. Am I glad you're here.

What is this?

This man used my partner's daughter here... to try and blackmail us.

Luckily, my security got the drop on him.

I wanna press charges... kidnapping... extortion, as*ault.

I know this man.

Well, I suppose in your business... you have to know all types.

Now, should I call my lawyer?

We'll handle it.

I'll expect all of you... down at my office to give your statements.

As soon as I contact my lawyer... we'll be more than happy to oblige.

The doctor said you will have a headache... for a few days and then everything... will go back to normal.

Where are they?

Ah, I think you should be more concerned... with where you are.

What got into you?

You were always so careful.

I've got to get out of here.

Oh, well, with the charges they filed... you will not be getting out... for a very long time.

Assaulting a distinguished member... of the international business community... kidnapping his daughter... extortion.

I'm sorry, Frank.

I would like to help you... but if you continue with the same old story...

"I am retired, living on a pension... "

I need fresh, Frank.

I need new.

For once, I need the truth.


They're smuggling people.

From Asia through Marseilles... in containers.

You know this for fact?

The girl told me.

You believe her?


In French we have a saying...

"Never believe the cook. "

She's not the cook.


I suspected.

You know, Frank... no one is perfect.

So you're saying you're gonna do nothing?

No, I'm saying...

I'm going to start an investigation.

And in the meantime, the 400 people... in that container could be dead already.

But what am I supposed to do?

There are laws.

Did it ever occur to you that sometimes... you have to make your own law?

Like you do?

At least with me, it doesn't take 12 months... to get the job done.

Oh, yes, I know.

That's what I admire about you, Frank.

All that army training... all that sneaking around... a man like you could probably resolve this case... in, how long?

12 hours?




You would be the perfect man for the job.

Yes... if I were out.

Yes... if you were out.

Anybody moves and I k*ll him.

Personne ne bouge. Baissez vos armes.

Ce type est dingue et capable de tout.

# I met him in the Bahamas #

# I love that n*gga persona #

# Smoke that n*gga marijuana #

# Get freaky, call me Madonna #

# Lay on the bed, he follow #

# Bone him until tomorrow #

# Make him sing high soprano #

#Ahh #

# 54-50-50 #

# Mr. Act-Super-Kinky #

# Baby, what you gonna get me #

# Is rings for my little pinkie #

# Money will multiply #

# Before you run up inside #

# Make me all weak and tired, mm-hmm #

If this is how you transport...

I'm amazed you get any work at all.

Come on and give me a hand.

Maybe I should go with you?

Thanks, but, uh, I'm better alone.

That is a very small boat... to fight a very big w*r.


But it's a good boat.

Frank, here.

You'll need it.

Or maybe not.

The shipment's cleared.

Here's the paperwork.

Take the highway all the way... to the first exit... Lyon.

Go straight to the warehouse.

We'll be right behind you just in case.

OK, we are ready to go.

Lai, dear...

I spent thousands of dollars... for you to go to school and learn English.

The least you can do is speak it.

I hate you.

I'm still your father.

Get her out of here!

Give me a minute.

Keep him alive.

Let's go!

No, don't!

Let's go!


Good morning.

Good morning.


I'm looking to do a little sightseeing.

This plane is not for tourists.

I'm not a tourist.

Call this guy and tell him to meet me.



Down there.



Move up.

Get down.

Get closer!

Steady! No, Dad, stop!

Get away!


Hands on your head.


Watch her.

If she moves or I don't return... sh**t her!

To the water.

I'm really not in the mood for a swim.


So, how did a lowlife like you... end up with my daughter?

Found her in a bag. Isn't that where you left her?

You know nothing.


You got involved with the wrong girl... you dumb shit.

The delivery will be made.

My daughter will get over it.

If I'm lucky, maybe she'll see the light.

Yeah, if she's lucky maybe you'll get hit by a truck.

What do you know?

I know she'll never stop being who she is... and she'll never be you or anything like you.

She'll come around... but you won't be here to see it.


I guess she won't be coming around after all.

Turn around!

I'd rather see it coming.

Makes no difference to me.

He was a bastard... but he was still my father.

Pretty impressive timing, Frank.

I guess I underestimated you.